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Linkedin scam

klemenSLO ::
Je že kdo dobil kak invite in potem takoj sporocilo kjer sporocajo da si srečni izzrebanec ki bo dobil nagrado?
Moj primer:
Good day,
Your email address was selected among the three lucky winners from the ongoing2015 WKMG Competition in collaboration with Linked'in with reference number 8042-90/0821/UK.
For more details email Alex for a better explanation along with your reference number for­m
Congratulations once again.
No naslednji mail pa gre takole:
Good day,
You may be surprised to receive the notification regarding the online
draw that was held on 14th August, 2015. Such draw only happen once a
year to only three lucky selected email addresses which your email
address happen to be one of the selected email.
Payment details:
You`re welcome to our office in Liverpool UK to process your claim
personally or we can process the claim in court on your behalf if you
cannot make it to our office. Attached are an oath form and your
winning certificate. Do complete the oath form and return it. Kindly
keep your winnings to yourself until you have received your Payment;
to avoid double claim since we do not know you in person. Do get back
in us in due time as the paying bank will contact and release your
funds to you.
Congratulations once again.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Alex Gordons
Customer Information Assistant
Je že kdo dobil kak invite in potem takoj sporocilo kjer sporocajo da si srečni izzrebanec ki bo dobil nagrado?
Moj primer:
Good day,
Your email address was selected among the three lucky winners from the ongoing2015 WKMG Competition in collaboration with Linked'in with reference number 8042-90/0821/UK.
For more details email Alex for a better explanation along with your reference number for­m
Congratulations once again.
No naslednji mail pa gre takole:
Good day,
You may be surprised to receive the notification regarding the online
draw that was held on 14th August, 2015. Such draw only happen once a
year to only three lucky selected email addresses which your email
address happen to be one of the selected email.
Payment details:
You`re welcome to our office in Liverpool UK to process your claim
personally or we can process the claim in court on your behalf if you
cannot make it to our office. Attached are an oath form and your
winning certificate. Do complete the oath form and return it. Kindly
keep your winnings to yourself until you have received your Payment;
to avoid double claim since we do not know you in person. Do get back
in us in due time as the paying bank will contact and release your
funds to you.
Congratulations once again.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Alex Gordons
Customer Information Assistant
Life is not measured in minutes, but in MOMENTS...
- spremenil: klemenSLO ()

SeMiNeSanja ::
Malo pa tudi moraš bit izbirčen, koga na LinkedIn požegnaš v povezavo.
Če ti nisi direktor banke, ni ravno velike verjetnosti, da te bo želel direktor neke angleške banke dodati med svoje stike. Takšne pač 'odžagaš' že takoj v štartu in jih prijaviš kot scammerje, da komu drugemu prihraniš 'enkratne ponudbe za poslovno sodelovanje' in ponudbe, da bi vse svoje prihranke investiral v tvoje podjetje, čeprav sploh ne ve, s čem se ukvarjaš.
Če ti nisi direktor banke, ni ravno velike verjetnosti, da te bo želel direktor neke angleške banke dodati med svoje stike. Takšne pač 'odžagaš' že takoj v štartu in jih prijaviš kot scammerje, da komu drugemu prihraniš 'enkratne ponudbe za poslovno sodelovanje' in ponudbe, da bi vse svoje prihranke investiral v tvoje podjetje, čeprav sploh ne ve, s čem se ukvarjaš.
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