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Ukrajina Part II

Ukrajina Part II

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blay44 ::

Jasno. Nič novega.

Pac-Man ::

Tole je bilo objavljeno v Kommersantu, ki je resen časopis, ne nek opozicijski cajtng.
Kommersant @ Wikipedia

Če dodam moje opažanje, so v Ukrajini tudi podunk vasi urejene.
Se vidi da ni denarja, ampak hkrati nekdo skrbi da ni zanemarjeno. Ograje & spodnji deli dreves prebarvani, pokošeno, ceste kolikor se da OK...


This entire exchange between a Russian journalist and local in Mariupol is very much worth reading. Here's an automatic translation:
The part about Feb 23 is horribly translated — she is referring to "Defender of the Fatherland Day", a holiday observed in many post-soviet countries that entails congratulating men.
As she points out, it's not an officialy holiday in Ukraine but is still often celebrated

in to

Exchange between a Kommersant journo and a pensioner in Mariupol
“And what do you say about us in Russia?
“They say on TV that our military freed you”
“Freed us? And what did you free us from? From our Philharmonic? From our city? Well thank you”

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

l0g1t3ch ::

blay44 je izjavil:

Jasno. Nič novega.

Jah, nism jaz kriv da se vam tako vleče 3 dnevna operacija :))

bbbbbb2015 ::

blay44 je izjavil:

Je kaj novega v tretji ofenzivi?
Po netu se govori, da se hrabri bližajo 3000 kosom.
Pa da "Z" po uporabi postaja enakoverden svastiki.
Pa da so kadirovci v drugi vrsti in streljajo Ruse,
ki ne grejo v pravo smer, v hrbet. Kot v filmih o ww2.
Na prvi uč se mi zdi, da se fronta ne premika.
Vsaj Lyman, kot železniško križišče ni zavzet?

Me je že en prehitel z kosi :-)

Rusi tolčejo z težko artilerijo, ponoči in podnevi. Ni videti, da bi se frontna linija v Donbasu premaknila. Oskrbovanje se vrši iz bližnjega ruskega ozemlja. Teče veliko bolje, vendar se špekulira, da bi utegnili Ukrajinci zopet udariti po Rusiji. Ukrajinci se zaenkrat izogibajo konfrontaciji, še vedno tolčejo oskrbo Rusov. Vendar je teren zelo raven in analitiki ocenjujejo, da se ne bodo mogli ogniti frontalnemu spopadu.

Ta trenutek je razmerje žive sile v Donbasu 45.000 Ukrajincev, ter 50.000 Rusov. Rusi so uspeli nekako dodatno najti 11 BTG (cca 10.000 vojakov).

V Mariupolu so zopet boji pri jeklarni Azov.
Ukrajinci so na enem mestu udarili kontranapad pri Kersonu, ter osvojili nazaj nekaj malega ozemlja. Pri Harkovu so se zelo udarili. Ukrajinci beležijo nekaj malega pridobitve ozemlja.
Pri Izumu so se zelo spopadli. Rusi so hoteli Ukrajince zapirati v obroč. Zaenkrat ni razlike v ozemlju.

Zgodovina sprememb…

blay44 ::


Ruski umetniki:

Mati Rusija in evropejci.

primoz4p ::

blay44 je izjavil:

Je kaj novega v tretji ofenzivi?
Po netu se govori, da se hrabri bližajo 3000 kosom.
Pa da "Z" po uporabi postaja enakoverden svastiki.
Pa da so kadirovci v drugi vrsti in streljajo Ruse,
ki ne grejo v pravo smer, v hrbet. Kot v filmih o ww2.
Na prvi uč se mi zdi, da se fronta ne premika.
Vsaj Lyman, kot železniško križišče ni zavzet?

Me je že en prehitel z kosi :-)

Animatorji pospešeno korigirajo ... to sem rešil - za v arhiv.

avani ::

Pa to so ze nore cifre! 500 tankov je slo v luft, to je 10 tankov na dan!

l0g1t3ch ::

Pif, Pif, Pif, Kh.
Rus umira na bojišču.

