Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
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ripmork ::
In kaj želiš od nas? Da obsodimo to? Jaz obsojam to početje, to je vojni zločin, mi je pa logično, da ljudje postanejo sadisti, ko ti okupator uniči dom in pobije najbližje.
Tole na posnetku se nebi zgodilo, če bi bili lepo doma v Rusiji. Da ne govorimo o tem, da na posnetku ni nobenega dokaza za koga se gre.
Točno tako.

cias ::
Katar pravi, da EU ne bo mogel dostaviti toliko plina, da bi lahko zaprli NS1 iz Ru,
ampak bo za to potrebno več let.
Btw, lpg tankerje dela bolj malo podjetij in sicer v Japonsk, Kitajski in Južni Koreji.
Grejem se na sonce, #notmyproblem

Fritz ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Takšni prizori bodo imeli posledice za vse ujetnike. Tudi ukrajinske.
Da ni to morebiti posledica Čečenskega izživljanja nad ukrajinskimi zajetimi v Mariupolu nekaj dni nazaj.
Morda nisem videl a se ne spomnim, da bi Čečenci na posnetkih streljali v ujetnike. Lahko pokažeš kje so počeli kaj takšnega?
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Spat Kamil Galejev z masivno nitjo. Zelo temeljito postavi tezo, da bo Ruska federacija razpadla, ker bodo lokalni guvernerji pod težo sankcij začeli skrbet za svoje riti. Zanimiv je tudi segment o Čubajsu, ampak za povezavo s Sputnik & Pogrom v ang najdem samo tale tvit
Curious to note that Anatoly Chubais, architect & scapegoat of 1990s privatization, was developing in a patriotic direction over the past decade, decrying blindly applying American models to Russia and even pushing the nationalist magazine Sputnik & Pogrom on his moneyed friends.
Priporočam branje cele niti, tam so tudi videi z angleškimi podnapisi, sicer je tule povzetek
Še posebej to velja za vse, ki mislijo lajat. V povzetku izpuščam zakaj in se osredotočam na zato.
How sanctions are killing Russia?
Russia's falling. Old sanctions of 2014 sabotaged development of new innovative weaponry.
New sanctions of 2022 are undermining Russian military efforts, destroying its technological chains and communications lines, thus breaking country apart
End of Russia - that's what is on the table right now. Consider this talk show of Solovyov - top Putin's propagandist.
Their point is - *any* treaty Russia signs with Ukraine will mark its defeat. That gonna be beginning of the end, not of Putin's regime but of Russian state [video]
Medinsky, Putin's negotiator in Ukraine, claims that "the very existence of Russia is on stake now".
Well, then the question arises - how did these guys put Russia on stake? Is it compulsive gambling disorder or what? Well, they were sure of Russian victory. We have absolute military superiority and can easily crush Ukraine. We may not invade, but if we do, we'll 100% win.
This was based on assumption about the invincibility of Russian army. Compare vibe of Russian TV in late February and now [video]
Many talk of Serdyukov's military reforms. However, efficiency-maxer Serdyukov made interest groups angry and was fired.
His successor Shoygu was a court-maxer and PR-maxer more interested in building his personality cult than the army.
His flatterers even portray him as Subedei ...
On February 26 Wagner mercenary debunked a myth of "real combat experience" Russian army got in Syria.
Aviation got a real experience, air defense too. But the land troops didn't.
Those who expect a victorious march through Ukraine are wrong. Ukraine got much stronger since 2015 [video]
Other Russian military sources which I'm not gonna quote even argued that Syrian experience was negative for Russian army.
For example, much of their role was convoying Syrian and Irani supply caravans through a flar desert where it's difficult to set up an ambush unnoticed
In Syria Russians learnt that convoying caravans is easy. Now they try to repeat this Syrian experience in Ukraine.
Being used to convoying caravans through desert, they now convoy them through forests or residential areas.
There they get into ambushes and are exterminated
Putin launched a war, expecting an immediate victory. Russian propaganda leaflets literally boasted that Kyiv gonna be captured in one day.
Yes, that's propaganda. But it reflected a widespread Russian conviction that Ukrainians wouldn't resist ...
That's why smarter ones of the Russian elite are already trying to get off the sinking ship.
Here is Chubays cashing out at an ATM in an Istanbul airport.
Chubays is *the* major architect of modern Russia and he's running away In 1990s a St Petersburg liberal economist Chubays designed Russian privatization.
