Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » špekuliranje cen kriptovalut in ICO-jev
špekuliranje cen kriptovalut in ICO-jev
Temo vidijo: vsi
slotechar ::
A kto ve kdaj tocno se bo predvajala tista nadaljevanka dans o bitcoinu? The big bang theory
Klemen13 ::
A kto ve kdaj tocno se bo predvajala tista nadaljevanka dans o bitcoinu? The big bang theory
Ob 02.00 po nasem casu. Link:
slotechar ::
Hvala. Se prav cez 4 ure a ne? Ok sej vidm odstevanje na linku. Kaj pricakujete. Bo kaj vplivalo. Vsaj malo?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slotechar ()
Klemen13 ::
Hvala. Se prav cez 4 ure a ne? Ok sej vidm odstevanje na linku. Kaj pricakujete. Bo kaj vplivalo. Vsaj malo?
Bomo videli, odvisno kako so posneli epizodo. Lahko da bo veliko ljudi mislilo, da je bitcoin pac nekaj izmisljenega v seriji(tisti ki bitcoina ne poznajo), zanimivo bo videti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Klemen13 ()
Jerry000 ::
slotechar, jst tudi rad slišim mnenja drugih (čist za filing), kar pa ne pomeni, da jih bom upošteval. Navsezadnje trejdam s svojim denarjem in jaz odgovarjam zanj, ne tisti, ki svetuje.
In forum je zato, da se mnenja izmenjuje.
Pod tole se pa 100% podpišemm!
Vazelin ::
I am very proud to announce that our new rewarding system is now LIVE. We hit our deadline again and delivered as promised. Help us by contributing, growing and promoting the cause!!
Fantje, kupte dokler je vajb še dokaj cheap. To je x5 potencial imo
Zahvalite se mi lahko čez pol leta
CoreySteel ::
slotechar, jst tudi rad slišim mnenja drugih (čist za filing), kar pa ne pomeni, da jih bom upošteval. Navsezadnje trejdam s svojim denarjem in jaz odgovarjam zanj, ne tisti, ki svetuje.
In forum je zato, da se mnenja izmenjuje.
Se strinjam. Ampak vseeno me pogreje, ko se nekoga označi za nooba, ker misli drugače kot ti in to v takem nepredvidljivem svetu, kot je crypto :)
Twitter: @CoreySteel_
Jerry000 ::
Kraken že 3h želim poslat kovance na MEW pa piše Service is currently disabled. Please try again later...great. Ok sem dal refresh in nimam več ETH...nikjer pa ne najdem da je bilo kaj prenešeno, dobil sem samo mail da se je zgodil transfer. Sovražim Kraken, upam da se res prenesejo kovanci -.-
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jerry000 ()
perci ::
CoreySteel je izjavil:
slotechar, jst tudi rad slišim mnenja drugih (čist za filing), kar pa ne pomeni, da jih bom upošteval. Navsezadnje trejdam s svojim denarjem in jaz odgovarjam zanj, ne tisti, ki svetuje.
In forum je zato, da se mnenja izmenjuje.
Se strinjam. Ampak vseeno me pogreje, ko se nekoga označi za nooba, ker misli drugače kot ti in to v takem nepredvidljivem svetu, kot je crypto :)
Kaj naj ti reč vem s kakšnim denarjem operiraš - če je to par 100 USD, potem se ni problem zafrkavat s shitcoini, tudi v takem času. Boš popušil, ampak vsaj ne velik.
Če imaš pa ranga 10k, potem pa si hud gambler, da v tehle cajtih vlagaš v shitcoine. Ali pa noob. Zdej se pa sam odloči.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: perci ()
CoreySteel ::
To, da si morda ti tisti, ki se moti, pa ni na meniju? :)
Twitter: @CoreySteel_
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: CoreySteel ()
perci ::
CoreySteel je izjavil:
To, da si morda ti tisti, ki se moti, pa ni na meniju? :)
Motim se v tem, da so tvegani cajti za BTC?
profdoktor ::
perci ima prav. Za noobe prihajajo težki časi. Na misel mi pridejo oni veliki kiti ki žrejo plankton (noobe). Kar navalite, mah saj bo kmalu spet plača itd. itd.
CoreySteel ::
CoreySteel je izjavil:
To, da si morda ti tisti, ki se moti, pa ni na meniju? :)
Motim se v tem, da so tvegani cajti za BTC?
Tvegani v kakem smislu, da bo BTC "propadel"?
Twitter: @CoreySteel_
perci ::
Verjetno se strinjamo, da je precej dobra možnost, da bo BTC v kratkem korigiran.
