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Volitve v ZDA 2020
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Pac-Man ::
Nit & članek o odzivu na koronavirus v ZDA:
As part of our reporting, The NYT obtained hundreds of emails among a group of the top pandemic experts in the US--doctors at HHS, DHS, State, VA, as well as former gov drs--as they watched the pandemic unfold in the United States.
Here are some of their observations.
As part of our reporting, The NYT obtained hundreds of emails among a group of the top pandemic experts in the US--doctors at HHS, DHS, State, VA, as well as former gov drs--as they watched the pandemic unfold in the United States.
Here are some of their observations.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Vazelin ::

Lol ker naj bi pisala "lepe stvari" o Putinu ni mogoče, da bi jo Biden nadlegoval. Kako je to dvoje sploh povezano?
Vidim, da bo veliko patetike v ameriških medijih glede Bidna in kako sedaj diskreditirati metoo gibanje (no, tiste ki napadajo Sleepy Joea)
Believe all women? New York Times only remembers its journalistic skepticism when it's Biden in the crosshairs

New York Times finally covers the woman who is accusing Biden of sexually assaulting her
The article states that she previously wrote nice things about Putin
“Ms. Reade said that she was not working for Russia and did not support Mr. Putin”
Lol ker naj bi pisala "lepe stvari" o Putinu ni mogoče, da bi jo Biden nadlegoval. Kako je to dvoje sploh povezano?
Vidim, da bo veliko patetike v ameriških medijih glede Bidna in kako sedaj diskreditirati metoo gibanje (no, tiste ki napadajo Sleepy Joea)
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()

Fritz ::
So as of right now it's Trump versus Biden. An incompetent plutocrat president selling himself as an anti-establishment people's champion while simultaneously advancing garden variety Republican sociopathy, versus a warmongering authoritarian who is too demented to string a coherent sentence together and who is looking more and more credibly to be a rapist.
But the primary factor by far was domestic mass media propaganda. Propaganda during the primary season of course, with the billionaire press showing a very clear and undeniable bias against Bernie Sanders from the very beginning of the race. Had the Sanders campaign received a normal quality and quantity of mass media coverage for a candidate of his stature, he would doubtless have received far more support than he did. To deny that biased media messaging has an effect would be the same as denying that advertising, a trillion-dollar industry, has an effect.
But the primary factor by far was domestic mass media propaganda. Propaganda during the primary season of course, with the billionaire press showing a very clear and undeniable bias against Bernie Sanders from the very beginning of the race. Had the Sanders campaign received a normal quality and quantity of mass media coverage for a candidate of his stature, he would doubtless have received far more support than he did. To deny that biased media messaging has an effect would be the same as denying that advertising, a trillion-dollar industry, has an effect.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

VaeVictis ::
So as of right now it's Trump versus Biden. An incompetent plutocrat president selling himself as an anti-establishment people's champion while simultaneously advancing garden variety Republican sociopathy, versus a warmongering authoritarian who is too demented to string a coherent sentence together and who is looking more and more credibly to be a rapist.
But the primary factor by far was domestic mass media propaganda. Propaganda during the primary season of course, with the billionaire press showing a very clear and undeniable bias against Bernie Sanders from the very beginning of the race. Had the Sanders campaign received a normal quality and quantity of mass media coverage for a candidate of his stature, he would doubtless have received far more support than he did. To deny that biased media messaging has an effect would be the same as denying that advertising, a trillion-dollar industry, has an effect.
Glede na to kako pozitivno mediji pišejo in poročajo o Trumpu, če zmaga še enkrat, kakšen izgovor bo pa potem!?

