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Volitve v ZDA 2020

Volitve v ZDA 2020

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tone31 ::

Pac-Man ::

Dober govor za senilneža.

WATCH: Joe Biden’s full speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention

Če bi ga dali prebrat Trumpu bi trajal kake 3 ure, ker bi ga prvič videl in bi vsake pol minute sledil veverici, ki se mu je pravkar prikazala. Kot vedno v trumpworldu je vse projekcija.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

dild0idis ::

Paco je ponosen, da je senilnež lahko prebral cel govor.

Vidim, da so standardi pri demokratih letos zelo strogi.

Paco glede na to, da si bolj ne tekočem, na koliko vprašanj novinarjev je pa odgovoril ali pa se še vedno skriva?

Hahaha, zunaj pred DNC konvencijo.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

dild0idis ::

Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

dild0idis je izjavil:

Paco glede na to, da si bolj ne tekočem, na koliko vprašanj novinarjev je pa odgovoril ali pa se še vedno skriva?

Na začetku avgusta je odgovarjal celo uro.

dild0idis je izjavil:

ps: Paco poglej tole, se boš mogoče videl v tem:

Trump: If Joe makes through the debate... "bodo mediji rekli, da je dober govor za senilneža."

Trump slika karikaturo Bidna kot senilneža, kar je čista projekcija. Novinarji so ga prebrali, celo na Fox News.

Fox News's Chris Wallace praises Biden's speech: "I thought it was an enormously effective speech. Remember, Donald Trump has been talking for months about Joe Biden as mentally shot ... I thought that he blew a hole, a big hole in the characterization."
Dana Parino said Biden "just hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth," followed by Karl Rove saying "it was a very good speech."

Fox News on Biden’s speech -
Dana Perino: “Joe Biden just hit a home run in the bottom of ninth...his best.”
Karl Rove: “It was a very good speech."
Bret Baier: “The best he's been, as far as his delivery."
Chris Wallace: "It was an enormously effective speech."

"After tonight, Donald Trump will have to run against a candidate, not a caricature," says Chris Wallace.


Ampak kot razumem si ti bližje satiričnemu tejku, ki je bil pripisan OANN

CNN: Best speech Joe Biden has ever delivered.
MSNBC: Biden gives greatest political speech of all time.
FOX NEWS: Biden didn't stutter as much as we thought.
OANN: Real Biden still in basement, as Deep Fake Biden CGI, provided by pedophile Hollywood, proposes Sharia Law.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kuall ::

Trumpu se ne zatika, ko govori. Govori tekoče, lepo počasi in zbrano. To kvaliteto imajo redki ljudje in je značilnost ljudi višje družbe. Celo Obami se je zatikalo. Trump, isto kot vsi ostali politiki je zmagal zaradi svojih izvrstnih govorniških sposobnosti.
Medtem ko Bidnu se stalno zatika, ker je nižje klase. Zaradi tega njegovega zatikanja jaz ne vidim, kako bi lahko zmagal. Govorniške sposobnosti so vse, posebej pa v politiki.

kuall ::

še to moram priznat: na američane sem kar ponosen, da so izvolili trumpa, kljub temu, da so nanj streljali z vseh topov (90% medijev in 90%slavnih). trump je kvaliteten človek.
zaradi takega prebivalstva je amerika kar je - najboljša država na svetu, ker znajo ljudje razmišljat s svojo glavo in se ne pustijo farbat raznim cnnom in 24 kuram.

xx23 ::

Najboljša v zapiranju državljanov in pobijanju ljudi s strani policije. To je pa tudi vse, kjer je najboljša. Aja, pa v Corona statistiki je tud prva.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: xx23 ()

dexterboy ::

korono si jim podtaknili kitajci, za kar bodo tudi plačali
Ko ne gre več, ko se ustavi, RESET Vas spet v ritem spravi.