Kaj se zgodi s shitcoini, ko BTC pada?
Kaj se zgodi s shitcoini, ko BTC pada?
Vazelin ::
Če ste zadeli vse vrhove in padce v zadnjem dnevu ste lahko sredstva skor podvojili![:))](
Presenetljivo se je to odbilo v kratkem času
Presenetljivo se je to odbilo v kratkem času
profdoktor ::
Če ste zadeli vse vrhove in padce v zadnjem dnevu ste lahko sredstva skor podvojili
Presenetljivo se je to odbilo v kratkem času
Če si malo jasnovidca in že poznaš loto številke, ki bodo izžrebane v naslednjem krogu komot neseš 50 mio. Če ti to ni dovolj lahko vplačaš loto v Ameriki in neseš 500 mio. Easy money.
slotechar ::
Mislm da je vseen lazje zasluzit na crypto kot na loto listku. Tam zadane par srecnezev na teden ali mesec. Medtem ko tu je srecnezev bistveno vec. Pa tudi vsaj nekoliko lahko vplivas. Tam je pa zgolj sreca.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slotechar ()
Vazelin ::
jaz celo malo razmišljam, da bi počakal na resen "smart money". lahko bo še kdaj, lahko ne. trenutna situacija je imo precej tvegana za strganje nekaj 10 procentov.
Vazelin ::
ns Siolu imate članek s pametovanjem Merlaka. če koga zanima
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
CoreySteel ::
Verjetno se strinjamo, da je precej dobra možnost, da bo BTC v kratkem korigiran.
Morda, morda pa tudi ne. Napovedovati stvari z gotovostjo v kripto svetu je precej neodgovorno.
Twitter: @CoreySteel_
profdoktor ::
Če si dober špekulant lahko delaš lepe milijone čistega plusa vsako leto. Morda ne s kriptovalutami, gotovo pa to velja na kakih resnih borzah. Vidim, da tu gor ste iz pravega testa...
D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Zakaj ima Merlak frizuro kot Kim jong un?![]()
Car. Milijone ima pa kreditne kartice boža. Na koncu je vidno živčen, novinarka pa vesela. Money never sleeps.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:
hamez66 ::
profdoktor je izjavil:
Če si dober špekulant lahko delaš lepe milijone čistega plusa vsako leto. Morda ne s kriptovalutami, gotovo pa to velja na kakih resnih borzah. Vidim, da tu gor ste iz pravega testa...
In koliko let rabiš, da iz 3 jurjev prideš na 3 miljone?
shubell ::
rollback time pa ti ratajo miljoni ;) drugač pa itak je 98% icojev nateg pa 95% shitcoinov shitcoini... mogoče edin potencial je btcz
Ajnstajn` ::
tole se mi zdi zanimivo, mogoče bo še komu:
PrihajaNodi ::
I am very proud to announce that our new rewarding system is now LIVE. We hit our deadline again and delivered as promised. Help us by contributing, growing and promoting the cause!!
Fantje, kupte dokler je vajb še dokaj cheap. To je x5 potencial imo
Zahvalite se mi lahko čez pol leta![]()
Resno? Tole je bistveno vecji potencial
Jerry000 ::
A še komu MEW ne kaže coine? Poslal sem si gor ETH včeraj iz Kraken na MEW in mi jih ne kaže na MEW. Mi jih pa kaže na etherscan in piše da je vse OK. To se mi je že predvčeraj naredilo enako z REQ kovanci. Sploh mi jih MEW ni prikazoval, šele kasneje jih je potem, no, ETH mi še vedno ne po 10 urah. Nikjer nič ne piše ali moram kaj čakat ali karkoli....
Jerry000 ::
Ok, zdaj spet prikazuje. Kaj toliko časa rabi MEW da synca? Po več kot 8 ur?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jerry000 ()
Buggy ::
...cist tko iz firbca me zanima ali je/bo sel kdo v WCX ICO, ki se zacenja danes?
Stvar je skoraj predobra da bi bilo res, poleg tega je cel team bolj kot ne anonimen. Kaksno mnenje?