Pac-Man ::
Malo manj beri RT.
Tara Reade je jasna & glasna podpornica Sandersa. Obtožbe na njegov račun je obelodanila že pred enim letom, takrat je šlo za roke na ramenih in božanje vratu. In oggling njenih dolgih nog.
Alexandra Tara Reade said that in 1993 she was in her mid-20s when Biden, then a senator from Delaware, touched her several times making her feel uncomfortable. Reade said her responsibilities in the senator’s office were reduced after she refused to serve drinks at an event — what she called a desire of Biden’s because he liked her legs. Reade said she felt pushed out and left Biden’s employ in August 1993 after some nine months.
A spokesman for Biden couldn’t be reached for comment.
“He used to put his hand on my shoulder and run his finger up my neck,” Reade said. “I would just kind of freeze and wait for him to stop doing that.”
Reade is the most recent woman to publicly share her story about uncomfortable encounters with Biden. states former Nevada State Assemblywoman Lucy Flores told her story last week. Flores said Biden approached her at a 2014 campaign rally and kissed the back of her head. A second woman, Amy Lappos, said Biden touched her face and rubbed noses with her at a 2009 fundraiser.
Caitlyn Caruso said Biden put his hand on her thigh and hugged her at a university event. D.J. Hill said Biden in 2012 touched her shoulder before moving his hand down her back.
Reade said her expulsion from Biden’s office stemmed from an early 1993 staff argument over the suggestion she serve drinks at an event. According to Reade, Biden wanted her to serve because he liked her legs. Reade didn’t hear Biden make that suggestion, instead learning of it through his staff’s argument. Reade opted against serving drinks, a move she believes sidelined her career.
Reade said Biden’s senior staff protected the senator. She was considered a distraction. Reade said she didn’t consider the acts toward her sexualization. She instead compared her experience to being a lamp.
“It’s pretty. Set it over there,” she said. “Then when it’s too bright, you throw it away.”
Reade said she tried to share her story when she worked for Biden, but was told to say nothing. Then Biden ran on Barack Obama’s ticket. Reade thought he may have changed.
Reade said she rethought her years-long role as a foot solider for the Democratic Party when she learned of Flores’ disclosure.
She wants more than “Sorry” from Biden.
“‘I changed the trajectory of your life,’” she wants to hear him say. “‘I’m sorry.’”
Ni bilo želenega učinka, zato smo zdaj prišli do digitalne manipulacije.
Če uporabimo postulat o Bernie Bros in MAGA botih kot drugi strani istega kovanca...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VaeVictis ::
Malo manj beri RT.
Tara Reade je jasna & glasna podpornica Sandersa. Obtožbe na njegov račun je obelodanila že pred enim letom, takrat je šlo za roke na ramenih in božanje vratu. In oggling njenih dolgih nog.
Ni bilo želenega učinka, zato smo zdaj prišli do digitalne manipulacije.
Če uporabimo postulat o Bernie Bros in MAGA botih kot drugi strani istega kovanca...
BTW, problem Tara Reade in Biden ni toliko Biden sam, večji problem je dvoličnost določenih medijev in ljudi pri zagovarjanju Bidena.
Pri obtožbah na račun Brett Kavanaugh se je ves čas govorilo, da je treba nujno verjeti ženski in da je nujno treba preveriti vse možne obtožbe.
Pa če gledamo po eni strani je šlo za "nižji" službeni položaj.
Sedaj pa praktično iste osebe pravijo, da se mora upoštevati proces in da je zadave itak zastarala in da je treba verjeti tudi moškemu.
Tudi mediji sami praktično nič ne poročajo o Tara Reade glede na vso poročanje, ki so ga imeli o dr. Christine Blasey Ford.
Bi bilo morda zanimivo pogledati vsa poste forumašev, kaj so takrat pravili in kaj sedaj pravijo.
Sedaj se je treba odločiti ali se upošteva ena pravila ali druga, obeh se enostavano ne more!

Pac-Man ::
Nit o ETTD fenomenu in trenutni tarči, dr. Fauciju:
A short thread on the constancy of #ETTD. Yes, it started as a witty phrase. Time and again it's been proven as an iron law of American politics.
Almost all of the prior ETTD cases in the Administration were expendable either insofar as they were low-speed dim-bulb Trump lackeys and clones, or their skill sets weren't needed. A few (Mattis, Tillerson) just got tired of this shit, but TBH we entered this Admin in a time of relative peace and prosperity.
Now, one of the few *actual* experts on infectious diseases in this crapulous, terrible, shit-tier warren of ratfucking titty-baby whiners and petty schemers has clearly given the Presidential ego an ouchy for doing the unforgivable; speaking the truth.
Trump *always* follows this pattern; "What do you think of X?" is a setup for his lame "Everyone said X was terrible and not loyal to me."
Bitch, "X" in this case is Anthony Fauci, a guy who *actually* knows things, not from his pea-brained "instincts" or the "metrics" rattling in his high-bone-to-brain ratio cranium. but from research, academic background, and experience. This won't stop the Trump media's ongoing attacks, and so we'll be left with noted Fish Oil Huckster Seb Gorka heading CDC soon, if we're lucky.
"Kill the experts" is always a great way to go. JFC.
In lateralna o državljanski vojni & kanonizaciji Lincolna.
We should talk about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the Black Easter of 1865 that forever changed America by knotting national identity and religion and hiding our toxic racism.
Here's what I learned writing AMERICAN RULE.
A short thread on the constancy of #ETTD. Yes, it started as a witty phrase. Time and again it's been proven as an iron law of American politics.
Almost all of the prior ETTD cases in the Administration were expendable either insofar as they were low-speed dim-bulb Trump lackeys and clones, or their skill sets weren't needed. A few (Mattis, Tillerson) just got tired of this shit, but TBH we entered this Admin in a time of relative peace and prosperity.
Now, one of the few *actual* experts on infectious diseases in this crapulous, terrible, shit-tier warren of ratfucking titty-baby whiners and petty schemers has clearly given the Presidential ego an ouchy for doing the unforgivable; speaking the truth.
Trump *always* follows this pattern; "What do you think of X?" is a setup for his lame "Everyone said X was terrible and not loyal to me."
Bitch, "X" in this case is Anthony Fauci, a guy who *actually* knows things, not from his pea-brained "instincts" or the "metrics" rattling in his high-bone-to-brain ratio cranium. but from research, academic background, and experience. This won't stop the Trump media's ongoing attacks, and so we'll be left with noted Fish Oil Huckster Seb Gorka heading CDC soon, if we're lucky.
"Kill the experts" is always a great way to go. JFC.
In lateralna o državljanski vojni & kanonizaciji Lincolna.
We should talk about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the Black Easter of 1865 that forever changed America by knotting national identity and religion and hiding our toxic racism.
Here's what I learned writing AMERICAN RULE.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Fritz ::
Glede na to kako pozitivno mediji pišejo in poročajo o Trumpu, če zmaga še enkrat, kakšen izgovor bo pa potem!?
So mediji, ki pišejo negativno o Trumpu in so mediji, ki pišejo pozitivno o Trumpu. So mediji, ki pišejo negativno o Bidnu in so mediji, ki pišejo pozitivno o Bidnu. So mediji, ki pišejo negativno o Sandersu in so mediji, ki sploh ne pišejo o Sandersu.
Tako nekako. Kar se mene tiče, so v ZDA pred enako ušivo izbiro kot leta 2016.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