Nova realnost parade 9. maja

Hihihi :D

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tole je bilo objavljeno v Kommersantu, ki je resen časopis, ne nek opozicijski cajtng.
Kommersant @ Wikipedia

Odličen članek, verjetno max, kar lahko protivojnega objaviš v Rusiji. Če se seveda ne odločijo, da se lahko piše samo o presrečnih prebivalcih, ki z rožami pozdravljajo osvoboditelje.



“These APUs, they were right in our yard,” Evgenia* begins. “My husband comes out in the morning, and they drink coffee on the hood of the car. Then behind the same machines they exchanged fire with the Russians.

“So it’s military time,” retorts a peppy grandfather in a sweatshirt and a knitted hat. “We need to fight somewhere. So they fought where they need to.

- Yeah, and they also wanted to sit in our basement. Together with civilians!

- After all, everyone wants to live, - the grandfather shrugs. - If they started shooting at you, you would also run into the basement. And don't care who's there.

— Do you remember, the Armed Forces of Ukraine sat down in that house on the fourth floor? Therefore, they shot at him from a tank.

- Do you remember how the Russians then settled in our house? - the grandfather taunts. - They also sorted out apartments, not every one suited them. And in the one that was necessary, the door was knocked out.

“Well, it’s because the owners left,” another woman intercedes. “The Russians then asked for the keys to the apartments. And they only knocked out the door for which there were no keys.

- And who took the car in the yard? We went in and asked whose car it was. And come on, they say, the keys to the needs of the army.

“And I don’t know who took it. The military - and whose, I did not even look.

“In general, guys and girls, both of them shoot, and we are between them,” concludes the grandfather.

“That’s what I don’t understand,” Yevgenia boils over. “Well, if you, Commander-in-Chief, know that you can’t hold Mariupol, then why fight? Withdraw troops. Why did so many people die? Why destroy the city?

“So it’s not just Mariupol,” the grandfather explains calmly. “The Russians are stuck here – it was easier for Ukrainians in other places.

He turns to me:

"Can you tell me what's going on right now?" How is Kyiv? Kherson? Kharkov? Odessa?

How are the negotiations? - adds an important woman.

I am talking about the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Kiev region and the fact that Russia calls it a gesture of goodwill, and Ukraine calls the retreat of the enemy. I tell you that they are shooting hard near Kharkov, but Odessa, it seems, has not yet been stormed. That negotiations are ongoing, but what they are about is unknown. That the cruiser Moskva sank, and no one knows exactly what happened to it. Grandfather listens and nods measuredly.

“In short, it was all started for us,” he concludes. “Our Mariupol is a demonstration performance. And what do you say about it in Russia?

- That this is a special operation to free the Russian people from the Nazis.

Grandfather chuckles, takes off his hat and smoothes his gray hair, which has grown a lot in two months of basement life.

- That is, they decided to cut our hair, but at the same time they took off our shoes and stripped us and left us without a home.

“It’s good that it’s not without a head,” the woman adds.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::



Natalia Poklonskaya's response to the Feb 2022 invasion of Ukraine has been rather remarkable. After serving in Russia's occupation govt in Crimea & then in the State Duma, she's now openly criticizing the "Z" and talking about dead soldiers' parents being left in the dark.
Obviously, she's still a cog in the regime, but in today's wartime Russia her rhetoric borders on something almost oppositionist.
Also, the fact that she's granting interviews to the remnants of Ekho Moskvy is noteworthy, too.

Natalia Poklonskaya @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

koyotee ::

The Kremlin said on Wednesday that a reported ban on Russian players taking part in this year's Wimbledon tennis tournament as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is "unacceptable."

Government spokesman Dmitry Peskov was responding to a question concerning the barring of Russian and Belarusian players from the tournament which was reported by The New York Times on Wednesday.

"Making athletes victims of some kind of political prejudices, intrigues, hostile actions towards our country, is unacceptable. One can only express regret here," Peskov told a conference call with reporters.

Hahahahaahhahaha kere budale so to :))
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Pac-Man ::

Putin ostaja vrhunski strateg.