Stvar je skoraj predobra da bi bilo res, poleg tega je cel team bolj kot ne anonimen. Kaksno mnenje?
gruntfürmich ::
mene zanima kaj @grun nakupuje. ziher nekaj dokupujenič nisem dokupoval, ker se mi zdi še preveč rizično. sem pa svoje najšekulativnejše kojne trejdal in sicer gas prodal v usdt z ~50% izgubo, stratis verjetno z nulo nekje pretočil v gnosis katerega mislim držat in za katerega menim da bom na njem popušil večino...![]()
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
PrihajaNodi ::
gruntfürmich je izjavil:
mene zanima kaj @grun nakupuje. ziher nekaj dokupujenič nisem dokupoval, ker se mi zdi še preveč rizično. sem pa svoje najšekulativnejše kojne trejdal in sicer gas prodal v usdt z ~50% izgubo, stratis verjetno z nulo nekje pretočil v gnosis katerega mislim držat in za katerega menim da bom na njem popušil večino...![]()
WTF? Si nor? Zakaj ne KMD, ETHC, Mona? Upam da nisi kupil več kot enega.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
gruntfürmich ::
samo 10 podvojitev kapitala rabiš. kolikokrat v enem mesecu pa se to zgodi pa lahko sam vidiš; eni te bodo o tem tudi vseskozi obveščali.profdoktor je izjavil:
Če si dober špekulant lahko delaš lepe milijone čistega plusa vsako leto. Morda ne s kriptovalutami, gotovo pa to velja na kakih resnih borzah. Vidim, da tu gor ste iz pravega testa...
In koliko let rabiš, da iz 3 jurjev prideš na 3 miljone?
tko da po mojem je rok za priti iz 3k na 3M optimalno 1 teden...
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
WTF? Si nor?to mi je že okapi rekel ko sem zapisal da sem sredi 2016 vse svoje prihranke vrgel v btc...
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: gruntfürmich ()
PrihajaNodi ::
profdoktor ::
Kot pravi kolega, za dobre špekulante na konc leta večmilijonski dobiček ni nobeno presenečenje. Samo treba bit pameten in dosti delat in imet dolgoletne izkušnje iz tega področja.
Mato989 ::
profdoktor je izjavil:
Kot pravi kolega, za dobre špekulante na konc leta večmilijonski dobiček ni nobeno presenečenje. Samo treba bit pameten in dosti delat in imet dolgoletne izkušnje iz tega področja.
Ne, treba je predvsem imeti ČAS sedet pred PCjem :) Nekaj kar mi ki delamo nimamo...
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
Smurf ::
profdoktor je izjavil:
Kot pravi kolega, za dobre špekulante na konc leta večmilijonski dobiček ni nobeno presenečenje. Samo treba bit pameten in dosti delat in imet dolgoletne izkušnje iz tega področja.
Cist vsega mu ne verjeti. Trajderjev z rednim vecmiljonskim dobickom letno, je sila malo ;).
gruntfürmich ::
potem delaš nekaj narobe oz. bi raje delal to, zaradi česar boš na koncu leta multimiljonarprofdoktor je izjavil:
Kot pravi kolega, za dobre špekulante na konc leta večmilijonski dobiček ni nobeno presenečenje. Samo treba bit pameten in dosti delat in imet dolgoletne izkušnje iz tega področja.Ne, treba je predvsem imeti ČAS sedet pred PCjem :) Nekaj kar mi ki delamo nimamo...
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
PrihajaNodi ::
gruntfürmich je izjavil:
potem delaš nekaj narobe oz. bi raje delal to, zaradi česar boš na koncu leta multimiljonarprofdoktor je izjavil:
Kot pravi kolega, za dobre špekulante na konc leta večmilijonski dobiček ni nobeno presenečenje. Samo treba bit pameten in dosti delat in imet dolgoletne izkušnje iz tega področja.Ne, treba je predvsem imeti ČAS sedet pred PCjem :) Nekaj kar mi ki delamo nimamo...![]()
Naštudiraš koine vložiš počakaša na peak vzameš ven in poiščeš naslednjega ki ima padec. Zdej če pa ima namen nekdo obogateti z viberatom ali icnjem pa good luck. Kdaj sem vam svetoval da vložite v Monaco ko ji bil 4.92 ali nekaj nad 5...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
Rok Woot ::
profdoktor je izjavil:
Kot pravi kolega, za dobre špekulante na konc leta večmilijonski dobiček ni nobeno presenečenje. Samo treba bit pameten in dosti delat in imet dolgoletne izkušnje iz tega področja.
Ok, a lahko vsak, ki je z coini zaslužil več kot 3 miljone to prosim pripiše zraven prispevka. Misliš, da jih je v tej temi več ali manj kot 10%?
Pa še enkrat, se da kje shortat coine? Tako kot delnice ...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Rok Woot ()
profdoktor ::
Jih je kar veliko v Sloveniji, ampak mislim, da nimajo nobene potrebe, da bi se izpostavljali s tem kjerkoli. Na forumih so večinoma začetniki, taki z željo po instant zaslužku. Pozablja se pravilo 10.000 ur vloženega študija in trdega dela, ampak pustimo to.
