Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
cias ::
poslušam ravnokar da bojo bačjuška manjšal dobavo plina,oktobra pa full retard winter,ko bojo iz mesta retardi vun leteli jih bo na periferiji čakala pa druščina pijancev ki gre skozi gozd v gostilno.fak.
Jaz menim da bi vsak evropejec moral biti pripravljen zmrzniti za Ukrajino.
Lep pozdrav iz Indije. Tu te z "The president Putin" majico vsi pozdravljajo na ulici :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()
l0g1t3ch ::
poslušam ravnokar da bojo bačjuška manjšal dobavo plina,oktobra pa full retard winter,ko bojo iz mesta retardi vun leteli jih bo na periferiji čakala pa druščina pijancev ki gre skozi gozd v gostilno.fak.
Jaz menim da bi vsak evropejec moral biti pripravljen zmrzniti za Ukrajino.
Lep pozdrav iz Indije. Tu te z "The president Putin" majico vsi pozdravljajo na ulici :D
Prst na zemljevidu ne šteje
Zmajc ::
poslušam ravnokar da bojo bačjuška manjšal dobavo plina,oktobra pa full retard winter,ko bojo iz mesta retardi vun leteli jih bo na periferiji čakala pa druščina pijancev ki gre skozi gozd v gostilno.fak.
Jaz menim da bi vsak evropejec moral biti pripravljen zmrzniti za Ukrajino.
Lep pozdrav iz Indije. Tu te z "The president Putin" majico vsi pozdravljajo na ulici :D
VladimirP, cias, -vx-, etc se očitno izmenjujejo na zaprtem oddelku psihiatrije. Code word: Brazilija, Indija, ipd.
fikus_ ::
Neuradno naj bi v Ukrajino prišli droni MQ-9 Reaper iz ZDA Malo večja igračka za odrasle, upam da so zraven dobili GBU-54
Kdo jih bo pa upravljal?!
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
koyotee ::
Neuradno naj bi v Ukrajino prišli droni MQ-9 Reaper iz ZDA Malo večja igračka za odrasle, upam da so zraven dobili GBU-54
Kdo jih bo pa upravljal?!
Komot americani, sej ne bo nihce vedel
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
l0g1t3ch ::
fikus_ ::
V teroriji da, v resnici pa američani!
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
koyotee ::
Sploh pa, nastaviš koordinate, za vse ostalo poskrbi mastercard!
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
Motion ::
fikus_ ::
Koyote, preveč reklame gledaš.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()
Pac-Man ::
Rusi vračajo Ukrajincem pravico do lastnega odločanja. Kako nedemokratsko, volijo čist narobe
'''The Rozovsky district of Zaporozhye independently organized and held a meeting attended by authorized people by local residents to make decisions.
At the meeting, those present unanimously voted for joining the Donetsk People's Republic.''
Video. Penzion paket, glasujejo javno, z dviganjem rok.
Russian state-media war correspondent shares video purportedly from the Rozivka district of the Zaporizhzhia region (in southern Ukraine) showing a unanimous vote in favor of "temporary unification" with the DNR.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zmajc ::
Neuradno naj bi v Ukrajino prišli droni MQ-9 Reaper iz ZDA Malo večja igračka za odrasle, upam da so zraven dobili GBU-54
Kdo jih bo pa upravljal?!
Komot Američani z kake Nemške/Poljske baze.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
fikus_ ::
Ali Ramsteina.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Zmajc ::
"In April 2021, U.S. and Polish militaries have agreed on a long-negotiated plan to increase the American presence in Poland with 2 units of MQ-9 Reapers deployed by the U.S. Air Force.[83]"
"The Polish Ministry of National Defense announced on 28th of February 2022 that it plans to purchase an unspecified number of MQ-9 Reaper drones.[174]"
Torej so več ali manj ready to go, ko požegnajo.
