Forum » Programiranje » Dodajanje \ pri inputu
Dodajanje \ pri inputu

Excavator ::
Lep pozdrav,
pri selitvi projekta na RPI mi comment box pred znakoma " in ' postavi \.
Data je corruptan že pred uvozom v database, sem preveril..
Če kaj pomaga, pred refreshom strani pokaže \\\" ali \\\', po refreshu pa \' ali \". V databasu ostane druga oblika.
Vem, da bi bilo pametneje uporabiti mysqli, a z mysql funkcijami deluje kot mora..
pri selitvi projekta na RPI mi comment box pred znakoma " in ' postavi \.
Data je corruptan že pred uvozom v database, sem preveril..
Če kaj pomaga, pred refreshom strani pokaže \\\" ali \\\', po refreshu pa \' ali \". V databasu ostane druga oblika.
Vem, da bi bilo pametneje uporabiti mysqli, a z mysql funkcijami deluje kot mora..
<?php ini_set("display_errors",1); error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once MODELS_DIR . 'subscribers.php'; class Comments { public static function getComments( ) { $output = null; $sql = "select * from comments order by comment_id desc"; $query = mysql_query( $sql ); if( $query ) { $output = array(); if( mysql_num_rows( $query ) > 0 ) { while( $row = mysql_fetch_object( $query ) ) { $output[] = $row; } } } return $output; } //return stdClass Object from the database public static function insert( $comment_txt , $userId ) { //insert data into the database $comment_txt = mysql_real_escape_string( $comment_txt ); $sql = "insert into comments values( '' , '$comment_txt' , '$userId' )"; $query = mysql_query( $sql ); if( $query ) { $insert_id = mysql_insert_id(); $std = new stdClass(); $std->comment_id = $insert_id; $std->comment = $comment_txt; $std->userId = (int)$userId; return $std; } return null; } public static function update( $data ) { } public static function delete( $commentId ) { $sql = "delete from comments where comment_id=$commentId"; $query = mysql_query( $sql ); if( $query ) { return true; } return null; } } ?>
<?php if( isset( $GLOBALS['comments'] ) && is_array( $comments ) ): ?> <?php foreach( $comments as $key => $comment ): ?> <?php $user = Subscribers::getSubscriber( $comment->userId ); ?> <li class="comment-holder" id="_<?php echo $comment->comment_id; ?>"> <div class="user-img"> <img src='<?php echo $user->profile_img; ?>' class="user-img-pic"/> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <h3 class="username-field"> <?php echo $user->first_name?> <?php echo $user->last_name; ?> </h3> <div class="comment-text"> <?php echo $comment->comment; ?> </div> </div> <?php if( $UserId == $comment->userId ): ?> <div class="comment-buttons-holder"> <ul> <li id="<?php echo $comment->comment_id ?>" class="delete-btn">x</li> </ul> </div> <?php endif; ?> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?>
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/defines.php'; if( isset( $_POST['task'] ) && $_POST['task'] == 'comment_insert' ) { require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/defines.php'; $userId = (int)$_POST['userId']; $comment = mysql_real_escape_string( str_replace( "\n" , "<br>" , $_POST['comment'] ) ); $std = new stdClass(); $std->user = null; $std->comment = null; $std->error = false; require_once MODELS_DIR . 'comments.php'; if( class_exists( 'Comments' ) && class_exists( 'Subscribers' ) ) { $userInfo = Subscribers::getSubscriber( $userId ); if( $userId == null ) { $std->error = true; } $commentInfo = Comments::insert( $comment , $userId ); if( $commentInfo == null ) { $std->error = true; } $std->user = $userInfo; $std->comment = $commentInfo; } echo json_encode( $std ); } else { header('location: /'); } ?>
<?php session_start(); $connect = @mysql_connect("localhost","root","pass" ) or die("this error"); mysql_select_db("comment_box")or die("filed to connect database"); if(isset($_SESSION['userName'])){ $userName = $_SESSION['userName']; $password = $_SESSION['password']; $query = mysql_query("select * from subscribers where userName='$userName' and password='$password' limit 1"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $fname1 = $row['userId']; $fname2 = $row['userName']; $fname3 = $row['first_name']; $fname4 = $row['last_name']; } }else{ header("Location: user_login.php"); } ?> <?php if(!isset($_SESSION["userName"])){ header("location:login.php"); } else { ?> <?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/defines.php'; ?> <?php require_once MODELS_DIR . 'comments.php'; $UserId = $fname1 ?> <html> <head> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css"> <link href="css/layout.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/comment_insert.js?t=1414315248"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/comment_delete.js?t=1414315248"></script> <script src=""></script> <link rel="shortcut icon" href=".../logo.png"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- if (screen.width <= 800) { document.location = "/index8.php"; } //--> </script> </head> <body> <div class="wrapper"> <center> <div id="cssmenu" class="align-center"> <ul> <li class="active"><a href="index2.php">Home</a></li> <li><a href="index3.php">About</a></li> <li><a href="index4.php">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> </center> <div style="position:relative; overflow:hidden; left:30px; top:30px; width:693px; height:360px; z-index:0"> <center> <script src=""></script> <div id=''></div> <script type='text/javascript'> jwplayer('').setup({ file: '', image: '', title: '', width: '635', height: '365', aspectratio: '16:9' }); </script> </center> </div> <div class="page-data"> </div> <div class="comment-wrapper"> <h3 class="comment-title"> Welcome, <?php echo $fname3 ?> <?php echo $fname4 ?>! <a href="logout.php" style="text-decoration:none; color:#0099FF;">Logout</a> </h3> <div class="comment-insert"> <h3 class="who-says"><span>Says: </span><?php echo $fname3 ?> <?php echo $fname4 ?></h3> <input type="hidden" id="userId" value="<?php echo $fname1 ?>"> <input type="hidden" id="userName" value="<?php echo $fname2 ?>"> <div class="comment-insert-container"> <textarea id="comment-post-text" class="comment-insert-text"></textarea> </div> <div id="comment-post-btn" class="comment-post-btn-wrapper"> Post </div> </div> <div class="comments-list"> <ul class="comments-holder-ul"> <?php $comments = Comments::getComments(); ?> <?php require_once 'includes/comment_box.php' ;?> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </body> <?php } ?>
- spremenil: Excavator ()

Excavator ::
Sem dodal
v /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini file in še vedno ostaja enako..
; Magic quotes ; ; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data. magic_quotes_gpc = Off ; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc. magic_quotes_runtime = Off ; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of \'). magic_quotes_sybase = Off
v /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini file in še vedno ostaja enako..

Miha 333 ::
Katera verzija PHP? Kaj pa pravi phpinfo(); pri magic quotes? php.ini ni edino mesto, kjer se to lahko vključi.

Excavator ::
php -v da output PHP 5.6.29-0+deb8u1
Kaj niso magic quotesov removali že okoli php 5.4?
phpinfo kateri del naj postam?
Kaj niso magic quotesov removali že okoli php 5.4?
phpinfo kateri del naj postam?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Excavator ()

Miha 333 ::
Ni treba postat, samo poglej, če so vsi magic_quotes* off.
Sicer glede na verzijo res verjetno ni problem v tem. Da nimaš kje v includih kak prikrit addslashes ali kaj podobnega?
Sicer glede na verzijo res verjetno ni problem v tem. Da nimaš kje v includih kak prikrit addslashes ali kaj podobnega?

Excavator ::
//insert data into the database $comment_txt = mysql_real_escape_string( $comment_txt );
kaj pa ta del?
Sem rešil
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Excavator ()

Excavator ::
Sem rešil z removanjem addslashes, a zdaj mi ne spusti skozi znaka '. Če uporabim npr. '' gre skozi, če pa je kjekoli v besedilu en sam ' ne gre.
Error message:
Error message:
Cannot read property 'comment_id' of null. at comment_insert (comment_insert.js?t=1414315248:81) at Object.<anonymous> (comment_insert.js?t=1414315248:50) at j (jquery.js:1) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:1) at x (jquery.js:3) at XMLHttpRequest.b (jquery.js:3)
$( document ).ready( function(){ //this will fire once the page has been fully loaded $( '#comment-post-btn' ).click( function(){ comment_post_btn_click(); }); }); function comment_post_btn_click() { //Text within textarea which the person has entered var _comment = $( '#comment-post-text' ).val(); var _userId = $( '#userId' ).val(); var _userName = $( '#userName' ).val(); var _first_name = $( '#first_name' ).val(); var _last_name = $( '#last_name' ).val(); if( _comment.length > 0 && _userId != null ) { //proceed with our ajax callback $('.comment-insert-container').css( 'border' , '1px solid #e1e1e1' ); $.post( "ajax/comment_insert.php" , { task : "comment_insert", userId : _userId, comment : _comment, userName : _userName, first_name : _first_name, last_name : _last_name, } ) .error( function( ) { console.log( "Error:" ); }) .success( function( data ) { //Seccess //Task Insert html into the ul/li comment_insert( jQuery.parseJSON( data ) ); console.log( "ResponseText:" + data ); } ); console.log( _comment + "UserName: " + _userName + "User Id" + _userId ); } else { //the textarea is empty, lets put a border of red on it //in a second $('.comment-insert-container').css( 'border' , '1px solid #ff0000' ); console.log( "The text area was empty" ) } //remove the text from the textarea, ready for another comment //possibly $( '#comment-post-text' ).val(""); } function comment_insert( data ) { var t = ''; t += '<li class="comment-holder" id="_'+data.comment.comment_id+'">'; t += '<div class="user-img">'; t += '<img src="'+data.user.profile_img+'" class="user-img-pic"/>'; t += '</div>'; t += '<div class="comment-body">'; t += '<h3 class="username-field">'+data.user.first_name+' '+data.user.last_name+'</h3>'; t += '<div class="comment-text">'+data.comment.comment+'</div>'; t += '</div>'; t += '<div class="comment-buttons-holder">'; t += '<ul>'; t += '<li id="'+data.comment.comment_id+'" class="delete-btn">x</li>'; t += '</ul>'; t += '</div>'; t += '</li>'; $( '.comments-holder-ul' ).prepend( t ); add_delete_handlers(); }
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Excavator ()
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