Smurf ::
profdoktor je izjavil:
Jih je kar veliko v Sloveniji, ampak mislim, da nimajo nobene potrebe, da bi se izpostavljali s tem kjerkoli. Na forumih so večinoma začetniki, taki z željo po instant zaslužku. Pozablja se pravilo 10.000 ur vloženega študija in trdega dela, ampak pustimo to.
In tem zacetnikom ravno zato radi povemo, da sluziti miljone ni nekaj kar je za pricakovati :).
matico1 ::
prejšn mesec sm čekiru WCX, učeri sm dobu mail ampak nism vlož pomoje tud ne bom.
Za Envion sm neki gledu, zaenkrat so postponal ICO, do 15.12.
Razlog: The founders of Envion are postponing the start of the ICO until the 15th of December in order to open the ICO to a broader public, lay the foundation for future top-level cooperations and make it the most cross-border compliant ICO so far.
Advantages for token holders:
? Swiss users can take part in the ICO without restriction
? EVN tokens should be tradable at official and licensed US exchanges
? Banks and other financial institutions can more easily create cooperation models with envion and increase token holders profits
? envion lays the foundation for top-level cooperations
? EVN token on the way to be the best regulated security token so far broader market - higher value potential
? Even better ROI due to Third-Party Operation business
Prebiram bitcointalk, zaenkrat jih kurcajo največ glede cene elektrike oziroma dobavo elektrike ponoči, ko ni sonca oziroma, ko ni vetra.
Nekdo je omenu, da naj bi blo 480 grafičnih v enem kontejnerju. Oni (Envion) pravjo, da vabijo vsakega investitorja v Berlin, da na lastne oči vidi delujočo enoto.
Dost jih sprašujejo o kraji kontejnerja, glede na to da je notr tok grafičnih.
@ Envion
How do you protect content from thieves ?
You have hundred of gpus in a container, about 400$ each.
Very easy to take all of them away with a small car.
Lots of people are asking about security. It's a very good question and one we take very seriously (thought it almost makes us wonder what's on your mind Wink ).
There are many layers to the security stack:
The first barrier is that our mobile mining units will be deployed in the close proximity to power plants (e.g. PV) that offer already a high degree of security. The available security at a location is one of the criteria that is taken into account when choosing a location
The second barrier is that for the first sites, we will deploy a large enough number of mobile mining units that allows to have a small dedicated staff on location that will provide security and execute service/maintenance tasks. This might for example then include an external security company that provides this service for let's say 50 units.
The third barrier are standard physical barriers like barbed wire and our automated doorman system that includes heavy locks that are operated by our servers. This level includes motion sensors, etc. that all report directly to our cloud application. The software part is actually already running in our first generation!
Last but not least, our mobile mining units are insured against theft, damage and natural disasters like floods. So even if something happens, they are insured.
@ Envion
I appreciate your replies but I still have questions. Always looking for good investment, but I am still not convinced. Just wanna say that I am blocked to on your Telegram, your people there are very impolite, they do not answer my question and kicked me out. I was very friendly, but I guess you have something to hide.
I do not think your company is a scam, but I am convinced you are in over your head. I expect delays and broken promises. Maybe in one year your company will be interesting to invest in...
Postponing an ICO is a very bad sign in my opinion... Serious business keeps its deadlines.
That is very nice that you have a ´big bank´investing in crypto, good for you. Would be nice to know which bank! Especially when we in the crypto world know how banks are big fans of cryptocurrency.
Secondly still no answer on where your metal boxes with hot miners will be stationed. Are you planning on putting some next to solar power plant some where with a lot of sun? Where it is hot and not 26 °C, the temperature you mention in WP. Before you say, read the white paper, I have. You talk about using the heat for other purposes but how about performance in hot and humid area´s. Do you have any test done? Where are the results?
WP says: ´Converting our MMU's waste heat into a system where thermal energy is useful provides savings which are directly proportional to the amount of electrical energy being converted by the MMU. Heating expenses, before and after installation of a MMU inside a heated warehouse or greenhouse, can thus be easily assessed and the savings on heating the building can be directly deducted from the MMU's electricity bill. This creates another unique competitive advantage for the envion MMU over conventional mining farms, which are typically installed in remote areas and thus unable to recycle their massive amounts of thermal energy.´
So you gonna put the MMU inside buildings? Who is gonna pay for that?
