Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » Spekuliranje cen kriptovalut in ICOjev part 2
Spekuliranje cen kriptovalut in ICOjev part 2
Temo vidijo: vsi
Mato989 ::
Vazelin ve, da je to bull trap in bo kupoval pri 0.02
Pri 0.02 sem jaz solo baker tezosov
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
gustek_si ::
Evo sem prodal NEBL se mi je zdela kar napihnjena cena. Zdaj pa upam da ne gre višje... Grem v šoppppppppping po darila!!!
Sem ga hodlal čisto od ICOta in imam še cca. x3 profit. Yeeesssssss!
Sem ga hodlal čisto od ICOta in imam še cca. x3 profit. Yeeesssssss!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: gustek_si ()
Mato989 ::
Evo sem prodal NEBL se mi je zdela kar napihnjena cena. Zdaj pa upam da ne gre višje... Grem v šoppppppppping po darila!!!
Sem ga hodlal čisto od ICOta in imam še cca. x3 profit. Yeeesssssss!
Ce si hodlal od icota mas dosti vec kot 3x profit...
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
neverlucky ::
Crypto is over
Bitcoin is dead
Today I sold everything I had
I am done with crypto
Crypto is the worst thing that has ever happened to me
90% loses, I can't take this anymore
Opomba: samo poskusam bote spravit do tega, da se naprej pumpajo ceno. Mormo cimvec obupanih buzzwordov sem pisat, da zavedemo bote :)
Bitcoin is dead
Today I sold everything I had
I am done with crypto
Crypto is the worst thing that has ever happened to me
90% loses, I can't take this anymore
Opomba: samo poskusam bote spravit do tega, da se naprej pumpajo ceno. Mormo cimvec obupanih buzzwordov sem pisat, da zavedemo bote :)
svinja ::
Tole je navadn bull trap.
v bull trapu
Bull trap
Tale bull trap
kaj je s tabo, bull trap je
bull trap
bull trap
Bull trap
Ne vem o cem govoris ampak BULL TRAP
okej, zdej pa prosim potrdi mojo teorijo: dva dni nazaj si se naučil, kaj pomeni "bull trap"
in zdaj to ponavljaš v nedogled, ker... se ti sliši kul? (zraven pa še pokroviteljski pomežik, češ "i know stuff" (pustimo ob strani fakt, da se očitno motiš)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: svinja ()
bvt ::
Tole je navadn bull trap.
v bull trapu
Bull trap
Tale bull trap
kaj je s tabo, bull trap je
bull trap
bull trap
Bull trap
Ne vem o cem govoris ampak BULL TRAP
okej, zdej pa prosim potrdi mojo teorijo: dva dni nazaj si se naučil, kaj pomeni "bull trap"
in zdaj to ponavljaš v nedogled, ker... se ti sliši kul? (zraven pa še pokroviteljski pomežik, češ "i know stuff" (pustimo ob strani fakt, da se očitno motiš)
Ocitno ne ves kaj namig pomeni. Enim res potrebno narisat. Ocitno ne spremljas redno vsako stran.
gustek_si ::
PrihajaNodi ::
Kvaj vazelin. A ti je vlak usov? Shit happens...zdej pa vsi cakajo na popuste:)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
bvt ::
A zelite vedeti kaj pravi dalmatinski hodler o mekdonalsu in potrosniskih debilih? Potem kliknite video. Ogled vam omogoca youtube. Internet revolucija. Vse zastojn. Youtube, narudarjen bitcoin. Samo elektriko je potrebno placat. Ce vsaj malo razumete dalmatinsko.
neverlucky ::
Mato989 ::
Vazelinko ti si zraven trollov tipični predstavnik onih ko hočejo da pada... ker sami niso uspeli pravočasno kupit =)
Drugače pa pri 116 milijardah smo meli enih 120 hintov da bo trap šel navzdol hmmmm =)
Drugače pa pri 116 milijardah smo meli enih 120 hintov da bo trap šel navzdol hmmmm =)
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Mato989 ()
PrihajaNodi ::
Vazelinko ti si zraven trollov tipični predstavnik onih ko hočejo da pada... ker sami niso uspeli pravočasno kupit =)
Drugače pa pri 116 milijardah smo meli enih 120 hintov da bo trap šel navzdol hmmmm =)
Ogromno je taksnoh kot vazelin, ki samo cskajo. Ampak hej, medveda smo dali skoz in tisti, ki so obdrzali bodo nagrajeni. Cez noc ti je vlak odpleljsl. Razmisli jutri xtz 10 in nebl 100? Migoce bo to poceni.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
PrihajaNodi ::
It is my belief that the majority of bitcoin users are males. Females, please prove me wrong through the poll.
Moving on, assuming that my belief is correct, the question is how we get them on board?
Let my first state that I think there is a difference in what would attract men and women to bitcoin. Men are more attracted to the avante garde aspect and the technological aspect, while women are more concerned with which technology works best for them now.
They want shinies, they want fast transfers, they might won over by ideology, but probably not the ideology of libertarianism. They want to use the system that their favorite site uses, and they want to use the system their friends use. This by the way probably describes how mainstream males think too.
Lets face it. Bitcoin, in its current state, is not shiny. To make a metaphor, it looks like a very advanced piece of technology with wires going everywhere. Contrast this with the "Apple look".
