Forum » Igre » bo Red Faction res bolši od Half-Life?
bo Red Faction res bolši od Half-Life?

R@C@ ::
Novi časi nova škoda!
Valda da bo boljši, sej je že cajt da dajo neki ven!
-NOLF je bla huda, sam premalo odzivni okoliš je mela (sploh skok brez padala je bil CARSKI)
-DEUSEX je imal ZAME še boljšo zgodbo k Half Life!
Tko da jest tud upam da bo Red Faction boljši in tud mislm da bo, se sta že dve let skor ukol.
Sam še eno vprašanje...A je bil še komu beden Half life, od tistega dela naprej ko se začnejo dimenzije?
Valda da bo boljši, sej je že cajt da dajo neki ven!
-NOLF je bla huda, sam premalo odzivni okoliš je mela (sploh skok brez padala je bil CARSKI)
-DEUSEX je imal ZAME še boljšo zgodbo k Half Life!
Tko da jest tud upam da bo Red Faction boljši in tud mislm da bo, se sta že dve let skor ukol.
Sam še eno vprašanje...A je bil še komu beden Half life, od tistega dela naprej ko se začnejo dimenzije?

zile ::
Dj duck: ne morem rečt da je bil beden od tm naprej, je bil pa res kr neki. Kr ene skale k se okrog vrtijo, ti pa skač gor.
Skor znoru tm.

TomazXXX ::
Nemate vi pojma jest koncam v 2 dneh na hard pa se najhitrej nardis vesolje (seveda ce znas) pa brez zamere

Windows: just another pain in the glass

R@C@ ::
Nekki, sploh ni blo govora kolk hitr končaš Half Life in tud težko ga ni...Govor je bil v zgodbi igre !!! Sej vem da so pošastke pršle na zemljo iz tiste dimenzije, sam vseen je blo bl kul pred tem!

andrejsoft ::
Tisti del igre v vesolju je eden od najbolj originalnih svetov v teh špilih nasploh (čeprav je najlepši svet imel definitivno Unreal).
Sicer sem na začetku res malce debelo gledal, ampak ko se navadiš na hiperjump, no problem.
Sicer sem na začetku res malce debelo gledal, ampak ko se navadiš na hiperjump, no problem.

Pretorijanec ::
Nope. Deus Ex je najbolsi! Ne sam, da je SUPR dobr kot igra, igra se tko kt film! Jz sm se ceu cas pocutu kot Kjanu Rivs...

Dalmatinc ::
Komi čakam na Duke-nuckem forewer; red faction bo pomoje dobra igra a ptetežka........kljub temu komi čakam da bom lahko vse zidovo razsu

3LeR. ::
HL je definitivni eden najboljših špilov kar sem jih igral sam je že star.
tko de verjeten RF bo bolši od njega
zdele bi reku da mi je cool Deus Ex, NOLF, pa American Mcgee's Alice, ki rula.
zdel trenutno pa igram Serious Sama, ki je fucking cool!!!!!!
tko de verjeten RF bo bolši od njega
zdele bi reku da mi je cool Deus Ex, NOLF, pa American Mcgee's Alice, ki rula.
zdel trenutno pa igram Serious Sama, ki je fucking cool!!!!!!

Morpheus ::
Ja RF-jev pogon ma skor neomejen potencial. Ce je res da te bo lahk pocena sipa poskodvala, da se bodo metki zares odbijal pa da bos lahk rastrelu skor use kar bos hotu mislm da bo ze to skor dovolj da bo bols kt hf al pa DeusEx. K GeoMode je res ql pogon pa se Volition razvija, k je pa ze naredu Freespace pa te ore tko da jst cist verjamem da bo bols. Sam pa tut velik pricakujem od Halo k ma najbols grafiko doslej pa te neomejeni svetovi pa stuff like that, pa Planetside-a k nej bi blo k ultima online od 3D streljacin. Tko, od mene mislm da je to dost zaenkrat.

I too shall be brought low by death, but until then, let me win glory!

