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Volitve v ZDA 2020
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Pac-Man ::
Nitka. Trumpu se law&order pristop zatika v grlu, ljudje so ga spregledali. Neznanka je razporeditev volivcev po zveznih državah.
Last week, following heavy press coverage of vigilante violence at protests, several analyses relied in part on my research to suggest Biden was likely to take a hit. A compelling new piece from @ThePlumLineGS shows that hasn’t happened. Why might that be? First, some key numbers from @ThePlumLineGS: “A CNN poll finds that 58% of Americans say Trump’s response to the protests has been ‘more harmful,’ while only 33% say it’s ‘more helpful.’”
An ABC/Ipsos poll finds:
— 55% of Americans say what Trump has said about protests “makes the situation worse”
— 42% say either that it has had little effect (29%) or has made things better (13%)
Trump is clearly imitating Nixon’s 1968 campaign strategy and running aggressively as the candidate of “law and order.” Nevertheless, “55% say Joe Biden would do a better job keeping the country safe.” Why? One largely overlooked detail from 1968 is that three candidates were on the ballot. On “order” Nixon was perceived by the public as a moderate, between liberal Hubert Humphrey and segregationist George Wallace.
In 1968, the American National Election Study asked subjects about the ”best way to deal with the problem of urban unrest and rioting.” The scale ran from (1) “correct the problems of poverty and unemployment” to (7) ”use all available force.” These three plots show how Black and White subjects rated each candidate on the unrest scale. Notice that the modal rating of Nixon by Whites was dead center. The candidate who is rated highest on “use force”? Segregationist George Wallace. There are, of course, other important differences between 1960s and today. Then, there was significantly more protester violence & state repression. In some events, 100s of buildings were set on fire. In others, dozens of citizens were killed by police and National Guard. Today, following years of #BlackLivesMatter protests, issues of policing and racial justice are taken seriously by a much larger share of mass public. In addition, video of state and vigilante violence offers critical context for activist’s concerns.
For 50+ yrs, GOP has owned “law & order” yet today, as @ThePlumLineGS shows, Biden appears to be candidate of “safety.” From Lafayette Park to Portland, Trump fails to understand that violent rhetoric & images of crackdowns portray him less as Nixon and more as Bull Connor*.
For more on my research about protests, see this thread:
*Bull Connor @ Wikipedia
Last week, following heavy press coverage of vigilante violence at protests, several analyses relied in part on my research to suggest Biden was likely to take a hit. A compelling new piece from @ThePlumLineGS shows that hasn’t happened. Why might that be? First, some key numbers from @ThePlumLineGS: “A CNN poll finds that 58% of Americans say Trump’s response to the protests has been ‘more harmful,’ while only 33% say it’s ‘more helpful.’”
An ABC/Ipsos poll finds:
— 55% of Americans say what Trump has said about protests “makes the situation worse”
— 42% say either that it has had little effect (29%) or has made things better (13%)
Trump is clearly imitating Nixon’s 1968 campaign strategy and running aggressively as the candidate of “law and order.” Nevertheless, “55% say Joe Biden would do a better job keeping the country safe.” Why? One largely overlooked detail from 1968 is that three candidates were on the ballot. On “order” Nixon was perceived by the public as a moderate, between liberal Hubert Humphrey and segregationist George Wallace.
In 1968, the American National Election Study asked subjects about the ”best way to deal with the problem of urban unrest and rioting.” The scale ran from (1) “correct the problems of poverty and unemployment” to (7) ”use all available force.” These three plots show how Black and White subjects rated each candidate on the unrest scale. Notice that the modal rating of Nixon by Whites was dead center. The candidate who is rated highest on “use force”? Segregationist George Wallace. There are, of course, other important differences between 1960s and today. Then, there was significantly more protester violence & state repression. In some events, 100s of buildings were set on fire. In others, dozens of citizens were killed by police and National Guard. Today, following years of #BlackLivesMatter protests, issues of policing and racial justice are taken seriously by a much larger share of mass public. In addition, video of state and vigilante violence offers critical context for activist’s concerns.
For 50+ yrs, GOP has owned “law & order” yet today, as @ThePlumLineGS shows, Biden appears to be candidate of “safety.” From Lafayette Park to Portland, Trump fails to understand that violent rhetoric & images of crackdowns portray him less as Nixon and more as Bull Connor*.
For more on my research about protests, see this thread:
*Bull Connor @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
DeJoy se je pojavil na radarju in bo šel skozi neke stvari.
Former employees of the company that US Postmaster General Louis DeJoy previously ran told the Washington Post they were pressured to donate to GOP candidates and then reimbursed through bonuses.
The longtime human resources director of New Breed Logistics, David Young, detailed the alleged practice to the newspaper, saying that when DeJoy was a fundraiser for the Republican Party, "He asked employees for money. We gave him the money, and then he reciprocated by giving us big bonuses."
"When we got our bonuses, let's just say they were bigger, they exceeded expectations — and that covered the tax and everything else," he said.
Young, who donated more than $19,000 while at the company, according to the Post, added, "No one was ever forced to or lost a job because they didn't, but if people contributed, their raises and their bonuses were bumped up to accommodate that."
While encouraging donations is not illegal on its own, a reimbursement of campaign contributions would constitute a violation of state and federal election laws. As a result, the report is likely to fuel fresh scrutiny of DeJoy from Democrats who have already hammered him over his motivations since taking on his role leading the US Postal Service in June.
Former employees of the company that US Postmaster General Louis DeJoy previously ran told the Washington Post they were pressured to donate to GOP candidates and then reimbursed through bonuses.
The longtime human resources director of New Breed Logistics, David Young, detailed the alleged practice to the newspaper, saying that when DeJoy was a fundraiser for the Republican Party, "He asked employees for money. We gave him the money, and then he reciprocated by giving us big bonuses."
"When we got our bonuses, let's just say they were bigger, they exceeded expectations — and that covered the tax and everything else," he said.
Young, who donated more than $19,000 while at the company, according to the Post, added, "No one was ever forced to or lost a job because they didn't, but if people contributed, their raises and their bonuses were bumped up to accommodate that."
While encouraging donations is not illegal on its own, a reimbursement of campaign contributions would constitute a violation of state and federal election laws. As a result, the report is likely to fuel fresh scrutiny of DeJoy from Democrats who have already hammered him over his motivations since taking on his role leading the US Postal Service in June.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Samuel ::
Mogoče to, da Tom Fitton, predsednik JW pravi, da gre za šibek čaj?
Človek se je defacto zlagal pred kongresom in to priznal.
Meni so oni čisto ok. Trump in njegovih so pač crazy.
Tudi rdeča kapica in sedem palčkov ti je ok, pa to še ne pomeni, da je kaj res.
ljudje so ga spregledali.
Pa saj zato je v marsikateri anketi pred Bidenom... oh wait. /s
Ti in tebi podobni res živite v enem mehurčku. Kako lahko takemu twistu sploh verjameš?
blue wave hahahah
A ni yupe postal predvsem ponoč? A si to ti yupe?
DeJoy se je pojavil na radarju in bo šel skozi neke stvari.
Wapo, CNN, MSNBC... etc etc never endig story of lies....
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()

