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Contract Wars-Ping

Contract Wars-Ping

metsis ::

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Imam naloženo igro Contract Wars, igram jo preko spleta.

Problem je, da je Ping previsok in ni možno igrati?
Je kaj za narediti?


oo7 ::

How to reduce ping/computer lag :
- Don't push your computer system limits just because you wan't some good graphics , just set the graphic settings to what your computer can handle.
- Select a server which the pings are lower.
- Bigger maps = more lag , if your computer can't handle certain maps , then try not to play them too often.
- Browsers to use? I use google chrome to play , but however if you wan't the best/suitable browsers to play with , ask the developers. ( It was firefox before , not sure if they changed it. )
- Close un-used tabs/system on your computer.
- This doesn't really affect lags much , but remember to update your unity web player often!
- Seriously , do not use Internet Explorer to play Contract Wars , don't...


Contract Wars - How to reduce lag

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