2dark ::
Ja, in impeachment zlih demokratov daje tudi kot enega od razlogov, da no mogel prej reagirat.
Kolikokrat je šel v februarju igrat golf? In kolikokrat je koronavirus v februarju in v prvi polovici marca označil za "hoax", nekaj kar lahko preboliš stoje med delom in nekaj kar bo izginilo samo od sebe?
Saj izgine, če imaš dober imunski sistem. Tud za navadno gripo umirajo starostniki pa nihče ne skače v zrak.
Če bi sel v fitnes bi bilo pa vse ok.
(> _ <)
(>🍫 )
(> _ <)
(>🍫 )

zmaugy ::
Že pred veliko časa sem postavil trditev, da bo Trump ukinil demokracijo, njegovi zagovorniki so se zelo zabavali ob tem. Tipo očitno ne more več skrivati svojih predstav o tem, kaj pomeni biti POTUS: "The president's authorithy is TOTAL":
Očitno torej je, kaj (poleg totalne nesposobnosti in nevednosti, konstantnega laganja, nepotizma, konflikta s celim svetom, zatona moči in vpliva ZDA v svetu, med sabo popolnoma sprtega naroda...) čaka Američane, če tega psihopata ponovno izvolijo. Diktatura in norost ranga naci Nemčije.
Očitno torej je, kaj (poleg totalne nesposobnosti in nevednosti, konstantnega laganja, nepotizma, konflikta s celim svetom, zatona moči in vpliva ZDA v svetu, med sabo popolnoma sprtega naroda...) čaka Američane, če tega psihopata ponovno izvolijo. Diktatura in norost ranga naci Nemčije.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

Poldi112 ::
Lepo, da mu verjameš, ko pravi, da ima absolutno oblast, edino zakaj misliš, da bo šele v drugem mandatu uvedel diktaturo? Zakaj je ni že kar v prvem?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