Fritz ::
Wapo, CNN, MSNBC... etc etc never endig story of lies....
Ja, v rangu Breitbarta, QAnon in dobrega dela YT, FB in Twitter.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Jarno ::
Moraš biti bolj specifičen. V aktualnosti te zaradi objektivnosti hitro ožigosajo oz. odslovijo, v slogu jypeta.
Neke vrste privilegij je, da dandanes nisi omejen na en vir.
Ko se enkrat navadiš, potem korekcije in fact-checking postanejo avtomatika.
Neke vrste privilegij je, da dandanes nisi omejen na en vir.
Ko se enkrat navadiš, potem korekcije in fact-checking postanejo avtomatika.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

Samuel ::
Wapo, CNN, MSNBC... etc etc never endig story of lies....
Ja, v rangu Breitbarta, QAnon in dobrega dela YT, FB in Twitter.
Zakaj Breitbarta? Breitbart ima možnost komentiranja, kar fake news nimajo.
O QAnonu se tebi sanja ne. Kaj da bi sploh kaj vedel o njemu.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Fritz ::
O QAnonu se tebi sanja ne. Kaj da bi sploh kaj vedel o njemu.
Itaq. Hvala za potrditev

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

dild0idis ::
Zanimiva študija.
Use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised COVID-19 patients is associated with reduced mortality: Findings from the observational multicentre Italian CORIST study
Use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised COVID-19 patients is associated with reduced mortality: Findings from the observational multicentre Italian CORIST study
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

Smrekar1 ::
Zanimiva študija.
Use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised COVID-19 patients is associated with reduced mortality: Findings from the observational multicentre Italian CORIST study
Hidroksiklorokinin so dajali mlajšim in manj bolnim. Med tistimi, ki niso dobivali HCQ je bilo tudi manj znanih rakavih bolnikov. To so samo stvari, ki jih vidiš v Tabeli 1.
Res čudno, da so imeli boljše izide bolezni. Tudi če bi jim dajal navadno vodo bi pričakoval boljše izide.

Samuel ::
Zanimiva študija.
Use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised COVID-19 patients is associated with reduced mortality: Findings from the observational multicentre Italian CORIST study
Itak. Fora neuspešnih študij s HCQ je v tem, da so pacientom dajali absolutno previsoke odmerke HCQja (daleč nad priporočenimi). Čudn, da so bile neuspešne.

Bo najpriljubnejši dohtar razložil:
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Pac-Man ::
Trump is not playing 3D chess! Everyone's really missing the boat on his attack on the military yesterday. He didn't suddenly decide to attack the 'military-industrial' complex. This is about the Military Times poll last week showing officers have an unfavorable view of him. In that poll more than 59% of officers said they have an unfavorable view of Trump, with more than half saying they strongly disapprove. Among enlisted respondents, 47% said they have an unfavorable view, and nearly 39% a favorable view. Get it? He sees a split and piles on.
Here's what he actually said. Look at this quote with that number above in mind: “I'm not saying the military's in love with me – the soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.” He doesn't know the difference between an officer and an enlisted. It's "soldiers" and "top people". He has not bothered to learn anything about the military.
Now I see journos, red rose twitter, Trumpists and retired flag officers all picking sides in the great "Attack on the Generals" and you're all missing the point. Trump is vapor locked since last week when that poll came out followed by the 'Suckers and Losers' story. He's still stuck because he's scared. Military/veterans have been a solid block for him until now and he's scared they're finding out that he's always looked down on us. The truth is finally coming out that he's spent a lifetime dismissing military service as for losers.
He's not playing chess...he's playing angry giant checkers like a toddler who was just told the cool kids in his pre-school class don't like him. He is stomping his feet and calling them names. If you're rolling out quotes from Ike you're missing the point completely.
TL:DR-- Trump is not suddenly waging war on the Military-Industrial Complex. His fee fees are hurt because this poll said they don't like him like they used to.
Trump is not playing 3D chess! Everyone's really missing the boat on his attack on the military yesterday. He didn't suddenly decide to attack the 'military-industrial' complex. This is about the Military Times poll last week showing officers have an unfavorable view of him. In that poll more than 59% of officers said they have an unfavorable view of Trump, with more than half saying they strongly disapprove. Among enlisted respondents, 47% said they have an unfavorable view, and nearly 39% a favorable view. Get it? He sees a split and piles on.
Here's what he actually said. Look at this quote with that number above in mind: “I'm not saying the military's in love with me – the soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.” He doesn't know the difference between an officer and an enlisted. It's "soldiers" and "top people". He has not bothered to learn anything about the military.
Now I see journos, red rose twitter, Trumpists and retired flag officers all picking sides in the great "Attack on the Generals" and you're all missing the point. Trump is vapor locked since last week when that poll came out followed by the 'Suckers and Losers' story. He's still stuck because he's scared. Military/veterans have been a solid block for him until now and he's scared they're finding out that he's always looked down on us. The truth is finally coming out that he's spent a lifetime dismissing military service as for losers.
He's not playing chess...he's playing angry giant checkers like a toddler who was just told the cool kids in his pre-school class don't like him. He is stomping his feet and calling them names. If you're rolling out quotes from Ike you're missing the point completely.
TL:DR-- Trump is not suddenly waging war on the Military-Industrial Complex. His fee fees are hurt because this poll said they don't like him like they used to.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

c3p0 ::
Mogoče, ampak na nasprotni strani je "billion million" Biden.
Tudi toddler bi zmagal s popolno šahovsko postavo proti enemu kmetu na drugi strani, četudi bi ga igral Kasparov, kaj šele Biden.
Tudi toddler bi zmagal s popolno šahovsko postavo proti enemu kmetu na drugi strani, četudi bi ga igral Kasparov, kaj šele Biden.

