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Ukrajina Part II

Ukrajina Part II

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korenje3 ::

endelin je izjavil:

A ni nekaj čudno. Bratski naciji Serbija
In Rusija sta poskrbeli za največjo morijo v Evropi po ww2. Prvi v 90ih, drugi danes. Naključje ali kompleksi?

sam mal. v bombardiranju jugoslavije iz strani nata je bilo več pobitih civilistov kot v ukrajini.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

jernejl ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

endelin je izjavil:

A ni nekaj čudno. Bratski naciji Serbija
In Rusija sta poskrbeli za največjo morijo v Evropi po ww2. Prvi v 90ih, drugi danes. Naključje ali kompleksi?

sam mal. v bombardiranju jugoslavije iz strani nata je bilo več pobitih civilistov kot v ukrajini.

V bombardiranju jugoslavije ni bilo civilnih žrtev, v ukrajini so torej v enem samem dnevu rusi ubili neskončnokrat več civilistov. Rusi so v ukrajini v enem dnevu ubili več civilistov kot jih je padlo v vseh NATOvih misijah skupaj.

Pac-Man ::

Sama po sebi dobra nit.

Pac-Man je izjavil:

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fikus_ ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Nato ukazuje Kitajski ker ni obsodila napada...

Kitajska se je v tem konfliktu izkazala kot ena posrana ubožica.
Od nekoga, ki hoče biti velika sila, se pričakuje, da se jasno izraža. Namesto tega, kitajska politika v tem konfliktu fura sedenje na obeh stolih, bojijo se enih in drugih.

PS: Sicer pa, če je pa Kitajcem kaj jasno po tej vojni, je to, da za napad na Tajvan v nobenem primeru ne smejo uporabiti padalcev. Oni ruski VDVjevci so jih dobili po pički za 100 let naprej.

Kitajska v tem konfliktu išče koristi za sebe, nič manj in nič več!
Od Rusov bodo dobili poceni energente in s tem povečali svoje dobičke od prodaje robe na zahod. Denar rabijo, ker imajo precej zapufan nepremičninski trg.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

sparklyslo ::

RT poroča, da so po natančnih analizah ugotovili, da so iz Belorusije v resnici Ukrajinci napadli sami sebe, preoblečeni v Ruske vojake. Tanke so prej v nočni akciji ukradli ruski vojski, samo niso vedeli, da dela samo vsak deseti. S tem so tudi pojasnili masaker v Buči in trupla ob cesti, ki so jih ze pred tedni zaznali ameriški sateliti.

Pac-Man ::

Tudi, bolj jasne razlage konflikta še nisem videl
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Notnow ::

endelin je izjavil:

Rusija je agresor, korenje:D en reality check

takes two to tango ;)

harvey ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

noben ne omenja photoshopa.

sicer pa posnetki prihajajo na plano, kot sem že rekel.


dajmo času še nekaj dni.

sicer jasno je da bo zahod spregledal ukrajinski pokol Ukrajincev, ker vsi vemo.. ko se gre proti Rusiji je dovoljeno vse.

Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.

Notnow ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tudi, bolj jasne razlage konflikta še nisem videl

Nč robe na twitterju?

Pac-Man ::

video, verjetno je samo čudežna leteča kupola. Zgleda pa kul.

A Russian T-72B tank was hit by a top attack munition in #Chernihiv Oblast, and decided to become one with the tarmac.

Notnow je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tudi, bolj jasne razlage konflikta še nisem videl

Nč robe na twitterju?

S te niti. Ne bo nobene škode, če jo prebereš.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Stikalo ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

video, verjetno je samo čudežna leteča kupola. Zgleda pa kul.

A Russian T-72B tank was hit by a top attack munition in #Chernihiv Oblast, and decided to become one with the tarmac.

Notnow je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tudi, bolj jasne razlage konflikta še nisem videl

Nč robe na twitterju?

S te niti. Ne bo nobene škode, če jo prebereš.


pomojem morajo imeti ruse plenice na riti ko vozijo te tanke. Ni čudno, da jih večino, če le more samo zbeži ven. Hahah. Pomisli, na vsake toliko časa samo tank eksplodira.

enemon ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

video, verjetno je samo čudežna leteča kupola. Zgleda pa kul.

