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Spectrum24ethernet access point

Spectrum24ethernet access point

gregc1 ::

Od kolega sem dobil Spectrum24ethernet access pint. In nimam pojma kako se povezati oz. spraviti v pogon. Zadeva je stara okoli 15-20 let. Na internetu ne najdem nobenih pametnih navodil. Je pa type LA302C or LA302D. Je pa zadeva iz Lek-a. Mogoče kašen stručko iz leka ki bo kaj več znal povedati o tem....
Modem je tocno taki kot ta na linku... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Symbol-AP-302...
  • spremenil: bluefish ()

konspirator ::

To je wifi acces point (range extender), ki ga priklopiš preko utp kabla iz routerja.

Zadeva je stara vsaj 17 let

Reset to default:
On the Symbol Spectrum24 AP-3021 and what looks like all of the Spectrum24 AP models. There is not a reset button. We only have the RS-232 serial port to work with.

Start with the power off.
Short pin 2 and pin 3 together.
Plug in the power.
Wait 15 secs.
After the two network lights become solid.
Remove whatever you used to short pins 2 and 3.
(make sure to only jumper pins 2 and 3 - if you ground against the outer shield it will not work)
Cycle the power on the unit.
The password is Symbol and it is case sensitive.

Če vpišeš v google "Spectrum24 AP", je prvi link
Na extremenetworks.com 3021 ap ne najdem, večtno gre za preveč staro zadevo.

Moj nasvet: pozabi na to starino in raje kupi nov wifi AP, če ga potrebuješ.

gregc1 ::

OK. Samo kako pa pridem do menija? do nasavitev? preko routerja ne gre. Mislim da ima com port, vendar ga pa nimam na nobenmu računalniku. ?

konspirator ::

Ga router sploh zazna ?

gregc1 ::

se mi zdi da ne. kje tocno se pa to vidi? Drugače samo za info pra lučka itrupa rdeče. se mi zdi da to ni uredu :)

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