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Svetleca palcka iz Kika, kako jo ugasnem?

Svetleca palcka iz Kika, kako jo ugasnem?

;-) ::

Gre za tole zadevo ki jo vzames iz ovotka in "zlomis" ter zasveti...sedaj pa negre ugasnit, nebi je rad izpraznil.
  • zaklenil: Tilen ()

errhec ::

To ugasneš samo enkrat :)

So za enkratno uporabo.


Starodavni ::


Can you turn glow stick light products "off" once they have been activated?

No, once you have activated a glow light product it will glow until the chemical reaction is finished. You can however prolong the life of your glow light stick or glow light product after it has been activated. Stick it into the freezer. Freezing an activated glow light product will slow the chemical reaction. Once you take it back out of the freezer, the glow light stick or glow light product will start to glow again once it reaches room temperature. This technique does not stop the chemical reaction, but it slows the reaction enough that if you put it into the freezer one night and take it back out the next night, it should work fine.

Enkrat to narediš in bo trajalo toliko časa, dokler kemične snovi ne razpadejo. Enkratna raba in konec.

;-) ::

To ni res cez noc ugasne in o spet "zlomis". Sem ze zlomil parkrat

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