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Volitve v ZDA 2020
Temo vidijo: vsi

Poldi112 ::
Fantje, saj zdaj je jasno, da je game over, ane? Dogaja se to, kar sem napisal pred več kot enim mesecem na temi o Kitajskem virusu, kaj se bo zgodilo, če zaradi tega začnejo umirati Američani in Evropejci in kaj bo to pomenilo za Kitajsko.
No, naslednje ameriške volitve bojo zaradi CCP v znamenju vojne napovedi kitajski komunistični partiji, glede na to, da le ta trdno drži vse nitke oblasti na Kitajskem v svojih rokah, bo torej to vojna napoved Kitajski.
Ker so očitki Republikancev do CCP zelo upravičeni in ker bo v ZDA še veliko mrtvih zaradi COVID-19, lahko pričakujemo, da bo kampanja v tej smeri tistim, ki se jo bojo šli, dala zmago na volitvah.
In boy kako so na strani Trumpa pograbili to rešilno bilko:
Najbolj tragično je to, da imajo pri tem popolnoma prav. Kitajci so izvedli Pearl Harbor 21. stoletja in zaradi spleta okoliščin volitev v ZDA, bojo za to plačali zelo visoko ceno. Svet pa čakajo spremembe, ki jih nihče ni pričakoval.
Eno pa je gotovo - če bo Trump zajahal tega konja "vojne napovedi" Kitajski in če ne bo istega konja zajahal tudi Biden, bo zmagovalec teh volitev Trump, rezultat za svet pa zelo nepredvidljiv.
Kateri očitki republikancev so upravičeni?
Primerjava s Pearl Harborjem je pa tudi svetovna. Menda nisi en od tistih veleumov, ki se jim zdi smiselno, da so kitajci vse skupaj zrežirali?
Nadaljevanje v smeri CCP virusa je tukaj žal off topic.
Kako so lahko obtožbe CPP offtopic, če sam praviš, da bo to glavni del predvolilne kampanije?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

zmaugy ::
Poldi kolega, ne vem zakaj me vlečeš za jezik? CCP virus je stvar druge teme. Te teme se dotika v tem, da ga glede na videno Trump namerava izkoristiti v predvolilni kampanji. Mislim da ni dvoma, da se bo to zgodilo, ker se že dogaja.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Fritz ::
Kot prvo se enkrat že odločite, ali so demokrati čedalje bolj levo ali čedalje bolj desno.
Kot drugo se pa odločite ali je Sanders demokrat ali je neodvisen kandidat.
Obe zadevi se da tukaj, od spošovanih podpornikov demokratske stranke, prebrati v tej temi.
Zelo shizofrenično izpadete v teh svojih komentarjih!
Nimam se kaj odločati, ker so demokrati čedalje bolj desno in je to dejstvo. Če bi nominirali Sandersa bi bil to majhen zasuk v levo a ga ne morejo nominirati, ker so nekompatibilni, čeprav jim dišijo glasovi progresivne struje.
Sanders je neodvisni senator, ki je na predvolitvah kandidiral pri demokratski stranki. Pred njim so zelo premožni ljudje skušali nastopiti kot neodvisni in nikoli niso uspeli. V ZDA lahko dejansko izbiraš med dvema kandidatoma, ki ti ju ponudita dva zasebna kluba, ki zastopata interese najbogatejših.
Podpiram Sandersa vendar ne podpiram demokratske stranke.
Poldi kolega, ne vem zakaj me vlečeš za jezik? CCP virus je stvar druge teme. Te teme se dotika v tem, da ga glede na videno Trump namerava izkoristiti v predvolilni kampanji. Mislim da ni dvoma, da se bo to zgodilo, ker se že dogaja.
Trump trenutno KPK bolj kot za predvolilno temo izkorišča predvsem za odvračanje pozornosti z lastne nesposobnosti pri ukrepanju zoper epidemijo COVID-19.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()

TineTone ::
Podpiram Sandersa vendar ne podpiram demokratske stranke.
Kljub temu da jo je sedaj že 2x popihal z donacijami? Kaj je že tista o oslu in kolikokrat gre na led?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: Fritz ()

Fritz ::
Podpiram Sandersa vendar ne podpiram demokratske stranke.
Kljub temu da jo je sedaj že 2x popihal z donacijami? Kaj je že tista o oslu in kolikokrat gre na led?
Spet lažeš.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

zmaugy ::
Brez dvoma, ampak z glavnim ciljem zmagati na letošnjih volitvah.
Trump trenutno KPK bolj kot za predvolilno temo izkorišča predvsem za odvračanje pozornosti z lastne nesposobnosti pri ukrepanju zoper epidemijo COVID-19.
Brez dvoma, ampak z glavnim ciljem zmagati na letošnjih volitvah.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Poldi112 ::
Poldi kolega, ne vem zakaj me vlečeš za jezik? CCP virus je stvar druge teme. Te teme se dotika v tem, da ga glede na videno Trump namerava izkoristiti v predvolilni kampanji. Mislim da ni dvoma, da se bo to zgodilo, ker se že dogaja.
Jasno je, da bo virus dominiral volitve. Ampak ti si napisal še ostale stvari, ki se ti očitno niso zdele offtopic, zato sem ti postavil precej trivialno vprašanje - Kateri očitki republikancev so upravičeni?
Ker kot sam spremljam MSM gre zgolj in samo za preusmerjanje pozornosti. Zdaj če se nočeš zjasniti glede svojih trditev, tudi prav - tvoja tišina je dovolj zgovorna.
Meni se po drugi strani zdi precej ontopic, da se izpostavlja laži politikov v boju za voditelja svobodnega sveta.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()

TineTone ::
Podpiram Sandersa vendar ne podpiram demokratske stranke.
Kljub temu da jo je sedaj že 2x popihal z donacijami? Kaj je že tista o oslu in kolikokrat gre na led?
Spet lažeš.
Človek ma 3 bajte, reveži ki živijo na cesti pa še zmeraj pridigajo kako jih bo pripadnik top 1% rešil pred top 1%

mtosev ::
trumpu podpora pada. Ce se ekonomija ne pobere kmal skoraj zagotovo trump izgubi
Ja pa donald pravilno ugotovil recesija, bad economy = zmaga za bidena
Ja pa donald pravilno ugotovil recesija, bad economy = zmaga za bidena

Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()

zmaugy ::
Poldi kolega, ne vem zakaj me vlečeš za jezik? CCP virus je stvar druge teme. Te teme se dotika v tem, da ga glede na videno Trump namerava izkoristiti v predvolilni kampanji. Mislim da ni dvoma, da se bo to zgodilo, ker se že dogaja.
Jasno je, da bo virus dominiral volitve. Ampak ti si napisal še ostale stvari, ki se ti očitno niso zdele offtopic, zato sem ti postavil precej trivialno vprašanje - Kateri očitki republikancev so upravičeni?
Ker kot sam spremljam MSM gre zgolj in samo za preusmerjanje pozornosti. Zdaj če se nočeš zjasniti glede svojih trditev, tudi prav - tvoja tišina je dovolj zgovorna.
Meni se po drugi strani zdi precej ontopic, da se izpostavlja laži politikov v boju za voditelja svobodnega sveta.
Upravičeni so očitki o tem, da je CCP kriva za pandemijo. In na to se bojo Trump & Co obesili da skrijejo svoje neustrezno ravnanje.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Bwaze6 ::
V vojnem času se predsednika ne menja.
Zato je to vojna proti bolezni, vojna proti dezinformacijam Kitajske, WHO in italijanskim turistom, ki so virus neodgovorno prinesli v ZDA.
Vojna proti demokratskim guvernerjem zveznih držav, ki stojijo napoti ponovnemu odprtju ekonomije po Trumpovih kalkulacijah.
Vojna proti demokratskim guvernerjem, ki nočejo prepoznati pravice državljanov do nujnega dostopa do orožja in streliva.
Trump bo prej pozval na "osvoboditev" odpadnih držav, oborožene vstaje in nasilno zamenjavo skorumpiranih demokratov, kot pa priznal, da je bilo karkoli od njegovega odziva na bolezen v zadnjih mesecih narobe.
Zato je to vojna proti bolezni, vojna proti dezinformacijam Kitajske, WHO in italijanskim turistom, ki so virus neodgovorno prinesli v ZDA.
Vojna proti demokratskim guvernerjem zveznih držav, ki stojijo napoti ponovnemu odprtju ekonomije po Trumpovih kalkulacijah.
Vojna proti demokratskim guvernerjem, ki nočejo prepoznati pravice državljanov do nujnega dostopa do orožja in streliva.
Trump bo prej pozval na "osvoboditev" odpadnih držav, oborožene vstaje in nasilno zamenjavo skorumpiranih demokratov, kot pa priznal, da je bilo karkoli od njegovega odziva na bolezen v zadnjih mesecih narobe.

Poldi112 ::
Poldi kolega, ne vem zakaj me vlečeš za jezik? CCP virus je stvar druge teme. Te teme se dotika v tem, da ga glede na videno Trump namerava izkoristiti v predvolilni kampanji. Mislim da ni dvoma, da se bo to zgodilo, ker se že dogaja.
Jasno je, da bo virus dominiral volitve. Ampak ti si napisal še ostale stvari, ki se ti očitno niso zdele offtopic, zato sem ti postavil precej trivialno vprašanje - Kateri očitki republikancev so upravičeni?
Ker kot sam spremljam MSM gre zgolj in samo za preusmerjanje pozornosti. Zdaj če se nočeš zjasniti glede svojih trditev, tudi prav - tvoja tišina je dovolj zgovorna.
Meni se po drugi strani zdi precej ontopic, da se izpostavlja laži politikov v boju za voditelja svobodnega sveta.
Upravičeni so očitki o tem, da je CCP kriva za pandemijo. In na to se bojo Trump & Co obesili da skrijejo svoje neustrezno ravnanje.
A ni netopir kriv? CPP je zajebala začetek, enako kot večina ostalih držav. S to razliko, da so imele ostale države mesece, da se pripravijo, pa so večinoma zajebale še bolj kot CPP.
Kako lahko racionalno kriviš CPP za sranje po svetu? Če nihče drug ni mogel zajeziti pandemije, kako naj bi jo CPP?
In ja, razumem, da se bo Trump obesil na to, saj drugega ni sposoben. Tu bi pa lahko bili malo bolj kritični.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

zmaugy ::
Tvoj zapis o CCP je popolnoma neiskren spin. Se mi ne zdi smisleno niti začeti na to temo.
Trump bo izkoristil to, kar ima na voljo in na kar bojo reagirali njegovi volilci plus še kdo. Mislim da bo to dovolj, da bo zmagal na volitvah.
Trump bo izkoristil to, kar ima na voljo in na kar bojo reagirali njegovi volilci plus še kdo. Mislim da bo to dovolj, da bo zmagal na volitvah.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Fritz ::
Podpiram Sandersa vendar ne podpiram demokratske stranke.
Kljub temu da jo je sedaj že 2x popihal z donacijami? Kaj je že tista o oslu in kolikokrat gre na led?
Spet lažeš.
Človek ma 3 bajte, reveži ki živijo na cesti pa še zmeraj pridigajo kako jih bo pripadnik top 1% rešil pred top 1%![]()
Lej, te laži, ki jih pobirate od MAGA ignoramusov smo že tolikokrat debunkali na teh strani, da je vsak nov bumbar, ki pride s temi forami že orenk tečen. Vse je že odgovorjeno in ne, nimaš prav.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- odbrisal: bluefish ()