Fritz ::

kuall je izjavil:

Trumpu se ne zatika, ko govori. Govori tekoče, lepo počasi in zbrano. To kvaliteto imajo redki ljudje in je značilnost ljudi višje družbe. Celo Obami se je zatikalo. Trump, isto kot vsi ostali politiki je zmagal zaradi svojih izvrstnih govorniških sposobnosti.
Medtem ko Bidnu se stalno zatika, ker je nižje klase. Zaradi tega njegovega zatikanja jaz ne vidim, kako bi lahko zmagal. Govorniške sposobnosti so vse, posebej pa v politiki.

Moraš biti pa res prave sorte, da kaj takšnega izjaviš. Trump je narcistični sociopat poln sebe z jezikovnim zakladom 6-letnika in inteligenco, ki veliko ne presega to raven.

Obame sicer ne maram a je glede retorike in inteligence za Trumpa dvajsetkratni doktor znanosti.

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

dild0idis ::

Paco sedaj je Biden povedal en povprečni govor brez napake.

Sicer eni pravijo, da je sam govor zelo podoben govoru kandaskega politika Jack Laytona, tudi recimo CBS noviran Alexander Panetta to omenja ali pa Huffington Post Canada.

Plus že nekaj časa je znano, da sleepy Joe rad prepisuje govore.

Trumpov narrative, da Biden ni primeren, ker ima t.i. "cognitive decline", ni dovolj, da prebere en vnaprej pripravljen "prepisan" govor, če bo enkrat zajebal na debati Biden je game over in ima Trump prav.

Ampak tole je resnica:

ps: Fritz saj lepo, da hvališ Obamo in Obama je dober govornik, samo primerjaj raje oba kandidata, Obama je preteklost.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

dild0idis ::

Še malce o Bidenovem govoru od Crowderja.

Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

Samuel ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Moraš biti pa res prave sorte, da kaj takšnega izjaviš. Trump je narcistični sociopat poln sebe z jezikovnim zakladom 6-letnika in inteligenco, ki veliko ne presega to raven.

Kaj si si ti zabil v glavo niti ni pomembno. Pomembno je samo to, da si spran s strani medijev.

tukaj intervju iz 1990 o medijih
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Fritz ::

Trump je prevarant, ki se je rodil zlato žlico v riti. Ima nekaj biznis in media fint a je njegov problem v pomanjkanju inteligence in nerazumevanju dejstva, da teh nekaj biznis in medijskih fint ne moreš nekritično uporabljati vse povprek, kar se tudi kaže v sesutju že tako nizke zunanjepolitične podobe ZDA.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

Trumpova sestra in nečakinja sta celih 15 ur prali družinsko umazano perilo, blimey, there are tapes. Pri kateremkoli drugem predsedniku/ici bi bila to glavna novica, tako imamo pa samo še eno leno nedeljo.


Maryanne Trump Barry was serving as a federal judge when she heard her brother, President Trump, suggest on Fox News, “maybe I’ll have to put her at the border” amid a wave of refugees entering the United States. At the time, children were being separated from their parents and put in cramped quarters while court hearings dragged on.
“All he wants to do is appeal to his base,” Barry said in a conversation secretly recorded by her niece, Mary L. Trump. “He has no principles. None. None. And his base, I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this.”
Barry, 83, was aghast at how her 74-year-old brother operated as president. “His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God,” she said. “I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.”
Lamenting “what they’re doing with kids at the border,” she guessed her brother “hasn’t read my immigration opinions” in court cases. In one case, she berated a judge for failing to treat an asylum applicant respectfully.
“What has he read?” Mary Trump asked her aunt.
“No. He doesn’t read,” Barry responded.


In response to a question from The Washington Post about how she knew the president paid someone to take the SATs, Mary Trump revealed that she had surreptitiously taped 15 hours of face-to-face conversations with Barry in 2018 and 2019. She provided The Post with previously unreleased transcripts and audio excerpts, which include exchanges that are not in her book.


At one point Barry said to her niece, “It’s the phoniness of it all. It’s the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel.”