He purposefully organised it in a most shady and non-transparent way to quickly create lots of rich people owing everything to the regime.
That's how oligarchs fortunes were created By the late 1990s crony "systemic liberals" like Chubays got tired of democracy. They didn't want parliamentarian, didn't want public politics.
They wanted a Tsar who'll defend them from the public opinion (which hated them). So they chose Putin and boosted him out of nothing In 2010s Chubays turned to Russian ethnonationalism.
He funded nationalist media such as "Sputnik and Pogrom" who advocated building the "Russia for Russians" in these borders.
Chubays is personally responsible for building oligarchy, Putinism and jingoist delusions in Russia There is hardly any other living person who bears so much responsibility for what is happening in Russia now than Chubays.
He created oligarchy, promoted Putin to power, boosted Russian ethnonationalism.
He was all powerful and now he ran away. Because he knows Russia is over
Well, Chubays made a good decision - run while you still can.
MPs from the United Russia ruling party already can't leave the country without permission.
Only smarter ones who escaped before the prohibition are now safe abroad, like Milonov. Others are trapped in Moscow Now let's finally outline a scenario of collapse. First, sanctions will destroy its technological and supply chains. Many believe in self-sufficiency of Russia. But Russia is not autarkic.
It's not an evil empire but a Trade Federation totally dependent on technological import
Machinery is the first victim of sanctions. It's using foreign components on all levels from microchips to bearings. Thus sanctions are destroying:
1. Military industry
2. Transport and communication lines
3. Production of consumer goods
Thus they're breaing Russia apart
Sanctions won't make Putin back off. They won't make Russian people rebel. That'd be a collective action of a huge scale which isn't gonna happen.
They will undermine Russian military efforts and incentivize a much smaller scale, easier to do collective action - local separatism
Now let's think in higher orders. People trying to stock as much as possible is indeed exacerbating the existing deficit.
But the thing is - regions and towns *are doing the same*. It's not individuals stocking sugar that will kill Russia, it's that governors are doing the same When we think about Russian state we are usually operating in dichotomy Putin vs People. Will people support their leader? Will they rebel?
They won't but it's irrelevant. The state is not homogenous. Putin can ignore sanctions but his subordinates can't Yes, the core electorate of Putin, is standing by their President and will stand by the end. Putin is sacred, they're not gonna blame him for anything.
Whom they're gonna blame for their problems, for the lack of food? A corrupt mayor and governor of course
I am not joking. Lots of Putin's supporters are fully supporting Z-invasion. They're also already suffering from the economic problems.
Whom they're gonna blame? The governor, that corrupt scum, guilty of everything. Putin is sacred but governor is not
This Russian political culture makes position of regional authorities unbearable. Putin is sacred, innocent, unaccountable.
That's the local authority who's responsible for the quality of life. The life quality is deteriorating because of Putin, but governor will be blamed. Now what they're gonna do?
Some are trying to encourage return to subsistence farming. Sounds good, doesn't work. Indeed, in the past Russians survived economic crises via their dachas and private gardens.
But that culture is gone. Boomers are the last generation who could do it ...
Russian economic situation is awful. It's a catastrophe which local authorities will be blamed for. What they're gonna do? Stock up. Stock as much as possible.
That's already happening. Stavropol doesn't have sugar shortage. Why? They don't allow exporting it to other regions That will be the major factor of Russian collapse. It's not that regional authorities will suddenly declare independence. They won't, at least for now.
It's that they will act in the best interest of their regions. Because if a catastrophe happens there, they'll be blamed for it.
In acting in the best interest of their regions under the deficit of literally everything they'll inevitably stock up, thus breaking supply lines and technological chains.
With the communication lines deteriorating due to sanctions it will be easier and easier to do.
Russia won't fall because of collective morally justified action. It's cohesion will be broken by its own officials aiming to avoid catastrophe in their own region.