A Russian T-72B tank was hit by a top attack munition in #Chernihiv Oblast, and decided to become one with the tarmac.

Notnow je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tudi, bolj jasne razlage konflikta še nisem videl

Nč robe na twitterju?

S te niti. Ne bo nobene škode, če jo prebereš.


Ok, danes imaš še 200 niti za poskenirat, a bo šlo?

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

video, verjetno je samo čudežna leteča kupola. Zgleda pa kul.

A Russian T-72B tank was hit by a top attack munition in #Chernihiv Oblast, and decided to become one with the tarmac.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

enemon ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

video, verjetno je samo čudežna leteča kupola. Zgleda pa kul.

A Russian T-72B tank was hit by a top attack munition in #Chernihiv Oblast, and decided to become one with the tarmac.

Še 199...

PrimoZ_ ::

Russia - 2449, of which: destroyed: 1240, damaged: 38, abandoned: 237, captured: 934

Tanks (425, of which destroyed: 201, damaged: 6, abandoned: 42, captured: 176)

Tank gori, Rus beži!

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Notnow ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

video, verjetno je samo čudežna leteča kupola. Zgleda pa kul.

A Russian T-72B tank was hit by a top attack munition in #Chernihiv Oblast, and decided to become one with the tarmac.

Notnow je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tudi, bolj jasne razlage konflikta še nisem videl

Nč robe na twitterju?

S te niti. Ne bo nobene škode, če jo prebereš.


Sem pa že res mislil da naj ti bo, bom eden tistih..no..bom tist edini ko bo prebral kaj ti postaš...sam,mal velik da mi bo en m-m-mario jemal toliko časa...
Kdo je ta mario? a je vreden da mi vzame čas?
kdo je mario?

PrimoZ_ je izjavil:

Russia - 2449, of which: destroyed: 1240, damaged: 38, abandoned: 237, captured: 934

Tanks (425, of which destroyed: 201, damaged: 6, abandoned: 42, captured: 176)

Tank gori, Rus beži!

Takes twu tu tangu ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Notnow ()

Pac-Man ::


'I saw a Russian soldier shoot my father dead in Bucha'

 Yuriy and his father, Ruslan, were trying to get humanitarian aid when a Russian soldier stopped them

Yuriy and his father, Ruslan, were trying to get humanitarian aid when a Russian soldier stopped them

At around 11:00 on 17 March, Yuriy Nechyporenko and his father, Ruslan, were cycling to Bucha's administration building where aid was being handed out. Electricity, gas and water had been cut, and essentials were in short supply in the town, one of the first to be occupied by Russian forces as they advanced on Ukraine's capital Kyiv.
Yuriy and his father hoped to pick up some medicine and food. Yuriy said a Russian soldier stopped him and his father on Tarasivska St. They immediately raised their hands.
Speaking to the BBC by phone alongside his mother, Alla, the 14-year-old gave his account of what happened next. "We told them that we weren't carrying any weapons and that we didn't pose any danger," he said.
"Then my father turned his head my way, and that's when he got shot… He was shot twice in the chest, right where the heart is. Then he fell."
At that point, the teenager said, the soldier shot him in his left hand and he fell too. While he was on the ground, he said, he was shot again, this time in the arm.


Yuriy said the soldier shot again, this time at his father's head. But Ruslan was already dead. "I had a small panic attack, lying there with my wounded arm underneath me. I saw that my hand was bleeding," he said.
It was only after a while, when the soldier went behind a tank, that Yuriy got up and ran, he said.
 Yuriy shows wounds that, he says, were caused by a Russian soldier in Bucha

Yuriy shows wounds that, he says, were caused by a Russian soldier in Bucha


A photograph of the partially covered body, taken by Alla and shared with the BBC, appears to confirm Yuriy's testimony. It shows a gunshot wound to the right side of the chest, near the heart.
Ruslan, a lawyer, was 49 when he was killed. He was "active in the community," Alla said. "He couldn't just sit in the shelter and wait. So, he was volunteering and helping people."
They buried him in the garden of the family home.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

dice7 ::