Barry told how she tried to help her brother get into college. “He was a brat,” Barry said, explaining that “I did his homework for him” and “I drove him around New York City to try to get him into college.”
Then Barry dropped what Mary considered a bombshell: “He went to Fordham for one year [actually two years] and then he got into University of Pennsylvania because he had somebody take the exams.”


Under New York law, it is legal to tape a conversation with the consent of one party, which in this case was Mary Trump.


“Donald is out for Donald, period,” Barry said.
Mary questioned Barry about what he had accomplished on his own.
“I don’t know,” Barry said.
“Nothing,” Mary responded.
“Well he has five bankruptcies,” Barry said. (Trump’s companies filed for six corporate bankruptcies but he has never declared personal bankruptcy.)
“Good point. He did accomplish those all by his self,” Mary said.
“Yes, he did. Yes, he did. You can’t trust him,” Barry said.

Maryanne said on another occasion that her brother kept asking about Fox News. One day, Barry said, the president called her and said, “Did you watch Fox News?”
“No,” Barry said she told the president.
“Why not?” he said.
“I don’t watch much television at all,” Barry said she responded.
“What do you do?” the president asked.
“I read,” Barry replied.
“What do you read?” the president said.
“Books,” Barry said.
The president was incredulous. “You don’t watch Fox?”


One of the most emotional conversations between Mary and her aunt occurred when they discussed the 1999 funeral of the family patriarch, Fred Sr., at Marble Collegiate Church on Fifth Avenue in New York City. During that ceremony, Donald spoke more about his own accomplishments than his father’s life, Barry said.
“Donald was the only one who didn’t speak about Dad,” Barry said. She told Mary that “I don’t want any of my siblings to speak at my funeral. And that’s all about Donald and what he did at Dad’s funeral. I don’t know. It was all about him.”
“I remember,” Mary responded.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.


A potem bo impičment?

Pac-Man ::

Impičment je že bil. Uspešen.

Bolj podrobno spremljaj.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

dild0idis ::

Primerjava enega, ki samo govori o LGBT pravicah in drugega, ki celo nekaj naredi za LGBT pravice:

Pa, še malce predenj je "orange man bad" postal predsednik in kako rasistično se je pred tem obnašal:

Trump Rescued Jennifer Hudson After Family's Murder

In 2008, Jennifer Hudson, the Dream Girls star and Grammy Award-winning 34-year-old singer, lost her mother, brother, and nephew after her sister's estranged husband shot them in a brutal murder. Having to find somewhere to stay, Hudson ended up at Chicago's Trump International Hotel.

The tabloids were all over the story, but Donald Trump kept the jackals at bay. Hudson was having a nervous breakdown, and Trump did what little he could. Reporters and photographers were not allowed to harass the Hudsons inside his hotel. Trump also picked up the tab, instructed the staff to treat them like VIP's, and did the right thing all the way around.

ps: Verjetno, ker se Jennifer zaveda, če bo podprla Trumpa, je Hollywood ne bo več maral in zato raje poje na DNC konvenciji.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

bluefish ::

dild0idis je izjavil:

Primerjava enega, ki samo govori o LGBT pravicah in drugega, ki celo nekaj naredi za LGBT pravice:
Ogromno, da mu celo "njegovi" ustavni sodniki nasprotujejo: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/...


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: bluefish ()

Vazelin ::

lol kam lahko MSMjevci pripeljejo zblojen folk.:))
Ta stara naj jo izseli, ona pa naj moleduje pri AOC ali kdo drug za prenočišče. Stavim da se bo hitro vrnila8-)
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Vazelin ()

D3m ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Impičment je že bil. Uspešen.

Bolj podrobno spremljaj.

Še zmeraj piše,da je predsednik ZDA.

Kdaj bo posodobitev?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

bluefish ::

D3m je izjavil:

Še zmeraj piše,da je predsednik ZDA.

Kdaj bo posodobitev?
Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official. Impeachment does not in itself remove the official definitively from office; it is similar to an indictment in criminal law, and thus it is essentially the statement of charges against the official.

D3m ::

Torej je bilo vse skupaj samo izguba časa.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

HulkHogan ::

O ne :))

Vazelin ::

A ne obstaja neko nenapisano pravilo, da se prejšnji predsedniki ne vtikajo več v samo politiko?
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

c3p0 ::

D3m je izjavil:

Torej je bilo vse skupaj samo izguba časa.

Farsa, proces je škodil le demokratom, z biseri kot Nancy kaj druga ni bilo za pričakovati. Ampak Paco happy.


Pac-Man ::

Vazelin je izjavil:

A ne obstaja neko nenapisano pravilo, da se prejšnji predsedniki ne vtikajo več v samo politiko?

Obstaja precej nenapisanih pravil, ki jih Trump & republikanci zadnja leta veselo kršijo. Američanom se počasi sveti, da bi jih bilo dobro zapisati.

Včeraj sestra & nečakinja, danes Melanoma & bivša prijateljica. Zaenkrat govorice.


SCOOP: In her forthcoming book, Melania Trump's former friend/advisor Stephanie Wolkoff says the First Lady made disparaging remarks about the president and his adult children.
Wolkoff taped some of her conversations with Mrs. Trump, sources tell me.
In her book, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff quotes the First Lady making disparaging remarks about Ivanka Trump and some of the president's other adult children. She even makes some negative remarks about her husband, President Trump.
It's unclear what Wolkoff says that Mrs. Trump said about her family but I do know that the disparaging remarks are in the book and that Wolkoff taped conversations with Mrs. Trump without her knowing.
I'm told that Wolkoff says in her book that most of Mrs. Trump's disparaging comments about the Trump family were reserved for Ivanka Trump.
Again, multiple sources confirmed to me that Wolkoff taped some of her conversations with the first lady.
Wolkoff's book comes out next Tuesday and is entitled "Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady."
Wolkoff was friends with the First Lady for over a decade before they had a falling out over the Inaugural Committee
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bluefish ::

Kellyanne se poslavlja - menda se bo posvetila družini: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/poli...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: bluefish ()

spegli ::

Jaz bi jim ponudil naše fante. Erjavca npr.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: spegli ()

Pac-Man ::

To, RNC platforma 2020, ki to ni


in to

Party platforms have never counted for a ton with me, but we now are headed into a GOP Convention that will be 75% the President or his family members, and has no platform attached just a "whatever the fuck Trump says is fine with us."
That's something, but it's not a political party. It's closer to an ad hoc group of randoms expressing their backing for the Divine Right of Kings or something.

Sekta, Trump style typos included (drugi RESOVLVED)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Vazelin je izjavil:

A ne obstaja neko nenapisano pravilo, da se prejšnji predsedniki ne vtikajo več v samo politiko?

To, članek v WaPo na povezavi

The lesson from Trump’s betrayal may be that we cannot assume decent and honorable conduct by presidential contenders. We may need a law to prevent future Trumps from selling American democracy down the river.

in to

I get Jen's point here, but I still fear that once you have to codify something that should be an obvious norm (one enforced by voters), then we are too unvirtuous a nation for it to matter.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Livetweeting RNC. TL;DR verzija je, da ima Trump prezgodnji verbalni izliv največjih hitov. Govorit misli vsak večer, TV občinstvo se bi ga znalo naveličat.


“Take a look at your 401(k), take a look at your stocks, which you probably do every hour.” Boy this is aimed really at the heart of the working people of Ohio and Pennsylvania isn’t it
The convention hasn’t even started it’s prime time coverage and he’s already on ventilators, which apparently are very complex machines
The cupboards were bare. It hasn’t even started yet and he’s already doing the greatest hits, which normally you would leave for the big day or the encore.
This is not going to be a convention. I think that much is already clear. This is going to be a rolling series of narcissistic outbursts.
It’s very clear that he is now energized by having people in front of him who can clap
Now he's on the "God in the Pledge" thing, and he really is full rally-buzz mode. On the first afternoon.
Now he's telling Grandpa stories about ballot harvesting and how Sleepy Joe wants to harvest ballots and man, it's so much projection.
"They're trying to steal the election from the Republicans." Once again, the President of the United States craps on the fairness of U.S. elections.
Real polls, Trump says, show him up by "massive" numbers. Cites Trump/Pence signs everywhere. Someone in the audience is yelling back like this is a preacher's sermon. He's setting up his cult for insane levels of anger and even violence if he loses.
Bernie Sanders: "The greatest loser in history"
Pocahontas reference. He's firing off all his usual ammo and it's *checks watch* 1pm on Day One
I need to do some work here and have Trump on in the background. Short version: Three "sir" moments already; also, how China has been made to buy our soybeans and bend the knee. He's doing his play-acting voices and I think he's high.
Fourth "sir" moment, this time from farmers calling to thank him.
This is a mash-up of his final night speech, a press conference, and a rally. This will be four days of a Cuban Communist Party Congress, if Fidel kept showing up unannounced blitzed on rum and too many cigars and grabbed the mic.
He's gone from Big Pharma hating - "they call it Big Pharma" - to a long explanation of his "most favored" nation thing about drug pricing. The audience is trying to keep the energy up, but...
Again claims millions of dollars in Big Pharma ads against him, then he says socialist nations get the lowest prices on drugs, so that's the one socialist thing he likes, but WE WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST NATION
yes, this is happening
There is no theme here. Drugs, China, Ballots, Portland, Riots, Guns, Ventilators, Cuckholding. Not that last one, sorry, that's what's happening with one of his top evangelical supporters.
He now promises that you'll hear all this again Thursday night. I would bet you'll hear it again before dawn.
Promising more trade wars.
"They tariff us, we tariff them." To this day, he doesn't understand that issue, but he knows his base doesn't understand it either, and they like the word.
"NASA had grass growing through the cracks in its runways. Now it's number one," something something, "we're going to the Moon, we're going to Mars," then thanks the crowd again but he's glued to that podium like a monkey with an electrode jammed into its head
Trump now implying that COVID was a Chinese attack "and we'll never let them forget it." Says the number of deaths will go up, but his China ban "saved millions" and how everyone apologized to him for opposing it and man, I guess Joe Biden's mental state is the real issue here
Oh my God. The play-off music as Pence joins Trump is "YMCA."
I...cannot make this up.

A senior GOP strategist, who is not a "Never Trumper" and often gives the president the benefit of the doubt, tells me: "If what we just heard is a preview of the President's message for the week, he loses and we lose. We can kiss the Senate goodbye if the tone doesn't change."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

HulkHogan ::

Podporo ima, ne vem zakaj ne bi. Demokrati itak nimajo nobenega kandidata ki bi mu lahko segel do kolen.


Smrekar1 ::

HulkHogan je izjavil:

Podporo ima, ne vem zakaj ne bi. Demokrati itak nimajo nobenega kandidata ki bi mu lahko segel do kolen.

Kaj potrebuješ, da Trumpu sežeš do kolen?

HulkHogan ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Kaj potrebuješ, da Trumpu sežeš do kolen?

Zakaj pa je potem Bide izbral Kamalo :))

HulkHogan ::

O ne! Mediji bojo sedaj napadli ubogega Bidna če disavawa Spencerja!

White nationalist Richard Spencer ENDORSES Biden for president

Smrekar1 ::

HulkHogan je izjavil:

Zakaj pa je potem Biden izbral Kamalo :))

Ker je odlična kandidatka za podpredsednico in morda naslednjo predsednico. Ni še jasno ali bo Biden leta 2024 kandidiral za ponovno izvolitev, ampak tudi za 2028 je treba misliti.

Glede na trende v Republikanski stranki bi bilo smiselno, da potegne dva mandata. Do leta 2032 bodo Republikanci ravno toliko počistili nesnago, da bodo imeli polkredibilnega kandidata in tisto je bolje, da imaš kot svojega kandidata trenutnega predsednika. Država pred letom 2036 tako ne bi bila ogrožena, to je tudi že dovolj časa, da se skida dobršen del trenutnega gnoja nazaj v večna volišča.