That will be a de facto economic separatism, political one will come much later.
In discussing the collapse of Russia and rise of separatist states on its ruins, many focus on ethnic conflicts and identity politics. That's not completely wrong.
I'll argue however that the main drivers of collapse will be geographic and socio economic.
The best benchmark for Russian collapse isn't Yugoslavia or Austro Hungary. It's a fall of Spanish Colonial Empire with all of its creoles vs peninsulares divisions.
Russia is much more of a Latin American country politics, economy, culture wise than many think.
Curious to note that Anatoly Chubais, architect & scapegoat of 1990s privatization, was developing in a patriotic direction over the past decade, decrying blindly applying American models to Russia and even pushing the nationalist magazine Sputnik & Pogrom on his moneyed friends.
Priporočam branje cele niti, tam so tudi videi z angleškimi podnapisi, sicer je tule povzetek
Še posebej to velja za vse, ki mislijo lajat. V povzetku izpuščam zakaj in se osredotočam na zato.
How sanctions are killing Russia?
Russia's falling. Old sanctions of 2014 sabotaged development of new innovative weaponry.
New sanctions of 2022 are undermining Russian military efforts, destroying its technological chains and communications lines, thus breaking country apart
End of Russia - that's what is on the table right now. Consider this talk show of Solovyov - top Putin's propagandist.
Their point is - *any* treaty Russia signs with Ukraine will mark its defeat. That gonna be beginning of the end, not of Putin's regime but of Russian state [video]
Medinsky, Putin's negotiator in Ukraine, claims that "the very existence of Russia is on stake now".
Well, then the question arises - how did these guys put Russia on stake? Is it compulsive gambling disorder or what? Well, they were sure of Russian victory. We have absolute military superiority and can easily crush Ukraine. We may not invade, but if we do, we'll 100% win.
This was based on assumption about the invincibility of Russian army. Compare vibe of Russian TV in late February and now [video]
Many talk of Serdyukov's military reforms. However, efficiency-maxer Serdyukov made interest groups angry and was fired.
His successor Shoygu was a court-maxer and PR-maxer more interested in building his personality cult than the army.
His flatterers even portray him as Subedei ...
On February 26 Wagner mercenary debunked a myth of "real combat experience" Russian army got in Syria.
Aviation got a real experience, air defense too. But the land troops didn't.
Those who expect a victorious march through Ukraine are wrong. Ukraine got much stronger since 2015 [video]
Other Russian military sources which I'm not gonna quote even argued that Syrian experience was negative for Russian army.
For example, much of their role was convoying Syrian and Irani supply caravans through a flar desert where it's difficult to set up an ambush unnoticed
In Syria Russians learnt that convoying caravans is easy. Now they try to repeat this Syrian experience in Ukraine.
Being used to convoying caravans through desert, they now convoy them through forests or residential areas.
There they get into ambushes and are exterminated
Putin launched a war, expecting an immediate victory. Russian propaganda leaflets literally boasted that Kyiv gonna be captured in one day.
Yes, that's propaganda. But it reflected a widespread Russian conviction that Ukrainians wouldn't resist ...
That's why smarter ones of the Russian elite are already trying to get off the sinking ship.
Here is Chubays cashing out at an ATM in an Istanbul airport.
Chubays is *the* major architect of modern Russia and he's running away In 1990s a St Petersburg liberal economist Chubays designed Russian privatization.
He purposefully organised it in a most shady and non-transparent way to quickly create lots of rich people owing everything to the regime.
That's how oligarchs fortunes were created By the late 1990s crony "systemic liberals" like Chubays got tired of democracy. They didn't want parliamentarian, didn't want public politics.
They wanted a Tsar who'll defend them from the public opinion (which hated them). So they chose Putin and boosted him out of nothing In 2010s Chubays turned to Russian ethnonationalism.
He funded nationalist media such as "Sputnik and Pogrom" who advocated building the "Russia for Russians" in these borders.