"The Polish Ministry of National Defense announced on 28th of February 2022 that it plans to purchase an unspecified number of MQ-9 Reaper drones.[174]"
Torej so več ali manj ready to go, ko požegnajo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
Pac-Man ::
Neuradno naj bi v Ukrajino prišli droni MQ-9 Reaper iz ZDA Malo večja igračka za odrasle, upam da so zraven dobili GBU-54
Kdo jih bo pa upravljal?!
Komot Američani z kake Nemške/Poljske baze.
IMO so ga po bližnjem vzhodu srali iz kontejnerjev v Nevadi.
Is Starlink that important? It wouldn't be possible to restore 10 km of cable connection between villages in Chernigiv region after serious battles so quick. Normally it takes few months.
Another case: provider Baryshivka-Net resumed the network for 5 villages by using only 1 📡.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
bbbbbb2015 ::
"In April 2021, U.S. and Polish militaries have agreed on a long-negotiated plan to increase the American presence in Poland with 2 units of MQ-9 Reapers deployed by the U.S. Air Force.[83]"
"The Polish Ministry of National Defense announced on 28th of February 2022 that it plans to purchase an unspecified number of MQ-9 Reaper drones.[174]"
Torej so več ali manj ready to go, ko požegnajo.
To je sicer v redu. Samo je treba reči, da letijo na višini 15km in niso nevidni za radarje. S-300 baterije jih lahko branijo, samo so po moje preveč ranljivi za tako orožje, kot ga imajo Rusi (S-400). Seveda pa če bomo brali, da so ruske S-400 baterije bile zadete s strani neptunov ali česa drugega, se za MQ-9 odpre okno priložnosti.
fikus_ ::
"In April 2021, U.S. and Polish militaries have agreed on a long-negotiated plan to increase the American presence in Poland with 2 units of MQ-9 Reapers deployed by the U.S. Air Force.[83]"
"The Polish Ministry of National Defense announced on 28th of February 2022 that it plans to purchase an unspecified number of MQ-9 Reaper drones.[174]"
Torej so več ali manj ready to go, ko požegnajo.
Ne vem, ali jih imajo/nimajo, ampak to so poljski MQ-9 in Poljaki se usposabljajo. Če jih bodo usmerjali Poljaki/Američani, to pomeni direktno vmešavanje v vojno v UA.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
feryz ::
Plan putane je, da do devetega maja, na vzhodu Ukrajine, vse zravna z zemljo, vse skupaj spremeni v puščavo in pobije vse tam živeče ruse. Takrat bo štelo, da je ta kos osvojen.
In vsi rusi bodo srečni.
Mogoče mu celo uspe. Svoje bo pa ja lahko potamanil.
In vsi rusi bodo srečni.
Mogoče mu celo uspe. Svoje bo pa ja lahko potamanil.
l0g1t3ch ::
Čečenski muslimani, pobijajo pravoslavne Ruse živeče v UA, srbski pravoslavci pa temu ploskajo
Le zakaj jih je motilo, ko so jih streljali kosovski muslimani in še prej bosanski, mogoče niso vsi muslimani dovolj dobri ? Mogoče so samo čečenski tisti pravi za pobijanje pravoslavcev ?
Kdo bi vedel :D
Le zakaj jih je motilo, ko so jih streljali kosovski muslimani in še prej bosanski, mogoče niso vsi muslimani dovolj dobri ? Mogoče so samo čečenski tisti pravi za pobijanje pravoslavcev ?
Kdo bi vedel :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()
Zmajc ::
Plan putane je, da do devetega maja, na vzhodu Ukrajine, vse zravna z zemljo, vse skupaj spremeni v puščavo in pobije vse tam živeče ruse. Takrat bo štelo, da je ta kos osvojen.
In vsi rusi bodo srečni.
Mogoče mu celo uspe. Svoje bo pa ja lahko potamanil.