Smrekar1 ::
Trenutno je situacija taka:
1. Biden vodi.
2. Obstaja majhen a konstanted trend v korist Bidna.
Kaže torej dobro.
1. Biden vodi.
2. Obstaja majhen a konstanted trend v korist Bidna.
Kaže torej dobro.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Samuel ::
Kaže torej dobro....
... za Kitajsko.

Potem bo pa Paco še 4 leta lepil neke twite neznanih ljudi v to temo![]()

If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()

Samuel ::
... za Kitajsko.![]()
Za cel svet. Kitajska je del tega, da.
Povej to tistim, ki jih prodajajo kot sužnje v Libiji.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Smrekar1 ::

zasekaroza ::
Trump nominiran za Nobelovo nagrado za mir. Pomoje si jo zasluži. Eden redkih ameriških predsednikov, ki ni začel vojne.
Trump nominiran za Nobelovo nagrado za mir. Pomoje si jo zasluži. Eden redkih ameriških predsednikov, ki ni začel vojne.

Poldi112 ::
Tudi če ignoriraš vse sranje, ki ga je povzročil, je to fenomenalno nizek kriterij.
Koliko svetovnih voditeljev lahko našteješ, ki so letos začeli vojno?
Koliko svetovnih voditeljev lahko našteješ, ki so letos začeli vojno?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.


dild0idis ::
Tudi če ignoriraš vse sranje, ki ga je povzročil, je to fenomenalno nizek kriterij.
Kakšno pa?
Naslednje pizdarije:
Trump announces 'Historic Peace Agreement' between Israel, UAE
Trump oversees economic deal that includes Kosovo recognizing Israel, Serbia moving embassy to Jerusalem
Trump meets Kim Jong Un, becomes first sitting U.S. president to step into North Korea
Take zadeve določenim warmongerjem v ZDA in tudi tukaj na Slo-Techu niso všeč in zato mu ne privoščijo Nobelove nagrade in ga ves čas pluvajo, obenem pa hvalijo Obamo, ki je zelo rad raketiral druge države in v isti sapi tudi njegovega VP Bidena in razlagajo na veliko, da Obama si jo je pa zaslužil!
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

nergac ::
Ampak to ni glavna težava v tej zadevi.
Nekaj takega kot "bianco menice" v ekonomiji.
Ali pa glej na stvar tako, da je Obama dobil dobro štipendijo ...
Čeprav je ni rabil ...
Dejansko mu je Nobelova škodila.
Še vedno je najbolj šarmanten in karizmatičen politik.
Ampak to ni glavna težava v tej zadevi.
Nekaj takega kot "bianco menice" v ekonomiji.
Ali pa glej na stvar tako, da je Obama dobil dobro štipendijo ...
Čeprav je ni rabil ...
Dejansko mu je Nobelova škodila.
Še vedno je najbolj šarmanten in karizmatičen politik.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: nergac ()

nergac ::
Moral bi jo zavrniti.
Tako kot je George C. Scott zavrnil Oskarja ...
Sicer je Obama palček proti Aliju ...
Tako kot je George C. Scott zavrnil Oskarja ...
Sicer je Obama palček proti Aliju ...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: nergac ()

tone31 ::

Poldi112 ::
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

nergac ::

Pac-Man ::
Trump je priznal, da je zavajal javnost okrog resnosti COVIDa.
On February 7, as he told the public that the virus was nothing to worry about, Trump said to Woodward: "It goes through the air. That's always tougher than the touch. You don't have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flus."
"I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down because I don't want to create a panic," Trump told Woodward on March 19.
Now would be a good time to ask every Republican governor and senator whether they knew Trump was misrepresenting the COVID seriousness or were mislead.
Put ‘em on the spot.
Were they lied to or were they complicit?
Tvit za vsako priložnost, 1.3.2013:
Only the Obama WH can get away with attacking Bob Woodward.
Trump on Hannity: "I’m the leader of the country, I can’t be jumping up and down and scaring people. I don’t want to scare people."
Also Trump campaign:
On February 7, as he told the public that the virus was nothing to worry about, Trump said to Woodward: "It goes through the air. That's always tougher than the touch. You don't have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flus."
"I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down because I don't want to create a panic," Trump told Woodward on March 19.
Now would be a good time to ask every Republican governor and senator whether they knew Trump was misrepresenting the COVID seriousness or were mislead.
Put ‘em on the spot.
Were they lied to or were they complicit?
Tvit za vsako priložnost, 1.3.2013:
Only the Obama WH can get away with attacking Bob Woodward.
Trump on Hannity: "I’m the leader of the country, I can’t be jumping up and down and scaring people. I don’t want to scare people."
Also Trump campaign:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Fritz ::
Tudi če ignoriraš vse sranje, ki ga je povzročil, je to fenomenalno nizek kriterij.
Kakšno pa?
Naslednje pizdarije:
Trump announces 'Historic Peace Agreement' between Israel, UAE
Trump oversees economic deal that includes Kosovo recognizing Israel, Serbia moving embassy to Jerusalem
Trump meets Kim Jong Un, becomes first sitting U.S. president to step into North Korea
Take zadeve določenim warmongerjem v ZDA in tudi tukaj na Slo-Techu niso všeč in zato mu ne privoščijo Nobelove nagrade in ga ves čas pluvajo, obenem pa hvalijo Obamo, ki je zelo rad raketiral druge države in v isti sapi tudi njegovega VP Bidena in razlagajo na veliko, da Obama si jo je pa zaslužil!
Seveda niso všeč, ker ni rešil ničesar, le nekaj PR-ja si je naredil. Edino kar mu dejansko uspeva je delovanje v interesu Izraela. Nekako mu zmeraj uspe narediti še kaj koristnega za Izrael, čeprav npr. za Kosovo in Srbijo ni naredil popolnoma nič.
Zanimivo je, ko nekateri vlečejo v temo Kitajsko in Rusijo ter domnevno mešanje v volitve v ZDA. Samo ena država je, ki se dejansko ves čas močno vmešava v volitve v ZDA in ima močan vpliv na izvršilno in zakonodajno vejo oblasti v ZDA. Ta država ni ne Kitajska in ne Rusija temveč Izrael.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

tone31 ::
saj kdo pa bidena hoce imeti lepo vas prosim
volilo pa ga je toliko folka da clovek to ne more verjeti in to v onih ze primarnih volitvah
trumba zares tak ne marajo da ni cudno
volilo pa ga je toliko folka da clovek to ne more verjeti in to v onih ze primarnih volitvah
trumba zares tak ne marajo da ni cudno

