Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

PrimoZ_ ::
Roman Abramovich and two Ukraine peace negotiators 'suffered a suspected POISONING that caused the skin to peel off their faces after attending talks this month': Ex Chelsea boss also 'lost his sight for hours and was hospitalised in Turkey'
Roman Abramovich and two Ukraine peace negotiators 'suffered a suspected POISONING that caused the skin to peel off their faces after attending talks this month': Ex Chelsea boss also 'lost his sight for hours and was hospitalised in Turkey'

p0f ::
Roman Abramovich and two Ukraine peace negotiators 'suffered a suspected POISONING that caused the skin to peel off their faces after attending talks this month': Ex Chelsea boss also 'lost his sight for hours and was hospitalised in Turkey'
Evo, toliko pa sezejo slovenski primitivci na tem forumu, niti linka na navadno novico ne zna dati brez googla. Pa se to potem na fake news.

Zmajc ::
Roman Abramovich and two Ukraine peace negotiators 'suffered a suspected POISONING that caused the skin to peel off their faces after attending talks this month': Ex Chelsea boss also 'lost his sight for hours and was hospitalised in Turkey'
Mu je Putler poslal pozdrav.

l0g1t3ch ::
Ne fejkej nickov, ker si patetičen.
Ne cepetaj dojencek.
Ti fejkas mojega, tvoj je The_Impaler. Ali Natikovalec, ce ze hoces. Si pac cudno bitje.
Ti si zares moten osebek. Jaz imam samo ta nick in to že 15+ let.
Ne se metat po tleh in jokati cepetavcekPac rad zabijas ljudem kole v rit. Vse pove o tvoji mentaliteti.
Ti mi fejkaš nick, in me obtožuješ da sem kow.
Pač si ga pa vtakni v rit, kov namreč.

mackilla ::
Ugotovil sem kaj muči slovenske uporabnike 4chaina. Ujeti so v Evropski uniji in nimajo možnosti odhoda. Apeliram na vse uporabnike Slo-techa,da se zberejo donacije za karte v Rusijo. Ukrajinskim beguncem smo pripravljeni pomagati a domačemu človeku pa ne? Stremetski in podobni so ujetniki,kdo jim bo pomagal,če ne mi?

p0f ::
Ne fejkej nickov, ker si patetičen.
Ne cepetaj dojencek.
Ti fejkas mojega, tvoj je The_Impaler. Ali Natikovalec, ce ze hoces. Si pac cudno bitje.
Ti si zares moten osebek. Jaz imam samo ta nick in to že 15+ let.
Ne se metat po tleh in jokati cepetavcekPac rad zabijas ljudem kole v rit. Vse pove o tvoji mentaliteti.
Ti mi fejkaš nick, in me obtožuješ da sem kow.
Pač si ga pa vtakni v rit, kov namreč.
Ravnokar se bo zjokal...


Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Zmajc ()

PrimoZ_ ::
Ne fejkej nickov, ker si patetičen.
Ne cepetaj dojencek.
Ti fejkas mojega, tvoj je The_Impaler. Ali Natikovalec, ce ze hoces. Si pac cudno bitje.
Ti si zares moten osebek. Jaz imam samo ta nick in to že 15+ let.
Ne se metat po tleh in jokati cepetavcekPac rad zabijas ljudem kole v rit. Vse pove o tvoji mentaliteti.
Hoho, cepetavcek -vx-

A ti Siptarji še po mami in sestri skačejo


p0f ::
Ugotovil sem kaj muči slovenske uporabnike 4chaina. Ujeti so v Evropski uniji in nimajo možnosti odhoda. Apeliram na vse uporabnike Slo-techa,da se zberejo donacije za karte v Rusijo. Ukrajinskim beguncem smo pripravljeni pomagati a domačemu človeku pa ne? Stremetski in podobni so ujetniki,kdo jim bo pomagal,če ne mi?
Mhm, Kamcaktko za 1 mesec imam ze leta ogledano.


mackilla ::
Ugotovil sem kaj muči slovenske uporabnike 4chaina. Ujeti so v Evropski uniji in nimajo možnosti odhoda. Apeliram na vse uporabnike Slo-techa,da se zberejo donacije za karte v Rusijo. Ukrajinskim beguncem smo pripravljeni pomagati a domačemu človeku pa ne? Stremetski in podobni so ujetniki,kdo jim bo pomagal,če ne mi?
Mhm, Kamcaktko za 1 mesec imam ze leta ogledano.Cudovita narava brez slovenceljnov. Kaj ces lepsega, samo malo drago je zaradi helikopterskih prevozov.
Kaj je to tebi,ki imaš 3 jurje plače. Tu se gre za druge,ki niso takšne sreče.