Secondly, are you putting people, engineers in the containers for maintaining the facility? WP says ´There are fully automated systems in place which detect defective rigs, based on IP address and rig denotations, so that any maintenance worker is able to locate defective hardware within a very limited amount of time.´
So if you have ANY mining experience you should know that a person on the ground is mandatory. All your WP says, you have fancy sensors, but who is going to fix the miners that are broken? Where are your engineers located? Who is paying them?
Last, your WP claims you can fit up to 96 ASIC miners in one MMU( container), so what is going to happen when this miners are outdated? In the current situation it is very likely that every 6 to 9 months new companies will come with more efficient miners. So if a miner would cost 1000$ (very optimistic projection) you will have to spend 96 000 $ to update your MMU. Who is paying that?
@ Envion
The truth about the company Envion AG the facts:
1. What you write is what your Director the founder of the company - you are lying!!!
You wrote on your website: Entrepreneur, investor & media professional. Founder & CEO of energy-focused investment holding. Co-financed €300M solar company.
In fact:
Your Director Matthias Woestmann- the journalist you hired 1 month ago to work in - is simply Executive Director in Envion AG, He's not invetor , he is not affiliated with solar energy!!!
Why you hide the founders of the company?
You do not answer the question: who are the founders of the company?
I will send all photos from your founders documents - to see all your lies!!!!!
I sent you a document - investors should see that you lie!!! In this document it is evident that the company was organized less than
a month ago - 5.10.2017 year. Your Director is only a nominal Director and founder of
hide!!!! And you lie - that he is the founder of the company -- not very nice!!!!!
2. You started the company less than a month ago - 5.10.2017 year. You hired the whole team a month ago!!!! What kind of work long technology your container you say?
You're lying again!!!
2.You have not answered-where is your mining??? Where exactly is mining farm?
you can't tell because you don't have one! you cheat!!!
You only have one airbrushed onto the container, which you carry for the video and have a video with a smoke blue))))
3. Your website says: in 2015, So explain to me - how is that possible???
if you opened your super company has just 5.10.2017 year!!!! Once again you are all lying!!!!!!!
4. You are talking about a profit of 161% per year from your equipment - you are cheating investors!!!!
With your container in the holes - can not how to profit by 161%.(considering the fact that you still need to take the profit)
What you want to say that what you showed container holes in them with a few rows of video cards will be able to bring a profit?
Yes, it's all a hoax!!!!!!! And you know that's not true!!!! You have no any technology for mining.
5. You do not call the compute capacity of your container : how many PH/s MH/s?
I will tell you - in order for investors have not seen this!
7. You have not performed any testing of the container - you don't have anything other than a container with holes from sewer pipes and a couple of fans!!!
Yet you don't answer me to my questions - you will be considered a fraud perpetrated in Switzerland !!!!
My result, You don't have:
1. Mining farm, there is only 1 container with holes. You do not have the technology, but what you showed is just ridiculous!!!!!
3. You hide especially of the founder, hired journalist Executive Director
4. You hired all the people a month ago - you do not have any commands in mining
5. You started a company in Zug Switzerland - to give the project importance in the eyes of investors!!!
6. You just want to collect money and all!!!!
I work for honesty! And will not allow me to delete the Telegram for the fact that you can't not answer one my question!!!
I dont think so, that he is a "noname" noob. First of All I give you guys to understand, everything what they registered its a legal company with 150K Swiss Frank! But the ICO is just for only the "project" that even tells this Mr. Woestmann in them self maded youtube interview Viedeos.
All necessary infos from the public register:
Neueste SHAB-Meldungen: envion AG
SHAB 201/2017 - 17.10.2017
Kategorien: Neueintragung, Änderung bei Personen
Publikationsnummer: 3814143, Handelsregister-Amt Zug (170)
envion AG(envion SA) (envion Ltd.), in Baar, CHE-373.899.812, Zugerstrasse 72, 6340 Baar, Aktiengesellschaft (Neueintragung).
Erbringung von Infrastrukturdienstleistungen für Kryptowährungen und Blockchain-Anwendungen sowie Entwicklung von Software zum globalen Betrieb von Datenzentren;
vollständige Zweckumschreibung gemäss Statuten.
CHF 150'000.00.
Liberierung Aktienkapital:
CHF 150'000.00.
150'000 Namenaktien zu CHF 1.00. Die Gründungsversammlung hat mit Beschluss vom 05.10.2017 eine genehmigte Kapitalerhöhung gemäss näherer Umschreibung in den Statuten eingeführt.
SHAB. Die Mitteilungen an die Aktionäre erfolgen per Brief, E-Mail oder Telefax an die im Aktienbuch verzeichneten Adressen. Mit Erklärung vom 05.10.2017 wurde auf die eingeschränkte Revision verzichtet.
Eingetragene Personen:
Wöstmann, Matthias, deutscher Staatsangehöriger, in Berlin (DE), Präsident des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien;
Stäger, Cyrill Alexander, von Glarus Süd, in Zug, Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift
-What I find weird, that Mr. Cyrill Alexander is connected with the company on the same Building in "Zugerstrasse 72" in the City of Zug, with his company "Trifft Management & Consulting GmbH" the main purpose of this company is to create a founding of new enterprises and doing swiss taxes.
-Many Questions they never really honestly answer, unfortunately to compare with Julian Hosp from TenX they behalfe them self like Scammers.
I would like to go make a claim on the swiss federal Police and the FINMA Office today. Is there also anyone who support this step? If here any swiss ICO Investors, Envion have a lot of misleading Informations, this red flags must be clarified, with politeness meaning!!!
And yes there is a hate from me to your ICO , becauze you not answer still, that you dont accept swiss ICO Investors! (not the answer that you protect me! The answer, whitch difficulties you must have to not accept swiss citizien but for example german citizien??! The answer shoult be easy! If there is any not qualified Person (like a Beginner) who participate in the ICO, and go against you infront the court, your 150K in the AG (limited) are endangered!! And you lie here many peoples with a children Storry. So stop kidding and be honest, or see end of this Week a Mail to the FINMA and a Display on the swiss Police! I think lets called "RIP DEAL"
New E-Mail, ICO postponed. Advantages for token holders:
? Swiss users can take part in the ICO without restriction
? EVN tokens should be tradable at official and licensed US exchanges
? Banks and other financial institutions can more easily create cooperation models with envion and increase token holders profits
? envion lays the foundation for top-level cooperations
? EVN token on the way to be the best regulated security token so far broader market - higher value potential
? Even better ROI due to Third-Party Operation business
Envion is sure that the inconvenience of waiting a few days to invest will outweigh the great positive factors. To make sure our trusted ICO community does not get overshadowed by these big players, we will not involve them in the ICO, but instead have them participate later to follow through on our approach of decentralization by widest possible participation. Also, production and deployment of MMUs from the ICO will come first, before any others.
So now Im statisfaited with this Project! That was the smart step u need to have Investors what "HOLD" your Tokens Wink Rip Deal go under the Shower Im All in here!! (If u let me, because of my critical Announcements Im still blocked on Telegram)
Če se da komu brat.. mal je dolgo :D
Za Envion sm neki gledu, zaenkrat so postponal ICO, do 15.12.
Razlog: The founders of Envion are postponing the start of the ICO until the 15th of December in order to open the ICO to a broader public, lay the foundation for future top-level cooperations and make it the most cross-border compliant ICO so far.
Advantages for token holders:
? Swiss users can take part in the ICO without restriction
? EVN tokens should be tradable at official and licensed US exchanges
? Banks and other financial institutions can more easily create cooperation models with envion and increase token holders profits
? envion lays the foundation for top-level cooperations
? EVN token on the way to be the best regulated security token so far broader market - higher value potential
? Even better ROI due to Third-Party Operation business
Prebiram bitcointalk, zaenkrat jih kurcajo največ glede cene elektrike oziroma dobavo elektrike ponoči, ko ni sonca oziroma, ko ni vetra.
Nekdo je omenu, da naj bi blo 480 grafičnih v enem kontejnerju. Oni (Envion) pravjo, da vabijo vsakega investitorja v Berlin, da na lastne oči vidi delujočo enoto.
Dost jih sprašujejo o kraji kontejnerja, glede na to da je notr tok grafičnih.
@ Envion
How do you protect content from thieves ?
You have hundred of gpus in a container, about 400$ each.
Very easy to take all of them away with a small car.
Lots of people are asking about security. It's a very good question and one we take very seriously (thought it almost makes us wonder what's on your mind Wink ).
There are many layers to the security stack:
The first barrier is that our mobile mining units will be deployed in the close proximity to power plants (e.g. PV) that offer already a high degree of security. The available security at a location is one of the criteria that is taken into account when choosing a location
The second barrier is that for the first sites, we will deploy a large enough number of mobile mining units that allows to have a small dedicated staff on location that will provide security and execute service/maintenance tasks. This might for example then include an external security company that provides this service for let's say 50 units.