Otrok je bil sokriv

It tejks tu to tengo

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dice7 ()

Pac-Man ::

V Kostromi se je nekdo znesel nad Zjem. Preden je padel sta bila ob njem že dva policaja, CCTV:


V tvitu je uporabljen izraz zwastika. I'm stealing it.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

yansek ::

Vprašanje bi bilo ali je Evropa zmožna sama skrbeti za svojo varnost in imeti svojo lastno vojsko? Je to možno glede na zgodovinski kontekst kontinenta?

Jaz mislim, da imajo prav nekateri komentatorji ki pravijo, da se ravno preko Evrope in njenega hrbta spopadajo velike sile kot so ZDA in Rusija ter Kitajska.

In Evropa je zaradi tega poraženec.

Poslušam nekega predavatelja ki pravi, da je Scholz pred tem spopadom Zelenskenga nagovarjal naj se odpove NATU a je ta pod pritiski ZDA podlegel.

In od tega spopada naj bi po njegovem mnenju najdaljši konec potegnile ravno ZDA, Evropa pač ne.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: yansek ()

BlaY0 ::

yansek je izjavil:

Poslušam nekega predavatelja ki pravi, da je Scholz pred tem spopadom Zelenskenga nagovarjal naj se odpove NATU a je ta pod pritiski ZDA podlegel.

Ko se je to dogajalo, so imeli Rusi že določeno, da se bo v naslednjih parih dneh zgodilo priznanje ter invazija.

Mislim da je bilo to 18. ali 19. februarja...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: BlaY0 ()

gazibo ::

Pentagon can't independently confirm atrocities in Ukraine's Bucha, official says

Bajkica se ze pocas sesuva sama vase :)

enemon ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

V Kostromi se je nekdo znesel nad Zjem. Preden je padel sta bila ob njem že dva policaja, CCTV:


V tvitu je uporabljen izraz zwastika. I'm stealing it.

Greš jutri kaj ven, baje bo sonce in toplo?

stratosD ::


Najštevilčnejše veleposlaništvo v Sloveniji

Trenutno je sicer rusko veleposlaništvo daleč najštevilčnejše v Sloveniji, so na ministrstvu pojasnili za STA. Na njem deluje 41 diplomatov in administrativnega ter tehničnega osebja, kar je bistveno več kot npr. na veleposlaništvih ZDA in Kitajske.

Pozneje so na ministrstvu za STA tudi potrdili informacijo, da se bo število osebja zmanjšalo za 33 oseb, z 41 na vsega osem.

Zgleda da ne bo več najštevilčnejše veleposlaništvo v LJ - menda je v konvoju še nekaj prostih mest za Russkiy mir ...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: stratosD ()

BlaY0 ::

gazibo je izjavil:

Pentagon can't independently confirm atrocities in Ukraine's Bucha, official says

Bajkica se ze pocas sesuva sama vase :)

Zakaj bi Pentagon to sploh moral potrjevat? A zato, da bi potem ti lahko spet kričal: "We knew it, it's the ZOG conspiracy!"

In pa... a ni Reuters ZOG medij? Zakaj verjameš kar oni pišejo? To se nekako ne sklada s tvojim prepričanjem.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: BlaY0 ()

Pac-Man ::

kratek video tujih specialcev


They did a video.of my squad, here's a slice of it.
btw, this is the first time any of us okay'd to show our faces. She's our Medic.
She's a brave as #uck Norwegian woman.
Her nickname is "Shield Maiden"
I can tell you later why.

Ukrajinci so zgleda ponotranjili zahodno metodologijo in ima vsaka enota svojega medicinca, tudi ostali poznajo vsaj osnove.
Za Azov se iz vojne v Donbasu spomnim, da so reklamirali izobraževanje v to smer.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

endelin ::

Gazibo: ja, tudi v Mariupolu se je mesto samo zravnalo do zemlje. Troll harder

enemon ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

kratek video tujih specialcev


They did a video.of my squad, here's a slice of it.
btw, this is the first time any of us okay'd to show our faces. She's our Medic.
She's a brave as #uck Norwegian woman.
Her nickname is "Shield Maiden"
I can tell you later why.