Saj Putlerja ne zanima če tam zgnije 5 miljonov ruskih vojakov, dokler on doseže svoje cilje. Rusi še nikoli niso cenili življenja svojih državljanov.Zato je Rusija tako nerazvito revno selo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
yayo ::
če Putin spuši v U. je gotov. Ostane mu le Severna Koreja Gangnam Stayla drugače ga lastni pojedo. Ali infrakt. Saj atko verjetno bo.
torentino ::
l0g1t3ch ::
Rusi grozijo Moldaviji: Končali boste na smetišču zgodovine
Potem ko je Moldavija uradno prepovedala proruskih vojnih simbolov, je vpliven ruski politik Aleksej Puškov prek medijev po poročanju DPA sporočil, da bo Rusija Moldavijo poslala "na smetišče zgodovine". Kot je dejal Puškov neposredno moldavski predsednici Maji Sandu, bo Rusija uporabila dobave zemeljskega plina in nafte kot orožje. "Morali boste biti veliko bolj pazljivi, ko se ukvarjate z ruskimi simboli," je še dejal Puškov.
Da ne bo kakih dvomom al je Rusija čist diht al ne.
Prej crknejo bolje bo za vso evropo.
sir_mha ::
Da ne bo kdo govoril, da "se to pač zgodi v vojni". Putin masovne zločine spodbuja in nagrajuje. Popoln psiho.
Czar Lilliputin is now gone full Hitler. He has decorated the war criminals of Bucha raping, torturing, pillaging and executing civilians - by redesignating the 64th Motor Rifle Brigade as 'Guards' unit, the premium unit status in Russian military. He is REWARDING WAR CRIMINALS
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sir_mha ()
Pac-Man ::
Ruski članek o ukrajinskem dronu iz maja 2021, verjetno strojno preveden. Komentarji so zanimivi.
večinoma rasistično sranje kot
And the point is, all the components from "Ali Baba" were assembled in Kueva, purely banderastic production)))
I remember a cartoon about Lelek and Bolek, like a Czech one. And these monkeys decided to repeat?
This is not a cartoon, this is the future of the AFU Air Force !!! laughing
I would say this is the future of all Western Ukraine - their children will be Poles.
What period of time are we talking about? If it is 50-100 years old, then it is more likely that it will be a region within the Russian Federation. Or some kind of buffer zone.
Craft at the level of the "young technician" circle with Chinese characteristics. Ko-ko-kakly.
But their prostitution is flourishing. And this is “power” in a certain sense. And no drones are needed ..
Every day, the APU has a new thing. I do not know how all this will end, but “Ukraine” must be destroyed. You will not wish such neighbors to the enemy.
par komentarjev pa celo resnih
You shouldn't be like that, Ukrainian modelers during the Soviet era were one of the best in the world, I am telling you this as a professional at that time. There are many Champions of the USSR, Europe and the World among them.
The last, for us, the World Aircraft Model Sport Championship was held in Kiev in the second half of the 80s, there was a lot to see. And copies of An aircraft were Champions more than once.
Don't talk nonsense. The drop in the level of training of engineers is a disaster not only in Ukraine, in the Russian Federation it is no better.
But here's what I can say for sure - in the Kiev Polytechnic, at the technical faculties, the brand is kept at the level of the USSR to this day. I was surprised myself, but true.
According to "rumors" an excellent multifunctional reconnaissance complex with the possibility of targeting and adjusting fire in real time Has been in operation since 16
What's wrong with this "craft"?
Who is laughing the loudest here, if you are in the subject, share.
TTX are not the same?
Or something else?
And in such news, it usually upsets me that, despite our mriyas about brotherhood (in our region, almost every third has relatives in Ukraine in the first or second generation), there are enough enthusiasts who are ready to fight against us, and weapons for murder we are not lazy.
You should not consider other people dumber than yourself without giving concrete evidence and arguments. This is shapkozakidatelstvo and underestimation of a potential enemy. Let me remind you, for those who are "in the tank," that for our industry and developers of advanced technology, advanced technologies and chips that increase the characteristics of electronic equipment tenfold have long been prohibited (google Xilinx PPLIS technology, signal processors Texas Instruments, Analog Device, BroadComm, Flir and etc.). These technologies and chips minimize the weight of onboard equipment and significantly increase combat capabilities, which is obvious. The fact that the gliders of our drones are good, I must say thanks to the old Soviet school, but the electronics are generally not very clear on what it is. And the further, the larger the gap. Ukrainian developers do not have such restrictions, so in 5-10 years they will create on the import base (if their curators allow them) what we will wait for 15 years.
večinoma rasistično sranje kot
And the point is, all the components from "Ali Baba" were assembled in Kueva, purely banderastic production)))
I remember a cartoon about Lelek and Bolek, like a Czech one. And these monkeys decided to repeat?