The third barrier are standard physical barriers like barbed wire and our automated doorman system that includes heavy locks that are operated by our servers. This level includes motion sensors, etc. that all report directly to our cloud application. The software part is actually already running in our first generation!
Last but not least, our mobile mining units are insured against theft, damage and natural disasters like floods. So even if something happens, they are insured.
@ Envion
I appreciate your replies but I still have questions. Always looking for good investment, but I am still not convinced. Just wanna say that I am blocked to on your Telegram, your people there are very impolite, they do not answer my question and kicked me out. I was very friendly, but I guess you have something to hide.
I do not think your company is a scam, but I am convinced you are in over your head. I expect delays and broken promises. Maybe in one year your company will be interesting to invest in...
Postponing an ICO is a very bad sign in my opinion... Serious business keeps its deadlines.
That is very nice that you have a ´big bank´investing in crypto, good for you. Would be nice to know which bank! Especially when we in the crypto world know how banks are big fans of cryptocurrency.
Secondly still no answer on where your metal boxes with hot miners will be stationed. Are you planning on putting some next to solar power plant some where with a lot of sun? Where it is hot and not 26 °C, the temperature you mention in WP. Before you say, read the white paper, I have. You talk about using the heat for other purposes but how about performance in hot and humid area´s. Do you have any test done? Where are the results?
WP says: ´Converting our MMU's waste heat into a system where thermal energy is useful provides savings which are directly proportional to the amount of electrical energy being converted by the MMU. Heating expenses, before and after installation of a MMU inside a heated warehouse or greenhouse, can thus be easily assessed and the savings on heating the building can be directly deducted from the MMU's electricity bill. This creates another unique competitive advantage for the envion MMU over conventional mining farms, which are typically installed in remote areas and thus unable to recycle their massive amounts of thermal energy.´
So you gonna put the MMU inside buildings? Who is gonna pay for that?
Secondly, are you putting people, engineers in the containers for maintaining the facility? WP says ´There are fully automated systems in place which detect defective rigs, based on IP address and rig denotations, so that any maintenance worker is able to locate defective hardware within a very limited amount of time.´
So if you have ANY mining experience you should know that a person on the ground is mandatory. All your WP says, you have fancy sensors, but who is going to fix the miners that are broken? Where are your engineers located? Who is paying them?
Last, your WP claims you can fit up to 96 ASIC miners in one MMU( container), so what is going to happen when this miners are outdated? In the current situation it is very likely that every 6 to 9 months new companies will come with more efficient miners. So if a miner would cost 1000$ (very optimistic projection) you will have to spend 96 000 $ to update your MMU. Who is paying that?
@ Envion
The truth about the company Envion AG the facts:
1. What you write is what your Director the founder of the company - you are lying!!!
You wrote on your website: Entrepreneur, investor & media professional. Founder & CEO of energy-focused investment holding. Co-financed €300M solar company.
In fact:
Your Director Matthias Woestmann- the journalist you hired 1 month ago to work in - is simply Executive Director in Envion AG, He's not invetor , he is not affiliated with solar energy!!!
Why you hide the founders of the company?
You do not answer the question: who are the founders of the company?
I will send all photos from your founders documents - to see all your lies!!!!!
I sent you a document - investors should see that you lie!!! In this document it is evident that the company was organized less than
a month ago - 5.10.2017 year. Your Director is only a nominal Director and founder of
hide!!!! And you lie - that he is the founder of the company -- not very nice!!!!!
2. You started the company less than a month ago - 5.10.2017 year. You hired the whole team a month ago!!!! What kind of work long technology your container you say?
You're lying again!!!
2.You have not answered-where is your mining??? Where exactly is mining farm?
you can't tell because you don't have one! you cheat!!!
You only have one airbrushed onto the container, which you carry for the video and have a video with a smoke blue))))
3. Your website says: in 2015, So explain to me - how is that possible???
if you opened your super company has just 5.10.2017 year!!!! Once again you are all lying!!!!!!!
4. You are talking about a profit of 161% per year from your equipment - you are cheating investors!!!!
With your container in the holes - can not how to profit by 161%.(considering the fact that you still need to take the profit)
What you want to say that what you showed container holes in them with a few rows of video cards will be able to bring a profit?
Yes, it's all a hoax!!!!!!! And you know that's not true!!!! You have no any technology for mining.
5. You do not call the compute capacity of your container : how many PH/s MH/s?
I will tell you - in order for investors have not seen this!
7. You have not performed any testing of the container - you don't have anything other than a container with holes from sewer pipes and a couple of fans!!!
