Forum » Loža » Volitve v ZDA 2020
Volitve v ZDA 2020
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Vazelin ::
AOC's tactless oil tweet gave conservatives another reason to paint Democrats as sneaky villains.

I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

zmaugy ::
Ampak tole je pa potencialna novica leta: Biden bi z veseljem imel Michelle Obama za podpredsednico.
Republikancem se bi ob tem znalo strgat...
Republikancem se bi ob tem znalo strgat...

PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

VaeVictis ::
Ampak tole je pa potencialna novica leta: Biden bi z veseljem imel Michelle Obama za podpredsednico.
Republikancem se bi ob tem znalo strgat...![]()
Niti ne.
Večina levičarjev na redditu se sprašuje:
What did she ever do to deserve the VP spot?
Are we really becoming monarchy?
This is the time we should be walking away from hereditary politics.
Love her, but come on.
I love her, but if Biden wants to lose, he should take Hillary or Michelle.
I love Michelle, but she would be seen as Hillary 2.0.

Fritz ::
Če bi Biden/DNC res hoteli zmagati, bi to lahko naredili le tako, da bi pobrali glasove centristov (to so desni demokrati), progresivcev (levi demokrati) in razočaranih neopredeljenih. Zadnji dve skupini dobijo le, če vzamejo Sandersa za podpredsednika. Ampak, a mislite, da bi DNC reskiral, da po zmagi in opravilni nesposobnosti Bidna, Sanders prevzame vajeti?
Katerokoli drugo ali drugega bo Biden izbral (po mojem bo to Kamala Harris), bo to pomenilo izgubo večjega števila glasov. In tega se v DNC zelo dobro zavedajo, zato pravim, da podpirajo Trumpa.
Katerokoli drugo ali drugega bo Biden izbral (po mojem bo to Kamala Harris), bo to pomenilo izgubo večjega števila glasov. In tega se v DNC zelo dobro zavedajo, zato pravim, da podpirajo Trumpa.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
WTF? Nehaj precenjevat število socialistov v ZDA, ki so za bonus koncentrirani v liberalnih enklavah kjer Trump nima šans. Bo Biden pač zmagal Kalifornijo in NY s 60 namesto 70%. Bo fucking ho.
Zmaga se z 270 elektorskimi glasovi. Cilja se na več, ampak v skrajni sili zadostuje 270 elektorskih glasov. Izbor podpredsednice mora pri tem pomagati. Poleg tega bi bilo fino pazit da se jo lahko zamenja z demokratom, če trenutno zaseda voljeno funkcijo. Senatorke iz držav z republikanskimi guvernerji odpadejo, ker do naslednjih volitev on imenuje nadomestnega senatorja.
Na prvo žogo sem iz spodnjega seznama hotel reč Tammy Duckworth, ampak demokrati redno pometajo po Illinoisu
2020 Democratic Party vice presidential candidate selection @ Wikipedia
Sally Yates, Klobucharjeva, morda Whitmerjeva, odvisno kako se bo spopadla z epidemijo & kake so možnosti da jo nadomesti demokrat. Warrenova odpade, ker je sveže izvoljena senatorka iz države z republikanskim guvernerjem, Michelle je on the record, da noče p od politike.
Verjetno bo wildcard.
Zmaga se z 270 elektorskimi glasovi. Cilja se na več, ampak v skrajni sili zadostuje 270 elektorskih glasov. Izbor podpredsednice mora pri tem pomagati. Poleg tega bi bilo fino pazit da se jo lahko zamenja z demokratom, če trenutno zaseda voljeno funkcijo. Senatorke iz držav z republikanskimi guvernerji odpadejo, ker do naslednjih volitev on imenuje nadomestnega senatorja.
Na prvo žogo sem iz spodnjega seznama hotel reč Tammy Duckworth, ampak demokrati redno pometajo po Illinoisu
2020 Democratic Party vice presidential candidate selection @ Wikipedia
Sally Yates, Klobucharjeva, morda Whitmerjeva, odvisno kako se bo spopadla z epidemijo & kake so možnosti da jo nadomesti demokrat. Warrenova odpade, ker je sveže izvoljena senatorka iz države z republikanskim guvernerjem, Michelle je on the record, da noče p od politike.
Verjetno bo wildcard.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Namiguješ, da bo postal Andrea?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zheegec ::
WTF? Nehaj precenjevat število socialistov v ZDA, ki so za bonus koncentrirani v liberalnih enklavah kjer Trump nima šans. Bo Biden pač zmagal Kalifornijo in NY s 60 namesto 70%. Bo fucking ho.
Socialistični kandidati so precej nepopularni v libaralnih enklavah. Liberalizem in socializem so si sovražne ideologije. Bernie Sanders bi še vedno zmagal NY in Kalifornijo v general elections, ampak bi dobil manj glasov v teh državah, kot Clintonova in kolikor bo Biden.
New York State primary iz 2016 je zelo dober primer. Clintonova je z lahkoto zmagala v liberalnih enklavah, Sanders je z lahkoto zmagal v bolj ruralnih in manj liberalnih delih NY State.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VaeVictis ::
Biden razlaga svojim donatorjem:
Katie Glueck
National politics reporter at
, covering 2020
Katie Glueck
National politics reporter at
, covering 2020