Poldi112 ::
Tvoj zapis o CCP je popolnoma neiskren spin. Se mi ne zdi smisleno niti začeti na to temo.
Trump bo izkoristil to, kar ima na voljo in na kar bojo reagirali njegovi volilci plus še kdo. Mislim da bo to dovolj, da bo zmagal na volitvah.
Kakšen spin? Vprašanje je hudo preprosto - kako lahko od kitajcev pričakuješ, da bodo zajezili povsem neznan virus, če pa mesece kasneje praktično nobeni državi to ni uspelo, pa smo vedeli, s čim imamo opravka.
To, da usa propaganda krivi kitajce, je samo po sebi umevno. Tu je pa prosim ne prodajati kot resnico.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()

zmaugy ::
V vojnem času se predsednika ne menja.
Zato je to vojna proti bolezni, vojna proti dezinformacijam Kitajske, WHO in italijanskim turistom, ki so virus neodgovorno prinesli v ZDA.
Vojna proti demokratskim guvernerjem zveznih držav, ki stojijo napoti ponovnemu odprtju ekonomije po Trumpovih kalkulacijah.
Vojna proti demokratskim guvernerjem, ki nočejo prepoznati pravice državljanov do nujnega dostopa do orožja in streliva.
Trump bo prej pozval na "osvoboditev" odpadnih držav, oborožene vstaje in nasilno zamenjavo skorumpiranih demokratov, kot pa priznal, da je bilo karkoli od njegovega odziva na bolezen v zadnjih mesecih narobe.
Ravnokar to že počne, človek enostavno ne more verjet, kako pokvarjen in zblojen je ta tip:
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