This is not a cartoon, this is the future of the AFU Air Force !!! laughing
I would say this is the future of all Western Ukraine - their children will be Poles.
What period of time are we talking about? If it is 50-100 years old, then it is more likely that it will be a region within the Russian Federation. Or some kind of buffer zone.
Craft at the level of the "young technician" circle with Chinese characteristics. Ko-ko-kakly.
But their prostitution is flourishing. And this is “power” in a certain sense. And no drones are needed ..
Every day, the APU has a new thing. I do not know how all this will end, but “Ukraine” must be destroyed. You will not wish such neighbors to the enemy.
par komentarjev pa celo resnih
You shouldn't be like that, Ukrainian modelers during the Soviet era were one of the best in the world, I am telling you this as a professional at that time. There are many Champions of the USSR, Europe and the World among them.
The last, for us, the World Aircraft Model Sport Championship was held in Kiev in the second half of the 80s, there was a lot to see. And copies of An aircraft were Champions more than once.
Don't talk nonsense. The drop in the level of training of engineers is a disaster not only in Ukraine, in the Russian Federation it is no better.
But here's what I can say for sure - in the Kiev Polytechnic, at the technical faculties, the brand is kept at the level of the USSR to this day. I was surprised myself, but true.
According to "rumors" an excellent multifunctional reconnaissance complex with the possibility of targeting and adjusting fire in real time Has been in operation since 16
What's wrong with this "craft"?
Who is laughing the loudest here, if you are in the subject, share.
TTX are not the same?
Or something else?
And in such news, it usually upsets me that, despite our mriyas about brotherhood (in our region, almost every third has relatives in Ukraine in the first or second generation), there are enough enthusiasts who are ready to fight against us, and weapons for murder we are not lazy.
You should not consider other people dumber than yourself without giving concrete evidence and arguments. This is shapkozakidatelstvo and underestimation of a potential enemy. Let me remind you, for those who are "in the tank," that for our industry and developers of advanced technology, advanced technologies and chips that increase the characteristics of electronic equipment tenfold have long been prohibited (google Xilinx PPLIS technology, signal processors Texas Instruments, Analog Device, BroadComm, Flir and etc.). These technologies and chips minimize the weight of onboard equipment and significantly increase combat capabilities, which is obvious. The fact that the gliders of our drones are good, I must say thanks to the old Soviet school, but the electronics are generally not very clear on what it is. And the further, the larger the gap. Ukrainian developers do not have such restrictions, so in 5-10 years they will create on the import base (if their curators allow them) what we will wait for 15 years.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
scythe ::
Neuradno naj bi v Ukrajino prišli droni MQ-9 Reaper iz ZDA Malo večja igračka za odrasle, upam da so zraven dobili GBU-54
Kdo jih bo pa upravljal?!
Komot americani, sej ne bo nihce vedel
Američani že zdaj vse vodijo, tudi tele MQ-9 bodo vodili. Me zanima, če bodo Switchblade S600 dobavljali Ukrajini, pred dnevi so bile govorice...
Ukrainian Air Assault Forces report shooting down a Russian Gorizont Air S-100 (first loss of its kind) and an Orlan-10 UAVs during the past 24 hours.
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scythe ()
sbawe64 ::
Slava Nizozemski
Dutch te ne bo pustil v težkih trenutkih
A jim bodo thc rože poslali ?