dild0idis ::
Glede na to, da v določene države na bližnjem vzhodu nisi mogel iti, če si imel v potnem listu izraelski žig, sedaj pa lahko Izraelski državljani potujejo v Združene arabske emirate in kontra, je to ogromen premik v mednarodnih odnosih.
Če si proti Trumpu si za Bidena, tako enostavno je. In veliko volicev Bidena je takih, ki so anti Trump in posledično pro Biden.
Tudi tukaj je veliko ljudi anti Trump in verjetno v sanjah niso želeli Bidena, večina se jih celo zaveda, da z Bidenom je verjetnost zmage relativno slaba, glede na ves odpor MSM do Trumpa, pa vseeno vsakih par dni napišejo post, ki je anti Trump.
Večina ljudi na tem forumu in tudi v ZDA IMHO ne zna našteti 5 zadev, zakaj bi Biden bil dobra izbira, seveda pod pogojem, da ne omeni ali primerja direktno s Trumpom!
Večina ljudi tukaj IMHO ni sposobna enega posta napisati pro Biden, ne da bi omenili Trumpa, pa če jim bi plačali za to!
Glede na to, da v določene države na bližnjem vzhodu nisi mogel iti, če si imel v potnem listu izraelski žig, sedaj pa lahko Izraelski državljani potujejo v Združene arabske emirate in kontra, je to ogromen premik v mednarodnih odnosih.
Če si proti Trumpu si za Bidena, tako enostavno je. In veliko volicev Bidena je takih, ki so anti Trump in posledično pro Biden.
Tudi tukaj je veliko ljudi anti Trump in verjetno v sanjah niso želeli Bidena, večina se jih celo zaveda, da z Bidenom je verjetnost zmage relativno slaba, glede na ves odpor MSM do Trumpa, pa vseeno vsakih par dni napišejo post, ki je anti Trump.
Večina ljudi na tem forumu in tudi v ZDA IMHO ne zna našteti 5 zadev, zakaj bi Biden bil dobra izbira, seveda pod pogojem, da ne omeni ali primerja direktno s Trumpom!
Večina ljudi tukaj IMHO ni sposobna enega posta napisati pro Biden, ne da bi omenili Trumpa, pa če jim bi plačali za to!
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

