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Matko ::

Uporablja kdo GA-MA790XT-UD4P?
Ali podpira mu 2x 8GB rama?

Han ::

Glede na specifikacije podpira največ 4GB/režo. Lahko imaš 4×4GB.

Matko ::

Kje si to našel? V navodilih namreč ne piše.
Na parih forumih, pišejo, da jim deluje 2x 8GB.

Han ::


1. 4 x 1.5V DDR3 DIMM sockets supporting up to 16 GB of system memory (Note 1)
2. Dual channel memory architecture
3. Support for DDR3 1666(OC)/1333/1066 MHz memory modules

Matko ::

tule ni opcije 2x8GB

Got 2 x 8GB installed and they worked!


Solved. The problem was the new RAM modules I had bought. For some reason they seemingly work fine, registering in windows with no detectable faults, but they wouldn't allow me into BIOS. I put the old ones back in and now it's fine. I still find this odd. The new modules were hyper fury x series 1866, 2x8GB modules. From what I read before buying them it seemed they automatically downgrade to 1666 and work. The hyper x series was listed as compatible and Gigabyte support knew which ones I was using and didn't raise it as a potential issue. Live and learn.


Zato bi rad dobil informacije iz prve roke.

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