HulkHogan je izjavil:

O ne! Mediji bojo sedaj napadli ubogega Bidna če disavawa Spencerja!

White nationalist Richard Spencer ENDORSES Biden for president

Celo neonacisti z IQ številke čevljev (ameriške mere) so ugotovili, da je Trump zgubar.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

HulkHogan ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Ker je odlična kandidatka


Ali nam malo opišeš njeno zgodovino kako se je s trdim delom priborila svoj politični status >:D

Kako je cele noči garala za svoj napredek. Cele noči trdega dela :))

dild0idis ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

HulkHogan je izjavil:

Zakaj pa je potem Biden izbral Kamalo :))

Ker je odlična kandidatka za podpredsednico in morda naslednjo predsednico. Ni še jasno ali bo Biden leta 2024 kandidiral za ponovno izvolitev, ampak tudi za 2028 je treba misliti.

Biden če pride zdrav do volitev 2020 bo že dosežek, tukaj pa en sanja, da bo 2024 kandidiral za ponovno izvolitev... 8-O

Kamala odlična kanidatka?

Tole me pa prav zanima, zakaj tako misliš?

Pa da vidimo vsaj 5 (resnih) razlogov, zakaj je odlična.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

dild0idis ::

Trump je predstavil glavne točke njegovega plana za drugi mandat:

President Trump: Fighting for You!

.Create 10 Million New Jobs in 10 Months
.Create 1 Million New Small Businesses
.Cut Taxes to Boost Take-Home Pay and Keep Jobs in America
.Enact Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs
."Made in America" Tax Credits
.Expand Opportunity Zones
.Continue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy Independence

.Develop a Vaccine by The End Of 2020
.Return to Normal in 2021
.Make All Critical Medicines and Supplies for Healthcare Workers in The United States
.Refill Stockpiles and Prepare for Future Pandemics

.Bring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from China
.Tax Credits for Companies that Bring Back Jobs from China
.Allow 100% Expensing Deductions for Essential Industries like Pharmaceuticals and Robotics who Bring Back their Manufacturing to the United States
.No Federal Contracts for Companies who Outsource to China
.Hold China Fully Accountable for Allowing the Virus to Spread around the World

.Cut Prescription Drug Prices
.Put Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare System
.Lower Healthcare Insurance Premiums
.End Surprise Billing
.Cover All Pre-Existing Conditions
.Protect Social Security and Medicare
.Protect Our Veterans and Provide World-Class Healthcare and Services

.Provide School Choice to Every Child in America
.Teach American Exceptionalism

.Pass Congressional Term Limits
.End Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses
.Expose Washington's Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and States
.Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American Citizens

.Fully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement Officers
.Increase Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers
.Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism
.Bring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to Justice
.End Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until Trial

.Block Illegal Immigrants from Becoming Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, Healthcare, and Free College Tuition
.Mandatory Deportation for Non-Citizen Gang Members
.Dismantle Human Trafficking Networks
.End Sanctuary Cities to Restore our Neighborhoods and Protect our Families
.Prohibit American Companies from Replacing United States Citizens with Lower-Cost Foreign Workers
.Require New Immigrants to Be Able to Support Themselves Financially

.Launch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to Mars
. Build the World's Greatest Infrastructure System
.Win the Race to 5G and Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet Network
.Continue to Lead the World in Access to the Cleanest Drinking Water and Cleanest Air
Partner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet's Oceans

.Stop Endless Wars and Bring Our Troops Home
.Get Allies to Pay their Fair Share
.Maintain and Expand America's Unrivaled Military Strength
.Wipe Out Global Terrorists Who Threaten to Harm Americans
.Build a Great Cybersecurity Defense System and Missile Defense System
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

Smrekar1 ::

dild0idis je izjavil:

Trump je predstavil glavne točke njegovega plana za drugi mandat

(porezano ven, da je lažje brati)

Daj polinkaj. Je to pravi program?

Vprašam, ker se mi zdi bolj kot nekaj kar bi nekdo napisal da bi zbobnal volivce proti Trumpu.

dild0idis je izjavil:

Biden če pride zdrav do volitev 2020 bo že dosežek, tukaj pa en sanja, da bo 2024 kandidiral za ponovno izvolitev... 8-O

Biden bo leta 2024 boljši in bolj zdrav kandidat za predsednika kot je bil Trump leta 2000.

Donald Trump 2000 presidential campaign @ Wikipedia

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

c3p0 ::

dild0idis je izjavil:

Kamala odlična kanidatka?

Tole me pa prav zanima, zakaj tako misliš?

Pa da vidimo vsaj 5 (resnih) razlogov, zakaj je odlična.

Kot leta '16, tudi letos smrekca, paco in še enih par rabi streznitev. Potem pa na novo.

Kamala je grozna (po finsko dobesedni prevod besede "kamala") kandidatka za demokrate in jim praktično garantira zgubo. Kot da že sam Sleepy ni bil dovolj.

Fritz ::

c3p0 je izjavil:

Kamala je grozna (po finsko dobesedni prevod besede "kamala") kandidatka za demokrate in jim praktično garantira zgubo. Kot da že sam Sleepy ni bil dovolj.

DNC ima pač raje Trumpa za predsednika kot Sandersa za predsednika ali podpredsednika. Mnogi progresivci že napovedujejo, da ne bodo podprli Bidna in Harrisove.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

tone31 ::

Smrekar1 ::

c3p0 je izjavil:

Kot leta '16, tudi letos smrekca, paco in še enih par rabi streznitev. Potem pa na novo.

Kamala je grozna (po finsko dobesedni prevod besede "kamala") kandidatka za demokrate in jim praktično garantira zgubo. Kot da že sam Sleepy ni bil dovolj.

Analiza vredna tistih, ki malikujejo obljube v stilu:

.Stop Endless Wars and Bring Our Troops Home
.Wipe Out Global Terrorists Who Threaten to Harm Americans
.Get Allies to Pay their Fair Share
.Maintain and Expand America's Unrivaled Military Strength

Za tiste, ki so ravnokar prišli iz jame: vzameš lahko eno od prvih dveh in eno od drugih dveh, nikakor pa ne prvih dveh skupaj in tudi ne drugih dveh skupaj.

Tega je še precej:

.Lower Healthcare Insurance Premiums
.Cut Prescription Drug Prices
.Put Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare System
.End Surprise Billing
.Cover All Pre-Existing Conditions

Izberi ali prvo ali katero od ostalih, drugače pač ne bo šlo. Te stvari lahko dosežeš na kakšen drugačen način, ampak tisto bi pomenilo, da slediš Bidnu.

Samuel ::

Plan Demokratov je nekaj takega:
- defund police
- open borders
- take all arms, so people cannot defend
- rise taxes
- green deal

V povezavi in supportom Kitajske. Ker rise taxes in green everything dvigne cene proizvodnje v ZDA in industrija se potem seli kam? Na Kitajsko, ane. Na kratko. Plan Demokratov je destrukcija ZDA.

pa še:
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Truga ::

lol a si resen? biden/kopmala defund police? open borders? rise taxes? green deal?


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Truga ()

Pac-Man ::

RNC prejšnjo noč, povzetek iz


After the thing about HBCUs last night, the RNC is hitting "Donald Trump, Friend of the Black Man" pretty hard. Which dovetails nicely with "the black men are coming for your suburban homes" theme.
"Hi, I'm Rand Paul, and I hate my own voters, and I hate Donald Trump, but I know I have to get busy on kissing some ass so I have a job after this shitstorm."
Lobstah guy is one of the few people who didn't vote for Trump and now, after four years of disaster, has decided: "Yep, this is the guy."
Yes, moving the embassy to Jerusalem was all you ever heard about on the lobster boats.

