Forum » Konzole » PS5
Temo vidijo: vsi
Skyman ::
Naj bo vedno so neke indie igre...pogledam v 1min ko je cel event na youtube.Caka se sumer game fest ce bo kaj in pika.
Glede na govorice naj bi imel Sony showcase septembra.
Sej so ze tako ali tako rekli da letos nic ne bo.Govori se da mogoce bo kak teaster trailer ghost of tsusima 2 prisel še letos!
oo7 ::
Naj bo vedno so neke indie igre...pogledam v 1min ko je cel event na youtube.Caka se sumer game fest ce bo kaj in pika.
Glede na govorice naj bi imel Sony showcase septembra.
Sej so ze tako ali tako rekli da letos nic ne bo.Govori se da mogoce bo kak teaster trailer ghost of tsusima 2 prisel še letos!
Pomanjkanje ekskluziv. Verjetno bo 2025 bolj pestro.
oo7 ::
Lahko pa, da bo - Tom Henderson: There will be a Playstation Showcase "towards the end of the year."
oo7 ::
PlayStation Allegedly Has Major Games From First Party Studios Set For Release In 2025
oo7 ::
Here are 13 minutes of brand new leaked gameplay footage from Marvel's Wolverine
Seveda to je LEAK in ni niti blizu končnega produkta.
Seveda to je LEAK in ni niti blizu končnega produkta.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
papasmrk ::
zanimam se za nakup PS5 in bi rad kak nasvet kje dobim največ za denar. Se pravi konzola, kontroler in še kakšna igra zraven. Samo konzola me pri nas pride okoli 440€.
Hvala vnaprej za nasvet.
zanimam se za nakup PS5 in bi rad kak nasvet kje dobim največ za denar. Se pravi konzola, kontroler in še kakšna igra zraven. Samo konzola me pri nas pride okoli 440€.
Hvala vnaprej za nasvet.
Za komentiranje se moraš prijaviti
z3ro ::
Malo nazaj ko je bil Days of play vem da se je dobil za 400€ digital edition. Lahko gledaš tudi rabljene, jaz sem ga ene 3 tedne nazaj prodal za 300€ (digital verzija).
Magic1 ::
So kar svizci s to novo slim varjanto. Verjetno je to zdaj predpriprava za pro, kjer bo cena verjetno 600€, potem pa ti bodo še disc enoto prodal za 100€. Vsekakor se hočejo rešit fizičnih iger.
yayo ::
Original "neokrnjena" konzola je bila ob izidu 500-520 evrov, Slim z blu ray enoto je kaj, 550? Pro bo 700?
Skyman ::
ni problem dati 700EUR samo kje so ps5 igre? Jaz definitivno ne kupim PRO-ja.Rajse pocakam na PS6
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Skyman ()
yayo ::
bom videl, ko bo pro izšla kaka bo situacija. PS4 je izšla novembra 2013, PRO je izšla novembra 2016, PS5 pa točno štiri leta kasneje, novembra 2020. Jaz sem petko kupil februarja 2021. Če že kupiš kupiš takoj ob izidu, ker bo drugače bolj slaba investicija. Ali pa počakaš PS6, ja. Upam, da moj PS5 zdrži kakih osem let brez okvare.
oo7 ::
Skyman ::
Sej zato pravim..kaj ti bo neka huda masina ce zadeve ne izkoristiš,letos je res slabo upam da drugo leto boljše.
Magic1 ::
Kaj imate težavo izkoristit? PS5?!? Praktično vsaka igra, ki ni desetletje stara, dela mnogo bolje na PS5. Za it na PS5 pro iz petke seveda ne bo tak skok, tako da v tem primeru je odvisno od posameznika ali je smotrno narediti menjavo. Pa spet ne govorimo o velikem denarju. Dat 300€ na 4 leta za top konzolo pa res ne bi smelo bit problem za večino.
filip007 ::
Ja PS4 je bila nekakšna zlata kura, za nove igre bodo zaživele šele na PS6 verjetno.
Prenosnik, konzola, TV, PC upokojen.
Magic1 ::
Drugi cajti. Danes je težje štancat, kot včasih. Pa ljudje, ki razvijajo, tudi niso več nori, da bodo non stop crunchal. Cajti prisilnih 12h+ delovnikov so mimo za enkrat.
oo7 ::
inFamous 3: Is PlayStation Working On A Second Son Sequel?
It's been nearly a decade since Sucker Punch gave us Infamous Second Son on the PS4, and fans really want an inFamous 3 game.
It's been nearly a decade since Sucker Punch gave us Infamous Second Son on the PS4, and fans really want an inFamous 3 game.
