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Volitve v ZDA 2020
Temo vidijo: vsi

Fritz ::
1. Zapiranje, ustrahovanje in utišanje zdravnikov, ki so govorili o novi pljučnici v decembru ne šteje? Ignoriranje tajvanskih dokazov, da se okužba prenaša s človeka na človeka ne šteje? Zavračanje prihoda CDC, zakaj že? Kako se reče temu, da so v času, ko je bil Vuhan v karanteni, dovolili letalske polete iz zaprtega območja v tujino?
2. Azijci okrog zgodovinskega legla pandemij (Kitajske) so očitno že skapirali, da s Kitajske v smislu mikrobov ne pride veliko dobrega in so veliko bolj previdni, zato so tudi v tem primeru odreagirali pravočasno in bolj učinkovito kot drugje.
Ne, ne šteje ker noben režim ne mara panike in tisto, kar je bilo znanstveno potrjeno je šlo na WHO. Takoj ko so imeli dokaze o prenosu s človeka na človeka so to sporočili WHO. Ne vem kje bi Tajvan imel decembra dokaze o prenosu s človeka na človeka, ko tedaj na Tajvanu še ni bilo okužb. Se pa to lepo vidi v teh prispevkih..prvo Trumpovo preusmerjanje pozornosti na podlagi naj bi in morda:
In priznanje Tajvancev, da so opozarjali na verjetno možnost glede na izkušnje s SARS a so do znanstvenih dokazov prišli šele s Kitajci, ko so poslali ekipe v Wuhan..kar pomeni, da so zagotovo vedeli tedaj kot vsi drugi, ko so Kitajci to potrdili in o tem obvestili WHO:
Seveda pa je tu še politično prerivanje, ker ZDA priznavajo Taiwan, Kitajska in večina članic OZN pa ne in OZN se ne želi zameriti Kitajski, ki je eden glavnih podpornikov organizacije.
Na kitajskem je bila kopica tujih strokovnjakov, tudi Tajvanci, zato ne vem od kot sedaj ta zgodba o zavračanju prihoda CDC razen če je mišljeno to sedaj, ko bi Američani radi kao nekaj preverjali po svoje. Tega jim ne bi dovolila nobena resna država.
Glede poletov:
Wuhan’s local government announced the shutdown of all urban transport network and a suspension of outgoing flights from the morning of 23 January.
Kasneje so bili dovoljeni poleti za evakuacijo državljanov drugih držav. Kitajska pa si je res prizadevala, da ne bi zaprli celoten letalski promet iz Kitajske, tako kot si je Italija prizadevala, da ne bi zaprli meja, ker je bila bolezen kao v samo nekaj regijah in ker - EKONOMIJA. Tam nekje v marcu so vsi dojeli, da je to nujno. In še zdaj jokcajo, ker bo veliko letalskih prevoznikov propadlo.
Nekatere azijske države so bolj pripravljene in bolj upoštevajo avtoriteto, zato so jo bolje odnesle. Nič drugega. Vse nalezljive bolezni tudi ne pridejo s Kitajske. MERS je prišel z bližnjega vzhoda, španska gripa ni prišla iz Španije temveč iz ZDA itn. Prfi teh zadevah je treba imeti dobro pripravljen in razdelan sistem ukrepov, zaloge opreme in tudi biti malo paranoičen. Zadnje dve zadevi vedno trčita z EKONOMIJO.
Ne razumem kako lahko tako zlahka požirate Trumpovo propagando katere edini namen je odvrniti pozornost od katastrofalno slabega odziva vodstva ZDA na epidemijo. In eden od glavnih razlogov za katastrofalen odziv in neumnosti, ki jih sedaj vsakodnevno počne Trumpo je, ugani kaj, EKONOMIJA.
Sicer pa, če bi si vzel 2 minuti za preverjanje ameriške propagande z navadnim googlanjem, ne bi po nepotrebnem zapravila kopice bitov na ST strežniku.
Se bomo vrnili na topic, drugič.
Odgovor sem pisal vmes

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()