Estonia says it is prohibiting public meetings where people display Russian flags military symbols during the Victory Day celebrations on May 9, which is traditionally celebrated by the Baltic country’s sizable ethnic-Russian population to mark the end of World War II.


Among the banned symbols are the flags of the Soviet Union and Russia, USSR military uniforms and the black-orange Ribbon of Saint George worn in Russia to mark the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in WWII.
The ban is valid until May 10 and applies to the capital, Tallinn, and its surrounding areas.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Sc0ut ::

Proruski stric na desni ne zgleda glih velik doprinos. Obute ima adidaske pomoje.

1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

endelin ::

Rusi so nori na tri poloski

Pac-Man ::

Putka in Doni sta isto sranje. S to razliko, da imajo ZDA solidne inštitucije & demokracijo ter so s tem limitirali škodo in se ga po enem mandatu znebili.


Almost eight weeks after Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukraine, with military losses mounting and Russia facing unprecedented international isolation, a small but growing number of senior Kremlin insiders are quietly questioning his decision to go to war.

The ranks of the critics at the pinnacle of power remain limited, spread across high-level posts in government and state-run business.
They believe the invasion was a catastrophic mistake that will set the country back for years, according to ten people with direct knowledge of the situation. All spoke on condition of anonymity, too fearful of retribution to comment publicly.

So far, these people see no chance the Russian president will change course and no prospect of any challenge to him at home.
More and more reliant on a narrowing circle of hardline advisers, Putin has dismissed attempts by other officials to warn him of the crippling economic and political cost, they said.


The skeptics were surprised by the speed and breadth of the response by the U.S. and its allies, with sanctions freezing half of the central bank’s $640 billion in reserves and foreign companies ditching decades of investment to shut down operations almost overnight, as well as the steadily expanding military support for Kyiv that’s helping its forces to blunt the Russian advance.

Senior officials have tried to explain to the president that the economic impact of the sanctions will be devastating, erasing the two decades of growth and higher living standards that Putin had delivered during his rule, according to people familiar with the situation.

Putin brushed off the warnings, saying that while Russia would pay a huge cost, the West had left him no alternative but to wage war, the people said. Publicly, Putin says the “economic Blitzkrieg” has failed and the economy will adapt.


In the weeks since the invasion started, Putin’s circle of advisers and contacts has narrowed even further from the limited group of hardliners he’d regularly consulted before, according to two people.
The decision to invade was made by Putin and just a handful of hawks including Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, General Staff chief Valery Gerasimov, and Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia’s Security Council, these people said.


Roman Abramovich, the billionaire who has helped broker the so-far-unsuccessful peace talks, had to disabuse Putin of his conviction that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a former comedy actor, would flee the country once the invasion began, according to people familiar with the conversations.

Inside the main successor to the KGB, the Federal Security Service, frustration with the failure of the invasion so far is growing, according to Andrei Soldatov, an expert on the Russian security services. Others there had expected the fighting would last no more than a few weeks, according to people familiar with the situation.


“Putin has built his regime mainly on stoking public support, which has given him the means to control the elite,” said Tatiana Stanovaya of political consultant R.Politik. “There’s no room for disagreement or discussion, everyone must just get on with it and implement the president’s orders and as long as Putin keeps the situation under control, people will follow him.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

sir_mha ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:



Natalia Poklonskaya's response to the Feb 2022 invasion of Ukraine has been rather remarkable. After serving in Russia's occupation govt in Crimea & then in the State Duma, she's now openly criticizing the "Z" and talking about dead soldiers' parents being left in the dark.
Obviously, she's still a cog in the regime, but in today's wartime Russia her rhetoric borders on something almost oppositionist.
Also, the fact that she's granting interviews to the remnants of Ekho Moskvy is noteworthy, too.