zmaugy ::
Tvoj zapis o CCP je popolnoma neiskren spin. Se mi ne zdi smisleno niti začeti na to temo.
Trump bo izkoristil to, kar ima na voljo in na kar bojo reagirali njegovi volilci plus še kdo. Mislim da bo to dovolj, da bo zmagal na volitvah.
Kakšen spin? Vprašanje je hudo preprosto - kako lahko od kitajcev pričakuješ, da bodo zajezili povsem neznan virus, če pa mesece kasneje praktično nobeni državi to ni uspelo, pa smo vedeli, s čim imamo opravka.
To, da usa propaganda krivi kitajce, je samo po sebi umevno. Tu je pa prosim ne prodajati kot resnico.
Kitajci so blokirali informacije o izbruhu, po nekaterih informacijah so za ustvarjanje lepe slike celo organizirali zabavo z živo glasbo v epicentru, kamor so se morali ljudje priti pofočkati, da dokažejo da so na liniji.
Zdravnike, ki so v decembru opozorili na izbruh, so ustrahovali in zapirali.
Ko so žarišče odrezali od preostanka Kitajske, so od tam spuščali ljudi v tujino z letali.
Da sploh ne začnemo o tem, koliko ljudi je zares umrlo in kako bi reagirale vlade preostalih držav, če bi imele te informacije.
Zdaj pa resno, tole je debata za drugo temo - ko bom imel tja dostop.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Pac-Man ::
RE levica/manjšine prevzemajo demokratsko stranko. Capuano je belec, Ayanna črnka.
Ayanna Pressley @ Wikipedia
In January 2018, Pressley announced her challenge to incumbent United States Representative Michael Capuano in the 2018 Democratic primary nomination for the Massachusetts's 7th congressional district.[18] No Republican even filed, meaning that whoever won the primary would be all but assured of victory in November.
The 7th district is traditionally Democratic and is the state's only district where the majority of residents are not white. Capuano received endorsements from civil rights veteran and U.S. Representative John Lewis of Georgia as well as U.S. Representative Maxine Waters of California.[19]
Pressley was endorsed by The Boston Globe[20] and local chapter of the hotel and electrical worker union,[21] Grassroots movements including Democracy for America, Brand New Congress and the Justice Democrats supported Pressley.[22] She received the endorsements of former Massachusetts Democratic Party chair John E. Walsh,[23] Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey,[7] former Newton mayor Setti Warren[24] and Boston city councilor Michelle Wu.[25] The nomination win in New York's 14th congressional district of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over long-time representative Joseph Crowley increased the visibility of Pressley's campaign.[26][27] While some political commentators distinguished Pressley's campaign from that of Ocasio-Cortez in that Capuano was understood to have one of the most progressive records in Congress, the incumbents both represented districts in which the majority of voters are not white.[28]
Ayanna Pressley @ Wikipedia
In January 2018, Pressley announced her challenge to incumbent United States Representative Michael Capuano in the 2018 Democratic primary nomination for the Massachusetts's 7th congressional district.[18] No Republican even filed, meaning that whoever won the primary would be all but assured of victory in November.
The 7th district is traditionally Democratic and is the state's only district where the majority of residents are not white. Capuano received endorsements from civil rights veteran and U.S. Representative John Lewis of Georgia as well as U.S. Representative Maxine Waters of California.[19]
Pressley was endorsed by The Boston Globe[20] and local chapter of the hotel and electrical worker union,[21] Grassroots movements including Democracy for America, Brand New Congress and the Justice Democrats supported Pressley.[22] She received the endorsements of former Massachusetts Democratic Party chair John E. Walsh,[23] Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey,[7] former Newton mayor Setti Warren[24] and Boston city councilor Michelle Wu.[25] The nomination win in New York's 14th congressional district of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over long-time representative Joseph Crowley increased the visibility of Pressley's campaign.[26][27] While some political commentators distinguished Pressley's campaign from that of Ocasio-Cortez in that Capuano was understood to have one of the most progressive records in Congress, the incumbents both represented districts in which the majority of voters are not white.[28]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Takole zgledajo dnevne tiskovne konference Oranžnega. Sem porezal par stvari, ampak je vseeno dolgo.
“You never hear about ventilators anymore.“ You can see what he’s setting up here: That he was stampeded into doing things by pinheads who didn’t know what was going on
So, basically, this briefing is his decision to place the US government in direct opposition to the states. Just like a unifying leader should do at a time of national crisis.
I am totally flummoxed by the strategy here of comparing New York to Singapore and South Korea.
Sentence fragment
Random brag
corporate name
accusation against Obama
unrelated factoid
Your daily reminder that ventilators are really complicated
Army Corps of Engineers, bingo square covered
Javits Center, free space covered
“Sir“ story about the governor of Louisiana
“Cupboards were bare.“ Someone must have a bingo by now.
Interesting. He is pulling the rug out from under the “herd immunity” people.
He is rambling now about Mike Meadows crying, about Haberman and her story, and how she should give back her Pulitzer because she was wrong about Russia, and now he’s riffing about Russia and impeachment and how Maggie is a third rate reporter.
he is in really bad shape here
I will say it again: it is a mistake to break away from something that is genuinely news. The president’s deteriorating mental condition is news.
Trump just interrupted Birx to challenge her slide, asking “does anybody really believe this about China?” Birx trying to stay on track.
Trump trying to hijack the moment again. Birx is trying to speak. He has lost his shit, and every American needs to be watching this.
For some reason he has just pivoted to PEPFAR. “Nobody knows that.“ As usual, he means that he had never heard of it until this week.
As manic and as nuts as he usually is, the tone today is super, hyper defensive and pouty. Wife’s theory: he is trying to get ahead of some bad story that’s about to break. Whatever it is, he’s clearly worried.
The President of the United States is castigating the press for not figuring out if China’s numbers are adequate, as if he is not sitting on top of one of the most advanced intelligence organizations in the world
Now we are having a colloquy about Angus King really being a Democrat.
He’s now going after AOC and the squad, but I have no idea what he’s talking about here, something about mosques and temples and restrictions on gatherings. I will say again: he is in very bad shape right now.
He has run to OAN for relief right now. The reporter helps him get in a little Pelosi and Schumer bashing. Lots of accordion hands on that one.
“She sits in her house in San Francisco overlooking the ocean“
Just a little shout out here for the coastal elitists
A great moment here where I think it’s clear Trump has no idea who Rosa Parks is
Wife is laughing. “You could tell from the look on his face he was trying to unpack that question about Rosa Parks and it wasn’t going to happen.“
Good for the Wall Street Journal guy asking him about the tweet linking “liberate Virginia“ to the second amendment. Trump: “I would say liberate Virginia win that kind of thing happens.“ Journal guy follows up. Trump makes a claim about taking guns away.
“If I were not elected you would be at war with North Korea right now.“ Says we’re doing fine with North Korea. Then goes for “we didn’t have any ammunition“ for those of you who needed that space on your crazy bingo cards. “The cupboard was dry.”
It is news when the President of the United States goes off on a crazy rough about how great things are with North Korea during a briefing that is in theory about a pandemic.
Trump just alluded to the possibility that the virus was released deliberately. You know, just as aside.
“Sir“ story about Iran. Now we are off into the woods on a riff about the Iran deal and John Kerry In the Logan act. Not that this is at all completely bat shit crazy.
“If sleepy Joe wins, other countries will own our country.”
Rube nation will be repeating that slogan in minutes, but they won’t know what it means, because Trump doesn’t know what it means either.
+2 sveža oglasa bidnove kampanje, ki lepo prikažeta trumpov revizionizem odnosa s Kitajsko.
“You never hear about ventilators anymore.“ You can see what he’s setting up here: That he was stampeded into doing things by pinheads who didn’t know what was going on
So, basically, this briefing is his decision to place the US government in direct opposition to the states. Just like a unifying leader should do at a time of national crisis.
I am totally flummoxed by the strategy here of comparing New York to Singapore and South Korea.
Sentence fragment
Random brag
corporate name
accusation against Obama
unrelated factoid
Your daily reminder that ventilators are really complicated
Army Corps of Engineers, bingo square covered
Javits Center, free space covered
“Sir“ story about the governor of Louisiana
“Cupboards were bare.“ Someone must have a bingo by now.
Interesting. He is pulling the rug out from under the “herd immunity” people.
He is rambling now about Mike Meadows crying, about Haberman and her story, and how she should give back her Pulitzer because she was wrong about Russia, and now he’s riffing about Russia and impeachment and how Maggie is a third rate reporter.
he is in really bad shape here
I will say it again: it is a mistake to break away from something that is genuinely news. The president’s deteriorating mental condition is news.
Trump just interrupted Birx to challenge her slide, asking “does anybody really believe this about China?” Birx trying to stay on track.
Trump trying to hijack the moment again. Birx is trying to speak. He has lost his shit, and every American needs to be watching this.
For some reason he has just pivoted to PEPFAR. “Nobody knows that.“ As usual, he means that he had never heard of it until this week.
As manic and as nuts as he usually is, the tone today is super, hyper defensive and pouty. Wife’s theory: he is trying to get ahead of some bad story that’s about to break. Whatever it is, he’s clearly worried.
The President of the United States is castigating the press for not figuring out if China’s numbers are adequate, as if he is not sitting on top of one of the most advanced intelligence organizations in the world
Now we are having a colloquy about Angus King really being a Democrat.
He’s now going after AOC and the squad, but I have no idea what he’s talking about here, something about mosques and temples and restrictions on gatherings. I will say again: he is in very bad shape right now.
He has run to OAN for relief right now. The reporter helps him get in a little Pelosi and Schumer bashing. Lots of accordion hands on that one.
“She sits in her house in San Francisco overlooking the ocean“
Just a little shout out here for the coastal elitists
A great moment here where I think it’s clear Trump has no idea who Rosa Parks is
Wife is laughing. “You could tell from the look on his face he was trying to unpack that question about Rosa Parks and it wasn’t going to happen.“
Good for the Wall Street Journal guy asking him about the tweet linking “liberate Virginia“ to the second amendment. Trump: “I would say liberate Virginia win that kind of thing happens.“ Journal guy follows up. Trump makes a claim about taking guns away.
“If I were not elected you would be at war with North Korea right now.“ Says we’re doing fine with North Korea. Then goes for “we didn’t have any ammunition“ for those of you who needed that space on your crazy bingo cards. “The cupboard was dry.”
It is news when the President of the United States goes off on a crazy rough about how great things are with North Korea during a briefing that is in theory about a pandemic.
Trump just alluded to the possibility that the virus was released deliberately. You know, just as aside.
“Sir“ story about Iran. Now we are off into the woods on a riff about the Iran deal and John Kerry In the Logan act. Not that this is at all completely bat shit crazy.
“If sleepy Joe wins, other countries will own our country.”
Rube nation will be repeating that slogan in minutes, but they won’t know what it means, because Trump doesn’t know what it means either.
+2 sveža oglasa bidnove kampanje, ki lepo prikažeta trumpov revizionizem odnosa s Kitajsko.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

