Forum » Problemi človeštva » Dr. Drumpflove
Dr. Drumpflove
Pac-Man ::
Zaenkrat kaže da 3. intifado na 320. dan.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Truga ::
jype ::
Ker Trump je totalno sprožil atomsko vojno naslednji dan ko je vstopil v Belo Hišo.Ja, je.
Rusija, Kitajska in NoKo se pospešeno oborožujejo, ker se lahko upravičeno zagovarjajo, da če o jedrskem arzenalu odloča mentalno neuravnovešena oseba, nimajo druge izbire, kot da ga, če bo kazalo na najhujše, odstranijo prvi, kar pa lahko storijo le z obilno prednostjo v jedrskem arzenalu.
Naivnežem kot si ti se to sicer zdi nepomembno, ampak v resnici ni.
ZaphodBB ::
Ker Trump je totalno sprožil atomsko vojno naslednji dan ko je vstopil v Belo Hišo.Ja, je.
Rusija, Kitajska in NoKo se pospešeno oborožujejo, ker se lahko upravičeno zagovarjajo, da če o jedrskem arzenalu odloča mentalno neuravnovešena oseba, nimajo druge izbire, kot da ga, če bo kazalo na najhujše, odstranijo prvi, kar pa lahko storijo le z obilno prednostjo v jedrskem arzenalu.
Naivnežem kot si ti se to sicer zdi nepomembno, ampak v resnici ni.
No, saj trik je v tem, da nihče ni dovolj mentalno uravnovešen za tak položaj.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
thom4s ::
No, saj trik je v tem, da nihče ni dovolj mentalno uravnovešen za tak položaj.
Razen Hillarijeve seveda. Kdor to zanika je seksist in dobesedno Hitler!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
Ker Trump je totalno sprožil atomsko vojno naslednji dan ko je vstopil v Belo Hišo.Ja, je.
Rusija, Kitajska in NoKo se pospešeno oborožujejo, ker se lahko upravičeno zagovarjajo, da če o jedrskem arzenalu odloča mentalno neuravnovešena oseba, nimajo druge izbire, kot da ga, če bo kazalo na najhujše, odstranijo prvi, kar pa lahko storijo le z obilno prednostjo v jedrskem arzenalu.
Naivnežem kot si ti se to sicer zdi nepomembno, ampak v resnici ni.
Trump je večkrat dokazal, da je predsednik z veliko začetnico in, da ga niso sprovocirali kot si to želijo Demokrati. Trump je že dokazal zakaj je eden najboljših predsednikov v zgodovini Amerike.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
jype ::
thom4s ::
No, saj trik je v tem, da nihče ni dovolj mentalno uravnovešen za tak položaj.Zato pa izvoliš takega, ki za to pooblasti kvorum resnih ljudi. MAD je še vedno aktualna doktrina.
Kaj pa po tvoje je resen politika? Odprte meje, vse zastonj in zatiranje patriarhije in problema belosti?
Pac-Man ::
But it’s not only that Trump was intent to fulfill a campaign promise: The Jerusalem initiative has been in the works since the day he took office, was coordinated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and is supported by influential voices in the administration—including Vice President Mike Pence, son-in-law Jared Kushner, Middle East envoy (and former Trump Organization lawyer) Jason Greenblatt, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo. The decision was all but finalized, The American Conservative has learned, during a late November meeting of Trump’s foreign policy advisors at the White House.
Trump, TAC was told by a senior Pentagon officer with knowledge of the meeting, was adamant about keeping his campaign pledge, but was brought up short by warnings issued by Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Both officials argued that the move would endanger American diplomats serving in the region, undermine the administration’s efforts to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, and result in condemnations from both Arab countries and America’s most important allies in Europe. Trump could expect almost no support in the international community, they said. America would “have to go it alone.”
Even so, Wednesday’s announcement about Jerusalem was tortured by a number of inherent contradictions, including the most prominent of all—the contention that the decision was not only in the “best interests of the United States,” but would actually enhance the prospects of a two-state solution and energize the peace process.
