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napaka v programu c++
kretze ::
zdravo zanima me če ve kdo zakaj mi zakaj mi program ne deluje pravilno saj ko kliknem d in nastavim neko vredno in potem kliknem(od a do g) mi javi napako da ni v dosegu le-tega??
*/ //knjiznice #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> using namespace std; class account { private: double balance; double intrate; double interst; int transaction; public: account(double irate = 0.045, double bal = 0.0) { balance = bal; intrate = irate; interst = 0; transaction = 0; } void makedeposit(double amouth) { balance += amouth; transaction++; } void calcinterest() { interst = balance*intrate; balance += interst; } double getbalance() { return balance; } double getinteresr() { return interst; } int getTransaction() { return transaction; } bool widtraw(double amouth) { if (balance < amouth) return false; else { balance -= amouth; transaction++; return true; } } }; class charRange { private: char input, lower, uper; public: charRange(char l, char u) { lower = toupper(l); uper = toupper(u); } char getchar() { cin.get(input); cin.ignore(); input = toupper(input); while (input<lower || input>uper) { cout << "that is now valid charchter " << endl; cout << "enter a value from " << lower; cout << " to " << uper << endl; cin.get(input); cin.ignore(); input = toupper(input); } return input; } }; void displayMenu() { cout << "\n MENU\n\n"; cout << "a) display the account balance\n"; cout << "b) display the number of transaction\n"; cout << "c) display interesr earned for this period\n"; cout << "d) make a deposit\n"; cout << "e) make a withdrawal\n"; cout << "f) add a interest for this period\n"; cout << "g) exit the program\n\n"; cout << "enter your choice"; } void makedepost(account & acc) { double dolars; cout << "enter the amouth of deposit " << endl; cin >> dolars; acc.makedeposit(dolars); } void widtdrawal(account & acc) { double dolars; cout << "enter the amoutj of widtdraw " << endl; cin >> dolars; if (!acc.widtraw(dolars)) cout << "ERROR tool large\n\n"; } int main() { account acc; charRange input('A', 'G'); char choice; do { displayMenu(); choice = input.getchar(); switch (choice) { case 'A': cout << "the current balace is "; cout << acc.getbalance(); break; case 'B': cout << "there have been "; cout << acc.getTransaction() << "transaction"; break; case 'C': cout << "interest warned for this period"; cout << acc.getinteresr(); break; case 'D': makedepost(acc); break; case 'E': widtdrawal(acc); break; case 'F': acc.calcinterest(); cout << "interes added\n"; break; } } while (choice != 'G'); system("pause");// da is ogledam rezultate na zaslonu return 0; }
black ice ::
Najprej popravi tipkarske napake, ker tole je grozno brat. Zakaj ne uporabiš cifer namesto črk? Takoj odpade toUpper.
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