Chubays is personally responsible for building oligarchy, Putinism and jingoist delusions in Russia There is hardly any other living person who bears so much responsibility for what is happening in Russia now than Chubays.
He created oligarchy, promoted Putin to power, boosted Russian ethnonationalism.
He was all powerful and now he ran away. Because he knows Russia is over
Well, Chubays made a good decision - run while you still can.
MPs from the United Russia ruling party already can't leave the country without permission.
Only smarter ones who escaped before the prohibition are now safe abroad, like Milonov. Others are trapped in Moscow Now let's finally outline a scenario of collapse. First, sanctions will destroy its technological and supply chains. Many believe in self-sufficiency of Russia. But Russia is not autarkic.
It's not an evil empire but a Trade Federation totally dependent on technological import
Machinery is the first victim of sanctions. It's using foreign components on all levels from microchips to bearings. Thus sanctions are destroying:
1. Military industry
2. Transport and communication lines
3. Production of consumer goods
Thus they're breaing Russia apart
Sanctions won't make Putin back off. They won't make Russian people rebel. That'd be a collective action of a huge scale which isn't gonna happen.
They will undermine Russian military efforts and incentivize a much smaller scale, easier to do collective action - local separatism
Now let's think in higher orders. People trying to stock as much as possible is indeed exacerbating the existing deficit.
But the thing is - regions and towns *are doing the same*. It's not individuals stocking sugar that will kill Russia, it's that governors are doing the same When we think about Russian state we are usually operating in dichotomy Putin vs People. Will people support their leader? Will they rebel?
They won't but it's irrelevant. The state is not homogenous. Putin can ignore sanctions but his subordinates can't Yes, the core electorate of Putin, is standing by their President and will stand by the end. Putin is sacred, they're not gonna blame him for anything.
Whom they're gonna blame for their problems, for the lack of food? A corrupt mayor and governor of course
I am not joking. Lots of Putin's supporters are fully supporting Z-invasion. They're also already suffering from the economic problems.
Whom they're gonna blame? The governor, that corrupt scum, guilty of everything. Putin is sacred but governor is not
This Russian political culture makes position of regional authorities unbearable. Putin is sacred, innocent, unaccountable.
That's the local authority who's responsible for the quality of life. The life quality is deteriorating because of Putin, but governor will be blamed. Now what they're gonna do?
Some are trying to encourage return to subsistence farming. Sounds good, doesn't work. Indeed, in the past Russians survived economic crises via their dachas and private gardens.
But that culture is gone. Boomers are the last generation who could do it ...
Russian economic situation is awful. It's a catastrophe which local authorities will be blamed for. What they're gonna do? Stock up. Stock as much as possible.
That's already happening. Stavropol doesn't have sugar shortage. Why? They don't allow exporting it to other regions That will be the major factor of Russian collapse. It's not that regional authorities will suddenly declare independence. They won't, at least for now.
It's that they will act in the best interest of their regions. Because if a catastrophe happens there, they'll be blamed for it.
In acting in the best interest of their regions under the deficit of literally everything they'll inevitably stock up, thus breaking supply lines and technological chains.
With the communication lines deteriorating due to sanctions it will be easier and easier to do.
Russia won't fall because of collective morally justified action. It's cohesion will be broken by its own officials aiming to avoid catastrophe in their own region.
That will be a de facto economic separatism, political one will come much later.
In discussing the collapse of Russia and rise of separatist states on its ruins, many focus on ethnic conflicts and identity politics. That's not completely wrong.
I'll argue however that the main drivers of collapse will be geographic and socio economic.
The best benchmark for Russian collapse isn't Yugoslavia or Austro Hungary. It's a fall of Spanish Colonial Empire with all of its creoles vs peninsulares divisions.
Russia is much more of a Latin American country politics, economy, culture wise than many think.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