In fact, it seems unlikely that this unseemly sleight-of-hand (of making dubious claims), will allay Arab fears that the U.S. continues to be “Israel’s lawyer” (to use a term coined by former U.S. Middle East negotiator Aaron David Miller). Now it has also become Israel’s realtor. This seems not to bother the president, who is becoming known for playing a poor hand by throwing in more chips.
Domestically, it would seem Trump has little to worry about. The Democrats have spent the last 70 years (since 1948), fawning over Israel and defending it, while the Republicans’ Christian Evangelical base is in full-throated support of the embassy move. Furthermore, the GOP has been desperate to break into what was once a Democrat-only monopoly on Jewish-American political funding—and Jewish votes. In this sense, Mr. Trump’s Jerusalem announcement can be seen as a kind of coming out party—a celebration that the monopoly has been broken, that the Republicans have arrived.
It may be that the controversy will fade, that the Arab world will remain quiet, that the Trump administration will use the Jerusalem decision as a springboard to launch a creative and fair resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That Jared Kushner will succeed where George Mitchell did not. But that doesn’t seem likely.
Rather, it’s probable that the governments of Europe will remember the real import of this decision—that when asked to stand with our European allies and Arab friends, we chose Israel instead.
Pay attention: This is what it feels like to live in a nation whose moment has passed.
But it’s not only that Trump was intent to fulfill a campaign promise: The Jerusalem initiative has been in the works since the day he took office, was coordinated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and is supported by influential voices in the administration—including Vice President Mike Pence, son-in-law Jared Kushner, Middle East envoy (and former Trump Organization lawyer) Jason Greenblatt, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo. The decision was all but finalized, The American Conservative has learned, during a late November meeting of Trump’s foreign policy advisors at the White House.
Trump, TAC was told by a senior Pentagon officer with knowledge of the meeting, was adamant about keeping his campaign pledge, but was brought up short by warnings issued by Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Both officials argued that the move would endanger American diplomats serving in the region, undermine the administration’s efforts to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, and result in condemnations from both Arab countries and America’s most important allies in Europe. Trump could expect almost no support in the international community, they said. America would “have to go it alone.”
Even so, Wednesday’s announcement about Jerusalem was tortured by a number of inherent contradictions, including the most prominent of all—the contention that the decision was not only in the “best interests of the United States,” but would actually enhance the prospects of a two-state solution and energize the peace process.
In fact, it seems unlikely that this unseemly sleight-of-hand (of making dubious claims), will allay Arab fears that the U.S. continues to be “Israel’s lawyer” (to use a term coined by former U.S. Middle East negotiator Aaron David Miller). Now it has also become Israel’s realtor. This seems not to bother the president, who is becoming known for playing a poor hand by throwing in more chips.
Domestically, it would seem Trump has little to worry about. The Democrats have spent the last 70 years (since 1948), fawning over Israel and defending it, while the Republicans’ Christian Evangelical base is in full-throated support of the embassy move. Furthermore, the GOP has been desperate to break into what was once a Democrat-only monopoly on Jewish-American political funding—and Jewish votes. In this sense, Mr. Trump’s Jerusalem announcement can be seen as a kind of coming out party—a celebration that the monopoly has been broken, that the Republicans have arrived.
It may be that the controversy will fade, that the Arab world will remain quiet, that the Trump administration will use the Jerusalem decision as a springboard to launch a creative and fair resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That Jared Kushner will succeed where George Mitchell did not. But that doesn’t seem likely.
Rather, it’s probable that the governments of Europe will remember the real import of this decision—that when asked to stand with our European allies and Arab friends, we chose Israel instead.
Pay attention: This is what it feels like to live in a nation whose moment has passed.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
thom4s ::
Arab friends
Pay attention: This is what it feels like to live in a nation whose moment has passed.
Jop, ko imaš arabce za "prijatelje" je tvoj čas preminil.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
V podporo Trumpu in proti vsem liberalcem!Ti si že na seznamu neonacistov, tako da ti ni treba še dodatno poudarjat tega.
