Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » špekuliranje cen kriptovalut in ICO-jev
špekuliranje cen kriptovalut in ICO-jev
Temo vidijo: vsi

RatedR ::
Kaj je po novem letu še pametno kupit poleg ETH in LTC?
NEO, Ripple, Tether, Qtum se zdijo obetavni...kakšna mnenja, priporočila?
NEO, Ripple, Tether, Qtum se zdijo obetavni...kakšna mnenja, priporočila?

KriptoMirko ::

D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Tretjino budgeta za 5 coinov iz prvih 15, tretjino za 5 med 15. in 150. mestom po market capu. Ostalo tretjino pa v lucky guess. Potem pa hold, hold, hold. V vsakem primeru pa nujno nekaj dodatnega še v BTC, če bo kaj denarčka še kje ležalo.
Druga varijanta pa tretjino v BTC, tretjino v borzne kovance (pozanimaj se katere uporabljajo borze za trgovalne pare, btc, eth, ltc, monero, xrp, doge,...) in tretjino v Use your Imagination! In hold, hold, hold.
Druga varijanta pa tretjino v BTC, tretjino v borzne kovance (pozanimaj se katere uporabljajo borze za trgovalne pare, btc, eth, ltc, monero, xrp, doge,...) in tretjino v Use your Imagination! In hold, hold, hold.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:

dolenc ::
Verge video
Že prej sem bil bol nejevoljen, zdej pa priznam da sem čist vero izgubil :). Mislem da bo kak teden še hajpan, potem pa crash, lahko se seveda motim :)
Že prej sem bil bol nejevoljen, zdej pa priznam da sem čist vero izgubil :). Mislem da bo kak teden še hajpan, potem pa crash, lahko se seveda motim :)

D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Mcafna je tvitnu tron trx, hitro v nakup.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:

zahec ::
A na binance tudi brišejo order history, tak kot na bittrex..(obstaja še izvoz v excel..ampak tisto je kaos..)?
lp z
lp z

D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Due to heavy pressure from crypto adherents, exchanges, developers and every other corner of the earth (and God himself chastised me in my dreams last night), the "Coin of the day" will become "Coin of the week" starting immediately. You can look for it every Monday morning.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:

Vazelin ::
Lahko bi tule organizirali stave kateri coin bo coin of the week. Zmagovalec prejme 10 dogecoinov

D3m0r4l1z3d ::
XRP pa noro raste!!!!Nekateri trdijo, da pride na cb/gdax v par tednih.
Je*beš McAfno, imamo jypeta. Kaj meniš o LTC?
Oziroma bolj me zanima kaj o ETN?
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: D3m0r4l1z3d ()

jype ::
Nimam pojma o ETN, LTC je podoben kot BTC, samo malo drugačen (drug algoritem, ki potrebuje večjo pomnilniško pasovno širino in ga je zato težje reševati v poceni ASICih, ter krajši intervali na omrežju).

Jerry000 ::
Ne, samo Dentacoin. Ob 18.00 je kar dobro skočil, mogoče bom tudi jaz tvegal 50€ dobička :D
Na HitBTC potem :). Škoda da ni na večjih borzah, moram še en račun odpirat. Jaz bom še malo počakal in prebral in vprašal za mnenja, ker me zanima :). AMpak ja, ene 50EUR neb blo slabo dat not just for lols :)
Ja res je, mogoče ni dost močan za ostale borze. Mene je Viberate razočaral :/
Zakaj? Jaz sem ga pa kupil 2 tedna nazaj
BTW, XVG se pobira :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jerry000 ()

Drevesce ::
Meh VIB je beda... Predstavljajo svoj coin kot da predstavljajo nekaj inovativnega ampak resnica je daleč od tega. Bo pa vseeno verjetno sledil ostalim altom v 2018 in naredil kakšen pump.

Drevesce ::

D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Kako se točno reče coinom, ki jih exchanges uporabljajo za deposit in so odskočna deska potem za trejdanje? Jaz sem jih zbral nekaj, naj kdo še dopolni:
Kucoin: btc, eth, neo, kcs, usdt
Cryptopia: btc, ltc, doge, usdt, nzdt
Livecoin: btc, ltc, emc (emercoin)
Hitbtc: btc, eth, usdt
Poloniex: btc, eth, xmr, usdt
Kucoin: btc, eth, neo, kcs, usdt
Cryptopia: btc, ltc, doge, usdt, nzdt
Livecoin: btc, ltc, emc (emercoin)
Hitbtc: btc, eth, usdt
Poloniex: btc, eth, xmr, usdt
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:

jype ::
Torej BTC, LTC in ETH, trenutno. Načeloma te podpirajo praktično vse borze, večina jih ima trge v BTC, ETH in USD ali USDT.

krefi ::
zanima me zakaj ko hocem nakazati denar na coinbase preko mastercard zavrne trensakciijo zaradi : Zaradi neustrezne ali manjkajoče mobilne številke postopka ni možno nadaljevati.
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s

Blazz ::
A few considerations about the B2X or (wrongly called) SegWit2x hardfork.
ANN thread at BTCT:
?It has nothing to do with SegWit2x (a previous proposal)
Yes, it has the same name but no, they have nothing to do with each other.
It doesn't have the same developers or have the support of anyone (exchanges do not count).
It is not even an "update" of Bitcoin.
This is NOT a fork:
Why have they chosen the name SegWit2X? Because it's free publicity and adds legitimacy, which for a scam come great.
?It will have a premine of 2,000,000 coins (9.5%)
They forgot to add it to the website... sure ?
?They don't have a damn whitepaper (Plans are for noobs).
Is it really difficult to create a PDF with the usual tech specs and the ideas they have or the research they have done about it?
?Their media
The vast majority are press releases (paid or not) but they follow, in my opinion, a very clear editorial line: confusing readers by making them believe that the coin represents the old SegWit2x proposal. (I repeat: they are NOT the same)
For what? Seeking legitimacy.
?Their "team"
NONE of the former developers of the SegWit2x proposal is involved in this project.
To date, you cannot verify what real skills they have.
They are (
1. Jaap Terlouw - Founder - Refusing to acknowledge that he is the founder.
2. Sairam Jetty - Team Lead Developer - Completely denied any involvement with the project. Left.
3. Donna Khyuz - Business Developer - LinkedIn profile taken down. Unreachable. Supposedly denied her involvement.
4. Robert Szabo - Core Developer - Unreachable.
?Personal opinion
This is fishy as f*ck. The fact that they have used the name of SegWit2x is already something shameful. Using the name of another project, which won't do more than confuse new users, is NOT justified.
This is crypto, everything is open source and community, but such actions will NEVER be well seen and is an insult to the developers of the first project, the SegWit2x proposal
Honestly, there are better coins and projects to pay attention to than these garbage projects.
ANN thread at BTCT:
?It has nothing to do with SegWit2x (a previous proposal)
Yes, it has the same name but no, they have nothing to do with each other.
It doesn't have the same developers or have the support of anyone (exchanges do not count).
It is not even an "update" of Bitcoin.
This is NOT a fork:
Why have they chosen the name SegWit2X? Because it's free publicity and adds legitimacy, which for a scam come great.
?It will have a premine of 2,000,000 coins (9.5%)
They forgot to add it to the website... sure ?
?They don't have a damn whitepaper (Plans are for noobs).
Is it really difficult to create a PDF with the usual tech specs and the ideas they have or the research they have done about it?
?Their media
The vast majority are press releases (paid or not) but they follow, in my opinion, a very clear editorial line: confusing readers by making them believe that the coin represents the old SegWit2x proposal. (I repeat: they are NOT the same)
For what? Seeking legitimacy.
?Their "team"
NONE of the former developers of the SegWit2x proposal is involved in this project.
To date, you cannot verify what real skills they have.
They are (
1. Jaap Terlouw - Founder - Refusing to acknowledge that he is the founder.
2. Sairam Jetty - Team Lead Developer - Completely denied any involvement with the project. Left.
3. Donna Khyuz - Business Developer - LinkedIn profile taken down. Unreachable. Supposedly denied her involvement.
4. Robert Szabo - Core Developer - Unreachable.
?Personal opinion
This is fishy as f*ck. The fact that they have used the name of SegWit2x is already something shameful. Using the name of another project, which won't do more than confuse new users, is NOT justified.
This is crypto, everything is open source and community, but such actions will NEVER be well seen and is an insult to the developers of the first project, the SegWit2x proposal
Honestly, there are better coins and projects to pay attention to than these garbage projects.

Blazz ::
Pa še eno mnenje:
Many of you have no doubt started to hear whispers around the community that B2X (the previously cancelled Hard Fork) is back on.
Here's what we know...
There are currently TWO forks set to happen between today and the 28th of the month.
The first is BitcoinGod ( ) and the second is claiming to be bring back B2X ( )
We don't believe the legitimacy of either of these forks. Both are very suspect to say the least. We do believe they are actually set to happen (as technically anyone can fork Bitcoin since it's an open source project) but we don't believe there's any real value to the projects
Bitcoin God is claiming they will be listed on literally every exchange by looking at their website. We know this isn't true, though we have confirmed that HitBTC intends on supporting the forks.
As usual, the claim is that you will be credited with free coins at a 1:1 ratio with BTC.
We doubt this will play out across most major exchanges.
BTC's run right now is not, in our opinion, a result of these forks. We believe this was set to happen anyway since the price corrected and formed a double bottom. Most of the community isn't discussing the forks, yet.
As it circulates more please just remember to be vigilent and safe when interacting with these websites.
You can check out the websites and do your own research to learn more but please do not share your private key, download any wallet, or attempt to make any transaction until more official statements are made by exchanges or wallet providers.
Many of you have no doubt started to hear whispers around the community that B2X (the previously cancelled Hard Fork) is back on.
Here's what we know...
There are currently TWO forks set to happen between today and the 28th of the month.
The first is BitcoinGod ( ) and the second is claiming to be bring back B2X ( )
We don't believe the legitimacy of either of these forks. Both are very suspect to say the least. We do believe they are actually set to happen (as technically anyone can fork Bitcoin since it's an open source project) but we don't believe there's any real value to the projects
Bitcoin God is claiming they will be listed on literally every exchange by looking at their website. We know this isn't true, though we have confirmed that HitBTC intends on supporting the forks.
As usual, the claim is that you will be credited with free coins at a 1:1 ratio with BTC.
We doubt this will play out across most major exchanges.
BTC's run right now is not, in our opinion, a result of these forks. We believe this was set to happen anyway since the price corrected and formed a double bottom. Most of the community isn't discussing the forks, yet.
As it circulates more please just remember to be vigilent and safe when interacting with these websites.
You can check out the websites and do your own research to learn more but please do not share your private key, download any wallet, or attempt to make any transaction until more official statements are made by exchanges or wallet providers.

sirotka ::

Mani ::
Danes pa XMR pump? a ve kdo kaj za prihodnost XMR-ja?
Pomagajmo si med samo :)
KUCOIN Exchange:
BINANCE Exchange:
KUCOIN Exchange:
BINANCE Exchange:

scythe ::
Ne, samo Dentacoin. Ob 18.00 je kar dobro skočil, mogoče bom tudi jaz tvegal 50€ dobička :D
Na HitBTC potem :). Škoda da ni na večjih borzah, moram še en račun odpirat. Jaz bom še malo počakal in prebral in vprašal za mnenja, ker me zanima :). AMpak ja, ene 50EUR neb blo slabo dat not just for lols :)
Ja res je, mogoče ni dost močan za ostale borze. Mene je Viberate razočaral :/
Zakaj? Jaz sem ga pa kupil 2 tedna nazaj
BTW, XVG se pobira :)
Jaz sem mel nastavljen auto-sell pri .00100001( VIB/ETH). Res da sem imel 3x dobiček, ampak sem naredil FAIL :D kupil ponovno pri 0.00064000. Upajmo da se pobere v 1 mesecu :D XVG in XMR ga pumpata

chavlji ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Zcl je kdo kupil ko je bil 4 in nekaj usd?
Ne :( Sem že včeraj gledal in se tepel po glavi. Sem mislil da je prepozno, pa je naredil x2 od takrat, ko sem gledal.
Naslednjič te bom res poslušal. Svaka čast Nodi!