Natalia Poklonskaya @ Wikipedia

Njo so že prej odrezal v Kremlju, obetala se ji je kakšna diplomatska pozicija na koncu sveta -- da jo utišajo. Na začetku je bila veliko zvezda, nosil so jo po rokah, potem ji je pa to prišlo v glavo. Sam imam občutek, da je imela še malo mladostniškega idealizma, potem je pa realnost prehitela imaginacijo. V Rusije se težko materializiraš v medijskega politika, ki ima praktično minimalne učinke na realnost. Ni za softiče. Verjetno se je hotela delno distancirat, to pa je bil no-go. Kako bo naprej, ni vidim veliko možnosti, da bo imela nek vpliv.

SmolWhale ::

Slava Rossiyi!!




Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: Zmajc ()

Gregor P ::

V glavnem v Rusiji te lahko še vedno mirno ustrelijo sredi ulice. Tako da biti pogumen tam, je čisto na drugem nivoju kot pri nas.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

SmolWhale ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

V glavnem v Rusiji te lahko še vedno mirno ustrelijo sredi ulice. Tako da biti pogumen tam, je čisto na drugem nivoju kot pri nas.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: Gregor P ()

Aston_11 ::

SmolWhale je izjavil:

Gregor P je izjavil:

V glavnem v Rusiji te lahko še vedno mirno ustrelijo sredi ulice. Tako da biti pogumen tam, je čisto na drugem nivoju kot pri nas.


Kaj se čudiš, saj pišeš Z.


Motion ::

Pač mafia state

marjanmb ::

SmolWhale je izjavil:

Slava Rossiyi!!


SmolWhale ::

Rusija do Portugalske!


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: Gregor P ()

sir_mha ::

O sodelovanju ruskih neo-nacistov v prvih bojih (2014) v Ukrajini.

Huh. What a shock. Russian Ultranationalists just so happened to be involved in the first invasion in 2014, which occurred because of...oh, I remember - the ethnic identity of Russians in Crimea.

So, wait...some guy called Alexander Barkashovgot involved?

During the Russo-Ukrainian War, Barkashov actively supports the Russian-backed separatists. In a leaked audio recording from spring 2014, Barkashov consulted Dmitri Boitsov, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Army. According to Barkahsov's words, his own son fought with a column of pro-Russian fighters against Ukraine.

Shit. That looks bad. So, a public Neo-Nazi conspired with an ethnoreligious militia to wage war in the Donbas and Crimea - the other part of Ukraine that Russia invaded in 2014 despite the Budapest memorandum in 1993 and the UN rejecting the annexation...

It's almost as if, you know, Russia sent their own NeoNazis to take over a section of a sovereign nation they'd committed to never invading if they gave their nukes away, and then when that country's own NeoNazis fought back, they used that as the excuse to start a genocide.


fikus_ ::

SmolWhale je izjavil:

Rusija do Portugalske!


Na katero stran? Zahodno ali Vzhodno?! :D
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

PrimoZ_ ::

SmolWhale je izjavil:

Slava Rossiyi!!




Putin crkuje, se svet raduje!

We will rave on Putin's grave!

Comandante ::

SmolWhale je izjavil:

Rusija do Portugalske!


Da ne bo tako kot s Srbijo. Z vsako vojno je manjsa. Se malo, pa bo samo se kosovska pokrajina.

Saj to bi bilo v bistvu najboljse, kar se lahko zgodi.

Pac-Man ::

Xavier Naidoo, precej znan nemški pevec, je bil zadnja leta alt-right pro-ruski querdenker, še v časih pred korono.
Pa ga je vojna v Ukrajini spravila h pameti.

Putin ostaja vrhunski strateg.

Xavier Naidoo @ Wikipedia


Singer Xavier Naidoo admitted in a video message on YouTube that he had gotten lost in conspiracy stories. "I have opened up to theories, perspectives and sometimes also groups, from which I distance myself without any ifs and buts and break away," said the 50-year-old in the little more than three-minute video titled "#OneLove", which was released on Tuesday published on his YouTube channel.