PrimoZ_ ::
Ugotovil sem kaj muči slovenske uporabnike 4chaina. Ujeti so v Evropski uniji in nimajo možnosti odhoda. Apeliram na vse uporabnike Slo-techa,da se zberejo donacije za karte v Rusijo. Ukrajinskim beguncem smo pripravljeni pomagati a domačemu človeku pa ne? Stremetski in podobni so ujetniki,kdo jim bo pomagal,če ne mi?
Haha stremetski in -vx- reveža bi zapustila EU. Pa nimata prebite pare

Jaz jim častim letalsko karto za Rusijo, pa še goopti do Srbije.

p0f ::
Ugotovil sem kaj muči slovenske uporabnike 4chaina. Ujeti so v Evropski uniji in nimajo možnosti odhoda. Apeliram na vse uporabnike Slo-techa,da se zberejo donacije za karte v Rusijo. Ukrajinskim beguncem smo pripravljeni pomagati a domačemu človeku pa ne? Stremetski in podobni so ujetniki,kdo jim bo pomagal,če ne mi?
Mhm, Kamcaktko za 1 mesec imam ze leta ogledano.Cudovita narava brez slovenceljnov. Kaj ces lepsega, samo malo drago je zaradi helikopterskih prevozov.
Kaj je to tebi,ki imaš 3 jurje plače. Tu se gre za druge,ki niso takšne sreče.
Ta podatek mi je sicer tuj, ampak saj je vseeno imam dovolj.
Maaah, sami so si krivi, kaj pa zagovarjajo bullshit in scijejo sami sebi za vrat. Bojo pac drugic raje razmisljali ali bojo slepo navijali v svojo skodo ali zagovarjali lastne interese.

sir_mha ::
Ja, ruske bolnice so res problem. V Moskvi imjo eno ultra moderno. Če hočeš preživeti covid, moraš priti tja. Zdaj ... je težava, ker rešilec te lahko pelje v nekaj drugih urgentnih klinik. Se pa da zmenit s šoferjem, baje "storitev" stane 2k€.

PrimoZ_ ::
Russia - 2015, of which: destroyed: 1001, damaged: 38, abandoned: 232, captured: 744
Pa smo presegli 2000 kosov uničene ruske krame :D
Pa smo presegli 2000 kosov uničene ruske krame :D

p0f ::

p0f ::
Russia - 2015, of which: destroyed: 1001, damaged: 38, abandoned: 232, captured: 744
Pa smo presegli 2000 kosov uničene ruske krame :D
Seveda. Vir? In potrjen vir iz druge strani? Glede na to kako lazeta obe strani je treba obe podatka sesteti in deliti z dva, da vsaj za silo prides na realno stevilko. Saj ne verjames vsakemu bullshitu na internetu mar ne?

p0f ::
Tank gori, Rus beži!![]()
Da te malo izobrazim:
Ringa, ringa rajA,
muca pa nagajA,
kuža pa pritečE,
pa vse na tla pomečE.
A ves. Za otroke. Ker imajo mozgane se v razvoju.

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: p0f ()

PrimoZ_ ::
Resnica boli 

Evo vir.
Tank gori, sovrag cvrči.
Fake news.

Zmajc ::

tomlin ::
VladarP, ruska vojska pred našimi očmi propada moralno in fizično, ti pa rineš s svojim rusofilstvom in jugoslovanofilstvom z glavo skozi zid..daj strezni se!
Senior Russian commander kills himself after most of the tanks became unusable
Senior Russian commander kills himself after most of the tanks became unusable

p0f ::
Resnica boli
Evo vir.
Tank gori, sovrag cvrči.
Fake news.
Mene? Cetudi bi bilo res, so to tanki od neke drzave nekje v pm.
Boli kako se je celotno clovestvo podebililo.
In, da so pri celi zadevi Ukrajinci in Rusi tisti, bolj pametni.

Darkjaar ::
Ugotovil sem kaj muči slovenske uporabnike 4chaina. Ujeti so v Evropski uniji in nimajo možnosti odhoda. Apeliram na vse uporabnike Slo-techa,da se zberejo donacije za karte v Rusijo. Ukrajinskim beguncem smo pripravljeni pomagati a domačemu človeku pa ne? Stremetski in podobni so ujetniki,kdo jim bo pomagal,če ne mi?
Haha stremetski in -vx- reveža bi zapustila EU. Pa nimata prebite pare
Jaz jim častim letalsko karto za Rusijo, pa še goopti do Srbije.
Prepozno, jim Rusija zapira vrata.
Russia to bar people from a growing list of "unfriendly" nations as sanctions over Putin's Ukraine war bite

mackilla ::
Ugotovil sem kaj muči slovenske uporabnike 4chaina. Ujeti so v Evropski uniji in nimajo možnosti odhoda. Apeliram na vse uporabnike Slo-techa,da se zberejo donacije za karte v Rusijo. Ukrajinskim beguncem smo pripravljeni pomagati a domačemu človeku pa ne? Stremetski in podobni so ujetniki,kdo jim bo pomagal,če ne mi?
Haha stremetski in -vx- reveža bi zapustila EU. Pa nimata prebite pare
Jaz jim častim letalsko karto za Rusijo, pa še goopti do Srbije.
Prepozno, jim Rusija zapira vrata.
Russia to bar people from a growing list of "unfriendly" nations as sanctions over Putin's Ukraine war bite
Kaj pa zdaj? Zakaj niso prej povedali,da bi radi šli? Lahko bi se naredila kakšna akcija z zamaški ali podobno. Na 4chainu povejo kaj je problem tu med prijatelji so pa tiho.

p0f ::
Prepozno, jim Rusija zapira vrata.
Russia to bar people from a growing list of "unfriendly" nations as sanctions over Putin's Ukraine war bite
Vem ja, ni panike, JJa in desnice se znebimo iz vlade, pa se bojo nasi hitro uliznili Rusom, pac proglasimo JJa za norega (kar dejansko tudi je), pa bo Putin razumel.
Pa malo jim bomo spet z Rusko kapelco pihali na duso pa bo hitro vse ok.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: p0f ()

mackilla ::
Ugotovil sem kaj muči slovenske uporabnike 4chaina. Ujeti so v Evropski uniji in nimajo možnosti odhoda. Apeliram na vse uporabnike Slo-techa,da se zberejo donacije za karte v Rusijo. Ukrajinskim beguncem smo pripravljeni pomagati a domačemu človeku pa ne? Stremetski in podobni so ujetniki,kdo jim bo pomagal,če ne mi?
Mhm, Kamcaktko za 1 mesec imam ze leta ogledano.Cudovita narava brez slovenceljnov. Kaj ces lepsega, samo malo drago je zaradi helikopterskih prevozov.
Kaj je to tebi,ki imaš 3 jurje plače. Tu se gre za druge,ki niso takšne sreče.
Ta podatek mi je sicer tuj, ampak saj je vseeno imam dovolj.
Maaah, sami so si krivi, kaj pa zagovarjajo bullshit in scijejo sami sebi za vrat. Bojo pac drugic raje razmisljali ali bojo slepo navijali v svojo skodo ali zagovarjali lastne interese.
Ne hoditi tja. Sodelavca sta delala v Rusiji,če umreš pozimi te še pokopati ne morejo,ker je zemlja zamrznjena. Bila sta nekje v polarnem krogu in je tako depresivno,da so Rusi celo zimo pijani.
Prepozno, jim Rusija zapira vrata.
Russia to bar people from a growing list of "unfriendly" nations as sanctions over Putin's Ukraine war bite
Vem ja, ni panike, JJa in desnice se znebimo iz vlade, pa se bojo nasi hitro uliznili Rusom, pac proglasimo JJa za norega (kar dejansko tudi je), pa bo Putin razumel.
Pa malo jim bomo spet z Rusko kapelco pihali na duso pa bo hitro vse ok.
Ti si pa naiven. Kdor koli bo izvoljen bo peljal sankcije naprej.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()

PrimoZ_ ::
Prepozno, jim Rusija zapira vrata.
Russia to bar people from a growing list of "unfriendly" nations as sanctions over Putin's Ukraine war bite
Vem ja, ni panike, JJa in desnice se znebimo iz vlade, pa se bojo nasi hitro uliznili Rusom, pac proglasimo JJa za norega (kar dejansko tudi je), pa bo Putin razumel.
Pa malo jim bomo spet z Rusko kapelco pihali na duso pa bo hitro vse ok.
Ne ne, ne bo tak enostavno.
Putin pravi da ste petokolonaši.

p0f ::
Ne hoditi tja. Sodelavca sta delala v Rusiji,če umreš pozimi te še pokopati ne morejo,ker je zemlja zamrznjena. Bila sta nekje v polarnem krogu in je tako depresivno,da so Rusi celo zimo pijani.
Te ne rabijo pokopati ker v Sibiriji pozimi caj zmrzne ko ga vrzes v zrak, pa seveda bi sel na Kamcatko pomladi. Najvecje sranje so pa sicer komarji in ostali mrces.
Rusija je lepa drzava, je kar veliko za videti, pa se oci si clovek spocije od domacih zagovednezev.

sir_mha ::
Opsala. Nova taktika Ukrajincev. Serijska detonacija eksplozivnih naprav ob prehodu kolone vozil. To so pa že napredne diverzantske akcije.

PrimoZ_ ::
Opsala. Nova taktika Ukrajincev. Serijska detonacija eksplozivnih naprav ob prehodu kolone vozil. To so pa že napredne diverzantske akcije.
Tank gori, Rus beži!

p0f ::
Opsala. Nova taktika Ukrajincev. Serijska detonacija eksplozivnih naprav ob prehodu kolone vozil. To so pa že napredne diverzantske akcije.
To ni nova taktika, ISIS in islamski teroristi so jo uporabljal se od Ruske okupacije Afganistana (ja, to je takrat, ko so podpirali Talibane, tako kot zdaj naciste - me zanima ali jim bo spet razneslo v dvojc... glavo)

PrimoZ_ ::
Opsala. Nova taktika Ukrajincev. Serijska detonacija eksplozivnih naprav ob prehodu kolone vozil. To so pa že napredne diverzantske akcije.
To ni nova taktika, ISIS in islamski teroristi so jo uporabljal se od Ruske okupacije Afganistana (ja, to je takrat, ko so podpirali Talibane, tako kot zdaj naciste - me zanima ali jim bo spet razneslo v dvojc... glavo)
Rusi so vedno okupatorji!
Tank gori, sovrag cvrči!

TezkoDihanje ::
Opsala. Nova taktika Ukrajincev. Serijska detonacija eksplozivnih naprav ob prehodu kolone vozil. To so pa že napredne diverzantske akcije.
yup, začel so postavljat IED-je.
Je blo na twitter accountih že zadnji teden, da je bilo nekaj uspešnih akcij.

p0f ::

PrimoZ_ ::
Tank gori, Rus beži!
Nasujmo peska v kolesje ruske mašinerije!¨
Nasujmo peska v kolesje ruske mašinerije!¨
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

sir_mha ::
Že več pričevanj je bilo, da Rusi z nabornik iz Donetsk&Luhansk področja ne delajo dosti drugače, kot z ujetniki. Najprej jih zaprejo v taborišče, potem pa enkrat dobijo prevoz in direkt na prvo črto fronte. Eni so se sedaj še posnel, ko se pritožujejo, da so samo hrana za topove.
Pretty amazing footage of young conscripts from the Donetsk "People's Republic" complaining that they have been sent to Ukraine's Sumy region as cannon fodder

PrimoZ_ ::

TezkoDihanje ::
Kadirovci že spet napadajo prazno stavbo
Kadyrov's Tiktok troops bravely fight with an empty building
In the video you can clearly hear the cameraman shouting "Come on, come on, let's start, I'm shooting," and the Chechen soldiers, looking into the camera, run to shoot at the destroyed house.
Anonymous posted an order from a Russian general
In the document, General Bulgakov is concerned about the #Russian military surrendering en masse and refusing to fight. He ordered to develop and distribute a series of videos demonstrating the inhumane behavior of the #AFU.

Kadyrov's Tiktok troops bravely fight with an empty building
In the video you can clearly hear the cameraman shouting "Come on, come on, let's start, I'm shooting," and the Chechen soldiers, looking into the camera, run to shoot at the destroyed house.
Anonymous posted an order from a Russian general
In the document, General Bulgakov is concerned about the #Russian military surrendering en masse and refusing to fight. He ordered to develop and distribute a series of videos demonstrating the inhumane behavior of the #AFU.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

Pac-Man ::
vojaški zgodovinar, ex-NSA, tam zadnji teden
OP: Either has been hacked or someone there got the leaked numbers and posted them.
c: If the data's accurate -- no idea if it is yet -- a KIA:WIA ratio of 1:1.6 hasn't been seen in developed militaries in the modern age. Yes, 21C weapons are highly lethal, but also the RU MoD medical system has collapsed...if true.
The Russian military seems to have regressed a century-plus in Ukraine. Even in 1914, the Imperial Russian Army was adept at deploying forward recon detachments (then, mostly Cossacks) to scout out the front, looking for the enemy's weakpoints.
No more.
Ukraine 'Doing a Fantastic Job' of Blocking Russian Reconnaissance, Top Marine Says
Looking at Ukraine, remember that 2 reasonably modern, mechanized armies haven't duked it out in a serious way since Israel vs Syria in Lebanon in 1982.
Gulf War 1991 was 1-sided in Omdurman fashion while the USA's 9/11 Wars were down-punching goatherders compared to Ukraine now.
Putin assures us it's totally a coincidence that his invasion of Ukraine fell on the birthday of one of his favorite saints, who just happens to be the patron of Russia's strategic nuclear forces.
Feel better yet?
Only in Russia does your winningest admiral, your Lord Nelson, retire from the navy to become an Orthodox monk (and later, saint).
Putin invaded Ukraine on his birthday. Totes normal. This war is totally about NATO expansion or something.
Moscow first attacked the US falsely over biowarfare during that Korean War more than 70 years ago. Here are some lessons learned.
OP: Ukraine claims that another Russian general was been killed: Lt. Gen. Yakov Ryazantsev, at an airbase near Kherson (according to presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych). If confirmed, this would be at least the 5th Russian general killed in Ukraine.
c: Rezantsev was a GenLt (2-star) and CG of 49th CAA. This is a big deal. ZSU targeting of RU combat leaders, including multiple GOs, seems suspiciously adept. I wonder where they're getting all that accurate, time-sensitive ISR from...
Look at all the happy faces.. look at Gerasimov.. Not going so well I guess. video:
Milošević & Gaddhafi were two-bit tyrants running small countries the USA could push around at will.
Putin has the world's biggest nuclear arsenal. He fears US-backed regime change.
You want Russian use of WMD, this is how you get it.
Dear Twitter:
Stop obsessing about 1938-40. Everything isn't Munich, forever.
Think a lot more about 1914 and the July Crisis -- but with nuclear weapons.
OP: If that's true, Mark, then the walkbacks and clarifications and the leaks about surprising his own staff are the real crime here. I think he blurted out what was in his heart and then his crew had to clean it up. Otherwise, he blew up all the messaging on this trip for nothing.
c: See, Tom, the gang that had no idea Kabul would fall have suddenly become so smart & Machiavellian they devised a cunning, 78-step chess move to fool the Kremlin. It includes SECSTATE & Amb to NATO cutting POTUS messaging off at the knees. #TrustThePlan
OP: How sad that Putin has convinced you to live in such fear of him.
c: Got a great one for you, @RadioFreeTom. How SAD! that anybody would be afraid of an angry, moody Chekist who has ca 5K nuclear warheads in his back pocket and a doctrine amplifying their use to "descalate" a conflict.
Twitter is the Fyre Festival of serious discussions.
"Let's just do it and be legends, man" is not a recommended guide to dealing with potentially nuclear confrontation.
But those sweet clicks....
OP: Either has been hacked or someone there got the leaked numbers and posted them.
c: If the data's accurate -- no idea if it is yet -- a KIA:WIA ratio of 1:1.6 hasn't been seen in developed militaries in the modern age. Yes, 21C weapons are highly lethal, but also the RU MoD medical system has collapsed...if true.
The Russian military seems to have regressed a century-plus in Ukraine. Even in 1914, the Imperial Russian Army was adept at deploying forward recon detachments (then, mostly Cossacks) to scout out the front, looking for the enemy's weakpoints.
No more.
Ukraine 'Doing a Fantastic Job' of Blocking Russian Reconnaissance, Top Marine Says
Looking at Ukraine, remember that 2 reasonably modern, mechanized armies haven't duked it out in a serious way since Israel vs Syria in Lebanon in 1982.
Gulf War 1991 was 1-sided in Omdurman fashion while the USA's 9/11 Wars were down-punching goatherders compared to Ukraine now.
Putin assures us it's totally a coincidence that his invasion of Ukraine fell on the birthday of one of his favorite saints, who just happens to be the patron of Russia's strategic nuclear forces.
Feel better yet?
Only in Russia does your winningest admiral, your Lord Nelson, retire from the navy to become an Orthodox monk (and later, saint).
Putin invaded Ukraine on his birthday. Totes normal. This war is totally about NATO expansion or something.
Moscow first attacked the US falsely over biowarfare during that Korean War more than 70 years ago. Here are some lessons learned.
OP: Ukraine claims that another Russian general was been killed: Lt. Gen. Yakov Ryazantsev, at an airbase near Kherson (according to presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych). If confirmed, this would be at least the 5th Russian general killed in Ukraine.
c: Rezantsev was a GenLt (2-star) and CG of 49th CAA. This is a big deal. ZSU targeting of RU combat leaders, including multiple GOs, seems suspiciously adept. I wonder where they're getting all that accurate, time-sensitive ISR from...
Look at all the happy faces.. look at Gerasimov.. Not going so well I guess. video:
Milošević & Gaddhafi were two-bit tyrants running small countries the USA could push around at will.
Putin has the world's biggest nuclear arsenal. He fears US-backed regime change.
You want Russian use of WMD, this is how you get it.
Dear Twitter:
Stop obsessing about 1938-40. Everything isn't Munich, forever.
Think a lot more about 1914 and the July Crisis -- but with nuclear weapons.
OP: If that's true, Mark, then the walkbacks and clarifications and the leaks about surprising his own staff are the real crime here. I think he blurted out what was in his heart and then his crew had to clean it up. Otherwise, he blew up all the messaging on this trip for nothing.
c: See, Tom, the gang that had no idea Kabul would fall have suddenly become so smart & Machiavellian they devised a cunning, 78-step chess move to fool the Kremlin. It includes SECSTATE & Amb to NATO cutting POTUS messaging off at the knees. #TrustThePlan
OP: How sad that Putin has convinced you to live in such fear of him.
c: Got a great one for you, @RadioFreeTom. How SAD! that anybody would be afraid of an angry, moody Chekist who has ca 5K nuclear warheads in his back pocket and a doctrine amplifying their use to "descalate" a conflict.
Twitter is the Fyre Festival of serious discussions.
"Let's just do it and be legends, man" is not a recommended guide to dealing with potentially nuclear confrontation.
But those sweet clicks....
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

TezkoDihanje ::
Pretty amazing footage of young conscripts from the Donetsk "People's Republic" complaining that they have been sent to Ukraine's Sumy region as cannon fodder
Pretty amazing footage of young conscripts from the Donetsk "People's Republic" complaining that they have been sent to Ukraine's Sumy region as cannon fodder

PrimoZ_ ::
Da ne pozabimo kaka pička lažnjiva je cias in kako misli da smo vsi ostali neumni, da nas bo vodil na limanice z očitnimi ponaredki.
Pozabljate da Rusi zelo hitro ustajajo od mrtvih.
O glej ga prasca lažnjivega...
Lepi pofejkane slike iz 4chana, čeprav v minutki lahko preveš kaj so zares objavili.