sbawe64 ::
Hvala pekmen, da vsakodnevno pospamaš temo z neskončno dolgimi tviti, ki jih nihče ne bere.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order

mackilla ::

korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

sbawe64 ::
Včasih (šest let nazaj) smo brali takšne članke o Ukrajini...
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

l0g1t3ch ::
Eh, mora biti en za protiutež tistim 5im trolom, ki vsaj 3x na dan vsak posebaj nalimajo novico o vsaki pasji procesiji, ki naj bi dokazovala da je zahod pogublen.
Pod črto je pa stvar taka da:
- najprej so se delali norca da je zahod paranoičen in da Rusi ne bodo napadli -> rusi so napadli in oni so izpadli bebci
- potem so bile zgodbice kako bo rusija povozila ukrajino v nekaj urah, dneh ali največ tednu -> trenutno je 31 dn vojne in že zadnje dva tedna je vse skupaj obstalo
Tak da, jaz bi prej stavil na konkretno štalo v Rusiji, kot poraz UA ali štalo v EU.
Pod črto je pa stvar taka da:
- najprej so se delali norca da je zahod paranoičen in da Rusi ne bodo napadli -> rusi so napadli in oni so izpadli bebci
- potem so bile zgodbice kako bo rusija povozila ukrajino v nekaj urah, dneh ali največ tednu -> trenutno je 31 dn vojne in že zadnje dva tedna je vse skupaj obstalo
Tak da, jaz bi prej stavil na konkretno štalo v Rusiji, kot poraz UA ali štalo v EU.

Pac-Man ::
Kadri tudi iz notranjosti kabine na Smerču. Sicer dolgčas, škatla z mizo.
Ukrainian Smerch at work
Ukrainian Smerch at work
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

sbawe64 ::
Ugledni bolgarski general Dimitar Šivikov je izjavil, da je kapitulacija Ukrajine samo vprašanje časa in da nima smisla, da jim pošiljajo orožje.
Tudi predsednik Bolgarije Radev je jasno povedal, da se nimajo namena boriti proti Rusiji.
Izjavi sta dvignili precej prahu v NATO, kjer je Bolgarija članica.
Tudi predsednik Bolgarije Radev je jasno povedal, da se nimajo namena boriti proti Rusiji.
Izjavi sta dvignili precej prahu v NATO, kjer je Bolgarija članica.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order

sbawe64 ::
Zakaj Zelenski grozi, da bo Rusija napadla tudi sosednje države in zakaj hoče še več orožja, letala, tanke, če pa je po njegovih trditvah Rusom že včeraj zmanjkalo hrane in goriva, so demoralizirani in jih ukrajinske sile sedaj silovito potiskajo nazaj proti ruskim mejam? Kako naj umikajoča se in demoralizirana vojska, ki je brez hrane in goriva, sploh še komu predstavlja grožnjo? Še celo naš Marjan Šarec je boljši igralec od njega.
Zelenski poziva Poljsko, naj pošlje bojna letala
Ukrajinski predsednik Volodimir Zelenski je ponovno pozval Poljsko, naj Ukrajini pošlje bojna letala in tanke. Na videokonferenci s poljskim predsednikom Andrzejem Dudo je opozoril, da bo ruska vojska ogrozila tudi sosede Ukrajine, ki so članice Nata.
Če partnerji Ukrajine ne bodo pomagali s tanki in letali, "potem obstaja velika nevarnost, da bo ruska vojska z raketami ogrozila ne le ozemlja naših sosed - Poljske, Slovaške, Madžarske, Romunije in baltskih držav, ampak bo to predstavljalo splošno vojaško grožnjo", je pozno v soboto na svoji spletni strani sporočil Zelenski.
Zelenski poziva Poljsko, naj pošlje bojna letala
Ukrajinski predsednik Volodimir Zelenski je ponovno pozval Poljsko, naj Ukrajini pošlje bojna letala in tanke. Na videokonferenci s poljskim predsednikom Andrzejem Dudo je opozoril, da bo ruska vojska ogrozila tudi sosede Ukrajine, ki so članice Nata.
Če partnerji Ukrajine ne bodo pomagali s tanki in letali, "potem obstaja velika nevarnost, da bo ruska vojska z raketami ogrozila ne le ozemlja naših sosed - Poljske, Slovaške, Madžarske, Romunije in baltskih držav, ampak bo to predstavljalo splošno vojaško grožnjo", je pozno v soboto na svoji spletni strani sporočil Zelenski.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