Ukrajinci so zgleda ponotranjili zahodno metodologijo in ima vsaka enota svojega medicinca, tudi ostali poznajo vsaj osnove.
Za Azov se iz vojne v Donbasu spomnim, da so reklamirali izobraževanje v to smer.

Seveda se spomniš, ker Pac-Man ™ since 2014

sparklyslo ::

stratosD je izjavil:


Najštevilčnejše veleposlaništvo v Sloveniji

Trenutno je sicer rusko veleposlaništvo daleč najštevilčnejše v Sloveniji, so na ministrstvu pojasnili za STA. Na njem deluje 41 diplomatov in administrativnega ter tehničnega osebja, kar je bistveno več kot npr. na veleposlaništvih ZDA in Kitajske.

Pozneje so na ministrstvu za STA tudi potrdili informacijo, da se bo število osebja zmanjšalo za 33 oseb, z 41 na vsega osem.

Zgleda da ne bo več najštevilčnejše veleposlaništvo v LJ - menda je v konvoju še nekaj prostih mest za Russkiy mir ...

Pa to bi bilo res lepo, jih damo na Antonov in dodamo še teh 71 zaostalih slovenskih rusofilov. Pa direkt let nad Dombasom, Rusi menda znajo klatit takšna letala z bukom.

Pac-Man ::

stratosD je izjavil:


Najštevilčnejše veleposlaništvo v Sloveniji

Trenutno je sicer rusko veleposlaništvo daleč najštevilčnejše v Sloveniji, so na ministrstvu pojasnili za STA. Na njem deluje 41 diplomatov in administrativnega ter tehničnega osebja, kar je bistveno več kot npr. na veleposlaništvih ZDA in Kitajske.

Ruska veleposlaništva so skoraj povsod nekaj naj. Je treba nekam poskrit vse špijone.

Russian embassy in Dublin needs to be reduced to one man and his dog. Ridiculously big complex for c. 9000 Russians in Ireland and minimal trade.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

enemon ::

Ti pa za vsako stvar najdeš en twit, twitmojster.

Zdaj je dežurstvo na slo-tech, ker je RTV zaprt do 6. ure?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: enemon ()

Pac-Man ::

Kateryna Ukraintseva, priča



I didn’t see anybody get shot. The ones lying on Yablonskaya died as a result of random shooting. The ones who got away from Yablonskaya said it was hell. There was a panic.
At one point, Russian soldiers gave their dry rations to people in a basement, and then threw a grenade into the basement. That happened. I don’t have data about casualties from that story. During one of their “clean-up operations”, they were afraid to go into a dark basement in an apartment complex, so they threw a grenade in, just in case. By pure chance, nobody died.
I got the feeling there were different units dispersed throughout Bucha — they all behaved differently. The city centre got lucky — there was some kind of medical unit there. They even gave their diesel fuel to the hospital. Some of them didn’t want to fight.
But the ones who came in at the very beginning, when the occupation began, they were animals. A lot of people are missing. We don’t know what happened to them.
I was friends with one girl from Lesnaya Bucha. At some point, she sent me a photo of a dead body. They buried him themselves and left him next to his identification documents; I think the Russians chose him just because of the documents. His old ID, from 2005, said that he was an “adviser to the president”. Apparently, they noticed that phrase. He’s probably still identifiable, but that will come later.
I left because I started getting word that the Russian troops were searching for me. I needed to physically get out of there. I left, and three days later, they were in our home. I wouldn’t be of much use dead.

na povezavi je še kratek video Telegraphove dopisnice v Buči

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

MojaDežela ::

enemon ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Kateryna Ukraintseva, priča