Xavier Naidoo justified his change of heart with the war in Ukraine. " The world seems to be turned upside down and I wondered how it could come to this." He spoke a lot to those affected because his wife comes from Ukraine, as Naidoo explains in the video. - and have to face critical questions about statements he made, for which he was grateful. "I realized the wrong paths I was on and that I've made a lot of mistakes in recent years." He became aware that he had irritated and provoked his family, friends and fans with "disturbing statements for which I want to apologize," Naidoo said.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PrimoZ_ ::

Nemčija zagotovila dolgotrajno vojaško podporo Ukrajini
Nemčija je pripravljena vojaško podpirati Ukrajino tako srednje kot dolgoročno, je danes zagotovila nemška zunanja ministrica Annalena Baerbock. Ob kritiki Kijeva, da bi lahko Berlin dobavil več orožja, je Baerbockova dejala, da so v resnici v Ukrajino poslali več orožja, kot je to javno znano.

koyotee ::

Rusija med drugim zahteva, da Ukrajina ostane nevtralna in se odreče samooklicanim regijam Lugansk in Doneck ter prizna Krimski polotok kot del Rusije. Kijev medtem vztrajno zavrača možnost, da bi se odrekel kakšnemu delu svojega ozemlja.

Hahahaha, bebci ruski, če bi Ukrajinci to hoteli bi podpisali prvi dan. Se jim mudi ful do 9. maja? Težka bo
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Poldi112 ::

Zmajc je izjavil:

Saj Putlerja ne zanima če tam zgnije 5 miljonov ruskih vojakov, dokler on doseže svoje cilje. Rusi še nikoli niso cenili življenja svojih državljanov.Zato je Rusija tako nerazvito revno selo.

To, da jih je zahod porušil do tal ter jim neprestano ovira trgovino z sankcijami, seveda ni imelo absolutno nobenega vpliva na njihov razvoj.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

cias ::


Putin noted that the new ICBM will ensure Russia's safety and will make those threatening it "think twice".

Gregor P je izjavil:

V glavnem v Rusiji te lahko še vedno mirno ustrelijo sredi ulice. Tako da biti pogumen tam, je čisto na drugem nivoju kot pri nas.

Da nisi mislil Ameriko?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: cias ()

Pac-Man ::

cias je izjavil:


Putin noted that the new ICBM will ensure Russia's safety and will make those threatening it "think twice".

Heh. Vsak dan bolj spominjajo na Severno Korejo. Veliki Vodja se igra z raketami, narod pa trpi.


Russia said on Wednesday it had test-launched its Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile, a new addition to its nuclear arsenal which President Vladimir Putin said would give Moscow's enemies something to think about.

Putin was shown on television being told by the military that the missile had been launched from Plesetsk in the country's northwest and hit targets in the Kamchatka peninsula in the far east.

"The new complex has the highest tactical and technical characteristics and is capable of overcoming all modern means of anti-missile defence. It has no analogues in the world and won't have for a long time to come," Putin said.

"This truly unique weapon will strengthen the combat potential of our armed forces, reliably ensure Russia's security from external threats and provide food for thought for those who, in the heat of frenzied aggressive rhetoric, try to threaten our country."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

PrimoZ_ ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Zmajc je izjavil:

Saj Putlerja ne zanima če tam zgnije 5 miljonov ruskih vojakov, dokler on doseže svoje cilje. Rusi še nikoli niso cenili življenja svojih državljanov.Zato je Rusija tako nerazvito revno selo.

To, da jih je zahod porušil do tal ter jim neprestano ovira trgovino z sankcijami, seveda ni imelo absolutno nobenega vpliva na njihov razvoj.

Koga spet?
A se ti malo blede?

bbbbbb2015 ::

koyotee je izjavil:

Rusija med drugim zahteva, da Ukrajina ostane nevtralna in se odreče samooklicanim regijam Lugansk in Doneck ter prizna Krimski polotok kot del Rusije. Kijev medtem vztrajno zavrača možnost, da bi se odrekel kakšnemu delu svojega ozemlja.

Hahahaha, bebci ruski, če bi Ukrajinci to hoteli bi podpisali prvi dan. Se jim mudi ful do 9. maja? Težka bo

Kaj je v draftu agreementa, še ni nič zanesljivo leakano. V grobem, Ukrajina ne bo priznala Donbasa kot samostojnega, niti ne Krima kot dela Rusije. To ni hotela, ko so vse stavbe še stale.

