Forum » Problemi človeštva » Dr. Drumpflove
Dr. Drumpflove
Scaramouche ::
Pac-Man ::
Težek konzervativec z delovno dobo v NSA.
OPF, bay-bee!
Send other people's kids to do it.
Seriously, these people are insane.
Who is "you"?
Are you joining the 1st Fat Neocon Pundit Warmonger Battalion to lead the death-charge on Tehran?
I've advocated a hard line on Iranian espionage, terrorism & subversion for decades.
Anybody who wants actual war with Iran is insane.
OPF, bay-bee!
Send other people's kids to do it.
Seriously, these people are insane.
It's Time to Prepare a Military Option on Iran
Who is "you"?
Are you joining the 1st Fat Neocon Pundit Warmonger Battalion to lead the death-charge on Tehran?
There’s a certain point where you need to at least consider a military option. Especially with such a Nazi-like state like Iran
I've advocated a hard line on Iranian espionage, terrorism & subversion for decades.
Anybody who wants actual war with Iran is insane.
vostok_1 ::
Mislim, da je povsem jasno, komu je najbolj v interesu spravit Iran nazaj v kameno dobo.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
jype ::
Mislim, da je povsem jasno, komu je najbolj v interesu spravit Iran nazaj v kameno dobo.Komu?
Scaramouche je izjavil:
mi jih vsaj nosimo, ne pa v pajkicah grozimo in se zaletavamo v zapornice, oh kako zastrašujoče, bad boy...In vendar vi vedno izgubite.
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche ::
jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
moji prsti so daleč stran od tebe in tvoje shrambe, so pa aktivni ko jih treba uporabiti nad antifoAha, se prav si fašist?
Me veseli, da veš, kaj te neizogibno čaka:
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
moji prsti so daleč stran od tebe in tvoje shrambe, so pa aktivni ko jih treba uporabiti nad antifoAha, se prav si fašist?
Me veseli, da veš, kaj te neizogibno čaka:
Take so moji tepli in jaz tudi,nimam nič proti z gifom, imaš pa ti dosti krivde skupaj s tem ki je po pički dobil.
oboji ste en stran istega kovanca!
jype ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
oboji ste en stran istega kovanca!Ta, ki je po pički dobil, je nazi, enako kot ti.
Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
oboji ste en stran istega kovanca!Ta, ki je po pički dobil, je nazi, enako kot ti.
ne! on je nazi kot ti!
Scaramouche ::
oh no they didnt,
oh yes they did!
Byron York: Nunes blows up, threatens contempt after FBI stonewalls House on Russia investigator demoted for anti-Trump bias
The Post reported that Strzok and Page exchanged text messages that "expressed anti-Trump sentiments and other comments that appeared to favor Clinton."
oh yes they did!
Byron York: Nunes blows up, threatens contempt after FBI stonewalls House on Russia investigator demoted for anti-Trump bias
The Post reported that Strzok and Page exchanged text messages that "expressed anti-Trump sentiments and other comments that appeared to favor Clinton."
jype ::
Česa vsega si Kremlin ne izmisli, ane?
Tole bi pa ti in tvoji radi po vsem svetu:
Tole bi pa ti in tvoji radi po vsem svetu:
Scaramouche ::
Česa vsega si Kremlin ne izmisli, ane?
Tole bi pa ti in tvoji radi po vsem svetu:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
thom4s ::
LOL, Trump bo zdej pa še affirmative action skenslal :D
Končno nekdo ki ne sodi ljudi izključno na podlagi nihove barve kože.
Končno nekdo ki ne sodi ljudi izključno na podlagi nihove barve kože.
Pac-Man ::
Ahahaha, zgleda se obeta vsaj še po ena runda v kongresu in senatu. Obe telesi morata sprejeti enako verzijo zakona.
On Friday, Senate Republicans rewrote the American tax code over lunch — and passed their (partially handwritten) legislation around 2 a.m. the following morning.
But approaching major legislation like an Adderall-addled sophomore approaches an overdue term paper came with a minor drawback: It forced the party to pass a tax bill before they had time to read it.