Samuel ::
Kakšne stvari prihajajo ven, jao...
Muellerjeva priskava:
Newly released DOJ records show that multiple top members of Mueller's investigative team claimed to have "accidentally wiped" at least 15 (!) phones used during the anti-Trump investigation after the DOJ OIG asked for the devies to be handed over
Federal records show that Mueller deputy Andrew Weismann claims to have "accidentally" wiped, via wrong passwords at least 2 phones detailing his activity during the anti-Trump probe. James Quarles' phone "wiped itself." Greg Andre also made the same wrong password claim...
What are the actual probabilities of more than a dozen top Mueller officials all "accidentally" nuking their phones or accidentally putting them in airplane mode, locking them, and "forgetting" their passwords so the DOJ OIG couldn't access and examine them? Negative 100,000%?
Muellerjeva priskava:
Newly released DOJ records show that multiple top members of Mueller's investigative team claimed to have "accidentally wiped" at least 15 (!) phones used during the anti-Trump investigation after the DOJ OIG asked for the devies to be handed over
Federal records show that Mueller deputy Andrew Weismann claims to have "accidentally" wiped, via wrong passwords at least 2 phones detailing his activity during the anti-Trump probe. James Quarles' phone "wiped itself." Greg Andre also made the same wrong password claim...
What are the actual probabilities of more than a dozen top Mueller officials all "accidentally" nuking their phones or accidentally putting them in airplane mode, locking them, and "forgetting" their passwords so the DOJ OIG couldn't access and examine them? Negative 100,000%?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Pac-Man ::
Kdo financira Federalista?
The Federalist (website) @ Wikipedia
Ni nemogoče, da pozabiš/se zatipkaš pri geslu na službeno izdanem začasnem telefonu.
Je pa tako, da je vse na Barrovem DOJ blazno sumljivo. Obnaša se kot Trumpov zagovornik, ne zagovornik ameriških državljanov. Po načelu l'état, c'est moi.
Bliža se rok, ko bi moral Donald dat svoj DNK v zasebni tožbi E. Jean Carroll. In so na DOJ tik pred zdajci ugotovili, da jo je užalil med opravljanjem predsedniške funkcije in ga morajo branit po službeni dolžnosti.
Justice Department Intervenes To Take Over Trump's Defense In Defamation Lawsuit
E. Jean Carroll filed suit in New York state court last year after Trump, answering reporters' questions, denied knowing her and accused her of lying. Carroll, a columnist for Elle magazine, wrote in a memoir that Trump had raped her in the dressing room of a Manhattan department store in 1995 or 1996.
In an unusual five-page filing in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, the Justice Department argued that Trump's remarks were made in the performance of his official duties as president and that therefore government attorneys should assume Trump's defense from his private lawyers.
Carroll immediately condemned the legal maneuver, writing in a series of tweets, "TRUMP HURLS BILL BARR AT ME."
Robbie Kaplan, Carroll's attorney, said in a statement that the Justice Department's argument is "shocking."
"It offends me as a lawyer, and offends me even more as a citizen," Kaplan wrote.
“[Trump’s] deadline to respond to [Carroll’s] Second Set of Document Requests (originally January 30, 2020) is now August 14, 2020, and the date set by [Carroll’s] First Notice to Submit to Physical Examination (originally March 2, 2020) is now September 15, 2020,” Kaplan wrote on Monday. “We can be flexible with respect to the location and method for obtaining [Trump’s] DNA sample in order to accommodate security needs or other issues. Please let us know if you would like to discuss.”
Gospa ima spravljeno obleko v kateri naj bi jo posilil.
The Federalist (website) @ Wikipedia
Ni nemogoče, da pozabiš/se zatipkaš pri geslu na službeno izdanem začasnem telefonu.
Je pa tako, da je vse na Barrovem DOJ blazno sumljivo. Obnaša se kot Trumpov zagovornik, ne zagovornik ameriških državljanov. Po načelu l'état, c'est moi.
Bliža se rok, ko bi moral Donald dat svoj DNK v zasebni tožbi E. Jean Carroll. In so na DOJ tik pred zdajci ugotovili, da jo je užalil med opravljanjem predsedniške funkcije in ga morajo branit po službeni dolžnosti.
Justice Department Intervenes To Take Over Trump's Defense In Defamation Lawsuit
E. Jean Carroll filed suit in New York state court last year after Trump, answering reporters' questions, denied knowing her and accused her of lying. Carroll, a columnist for Elle magazine, wrote in a memoir that Trump had raped her in the dressing room of a Manhattan department store in 1995 or 1996.
In an unusual five-page filing in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, the Justice Department argued that Trump's remarks were made in the performance of his official duties as president and that therefore government attorneys should assume Trump's defense from his private lawyers.
Carroll immediately condemned the legal maneuver, writing in a series of tweets, "TRUMP HURLS BILL BARR AT ME."
Robbie Kaplan, Carroll's attorney, said in a statement that the Justice Department's argument is "shocking."
"It offends me as a lawyer, and offends me even more as a citizen," Kaplan wrote.
“[Trump’s] deadline to respond to [Carroll’s] Second Set of Document Requests (originally January 30, 2020) is now August 14, 2020, and the date set by [Carroll’s] First Notice to Submit to Physical Examination (originally March 2, 2020) is now September 15, 2020,” Kaplan wrote on Monday. “We can be flexible with respect to the location and method for obtaining [Trump’s] DNA sample in order to accommodate security needs or other issues. Please let us know if you would like to discuss.”
Gospa ima spravljeno obleko v kateri naj bi jo posilil.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Odlična nit.
I made this point w @AriMelber tonight am still brooding on it:
So Trump has confirmed in his own voice that he was not self-deluded about COVID. He knew the danger - and still opted to do nothing and instead belittle the risk in public. The question that then follows ... what on earth did Trump expect to happen next? I get the utility of the "lie your way out of it" approach to scandals and crimes. But you can't cover up an epidemic! So *why* was he so passive? Action might have saved him, even the appearance of action. Instead, nothing. Why?
This question I think casts light on Trump's habitual lying. At some deep level of his psyche, he imagines that words can change reality. He has no idea eg how to run a business. But if you keep saying your business is "tremendous," bankers lend you money you need not repay. His hotels and resorts are 2nd-tier at best. But keep insisting they are "classy" - and people who don't know better may be duped to regard the Trump brand as somehow equivalent to Ritz-Carlton or Four Seasons.
So when a virus materialized, Trump did the only thing he knew how to do: try to talk his way out of it. He kept promising Americans the virus "would go away" as he once kept promising creditors that the check was in the mail. Maybe something would happen to save him! Talk, talk, talk, never stop talking, refuse to be interrupted, overwhelm your creditors/customers/wives with words ... and so long as you kept talking uninterrupted, nothing too very bad could happen. Or so Trump had learned to believe.
Any true plan of action against the virus would have required Trump to cede control and attention to someone else, someone who possessed the expertise and competence Trump lacked. That course was truly radically intolerable to the narcissistic Trump. So instead he chose the only course of action he had the know-how to execute: try to out-talk the virus. He talked and talked and talked. He contradicted himself, he lied, he made false promises - but he ballooned himself over the landscape on a great gush of hot air. He felt safe so long as he floated up there, above the people who got sick on his watch, above the dead and dying, above the shuttered businesses, above the lost jobs, above the interrupted educations ... words words words, the only thing he knows how to produce.
He surely could see the air leaking from his balloon of blather. He could feel the basket slowly losing altitude, anticipate the shock of the crash ... and so he kept pumping more words, hoping if he could only stay above the tree-line until voting day, he might yet survive. It was never a good plan. But any other plan was either intellectually impossible for Trump (do a good job) or psychically impossible (yield power and attention to someone who could do the good job Trump couldn't). So ... he yammered and trusted something would save him. Maybe the virus would fall only on the blue states. Maybe sugar tablets would cure it. Maybe he could push enough people back to work to revive the economy without killing too many of them. Maybe Putin's vaccine would work. Talk talk talk, never pause.
And so here we are. The trick that more or less worked through so many bankruptcies and relaunches failed to work. Almost 200,000 Americans are dead. He's facing electoral defeat - and probably massive civil liability and criminal exposure post-defeat. Still all things considered, it was a pretty good run, wasn't it? When it's all over, what will be hard to explain will not be, "What went wrong?" but "How did such a transparent fraud dupe so many people? And how did the fraud continue even as everything crashed into ruin?"
Those are questions for the future. For now, the immediate problem is, how do we save from the wreckage a country where two-fifths of the population prefer to suffer death and disaster rather than admit a mistake?
I made this point w @AriMelber tonight am still brooding on it:
So Trump has confirmed in his own voice that he was not self-deluded about COVID. He knew the danger - and still opted to do nothing and instead belittle the risk in public. The question that then follows ... what on earth did Trump expect to happen next? I get the utility of the "lie your way out of it" approach to scandals and crimes. But you can't cover up an epidemic! So *why* was he so passive? Action might have saved him, even the appearance of action. Instead, nothing. Why?
This question I think casts light on Trump's habitual lying. At some deep level of his psyche, he imagines that words can change reality. He has no idea eg how to run a business. But if you keep saying your business is "tremendous," bankers lend you money you need not repay. His hotels and resorts are 2nd-tier at best. But keep insisting they are "classy" - and people who don't know better may be duped to regard the Trump brand as somehow equivalent to Ritz-Carlton or Four Seasons.
So when a virus materialized, Trump did the only thing he knew how to do: try to talk his way out of it. He kept promising Americans the virus "would go away" as he once kept promising creditors that the check was in the mail. Maybe something would happen to save him! Talk, talk, talk, never stop talking, refuse to be interrupted, overwhelm your creditors/customers/wives with words ... and so long as you kept talking uninterrupted, nothing too very bad could happen. Or so Trump had learned to believe.
Any true plan of action against the virus would have required Trump to cede control and attention to someone else, someone who possessed the expertise and competence Trump lacked. That course was truly radically intolerable to the narcissistic Trump. So instead he chose the only course of action he had the know-how to execute: try to out-talk the virus. He talked and talked and talked. He contradicted himself, he lied, he made false promises - but he ballooned himself over the landscape on a great gush of hot air. He felt safe so long as he floated up there, above the people who got sick on his watch, above the dead and dying, above the shuttered businesses, above the lost jobs, above the interrupted educations ... words words words, the only thing he knows how to produce.
He surely could see the air leaking from his balloon of blather. He could feel the basket slowly losing altitude, anticipate the shock of the crash ... and so he kept pumping more words, hoping if he could only stay above the tree-line until voting day, he might yet survive. It was never a good plan. But any other plan was either intellectually impossible for Trump (do a good job) or psychically impossible (yield power and attention to someone who could do the good job Trump couldn't). So ... he yammered and trusted something would save him. Maybe the virus would fall only on the blue states. Maybe sugar tablets would cure it. Maybe he could push enough people back to work to revive the economy without killing too many of them. Maybe Putin's vaccine would work. Talk talk talk, never pause.
And so here we are. The trick that more or less worked through so many bankruptcies and relaunches failed to work. Almost 200,000 Americans are dead. He's facing electoral defeat - and probably massive civil liability and criminal exposure post-defeat. Still all things considered, it was a pretty good run, wasn't it? When it's all over, what will be hard to explain will not be, "What went wrong?" but "How did such a transparent fraud dupe so many people? And how did the fraud continue even as everything crashed into ruin?"
Those are questions for the future. For now, the immediate problem is, how do we save from the wreckage a country where two-fifths of the population prefer to suffer death and disaster rather than admit a mistake?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Samuel ::
Odlična nit.
I made this point w @AriMelber tonight am still brooding on it:
So Trump has confirmed in his own voice that he was not self-deluded about COVID. He knew the danger - and still opted to do nothing and instead belittle the risk in public.
fear mongering...
jep, odlična stvar