Pac-Man ::
Kot sem že napisal, povsem možno, da so se dogajale seksistične fore, to je bilo v dobi pred Moniko, ampak posilstvo je prišlo v igro šele letos, ko je Berni spušil.
Earlier this year Biden was hit with an accusation that he assaulted a former member of his staff in 1993. The accuser, Tara Reade, said she had also filed a formal complaint of sexual harassment about her time working in Biden's office but does not have a copy. She said the harassment complaint did not include details of the assault.
Reade claims Biden, then a senator from Delaware, pushed her against a wall while she was running an errand and groped her, penetrating her with his fingers. Biden’s presidential campaign office had denied Reade’s account, but he had not addressed it directly until Friday, when he issued a statement forcefully denying the claims, saying, “This never happened.”
Earlier this year Biden was hit with an accusation that he assaulted a former member of his staff in 1993. The accuser, Tara Reade, said she had also filed a formal complaint of sexual harassment about her time working in Biden's office but does not have a copy. She said the harassment complaint did not include details of the assault.
Reade claims Biden, then a senator from Delaware, pushed her against a wall while she was running an errand and groped her, penetrating her with his fingers. Biden’s presidential campaign office had denied Reade’s account, but he had not addressed it directly until Friday, when he issued a statement forcefully denying the claims, saying, “This never happened.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VaeVictis ::
Samo par zadev.
WHO je dolgo časa govoril bedarije (dokumentirano) in to je dejstvo.
Kitajci niso pustili tujim strokovnjakom, da pridejo v Wuhan je tudi dejstvo (dokumentirano), celo WHO je razlagal (dokumentirano), da njihovih strokovnjakov ne pustijo na Kitajsko (seveda tole sedaj zanikajo, če pa greš brati članke in komentarje iz tistega časa, je to očitno).
Mediji so se na začetku te corona kriza ukvarjali s tem, da je Trumpova skupina preveč bela.
Danes mediji in tudi določeni tukaj razlagajo, da je Trump rekel, da je zadeva hoax, zadeva je false, ampak bomo ponavljali še vedno, ker "Orange man bad"
Kitajci so zamolčali določene zadeve oz. jih niso hoteli deliti z drugimi je tudi dejstvo.
In dejstvo je, da če bi Kitajska in WHO delovala, tako kakor bi morala, bi bil odziv vseh držav drugačen.
Če pa je vse na državah samih, kar eni tukaj razlagajo, se pa sprašujem, zakaj potem sploh potrebujemo WHO?
To, da je Covid-19 prišel iz kitajske in mu eni pravijo kitajski virus, je zate rasistično ali ne?
Glede Biden in #meeToo pa samo tole:
Ampak ja, daj razlagajmo še naprej, da so mediji in internetni velikani kredibilni in se do desničarjev in levičarjev obnašajo enako.
Tole je še bolj problematično za Bidena (vir je dvomljiv zaenkrat):
Biden Told 14-Year-Old Girl She Was ‘Well Endowed’ In 2008 – ‘He Looked Me Up & Down’
Samo par zadev.
WHO je dolgo časa govoril bedarije (dokumentirano) in to je dejstvo.
Kitajci niso pustili tujim strokovnjakom, da pridejo v Wuhan je tudi dejstvo (dokumentirano), celo WHO je razlagal (dokumentirano), da njihovih strokovnjakov ne pustijo na Kitajsko (seveda tole sedaj zanikajo, če pa greš brati članke in komentarje iz tistega časa, je to očitno).
Mediji so se na začetku te corona kriza ukvarjali s tem, da je Trumpova skupina preveč bela.
Danes mediji in tudi določeni tukaj razlagajo, da je Trump rekel, da je zadeva hoax, zadeva je false, ampak bomo ponavljali še vedno, ker "Orange man bad"
Kitajci so zamolčali določene zadeve oz. jih niso hoteli deliti z drugimi je tudi dejstvo.
In dejstvo je, da če bi Kitajska in WHO delovala, tako kakor bi morala, bi bil odziv vseh držav drugačen.
Če pa je vse na državah samih, kar eni tukaj razlagajo, se pa sprašujem, zakaj potem sploh potrebujemo WHO?
To, da je Covid-19 prišel iz kitajske in mu eni pravijo kitajski virus, je zate rasistično ali ne?
Glede Biden in #meeToo pa samo tole:
Ampak ja, daj razlagajmo še naprej, da so mediji in internetni velikani kredibilni in se do desničarjev in levičarjev obnašajo enako.
Tole je še bolj problematično za Bidena (vir je dvomljiv zaenkrat):
Biden Told 14-Year-Old Girl She Was ‘Well Endowed’ In 2008 – ‘He Looked Me Up & Down’
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VaeVictis ()

VaeVictis ::
ps: Pa še ena zadeve glede kredibilnosti medijev, če je kdo kaj spremljal CNN je videl kako je revež Chris "Fredo" Cuomo preživljal korona krizo in kako je CNN o tem dnevno poročal in je zadnji dan "izolaacije" kakor čudež Chris Cuomo prišel iz svoje kleti in videl svojo družino po dolgem času. Vmes je celo Sanjay Gupta razlagal, kaj vse se vidi na rentegnu pljuč Cuoma.
Problem vsega tega poročanja CNN je v tem, da je sam Chris "Fredo" Cuomo razlagal, da ga je napadal "fat tire biker" v svoji oddaji na Sirius XM, tale "fat tire biker", ga je videl v času, ko sta CNN in Cuomo poročala, da je v karanteni, na Cuomovi posesti v Hamptonsih z družino, naj bi celo dal na policiji izjavi, ker mu je Chris Cuomo grozil.
BTW Chris "Fredo" Cuomo je brat Andrew Cuoma, ki je guverner New Yorka in ga vsi levi mediji na polno hvalijo, kako dobro mu gre s krizo.
Problem vsega tega poročanja CNN je v tem, da je sam Chris "Fredo" Cuomo razlagal, da ga je napadal "fat tire biker" v svoji oddaji na Sirius XM, tale "fat tire biker", ga je videl v času, ko sta CNN in Cuomo poročala, da je v karanteni, na Cuomovi posesti v Hamptonsih z družino, naj bi celo dal na policiji izjavi, ker mu je Chris Cuomo grozil.
BTW Chris "Fredo" Cuomo je brat Andrew Cuoma, ki je guverner New Yorka in ga vsi levi mediji na polno hvalijo, kako dobro mu gre s krizo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VaeVictis ()

VaeVictis ::
Ej Paco, ti si bolj na tekočem, kaj tvoji novinarski viri pravijo glede Michael Flynn-a in aktivne vloge FBI pri priznanju krivde Flynna.