Pac-Man ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Gnili idoli.
Katie Hopkins @ Wikipedia
Katie Olivia Hopkins (born 13 February 1975) is an English media personality and newspaper columnist. She first came to notice in 2007 as a reality television contestant and is a columnist for British newspapers, initially for The Sun (beginning October 2013)[1] and later the Daily Mail website (from autumn 2015 until 2017).[2] She was also a presenter on the radio station LBC for a time until May 2017 when her programme was terminated following her comments on Twitter about the Manchester Arena bombing.[3][4]
Hopkins has been criticised by journalists, advocacy groups and politicians for her comments about migrants, and accused of racism. In 2016, Mail Online was forced to pay £150,000 to a Muslim family whom Hopkins had falsely accused of extremist links; and in a 2017 libel case, Hopkins was personally required to pay £24,000 in damages and £107,000 in legal costs to Jack Monroe after making defamatory remarks on Twitter. Later in 2017, Mail Online was forced to pay substantial damages and legal costs to a teacher about whom Hopkins had made false claims. A day before, in late November, it had become known Hopkins' contract with the media outlet had not been renewed. [5] Her final column was published on 5 October 2017.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
V podporo Trumpu in proti vsem liberalcem!Ti si že na seznamu neonacistov, tako da ti ni treba še dodatno poudarjat tega.
feminazi fašisti ne morete obsojati, ste že obsojeni!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
feminazi fašisti ne morete obsojati, ste že obsojeni!Neonacisti itak obsojate vse, ki niso podbni vam.
Mi pa zgolj vse, ki so vam podobni, zato bomo mi tisti, ki bomo pisali sodbe.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
feminazi fašisti ne morete obsojati, ste že obsojeni!Neonacisti itak obsojate vse, ki niso podbni vam.
Mi pa zgolj vse, ki so vam podobni, zato bomo mi tisti, ki bomo pisali sodbe.
Edino kar boš TI pisal Jurček so grafiti po sobi tvojih otrok ker se tistih odzunaj ne upaš!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
ZaphodBB ::
Zato pa izvoliš takega, ki za to pooblasti kvorum resnih ljudi. MAD je še vedno aktualna doktrina.
Če ima ena strank komite za izstrelitev jedrskih raket, potem MAD ne obstaja.
Mimogrede, tudi sedaj je "rdeči gumb" samo holivudski arhetip in dejanska poveritev jedrskega napada ni neki kar storiš po nesreči potem ko se Melanija obrne stran.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
jype ::
Mimogrede, tudi sedaj je "rdeči gumb" samo holivudski arhetip in dejanska poveritev jedrskega napada ni neki kar storiš po nesreči potem ko se Melanija obrne stran.Seveda ne, Melanija te mora poželjivo gledat:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
thom4s ::
Mimogrede, tudi sedaj je "rdeči gumb" samo holivudski arhetip in dejanska poveritev jedrskega napada ni neki kar storiš po nesreči potem ko se Melanija obrne stran.Seveda ne, Melanija te mora poželjivo gledat:
To je del white sharije. V prihodnosti soj boji kot ti ne bojo več obstajali. Moški ne pustijo svoje žene da se onegavi s čokoladkoti, medtem ko on čuva njene otroke. Soj boji boste šli za bači boje, kjer boste s plesom zabavali vodje religije miru, vsaj dokler ne boš postal manj privlačen od kakšne koze, potem te bojo pa na raženj dali.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
vostok_1 ::
Never in the history of man, we had such funny nomenclature as we have now.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
vostok_1 ::
Tito ni bil soy boy.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
thom4s ::
Komiji ste po defaultu soyimi. Poglej se v špegu jype, ginekomastija, wamp, šibke roke, plešavost brez prisotnosti testosterona, tripple dragon 6000 but plug...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
thom4s ::
Samo butt plug vidm, ker sm vampir.
