Forum » Programska oprema » Acrobat Distiller
Acrobat Distiller

jjohny ::
Zanima me ali je Acrobat Distiller poseben program ali je to program v sklopu Acrobata (full ferzija). A je morda Acrobat Distiller free program?Menda je možno z njim pretvarjat iz .doc v .pdf. Če kdo ve kaj več glede tega naj prosim poroča.
lp, jani
lp, jani

jetam ::
Recimo Google ve kar veliko o tem.
QUESTION: What is Adobe Acrobat Distiller?
ANSWER: Adobe Acrobat Distiller is a software application that lets you create PDF files from other types of files. The most common use for Adobe Acrobat Distiller is creating PDF files from PostScript files. That is: if you have a PostScript file, you can use Adobe Acrobat Distiller to create a PDF version of it.
Adobe Acrobat Distiller also lets you create PDF files from certain other types of files, if you have a recent version of the application that created those files. For example, if you have a recent version of Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel, you can use the "PDF Maker" macro to create PDF versions of your Microsoft Word/Microsoft Excel files.
(The PDFMaker macro is installed into Microsoft Word/Microsoft Excel by the Adobe Acrobat installation program. You run the PDFMaker macro by clicking on "Create Adobe PDF..." on the Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel "File" menu. The PDFMaker macro runs Adobe Acrobat Distiller to create the PDF files.)
Adobe Acrobat Distiller is part of the full-fledged Adobe Acrobat software package.
QUESTION: What is Adobe Acrobat Distiller?
ANSWER: Adobe Acrobat Distiller is a software application that lets you create PDF files from other types of files. The most common use for Adobe Acrobat Distiller is creating PDF files from PostScript files. That is: if you have a PostScript file, you can use Adobe Acrobat Distiller to create a PDF version of it.
Adobe Acrobat Distiller also lets you create PDF files from certain other types of files, if you have a recent version of the application that created those files. For example, if you have a recent version of Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel, you can use the "PDF Maker" macro to create PDF versions of your Microsoft Word/Microsoft Excel files.
(The PDFMaker macro is installed into Microsoft Word/Microsoft Excel by the Adobe Acrobat installation program. You run the PDFMaker macro by clicking on "Create Adobe PDF..." on the Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel "File" menu. The PDFMaker macro runs Adobe Acrobat Distiller to create the PDF files.)
Adobe Acrobat Distiller is part of the full-fledged Adobe Acrobat software package.
Error on line: Object of type SIGNATURE expected

jjohny ::
Hvala za odgovor.
Jaz imam Adobe Acrobat 5.0 in Office XP. Nikjer pa ne najdem opcije (niti v WorduXP, niti v ExceluXP), da bi naredil .pdf file. A mogoče kdo ve kje najdem to funkcijo v Officu?
lp, jani
Jaz imam Adobe Acrobat 5.0 in Office XP. Nikjer pa ne najdem opcije (niti v WorduXP, niti v ExceluXP), da bi naredil .pdf file. A mogoče kdo ve kje najdem to funkcijo v Officu?
lp, jani

Poldi112 ::
No, ce nimas macra lahko pac namesto default printerja izberes distiller in printas dokument v pdf. tko jaz delam.
LP Jure
LP Jure

Maxtor ::
Tule pa bom jaz pomagal. Tisto s printerjem sicer dela, vendar so bolj slabe kakovosti, predvsem pri slikah. Pojdi na uradno stran Adobe Acrobata in si downloadaj zadnje popravke (SP1) za Acrobata in se ti bo tudi v Offcie XP pojavil jeziček, ki ti bo omogočal pretvorbo. Datoteka, ki jo potrebuješ, se imenuje "a5u1t1.exe".
Lep pozdrav in veselo pretvarjanje....
Lep pozdrav in veselo pretvarjanje....

jjohny ::
Sem poskusil z distillerjem in dela. Sedaj me zanima zakaj je .pdf dokument črnobel? Ali lahko kje nastavim, da se ohranijo iste barve kot so v Excelu?

Maxtor ::
Ti si samo ta popravek dol potegni, kot sem ti napisal in boš imel pretvorjeno tako kot je treba. Z vsem ostalim sicer tudi gre, vendar se moraš bolj zajebavat in različne nastavitve probavat.
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