Yet you don't answer me to my questions - you will be considered a fraud perpetrated in Switzerland !!!!
My result, You don't have:
1. Mining farm, there is only 1 container with holes. You do not have the technology, but what you showed is just ridiculous!!!!!
3. You hide especially of the founder, hired journalist Executive Director
4. You hired all the people a month ago - you do not have any commands in mining
5. You started a company in Zug Switzerland - to give the project importance in the eyes of investors!!!
6. You just want to collect money and all!!!!
I work for honesty! And will not allow me to delete the Telegram for the fact that you can't not answer one my question!!!
I dont think so, that he is a "noname" noob. First of All I give you guys to understand, everything what they registered its a legal company with 150K Swiss Frank! But the ICO is just for only the "project" that even tells this Mr. Woestmann in them self maded youtube interview Viedeos.
All necessary infos from the public register:
Neueste SHAB-Meldungen: envion AG
SHAB 201/2017 - 17.10.2017
Kategorien: Neueintragung, Änderung bei Personen
Publikationsnummer: 3814143, Handelsregister-Amt Zug (170)
envion AG(envion SA) (envion Ltd.), in Baar, CHE-373.899.812, Zugerstrasse 72, 6340 Baar, Aktiengesellschaft (Neueintragung).
Erbringung von Infrastrukturdienstleistungen für Kryptowährungen und Blockchain-Anwendungen sowie Entwicklung von Software zum globalen Betrieb von Datenzentren;
vollständige Zweckumschreibung gemäss Statuten.
CHF 150'000.00.
Liberierung Aktienkapital:
CHF 150'000.00.
150'000 Namenaktien zu CHF 1.00. Die Gründungsversammlung hat mit Beschluss vom 05.10.2017 eine genehmigte Kapitalerhöhung gemäss näherer Umschreibung in den Statuten eingeführt.
SHAB. Die Mitteilungen an die Aktionäre erfolgen per Brief, E-Mail oder Telefax an die im Aktienbuch verzeichneten Adressen. Mit Erklärung vom 05.10.2017 wurde auf die eingeschränkte Revision verzichtet.
Eingetragene Personen:
Wöstmann, Matthias, deutscher Staatsangehöriger, in Berlin (DE), Präsident des Verwaltungsrates, mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien;
Stäger, Cyrill Alexander, von Glarus Süd, in Zug, Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates, mit Einzelunterschrift
-What I find weird, that Mr. Cyrill Alexander is connected with the company on the same Building in "Zugerstrasse 72" in the City of Zug, with his company "Trifft Management & Consulting GmbH" the main purpose of this company is to create a founding of new enterprises and doing swiss taxes.
-Many Questions they never really honestly answer, unfortunately to compare with Julian Hosp from TenX they behalfe them self like Scammers.
I would like to go make a claim on the swiss federal Police and the FINMA Office today. Is there also anyone who support this step? If here any swiss ICO Investors, Envion have a lot of misleading Informations, this red flags must be clarified, with politeness meaning!!!
And yes there is a hate from me to your ICO , becauze you not answer still, that you dont accept swiss ICO Investors! (not the answer that you protect me! The answer, whitch difficulties you must have to not accept swiss citizien but for example german citizien??! The answer shoult be easy! If there is any not qualified Person (like a Beginner) who participate in the ICO, and go against you infront the court, your 150K in the AG (limited) are endangered!! And you lie here many peoples with a children Storry. So stop kidding and be honest, or see end of this Week a Mail to the FINMA and a Display on the swiss Police! I think lets called "RIP DEAL"
New E-Mail, ICO postponed. Advantages for token holders:
? Swiss users can take part in the ICO without restriction
? EVN tokens should be tradable at official and licensed US exchanges
? Banks and other financial institutions can more easily create cooperation models with envion and increase token holders profits
? envion lays the foundation for top-level cooperations
? EVN token on the way to be the best regulated security token so far broader market - higher value potential
? Even better ROI due to Third-Party Operation business
Envion is sure that the inconvenience of waiting a few days to invest will outweigh the great positive factors. To make sure our trusted ICO community does not get overshadowed by these big players, we will not involve them in the ICO, but instead have them participate later to follow through on our approach of decentralization by widest possible participation. Also, production and deployment of MMUs from the ICO will come first, before any others.
So now Im statisfaited with this Project! That was the smart step u need to have Investors what "HOLD" your Tokens Wink Rip Deal go under the Shower Im All in here!! (If u let me, because of my critical Announcements Im still blocked on Telegram)
Če se da komu brat.. mal je dolgo :D