zmaugy ::
So much winning... Ampak, ker so Trumpovi volilci butasti, obstaja možnost, da ne bojo povezali situacije s "TOTAL authority" stable geniusom.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Pac-Man ::
Že pred veliko časa sem postavil trditev, da bo Trump ukinil demokracijo, njegovi zagovorniki so se zelo zabavali ob tem. Tipo očitno ne more več skrivati svojih predstav o tem, kaj pomeni biti POTUS: "The president's authorithy is TOTAL"
Totalna avtoriteta brez prevzemanja odgovornosti.
Lušten šiht. Nič čudnega, da se za razliko od ostalih predsednikov ni vidno postaral.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Profesionalna rokoborba je na Floridi razglašena za dejavnost ključnega pomena in se kot taka lahko izvaja tudi v času karantene.
Da žena ustanovitelja WWE vodi pro-Trump super PAC zagotovo ni imelo nobenega vpliva.
Da žena ustanovitelja WWE vodi pro-Trump super PAC zagotovo ni imelo nobenega vpliva.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Obama je z 12-minutnim nagovorom američanom podprl Bidna za predsednika
Slučajno en dan po shitshowu od tiskovke v beli hiši. Danes bi znalo bit spet zabavno.
Slučajno en dan po shitshowu od tiskovke v beli hiši. Danes bi znalo bit spet zabavno.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Neither JFK not LBJ were particularly liberal. They were politicians who could be moved, by the arc of history and events and by determined movements. The relentless push of movements is what made these imperfect men enact civil rights and voting rights. Bernie clearly gets that. And he clearly knows that his movement is in a position to push for more progressive policy, and that millions of Americans losing their health insurance at once and instant economic want due to the pandemic and maybe a depression creates the need for Biden to rethink some ideas.
There is so much opportunity among normie moderate and liberal Democrats, progressives and yes Never Trumpers to drag this country out of this mess and negotiate a new, saner future where we put up guardrails against the next disaster, why would anyone refuse to be at that table? That table will get messy and loud and there will be arguments over what can and should be done. But other than Trumpers, everyone else WANTS it done.
Most people want to live in a country where states don't have to bid against each other for ventilators and hospitals have PPE. Most Americans want to have a president who is prepared and listens to warnings and science so when disasters strike at least we are ready. Most people want to know that the poor and middle class and small businesses won't have the floor drop from beneath them w/ every disaster.
I thought the ideal outcome for 2020, especially given what happened in 2016 was for the election to produce a woman president. I am extremely disappointed that the Dem electorate looked at some really great choices of women candidates (Sens Harris & Warren especially) & said no. But that was not my call. A call was made. And now it's time to decide: are you going to be at that table to negotiate a better future, or are you going to peace out and just let the future happen? I don't think anyone is obligated to beg y'all to make a choice. Do what you want. But just accept that what you are doing IS choosing. Choosing to keep things as they are: as dangerous as that is in particular for people of color, Muslims, immigrants, LGBT folk and women, or to be at the table to negotiate something new. Ok I'm done auntie-ranting. Be blessed.
Neither JFK not LBJ were particularly liberal. They were politicians who could be moved, by the arc of history and events and by determined movements. The relentless push of movements is what made these imperfect men enact civil rights and voting rights. Bernie clearly gets that. And he clearly knows that his movement is in a position to push for more progressive policy, and that millions of Americans losing their health insurance at once and instant economic want due to the pandemic and maybe a depression creates the need for Biden to rethink some ideas.
There is so much opportunity among normie moderate and liberal Democrats, progressives and yes Never Trumpers to drag this country out of this mess and negotiate a new, saner future where we put up guardrails against the next disaster, why would anyone refuse to be at that table? That table will get messy and loud and there will be arguments over what can and should be done. But other than Trumpers, everyone else WANTS it done.
Most people want to live in a country where states don't have to bid against each other for ventilators and hospitals have PPE. Most Americans want to have a president who is prepared and listens to warnings and science so when disasters strike at least we are ready. Most people want to know that the poor and middle class and small businesses won't have the floor drop from beneath them w/ every disaster.
I thought the ideal outcome for 2020, especially given what happened in 2016 was for the election to produce a woman president. I am extremely disappointed that the Dem electorate looked at some really great choices of women candidates (Sens Harris & Warren especially) & said no. But that was not my call. A call was made. And now it's time to decide: are you going to be at that table to negotiate a better future, or are you going to peace out and just let the future happen? I don't think anyone is obligated to beg y'all to make a choice. Do what you want. But just accept that what you are doing IS choosing. Choosing to keep things as they are: as dangerous as that is in particular for people of color, Muslims, immigrants, LGBT folk and women, or to be at the table to negotiate something new. Ok I'm done auntie-ranting. Be blessed.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

vilicarist ::
Obama je z 12-minutnim nagovorom američanom podprl Bidna za predsednika
Slučajno en dan po shitshowu od tiskovke v beli hiši. Danes bi znalo bit spet zabavno.
kok se je obama postaru
bmw = brings me women

Vazelin ::
jp, njega je res zdelalo.
pred predsedovanjem je bil kot fantič
pred predsedovanjem je bil kot fantič
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

zmaugy ::
Obama je z 12-minutnim nagovorom američanom podprl Bidna za predsednika
Slučajno en dan po shitshowu od tiskovke v beli hiši. Danes bi znalo bit spet zabavno.
Fenomenalen endorsement speach. Odlično je povezal Bernieja in Bidna.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Smrekar1 ::
Moderator pravi, da tale govor 'stabilnega genija' sodi sem:
Let, let me put it very simply. I’m just going to put it very simply. The President of the United States has the authority to do what the President has the authority to do, which is very powerful. The President of the United States calls the shots. If we weren’t here for the states, you woulda had a problem in this country like you’ve never seen before. We were here to back them up. And we back and we more than back them up. We did a job that nobody ever thought was possible. It’s a decision of the President of the United States. Now with that being said, we’re gonna work with the states, because it’s very important. You have local governments. They’re pinpointed. And really, you talk about, uh, it’s like a microchip. They’re pinpointed. We have local governments. Hopefully they’ll do a good job. And if they don’t do a good job, I step in so fast. But no, they can’t do anything without the approval of the President of the United States. When somebody is President of the United States, the authority is total. You have a couple of bands of, uh, Democratic governors, but, uh, they will agree to it, they will agree to it, but, uh, the authority of the President of the United States having to do with the subject we’re talking about is total.
Tu je še kontekst, ki ga je prijazno dobavil ... imena se žal ne spomnim. Kakorkoli, hvala
Počasi bo kar treba v inštitucijo.
Let, let me put it very simply. I’m just going to put it very simply. The President of the United States has the authority to do what the President has the authority to do, which is very powerful. The President of the United States calls the shots. If we weren’t here for the states, you woulda had a problem in this country like you’ve never seen before. We were here to back them up. And we back and we more than back them up. We did a job that nobody ever thought was possible. It’s a decision of the President of the United States. Now with that being said, we’re gonna work with the states, because it’s very important. You have local governments. They’re pinpointed. And really, you talk about, uh, it’s like a microchip. They’re pinpointed. We have local governments. Hopefully they’ll do a good job. And if they don’t do a good job, I step in so fast. But no, they can’t do anything without the approval of the President of the United States. When somebody is President of the United States, the authority is total. You have a couple of bands of, uh, Democratic governors, but, uh, they will agree to it, they will agree to it, but, uh, the authority of the President of the United States having to do with the subject we’re talking about is total.
Tu je še kontekst, ki ga je prijazno dobavil ... imena se žal ne spomnim. Kakorkoli, hvala
Počasi bo kar treba v inštitucijo.