100 private keys is probably NOT the way to go. It is complicated, and ugly (it could be an option but not standard(
Proposal: One private key should be standard. It should not be in hex, bas64, or anything else ugly. One thing that could work would be a sort of dictionary encoding, where every 20 bits or whatever is mapped to a word. The word in the dictionary would have to be carefully selected to be positive, or at least neutral. If this is chosen, there should be a "generate new address", so that people could click until they found one they were satisfied with.
The websites used with bitcoins are not pretty either (exchanges+this site). Contrast for instance with this: (western union)
this is what the sites should have to attract women, I believe.
Proposal: Find a professional designer that takes a look at the bitcoin client. Preferably one who knows nothing at all about the technology behind. Hide the details of implementation, remember how Object Orientation works Wink
Fast transfers:
Bitcoins are a lot faster than banktransfers, but they can absolutely not compete with visa/mastercard/paypal in terms of speed. This IS a serious problem.
I think the advice given to businesses should be that they should accept transfers directly, or after one confirmation. If there is a reversal accept that as a fact of life. For sites with few but large sales, this may not be the way to go, but for transactions under 10 bitcoin this should def. be the standard. An alternative would be to pay instantly via for instance MtGox, but that would centralize the system, which I believe we don't want.
Cypher punk is cool, but does not have mainstream appeal, especially among women. We should tone that aspect down, no one cares about it. Thought should be given to whether a more appealing ideology could be retrofitted so to speak.
Suggestion: "Your local business is struggling to survive under the death grip of credit card fees. (Pic of small local store. Beautiful female clerk, with lots of styling looks sad, hopeless). But there is a cheaper alternative. Use bitcoin, support your local stores. (Clerk smiling)."
This might be construed as too patriotic for some. Too balance it we should emphasize how easy it is to donate to overseas charities, and buy from overseas stores.
Favorite sites:
This is a hard one obviously. We should try to push existing sites to use bitcoins as much as possible (details about doing this are abundant in other threads of course).
We should also try to new stores accepting bit coins to speed up the process. One thing that has been forgotten though, is the focus on stores selling items for women.
Site should have a like button. Encourage users to blog/tweet/comment whenever they use bitcoins for a transaction.
Vazelin ::
Vazelinko ti si zraven trollov tipični predstavnik onih ko hočejo da pada... ker sami niso uspeli pravočasno kupit =)
Drugače pa pri 116 milijardah smo meli enih 120 hintov da bo trap šel navzdol hmmmm =)
Mal je jeba, ker sem čakal plačo, da nakažem gor. Sem upal, da se 100mlrd cap obdrži še teh par dni
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Vazelinko ti si zraven trollov tipični predstavnik onih ko hočejo da pada... ker sami niso uspeli pravočasno kupit =)
Drugače pa pri 116 milijardah smo meli enih 120 hintov da bo trap šel navzdol hmmmm =)
Ogromno je taksnoh kot vazelin, ki samo cskajo. Ampak hej, medveda smo dali skoz in tisti, ki so obdrzali bodo nagrajeni. Cez noc ti je vlak odpleljsl. Razmisli jutri xtz 10 in nebl 100? Migoce bo to poceni.
Verjetno bom kljub vsemu nabavil nekaj Cardano. Stotaka v Cardano. Ostalo bom čakal
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
neverlucky ::
Vazelin, si na dejtu in punca vstane in gre na wc. Ali v tem času počekiraš CMC in slotech?
PrihajaNodi ::
neverlucky je izjavil:
Vazelin, si na dejtu in punca vstane in gre na wc. Ali v tem času počekiraš CMC in slotech?
Seveda, če gre cardano dol 10 posto izgubi celih 10€. Minimalni vložek za kripto je 5k. Manj od tega ni vredno besed.
Vazelin ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
neverlucky je izjavil:
Vazelin, si na dejtu in punca vstane in gre na wc. Ali v tem času počekiraš CMC in slotech?
Seveda, če gre cardano dol 10 posto izgubi celih 10€. Minimalni vložek za kripto je 5k. Manj od tega ni vredno besed.
10eur 2009 = 100 btc
Vazelin, si na dejtu in punca vstane in gre na wc. Ali v tem času počekiraš CMC in slotech?
Jaz to čekiram med dejtom.
bvt ::
Vazelinko ti si zraven trollov tipični predstavnik onih ko hočejo da pada... ker sami niso uspeli pravočasno kupit =)
Drugače pa pri 116 milijardah smo meli enih 120 hintov da bo trap šel navzdol hmmmm =)
A ti se zmeraj nisi dojel??? Robot naredi kontra kar mi recemo. Ko si ti rekel bull pa moon na zacetku leta, je robot jasno udaril kontra.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bvt ()
Vazelin ::
you might be able to singlehandledly increase Bulgarias GDP by over 5% in the next 5-10 years.
PrihajaNodi ::
@Smegman you might also take a lo0k at Bankera. Bankera is the real banking stuff, but it is not worth to invest less than 30k.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
Vazelin ::
Bankera is the real banking stuff, but it is not worth to invest less than 30k.
I couldn't agree more
Zgleda jutri nakupujem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
amacar ::
Ti enkrat povej po tem ko si kupil, ne pa da že 2 meseca napoveduješ jutri jutri, ko bo plača, jutri....