Mani ::
Posreduj se kaksne dodatne informacije NODI :)
Pomagajmo si med samo :)
KUCOIN Exchange:
BINANCE Exchange:
KUCOIN Exchange:
BINANCE Exchange:

gost987 ::
Hvala NODI, kupil pri 4,5usd, sedaj pa sladke težave HODL ali prodat

matico1 ::
sm mislu da letos ne bom več trejdu ampak so me presentli pri bittrexu, so bli dokaj hitri z reševanjem problema.

K0K0 ::
zcl naj bi se preimenoval v "Bitcoin private" zato zdej raste.

sarma832 ::
Monero je podoben bitcoinu, le da je popolnoma anonimen.
Je pa tudi ze zasiceno omrezje in so feeji 10$. Roadmap podoben bitcoinu(off-chain), kako dolgo bo trajalo da se to implementira pa ne bi vedel.. Verjetno vec let?
Je pa tudi ze zasiceno omrezje in so feeji 10$. Roadmap podoben bitcoinu(off-chain), kako dolgo bo trajalo da se to implementira pa ne bi vedel.. Verjetno vec let?

PrihajaNodi ::
Xdn se je lepo popravil. Dobro da nimam (vec) hitrih prstov:) je bil enostavno prevelik padec.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()

PrihajaNodi ::

Sc0ut ::
Verge video
Že prej sem bil bol nejevoljen, zdej pa priznam da sem čist vero izgubil :). Mislem da bo kak teden še hajpan, potem pa crash, lahko se seveda motim :)
Sem enakih misli. Malo se pocakam, pozerem izgubo in grem naprej. Stavim da bo epic dump. Ob vseh miljonih se posname ko revez... Tud ona slika z lead developerjem mi ne zgleda kot da bi bil lead developer dovolj genij za delujoc wraith.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

PrihajaNodi ::
Nodi a še holdaš Burst?
Ravno so objavili
Haha vam je nodi rekel! Sem ga dokupil. Se vak coin tu (razen ptoy, ki mora zamenjat ekipo in dat crnko stran je zazivel na polno).

Mani ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Nodi a še holdaš Burst?
Ravno so objavili
Haha vam je nodi rekel! Sem ga dokupil. Se vak coin tu (razen ptoy, ki mora zamenjat ekipo in dat crnko stran je zazivel na polno).
Ravno danes zjutraj sem ga prodal :( ni se mi dalo vec cakat, pa sem raje z malo dobicka izstopil. Zdaj pa to :/
Pomagajmo si med samo :)
KUCOIN Exchange:
BINANCE Exchange:
KUCOIN Exchange:
BINANCE Exchange:

krefi ::
v katero valuto se splaca vloziti trenutno na binance?
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s

flood ::
bitcoin :)
Asus A7N8X-X, Athlon xp 2700+, Radeon 9550 Gt, 1Gb ram, 120Gb Hitachi,...
laptop: i3-330m, ati 5650, 4gb ddr3, 500Gb,...
laptop: i3-330m, ati 5650, 4gb ddr3, 500Gb,...

krefi ::
poleg bitcoina?
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s

tonis ::

PrihajaNodi ::
Dolgoročno ali kratkoročno pumpndump?
kar oboje :)
//jaz sem totalni začetnik, že dva dni gledam ta XVG pa XRP nihanja,... pa si ne upam ruknit notri svojih prvih 100EUR, da ne bi že s prvo potezo naredil minus :)
Rukni ko bo največji minus v določeno valuto. XDN je bil dva dni takšen. Pa opazuj coin. Daš najprej 30EUR ko še pade daš še 40EUR in na koncu še ostalo ko raste/pada. Potem pa čakaš. Pa glej da res ni nek šitkojn ko je pump/dump.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()