Pac-Man ::
Povsem mirno razloži kar jim gre
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Data s Floride Nič novega - Trump je konkretno nepopularen, enako kot l. 2016. Problem zanj je, da mu tokrat naproti ne stoji prav tako nepopularna Hillary. Nič novega - Trump je konkretno nepopularen, enako kot l. 2016. Problem zanj je, da mu tokrat naproti ne stoji prav tako nepopularna Hillary.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
A @Reuters special report: HHS chief Alex Azar tapped ex-professional Labradoodle breeder to coordinate the coronavirus response
in to
"you SAID to find somebody with experience running labs"
A @Reuters special report: HHS chief Alex Azar tapped ex-professional Labradoodle breeder to coordinate the coronavirus response
in to
"you SAID to find somebody with experience running labs"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Bwaze6 ::
Coronavirus: Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment

Idiocracy je tu...
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," the president said, turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it.
"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting," the president continued
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?
"So it'd be interesting to check that."
Pointing to his head, Mr Trump went on: "I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what."

Idiocracy je tu...

Bwaze6 ::
Za nejeverne Tomaže, prepis tiskovne konference. Tega predsenik ZDA ni blebetal v pubu, okajen.
Obb 29:46 se predsednik ZDA hvali, da je predlagal zdravljenje koronavirusa s presvetljevanjem bolnikov z UV ali navadno močno svetlibo, in vbrizgavanje dezinfekcijskih sredstev:
Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conference Transcript April 23
Obb 29:46 se predsednik ZDA hvali, da je predlagal zdravljenje koronavirusa s presvetljevanjem bolnikov z UV ali navadno močno svetlibo, in vbrizgavanje dezinfekcijskih sredstev:
Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conference Transcript April 23
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Bwaze6 ()

VaeVictis ::
Za nejeverne Tomaže, prepis tiskovne konference. Tega predsenik ZDA ni blebetal v pubu, okajen.
Obb 29:46 se predsednik ZDA hvali, da je predlagal zdravljenje koronavirusa s presvetljevanjem bolnikov z UV ali navadno močno svetlibo, in vbrizgavanje dezinfekcijskih sredstev:
Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conference Transcript April 23
Da, predlagal je eno izmed poti, katero naj strokovnjaki preverijo, če je kaj na tem.
Če je, cool, če ni, bodo strokvnajki rekli, da ni in bo konec s tem.
Saj ni prvič, da je to naredil, pa tudi zadnjič ne.
Eni bi celo rekli, da je to out-of-the box miselni proces in ga določeni celo zelo hvalijo.
Recimo Musk ima veliko teh out-of-the box idej, ene uspešne, ene ne in ima zelo veliko followerjev.
Morda, majhna možnost sicer, pa je kaj na tem, ali pa morda kak znastvenik testira to pot in ugotovi, da je možna (verjetno v drugačni obliki, pa vseeno).
Če je stupid, kar je tudi možno in zelo verjetno, bodo pa znanstveniki zapravili nekaj časa (ki je sicer zelo pomemben v tem času) in ugotovili, da je to napačna pot.
Morda bodo celo dobili kako novo idejo iz te napačne poti.
Trump je pač optimističen, kar je tudi vredu, če bi bil pa pemističen, bi ga pa nasprotniki zaradi tega kritizirali!

Bwaze6 ::
I see you are also a person that has a good you-know-what!

Zdaj je itak treba streljati razna priporočila v prazno, da se prikrije, kako je forsiral hidtoksiklorokvin, ki se je na kliničnih testih odrezal slabše kot placebo.