I didn’t see anybody get shot. The ones lying on Yablonskaya died as a result of random shooting. The ones who got away from Yablonskaya said it was hell. There was a panic.
At one point, Russian soldiers gave their dry rations to people in a basement, and then threw a grenade into the basement. That happened. I don’t have data about casualties from that story. During one of their “clean-up operations”, they were afraid to go into a dark basement in an apartment complex, so they threw a grenade in, just in case. By pure chance, nobody died.
I got the feeling there were different units dispersed throughout Bucha — they all behaved differently. The city centre got lucky — there was some kind of medical unit there. They even gave their diesel fuel to the hospital. Some of them didn’t want to fight.
But the ones who came in at the very beginning, when the occupation began, they were animals. A lot of people are missing. We don’t know what happened to them.
I was friends with one girl from Lesnaya Bucha. At some point, she sent me a photo of a dead body. They buried him themselves and left him next to his identification documents; I think the Russians chose him just because of the documents. His old ID, from 2005, said that he was an “adviser to the president”. Apparently, they noticed that phrase. He’s probably still identifiable, but that will come later.
I left because I started getting word that the Russian troops were searching for me. I needed to physically get out of there. I left, and three days later, they were in our home. I wouldn’t be of much use dead.

na povezavi je še kratek video Telegraphove dopisnice v Buči


Točno ta video sem iskal, hvala ti.

MojaDežela ::

Pac-Man ::

Še ena priča, bil je deležen eksekucije ampak so zgrešili vitalne organe


I spoke to a survivor of Bucha summary shootings. He was only speaking to me because he had played dead on the concrete floor.
cel članek:

in to


It makes me so angry that people have to waste their time debunking Russian disinformation about their atrocities.
We know they're lying. They know we know.
Yet good people have to waste time analysing nonsense to deny our contrarians, grifters, and useful idiots ammunition.
Some poor Bellingcat volounteer having to look at dozens of mutilated bodies and write treatises on exsanguination because BigDickPepe437 is uncritically sharing a Russian MoD infographic about how the blood isn't clotted enough and also jet fuel can't melt steal beams.

enemon je izjavil:

Točno ta video sem iskal, hvala ti.

Raje povej koliko objav mi še manjka do norme.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Bulšit detektor mi pravi, da je fotka iz Sirije, ampak hitro iskanje na google & yandex images je ne najde.

Second foto - Mykolayiv.
A 3-year old Arina (with signs of rape) on top of her 17-years old sister Veronica.
Russia should be accountable for the genocide of Ukrainians #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

Ukrajinci so jo pokazali v videokolažu na VS ZN, tako da če niso naredili masovnega kiksa je zadeva ril dil. video:

Zelensky just presented an extremely gruesome video at the UN of lifeless bodies, charred and severed limbs and mass graves. Viewer warning:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

I came.


The Pentagon plans to order and send to Ukraine 10 of the newest model Switchblade drones armed with tank-busting warheads in addition to previously announced deliveries of a less powerful version, according to two people familiar with the decision.
The new Switchblade-600 weapons are part of $300 million in lethal military assistance announced by the Pentagon Friday night that will be contracted directly from industry instead of drawn from existing stocks, according to the people, who asked not to identified discussing the plan.


The White House said on March 16 that it was supplying 100 Switchblade drones as part of a $800 million package of weapons and gear taken from U.S. inventories. But those systems are the “series 300” versions: 3.3-pound (2.5kg) drones designed to attack personnel and light vehicles.
They can fly about six miles (10 kilometers) and loiter over a target roughly 15 minutes, according to a fact sheet produced by the manufacturer, AeroVironment Inc.


Cifra je sicer hecna, upam, da se izkažejo in sledijo nove dobave.
Mali znajo bit pa uporabni za radiranje cistern.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

stratosD ::

"Ukraine's Prosecutor General: Borodyanka has most victims among liberated cities in Kyiv Oblast"


tudi Saudi Gazette
"Kiev fears a civilian massacre at Borodyanka worse than Bucha"

endelin ::

Bogve kaj je šele v Mariupolu in predmestjih;((
Jebeni ruski klavci.


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Bulšit detektor mi pravi, da je fotka iz Sirije, ampak hitro iskanje na google & yandex images je ne najde.