Zdaj ko je dosti mest povsem v prahu, Ukrajinci nimajo kaj dosti za izgubiti. Zato tega ne bodo priznali. Sicer pa tudi ni smiselno. Donbas je čisto porušen, pa navdušenje nad "samostojnostjo" plahni, razen pri hardlinerjih, ki so si razdelili funkcionarske nazive.

Nazadnje, v kar so Ukrajinci privolili je, da se bo o statusu Krima/Donbasa odločalo na miroljuben način v roku 15 let, ob dodatnem pogoju, da je ozemeljska celovitost Ukrajine nedotaknjena.

Potem so Ukrajinci to povsem izbrisali ven, ko so Rusi začeli rušiti vzhod Ukrajine. Poteza je bila povsem logična. Ukrajinci so bili pripravljeni dajati koncesije, če se vojna res hitro konča.

Zdaj je zgodba drugačna. Zdaj se Ukrajincem ne mudi, to križarko Moskvo kar so sesuli, jim je prišlo zelo prav. Tako da mislim, da imajo prav analitiki, ki čakajo 200+ dodatnih dni vojne. Če bodo Rusi kopičili take izgube, bo v enem trenutku dejansko pod vprašanjem bodočnost Putina.

dexterboy ::

Glede na to, kako si vsi ŽELITE nadaljevanje vojne, ne bodite presenečeni, če nekega dne začnejo rasti gobe na obzorju...
Ko ne gre več, ko se ustavi, RESET Vas spet v ritem spravi.

Voss ::

dexterboy je izjavil:

Glede na to, kako si vsi ŽELITE nadaljevanje vojne, ne bodite presenečeni, če nekega dne začnejo rasti gobe na obzorju...

Vojno si želijo zgolj in samo Rusi. Prav pride še ZDA seveda, ker so itak daleč od tega ognja.

Seveda zagovarjamo upor Ukrajincev. Kaj pa naj? Naj podpiramo, da Rusija enostavno ukrade ozemlje Ukrajine? Kje se ustavi? V Bukarešti? Na Dunaju? V Parizu?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Voss ()

TezkoDihanje ::

Ukrajinska gverila:

Valery Kuleshov, who claimed the position of chief of the occupation police in Kherson was assassinated. Kuleshov was an aide to the #Russian occupation forces, a proxy for the pro-Russian Kirill Stremousov and Vladimir Saldo.

Pro-Russian blogger Valery Kuleshov was killed in #Kherson under unclear circumstances.
It is reported that Kuleshov actively cooperated with the invaders and even applied for the position of chief of the occupation police of the city.
tudi: https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1...

Arestovych confirms rumours of dozens of Russian soldiers sneakily killed at night in occupied Melitopol.

Zgodovina sprememb…

janezvalva ::

kaj se dogaja v Mariupol? so že mesto zravnali zemljo, ali se ukrajinci še upirajo? so rusi šli domov? ima kdo frišne info?
IQ test: v enem vedru imaš 2l vode, v drugem 1l vode. koliko veder imaš?

dice7 ::

Bom pogledal zdle na telegram. Srbski tabloidi zal samo dopoldan delajo

TezkoDihanje ::

janezvalva je izjavil:

kaj se dogaja v Mariupol? so že mesto zravnali zemljo, ali se ukrajinci še upirajo? so rusi šli domov? ima kdo frišne info?

Mariupol so Rusi zasedli že v začetku marca. Tko so nam eni tukaj pisal.

Lonsarg ::

Glede na dogaja je v Mariupol se vidi zakaj je nasilno zavzetje mesta kot je Kijev popolna utopija (ne samo za Rusijo, pac nasploh).

V modernih vojnah se vecja mesta pravzame zgolj tko da se pridobi vsaj pol prebivalcev na svojo stran (kar so recimo Americani dokaj pogosto uspevali v svojih okupacijah). Ce je 90% prebivalstva ostro proti pac ne gre.