Zdaj je itak treba streljati razna priporočila v prazno, da se prikrije, kako je forsiral hidtoksiklorokvin, ki se je na kliničnih testih odrezal slabše kot placebo.

tone31 ::
ta vaevictis bi tudi za stalinove purge rekel da je mogoce trebalo malo pofrizirat
bogati idioti imajo vedno prav
bogati idioti imajo vedno prav

VaeVictis ::
I see you are also a person that has a good you-know-what!
Zdaj je itak treba streljati razna priporočila v prazno, da se prikrije, kako je forsiral hidtoksiklorokvin, ki se je na kliničnih testih odrezal slabše kot placebo.
Če bi deloval, bi pa rešil življenja.
A ni bolje, da se proba določene zadeve in se jih na kliničnih testih preveri, kot pa, da se reče, itak nič ne deluje in nič ne bomo testirali?
Okrog pa določeni "tokrat iz leve strani" pišejo, Hydroxychloroquine in Azithromycin kombinacija deluje, vsaj tako sem prebral na Facebooku, Trump pa noče tega videti, ker hoče svoje bogate farmacevtske prijatelje zadovoljiti.

VaeVictis ::
ta vaevictis bi tudi za stalinove purge rekel da je mogoce trebalo malo pofrizirat
bogati idioti imajo vedno prav
Ne gre se zato, da tukaj vse, kar Trump naredi, zagovarjam.
Samo ne gledat samo iz ene strani vse, poglej tudi drugo stran pri večini zadev.
Plus večino časa Trumpa citirajo totalno narobe in iz konteksta, pa da ne boš narobe razumel tudi "desna" stran večino časa poizkuša, da se "leve" politke prikaže v slabši luči, to je pač "all in the game".
Samo upal sem, da vsaj tukaj, kjer imaš kar nekaj pametnih ljudi znamo iti čez tole, ampak vidim, da je edina prava pot na tem forumu "Orange man bad, communist Bernie good".

Bwaze6 ::
Kaj piše na Facebooku, je nerelevantno. Trump je odpustil šefa Department of Health and Human Services, ker ni ubogal ukaza, da se zdravi s klorokvinom.
Coronavirus Vaccine Doctor Says He Was Fired Over Doubts on ...
Ampak jebeš znanost, Trump itak ne verjame vanjo. oz. se spozna na to (bolje kot kdorkoli!), ker je bil znanstvenik njegov stric...
Kdo se prvi javi, da mu belilo vbrizgamo v žile?
Coronavirus Vaccine Doctor Says He Was Fired Over Doubts on ...
Ampak jebeš znanost, Trump itak ne verjame vanjo. oz. se spozna na to (bolje kot kdorkoli!), ker je bil znanstvenik njegov stric...
Kdo se prvi javi, da mu belilo vbrizgamo v žile?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Bwaze6 ()

VaeVictis ::
Kaj piše na Facebooku, je nerelevantno. Trump je odpustil šefa Department of Health and Human Services, ker ni ubogal ukaza, da se zdravi s klorokvinom. > Coronavirus Vaccine Doctor Says He Was Fired Over Doubts on ...
Ampak jebeš znanost, Trump itak ne verjame vanjo. oz. se spozna na to (bolje kot kdorkoli!), ker je bil znanstvenik njegov stric...
Kdo se prvi javi, da mu belilo vbrizgamo v žile?
Še enkrat preveri še drugo plat zgodbe, ne pa poslušati samo eno stran.
Če ne najdeš nič in si preveč v svojem "levem mehurčku", tukaj imaš en link:
NYT Story About Ousted HHS Director Rick Bright Starts To Crumble Almost Instantly
Resnica je verjetno nekje vmes...

Bwaze6 ::
"Druga plat" je zate ta, da ni javno nasprotoval nekritičnemu predlaganju klorokvina kot čudežnega zdravila, o internih pogovorih in dopisih pa ne moremo soditi?

zmaugy ::
Za nejeverne Tomaže, prepis tiskovne konference. Tega predsenik ZDA ni blebetal v pubu, okajen.
Obb 29:46 se predsednik ZDA hvali, da je predlagal zdravljenje koronavirusa s presvetljevanjem bolnikov z UV ali navadno močno svetlibo, in vbrizgavanje dezinfekcijskih sredstev:
Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conference Transcript April 23
Da, predlagal je eno izmed poti, katero naj strokovnjaki preverijo, če je kaj na tem.
Če je, cool, če ni, bodo strokvnajki rekli, da ni in bo konec s tem.
Saj ni prvič, da je to naredil, pa tudi zadnjič ne.
Eni bi celo rekli, da je to out-of-the box miselni proces in ga določeni celo zelo hvalijo.
Recimo Musk ima veliko teh out-of-the box idej, ene uspešne, ene ne in ima zelo veliko followerjev.
Morda, majhna možnost sicer, pa je kaj na tem, ali pa morda kak znastvenik testira to pot in ugotovi, da je možna (verjetno v drugačni obliki, pa vseeno).
Če je stupid, kar je tudi možno in zelo verjetno, bodo pa znanstveniki zapravili nekaj časa (ki je sicer zelo pomemben v tem času) in ugotovili, da je to napačna pot.
Morda bodo celo dobili kako novo idejo iz te napačne poti.
Trump je pač optimističen, kar je tudi vredu, če bi bil pa pemističen, bi ga pa nasprotniki zaradi tega kritizirali!
Sem slišal, da gama žarki pobijejo viruse. Kaj ko bi poskusili zdraviti z močnim virom gama sevanja? “ Če je, cool, če ni, bodo strokvnajki rekli, da ni in bo konec s tem.” /s
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

VaeVictis ::
Sem slišal, da gama žarki pobijejo viruse. Kaj ko bi poskusili zdraviti z močnim virom gama sevanja? “ Če je, cool, če ni, bodo strokvnajki rekli, da ni in bo konec s tem.” /s
Virus nas bo vse pobil, rešitve ni, mi delamo slabo, Kitajci delajo zelo dobro in to nam je v veliko čast in korist, WHO dela odlično, jim bomo še več denarja nakazali, če bi bila Hillary danes predsednik pa virusa sploh ne bi bilo, demokrati so angelčki, republikanci pa navadne pokvarjene barabe, jst sem pa Orange man, ki nima pojma in se za vse sam odločim, pa najbolj krediblni medij je CNN, aja pa, da ne pozabim, ker mi je Putin rekel, ki me ima v rokah, ker ima moj "golden shower sex tape", Biden je najbolj pronicljiv kandidat za predsednika, ki ima odličen spomin, ....
Tole bi verjetno marsikateri medij označil kot "Factually True", tukaj na slo-techu, bi ga pa določeni hvalili na polno!

Bwaze6 ::
Orange man great!
Zagovarjate ga tudo ko dejansko izusti nekaj popolnoma retardiranega. Človeka, ki ob predstavitvi dezinfekcije predmetov in prostorov z UV svetlobo in dezinfekcijskimi sredstvi predlaga, zakaj ne testirajo uničevanja virusa v človeku z obsevanjem z UV in vbrizgavanjem belila primerjate z Elonom Muskom...
Zagovarjate ga tudo ko dejansko izusti nekaj popolnoma retardiranega. Človeka, ki ob predstavitvi dezinfekcije predmetov in prostorov z UV svetlobo in dezinfekcijskimi sredstvi predlaga, zakaj ne testirajo uničevanja virusa v človeku z obsevanjem z UV in vbrizgavanjem belila primerjate z Elonom Muskom...

zmaugy ::
Orange man great!
Zagovarjate ga tudo ko dejansko izusti nekaj popolnoma retardiranega. Človeka, ki ob predstavitvi dezinfekcije predmetov in prostorov z UV svetlobo in dezinfekcijskimi sredstvi predlaga, zakaj ne testirajo uničevanja virusa v človeku z obsevanjem z UV in vbrizgavanjem belila primerjate z Elonom Muskom...
To je res tako retardirano, da si tega enostavno nihče ne bi spomnil izmislit. Ampak no problem, Donald is my Jesus...
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

zmaugy ::
Pa še tole: na približno 12:00 tega intevjuja senator Lindsay Graham namigne, da "upa, da bojo lahko imeli volitve"...
Toliko o tem.
Kolikokrat v zadnjih vsaj dveh letih sem tukaj napisal, da bo Trump poskušal ukiniti demokracijo v ZDA in kakšne so bile reakcije?
Evo zdaj tole: Biden verjame, da bo Trump hotel zamakniti novemberske volitve:
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Pac-Man ::
The Onion 25. marca
Man Just Buying One Of Every Cleaning Product In Case Trump Announces It’s Coronavirus Cure
Man Just Buying One Of Every Cleaning Product In Case Trump Announces It’s Coronavirus Cure
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

zmaugy ::
The Onion 25. marca
Man Just Buying One Of Every Cleaning Product In Case Trump Announces It’s Coronavirus Cure

PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Pac-Man ::
23%. To je trumpova baza, ki je ne prepričaš nikoli. Ostale se da.
NEW @AP poll: only 23% of Americans say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public.
And only about half of Republicans say they have a lot of trust in Trump’s information on the pandemic
NEW @AP poll: only 23% of Americans say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public.
And only about half of Republicans say they have a lot of trust in Trump’s information on the pandemic
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VaeVictis ::
The Onion 25. marca
Man Just Buying One Of Every Cleaning Product In Case Trump Announces It’s Coronavirus Cure
In potem folk pravi, da Trump nič ne naredi za ekonomijo...
"Orange man bad"

Pac-Man ::
I dove into the Trump media space to see how they're covering the Dr. Trump's disinfectant and UV light rant. You'll be *shocked* that the gong farmers of the Trump media support squad are blaming...wait for it..."duh librual media."
"He never said it." (He did.)
"He didn't mean it." (He did.)
"He didn't mean it like THAT." (He did.)
"Take him seriously but not literally." (Dear God no.)
"Well, ACKHTUALLY a study on the Journal of Esoteric Trumpist Alchemical Proceedings indicates..." (Any minute)
The hollow shell of conservatism in the post-Trump era is filled with nothing but cultlike adulation and hatred for the media. It's because it polls through the roof with Trump voters and has forever.
It's their vaccine against every lunatic blurting from Trump's lie hole. It's their safe space when his insanity is so patent. Every time they run back to momma on the "but duh media is mean to Donald!" defense it illustrates their complete intellectual dishonesty.
Any Trump defender in his media complex will, within a few tweets or paragraphs, almost always refocus on the Real Enemy; the media.
They can't stop themselves. It's the dying twitch reflex of people who used to have a standard for their own leaders on the right.
I had a long Signal convo with a former friend in the right-leaning media space. Completely dug in on "it's the coverage, not Trump."
After a lot of battering he admitted he can't blame Trump because their readers will turn on him and defect to some nuttier platform.
In the mean time, don't drink bleach unless you want to show the media you're a real man.
I dove into the Trump media space to see how they're covering the Dr. Trump's disinfectant and UV light rant. You'll be *shocked* that the gong farmers of the Trump media support squad are blaming...wait for it..."duh librual media."
"He never said it." (He did.)
"He didn't mean it." (He did.)
"He didn't mean it like THAT." (He did.)
"Take him seriously but not literally." (Dear God no.)
"Well, ACKHTUALLY a study on the Journal of Esoteric Trumpist Alchemical Proceedings indicates..." (Any minute)
The hollow shell of conservatism in the post-Trump era is filled with nothing but cultlike adulation and hatred for the media. It's because it polls through the roof with Trump voters and has forever.
It's their vaccine against every lunatic blurting from Trump's lie hole. It's their safe space when his insanity is so patent. Every time they run back to momma on the "but duh media is mean to Donald!" defense it illustrates their complete intellectual dishonesty.
Any Trump defender in his media complex will, within a few tweets or paragraphs, almost always refocus on the Real Enemy; the media.
They can't stop themselves. It's the dying twitch reflex of people who used to have a standard for their own leaders on the right.
I had a long Signal convo with a former friend in the right-leaning media space. Completely dug in on "it's the coverage, not Trump."
After a lot of battering he admitted he can't blame Trump because their readers will turn on him and defect to some nuttier platform.
In the mean time, don't drink bleach unless you want to show the media you're a real man.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

tone31 ::

dild0idis ::
Michael R. Hamblin - Ultraviolet Irradiation of Blood: "The Cure That Time Forgot"?
Mogoče pa je kaj na tem?
Mogoče pa je kaj na tem?
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!