Fritz ::
Fenomenalen endorsement speach. Odlično je povezal Bernieja in Bidna.
Ja, bojijo se, kaj bodo naredili Sandersovi volivci. In ti Bidna ne bodo podprli, če ne bo sprejel vsaj dela politik, ki jih je zagovarjal Sanders. Na eni strani se širokoustijo o povezanosti medtem, ko so na drugi strani zavrgli vse progresivne politike. Sandersovi volivci so volili zanj zaradi politik, ki jih je predlagal in ne bodo volili nekoga, ki ne bo zastopal vsaj dela teh politik.
Mimogrede, Obama je bil tisti, ki je pred super-torkom posredoval in dosegel, da sta Klobucharjeva in Buttigieg odstopila in podprla Bidna, sicer bi Sanders zmagal.
Končni rezultat bo isti kot pri Clintonovi, ker so ljudje naveličani teh korporativnih lutk in ne bodo volili zanje ali pa bodo zanalašč volili Trumpa.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Smrekar1 ::
Ja, bojijo se, kaj bodo naredili Sandersovi volivci. In ti Bidna ne bodo podprli, če ne bo sprejel vsaj dela politik, ki jih je zagovarjal Sanders.
Saj jih je. Poleg tega njegova politika niti ni nekaj strašno drugačna od Sandersove. Marsikateri koraki so samo bolj realni, recimo javna zdravstvena zavarovalnica.

Fritz ::
Biden, who opposes universal healthcare even in the face of a pandemic? Biden, the decades-long warmonger? Biden, who attacked Anita Hill to put Clarence Thomas on the supreme court?
What gives me hope right now is seeing many of Bernie Sanders supporters denounce his endorsement of Joe Biden & withdraw their support.
That's the difference between Bernie supporters and democrats, as well as Trump supporters; they follow the party's nominee blindly.
What gives me hope right now is seeing many of Bernie Sanders supporters denounce his endorsement of Joe Biden & withdraw their support.
That's the difference between Bernie supporters and democrats, as well as Trump supporters; they follow the party's nominee blindly.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Master_Yoda ::
Potem pa imas tudi argumente kot so:
Bolje da Biden zamenja Ginsbergovo, kot Trump, etc. Kot da nista oba - Biden in Trump konservativca. In katerikoli bi jo zamenjal ne bo izbral tako levega sodnika/co kot je RBG -> torej je samo razlika da bo Biden sel malo manj v desno kot Trump.
Tako je s tem centrizmom - Ko so republikanci na oblasti se vse pomakne desno, ko pride demokratski centrist, pa se ne pomakne levo ampak se naredi kompromis da bi dobil "desne glasove" se minimalno premakne v levo, ce se sploh kaj. In s tem imas konstanten premik v desno.
Ce Biden zmaga in dobi se drug mandat je velika verjetnost da bo 2028 potem spet zmagal republikanec, medtem ko se v teh 8 letih ne bo naredilo nic kaj dosti progresivnega. Ce zmaga Trump pa je moznost (ceprav seveda zelo majhna) da je kaj bolj progresivnega na menuju 2024.
Medtem pa od $18 tisoc dolarjev kolikor bo placal vsak american v davkih za prvi corona bill dobi nazaj $1.2 tisoc ostalo pa gre bogatim. Socializem je res super (samo za bogate, za normalne in revne pa je najslabsa stvar na svetu).
Mah, oboji delajo za bogat sloj za one spodaj se jim pa jebe. Neke razlike v programih pa so samo zato da imajo iluzijo izbire.
Bolje da Biden zamenja Ginsbergovo, kot Trump, etc. Kot da nista oba - Biden in Trump konservativca. In katerikoli bi jo zamenjal ne bo izbral tako levega sodnika/co kot je RBG -> torej je samo razlika da bo Biden sel malo manj v desno kot Trump.
Tako je s tem centrizmom - Ko so republikanci na oblasti se vse pomakne desno, ko pride demokratski centrist, pa se ne pomakne levo ampak se naredi kompromis da bi dobil "desne glasove" se minimalno premakne v levo, ce se sploh kaj. In s tem imas konstanten premik v desno.
Ce Biden zmaga in dobi se drug mandat je velika verjetnost da bo 2028 potem spet zmagal republikanec, medtem ko se v teh 8 letih ne bo naredilo nic kaj dosti progresivnega. Ce zmaga Trump pa je moznost (ceprav seveda zelo majhna) da je kaj bolj progresivnega na menuju 2024.
Medtem pa od $18 tisoc dolarjev kolikor bo placal vsak american v davkih za prvi corona bill dobi nazaj $1.2 tisoc ostalo pa gre bogatim. Socializem je res super (samo za bogate, za normalne in revne pa je najslabsa stvar na svetu).
Mah, oboji delajo za bogat sloj za one spodaj se jim pa jebe. Neke razlike v programih pa so samo zato da imajo iluzijo izbire.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Master_Yoda ()