zmaugy ::
Trump je najboljše, kar se je lahko zgodilo G.W. Bushu. V primerjavi s Trumpom celo on ne izpade več kreten.
Hkrati G.W. Bush predstvavlja primer, da so Američani sposobni izvolit idiota dvakrat za predsednika.
Hkrati G.W. Bush predstvavlja primer, da so Američani sposobni izvolit idiota dvakrat za predsednika.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Fritz ::
RE levica/manjšine prevzemajo demokratsko stranko. Capuano je belec, Ayanna črnka.
Ayanna Pressley @ Wikipedia
In January 2018, Pressley announced her challenge to incumbent United States Representative Michael Capuano in the 2018 Democratic primary nomination for the Massachusetts's 7th congressional district.[18] No Republican even filed, meaning that whoever won the primary would be all but assured of victory in November.
The 7th district is traditionally Democratic and is the state's only district where the majority of residents are not white. Capuano received endorsements from civil rights veteran and U.S. Representative John Lewis of Georgia as well as U.S. Representative Maxine Waters of California.[19]
Pressley was endorsed by The Boston Globe[20] and local chapter of the hotel and electrical worker union,[21] Grassroots movements including Democracy for America, Brand New Congress and the Justice Democrats supported Pressley.[22] She received the endorsements of former Massachusetts Democratic Party chair John E. Walsh,[23] Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey,[7] former Newton mayor Setti Warren[24] and Boston city councilor Michelle Wu.[25] The nomination win in New York's 14th congressional district of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over long-time representative Joseph Crowley increased the visibility of Pressley's campaign.[26][27] While some political commentators distinguished Pressley's campaign from that of Ocasio-Cortez in that Capuano was understood to have one of the most progressive records in Congress, the incumbents both represented districts in which the majority of voters are not white.[28]
Če je nekdo temne polti še ne pomeni, da je progresiven. Pa tudi predstavnik manjšine ni, če temnopolti predstavljajo večino v tej zvezni državi.
V Wiki članku o njej piše tudi tole:
On July 23, 2019, Pressley voted in favor of H. Res. 246, a House Resolution introduced by Illinois Congressman Brad Schneider that formally condemns the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel. The resolution passed 398–17, and Pressley was noted as the only member of "the Squad" to vote in favor of it.
Ni kaj dodati. Spremembe v Demokratski stranki, ki jih tukaj navajaš, so le kozmetične. S takšnim tempom sprememb bodo imeli progresivnega kandidata za predsednika ali predsednico leta 2096.
Bidna bo Trumpo na kakršnemkoli soočenju sesul do fundamenta.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()

Pac-Man ::
Trump je najboljše, kar se je lahko zgodilo G.W. Bushu. V primerjavi s Trumpom celo on ne izpade več kreten.
Hkrati G.W. Bush predstvavlja primer, da so Američani sposobni izvolit idiota dvakrat za predsednika.
George W. Bush Urged Us to Prepare for Future Pandemics in 2005 | NowThis
In the summer of 2005, President George W. Bush was on vacation at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, when he began flipping through an advance reading copy of a new book about the 1918 flu pandemic. He couldn't put it down.
When he returned to Washington, he called his top homeland security adviser into the Oval Office and gave her the galley of historian John M. Barry's "The Great Influenza," which told the chilling tale of the mysterious plague that "would kill more people than the outbreak of any other disease in human history."
"You've got to read this," Fran Townsend remembers the president telling her. "He said, 'Look, this happens every 100 years. We need a national strategy.'"
Thus was born the nation's most comprehensive pandemic plan -- a playbook that included diagrams for a global early warning system, funding to develop new, rapid vaccine technology, and a robust national stockpile of critical supplies, such as face masks and ventilators, Townsend said.
The effort was intense over the ensuing three years, including exercises where cabinet officials gamed out their responses, but it was not sustained. Large swaths of the ambitious plan were either not fully realized or entirely shelved as other priorities and crises took hold.
According to Bossert, who is now an ABC News contributor, Bush did not just insist on preparation for a pandemic. He was obsessed with it.
"He was completely taken by the reality that that was going to happen," Bossert said.
"A pandemic is a lot like a forest fire," Bush said at the time. "If caught early it might be extinguished with limited damage. If allowed to smolder, undetected, it can grow to an inferno that can spread quickly beyond our ability to control it."
The president recognized that an outbreak was a different kind of disaster than the ones the federal government had been designed to address.
"To respond to a pandemic, we need medical personnel and adequate supplies of equipment," Bush said. "In a pandemic, everything from syringes to hospital beds, respirators masks and protective equipment would be in short supply."
Bush set out to spend $7 billion building out his plan. His cabinet secretaries urged their staffs to take preparations seriously. The government launched a website,, that is still in use today. But as time passed, it became increasingly difficult to justify the continued funding, staffing and attention, Bossert said.
Bush declined, through a spokesman, to comment on the unfolding crisis or discuss the current response. But his remarks from 15 years ago still resonate.
"If we wait for a pandemic to appear," he warned, "it will be too late to prepare. And one day many lives could be needlessly lost because we failed to act today."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Birx was interrupted twice by Trump trying to get her to say that China's numbers are fake. He hovered around behind her like he did during the debate with Clinton.
But sure, brave Twitter, explain how she's supposed to blow herself up on stage, just like you would.
Like a lot of women her age, including my mom, she has learned how to navigate her surroundings. Soothe the ego then communicate what you want. Did you learn facts from her today ? Yes you did. Should we have to do this with the president? No. But here we are.
in to
And not just women. Last week, Outrage Twitter was all over Fauci for similarly wanting him to just explode at Trump, as if getting fired would help anything. "They should just quit" is dumb; these are not political jobs. I don't think any decent person should take a political appointment with Trump; McMaster should never have done it, and Mattis should have spoken up. Tillerson should have walked.
But these are doctors trying to manage a pandemic, not Cabinet guys who have to be on the team. Telling these guys to quit just because Trump is a moron is like telling senior military officers to just walk out of their commands. People are relying on them, lives are at stake, and the replacements *will* be worse.
I know it feels all righteous and good to think that Birx should slap Trump and walk out, but that's not what a public health professional in the middle of a crisis should do. (It's what Azar should do. He's in a political job. He should walk. But he won't.)
Birx was interrupted twice by Trump trying to get her to say that China's numbers are fake. He hovered around behind her like he did during the debate with Clinton.
But sure, brave Twitter, explain how she's supposed to blow herself up on stage, just like you would.
Like a lot of women her age, including my mom, she has learned how to navigate her surroundings. Soothe the ego then communicate what you want. Did you learn facts from her today ? Yes you did. Should we have to do this with the president? No. But here we are.
in to
And not just women. Last week, Outrage Twitter was all over Fauci for similarly wanting him to just explode at Trump, as if getting fired would help anything. "They should just quit" is dumb; these are not political jobs. I don't think any decent person should take a political appointment with Trump; McMaster should never have done it, and Mattis should have spoken up. Tillerson should have walked.
But these are doctors trying to manage a pandemic, not Cabinet guys who have to be on the team. Telling these guys to quit just because Trump is a moron is like telling senior military officers to just walk out of their commands. People are relying on them, lives are at stake, and the replacements *will* be worse.
I know it feels all righteous and good to think that Birx should slap Trump and walk out, but that's not what a public health professional in the middle of a crisis should do. (It's what Azar should do. He's in a political job. He should walk. But he won't.)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Bwaze6 ::
"Fire Fauci" in podobna skandiranja na protestu proti lockdownu v Teksasu.
WATCH: Trump Supporters Chant 'Fire Fauci!' at Coronavirus Lockdown Protest in Texas
'Fire Fauci, let us work': No social distancing as Alex Jones joins hundreds in rally against Covid-19 lockdown measures in Texas
WATCH: Trump Supporters Chant 'Fire Fauci!' at Coronavirus Lockdown Protest in Texas
'Fire Fauci, let us work': No social distancing as Alex Jones joins hundreds in rally against Covid-19 lockdown measures in Texas