TezkoDihanje ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Zdaj je zgodba drugačna. Zdaj se Ukrajincem ne mudi, to križarko Moskvo kar so sesuli, jim je prišlo zelo prav. Tako da mislim, da imajo prav analitiki, ki čakajo 200+ dodatnih dni vojne. Če bodo Rusi kopičili take izgube, bo v enem trenutku dejansko pod vprašanjem bodočnost Putina.

Vsaki dan morajo Ukrajinci Rusom uničit 10 tankov in čez 2 mesca bodo Rusi končali z ofenzivnimi manevri.
Tehnike bo ostalo samo še za branjenje - veliko sreče proti rojem switchbladov in ostalim naprednejšim sistemov (pogovarjajo se tudi o M142 HIMARS - effective range 300km).

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

To, da jih je zahod porušil do tal ter jim neprestano ovira trgovino z sankcijami, seveda ni imelo absolutno nobenega vpliva na njihov razvoj.

Nacisti. Porušili so jih nacisti. Si že slišal za konferenco v Jalti in kdo vse je bil tam?

Yalta Conference @ Wikipedia

Poleg tega so porušili minimalen del Rusije in celotno Poljsko, Ukrajino ter Belorusijo. Tako da če se gremo, kdo ima zaradi tega težave pri razvoju in si zasluži reparacije/pomoč...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mackilla ::

cias je izjavil:


Putin noted that the new ICBM will ensure Russia's safety and will make those threatening it "think twice".

Gregor P je izjavil:

V glavnem v Rusiji te lahko še vedno mirno ustrelijo sredi ulice. Tako da biti pogumen tam, je čisto na drugem nivoju kot pri nas.

Da nisi mislil Ameriko?

Si boš ogledal kakšne indijske znamenitosti?:D

TezkoDihanje ::

Today, Igor Girkin released on his Telegram a long-form note explaining his pessimism with regards to the second stage of the special operation. He still strongly believes Russia does not possess enough forces to conduct a successful operation.

fur80 ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

Ukrajinska gverila:

Valery Kuleshov, who claimed the position of chief of the occupation police in Kherson was assassinated. Kuleshov was an aide to the #Russian occupation forces, a proxy for the pro-Russian Kirill Stremousov and Vladimir Saldo.

Pro-Russian blogger Valery Kuleshov was killed in #Kherson under unclear circumstances.
It is reported that Kuleshov actively cooperated with the invaders and even applied for the position of chief of the occupation police of the city.
tudi: https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1...

Arestovych confirms rumours of dozens of Russian soldiers sneakily killed at night in occupied Melitopol.

Sem včeraj gledal na telegramu, ko so Čečeni kazali mrtve Kadirovce, ki so jih likvidirali v Mariopolu, ne vem kako amapk so prišli do svojih! ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

yayo ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Bom pogledal zdle na telegram. Srbski tabloidi zal samo dopoldan delajo

Putin planira vojaško parado 9. maja...

koyotee ::

yayo je izjavil:

dice7 je izjavil:

Bom pogledal zdle na telegram. Srbski tabloidi zal samo dopoldan delajo

Putin planira vojaško parado 9. maja...

Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

yansek ::

Kaj se bo proslavlhalo? Znaten del porušene Ukrajine, dokončno izoblikovanja ukrajinskega naroda kot nekateri imenujejo stanje med Ukrajinci, še posebej po tej invaziji, številne mrtve, med katerimi je verjetno večina rusko govoreče pravoslavno prebivalstvo. Večina kolikor berem se od beguncev ni zatekla v Rusijo ampak na Zahod, a bog ve, v teh časih medijske vojne boljše biti previden v to, kaj je res in kaj ni.

Omenimo lahko tudi da je Rusina že politicno in ekonomsko izgubila, Generalna skupščina ZN je s 141 glasovi proti petim in 35 vzdržanimi potrdila predlog resolucije, ki obsoja rusko agresijo, pa moralno breme po tej invaziji.

Ali lahko Putin in njegova klika odstopi in da prostor drugim, da obrnejo nov list? V diktatorski državi bolj težko verjetno.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: yansek ()
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