Second foto - Mykolayiv.
A 3-year old Arina (with signs of rape) on top of her 17-years old sister Veronica.
Russia should be accountable for the genocide of Ukrainians #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

Ukrajinci so jo pokazali v videokolažu na VS ZN, tako da če niso naredili masovnega kiksa je zadeva ril dil. video:

Zelensky just presented an extremely gruesome video at the UN of lifeless bodies, charred and severed limbs and mass graves. Viewer warning:

Drugače, normalen človek tega ne bi snemal niti širil naprej. Poskrbel bi za dostojen pogreb.

stratosD ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

endelin je izjavil:

A ni nekaj čudno. Bratski naciji Serbija
In Rusija sta poskrbeli za največjo morijo v Evropi po ww2. Prvi v 90ih, drugi danes. Naključje ali kompleksi?

sam mal. v bombardiranju jugoslavije iz strani nata je bilo več pobitih civilistov kot v ukrajini.

to je pa zelo debela laž

Operacija Zavezni%C5%A1ka sila @ Wikipedia
skupaj z vojaki

Poročilo Human Rights Watch navaja oceno, »da je bilo v devetdesetih ločenih incidentih v Operaciji Zavezniška sila ubitih najmanj 489 in največ 528 civilistov«. Med žrtvami so bili tudi begunci. Med 278 in 317 (56 % - 60 % vseh ubitih) jih je bilo ubitih na Kosovu, medtem ko jih je v ostalih delih Srbije bilo 201 (od tega 5 v Vojvodini), v Črni gori pa 8. Skoraj dve tretjini vseh registriranih civilnih smrtnih žrtev izvira iz 12 incidentov, kjer je bilo potrjenih nad 10 mrtvih.[

Notnow ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ejga! A boš pvoedal, kdo je ta Mario?

Pac-Man ::

Notnow je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ejga! A boš pvoedal, kdo je ta Mario?

Ma Mario kot Mario, oštja. Jea mama skadila en špinel preveč, ko ga je oča delal, zdaj pa ubogi na duhu ne zna objavljat slik.

BRBR je izjavil:

Drugače, normalen človek tega ne bi snemal niti širil naprej. Poskrbel bi za dostojen pogreb.

Sem tudi sam razmišljal o tem, če sploh lepit trupla, morda dat samo povezavo, samo sem zelo hitro prišel do zaključka da pics or didn't happen.
Globalno je treba šokirat javnost v akcijo, tule je pa cel kup putinveršteherjev, ki jim zna tole vsaj malo obtežit dušo. Mogoče, če še niso povsem oprani.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Poldi112 ::

sparklyslo je izjavil:

Pa to bi bilo res lepo, jih damo na Antonov in dodamo še teh 71 zaostalih slovenskih rusofilov. Pa direkt let nad Dombasom, Rusi menda znajo klatit takšna letala z bukom.

To je verejtno edini način, da "zmagate" v debati brez argumenta?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

TezkoDihanje ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

To je verejtno edini način, da "zmagate" v debati brez argumenta?

Tvoj problem je v tem, da si zaostal.

"Without mobilization, the Russian Federation will not be able to win this war in any way"
The former commander of the "Donbass militia" Igor Strelkov-Girkin called for mobilization in Russia "to defeat Ukraine."

Zgodovina sprememb…

koyotee ::

The US also announces it will step up military aid by sending $100m in Javelin anti-tank missile systems to Ukraine

Juhuuuu, še se bojo cvrli ničvredni rusi 8-)
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

SmolWhale ::

koyotee je izjavil:

The US also announces it will step up military aid by sending $100m in Javelin anti-tank missile systems to Ukraine

Juhuuuu, še se bojo cvrli ničvredni rusi 8-)

Rasizem se tolerira, očitno

TezkoDihanje ::

koyotee je izjavil:

The US also announces it will step up military aid by sending $100m in Javelin anti-tank missile systems to Ukraine

Juhuuuu, še se bojo cvrli ničvredni rusi 8-)

upam da v upgrejdani obliki

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