Pac-Man ::
Huntington Beach this morning... Baskin-Robbins je buži veriga slaščičarn, twitter je bil poln štosov kako ne sme priti nič med njo in njeno dnevno dozo sladoleda.
in to
I keep wondering why some Americans are so eager to risk themselves & others for “liberty”.
Maybe it’s b/c they’ve never lived in a country that’s taken their liberty, or they’d know that most would still choose life. That wouldn’t make them cowards, its just human survival.
Maybe it’s because they’ve never lived in a country that brought death to their doorstep. How terrifying such a reality would be. And how most would do anything to save themselves & their families. So the choice between liberty or death remains a hypothetical.
If these people ever lived in a country where you truly had to choose between liberty or death, perhaps they’d have more sympathy for refugees or those fleeing repression. But they don’t.
All these “liberty or death” people have is a fantasy about their exceptionalism and bravery which they’re allowed to cosplay because they live in free country that wants to keep them alive.
Anyway. I was born in a country w/ no liberty and still wanted to live. Then I lived in a free country where busses & restaurants blew up, and liberty didn’t keep you safe. Now I live in a safe, free country and keep wondering why these free & safe people are so hateful & angry.
Huntington Beach this morning... Baskin-Robbins je buži veriga slaščičarn, twitter je bil poln štosov kako ne sme priti nič med njo in njeno dnevno dozo sladoleda.
in to
I keep wondering why some Americans are so eager to risk themselves & others for “liberty”.
Maybe it’s b/c they’ve never lived in a country that’s taken their liberty, or they’d know that most would still choose life. That wouldn’t make them cowards, its just human survival.
Maybe it’s because they’ve never lived in a country that brought death to their doorstep. How terrifying such a reality would be. And how most would do anything to save themselves & their families. So the choice between liberty or death remains a hypothetical.
If these people ever lived in a country where you truly had to choose between liberty or death, perhaps they’d have more sympathy for refugees or those fleeing repression. But they don’t.
All these “liberty or death” people have is a fantasy about their exceptionalism and bravery which they’re allowed to cosplay because they live in free country that wants to keep them alive.
Anyway. I was born in a country w/ no liberty and still wanted to live. Then I lived in a free country where busses & restaurants blew up, and liberty didn’t keep you safe. Now I live in a safe, free country and keep wondering why these free & safe people are so hateful & angry.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

zmaugy ::
Me zanima, kako bo kdorkoli z možgani lahko zagovarjal še naprej trenutni ameriški zdravstveni sistem proti Healthcare for all, ko bojo kronični bolniki začeli množično umirati, ker jim bo zmanjkalo denarja za zdravila:
Jap, alternativa je odprtje ekonomije (da ljudje spet zaslužijo) z ogromnim številom mrtvih zaradi prebremenjenosti bolnišnic. Res, prava alternativa...
Jap, alternativa je odprtje ekonomije (da ljudje spet zaslužijo) z ogromnim številom mrtvih zaradi prebremenjenosti bolnišnic. Res, prava alternativa...
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Pac-Man ::
Sweden's Princess Sofia has announced she is reducing her Royal duties so that she can volunteer at a local hospital.
She has already completed intensive training to prepare for it.
In her new role, she will be disinfecting, cleaning, and working in the kitchen.
in to
Would be nice if the feigning “monarchs in America” — HRH Queen Melania of Birtherland, Ivanka, Duchess of Chinese Purses and Royal Consort, Jared, Lord of Slums, would follow this example.
Sweden's Princess Sofia has announced she is reducing her Royal duties so that she can volunteer at a local hospital.
She has already completed intensive training to prepare for it.
In her new role, she will be disinfecting, cleaning, and working in the kitchen.
in to
Would be nice if the feigning “monarchs in America” — HRH Queen Melania of Birtherland, Ivanka, Duchess of Chinese Purses and Royal Consort, Jared, Lord of Slums, would follow this example.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