Smrekar1 ::

Master_Yoda ::
Studija pravi da bi na koncu Sandersov nacrt bil cenejsi od tega kar imajo zdaj (s tem da vi dosti vec ljudi bilo pokritih), tako da ne vem od kot si vzel podatke da bi bila drazja.
Taking into account both the costs of coverage expansion and the savings that would be achieved through the Medicare for All Act, we calculate that a single-payer, universal health-care system is likely to lead to a 13% savings in national health-care expenditure, equivalent to more than US$450 billion annually (based on the value of the US$ in 2017). The entire system could be funded with less financial outlay than is incurred by employers and households paying for health-care premiums combined with existing government allocations. This shift to single-payer health care would provide the greatest relief to lower-income households. Furthermore, we estimate that ensuring health-care access for all Americans would save more than 68 000 lives and 1.73 million life-years every year compared with the status quo.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.

VaeVictis ::
Še malce o Bernieju.
Top Staffers Blame Bernie For Losing Campaign
Krystal Ball: Bernie supporters won't fall in line for Biden no matter who tells them to
Top Staffers Blame Bernie For Losing Campaign
Krystal Ball: Bernie supporters won't fall in line for Biden no matter who tells them to

Vazelin ::
Evo tudi Dennis Quaid je opravil v Hollywoodu glede na liberalne snežinke, ki banajo vse reveže, ki si upajo ne-kritizirati Trumpa
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

vilicarist ::
Končni rezultat bo isti kot pri Clintonovi, ker so ljudje naveličani teh korporativnih lutk in ne bodo volili zanje ali pa bodo zanalašč volili Trumpa.
če bi bil jst v ameriki bi volil trumpa, čeprav ga ne maram
bmw = brings me women

Vazelin ::
Če pogledate preteklost je zelo malo predsednikov osvojilo drugi mandat med recesijo. Mislim da ravno eden
Težka naloga za Trumpa. Četudi je na drugi strani Biden oz. Hilary under disguise.

I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()