In hindsight, McConnell should have asked for an extension. While Republicans were manically outlining their plans to take from the poor to give to the Trumps, they also, accidentally, nullified all of their corporate donors’ favorite deductions.
This screwup — like most of the tax plan’s oddest features — was born of a math problem. Due to arcane Senate rules, the Trump tax cuts can only add $1.5 trillion to the deficit over the next decade. Last Thursday, the Senate tax bill already cost about that sum, and then McConnell started making expensive promises to his few holdouts. Susan Collins wanted a $10,000 property tax deduction for Americans in high-tax states; Ron Johnson wanted a 23 percent business-income deduction for the company that his family owns. This left the Senate Majority Leader searching under the tax code’s couch cushions for new sources of revenue.
Eventually, he came upon the corporate alternative minimum tax (AMT).
The GOP had originally intended to abolish the AMT. But on Friday, with the clock running out — and money running short — Senate Republicans put the AMT back into their bill. Unfortunately for McConnell, they forgot to lower the AMT after doing so.
This is a big problem. The Senate bill brings the normal corporate rate down to 20 percent — while leaving the alternative minimum rate at … 20 percent. The legislation would still allow corporations to claim a wide variety of tax credits and deductions — it just renders all them completely worthless.
With this blunder, Senate Republicans have achieved the unthinkable: They’ve written a giant corporate tax cut that many of their corporate donors do not like. As The Wall Street Journal reports:
The biggest consequence could be the research credit, often used by manufacturers, technology firms and pharmaceutical companies, and the National Association of Manufacturers said it was working with policy makers to address the issue.
… Murray Energy Corp., an Ohio-based firm and the largest privately held U.S. coal-mining company, complained that the AMT decision and the Senate’s tougher limits on interest deductions made a “mockery out of so-called tax reform.” Robert Murray, the company’s chief executive officer, said the Senate tax plan would raise his company’s tax bill by $60 million.
“What the Senate did, in their befuddled mess, is drove me out of business and then bragged about the fact that they got some tax reform passed,” Mr. Murray said in an interview Sunday. “This is not job creation. This is not stimulating income. This is driving a whole sector of our community into nonexistence.”
Regardless, the AMT fiasco is bound to be the tip of an iceberg of unintended consequences. Senate Republicans wanted to pass their (indefensible) tax bill before anyone had time to figure out what was in it. They succeeded a bit more literally than they’d planned.
On Friday, Senate Republicans rewrote the American tax code over lunch — and passed their (partially handwritten) legislation around 2 a.m. the following morning.
But approaching major legislation like an Adderall-addled sophomore approaches an overdue term paper came with a minor drawback: It forced the party to pass a tax bill before they had time to read it.
In hindsight, McConnell should have asked for an extension. While Republicans were manically outlining their plans to take from the poor to give to the Trumps, they also, accidentally, nullified all of their corporate donors’ favorite deductions.
This screwup — like most of the tax plan’s oddest features — was born of a math problem. Due to arcane Senate rules, the Trump tax cuts can only add $1.5 trillion to the deficit over the next decade. Last Thursday, the Senate tax bill already cost about that sum, and then McConnell started making expensive promises to his few holdouts. Susan Collins wanted a $10,000 property tax deduction for Americans in high-tax states; Ron Johnson wanted a 23 percent business-income deduction for the company that his family owns. This left the Senate Majority Leader searching under the tax code’s couch cushions for new sources of revenue.
Eventually, he came upon the corporate alternative minimum tax (AMT).
The GOP had originally intended to abolish the AMT. But on Friday, with the clock running out — and money running short — Senate Republicans put the AMT back into their bill. Unfortunately for McConnell, they forgot to lower the AMT after doing so.
This is a big problem. The Senate bill brings the normal corporate rate down to 20 percent — while leaving the alternative minimum rate at … 20 percent. The legislation would still allow corporations to claim a wide variety of tax credits and deductions — it just renders all them completely worthless.