A to se pretvarjaš da si nevidne ko pod posteljo poslušaš strastne vzdihe tvoje "žene" ko jo Abdul Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed uči verze iz Cuckrana?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
jype ::
Hm? Lahko malo podrobneje razložiš?
Pa še soy boy in the flesh:
Pa še soy boy in the flesh:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
vostok_1 ::
Trigger warning please.
Me zvije v želodcu vsakič ko ga vidim.
PS. Uporabil je besedo "folly".
Big words for such a small fingered man.
Me zvije v želodcu vsakič ko ga vidim.
PS. Uporabil je besedo "folly".
Big words for such a small fingered man.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche ::
jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
News flash, Hillary LOST!A gremo še enkrat skoz to?
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
News flash, Hillary LOST!A gremo še enkrat skoz to?
Skoz kaj? to da se ne morete sprijazniti da ste zgubili? To da mislite da bo par Twittov Trumpa dol dalo, hehe, pussy grab :)
jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Skoz kaj? to da se ne morete sprijazniti da ste zgubili? To da mislite da bo par Twittov Trumpa dol dalo, hehe, pussy grab :)Se ne moreš sprijazniti, da je najslabši kandidat v zgodovini ZDA dobil 3 milijone glasov več od tvojega?
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Skoz kaj? to da se ne morete sprijazniti da ste zgubili? To da mislite da bo par Twittov Trumpa dol dalo, hehe, pussy grab :)Se ne moreš sprijazniti, da je najslabši kandidat v zgodovini ZDA dobil 3 milijone glasov več od tvojega?
Ne najslabši je bil Obama! Naredil najmanj za črnce, poglobil krizo med belci in črnci, ni opravičil nagrade za mir by Nobel...
jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Ne najslabši je bil Obama! Naredil najmanj za črnce, poglobil krizo med belci in črnci, ni opravičil nagrade za mir by Nobel...Obama vsaj ni bil dementen posiljevalski bajsi.
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Ne najslabši je bil Obama! Naredil najmanj za črnce, poglobil krizo med belci in črnci, ni opravičil nagrade za mir by Nobel...Obama vsaj ni bil dementen posiljevalski bajsi.
meltdown haha, ko boš posilstvo dokazal te bomo spoštovali!
danes bi vsi moške radi odpustili če samo ženska brez dokaza obsodi, guess what cupcake! rabiš dokaz!
jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
meltdown haha, ko boš posilstvo dokazal te bomo spoštovali!Čemu bi ga moral dokazati, če ga je pa priznal?
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
meltdown haha, ko boš posilstvo dokazal te bomo spoštovali!Čemu bi ga moral dokazati, če ga je pa priznal?
posilstvo? A bejž no...
jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
posilstvo? A bejž no...Ja, posilstvo.
Zdaj pa javno poziva ljudi, naj volijo za pedofila, da ne bodo zmagali liberalci.
Scaramouche ::
Proti temu se bojuje EU In UK, vsi vemo kaj pride ko bodo ratali večja populacija.
Trump to vidi in je samo iskren!
petrus ::
Obama vsaj ni bil dementen posiljevalski bajsi.
Je pa zato jemal kokain in kadil travo, ta vaš dragi Obama. In Trump še ni nikogar posilil, z razliko od Bill Clintona, kateri je dobesedno grizel ženske.
stati inu obstati
jype ::
Je pa zato jemal kokain in kadil travoKaj, natanko, naj bi pa s tem bilo narobe?
Trump še ni nikogar posililZa konzervativce, ki verjamejo, da so samo moški v resnici ljudje, to nemara res drži.
z razliko od Bill ClintonaWhataboutism @ Wikipedia
Poizkusite ponovno, tovariš zagovornik avtoritarne diktature.
Problem v Ameriki so v večini Demokrati, ki so žejni vojne in krvi. Obama in Klintoca sta lep primer tega.
jype ::
In vendar je Trump s prepovedanim kemičnim orožjem napadel taborišče in pobil na stotine otrok, Obama in Clinton pa ne.