Fritz ::
Dennis Quaid bluzi, ker je Trump usral po celi črti in je osebno kriv za slabe razmere v ZDA glede ukrepanja zoper COVID-19.
Jaz se popolnoma strinjam, da je treba bolj podpreti vlado v kriznih razmerah ampak le, če se ta trudi zaščititi državljane. In to je pri nas Janša kar dobro opravil, čeprav ga bom še vedno kritiziral zaradi napak.
V ZDA so republikancem za vse krivi Kitajci, demokratom pa Rusi. Da so sami zaradi lezenja v zadnjico bogatim tako degenerirali demokratičen sistem in družbo jim pa ne pade na pamet. No, saj tudi tukaj poznamo te vse je kriv Janša ali pa udbomafija...bog ne daj, da bi se pogovarjali o dejstvih in dejanski odgovornosti posameznih nosilcev oblasti.
Jaz se popolnoma strinjam, da je treba bolj podpreti vlado v kriznih razmerah ampak le, če se ta trudi zaščititi državljane. In to je pri nas Janša kar dobro opravil, čeprav ga bom še vedno kritiziral zaradi napak.
V ZDA so republikancem za vse krivi Kitajci, demokratom pa Rusi. Da so sami zaradi lezenja v zadnjico bogatim tako degenerirali demokratičen sistem in družbo jim pa ne pade na pamet. No, saj tudi tukaj poznamo te vse je kriv Janša ali pa udbomafija...bog ne daj, da bi se pogovarjali o dejstvih in dejanski odgovornosti posameznih nosilcev oblasti.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Četudi je na drugi strani Biden oz. Hilary under disguise.
Hillary ni izgubila zaradi programa, ampak ker dovolj velikemu delu populacije ni bila všečna.
Biden tega problema zaenkrat nima. Bo pa dark money naredil vse, da ga dobi.
nit o Čajni v DCju:
Long email chain viz China with a conservative policy type w whom I've maintained strained by mostly cordial disagreement viz Trump. This person is in that "I hate him but I have to work in DC and my think tank wants XXXXX policy outcomes."
Set THAT aside for a moment.
"Why won't you attack China?" is the summary of their latest.
For the good of the order, some notes:
A. Pointing out Trump's denial, delay, and deception doesn't excuse China.
B. Folks who oppose Trump from the right have been FAR less starry-eyed about Xi than Trump.
C. China's lies about Coronavirus didn't stop Trump from getting intel about its realities. He just chose not to believe our intel agencies, as he frequently does. He's taken the word of foreign powers on a wide spectrum of issues (cf Putin, MBS, Kim Jong Un, et al.)
D. This is such a transparent hunt for a boogeyman to cover his own failings it hardly bears mentioning. "Conservatives" trying to make this the centerpiece of a pushback are betting Trump won't flip AGAIN. One phone call with Xi and it'll be all, "Xi is my friend. I have a great relationship with Xi. We shared chocolate cake. He did everything right." This pattern has become very well established. (Bannon's leprous funk is all over this strategy, btw.) Witness Trump's SUDDEN reversal on trying to "brand" the virus as "Wuhan Flu" or the "China Virus." Xi popped Trump's leash and President Cuckley knuckled under and bowed. Hasn't used it since. Every strongman knows how to play Trump, and does.
E. Want a talk about the supply chain? Go for it. MIGHT want to focus on the CURRENT crisis first, though.
F. Also, China's expanding power is, in part, a result of Trump's abandonment of our role in the world.
G. For now, "CHYNA" is another Trump excuse, not a reason.
H. A number of the GOP's China hawks have adopted the nationalist populist fantasy that America is crying out to pay $29 for a toilet brush or $3000 for an iPhone. Tell me MORE about markets.
Anyway, just a little anthropology for you.
Proceed with your day.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VaeVictis ::
Četudi je na drugi strani Biden oz. Hilary under disguise.
Hillary ni izgubila zaradi programa, ampak ker dovolj velikemu delu populacije ni bila všečna.
Biden tega problema zaenkrat nima. Bo pa dark money naredil vse, da ga dobi.
Cool video, samo problem je v tem, da tole je Biden bil.
Kaj je pa danes, je pa malce drugačna slika!
Biden je včasih bil zelo pameten in hiter retorik, danes je pa dementni starček, ki ne spada v boj za Belo hišo, ampak v dom z oskrbo!
Pa še malce "food for thought", ker del ZDA ni maral Obame je zmagal Trump, v primeru, da zmaga Biden, kakšen bo šele naslednji republikanski kandidat?

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

vilicarist ::
zakaj ne omejijo starosti prededniških kandidatov na maks 65 (dopolnjenih v istem letu kot volitve)
bmw = brings me women

tone31 ::
kaj so me pobrisali, bidena rasisti se najbolj radi volijo, on je podpiral segregacijo, se dobi youtube, poglejte si

Vazelin ::
Na Bidnu je toliko materiala, da ne bo težko Trumpovemu PRju z napadi:
- nadlegovanje žensk
- Hunter Biden
- sumljiva glasovanja v preteklosti
- nadlegovanje žensk
- Hunter Biden
- sumljiva glasovanja v preteklosti
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

tone31 ::
pa tudi ni treba se pretvarjati da nima demence, saj imata oba
edini ko je bil resno pametn je bil yang na celih volitvah
edini ko je bil resno pametn je bil yang na celih volitvah

Vazelin ::
Mene predvsem zanima, kdo bo demokratski podpredsedniški kandidat. Ker tale ima potem veliko šans, da rata predsednik

I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

vilicarist ::
Mene predvsem zanima, kdo bo demokratski podpredsedniški kandidat. Ker tale ima potem veliko šans, da rata predsednik![]()
kakšen je sploh postopek da zaradi demence predsednika vodenje države prevzame podpredsednik?
pa tudi ni treba se pretvarjati da nima demence, saj imata oba
edini ko je bil resno pametn je bil yang na celih volitvah
zato bi bilo pa treba omejiti starost kandidatov na 65
bmw = brings me women