zmaugy ::
Sweden's Princess Sofia has announced she is reducing her Royal duties so that she can volunteer at a local hospital.
She has already completed intensive training to prepare for it.
In her new role, she will be disinfecting, cleaning, and working in the kitchen.
in to
Would be nice if the feigning “monarchs in America” — HRH Queen Melania of Birtherland, Ivanka, Duchess of Chinese Purses and Royal Consort, Jared, Lord of Slums, would follow this example.
Haha, lepa naziva. Pa še enkrat za spremembo bi vsaj kaj koristnega naredila...
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Pac-Man ::
V ZDA imajo shitstorm, ker so državno pomoč pobrala podjetja in ustanove, ki je ne potrebujejo.
Shake Shack je vrnil 10 mio $, zdaj zadevo spinajo češ kako so dobri
naslednji na tnalu je Harvard
Mnuchin se je spotoma vrgel na bombo trumpovega podpisa na čekih
Shake Shack je vrnil 10 mio $, zdaj zadevo spinajo češ kako so dobri
naslednji na tnalu je Harvard
Mnuchin se je spotoma vrgel na bombo trumpovega podpisa na čekih
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Malo se zgubljam po preseku trumplandije in COVID epidemije na twitterju.
My father in law Gary Lutrick (62 years old) has been in the hospital for 25 days today with it. He’s off the ventilator now but still very sick.
My good friend Don Crider died last week with it. I do think it’s time to reopen America!
Also....My wife @MrGreenswife, my daughters Annabelle & Charleigh & me all had COVID-19. It was mild for us. Fever, cough, muscle aches......we were over it within 10 days.
I am pro Life across the Board. Life is more important than the economy, the economy can reset and bounce back. When you die there is no reset and coming back. People who are dying would give all their fortune to stay here #fact. Better to be safe than sorry.
Donald Trump has done a great Job. Once you know for sure with hard evidence the virus isn’t as bad as thought, open her up. Which is what seems to be happening praise the Lord. Letting things run and taking the chance is like leading your troops into an ambush.
I am thankful it’s seeming to be not as bad as first reported, I am thankful for the way the president is handling the virus. When we look back in a year or so we will see the economy will be doing great again and that we put peoples health first which is noble and right!
It’s never as important as the economy till it’s your mom or dad or your friend or Child. If you don’t agree with me God bless you, if you do God bless you.I am confident and can easily prove the bible agrees with me which is what’s important. I believe this will soon be over PTL
Tale je malo posebna. Na začetku je bilo morje (re)tvitov kako je vse fejk
Ko je udarilo blizu pa prosi za molitve & aktivno moli za druge
En potencialen bot, ki zaradi odziva ne mara več Trumpa
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Fritz ::
Haha, lepa naziva. Pa še enkrat za spremembo bi vsaj kaj koristnega naredila...
A ne veš, da delajo. Sam pri teh se bolj bojim kaj bodo naredili kot, če ne bi ničesar počeli.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()

Pac-Man ::
Pensilvanija danes.
Precej memebilna scena iz Kolorada. Na posnetku se sliši, kako gospa omeni da niso na Kitajskem ;)
Precej memebilna scena iz Kolorada. Na posnetku se sliši, kako gospa omeni da niso na Kitajskem ;)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Massacra ::
Me zanima, kako bo kdorkoli z možgani lahko zagovarjal še naprej trenutni ameriški zdravstveni sistem proti Healthcare for all, ko bojo kronični bolniki začeli množično umirati, ker jim bo zmanjkalo denarja za zdravila:
Jap, alternativa je odprtje ekonomije (da ljudje spet zaslužijo) z ogromnim številom mrtvih zaradi prebremenjenosti bolnišnic. Res, prava alternativa...
Da še dodatno podkrepim tvoje razmišljanje trenutnega USA zdravstvenega sistema:
na dan 20.4.2020 so imeli cca. 25.000 novih okužb s sars-cov-2, ves ostali svet (brez UK) pa cca. 63.000!
Ko bo počilo tam čez lužo...

Bwaze6 ::
A število novookuženih jim dejansko upada. Mnogi se seveda bojijo, da bodo predčasna končanja karanten ta trend obrnila.
Trump medtem nadaljuje s preusmerjanjem pozornosti od svojega katastrofalnega vodenja ukrepov proti koronavirusu:
Trump medtem nadaljuje s preusmerjanjem pozornosti od svojega katastrofalnega vodenja ukrepov proti koronavirusu:
In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!

VaeVictis ::
Trump že aktivno poizkuša v svojih reklamah izenačiti Biden-a in Kitajsko.
Pa tudi čez Pelosi-jevo udriha (nekaj dni nazaj je imela Pelosi-jeva nastop v Late night show with James Corden):
Newt Gingrich attacks Nancy Pelosi for her taste for $12-a-pint ice cream calling it 'most tone-deaf thing I've seen a Speaker do'
Trump že aktivno poizkuša v svojih reklamah izenačiti Biden-a in Kitajsko.
Pa tudi čez Pelosi-jevo udriha (nekaj dni nazaj je imela Pelosi-jeva nastop v Late night show with James Corden):
Newt Gingrich attacks Nancy Pelosi for her taste for $12-a-pint ice cream calling it 'most tone-deaf thing I've seen a Speaker do'

Vazelin ::
Sem si zapomnil, da ma Pelosijeva ene 25k vredne hladilnike

I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

zmaugy ::
Samo vprašanje je, če bo Trump vztrajal pri terjanju odgovornosti od kitajske komunistične partije. Glede na to, da se je Bannon zelo izpostavil za to, bi rekel, da je to zelo mogoče.
Če ni popolnoma neumen, je že ugotovil, da je Kitajska idealni dežurni krivec tako za smrti Američanov, kot za sesuvanje ekonomije, ker dejansko nosi zelo velik del krivde za oboje in lahko poskusi skriti svoje šarlatansko početje za Kitajsko.
Odziv na to je, da privržnci bojo to itak podprli, ker bi podprli karkoli s strani Trumpa, glede na resnost situacije, bojo pri tem zgolj bolj zagrizeni.
Lahko pa prebereš tudi veliko odzivov, ki grejo približno takole:"Sicer Trumpa ne maram, ampak tukaj ima popolnoma prav," kar pomeni, da je to stališče blizu tudi nekaterim nasprotnikom Trumpa in če se Demokrati ne bojo prav obrnili, lahko izgubijo del svojih podpornikov.
Če ni popolnoma neumen, je že ugotovil, da je Kitajska idealni dežurni krivec tako za smrti Američanov, kot za sesuvanje ekonomije, ker dejansko nosi zelo velik del krivde za oboje in lahko poskusi skriti svoje šarlatansko početje za Kitajsko.
Odziv na to je, da privržnci bojo to itak podprli, ker bi podprli karkoli s strani Trumpa, glede na resnost situacije, bojo pri tem zgolj bolj zagrizeni.
Lahko pa prebereš tudi veliko odzivov, ki grejo približno takole:"Sicer Trumpa ne maram, ampak tukaj ima popolnoma prav," kar pomeni, da je to stališče blizu tudi nekaterim nasprotnikom Trumpa in če se Demokrati ne bojo prav obrnili, lahko izgubijo del svojih podpornikov.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Vazelin ::
V bistvu je po eni strani Trump v precej dobri poziciji.
Težko ga bo kdo okrivil za porazno ekonomijo in delovna mesta, ker je vse skupaj posledica virusa (pustimo to, da bi verjetno tako ali drugače prišlo letos do zaostrenih gospodarskih zadev). Npr. če bo Biden v soočenjih fural, da je Trump kriv za goro brezposelnih bo šel takoj full retard saj ga bo Trump samo opomnil, da je to "wuflu"-ja bila rekordno nizka brezposelnost. Zna biti, da se gre Trump lažje vojno dobičkarstvo na račun virusa, kot kak Biden.
Težko ga bo kdo okrivil za porazno ekonomijo in delovna mesta, ker je vse skupaj posledica virusa (pustimo to, da bi verjetno tako ali drugače prišlo letos do zaostrenih gospodarskih zadev). Npr. če bo Biden v soočenjih fural, da je Trump kriv za goro brezposelnih bo šel takoj full retard saj ga bo Trump samo opomnil, da je to "wuflu"-ja bila rekordno nizka brezposelnost. Zna biti, da se gre Trump lažje vojno dobičkarstvo na račun virusa, kot kak Biden.
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

VaeVictis ::
Pa, da ne bo pomote, meni osebno je čisto vseeno, koliko denarja ima Pelosi-jeva.
To, da sta z možem zelo bogata je znano dejstvo.
Problem, ki ga sam vidim je v tem, da se prav sprašujem, ali prav načrtno demokrati poskušajo vse, da Trump še enkrat zmaga?
Ker kako moraš biti ignoraten, da se hvališ z sladoledom in kaj vse imaš, v času, ko je velika brezposelnost v ZDA?
Plus, kako moraš biti butast kot Biden oz. njegova PR ekipa, da se greš prepirati s Trump-om, kdo je bolj oster do Kitajske.
ps: Še tole, verjetno bo v naslednjih dneh trendalo #BejingBiden, vsaj ljudje na desni strani se trudijo s tem!
To, da sta z možem zelo bogata je znano dejstvo.
Problem, ki ga sam vidim je v tem, da se prav sprašujem, ali prav načrtno demokrati poskušajo vse, da Trump še enkrat zmaga?
Ker kako moraš biti ignoraten, da se hvališ z sladoledom in kaj vse imaš, v času, ko je velika brezposelnost v ZDA?
Plus, kako moraš biti butast kot Biden oz. njegova PR ekipa, da se greš prepirati s Trump-om, kdo je bolj oster do Kitajske.
ps: Še tole, verjetno bo v naslednjih dneh trendalo #BejingBiden, vsaj ljudje na desni strani se trudijo s tem!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VaeVictis ()

zmaugy ::
Biden je definitivno zelo slaba izbira s strani Demokratov. Na prvi pogled so z izborom Bidena kot idioti, ki stalno ponavljajo isto in pričakujejo drugačen rezultat.
Je pa res, da dejansko ni nekih velikih razlik med obema strankama, Republikanci so zgolj malo bolj versko blazni in očitno nacionalistični in v resnici si Demokratski estalishment želi radikalnega predsednika tipa Bernie tako močno kot kamen v čevlju ali trn v peti. Vsekako imajo rajši Trumpa kot Bernija.
Je pa res, da dejansko ni nekih velikih razlik med obema strankama, Republikanci so zgolj malo bolj versko blazni in očitno nacionalistični in v resnici si Demokratski estalishment želi radikalnega predsednika tipa Bernie tako močno kot kamen v čevlju ali trn v peti. Vsekako imajo rajši Trumpa kot Bernija.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Pac-Man ::
This is batshit. Even by their standards. to
Must have been a messaging memo sent out. The local afternoon drive guy on WBAP (DFW right wing rage station) basically was saying the same thing today.
in to
Two DC PR firms are pumping it out
This is batshit. Even by their standards. to
Must have been a messaging memo sent out. The local afternoon drive guy on WBAP (DFW right wing rage station) basically was saying the same thing today.
in to
Two DC PR firms are pumping it out
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Vazelin ::
Na koncu bodo demokrati, Obama in Biden krivi za osip služb

I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

Fritz ::
Prav jim bodi, kaj pa podpirajo Trumpa.
Tisti posnetek s Pelosijevo, ki je nadvse odurno bitje, samo kaže kako bo Trump demoliral mainstream demokrate.
Tisti posnetek s Pelosijevo, ki je nadvse odurno bitje, samo kaže kako bo Trump demoliral mainstream demokrate.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

VaeVictis ::
Tole kar sta zmaugy in Fritz napisala je bistvo vsega.
Trump ne rabi biti najboljši predsednik oz. kandidat vseh časov, mora biti samo boljši od Bidena in pokazati, da so demokrati še slabši in zmaga!
Trump ne rabi biti najboljši predsednik oz. kandidat vseh časov, mora biti samo boljši od Bidena in pokazati, da so demokrati še slabši in zmaga!

Pac-Man ::
Biden je objektivno slabši kandidat ob Clintonove. Ampak:
1) Marketing lahko naredi ogromno (glej donija)
2) Trump se aktivno trudi dokazat, da je luzer in ne vrhunski poslovnež, kot so ga prikazovali na resničnostni TV
1) Marketing lahko naredi ogromno (glej donija)
2) Trump se aktivno trudi dokazat, da je luzer in ne vrhunski poslovnež, kot so ga prikazovali na resničnostni TV
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Cripes, even the Taliban gets it, which puts them ahead of a fair number of Americans right now when it comes to believing in science.
'Believers Can Catch It Too': Taliban Militants Also Fight COVID-19 In Afghanistan
Zdravnik z brado in N95 masko je simpatičen.
Cripes, even the Taliban gets it, which puts them ahead of a fair number of Americans right now when it comes to believing in science.
'Believers Can Catch It Too': Taliban Militants Also Fight COVID-19 In Afghanistan
Zdravnik z brado in N95 masko je simpatičen.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

zmaugy ::
Pensilvanija danes.
Precej memebilna scena iz Kolorada. Na posnetku se sliši, kako gospa omeni da niso na Kitajskem ;)
Haha, Jesus is my vaccine. Če ne bi videl ne bi verjel.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

mtosev ::
Kdo vido stevilke? Samo 36% ljudi misli, da Trump dobro vodi covid19 krizo. CDC ima 69% zaupanje javnosti.
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ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
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