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napaka c++

napaka c++

kretze ::

Zdravo folk kaj ve kdo zakaj mi v tem programu takoj ko ugotovim eno črko izpiše celo besedo in ne ko ugotovim vseh 5?? pa hvala vsem za odgovore

Ime in priimek:

#include <iostream>	
#include <string> 
using namespace std; 

int main()
	string origword;
	string leter;
	char dashreplaced = 'N';
	int numIncorect = 0;
	char gameOver = 'N';
	string displayword = "_ _ _ _ _";

	while (origword.length() != 5)
		cout << "enter 5-leter word in upercase ";
		getline(cin, origword);
	cout << "guest this word " << displayword << endl;

	while (gameOver == 'N')
		cout << "enter a upercase letter ";
		cin >> leter;

		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
			if (origword.substr(i, 1) == leter)
				displayword.replace(i, 1, leter);

				dashreplaced = 'Y';

		if (dashreplaced == 'Y')
			if (displayword.find("-", 0) == -1)
				gameOver = 'Y';
				cout << endl << "yes the word is " << origword << endl;
				cout << "great guesing " << endl;
				cout << endl << "guess this word " << displayword << endl;
				dashreplaced = 'N';
			if (numIncorect == 10)
				gameOver = 'Y';
				cout << endl << "sory the word is " << origword << endl;



	return 0;

AndrejS ::

string displayword = "_ _ _ _ _"; in if (displayword.find("-", 0) == -1) ne gre najbolj skupaj

Tak na hitro pogledano "_" != "-"

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