Pac-Man ::
MAGA kristjani želijo organizirat praktični prikaz evolucije.
Donald Trump’s allies are turning the battle against coronavirus into a culture war by claiming that social-distancing rules are a government attack on Christianity.
The Department of Justice announced Attorney General William Barr is poised to sue states that limit the ability of parishioners to pray together in the midst of this pandemic. A number of Republican governors, including Florida’s Ron DeSantis, have exempted religious services from some or all of their states’ social-distancing rules.
And a judge recently appointed to the federal bench, who Trump may be grooming for a Supreme Court nomination, is now wildly attacking social-distancing rules as a supposedly grievous “threat” to Christian “believers.”
Justin Walker, a 38-year-old former law clerk to Brett Kavanaugh, is among the crop of young, extremely conservative lawyers Trump has installed on the federal bench. While the American Bar Association rated Walker “not qualified,” because he had less than 12 years of experience as a practicing lawyer, that did not prevent GOP senators from confirming him last year.
Izbruha v megacerkvah sta bila kriva za lep del okuženih v Koreji in Franciji.
Donald Trump’s allies are turning the battle against coronavirus into a culture war by claiming that social-distancing rules are a government attack on Christianity.
The Department of Justice announced Attorney General William Barr is poised to sue states that limit the ability of parishioners to pray together in the midst of this pandemic. A number of Republican governors, including Florida’s Ron DeSantis, have exempted religious services from some or all of their states’ social-distancing rules.
And a judge recently appointed to the federal bench, who Trump may be grooming for a Supreme Court nomination, is now wildly attacking social-distancing rules as a supposedly grievous “threat” to Christian “believers.”
Justin Walker, a 38-year-old former law clerk to Brett Kavanaugh, is among the crop of young, extremely conservative lawyers Trump has installed on the federal bench. While the American Bar Association rated Walker “not qualified,” because he had less than 12 years of experience as a practicing lawyer, that did not prevent GOP senators from confirming him last year.
Izbruha v megacerkvah sta bila kriva za lep del okuženih v Koreji in Franciji.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VaeVictis ::
Pac-Man ...
Če ne vidiš zatona Bidena v zadnjih letih, si očitno edini (no ja poleg MSM, ki ima glavo v pesku).
Verjameš pa lahko, da bo na prvi debati tole Trump ornk izkoristil, plus v vseh svojih reklamah.
Že levičarji na veliko govorijo o tem, desničerjev tokrat sploh ne mislim omenjati!
Že na vseh demokratstih debatah je bil Biden obupen, pa je bila večina ljudi zelo prijazna do njega.
Če ne vidiš zatona Bidena v zadnjih letih, si očitno edini (no ja poleg MSM, ki ima glavo v pesku).
Verjameš pa lahko, da bo na prvi debati tole Trump ornk izkoristil, plus v vseh svojih reklamah.
Že levičarji na veliko govorijo o tem, desničerjev tokrat sploh ne mislim omenjati!
Že na vseh demokratstih debatah je bil Biden obupen, pa je bila večina ljudi zelo prijazna do njega.

Pac-Man ::
MAGA folk v Michiganu se je odločil, da so sodišča lejm in so pričeli s praktično implementacijo. Livestream:
Tale tip?
Komaj čakam.
Pac-Man ...
Če ne vidiš zatona Bidena v zadnjih letih, si očitno edini (no ja poleg MSM, ki ima glavo v pesku).
Verjameš pa lahko, da bo na prvi debati tole Trump ornk izkoristil, plus v vseh svojih reklamah.
Tale tip?
Komaj čakam.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

vilicarist ::
MAGA folk v Michiganu se je odločil, da so sodišča lejm in so pričeli s praktično implementacijo. Livestream:
povsem primerna oblika protesta, kar se tiče korone tako ni povečanega tveganja
bmw = brings me women

Pac-Man ::
vilicarist je izjavil:
povsem primerna oblika protesta, kar se tiče korone tako ni povečanega tveganja
Odpri na 50:00/-25:00
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

vilicarist ::
to misliš tisti del ko niso v avtih? imaš prav, čeprav se še vedno vsaj približno držijo narazen :)
bmw = brings me women

Pac-Man ::
Da, tisti del.
Upoštevaj, da ima Michigan 5x več prebivalcev kot Slovenija in stabilno nabirajo zelo solidnih 1000 novih okužb in 100 smrti na dan.
2020 coronavirus pandemic in Michigan @ Wikipedia
Upoštevaj, da ima Michigan 5x več prebivalcev kot Slovenija in stabilno nabirajo zelo solidnih 1000 novih okužb in 100 smrti na dan.
2020 coronavirus pandemic in Michigan @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Trying to imagine people going around after 9/11 saying "You know, the flu kills 60,000 a people a year so not sure what the big deal is here!" and how the people *now* making that same argument would have received it then.
We completely transformed nearly every facet of American public life and governance after 9/11 (way too much in many ways!) We entered into the longest war in US history.
We created a new cabinet agency with constantly growing budgets and permanent security bureaucracies. All driven by a political discourse driven by a reactionary rhetoric of a clash of civilizations. We spent trillions of dollars all around the principle of #NeverForget
And now some of the loudest, most vicious voices in the debate over the Global War on Terror are watching tens of thousands of Americans dying - at home, in nursing homes, in veterans homes - and saying: eh. What's the big deal?
Trying to imagine people going around after 9/11 saying "You know, the flu kills 60,000 a people a year so not sure what the big deal is here!" and how the people *now* making that same argument would have received it then.
We completely transformed nearly every facet of American public life and governance after 9/11 (way too much in many ways!) We entered into the longest war in US history.
We created a new cabinet agency with constantly growing budgets and permanent security bureaucracies. All driven by a political discourse driven by a reactionary rhetoric of a clash of civilizations. We spent trillions of dollars all around the principle of #NeverForget
And now some of the loudest, most vicious voices in the debate over the Global War on Terror are watching tens of thousands of Americans dying - at home, in nursing homes, in veterans homes - and saying: eh. What's the big deal?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.