Fritz ::
@ vaevictis
Govoriš o dejstvih, ki jih ni.
Nekako v stilu tega:
Govoriš o dejstvih, ki jih ni.
Nekako v stilu tega:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

VaeVictis ::
@ vaevictis
Govoriš o dejstvih, ki jih ni.
Res, tole je potem vse laž?
C.D.C. and W.H.O. Offers to Help China Have Been Ignored for Weeks
The Comprehensive Timeline of China’s COVID-19 Lies
Pa še tole odgovori:
To, da je Covid-19 prišel iz kitajske in mu eni pravijo kitajski virus, je zate rasistično ali ne?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VaeVictis ()

Fritz ::
Ne rečem, da so Kitajci naredili vse kot je prav a so bili tuji znanstveniki prisotni in WHO prisotni.
Sedanja gonja proti Kitajski nima nič s tem ali se je širjenje virusa lahko ustavilo ali ne, ker bi se ga dalo, če bi večina držav šla v takojšnje omejitve in karantene temveč s tem, da marsikje, primarno v ZDA, niso naredili nič in imajo sedaj štalo.
Recimo da vse teorije zarote držijo, da je kitajska proizvedla virus v laboratoriju, da je namenoma lagala o ukrepih in številu žrtev in da ni naredila dovolj v boju zoper koronavirus. Tudi, če bi vse to bilo res...kaj potem. A bo to spremenilo potek epidemije v Evropi in ZDA?
So pa zgodbe očitno zelo politično usmerjene. UK naj bi sedaj zaradi koronavirusa opustile idejo, da bodo 5G omrežje gradila kitajska podjetja.
Vprašanje o kitajskem virusu je butasto v evropskem okolju. Meni je vseeno kako rečemo virusu, dokler govorimo o isti zadevi. V ZDA, kjer si bedaki vbrizgavajo belilo, ker je tako rekel stabilni genij pa je izraz problematičen, ker so se posamezniki res znašali nad nič krivimi Američani kitajskega porekla.
Sedanja gonja proti Kitajski nima nič s tem ali se je širjenje virusa lahko ustavilo ali ne, ker bi se ga dalo, če bi večina držav šla v takojšnje omejitve in karantene temveč s tem, da marsikje, primarno v ZDA, niso naredili nič in imajo sedaj štalo.
Recimo da vse teorije zarote držijo, da je kitajska proizvedla virus v laboratoriju, da je namenoma lagala o ukrepih in številu žrtev in da ni naredila dovolj v boju zoper koronavirus. Tudi, če bi vse to bilo res...kaj potem. A bo to spremenilo potek epidemije v Evropi in ZDA?
So pa zgodbe očitno zelo politično usmerjene. UK naj bi sedaj zaradi koronavirusa opustile idejo, da bodo 5G omrežje gradila kitajska podjetja.
Vprašanje o kitajskem virusu je butasto v evropskem okolju. Meni je vseeno kako rečemo virusu, dokler govorimo o isti zadevi. V ZDA, kjer si bedaki vbrizgavajo belilo, ker je tako rekel stabilni genij pa je izraz problematičen, ker so se posamezniki res znašali nad nič krivimi Američani kitajskega porekla.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Tole je še bolj problematično za Bidena (vir je dvomljiv zaenkrat):
Biden Told 14-Year-Old Girl She Was ‘Well Endowed’ In 2008 – ‘He Looked Me Up & Down’
Hvaljenje ziz 14-letnice se ti zdi bolj problematično od vstavljanja prstov v spolovilo 29-letnice medtem ko se jo grabi za vrat in pritiska ob steno? Okidoki.
Donald Trump Discusses His Baby Daughter's legs and breasts (1994)
Ej Paco, ti si bolj na tekočem, kaj tvoji novinarski viri pravijo glede Michael Flynn-a in aktivne vloge FBI pri priznanju krivde Flynna.
En kup sranja.
Druge novice: v Teksasu sta Biden in Trump poravnana
Texas @ppppolls / @demtoolbox (D) Poll:
Biden 47%
Trump 46%
(Trump won TX with a 9 point margin in 2016)
V Severni Karolini ima Biden lepo prednost
NORTH CAROLINA WH'2020 poll (Meredith College):
Biden 47
Trump 40
Trump 41 approve, 53 disapprove.
Who do you trust to reopen state?
Gov. Cooper 63
Trump 27
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::
Biden je le mehkejša in bolj dementna verzija Trumpa. V bistvenem imata enake politike. Oba sta tudi Israel Firsterja.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()