With this blunder, Senate Republicans have achieved the unthinkable: They’ve written a giant corporate tax cut that many of their corporate donors do not like. As The Wall Street Journal reports:
The biggest consequence could be the research credit, often used by manufacturers, technology firms and pharmaceutical companies, and the National Association of Manufacturers said it was working with policy makers to address the issue.
… Murray Energy Corp., an Ohio-based firm and the largest privately held U.S. coal-mining company, complained that the AMT decision and the Senate’s tougher limits on interest deductions made a “mockery out of so-called tax reform.” Robert Murray, the company’s chief executive officer, said the Senate tax plan would raise his company’s tax bill by $60 million.
“What the Senate did, in their befuddled mess, is drove me out of business and then bragged about the fact that they got some tax reform passed,” Mr. Murray said in an interview Sunday. “This is not job creation. This is not stimulating income. This is driving a whole sector of our community into nonexistence.”
Regardless, the AMT fiasco is bound to be the tip of an iceberg of unintended consequences. Senate Republicans wanted to pass their (indefensible) tax bill before anyone had time to figure out what was in it. They succeeded a bit more literally than they’d planned.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
thom4s ::
dice7 ::
thom4s ::
Seveda, Tyrone ki prodaja krek na ulici in je na račun EBT kartic mi moral v moralni družbi imeti iste prihodke kot pa Trump ki je gradil nebotičnike?
Če bi Tyronu dal 1 miljardo bi gotovo tudi sam postal novi Trump? Saj vsi ki zadanejo na lotu v parih letih postoterijo svoje imetje :D
IQ don't real!
thom4s ::
Dobro ti je uspelo zgresiti bistvo, zgleda ti res ne gre
Bistvo je isto kot v nemčiji kjer je 80% turkov na sociali. Plus zraven še vsi sirijski begunci iz afrike.
No vsaj sedaj ko bojo skenslali affirmative action, bojo te "slojne" razlike še drastično porastle. Menda ker je Trump Hitler, drugih razlogov itak ne more bit ker smo vsi enaki.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
jype ::
Turki so v Nemčiji edini, ki sploh kaj delajo.
Trump ni zgradil nobenega nebotičnika. Še denar, ki ga je dal za izgradnjo, je dobil od očeta.
Trump ni zgradil nobenega nebotičnika. Še denar, ki ga je dal za izgradnjo, je dobil od očeta.
dice7 ::
Trump je itak marioneta stricev iz ozadja
Pa se stran je na napacni strani zgodovine, tako da ima tukaj precej kredibilnosti
Pa se stran je na napacni strani zgodovine, tako da ima tukaj precej kredibilnosti
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()
Berserker ::
Kremlin sponsored fake news.
Tako levi kot desni. DDR je tudi en čas financirala neonaciste v BDR. Najlažje spodkopavaš zahod, če balkaniziraš oba politčna pola in iz njih napraviš klovne.
Pac-Man ::
Soros je res univerzalen baddie.
Conservative Tribune, februar 2016
However, a New York Post piece in 2009 noted that Trump spent Christmas Eve that year at a private party with Soros and liberal Hollywood director Oliver Stone, among others. While business dealings were likely discussed at the event to some extent, they probably weren’t the main topic or reason for the gathering.
Perhaps worse than that, though, is the revelation that Soros essentially bailed out Trump in 2004 with a special high-interest “mezzanine” loan the real estate mogul needed to construct his Trump Tower in Chicago, according to the Chicago Tribune.
George Soros is a bad person, a one world order and open borders believer whose Open Society Foundation has funded virtually every anti-American and anti-Israel group and movement around the globe.
Conservative Tribune, februar 2016
However, a New York Post piece in 2009 noted that Trump spent Christmas Eve that year at a private party with Soros and liberal Hollywood director Oliver Stone, among others. While business dealings were likely discussed at the event to some extent, they probably weren’t the main topic or reason for the gathering.