Watching two nights of the RNC you'd think at least half of the Republican Party are African-Americans. Weird flex for a white nationalist party.
You can laugh at this Wisconsin guy, but they're aiming for another razor-thin win in Wisconsin and this is gonna work with some of them.
Lots of microtargeting for Trump tonight: Maine lobsters, Wisconsin dairy farmers. A clue to what @BillStepien et al are trying to accomplish his week.
RNC presentations showing Trump's strategy. Lose the popular vote by a landslide but pull that Electoral College inside straight again. Really, it makes sense. It's his only hope.
Pam Bondi. With an anti-corruption message. You can't say they don't have chutzpah.
Bondi making the pitch for Biden as a tool of the Chinese commies, because Trumpers will not remember Trump's many tongue-baths of Xi.
Doublethink is the only way these people survive without their entire autonomic system shutting down.
Running a Susan B. Anthony quote after the presentation from the "men should vote for their wives" woman is actually such a daring "fuck-you" move that I am almost in awe of it.
Yes, Tiffany Trump is just another recent graduate looking for a job. Tonight's theme is sheer ballsiness.
I'll say this: Tiffany seems like an actual human being, unlike Ivanka, a Gen-3 Synth created by the Institute.
Nick Sandmann is making the case that President Trump should be re-elected to fight back against cancel culture and against media bias.
Context: Trump just called for a boycott of Goodyear tires and has attacked the media for often reporting facts that he doesn't agree with.

Have to credit @SarahLongwell25 on this observation: Watching the RNC, I feel no connection to anyone in it. My version: feels like being stuck at the worst office party in history, like the Nakatomi Plaza but the kidnappers are the hosts
The NM police officer: Good segment. I think it's bullshit to believe that Trump cares about opioids, but this was a good segment.
Lt. Gov Nunez is staring right through the camera and burning my eyebrows off. Also, more stories of Cuban communism. I assume this is aimed at Florida, and at old people who think Joe Biden is gonna let the Bolshies take over.
Message: "Trump doesn't hate brown people as much as he clearly hates brown people. Tell your annoying liberal niece that you saw him swear in some brown foreigners with your own eyes."
It's like he's using his powers as President in the same way as a stage magician. You're pardoned! You're a citizen! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!
Trump reading the resume of the new citizens is so sad. My immigrant ancestors came here as people of the lowest station; what made America great was not that they were accomplished, but that America accepted us as long as we accepted the idea that was America.

Eric Trump's speech was more effective than Trump's opponents will want to credit. However, it's weird how the Trump kids make it sound like the only way they can talk to their dad is to address him during a speech at a quadrennial political convention.
Pompeo's speech is a hideous moment in a night of hideous moments. It's also a reminder that he, like the GOP, counts on the viewer to be too stupid to know it's a litany of bullshit.
Zero social distancing in the Rose Garden, because one must court death in order to gain the approval of the Dear Leader.
Melania is giving a nice Rotary Club speech that deftly avoids mentioning anyone she might be married to.
This is a Seinfeld speech. It's about nothing. It's certainly not about Donald Trump, other than Melania saying that she's "always admired" Donald's commitment to his country - shya, I'm sure - and then a segue into "which is why I launched Be Best."
"I urge people to come together in a civil manner." Good to see that tonight's "Holy crap, what chutzpah" theme is holding right to the end.
Melania asking us to focus on the nation's drug crisis. Having watched her husband's pressers and Don Jr's speech last night, I can believe her concern on this is genuine.
She is *not* gonna kiss him on the lips, despite two tries. The woman has standards.

I want Joe Biden to recapture the White House. Literally, the actual White House. This whole thing was an abomination to the WH, and that building has seen a lot.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Samuel ::

Kaj je že point postanja mnenj nekih never-Trumperjev?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

dild0idis ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Kaj je že point postanja mnenj nekih never-Trumperjev?

Vsakič, ko Paco posta enega brezveznega never-Trumperja se mu tole zgodi:


sufficiently addressed protest related violence in American cities? VOTE now at
http://Smerconish.com – current tally:

Trenutno cca. 80% ljudi (cca 100k glasov) pravi NE!


Čisto spodaj je anketa in lahko tudi sami glasujete.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

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