Pac-Man ::
Slap my ass and call me Sally, Tara gre s polnim plinom vzvratno. V prijavi l. 1993 je omenila samo, da so mu bile všeč njene noge in je želel da kelnari, v intervjuju pred enim letom, da se ga ni bala.
Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who alleges Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, has said she filed a limited report with a congressional personnel office that did not explicitly accuse him of sexual assault or harassment.
“I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,” Reade said. “I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.”
Reade said she described her issues with Biden, then a senator from Delaware, but “the main word I used – and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment – I used ‘uncomfortable’. And I remember ‘retaliation’.”
During one of the April 2019 interviews with the AP, Reade said Biden rubbed her shoulders and neck and played with her hair. She said she was asked by an aide in Biden’s Senate office to dress more conservatively and told: “Don’t be so sexy.”
She said of Biden: “I wasn’t scared of him, that he was going to take me in a room or anything. It wasn’t that kind of vibe.”
Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who alleges Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, has said she filed a limited report with a congressional personnel office that did not explicitly accuse him of sexual assault or harassment.
“I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,” Reade said. “I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.”
Reade said she described her issues with Biden, then a senator from Delaware, but “the main word I used – and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment – I used ‘uncomfortable’. And I remember ‘retaliation’.”
During one of the April 2019 interviews with the AP, Reade said Biden rubbed her shoulders and neck and played with her hair. She said she was asked by an aide in Biden’s Senate office to dress more conservatively and told: “Don’t be so sexy.”
She said of Biden: “I wasn’t scared of him, that he was going to take me in a room or anything. It wasn’t that kind of vibe.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
En problem pri obtožbah na bidnov račun - bil je podpredsednik. Preden postaneš podpredsednik gredo zelo natančno skozi tvojo zgodovino.
Bill Jeffress, the lawyer who led the vetting of @JoeBiden to be Obama's running mate in 2008, told ABC's @marykbruce they found no complaint of sexual harassment against Biden during their background search.
"We would have learned about that kind of complaint," Jeffress said.
"We particularly were looking for any complaints that had been made about him. We found none," Jeffress said of his team's 2 month search.
Asked about any complaints against Biden of inappropriate touching that arose, Jeffress said: "not a hint of that in '08."
.@EricHolder, who helped vet Biden in ‘08, to @billmaher last night on Reade’s accusation: “I've known Joe Biden for 20, 25 years. What has been described is inconsistent with the person who I've come to know and I worked with.”
Donald ne bo ravno vesel:
Sen. Lindsey Graham defended @JoeBiden tonight on Fox: “I've known Joe Biden for 20 years. I’ve traveled the world with him. I've never seen him do anything untoward toward a woman, I've never heard anything about him being inappropriate."
Sen. Graham said that he’s never believed “the Joe Biden I know” would do something like this “until you convince me otherwise,” added that any records should be made public.
Bill Jeffress, the lawyer who led the vetting of @JoeBiden to be Obama's running mate in 2008, told ABC's @marykbruce they found no complaint of sexual harassment against Biden during their background search.
"We would have learned about that kind of complaint," Jeffress said.
"We particularly were looking for any complaints that had been made about him. We found none," Jeffress said of his team's 2 month search.
Asked about any complaints against Biden of inappropriate touching that arose, Jeffress said: "not a hint of that in '08."
.@EricHolder, who helped vet Biden in ‘08, to @billmaher last night on Reade’s accusation: “I've known Joe Biden for 20, 25 years. What has been described is inconsistent with the person who I've come to know and I worked with.”
Donald ne bo ravno vesel:
Sen. Lindsey Graham defended @JoeBiden tonight on Fox: “I've known Joe Biden for 20 years. I’ve traveled the world with him. I've never seen him do anything untoward toward a woman, I've never heard anything about him being inappropriate."
Sen. Graham said that he’s never believed “the Joe Biden I know” would do something like this “until you convince me otherwise,” added that any records should be made public.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Whenever you guys send me links to anything that has the term "Navy SEAL" in the headline.
Whenever you guys send me links to anything that has the term "Navy SEAL" in the headline.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VaeVictis ::
Whenever you guys send me links to anything that has the term "Navy SEAL" in the headline.
Nekaj v tem smislu...
DeAnna Lorraine
For the #TrumpIsNotADoctor crowd...
Bill Nye is not a scientist.
Greta Thunberg is not a climate expert.
Hillary Clinton is not a President.
AOC is not an economist.
CNN is not a news network.
Joe Biden is not winning in 2020.
...and Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

sesobebo ::
edina razlika je pomoje v tem da trumo pise obratno od zdravnikov, vsi ostali v tej listi se pa z strokovnjaki strinjajo

VaeVictis ::
edina razlika je pomoje v tem da trumo pise obratno od zdravnikov, vsi ostali v tej listi se pa z strokovnjaki strinjajo
TDS is strong with this one!
Strokovnjaki se strinjajo, da je Hillary predsednica?
Strokovnjaki se strinjajo z ekonomskimi nasveti, ki jih daje AOC?
Strokovnjaki se strinjajo, da Greta kritizira SAMO zahodni svet, Kitajske, Indije, ... pa ne?
Kaj vse tukaj prebereš...

Pac-Man ::
Nekaj v tem smislu...
DeAnna Lorraine
For the #TrumpIsNotADoctor crowd...
Bill Nye is not a scientist.
Greta Thunberg is not a climate expert.
Hillary Clinton is not a President.
AOC is not an economist.
CNN is not a news network.
Joe Biden is not winning in 2020.
...and Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
Bill Nye ima strojniško diplomo iz Cornella, par let je delal pri Boeingu.
Bill Nye @ Wikipedia
Greta vztraja, da se posluša znanstvenike.
Hillary res ni predsednica, je pa dobila več glasov kot Donald.
AOC ima diplomo iz mednarodnih odnosov in ekonomije.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @ Wikipedia
BTW, je prva političarka po JFK s tročrkovno kodo? Dober branding.
CNN je definitivno novičarska TV.
Biden bo zelo verjetno zmagal.
2020 - ko predsednik ZDA širi teorije zarote. Zgornji tvit je dobil njegov retvit, kar je tudi edini vzrok, da veš za njegov obstoj.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Dobra nit na povezavi:
This is how Americans now interpret freedom: Not as a political condition in a democratic society, but as a constant chant of "you're not the boss of me." This is not freedom, or at least not freedom in any political sense. It's a child-like understanding of autonomy.
This is how Americans now interpret freedom: Not as a political condition in a democratic society, but as a constant chant of "you're not the boss of me." This is not freedom, or at least not freedom in any political sense. It's a child-like understanding of autonomy.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