If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Fritz ::
Glede na to, da v določene države na bližnjem vzhodu nisi mogel iti, če si imel v potnem listu izraelski žig, sedaj pa lahko Izraelski državljani potujejo v Združene arabske emirate in kontra, je to ogromen premik v mednarodnih odnosih.
Vsi ti dogovori so votli. UAE so obljubili, da Izrael ne bo anektiral Zahodnega brega in da bodo dobili F-35. Izrael seveda še ni odstopil od namere anektiranja Zahodnega brega in ne dovoli prodaje F-35 Emiratom. Palestinsko vprašanje pa ne da ni rešeno temveč je Trump s popuščanjem Izraelu še poslabšal stvari.
Kar se tiče Srbije in Kosova, je sporazum v škodo Srbije in Kosova ter v korist Izraela. Kosovo se kot protektorat nima pravice upirate a vse kaže, da Srbija sporazuma ne bo spoštovala (če želi Vučić politično preživeti).
Skratka, okrog nič, notri pa prazno.

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Fritz ::
Odlična nit.
Vsi količkaj razgledani vemo že leta, da je Trump moron in chief, podpovprečno inteligenten narcističen sociopat, ki se že celo življenje prebija tako, da nateguje ljudi in v drek porine druge.
Ampak tukaj ni problem Trump temveč dejstvo, da je druga stran ponudila dementnega Bidna in antipatično pokvarjeno Harrisovo, ker niso mogli požreti Sandersa in še zdaj poskušajo z zelo desnimi obljubami republikancem odžreti kak odstotek glasov medtem, ko zaničujejo 20-30% glasov progresivnih volivcev. Zato si zaslužijo poraz in verjamem, da ga bodo tudi doživeli.
Za oligarhijo, ki obvladuje obe stranki, se nič bistvenega ne spremeni. Malce nerodno je, ker imajo Dumb & Dumber na čelu države a je ostalo business as usual.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Jarno ::
ko zaničujejo 20-30% glasov progresivnih volivcev.
Biti progresiven v US je bilo OK v zgodnjih šestdesetih.
Sedaj to pomeni "drugs are gud", "cops are bad", "allies are fascists", "white men bad", "cis is the new faggot", "fuck the system", "burn the flag", "fart at anthem"...
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

Smrekar1 ::
Ampak tukaj ni problem Trump temveč dejstvo, da je druga stran ponudila dementnega Bidna in antipatično pokvarjeno Harrisovo.
Eden najznačilnejših simptomov narcistične osebnostne motnje je projekcija, svoje pomanjkljivosti projiciraš na druge in jih obtožuješ svojih napak.
Trump je dementen in Biden je antipatičen, oboje je več kot očitno. Ko so Harrisovo obtožili, da je pokvarjena, so v bistvu priznali, da je Pence še pokvarjen skozi in skozi.
No, kaj pa drugega pričakuješ od osebka, ki je ignoriral epidemijo HIV v svoji državi in učinkovite ukrepe nadomestil z molitvijo.

TheBlueOne ::
Jaz se imam bolj za liberalnega in sem praviloma raje volil leve. Ampak ce bo Trump izgubil in s tem ne bo sans, da naredi velik kiks in zacne kaksen vecji konflikt, ga bom v retrospektivi videl dosti pozitivno. Sicer ne smem videti njegovih govorov, ker se mi takoj zdi absolutno neprimeren za karkoli drugege kot reality show ampak je nekaj tock:
1. Ni vojn. Pomeni, da se bo morda tudi tok beguncev umiril.
2. Predvsem levi smo bili skepticni o TTIP, dokler ga Trumo ni zminiral.
3. Zacel je delati red s Kitajsko, se sreca so to prevzeli ostali
4. Nasprotuje delu leve, ki ga tudi jaz kot bolj levi ne maram in sicer politicni cistuni, novodobni feministi itn., vsi zrte, levi rasisti, ki samo ciljajo druge skupine (ironicno sami sebe).
Kar dela skode, jo dela vecinoma v ZDA v smislu povecanja neenakosti. Ni prav, ampak to je glavni del njegovega volilnega telesa, tako da je bila njihova odlocitev.
Ampak verjetno bo izgubil, jaz pa samo upam, da bo od njega odmevalo kaj pametnega. Zelel bi naprej nic vojn in red s Kitajsko, ampak enostavno ne verjamem, da bo tako. Se bojim, da bo pod Bidenom hitro vojna v kaksnem Iranu, morda ponovna vrnitev v Sirijo itn., ker okoliscine se niti niso spremenile.
1. Ni vojn. Pomeni, da se bo morda tudi tok beguncev umiril.
2. Predvsem levi smo bili skepticni o TTIP, dokler ga Trumo ni zminiral.
3. Zacel je delati red s Kitajsko, se sreca so to prevzeli ostali
4. Nasprotuje delu leve, ki ga tudi jaz kot bolj levi ne maram in sicer politicni cistuni, novodobni feministi itn., vsi zrte, levi rasisti, ki samo ciljajo druge skupine (ironicno sami sebe).
Kar dela skode, jo dela vecinoma v ZDA v smislu povecanja neenakosti. Ni prav, ampak to je glavni del njegovega volilnega telesa, tako da je bila njihova odlocitev.
Ampak verjetno bo izgubil, jaz pa samo upam, da bo od njega odmevalo kaj pametnega. Zelel bi naprej nic vojn in red s Kitajsko, ampak enostavno ne verjamem, da bo tako. Se bojim, da bo pod Bidenom hitro vojna v kaksnem Iranu, morda ponovna vrnitev v Sirijo itn., ker okoliscine se niti niso spremenile.