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
l0g1t3ch ::
endelin ::
Norveška je danes oznanila, da bo Ukrajini dobavila sto raketnih sistemov za zračno obrambo, ki naj bi jih že odposlali. Medtem Ukrajina stopnjuje pritisk na nemškega kanclerja Olafa Scholza, ki je nekoliko zadržan pri izpolnjevanju zahtev Ukrajincev po težkem orožju, kot so tanki in letala, poročajo tuje tiskovne agencije.
cias ::
What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn't really know
Lepo da so Ameri tako radodarni še v času rekordne inflacije.
Lepo da so Ameri tako radodarni še v času rekordne inflacije.
fur80 ::
Tudi Norvežani so dali protizracno obrambo. Naj bi bila že tam. Pametno dostavijo eno stvar, govorijo o drugi, Rusom pa nič jasno.
Ja pa ravno ti, ki verjameš zahodnim medijem! :D
What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn't really know
Lepo da so Ameri tako radodarni še v času rekordne inflacije.
Ja pa ravno ti, ki verjameš zahodnim medijem! :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
endelin ::
To čaka čečene v Ukrajini
50-100m range :D ne moreš zbežati
50-100m range :D ne moreš zbežati
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
dice7 ::
What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn't really know
Lepo da so Ameri tako radodarni še v času rekordne inflacije.
Pocakajmo da srbski tabloidi potrdijo
l0g1t3ch ::
What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn't really know
Lepo da so Ameri tako radodarni še v času rekordne inflacije.
Bomo sedaj pošiljal raje težko orožje, da ne boste imeli teh skrbi!
Artilerijo, tanke, protizračne sisteme, reaper drone, ...
Vse za vaš miren spanec
Si kaj potolažen, boš mirneje spal sedaj ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()
mackilla ::
What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn't really know
Lepo da so Ameri tako radodarni še v času rekordne inflacije.
Vidim,da ti je dolgčas v Indiji Ni nič zanimivega,da nas tako pogrešaš?
sbawe64 ::
What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn't really know
Lepo da so Ameri tako radodarni še v času rekordne inflacije.
Nekje do Lviva pride, nato evaporira.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()
l0g1t3ch ::
What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn't really know
Lepo da so Ameri tako radodarni še v času rekordne inflacije.
Nekje do Lviva pride, nato evaporira.
Bomo sedaj pošiljal raje težko orožje, da ne boste imeli teh skrbi!
Artilerijo, tanke, protizračne sisteme, reaper drone, ...
Vse za vaš miren spanec :D
Si kaj potolažen, boš mirneje spal sedaj ?
PrimoZ_ ::
Presegli smo 3000 kosov uničene ruske šare. Od tega več kot 520 tankov.
Russia - 3002, of which: destroyed: 1588, damaged: 47, abandoned: 244, captured: 1123
Tanks (521, of which destroyed: 263, damaged: 10, abandoned: 39, captured: 209)
Rus crkuje, se svet raduje!
Russia - 3002, of which: destroyed: 1588, damaged: 47, abandoned: 244, captured: 1123
Tanks (521, of which destroyed: 263, damaged: 10, abandoned: 39, captured: 209)
Rus crkuje, se svet raduje!
blay44 ::
Je kaj novega v tretji ofenzivi?
Po netu se govori, da se hrabri bližajo 3000 kosom.
Pa da "Z" po uporabi postaja enakoverden svastiki.
Pa da so kadirovci v drugi vrsti in streljajo Ruse,
ki ne grejo v pravo smer, v hrbet. Kot v filmih o ww2.
Na prvi uč se mi zdi, da se fronta ne premika.
Vsaj Lyman, kot železniško križišče ni zavzet?
Me je že en prehitel z kosi :-)
Po netu se govori, da se hrabri bližajo 3000 kosom.
Pa da "Z" po uporabi postaja enakoverden svastiki.
Pa da so kadirovci v drugi vrsti in streljajo Ruse,
ki ne grejo v pravo smer, v hrbet. Kot v filmih o ww2.
Na prvi uč se mi zdi, da se fronta ne premika.
Vsaj Lyman, kot železniško križišče ni zavzet?
Me je že en prehitel z kosi :-)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: blay44 ()