TineTone ::

Fritz ::
Biden bo zelo verjetno zmagal.
Kaj pa believe all wamen na demokratski strani? A so tudi demokrati seksistični posiljevalci?
Trumpu to ni nič škodovalo pri republikancih, kolikor se spomnim. Grab them by the pussy...
Tele x-deset let stare obtožbe brez uradnih zaznamkov in sodb sodišč se mi zdijo čisto mimo, zato Bidna nisem kritiziral zaradi tega. Se mi pa zdi Biden zelo slaba izbira proti Trumpu, ki je zelo zelo slaba izbira. Če izbiraš med dvema slabima možnostma, ni razloga za kakšno veliko zadovoljstvo.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

TineTone ::
Trumpu to ni nič škodovalo pri republikancih, kolikor se spomnim. Grab them by the pussy...
Tele x-deset let stare obtožbe brez uradnih zaznamkov in sodb sodišč se mi zdijo čisto mimo, zato Bidna nisem kritiziral zaradi tega.
Kavanaugh je bil na zaslišni klopi po obtožbah, mediji so se vsi križali ob domnevnih dejanjih Trumpa.
Za Beidna pa CNN briše posnetke iz arhivov ki kažejo da so obtožbe utemeljene.

Pac-Man ::
Čez noč je imel Trump townhall s Fox News pred lincolnovim spomenikom.
Nichols je tvital v živo, povzetek:
Trump looks like a pile of gunpowder flash-fried his face. Yikes.
He’s banging the gong about hydroxychloroquine, and saying will have a vaccine by the end of the year, even though he admits the doctors have told him not to say that.
Fox interviewers let him spool off and didn’t challenge him on a single thing about hydroxychloroquine.
A question about why he lost so much time. And he resorts to what he’s been saying for weeks, that he closed the country to China while Nancy Pelosi was having parties in San Francisco.
Trump now saying that he was told on January 23 that there could be a virus coming but that it wouldn’t be a big deal. He says at that point he wanted to close everything down but the people in the room talked him out of it. This is amazing amounts of hallucination going on here.
Basically, he just threw the intelligence community under the bus, saying that they didn’t really make it a big deal, but that he had the foresight to know it was going to be a problem.
Asked what he thinks about the criticism of holding a Town hall in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Trump says - and I am not making this up - that he had no idea, and he thought Fox picked the venue.
“Do you think you’re bringing America together?“
“I think we were winning big and then this terrible thing happened.“
He is absolutely not capable of comprehending the question he was asked.
Asked about how to keep restaurants afloat, says the supply chain is going to be in great shape because he did things with the defense production act.
“It is the most contagious thing we’ve ever seen“
And... 1917
he then claims that the Spanish flu probably ended World War I because so many people were sick.
This was in response to a question about nursing homes.
Javits Center!
Army Corps of Engineers!
Asked how to stimulate demand even if places reopen, Trump says “well we have to get rid of the virus“
An elementary school teacher who tells him that she really supports him and prays for him asks him to stop being a bully and stop rambling and to let go of his negative behaviors.
Trump replies by saying he’s been treated worse than Abraham Lincoln.
I am not making this up.
His response to the elementary school teacher who asked him to not ramble and be negative is a masterpiece of rambling and negativity. He is still talking. Space force, Soleimani, how much the media hates him. Holy shnikes. Baier finally stops him.
Empty cupboards. No ammunition. Ventilators. Speaking to heads of other countries who are desperate for ventilators.
this is in response to a question from Baier about whether the election will be a referendum on him.
They read him Joe Biden’s tweet about being unprepared, and Trump’s response is that Biden didn’t write it, some smart young kid did. And then he went back into the “but I closed China” riff, swine flu, the Middle East.
A student asked him his plan to be more fiscally responsible in a second term, and he says: we have billions of dollars coming in from other countries paying for “military protection“ as well as Chinese tariffs.
He hasn’t answered a single question and the reporters don’t care.
Trump just said that his biggest fan in the whole world is the secretary general of NATO.
I don’t have a punchline for that one.
McCallum asked him why all the antibiotics are made in China and asked him for a date that America will be self-sufficient in antibiotics.
Trump’s answer on medicines is that all of his predecessors were stupid.
Trump, when pressed, decides to make up a number: we will be self-sufficient in antibiotics in two years. He then says forcing him to answer a question like that is “taking away his cards“ for the future.
Your uncle will be throwing that number at you at a cookout this summer.
What fresh hell Businessman asking about lifting the tariffs because they’re costing him so much money. Trump answers by saying he’s giving that tariff money to the farmers. I don’t think the guy who asked this is going to like that answer.
Martha McCallum of State TV is trying to be helpful and advises the president to tell the businessman to maybe buy stuff from other suppliers beside China. Trump throws the life preserver back at her and goes on with his ramble.
Baier is also trying to help Trump out of a hole, trying to get him to back off on the tariff threat because of the markets. Trump is too stupid to know that the people from State TV are trying to help him.
Basically, Trump told a guy getting hit by tariffs not to worry, because he’s giving the money to farmers. Because he thinks the guy who asked the question believes, as he does, that China is paying the tariffs.
Trump is now claiming that the Chinese intentionally let people travel all over the world, so that China would not suffer the economic effect of the virus alone.
McCallum asked him if this changes how he feels about Xi, Trump immediately goes into weenie mode: he’s a strong man, etc.
Viewer asks: how can we ensure the safety of airline passengers
Trump: we probably saved your airline
That, of course, was not the question.
I will give credit to McCallum for this question: she’s asking him if the West Point graduation is worth the risk
Trump refers to the military school where they stashed him as a “mini West Point“
Trump is now basically saying that it wasn’t his idea to do West Point, but they asked him to do it
Trump on West Point: There’s no risk. They wanted me to speak. I didn’t want to speak...