Perhaps worse than that, though, is the revelation that Soros essentially bailed out Trump in 2004 with a special high-interest “mezzanine” loan the real estate mogul needed to construct his Trump Tower in Chicago, according to the Chicago Tribune.
George Soros is a bad person, a one world order and open borders believer whose Open Society Foundation has funded virtually every anti-American and anti-Israel group and movement around the globe.
jype ::
O, kdo bi si mislu:
Tako levi kot desni.Levičarji vedno govorimo resnico, ker smo dali častno pionirsko besedo, da bomo.
Berserker ::
O, kdo bi si mislu:
Tako levi kot desni.Levičarji vedno govorimo resnico, ker smo dali častno pionirsko besedo, da bomo.
Janša jo je tudi dal.
Massacra ::
O, kdo bi si mislu:
Follow the Trail of Money. Trump je GOTOF!!!
vostok_1 ::
Ko bo trump odšel, ga bo nadomestil en pravi hardliner. Svet pa bo zgubil neprekinjen stream humorja.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Massacra ::
Ta humor je z distance možen in relalen, od blizu in sedaj pa je tragedija.
Ostal bo Trump kot vir "najboljše satire moderne dobe" še dolgo dolgo...
Ostal bo Trump kot vir "najboljše satire moderne dobe" še dolgo dolgo...
thom4s ::
Opa, kot kaže ni Drumpf Putinova lutka, ampak je Kušner nekaj z Izrealom kuhal. Oy vey, a mislite da so obtožili ruse, ker bi bilo antisemitsko poročati o temu da je Izrael v ozadju mešal štrene?
Pac-Man ::
"The people of Alabama don't care what outsider coastal elites think. They'll decide this race on their own!"
"Now, please welcome to the stage former White House adviser Steve Bannon, straight from one of his mansions in California or Florida!"
“Ex Hollywood producer and Ex-Goldman Sacks officer steeeeeeeve Bannon!”
"The people of Alabama don't care what outsider coastal elites think. They'll decide this race on their own!"
"Now, please welcome to the stage former White House adviser Steve Bannon, straight from one of his mansions in California or Florida!"
“Ex Hollywood producer and Ex-Goldman Sacks officer steeeeeeeve Bannon!”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
next3steps ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Če se kdo sramuje svoje kože je to njegov problem.
Naš ni, to ti hočemo dopovedati, medtem pa očitno je tvoj!
Nihče ni odgovoren za zločine, ki so jih storili njegovi predniki, je pa dejstvo, da se ti ne zmanjša penis, če se opravičiš in pomagaš zmanjšati škodljive posledice takih zločinov.
A ni? a nisi ti tisti ki vse nas kličeš za naciste in nam mečeš krivdo ki jo po tvoje nebi smeli nositi? Zanimivo kako sam sebe oporekaš, čeprav imeti kognitivno disonanco ni tako redko imeti med socialnimi bojevniki...
Slovenci se mi nikoli niso opravičili. Je pa res, da že tako ali tako nimajo hrbtenice.
Pac-Man ::
Ampak Hillary. O premiku ambasade v Jeruzalem.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Ampak Hillary. O premiku ambasade v Jeruzalem.
Hillary WHO ?????
Trumpu je ploskal tudi predsednik senatnega odbora za mednarodne odnose Bob Corker iz Tennesseeja, s katerim se sicer sploh ne marata in sta se pred tedni zapletala v spor na Twitterju. "Jeruzalem je prestolnica Izraela in lokacija veleposlaništva mora odražati to dejstvo," je dejal vodilni demokrat v Corkerjevem odboru Benjamin Cardin iz Marylanda, podobno pa so menili tudi drugi.
Pac-Man ::
Hillary WHO ?????
Hillary, ki ne bi premaknila ambasade v Jeruzalem oz. vrgla vžigalice v sod smodnika. Isto.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
ZaphodBB ::
Hillary, ki ne bi premaknila ambasade v Jeruzalem oz. vrgla vžigalice v sod smodnika. Isto.
Ker Trump je totalno sprožil atomsko vojno naslednji dan ko je vstopil v Belo Hišo.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype