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AMD ZEN - nova X86 Jedra

AMD ZEN - nova X86 Jedra

Temo vidijo: vsi
232 / 623

Predator X ::

TPu ga pa serje..

gddr85 ::


Predator X ::

poglej benche ... kao je i5 7600K hitrejši v Bf1 lulz.

chucki ::

Kje ga najceneje kupit? :|
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti

Predator X ::

TPU : Za gaming je bolj met 3,7Ghz kot pa 4,2GHz... mogoče bo pa pri 3GHz le končno ujel tist i5.

gddr85 ::

We set a voltage of 1.4 V, which is in line with what a good air cooler can handle and increased frequencies step by step. Maximum stable overclock ended up at 4.2 GHz. Since the Ryzen 2700X boosts up to 4.3 GHz out of the box, which is higher than our manual overclock, many, especially low-threaded benchmarks show a performance loss after overclocking. This is expected, due to the relatively small OC and AMD's good use of the processor's boost potential.

Predator X ::

gddr85 je izjavil:

We set a voltage of 1.4 V, which is in line with what a good air cooler can handle and increased frequencies step by step. Maximum stable overclock ended up at 4.2 GHz. Since the Ryzen 2700X boosts up to 4.3 GHz out of the box, which is higher than our manual overclock, many, especially low-threaded benchmarks show a performance loss after overclocking. This is expected, due to the relatively small OC and AMD's good use of the processor's boost potential.

No no. Dej ne nakladi tuki. 4.2GHz se dobi z ~1.3V na all core load.

Wrop ::

techpowerup vs anandtech. Kot noč in dan.

Predator X ::

Wrop je izjavil:

techpowerup vs anandtech. Kot noč in dan.

anandtech ma tukaj nekaj zanimovsti, zgleda da je meltdown/spectre .... poglej "release" i7 8700K benche in primerjaj.

gddr85 ::

tist bf1 bench je sicer res mal čuden, i3 in i5 pred ryzenom..

tikitoki ::

Pr Techpower so itak nesposobni moroni ali pa placanci. V vsakem primeru pa niso vredni zaupanja.

Nov Ryzen je ocitno odlicna izbira. Ce INTEL do iteracije v 7 nm, ne pripravi dobrega odgovora, bom ocitno spet kupil AMDjev CPU.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: tikitoki ()

Zheegec ::

Wrop je izjavil:

techpowerup vs anandtech. Kot noč in dan.

Anandtech je namestil najnovejše patche in BIOS posodobitve, kar pomeni da Meltdown/Spectre bistveno upočasnita Intel, sploh v gaming testih. Kar je po mojem pošteno, kdor kupi novo Intel matično ploščo danes, bo dobil najnovejše BIOS posodobitve že nameščene in torej tudi takšno hitrost.

Poleg tega pride dosti matičnih s programom za avtomatsko BIOS posodobitev, tako da ima dosti povprečnih uporabnikov že najnovejši BIOS, tudi če so kupili matično prej.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

gddr85 ::

mahone ::

Predator X ::

Teh večjih strani sploh ne gledam več.

HU enkrat pravi, da je FX na nivoju i5 sandyja potem je kr 25% hitrejši potem se zgodi, da skylake X nima šanse bit hitrejši od Ryzena v igrah... potem so zgodi, da je celo na nivoju i7 8700K.

Kar gledam zdej je AIDA64/geekbench (Latence in bandwidth L1/L2/L3/DRAM - IPC - MT) ter kakšen YT.
Za gaming bi razvrstil:

i7 8700K @ +4.5GHz (rabiš delid)
i5 8600K @ +5GHz (rabiš delid)
R7 2700X @ 4.2GHz
R5 2600X @ 4.2-3.8Ghz
i5 8400 @ 3.8GHz

odvisno od bencha, ampak situacija bi bla nekak taka. Pri vseh gaming sistemih bi imel vsaj DDR4 3200MHz+ (ker tud coffee lake ima zelo rad več GB/s).
Nism si pa dost pregledal vseh podatkov on intel nodi pri kakšni voltaži ter temperaturi se stvar začne degradirat, čeprav gaming ni ravno naporen za 6C/12T.

Zgodovina sprememb…

mahone ::

jOj kwa ti bluzis predator :))

Predator X ::

mahone je izjavil:

jOj kwa ti bluzis predator :))

Nič ne bluzim. Sam ne da se mi več stabo. Iščeš strani, ki ti ustrezajo. Anandtech ti kr lepo pokaže, da Intel nima za burek.

Zgodovina sprememb…

mahone ::

Anandtech je baje naredu napako pri game benchmarkih

Neki ne stima tle ne?


We're looking into it. If it is a fuck up, we'll hold our hands up. Going to fine-tooth-comb everything, might take a few days though. I've been up 36 hours already

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: mahone ()

Predator X ::

TechPowerUp jo pa definitivno ni... i3 in i5 sta hitrejša. :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

mahone ::

Nic ni narobe ne predatorck?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: mahone ()

D3m ::

[-]RyanSmithAT [score hidden] 42 minutes ago
Hey gang,

Thank you for all of the comments. Ian and I are looking into the gaming matters right now. Accuracy is paramount and if we can validate these results, then we need to be able to explain them.

It's going to take a bit of time to re-generate the necessary data. So I don't know if we'll have a response for you in the next couple of hours. I need to let Ian sleep at some point here. But it's basically the only thing we're working on until we can put together a reasonable explanation one way or another.

As an aside, I want to give you a bit of background on testing, and some of the issues we ran into.

This is the first time we've done testing with all of the Specter & Meltdown (Smeltdown) patches enabled and with the matching microcode updates for the Intel processors. So there have been some changes on performance (which is going to be its own separate article in due time).
The Ryzen 1000 data has not yet been regenerated
The test system is otherwise fully up to date, running the latest version of Windows (1709) with all of the patches, including the big April patch.

Why didn't we catch this earlier? Truth be told, a good deal of this data was only available shortly before the review went live. We had some issues ensuring that multi core turbo enhancement was disabled on the new X470 boards, and as a result lost days of Ryzen data. Which put us on the back foot for the past week
As always, if you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. And we'll let you know once we're done digging through these results.

Bi rekel, da so njihovi testi LEGIT.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

mahone ::

D3m je izjavil:

[-]RyanSmithAT [score hidden] 42 minutes ago
Hey gang,

Thank you for all of the comments. Ian and I are looking into the gaming matters right now. Accuracy is paramount and if we can validate these results, then we need to be able to explain them.

It's going to take a bit of time to re-generate the necessary data. So I don't know if we'll have a response for you in the next couple of hours. I need to let Ian sleep at some point here. But it's basically the only thing we're working on until we can put together a reasonable explanation one way or another.

As an aside, I want to give you a bit of background on testing, and some of the issues we ran into.

This is the first time we've done testing with all of the Specter & Meltdown (Smeltdown) patches enabled and with the matching microcode updates for the Intel processors. So there have been some changes on performance (which is going to be its own separate article in due time).
The Ryzen 1000 data has not yet been regenerated
The test system is otherwise fully up to date, running the latest version of Windows (1709) with all of the patches, including the big April patch.

Why didn't we catch this earlier? Truth be told, a good deal of this data was only available shortly before the review went live. We had some issues ensuring that multi core turbo enhancement was disabled on the new X470 boards, and as a result lost days of Ryzen data. Which put us on the back foot for the past week
As always, if you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. And we'll let you know once we're done digging through these results.

Bi rekel, da so njihovi testi LEGIT.

Tole je zate LEGIT?

D3m ::

Dokler ne dokažejo nasprotno. Da.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

mahone ::

A me mal hecas?
Rocket league - 1080p - Ultra Settings - avg FPS
2700x 359.44
1800x 122.63

Predator X ::

mahone je izjavil:

A me mal hecas?
Rocket league - 1080p - Ultra Settings - avg FPS
2700x 359.44
1800x 122.63

Jah, je tud to testiral. RX grafična je pokazal boljše rezultate.

Zgodovina sprememb…

D3m ::

mahone je izjavil:

A me mal hecas?
Rocket league - 1080p - Ultra Settings - avg FPS
2700x 359.44
1800x 122.63

Čisto nič te ne hecam. Ampak se obnašam, kot Intel fani izpred leti. Rezultat je kakršen je.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Predator X ::

Mogoče bi taki proci zanimal pegasusa. Hitr dobiš na jedro ~2W sam morš SMT izklopt. kakšen R3 2200G underclock in undervolt aka fanless.

Gledu sm, da ma novi Ryzen 2000 majhno porabo na SOC (IF) ~ stock 2400MHz ~3-5W

Zgodovina sprememb…

pegasus ::

APUji so mikavni, definitivno. A že imam 6w goldmonta.
Sicer trenutno gledam, kaj bi se dobilo za 4k60 video urejat v smiselnem času. Mogoče ko zen+ based TRji pridejo ven ...

Predator X ::

Jah pinnacle izgleda, da bo fural 3GHz 0.85V.

Predator X ::

Drgač pa za gaming
R5 2600X
3600MHz DDR4 CL16
1.2V SOC
1.35Vcore (LLC1 ali 2)

bi mogu bit kr top sistem za 144Hz

neo5468 ::

Kaj pa vem, mislim da je 8400 za 170€ še vedno najboljši buy.

Predator X ::

Jap, ker si fanboy.

D3m ::

Ahhh kje, 8300 je najboljši buy.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m ::


Techradar ima podobne rezultate, kot Anand na povsem update-ani mašini.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Predator X ::

Asus C7H

Ram OC:

1 DPC SR = 3466-3733MT/s / DR 3333-3466MHz
2 DPC SR = 3066-3333MT/s / DR 3066-3200MHz

eCLK :

BCLK za SOC in BCLK za Jedro

PE : (Perf enhancer)

Default : 4341MHz - 4017MHz (ST/MT)
PE = Level 3 = 4341MHz - 4117MHz (ST/MT)
PE = Level 3 = 4498MHz - 4265MHz (ST/MT)

OC :
4.2GHz = easy
4.3GHz = ~ 1.4V
4.4GHz = limit

Predator X ::

eCLK mora met še nek divider med SOC ter IMCjem, ker so rezlutati dobil 20ns razlike.

Predator X ::

Ryzen amster ti kaže katera jedra v CCX sta najboljša.

FireSnake ::

Zadevo bo, verjetno, najbolje spariti s čim takim.

Počasi si moram pripraviti konfiguracijo.
Ko pridem iz tujine bom šel počasi z nakupovalnim vozičkom naokoli.

Ali kaj takega

Tudi tole.

Bo potrebno preveriti kompatibilnost (pred nakupom).
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: FireSnake ()

D3m ::

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

FireSnake ::

Misliš tole?

Cena je, glede na druge, kar OK.
Želel bi res hiter RAM.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

D3m ::

To ja.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

FireSnake ::

Kaj v Sloveniji so ti Ryzeni serije 2xxx zlati, al kako?

Pri modelu 2700X je 50€ razlike samo pri procesorju.
Kje je še matična plošča in RAM.

Jaz rad pdprem domače, a ti naši nateguni so, preprosto, preveč požrešni.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

D3m ::

Saj ni tako hudo.

Pač je treba državi plačati veliko za obratovanje firme.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Wrop ::

Zato pa se kupuje drugje. Boš vsaj 100 € prihranil, oz. kaj boljšega kupil.

Predator X ::

Lahko tud 3600MHz.

Sicer ti sam priporočam kakor si prej dal gor 3200CL14, če ti budget dovoli.

FireSnake ::

Latence pri teh so slabe.
Kakšne bi kaj bile, če bi jih gnal na 3200.

Budget ni toliko problem. Ne maram pa občutka, da me lupijo.

Razmišljal sem tudi o 32GB RAMa, pa nitrosti potem niso več to.

SSD, ohišje, XFX supernova G3 750W in eno RX 580 red devil imam že.

Res izgleda, da bo treba kupiti iz tujine.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: FireSnake ()

Truga ::

Saj smo v EU, nemcija ma dobre cene in ni tujina. :P

FireSnake ::

Kakor za koga. Zate mogoče ne.

Jaz sem pa vesel, če lahko podprem domačega trgovca.
A ne za vsako ceno.

Rabim še eno matično ploščo. Čeprav ne bom navijal bi imel X470, pa čim več faz.
mi je zelo všeč. Glede na to, da ne bom navijal je verjetno overkill.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: FireSnake ()

Predator X ::

D3m je izjavil:

Saj ni tako hudo.

Pač je treba državi plačati veliko za obratovanje firme.

nope so kr preveč požrešni.

Poglej marketing :



Superca za R5 2600X.

Pri R7 2700X je že 15€ razlike.

Plate :
Najcenejša X470 funtech, ki se jo trenutno da dobit

20€ razlike




X470 plate so še kr no vsaj cenejše (Gaming 7 WIFI je 70€+ dražja)... enako se zgodi z X370 do 200€ so +20-40€ potem pa...

b3D_950 ::

Treadripper+ bo tudi?
Zdaj ko je mir, jemo samo krompir.
232 / 623