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Upam, da res pride PS5 Pro
Gaming analyst knows 10 reasons why the PS5 Pro will be unveiled in September
oo7 ::
Leak - Italian journalist seems to confirm the imminent release of the PS5 Pro
oo7 ::
PlayStation 5 Pro Is Launching This Year, Says Grubb; State of Play Presentation Will Probably Be Held by the End of September - Rumor
Gregor P ::
Sam bolj čaka na naslednika Switcha.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
oo7 ::
Magic1 ::
Čeki, Ps5 bodo podražili za 90? Koliko bo potem pro? 700? To bi bilo dost nelogično zakaj dražit v tako poznem stadiju. A so se nalezli inflacijskih for. A bo PS6 jurja? Dost nelogično, služi na subs in igrah, kjer je marža lahko skoraj neomejena, ne pa na HW.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Magic1 ()
oo7 ::
Čeki, Ps5 bodo podražili za 90? Koliko bo potem pro? 700? To bi bilo dost nelogično zakaj dražit v tako poznem stadiju. A so se nalezli inflacijskih for. A bo PS6 jurja? Dost nelogično, služi na subs in igrah, kjer je marža lahko skoraj neomejena, ne pa na HW.
Sony raising PS5 console and accessory prices in Japan
The standard PlayStation 5 console will now cost ¥79,980 ($554), a $90 increase from its current price of ¥66,980 ($464).
The digital edition will be ¥79,980 ($554), which is also a $90 increase from its current price of ¥59,980 ($416).
z3ro ::
Čeki, Ps5 bodo podražili za 90? Koliko bo potem pro? 700? To bi bilo dost nelogično zakaj dražit v tako poznem stadiju. A so se nalezli inflacijskih for. A bo PS6 jurja? Dost nelogično, služi na subs in igrah, kjer je marža lahko skoraj neomejena, ne pa na HW.
Sony raising PS5 console and accessory prices in Japan
The standard PlayStation 5 console will now cost ¥79,980 ($554), a $90 increase from its current price of ¥66,980 ($464).
The digital edition will be ¥79,980 ($554), which is also a $90 increase from its current price of ¥59,980 ($416).
Torej bo digital verzija stala enako kot bluray verzija?
oo7 ::
Čeki, Ps5 bodo podražili za 90? Koliko bo potem pro? 700? To bi bilo dost nelogično zakaj dražit v tako poznem stadiju. A so se nalezli inflacijskih for. A bo PS6 jurja? Dost nelogično, služi na subs in igrah, kjer je marža lahko skoraj neomejena, ne pa na HW.
Sony raising PS5 console and accessory prices in Japan
The standard PlayStation 5 console will now cost ¥79,980 ($554), a $90 increase from its current price of ¥66,980 ($464).
The digital edition will be ¥79,980 ($554), which is also a $90 increase from its current price of ¥59,980 ($416).
Torej bo digital verzija stala enako kot bluray verzija?
To so narobe zračunal.Bi moralo biti 506 $ ?
oo7 ::
Rumor: PS5 Pro Could Have a Much Bigger SSD Than Standard Model
The PS5 Pro could offer double the SSD storage compared to the PS5 Slim, as per recent reports.
PS5 Pro devkits allegedly feature a 2TB SSD, but this doesn't guarantee the same amount of storage for retail versions of the console.
A formal PS5 Pro announcement is rumored to take place in September 2024.
The PS5 Pro could offer double the SSD storage compared to the PS5 Slim, as per recent reports.
PS5 Pro devkits allegedly feature a 2TB SSD, but this doesn't guarantee the same amount of storage for retail versions of the console.
A formal PS5 Pro announcement is rumored to take place in September 2024.
oo7 ::
Gregor P ::
Lej, če dajo še en superge poleg
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
oo7 ::
filip007 ::
Sem imel obe, pri zadnji sem se za XBox SX odločil, ker je malo manj smotana kot PS5, pa še prihranil sem okoli 120 čukov, je bila pač cenejša.
Prenosnik, konzola, TV, PC upokojen.
oo7 ::
PS5 Pro Design Teased by Sony in 30th Anniversary Post; Announcement Is Inbound and Launch is Set for November
45% performance improvement in rasterized rendering thanks to a larger GPU and faster memory
Hugely improved ray tracing architecture delivering 2-3x speedup on average, with peaks of 4x
Custom machine learning architecture that supports 300 TOPS at 8-bit to power the PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR) upscaling technique, Sony's version of Multi Frame Super Resolution based on the PlayStation Machine Learning (PSML) algorithm.
PSSR is an ML-enhanced version of Temporal Anti-Aliasing Upscaling (TAAU) that requires inputs similar to NVIDIA DLSS or AMD FSR and fully supports High Dynamic Range (HDR) pipelines. It also does not require per-game training like the latest version of DLSS.
45% performance improvement in rasterized rendering thanks to a larger GPU and faster memory
Hugely improved ray tracing architecture delivering 2-3x speedup on average, with peaks of 4x
Custom machine learning architecture that supports 300 TOPS at 8-bit to power the PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR) upscaling technique, Sony's version of Multi Frame Super Resolution based on the PlayStation Machine Learning (PSML) algorithm.
PSSR is an ML-enhanced version of Temporal Anti-Aliasing Upscaling (TAAU) that requires inputs similar to NVIDIA DLSS or AMD FSR and fully supports High Dynamic Range (HDR) pipelines. It also does not require per-game training like the latest version of DLSS.
oo7 ::
PlayStation 5 Pro to Be Announced Next Week; State of Play Featuring First Party-Games Coming on September 19/20
PS5 Pro Design Potentially Teased by Sony on Official Website
PS5 Pro Design Potentially Teased by Sony on Official Website
chucki ::
700eur... ni kesa
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti