Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

l0g1t3ch ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
WTF je to sploh? A je iz kakšnega mazohističnega porniča?
vaši heroji ne delu.
Pizda so prasci bolni tile rusi, da takole delajo z ljudmi.

mackilla ::

TezkoDihanje ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
WTF je to sploh? A je iz kakšnega mazohističnega porniča?
vaši heroji ne delu.
Oh, a res? Jaz vidim eno Ukrajinko, ki jo maltretirajo Rusi.

ripmork ::
Mariupol, Ukraine 🇺🇦 | 4K Drone Footage
Ampak naciji.
Kako lepa mesta izgledajo, dokler jih ne pridejo "rešit" Rusi...
Dresden, Hirošima, Nagasaki in zmagovalec na koncu Laos
Fallujah 2004.
Takrat ni bilo twitterja niti pakmana.
In to opravičuje Putina kako točno?

Voss ::
Russia no longer demanding Ukraine be 'denazified' in ceasefire talks, will allow Ukraine to join EU if it abandons NATO aspirations - FT

TezkoDihanje ::
ko iz filma
Azov. A direct hit from an RPG on a Russian tank during urban fighting in Mariupol. Beautiful
Azov. A direct hit from an RPG on a Russian tank during urban fighting in Mariupol. Beautiful

fur80 ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
ko iz filma
Azov. A direct hit from an RPG on a Russian tank during urban fighting in Mariupol. Beautiful
Naj se RPG ne bi aktiviral, preblizu naj bi bil! Bo naslednjič boljše! Ali pa je že bilo! :D

fur80 ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Bolj je fora v tem, da se tanki sami vozijo po mestu, brez supporta pešadije.
ČE Kadirovci nimajo časa, čakajo na lajke na TikToku imajo čajanke in piknike tam na varnem! So neka konkurenca Ronaldu in Kardašinji! ;) Kadirovcem vzameš TikTok se bodo sami obesili!
Poljaki še dajo Mige, pa bodo Rusi leteli!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Vitaly Kim: Should we use captured #Russian shells against the occupiers or not? Every third one doesn't explode anyway...
Vitaly Kim: Should we use captured #Russian shells against the occupiers or not? Every third one doesn't explode anyway...

p0f ::
Pizda so prasci bolni tile ukrajinci, da takole delajo z ljudmi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: p0f ()

fur80 ::

Pac-Man ::
Aerorozvidka Cel članek:
The drone operators who halted Russian convoy headed for Kyiv Cel članek:
The drone operators who halted Russian convoy headed for Kyiv
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PrimoZ_ ::
Aerorozvidka Cel članek:
The drone operators who halted Russian convoy headed for Kyiv
Najs :)

fur80 ::
EU, USA, Kitajska so imele plan oslabit (pobrat jima kar so si neupravičeno prilastili) Rusijo sedaj ali nikoli, da bo nižje inteligentni KGB-jevec Putkovič sedel na limance, sedaj po vojni bomo imeli zastonj plin, Ukrajinci še morajo malo vzdržat, če smo prej tanjkali za 1,5 bomo v 2023 za, 0,9EUR, samo VladarP ne ve plana, on si pa sedaj dela zaloge! :D Zato najnovejše orožje Ukrajini, Orban pa kupuje sedaj drago nafto na zalogo, bedak Madžarski! Rusi, da bodo imeli za hrano in predskrbljeno javno upravo bodo dali plin in nafto za male pare! Putkovič pa na vislice! Oligarhi pa na orgije na zahod! Ubogi ruski naborniki sploh ne vejo kaj jih še čaka! Ukrajina ima neomejeno orožja, testna faza šele pride, ruskoti pa še zadnje rezerve skupaj nabirajo, še malo pa jih bo Azerbedjan napdel!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: sirotka ()

PrimoZ_ ::
Ukrajinski heroji v tem kar najbolje znajo
To je fejk.
Glej piksle. Pa palme v ozadju
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

PrimoZ_ ::
China's yuan under pressure amid 'unprecedented' capital outflows following Russian invasion of Ukraine

fur80 ::
China's yuan under pressure amid 'unprecedented' capital outflows following Russian invasion of Ukraine
Rusi bi se radi šli igro, ki so jo izumili USA, mogoče bi še šlo, če bi bili pridni in delaven narod in bi sedaj Putkovič lastnoročno vodil Ruse po Ukrajini, tako pa je v bunkerju v Moskvi in mu morajo drugi pozikušat hrano, da ne bi bila zastrupljena!. Lenuh še nikoli ni zmagal! Ko bo Kitajec dal Putkoviču štrk okoli vratu, mu ne bo več pomoči, pa lahko VladarP tu skače do onemoglosti, in cena nafte in plina bo padla! Sicer pa cena plina in Putikotova aretacija je premo sorazmerna, tako da, če si želiš eno dobiš tudi drugo!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

p0f ::
z miško greš na ime oz. slikico, pa vidiš datum prve registracije, tako da si patetičen, se točno vidi, da trolaš, mogoče kdaj drugič ali kje drugje, ampak si smešen človek, petokolonaš :D
Ah se vedno mislis, da si kaj bolj pameten, ce z registracijo mahas okrog?



fur80 ::
z miško greš na ime oz. slikico, pa vidiš datum prve registracije, tako da si patetičen, se točno vidi, da trolaš, mogoče kdaj drugič ali kje drugje, ampak si smešen človek, petokolonaš :D
Ah se vedno mislis, da si kaj bolj pameten, ce z registracijo mahas okrog?Ti se vedno, da to ne pomeni, da imam jaz kaj manj prav ali ti kaj bolj?
Ne to, pravim, ti, da se vidi, kateri je original in kateri je ponaredek in ti si ponaredek in to je patetično, da se ti že na daleč vidi! :D Te je pa očaral, to se pa vidi, drugače pa ljudje z manjv samozavesti morajo imeti vzornika in ti si ga nešel! :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

FrRoSt ::
Noben človek ni otok, popolnoma sam zase; smrt slehernega človeka vzame
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.

Pac-Man ::
Bivši marinec, ki je zadnji mesec na fronti v Ukrajini.
This brought Jed to the second subject he wanted to discuss: Russian tactics and doctrine. He said he had spent much of the past few weeks in the trenches northwest of Kyiv. “The Russians have no imagination,” he said. “They would shell our positions, attack in large formations, and when their assaults failed, do it all over again. Meanwhile, the Ukrainians would raid the Russian lines in small groups night after night, wearing them down.” Jed’s observation echoed a conversation I’d had the day before with Andriy Zagorodnyuk. After Russia’s invasion of the Donbas in 2014, Zagorodnyuk oversaw a number of reforms to the Ukrainian military that are now bearing fruit, chief among them changes in Ukraine’s military doctrine; then, from 2019 to 2020, he served as minister of defense.
Russian doctrine relies on centralized command and control, while mission-style command and control—as the name suggests—relies on the individual initiative of every soldier, from the private to the general, not only to understand the mission but then to use their initiative to adapt to the exigencies of a chaotic and ever-changing battlefield in order to accomplish that mission. Although the Russian military has modernized under Vladimir Putin, it has never embraced the decentralized mission-style command-and-control structure that is the hallmark of NATO militaries, and that the Ukrainians have since adopted.
“The Russians don’t empower their soldiers,” Zagorodnyuk explained. “They tell their soldiers to go from Point A to Point B, and only when they get to Point B will they be told where to go next, and junior soldiers are rarely told the reason they are performing any task. This centralized command and control can work, but only when events go according to plan. When the plan doesn’t hold together, their centralized method collapses. No one can adapt, and you get things like 40-mile-long traffic jams outside Kyiv.”
The individual Russian soldier’s lack of knowledge corresponded with a story Jed told me, one that drove home the consequences of this lack of knowledge on the part of individual Russian soldiers. During a failed night assault on his trench, a group of Russian soldiers got lost in the nearby woods. “Eventually, they started calling out,” he said. “I couldn’t help it; I felt bad. They had no idea where to go.”
When I asked what happened to them, he returned a grim look.
This brought Jed to the second subject he wanted to discuss: Russian tactics and doctrine. He said he had spent much of the past few weeks in the trenches northwest of Kyiv. “The Russians have no imagination,” he said. “They would shell our positions, attack in large formations, and when their assaults failed, do it all over again. Meanwhile, the Ukrainians would raid the Russian lines in small groups night after night, wearing them down.” Jed’s observation echoed a conversation I’d had the day before with Andriy Zagorodnyuk. After Russia’s invasion of the Donbas in 2014, Zagorodnyuk oversaw a number of reforms to the Ukrainian military that are now bearing fruit, chief among them changes in Ukraine’s military doctrine; then, from 2019 to 2020, he served as minister of defense.
Russian doctrine relies on centralized command and control, while mission-style command and control—as the name suggests—relies on the individual initiative of every soldier, from the private to the general, not only to understand the mission but then to use their initiative to adapt to the exigencies of a chaotic and ever-changing battlefield in order to accomplish that mission. Although the Russian military has modernized under Vladimir Putin, it has never embraced the decentralized mission-style command-and-control structure that is the hallmark of NATO militaries, and that the Ukrainians have since adopted.
“The Russians don’t empower their soldiers,” Zagorodnyuk explained. “They tell their soldiers to go from Point A to Point B, and only when they get to Point B will they be told where to go next, and junior soldiers are rarely told the reason they are performing any task. This centralized command and control can work, but only when events go according to plan. When the plan doesn’t hold together, their centralized method collapses. No one can adapt, and you get things like 40-mile-long traffic jams outside Kyiv.”
The individual Russian soldier’s lack of knowledge corresponded with a story Jed told me, one that drove home the consequences of this lack of knowledge on the part of individual Russian soldiers. During a failed night assault on his trench, a group of Russian soldiers got lost in the nearby woods. “Eventually, they started calling out,” he said. “I couldn’t help it; I felt bad. They had no idea where to go.”
When I asked what happened to them, he returned a grim look.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

TezkoDihanje ::
Ukraine's counter-offensive made gains against the Russian invaders west of Kyiv on March 28th. Irpin was liberated. The Ukrainians gained control of the settlements of Motyzhyn, Lisne, Kapitanivka and Dmytrivka - pushing back the enemy to a 16km stretch of the M-06 highway.
A #Russian #DNR reconnaissance soldier explains that the situation in #Mariupol is difficult, and the Russians do not control 80% of the city as they advertise. Fighting is complex, and #Azov fighters are extremely crafty.
He even asks not to remove that part of the interview.
še prevod:
Ukraine's counter-offensive made gains against the Russian invaders west of Kyiv on March 28th. Irpin was liberated. The Ukrainians gained control of the settlements of Motyzhyn, Lisne, Kapitanivka and Dmytrivka - pushing back the enemy to a 16km stretch of the M-06 highway.
A #Russian #DNR reconnaissance soldier explains that the situation in #Mariupol is difficult, and the Russians do not control 80% of the city as they advertise. Fighting is complex, and #Azov fighters are extremely crafty.
He even asks not to remove that part of the interview.
še prevod:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

kow ::

sir_mha ::
Še mal o Srbiji, ker je na žalost ta zadeva povezana z Ukrajino. Dober prispevek novinarke, v kakšni godlji so Srbi, popolnoma zmedeni zaradi ruske državne propagande, ki je sedaj padla na podlago miloševićevih blodenj in osebnega sramu zarad zločinov, ki jih je storil vojska srbije po ozemljih juge.
There are few people in Serbia today who dare to express views publicly about Ukraine that differ from those heard from the loudest part of society. People hesitate to say that Ukrainians are innocent, that Ukraine is an independent country, that Russian President Vladimir Putin is not liberating but invading... People are scared to say that Russia is an aggressor, that what Ukrainians are going through now is worse than what Serbs went through in 1999, or Croats and Bosnians earlier in the 1990s.
After the war in Bosnia ended in 1996, the focus became the Albanian separatists in Kosovo. Milosevic earned the international reputation of 'Balkan butcher', for reasons that most Serbs still do not know and cannot accept -- for example, every time I talk to my mother about Srebrenica or Dubrovnik, she cries and begs me to stop talking nonsense.

s1m0n ::
To je to, ko v Rusiji sploh ne vedo kaj se v Ukrajini dogaja. Pol pa s to propagando Putin vodi neko svojo vojno proti nacistom, ki to ni.
Mečejo pa bombe na civiliste, mesta, vasi... Pa uporabljajo bombe, ki so no-go.
Mečejo pa bombe na civiliste, mesta, vasi... Pa uporabljajo bombe, ki so no-go.

TheBlueOne ::
Vedno vec je takih prispevkov iz terena. Pac brutalno kaj pocnejo. Mene bolj bega, da imas idiote v Sloveniji, ki 1:1 ponavljajo rusko propagando ali pa kazejo s prstom drugam v stilu "kaj pa to in ono".

cias ::
cias, pokazi graf za celo leto.![]()
Prilep sem kjer sem kupil. Rublji mi fino služijo, hvala moralneži.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cias ()

PrimoZ_ ::
Sankcije YES!
Super. Torej boš kmalu zbral dovolj za odhod?![]()
dejmo mu donirat :)
Tule si lahko odpre account:

cias ::

cias ::

PrimoZ_ ::
Super. Torej boš kmalu zbral dovolj za odhod?![]()
Grem na dopust v Indijo, zelo kmalu.
Se boste poptvjevci lahko malo odpočili od realnosti, edino tankat pa v trgovini bo bolelo, slotech pa bo varen hug box.
Bencin je 1,5€ - že prvi teden ste napovedovali da bo 3€... Smejem se vam v glavo

Za hrano sem šel gledat račune, zadnje 4 nakupe v dvotedenskih razmakih - računi praktično identični pa kupim za zvrhan voz robe... Smejem se vam v glavo

Rubelj pada že od leta 2008, po vsaki ruski pizdariji najprej strmo pade, potem se delno pobere (to se trenutno dogaja), nakar spet počasi pada dol... smejem se vam u glavo


Machete ::
Nekdo pa je precej na boljšem trenutno v Ukrajini. To so psi in njihovi puppsi. S tako velikimi trebuščki, od malicanja ruskih trupel, se še dolgo ne bodo več sprehajali.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

l0g1t3ch ::
Dobr gre Rublju...
Grafe poznam precej bolje od tebe. Kupil nisem 200 let nazaj, ste mi že cca40% prislužili v parih tednih.
Upam da boš prodal do časa

Kot kaže trend ob vsaki vojni rub globoko pade, potem okreva in čez čas spet počasi polzi navzdol. Trenutno smo v tistem obdobju okrevanja po začetnem strmoglavljenju.

cias ::

l0g1t3ch ::
Nekdo pa je precej na boljšem trenutno v Ukrajini. To so psi in njihovi puppsi. S tako velikimi trebuščki, od malicanja ruskih trupel, se še dolgo ne bodo več sprehajali.
A, to so specialni strenirani psi da jejo samo Ruse, reddit bataljonov in nacijev pa ne?
Jedo sam tiste, ki so crispy. Ruski oklepniki pa to :)