Smrekar1 ::
TheBlueOne je izjavil:
Jaz se imam bolj za liberalnega in sem praviloma raje volil leve. Ampak ce bo Trump izgubil in s tem ne bo sans, da naredi velik kiks in zacne kaksen vecji konflikt, ga bom v retrospektivi videl dosti pozitivno. Sicer ne smem videti njegovih govorov, ker se mi takoj zdi absolutno neprimeren za karkoli drugege kot reality show ampak je nekaj tock:
1. Ni vojn. Pomeni, da se bo morda tudi tok beguncev umiril.
Syrian civil war @ Wikipedia
Libyan Civil War (2014%E2%80%93present) @ Wikipedia
Yemeni Civil War (2015%E2%80%93present) @ Wikipedia
Vojne so iste kor prej, samo manj se piše o njih, ker je toliko drugega.
2. Predvsem levi smo bili skepticni o TTIP, dokler ga Trumo ni zminiral.
Nasprotovanje TTIP je bilo anti-vaxxerstvo v svetovni trgovini. Kvaliteta argumentacije je bila enakovredna anti-vaxxerski propagandi.
3. Zacel je delati red s Kitajsko, se sreca so to prevzeli ostali
Predvsem je Kitajski dal proste roke pri gradnji zavezništev in vazalnih odnosov. Polsposoben predsednik bi imel Kitajsko strateško obkoljeno z zavezniki v Koreji, Japonski, Tajvanu, na Filipinih, Vietnamu, Maleziji in Indoneziji. Trumpova nesposobnost je Kitajski omogočila to delno omliti.
4. Nasprotuje delu leve, ki ga tudi jaz kot bolj levi ne maram in sicer politicni cistuni, novodobni feministi itn., vsi zrte, levi rasisti, ki samo ciljajo druge skupine (ironicno sami sebe).
Večinoma gre za projekcijo.
Ampak verjetno bo izgubil, jaz pa samo upam, da bo od njega odmevalo kaj pametnega.
No, narcistična osebnostna motnja je zdaj definitivno bolje poznana.

TheBlueOne ::
@Smrekar, pac se moras kar truditi, da najdes neuradne vojne, da predvidevas, da dela posredne usluge Kitajski itn.
Za to kar je trenutno v Siriji in Libiji absolutno krivim prejsnje. Kaj pa bi naredil ti? Desetletja imel tam NATO?
Kar se tice reda s Kitajsko pa vsi pocasi prevzemajo njegov nacin. Kar moti mene je, da so uradno drzava v razvoju, kar pa bodo se dolgo, ce bodo vlagali predvsem v vojsko. Kaj ti bi se naprej toleriral smesno neenakost pri uvoznih tarifah, lastnistvo Kitajske vlade praktivno v vseh investicijah pri njih, ki pa so nujne, ce noces tudi veckratnih uvoznih tarif? Brezsramno "izposojanje" tehnologij in se bi lahko nasteval.
Pa marsikaj jim oprostim, ce jim vojska in teritorialne zadeve ne bi bile taka prioriteta.
Kar se tice levih so morda vecinoma zadeve, ki so malo bolj nasilno potisnjene v ospredje. Ampak vecine leve ne protestira in samo kimajo, pa naj bo nekaj se tako butasto. Na tak nacin postane to nova norma.
Za to kar je trenutno v Siriji in Libiji absolutno krivim prejsnje. Kaj pa bi naredil ti? Desetletja imel tam NATO?
Kar se tice reda s Kitajsko pa vsi pocasi prevzemajo njegov nacin. Kar moti mene je, da so uradno drzava v razvoju, kar pa bodo se dolgo, ce bodo vlagali predvsem v vojsko. Kaj ti bi se naprej toleriral smesno neenakost pri uvoznih tarifah, lastnistvo Kitajske vlade praktivno v vseh investicijah pri njih, ki pa so nujne, ce noces tudi veckratnih uvoznih tarif? Brezsramno "izposojanje" tehnologij in se bi lahko nasteval.
Pa marsikaj jim oprostim, ce jim vojska in teritorialne zadeve ne bi bile taka prioriteta.
Kar se tice levih so morda vecinoma zadeve, ki so malo bolj nasilno potisnjene v ospredje. Ampak vecine leve ne protestira in samo kimajo, pa naj bo nekaj se tako butasto. Na tak nacin postane to nova norma.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TheBlueOne ()

Fritz ::
TheBlueOne je izjavil:
1. Ni vojn. Pomeni, da se bo morda tudi tok beguncev umiril.
Tudi ekonomske vojne in regime-change Ops so vojne. Stanje, ki so ga ZDA ustvarile in ga vzdržujejo v Boliviji, Ekvadorju, Kolumbiji, Nikaragvi in Venezueli generira nove in nove begunce (prave begunce).
Ekonomska vojna proti Iranu je vrsta vojne. Sicer pa veliko ekonomskih migrantov generira Pakistan (zaveznik ZDA), finančno pa jih podpira Savdova Arabija (zaveznica ZDA) in v EU pošilja Turčija (zaveznica ZDA). In pri ekonomskih migrantih ne gre za nobene begunce.
Trump je proti vojni z največjim proračunom za 'obrambo' do sedaj. Seveda. Čuden si ti levičar, poln desnih memov.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