Aja, ko že tolko DeusEX omenjate, men osebno SUX proti Half-Life !
Half-Life pa še itak caruje, dokler še ni Red Factiona !!
Half-Life pa še itak caruje, dokler še ni Red Factiona !!

element ::
Upam, da bo boljši od HL, čeprov je bil HL carski špil, jest sm kr dol padu, k sm ga prvič obraču... 

Morpheus ::
Ja normalno, da bo unreal 2 rasturil, se bols bo Unreal warfare ampak do izida teh dveh je se doooooooolllllggg cajta.
I too shall be brought low by death, but until then, let me win glory!

Pretorijanec ::
Pomoje se bo pa UT2 in UTW zgodil isto kot Quake-u. Sam sebe bo zacel povelicevat in... ne bo imel nic inovativnosti, nic novega... le hardcore.

McHregec ::
Razlike med Red Faction in Half-Life:
* There is no dome in RF.
* All characters--miners, guards, mercs, and fluffy bunny wabbits--wear envirosuits outside. Many of the miners you'll meet will have the same envirosuit as Parker.
* Aliens play a very minor part in RF. They are not major adversaries. More like local color.
* I think you'll find the RF storyline at least as complex as HL's, and we hope more involving, with significant characters (as opposed to just generic characters, which we have as well) and meaningful interaction with those characters.
* The envirosuit is meant for protection against the harsh Martian environment, but it also provides protection from weapon fire, which is why Parker will often (but not always) be found wearing his indoors.
* The points about them both being FPSs and both being told from a first-person perspective are pretty silly. Nothing cheap about them, they're just non-points, really. Like pointing out that "Titanic" and "Star Wars" are both movies *and* they both have people moving around on the screen.
I said this a long time ago in the VBB, but every game is created in an environment that includes all the games that came before it. It builds on the foundation established by previous games. This is true in all fields of human endeavor. (I think it was Albert Einstein who said, "If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.") When a new game offers nothing beyond what previous games have, then it's a rip-off. When a new game offers things not available to gamers before, then it's innovative and has extended its genre. I think RF falls into the latter category, but you'll have to judge for yourselves when it comes out.
* There is no dome in RF.
* All characters--miners, guards, mercs, and fluffy bunny wabbits--wear envirosuits outside. Many of the miners you'll meet will have the same envirosuit as Parker.
* Aliens play a very minor part in RF. They are not major adversaries. More like local color.
* I think you'll find the RF storyline at least as complex as HL's, and we hope more involving, with significant characters (as opposed to just generic characters, which we have as well) and meaningful interaction with those characters.
* The envirosuit is meant for protection against the harsh Martian environment, but it also provides protection from weapon fire, which is why Parker will often (but not always) be found wearing his indoors.
* The points about them both being FPSs and both being told from a first-person perspective are pretty silly. Nothing cheap about them, they're just non-points, really. Like pointing out that "Titanic" and "Star Wars" are both movies *and* they both have people moving around on the screen.
I said this a long time ago in the VBB, but every game is created in an environment that includes all the games that came before it. It builds on the foundation established by previous games. This is true in all fields of human endeavor. (I think it was Albert Einstein who said, "If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.") When a new game offers nothing beyond what previous games have, then it's a rip-off. When a new game offers things not available to gamers before, then it's innovative and has extended its genre. I think RF falls into the latter category, but you'll have to judge for yourselves when it comes out.
Destroyer Of The Worlds.

Morpheus ::
Pomoje bo RF bols od HL, Hl je sicer hud sam je ze mal star. Cakam pa na U2, UW, DeusEx 2, HL2, Duke forever, z rezervo mal pricakujem od return to castle Wolfenstein, Doom III mi je pa itaq bedn k nima nobene vsebine. Cakam pa tut se na Halo in pa Planetside, obe velik obetata sam kako bo pa uresnic, bomo pa vidl. Se zmeri pa mislm da bo najbolsa igrca kr ena k je nou nben poznou k bo kr prsla pa use rasturila, tko k HL.

I too shall be brought low by death, but until then, let me win glory!

_fim_ ::
HL rula sm in bo res ostal vsem v spominu. Sm RF bo pa še bolši tk da ni dileme : RF je bolši od HL. Že po tem kr je pri HL že bolj boga grafika proti RF. by the way QUAKE sux...
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