Zdajle sem zavrtel video na zadnjem twitu. Tip je shiny AF. Močvirje naredi svoje.
Podoben kiks kot na prvi predsedniški debati na TV, ko je Nixon zavrnil make up.
Nichols je tvital v živo, povzetek:
Trump looks like a pile of gunpowder flash-fried his face. Yikes.
He’s banging the gong about hydroxychloroquine, and saying will have a vaccine by the end of the year, even though he admits the doctors have told him not to say that.
Fox interviewers let him spool off and didn’t challenge him on a single thing about hydroxychloroquine.
A question about why he lost so much time. And he resorts to what he’s been saying for weeks, that he closed the country to China while Nancy Pelosi was having parties in San Francisco.
Trump now saying that he was told on January 23 that there could be a virus coming but that it wouldn’t be a big deal. He says at that point he wanted to close everything down but the people in the room talked him out of it. This is amazing amounts of hallucination going on here.
Basically, he just threw the intelligence community under the bus, saying that they didn’t really make it a big deal, but that he had the foresight to know it was going to be a problem.
Asked what he thinks about the criticism of holding a Town hall in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Trump says - and I am not making this up - that he had no idea, and he thought Fox picked the venue.
“Do you think you’re bringing America together?“
“I think we were winning big and then this terrible thing happened.“
He is absolutely not capable of comprehending the question he was asked.
Asked about how to keep restaurants afloat, says the supply chain is going to be in great shape because he did things with the defense production act.
“It is the most contagious thing we’ve ever seen“
And... 1917
he then claims that the Spanish flu probably ended World War I because so many people were sick.
This was in response to a question about nursing homes.
Javits Center!
Army Corps of Engineers!
Asked how to stimulate demand even if places reopen, Trump says “well we have to get rid of the virus“
An elementary school teacher who tells him that she really supports him and prays for him asks him to stop being a bully and stop rambling and to let go of his negative behaviors.
Trump replies by saying he’s been treated worse than Abraham Lincoln.
I am not making this up.
His response to the elementary school teacher who asked him to not ramble and be negative is a masterpiece of rambling and negativity. He is still talking. Space force, Soleimani, how much the media hates him. Holy shnikes. Baier finally stops him.
Empty cupboards. No ammunition. Ventilators. Speaking to heads of other countries who are desperate for ventilators.
this is in response to a question from Baier about whether the election will be a referendum on him.
They read him Joe Biden’s tweet about being unprepared, and Trump’s response is that Biden didn’t write it, some smart young kid did. And then he went back into the “but I closed China” riff, swine flu, the Middle East.
A student asked him his plan to be more fiscally responsible in a second term, and he says: we have billions of dollars coming in from other countries paying for “military protection“ as well as Chinese tariffs.
He hasn’t answered a single question and the reporters don’t care.
Trump just said that his biggest fan in the whole world is the secretary general of NATO.
I don’t have a punchline for that one.
McCallum asked him why all the antibiotics are made in China and asked him for a date that America will be self-sufficient in antibiotics.
Trump’s answer on medicines is that all of his predecessors were stupid.
Trump, when pressed, decides to make up a number: we will be self-sufficient in antibiotics in two years. He then says forcing him to answer a question like that is “taking away his cards“ for the future.
Your uncle will be throwing that number at you at a cookout this summer.
What fresh hell Businessman asking about lifting the tariffs because they’re costing him so much money. Trump answers by saying he’s giving that tariff money to the farmers. I don’t think the guy who asked this is going to like that answer.
Martha McCallum of State TV is trying to be helpful and advises the president to tell the businessman to maybe buy stuff from other suppliers beside China. Trump throws the life preserver back at her and goes on with his ramble.
Baier is also trying to help Trump out of a hole, trying to get him to back off on the tariff threat because of the markets. Trump is too stupid to know that the people from State TV are trying to help him.
Basically, Trump told a guy getting hit by tariffs not to worry, because he’s giving the money to farmers. Because he thinks the guy who asked the question believes, as he does, that China is paying the tariffs.
Trump is now claiming that the Chinese intentionally let people travel all over the world, so that China would not suffer the economic effect of the virus alone.
McCallum asked him if this changes how he feels about Xi, Trump immediately goes into weenie mode: he’s a strong man, etc.
Viewer asks: how can we ensure the safety of airline passengers
Trump: we probably saved your airline
That, of course, was not the question.
I will give credit to McCallum for this question: she’s asking him if the West Point graduation is worth the risk
Trump refers to the military school where they stashed him as a “mini West Point“
Trump is now basically saying that it wasn’t his idea to do West Point, but they asked him to do it
Trump on West Point: There’s no risk. They wanted me to speak. I didn’t want to speak...
Zdajle sem zavrtel video na zadnjem twitu. Tip je shiny AF. Močvirje naredi svoje.
Podoben kiks kot na prvi predsedniški debati na TV, ko je Nixon zavrnil make up.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Kaj pa believe all wamen na demokratski strani? A so tudi demokrati seksistični posiljevalci?
in to, Fox News
NEW: Fox has obtained a letter from former VP of the First State Gridiron Dinner saying @JoeBiden did not attend the event on May 3, 2008. I have also obtained Biden's personal schedule for the day, which shows that an aide went in his place.
Biden had a minor surgery that week.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Anti-Trump scena z desne se na veliko šlepa na Reaganove oglase.
Ronald Reagan TV Ad: "The Bear"
original in verzija iz 2012 s katero so šli nad Obamo, ne vem če ista ekipa
ter novo
Ronald Reagan TV Ad: "The Bear"
original in verzija iz 2012 s katero so šli nad Obamo, ne vem če ista ekipa
ter novo
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

