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Sniper elite 4

Sniper elite 4

oo7 ::

The Sniper Elite series will return in 2016 with Sniper Elite 4, developer Rebellion announced today. The Xbox One, PS4, and PC game picks up in the "immediate aftermath" of 2014's Sniper Elite III and, like that game, is set in World War II. Specifically, Sniper Elite 4 takes place in Italy in 1943.

You play as Karl Fairburne, an "elite marksman," who fights alongside the men and women of the Italian Resistance in their battle against fascism and presumably Benito Mussolini.

"If his mission fails, there will be no Operation Overlord, no D-Day landing, and no victory in Europe," Rebellion said in the Sniper Elite 4 press release.

Sniper Elite 4 runs in native 1080p on PS4 and Xbox One, Rebellion confirmed. The studio also points out that this is the first entry in the series designed "without the constraints" of last-generation hardware. This should allow Rebellion to create a "definitive World War II shooter," the developer said.

Sniper Elite III was released for both last- and current-generation consoles, as well as PC.


Sniper Elite 4 - Official Teaser Trailer - 2016

Men so bili do zdaj vsi trije deli dobri :D

AapocalypseE ::

Nice 8-)

oo7 ::

Sniper Elite 4 gameplay . PRE-ALPHA

Dua'L ::

Isto, ko cod sam štancajo kaka novost? isti drek druga školjka :)
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3

kitl76 ::

Ja sem ravno hotel napisti, da je kot bi gledal trojko.

Dua'L ::

copy paste pa new world isto kot far cry, cod, pa še kaj...
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3

m0f0x ::

Kako je lahko potem pre-alpha, če je isti engine in vse isti K*?

kitl76 ::

Markentiška poteza, da se da občutek, da se na polno dela :)

oo7 ::

Sniper Elite 4 Gameplay Demo - IGN Live: E3 2016

oo7 ::

16 Disgustingly Awesome Kills in Sniper Elite 4


oo7 ::

Sniper Elite 4 - Gameplay Trailer


oo7 ::

Sniper Elite 4 - "Italy 1943" Story Trailer


oo7 ::

Sniper Elite 4 - "Karl Fairburne" Trailer


oo7 ::

Še 14 dni :)

Sniper Elite 4 - 101 Gameplay Trailer | PS4

scipascapa ::

wow multiplayer...samo čas izida je napačen, med nioh in horizon = NO BUY.

oo7 ::

Multiplayer je bil že v dvojki in trojki. Jaz ga sicer nisem igral veliko men je važen samo SP :)

oo7 ::

Sniper Elite 4 - "Timing is Everything" Launch Trailer


Sssaga ::

Sniper Elite 3 uporablja pogon, ki še na Pentium D 805 dela solidno in postane špil na takem sistemu igrabilen-je to sploh pravilna slovenska beseda? :8)
To je tudi pogon, na katerem sem zabil GTX 970 na C2D sistemu navitem na @4.0Ghz in vodilu PCI-E 1.1 x16. In ne, vodilo ni ozko grlo v tem primeru.

Komaj čakam novo iteracijo pogona!

oo7 ::

Imam Sniper elite V2 in Sniper elite 3 obe v škatlasti verziji tokrat pa bo Sniper elite 4 samo v digitalni obliki za PC ;(( pa vedno so bile te škatlaste verzije za 15 eur cenejše kot tiste na Steamu kjer je 59,99 eur ;((

oo7 ::

Prve ocene igre Sniper elite 4

ThisGenGaming 9/10
GameSpew 9/10
Xbox Achievements 85%
PlayStation Universe 8,5/10
CGMagazine 8,5/10
GameWatcher 8,5/10
PlayStation LifeStyle 8,5/10
IGN 8,3/10
Stevivor 8/10
GameSpot 8/10
IBTimes UK 4/5
GamesRadar+ 4/5
Twinfinite 4/5
Cubed3 8/10
TheSixthAxis 8/10
PCWorld 4/5
Metro GameCentral 4/5
Attack of the Fanboy 4/5
Game Informer 7,8/10
God is a Geek 7,5/10
Push Square 7/10
PC Invasion 7/10
Guardian 3/5

Hardcore Gamer 4/5

scipascapa ::

ocene niti niso slabe.

We're thrilled to announce that Sniper Elite 4 will support both the PlayStation(R)4 Pro as well as DirectX 12* on PC when it launches February 14th!

On the PlayStation(R)4 Pro we're excited to offer a numebr of technical improvements, including enhance frame rate, improved lighting, and faster loading times!

"We've worked really hard to make Sniper Elite 4 our biggest and best game ever. And now the power of PlayStation(R)4 Pro, and DirectX 12 on PC, means we can take things even further for our fans who want the best sniper experience in the world. We're turning everthing upto 12!" - Chris Kingsley, Rebellion CTO and Co-founder.

Here is a full list of features Sniper Elite 4 will include on the PlayStation(R)4 Pro:

Enhanced frame rate
Increased draw distances
Increased geometry level of detail
Improved lighting and shadows fidelity
Increased image quality of reflections
Faster loading times

*In addition to supporting DirectX 12, Sniper Elite 4 still supports DirectX 11.

Zgodovina sprememb…

oo7 ::

Sem igral 4 ure.

Grafika je čudovita pokrajina in vasice so zelo lepe.
Mape so zelo velike in razgibane. Razvijalec je rekel, da najmanjša mapa je 3x večja kot v SE3 največja.
Gameplay je enak kot v prejšnjih igrah.
Killcam 8-)
V SE4 so tudi cutsceni kar se tiče zgodbe sem pa komaj na začetku.
Trenutno edina negativna stvar bi rekel, da je umetna pamet.
Multiplayerja pa mi še ni uspelo sprobati.

scipascapa ::

spet za pc?

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

spet za pc?

Ja, ker bom probal še multiplayer. Sem jo dobil za dobro ceno na Gamersgate.

oo7 ::

Kampanijo sem preigral za 8 misij sem porabil 15 ur.

Men osebno najboljša serija kar se tiče sniperstva.

X-ray :D

Sniper Elite 4's Most Graphic Slow Motion and X-Ray Kills

oo7 ::

Sniper Elite 4 - Deathstorm Part 1 DLC Launch Trailer


oo7 ::

Sniper Elite 4 - Deathstorm Part 2 DLC Launch Trailer


oo7 ::

Sniper Elite 4 - Deathstorm Part 3 DLC Announcement Trailer

Deathstorm - launching 18th July 2017!

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