Pac-Man ::
82% republikancev nima težav s socialnim distanciranjem. Protestniki so, sicer zelo glasna, manjšina.
Hard to overstate how thoroughly Trump has lost the argument over social distancing.
Despite efforts by the anti-lockdown culture warrior fringe brigade to concoct impressions of widespread populist rage, 82% of *Republicans* see it as responsible.
We're in an amazing moment.
Distancing is imposing tremendous psychological and economic hardship.
Yet large majorities refuse to let Trump's magical chaos powers appeal to their basest instincts.
It's a remarkable outpouring of public spiritedness.
There is no longer any excuse to treat Trump's briefings as news:
* He feels zero obligation to prepare so he can better inform the public
* He reads from talking points
* He sees briefings as campaign rallies and as occasions to discredit the media
Hard to overstate how thoroughly Trump has lost the argument over social distancing.
Despite efforts by the anti-lockdown culture warrior fringe brigade to concoct impressions of widespread populist rage, 82% of *Republicans* see it as responsible.
We're in an amazing moment.
Distancing is imposing tremendous psychological and economic hardship.
Yet large majorities refuse to let Trump's magical chaos powers appeal to their basest instincts.
It's a remarkable outpouring of public spiritedness.
There is no longer any excuse to treat Trump's briefings as news:
* He feels zero obligation to prepare so he can better inform the public
* He reads from talking points
* He sees briefings as campaign rallies and as occasions to discredit the media
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Vazelin ::
Trump went full retard again?
Vodilni proizvajalec čistil opozarja kupce, naj ne uporabljajo izdelkov z razkužilom na svojem telesu ali si jih celo vbrizgajo, kot je svetoval ameriški predsednik Donald Trump, da bi se zaščitili pred covidom-19.
Trump went full retard again?
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()

zmaugy ::
Trump je kompletna retardirana budala. Ne vem če še komu to zdaj ni jasno...
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

zmaugy ::
Demenca je zgolj poslabšala stanje.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Pac-Man ::
Našel se je kontemporarni dokaz, ki potrjuje, da v primeru Tare Reade bidnov tabor laže. Še vedno trdim, da ni šlo za posilstvo, ampak njihovo totalno zanikanje daje legitimnost tudi izmišljenim trditvam.
Nauk: ne laži, videokasete ne pozabljajo.
Našel se je kontemporarni dokaz, ki potrjuje, da v primeru Tare Reade bidnov tabor laže. Še vedno trdim, da ni šlo za posilstvo, ampak njihovo totalno zanikanje daje legitimnost tudi izmišljenim trditvam.
Nauk: ne laži, videokasete ne pozabljajo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VaeVictis ::
Našel se je kontemporarni dokaz, ki potrjuje, da v primeru Tare Reade bidnov tabor laže. Še vedno trdim, da ni šlo za posilstvo, ampak njihovo totalno zanikanje daje legitimnost tudi izmišljenim trditvam.
Nauk: ne laži, videokasete ne pozabljajo.
Paco je tole res?
CNN removed the August 11th, 1993 Larry King Episode from Google Play, the episode featuring a call from Tara Reade's mother. CNN is actively colluding with the Biden campaign to cover up evidence of Biden's sexual assault.

Fritz ::
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()

Poldi112 ::
Trump podeljuje pomoč svojim donorjem.
Edina, ki je bila proti, je pa AOC:
Trump podeljuje pomoč svojim donorjem.
Edina, ki je bila proti, je pa AOC:
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

bluefish ::
Bravo Trump -
Ameriški predsednik Donald Trump je na novinarski konferenci v seriji bistroumnih izjav ugibal, da bi v boju proti covidu-19 lahko poskusili z vbrizgavanjem razkužila v telo ali pa bi posameznike izpostavili zelo močni svetlobi. Trump je sicer naslednji dan besede vzel nazaj, a so centri za zastrupitve že zabeležili porast primerov.
Nič čudnega, da je bil kmalu po izjavi pozvan k omejitvi svojih bistroumnim pojavljanj:
Na volitvah vsekakor nezavidljiva izbira - dementen starec in dementen debil.
Ameriški predsednik Donald Trump je na novinarski konferenci v seriji bistroumnih izjav ugibal, da bi v boju proti covidu-19 lahko poskusili z vbrizgavanjem razkužila v telo ali pa bi posameznike izpostavili zelo močni svetlobi. Trump je sicer naslednji dan besede vzel nazaj, a so centri za zastrupitve že zabeležili porast primerov.
Nič čudnega, da je bil kmalu po izjavi pozvan k omejitvi svojih bistroumnim pojavljanj:
Na volitvah vsekakor nezavidljiva izbira - dementen starec in dementen debil.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bluefish ()

Pac-Man ::
Republikanske talking points. Blame China in ne branit Trumpa.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.