TheBlueOne ::
@Fritz, se strinjam. Ampak ni to isto kot nekam iti z vojsko. Je kar velika razlika, ce jim fizicno zradiras mesta, pobijes ali pohabis ljudi itn. Ne primerjati tega z ekonomskimi pritiski.
Kaj pa bi naredil ti v teh drzavah? Kako bi resil glavni problem, ki je prepogosto korupcija v povezavi z nedemokraticnimi voditelji? Kaj je nova pozicija leve zaradi Trumpa dejmo povsod prave vojne, za kaj pa imamo orozje?
In kaj sanjas, da bos naredil red, kjer se bijejo razlicne muslimanske frakcije? Ali bi jih ti ekonomsko pumpal, da lahko vec potisnejo v orozje?
Ko je Trump zradiral Sulejmanija v Iranu sem bil preprican, da bo sranje ampak ocitno je bilo pametno balansirano. Pa ves kaksno je stanje v Iranu, da imas prakticno dve oblasti? Hitro so bili protesti, ko so nekateri zacutili, da je mozno iz sranja in Trump jim je stopil v bran, kar pa mi je bilo zelo vsec. Malo je zadisalo, da bodo morda sli bolj "po nase".
Kar se tice Sirije pa ne vem kaj bi radi. Se zavedate koliko sredstev je slo v vojno, neke shady situacije, kjer je zahod brez pravih podatkov v stilu "Irak/masovno orzje" porocal o situaciji. Na koncu pa je Asad zmagal, zadeve pa se stabilizirajo. Bi raje verzijo Libija 2.0?
Situacije v J Ameriki ne poznam pretirano dobro.
Kaj pa bi naredil ti v teh drzavah? Kako bi resil glavni problem, ki je prepogosto korupcija v povezavi z nedemokraticnimi voditelji? Kaj je nova pozicija leve zaradi Trumpa dejmo povsod prave vojne, za kaj pa imamo orozje?
In kaj sanjas, da bos naredil red, kjer se bijejo razlicne muslimanske frakcije? Ali bi jih ti ekonomsko pumpal, da lahko vec potisnejo v orozje?
Ko je Trump zradiral Sulejmanija v Iranu sem bil preprican, da bo sranje ampak ocitno je bilo pametno balansirano. Pa ves kaksno je stanje v Iranu, da imas prakticno dve oblasti? Hitro so bili protesti, ko so nekateri zacutili, da je mozno iz sranja in Trump jim je stopil v bran, kar pa mi je bilo zelo vsec. Malo je zadisalo, da bodo morda sli bolj "po nase".
Kar se tice Sirije pa ne vem kaj bi radi. Se zavedate koliko sredstev je slo v vojno, neke shady situacije, kjer je zahod brez pravih podatkov v stilu "Irak/masovno orzje" porocal o situaciji. Na koncu pa je Asad zmagal, zadeve pa se stabilizirajo. Bi raje verzijo Libija 2.0?
Situacije v J Ameriki ne poznam pretirano dobro.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TheBlueOne ()

dild0idis ::
Vse skupaj je prav smešno.

Zgoraj nekdo razlaga, da je Trump softič proti Kitajski, na drugi strani pa hvali Bidena, katerga sin služi zelo dober denar na račun Kitajske in sedaj upa, da bo Biden trši proti Kitajski.
Zgoraj nekdo razlaga, da je Trump tudi ves čas v vojni, ko se pa hoče umakniti iz regije, pa v drugi temi razlaga, da kaj bo z bogimi prebivalci tiste regije in da se ne sme umakniti z vojsko iz regije.
Zgoraj nekdo razlaga, da mora Trump biti trši do kitajske in delati zavezništva in aktivno sabotirati Kitajsko, nekdo drug pa prilepi vse t.i "shadow" vojne in govori kako je Trump v vojni in ne bi smel biti.
Zgoraj nekdo razlaga, da sami mirovni sporazumi niso nič vredni, morda, sam prejšnji predsednik še tega se ni bil sposoben zmeniti.
Razlagalo se je ves čas: "Believe all woman", pride ven Bidenove nečednosti, pa sedaj tega ni več.
Doktorji razlagajo, da se je treba držati socialne distance in se ne sme družiti z drugimi ljudmi, pride ven BLM protesti in sedaj razlagajo, to pa lahko.
Trump ima svoj zbor, to se pa ne sme.
BLM protestniki zažgejo trgovino, MSM to so mirni protesti brez nasilja in oškodvanja ljudi.
Trump razlaga, da bo začel preganjati protestnike in ves čas govori, da je treba upoštevati policijo in obsoja nasilneže, MSM razlagajo, kaj se pa gre.
MSM ugotovijo, da protesti znižujejo Bidenov rating, MSM začnejo razlagati, da se morajo protesti nehati, Biden pa razlaga, da mora Trump obsoditi nasilne proteste.
Trump zapre mejo s Kitajsko zaradi "kitajskega virusa", Biden razlaga, da je to ksneofobno, obenem v istem času Pelosijeva ves svoj napor polaga v propadli impeachment.
Danes Biden razlaga, da on bi pa čisto drugače reagiral na situacijo.

Zgoraj nekdo razlaga, da je Trump softič proti Kitajski, na drugi strani pa hvali Bidena, katerga sin služi zelo dober denar na račun Kitajske in sedaj upa, da bo Biden trši proti Kitajski.
Zgoraj nekdo razlaga, da je Trump tudi ves čas v vojni, ko se pa hoče umakniti iz regije, pa v drugi temi razlaga, da kaj bo z bogimi prebivalci tiste regije in da se ne sme umakniti z vojsko iz regije.
Zgoraj nekdo razlaga, da mora Trump biti trši do kitajske in delati zavezništva in aktivno sabotirati Kitajsko, nekdo drug pa prilepi vse t.i "shadow" vojne in govori kako je Trump v vojni in ne bi smel biti.
Zgoraj nekdo razlaga, da sami mirovni sporazumi niso nič vredni, morda, sam prejšnji predsednik še tega se ni bil sposoben zmeniti.
Razlagalo se je ves čas: "Believe all woman", pride ven Bidenove nečednosti, pa sedaj tega ni več.
Doktorji razlagajo, da se je treba držati socialne distance in se ne sme družiti z drugimi ljudmi, pride ven BLM protesti in sedaj razlagajo, to pa lahko.
Trump ima svoj zbor, to se pa ne sme.
BLM protestniki zažgejo trgovino, MSM to so mirni protesti brez nasilja in oškodvanja ljudi.
Trump razlaga, da bo začel preganjati protestnike in ves čas govori, da je treba upoštevati policijo in obsoja nasilneže, MSM razlagajo, kaj se pa gre.
MSM ugotovijo, da protesti znižujejo Bidenov rating, MSM začnejo razlagati, da se morajo protesti nehati, Biden pa razlaga, da mora Trump obsoditi nasilne proteste.
Trump zapre mejo s Kitajsko zaradi "kitajskega virusa", Biden razlaga, da je to ksneofobno, obenem v istem času Pelosijeva ves svoj napor polaga v propadli impeachment.
Danes Biden razlaga, da on bi pa čisto drugače reagiral na situacijo.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dild0idis ()