c3p0 ::

zmaugy ::
Ne vem kako bojo ameriški volilci reagirali na to, da se v ZDA v času Donalda Trumpa uvajajo vsi najslabši elementi socializma, kot na primer omejitev števila kosov mesnih izdelkov, ki jih lahko kupec naenkrat vzame v trgovini:
Kaj sledi, vrste za kruh in pomanjkanje cekret papirja v The Land of the free?
Kaj sledi, vrste za kruh in pomanjkanje cekret papirja v The Land of the free?

PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

zmaugy ::
Glede na zgoraj napisano bo počasi treba za člane Levice organizirati s strani ameriških davkoplačevalcev plačan izlet v ZDA, kjer grejo ponosno po poti Venezuele z Velikim vodjem Trumpom na čelu...

PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Poldi112 ::
A se jajotu stolček trese, da je treba spet po Levici udrihati?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

zmaugy ::
Nimam pojma. Upam da, ko bo tele epidemije konec vsaj približno, se mu bo zatresel. Upam tudi, da ne bojo potem na oblast prišli enaki ali še hujši, ki se bojo razlikovali samo po tem, da so iz nasprotnega pola.
Še kakšno vprašanje?
Še kakšno vprašanje?
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Poldi112 ::
Ja, od kje potem potreba, da leta stare laži pregrevaš v povsem nepovezani temi?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

dild0idis ::
Ne vem kako bojo ameriški volilci reagirali na to, da se v ZDA v času Donalda Trumpa uvajajo vsi najslabši elementi socializma, kot na primer omejitev števila kosov mesnih izdelkov, ki jih lahko kupec naenkrat vzame v trgovini:
Kaj sledi, vrste za kruh in pomanjkanje cekret papirja v The Land of the free?![]()
BTW sedaj bi morali vsi Bernie supporterji, tudi ti na tem forumu, ploskati takim ukrepom, ker je Doni pripeljal venezuelski sistem v ZDA ali pa je vaš spoštovani TDS premočen?

mtosev ::
Vceraj je Trump pred Lincoln memorial razlagal kak v zgodovini ZDA se nikoli noben predsednik ni imel tako nepostenega press coverage kot on.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()

zmaugy ::
Ja, od kje potem potreba, da leta stare laži pregrevaš v povsem nepovezani temi?
Dej Poldi, ti ni nič nerodno, da takole lažeš? V prostem času na nekem brezveznem forumu? Groza.
Ne vem kako bojo ameriški volilci reagirali na to, da se v ZDA v času Donalda Trumpa uvajajo vsi najslabši elementi socializma, kot na primer omejitev števila kosov mesnih izdelkov, ki jih lahko kupec naenkrat vzame v trgovini:
Kaj sledi, vrste za kruh in pomanjkanje cekret papirja v The Land of the free?![]()
BTW sedaj bi morali vsi Bernie supporterji, tudi ti na tem forumu, ploskati takim ukrepom, ker je Doni pripeljal venezuelski sistem v ZDA ali pa je vaš spoštovani TDS premočen?
Če na položaju POTUSA ne bi imeli opravilno nesposobnega imbecila, se ZDA nikoli ne bi znašle v tem položaju.
Če bi bil POTUS Bernie, bi se ZDA spremenile v Kanado na steroidih. A v Kanadi je venezuelski sistem? Prvič slišim...
Vceraj je Trump pred Lincoln memorial razlagal kak v zgodovini ZDA se nikoli noben predsednik ni imel tako nepostenega pressa.
Bill Maher Trumpa kliče tudi "Whiny little bitch".
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

VaeVictis ::
Ah yes...
Our saviour Bernie Sanders!
Podpornik Joe Bidena, pedofila in posiljevalca!
ps: "Orange man bad!"
Our saviour Bernie Sanders!
Podpornik Joe Bidena, pedofila in posiljevalca!
ps: "Orange man bad!"

zmaugy ::
Ah yes..
Our saviour Bernie Sanders!
Podpornik Joe Bidena, pedofila in posiljevalca!
ps: "Orange man bad!"
A res? A to je še vse iz kleti picerije?
Na drugi strani imamo sluzastega Trumpa posnetega kako ogovarja majhno punčko in razlaga, da bo čez par let njen "fant".
Nagnusnež sluzasti...
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

cokotorta ::

zmaugy ::
edina razlika je pomoje v tem da trumo pise obratno od zdravnikov, vsi ostali v tej listi se pa z strokovnjaki strinjajo
strokovnjaki so tudi napovedali 90000 mrtvih v sloveniji aprila
In Trump je rekel, da bo aprila v ZDA nič okuženih.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

cokotorta ::
90000 mrtvih v sloveniji bi bilo enako kot ~17000000 mrtvih v ameriki, trumpova izjava da bo aprila 0 okuženih je bližje resnici kot to
sta pa seveda obe butasti
sta pa seveda obe butasti

zmaugy ::
90000 mrtvih v sloveniji bi bilo enako kot ~17000000 mrtvih v ameriki, trumpova izjava da bo aprila 0 okuženih je bližje resnici kot to
sta pa seveda obe butasti
Kateri strokovnjaki so napovedali 90000 mrtvih v Sloveniji?
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

cokotorta ::
novi vodja nijz
480000 okuženih in 90000 mrtvih
480000 okuženih in 90000 mrtvih
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cokotorta ()

bluefish ::
Brez zavajanja ne gre? 90.000 mrtvih je bila ocena v situaciji brez sprejetih ukrepov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bluefish ()

cokotorta ::
kako bi virus s smrtnostjo krepko pod 1% ubil 90000 ljudi v sloveniji? razen če bi nekateri umrli večkrat
v najbolj nerealsitičnem scenariju kjer se okužimo vsi hkrati in vsak, ki rabi intenzivno nego umre, bi bilo 60000 mrtvih
v najbolj nerealsitičnem scenariju kjer se okužimo vsi hkrati in vsak, ki rabi intenzivno nego umre, bi bilo 60000 mrtvih
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cokotorta ()

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

c3p0 ::
Po tem postu je jasno, da Biden nima šanse.
Zaenkrat mu kaže odlično.
Here we go again 2016... Pa se zlate ribice med sabo poznate, ali se vsak dan znova predstavite?

zmaugy ::
Po tem postu je jasno, da Biden nima šanse.
Zaenkrat mu kaže odlično.
Here we go again 2016... Pa se zlate ribice med sabo poznate, ali se vsak dan znova predstavite?
Smo že napisali, da v ZDA obstaja precedens, ko je bil bebec izvoljen dvakrat, to je bil G.W. Bush. Torej nas ponovna izvolitev Trumpa ne bi smela presenetiti, sploh če se bo spravil na Kitajsko. Po drugi strani pa bi morali njegovi res zabiti izpadi z vbrizgavanjem razkužila in presvetljevanjem in segrevanjem ljudi ameriške volilce resnično odvrniti od tega, da ga izvolijo še enkrat, ker tip res kaže povsem nepredstaljiv nivo retardiranosti.
Če ga res izvolijo še enkrat, potem so Američani pač butast narod.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Fritz ::
Smo že napisali, da v ZDA obstaja precedens, ko je bil bebec izvoljen dvakrat, to je bil G.W. Bush. Torej nas ponovna izvolitev Trumpa ne bi smela presenetiti, sploh če se bo spravil na Kitajsko. Po drugi strani pa bi morali njegovi res zabiti izpadi z vbrizgavanjem razkužila in presvetljevanjem in segrevanjem ljudi ameriške volilce resnično odvrniti od tega, da ga izvolijo še enkrat, ker tip res kaže povsem nepredstaljiv nivo retardiranosti.
Če ga res izvolijo še enkrat, potem so Američani pač butast narod.
Kot si sam rekel, obstaja precedens. Bomo videli, če se bo uprl skušnjavi in ne napadel Venezuele ali Irana, cause you don't change a president in a war.
Stavim na Venezuelo:
This South American country has an estimated $14.3 trillion worth of natural resources. It is the leading exporter of bauxite, coal, gold, iron ore, and oil. The country's oil reserves are greater than those of the United States, Canada, and Mexico combined. Venezuela is the third largest producer of coal after Brazil and Colombia. It also has the eighth largest reserves of natural gas accounting for 2.7% of the global supply. Venezuela also has the second-largest reserves of gold deposits.
Malce čudno piše, ker imajo največje naftne zaloge na svetu.
Seveda venezuelskemu ljudstvu ne privoščim vojne, gre le za mojo oceno.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

zmaugy ::
Danes so ujeli dva ameriška operativca v Venezueli. Morda se pa res ogrevajo. Meni se sicer zdi zaostrovanje s Kitajsko bolj verjetno, ker je pandemija Trumpov največji zajeb, tukaj ima Trump kri na svojih rokah, poleg tega je pa Kitajska dejansko najhujši strateški tekmec ZDA.
PS: Venezuelska nafta je podn kvalitete in je čedalje manj rafinerij, ki jo je sposobnih predelat.
PS: Venezuelska nafta je podn kvalitete in je čedalje manj rafinerij, ki jo je sposobnih predelat.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()