Pac-Man ::
A tele vojne zločine ste že objavili:
Higgins jih je
Medtem njegovi glavni kritiki pri The Grayzone furajo interferenco ob ruskih/sirskih zločinih.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

sbawe64 ::
Druga stran MSM
What "exploits" of Ukrainian Nazis are silenced by Western propaganda
What "exploits" of Ukrainian Nazis are silenced by Western propaganda
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order

sbawe64 ::
Realno in racionalno po končani vojni
Kaj dobi Rusija:
- vecjo samostojnost v svojem gospodarskem sektorju brez nadaljnega vmešavanja zahoda
- polovico demilitarizirane Ukrajine
- nova tržna in produkcijska področja
- cel Donecki bazen (rudniki)
- Krim dobi po 10ih letih priključek na vodo
- pred svojim pragom ne bo imela raket dolgega dosega
Kaj dobijo ZDA:
- orožarska industrija dela spet s polno paro konkretno eksport v Ukrajino
- orožarska industrija katere izdelke so članice Nata dolžne kupiti, se bo v prihodnjih 20. letih dobesedno utapljala v profitu
- uspel je veliki met: Evropa bo (drag) plin kupovala pri Američanih
In kaksen je izkupiček EUja po naših 'velesankcijah'?
- dražji energenti in dražja energija (tako ruski kot ameriški plin)
- nestabilnost in nihanje gospodarstva
- dražja hrana
- inflacija
- stalni strah od 'Rusov'
- razkol v družbi
- izdatno povečevanje stroškov za oboroževanje
Kaj dobi Ukrajina? (vprašanje je retoricno)
'Nikoli nismo bili bolj enotni kot sedaj' nam bo se dolgo odzvanjalo v glavi...
Kaj dobi Rusija:
- vecjo samostojnost v svojem gospodarskem sektorju brez nadaljnega vmešavanja zahoda
- polovico demilitarizirane Ukrajine
- nova tržna in produkcijska področja
- cel Donecki bazen (rudniki)
- Krim dobi po 10ih letih priključek na vodo
- pred svojim pragom ne bo imela raket dolgega dosega
Kaj dobijo ZDA:
- orožarska industrija dela spet s polno paro konkretno eksport v Ukrajino
- orožarska industrija katere izdelke so članice Nata dolžne kupiti, se bo v prihodnjih 20. letih dobesedno utapljala v profitu
- uspel je veliki met: Evropa bo (drag) plin kupovala pri Američanih
In kaksen je izkupiček EUja po naših 'velesankcijah'?
- dražji energenti in dražja energija (tako ruski kot ameriški plin)
- nestabilnost in nihanje gospodarstva
- dražja hrana
- inflacija
- stalni strah od 'Rusov'
- razkol v družbi
- izdatno povečevanje stroškov za oboroževanje
Kaj dobi Ukrajina? (vprašanje je retoricno)
'Nikoli nismo bili bolj enotni kot sedaj' nam bo se dolgo odzvanjalo v glavi...
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

Pac-Man ::
Druga stran MSM
What "exploits" of Ukrainian Nazis are silenced by Western propaganda
Glej, veliko Homo Sovieticusov ni zanesljivih poročevalcev, sploh če vidijo samo padajoče granate.
Imajo neke vrste Stockholmski sindrom in enostavno ne morejo sprocesirat, da bi jim Rus storil kaj žalega.
Inverzna indoktrinacija kot v ZDA s komunisti, morda analog bagri, ki voli za republikance.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

koyotee ::
Realno in racionalno po končani vojni
Kaj dobi Rusija:
- vecjo samostojnost v svojem gospodarskem sektorju brez nadaljnega vmešavanja zahoda
- polovico demilitarizirane Ukrajine
- nova tržna in produkcijska področja
- cel Donecki bazen (rudniki)
- Krim dobi po 10ih letih priključek na vodo
- pred svojim pragom ne bo imela raket dolgega dosega
Kaj dobijo ZDA:
- orožarska industrija dela spet s polno paro konkretno eksport v Ukrajino
- orožarska industrija katere izdelke so članice Nata dolžne kupiti, se bo v prihodnjih 20. letih dobesedno utapljala v profitu
- uspel je veliki met: Evropa bo (drag) plin kupovala pri Američanih
In kaksen je izkupiček EUja po naših 'velesankcijah'?
- dražji energenti in dražja energija (tako ruski kot ameriški plin)
- nestabilnost in nihanje gospodarstva
- dražja hrana
- inflacija
- stalni strah od 'Rusov'
- razkol v družbi
- izdatno povečevanje stroškov za oboroževanje
Kaj dobi Ukrajina? (vprašanje je retoricno)
'Nikoli nismo bili bolj enotni kot sedaj' nam bo se dolgo odzvanjalo v glavi...
Kaj to si imel mokre sanje sredi belega dneva?

Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Pac-Man ::
Realno in racionalno po končani vojni
Kaj dobi Rusija:
- vecjo samostojnost v svojem gospodarskem sektorju brez nadaljnega vmešavanja zahoda
- polovico demilitarizirane Ukrajine
- nova tržna in produkcijska področja
- cel Donecki bazen (rudniki)
- Krim dobi po 10ih letih priključek na vodo
- pred svojim pragom ne bo imela raket dolgega dosega
Let's start with military industry. Counterintuitive it may sound, it is *especially* import dependent. Why? Well, because it's relatively complex. For example, it is the main consumer of precision manufacturing industrial machines in Russia - buying over 80% of these machines Annexation of Crimea was a major blow on Russian military industry.
As Sverdlovsk Oblast minister of industry Sergey Perestorin admitted, Ural plants, including tank producing ones, started having problems with components supply immediately after 2014.
Thus new types of Russian weaponry, for example, the Armata tank were never mass produced. Mass production was supposed to commence in 2015 but in 2022 it still didn't, because of the sanctions.
Electronic components import, transmissions import, everything sopped after Crimean There's another aspect of the problem. It seems Russia lost many technological competences and capacities it used to have under the USSR.
In the USSR a job of engineer was prestigous and highly paid. Military engineers were kings. But now they're losers with no respect or salary As a result construction bureaus and engineering institutions didn't get new competent engineers.
Some would come after a college but than had to leave, because they had to feed their families.
Average age of an engineer in tank industry is now around 55-60 years
That means that while old engineers were dying and retiring, too few capable youngsters came to learn from them.
So many competences of old engineers died with them. As then deputy minister of defense Makarov pointed out Russia lost Soviet technologies of producing a tank barrel
No wonder that all the production on Uralvagonzavod, the only producer of tanks in Russia, is now stopped. Old sanctions introduced in 2014 didn't allow to develop new innovative tanks.
New sanctions of 2022 don't allow to build any tanks at all Russian military industry is fully reliant on Western equipment and components. Consider Motovilihinskie Zavody - the major producer of MLRS and artillety systems in Russia.
As you see, they are using a turn-mill industrial machine of an Italian company Tacchi Giacomo e Figli SpA ...
See this order of Yekaterinburg police. Policemen are not allowed to use their foreign produced cars anymorebecause under the sanction regime they can't re repaired. There are no components for that Another victim is the railways. Russia switched its railroad cars production from the roller bearings to the cassette bearings.
That's more efficient, but all 3 cassette bearing producing plants in Russia are both foreign owned and import dependent. Railways gonna have problems The railways are the main carcass keeping the country together. Unlike North America they are crucially important not only for transporting goods, but also the people.
Most of Russian autoroutes are horrible. It's the railways that connect this country. Soon they'll be disrupted Russian airlines are disrupting right now. Russia isn't getting new components for its Boeings and Airbuses, won't be able to maintain them.
That's why Pobeda airline for example gonna reduce its fleet by 40%. There are so few details that you can't keep all the planes working Yes, Russia has its own aircraft industry. But the aircraft factories are working on foreign components, too.
Rostov aircraft plant closed for the lack of import, so Russian-produced Ан-24 and Ан-26 planes gonna be impossible to repair. They'll function for 5-6 months the most Consider this interview where a minister and his aides aides discussing that they won't be able to repair the stolen planes abroad. Yeah, they'll try to do it in Russia.
Good luck repairing them with the import of components stopped [video]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

AtaŠtumf ::
Spat Kamil Galejev z masivno nitjo. Zelo temeljito postavi tezo, da bo Ruska federacija razpadla, ker bodo lokalni guvernerji pod težo sankcij začeli skrbet za svoje riti. Zanimiv je tudi segment o Čubajsu, ampak za povezavo s Sputnik & Pogrom v ang najdem samo tale tvit
Fake news Pac-Man po dolgem času spet objavi neko zadevo, ki jo eni opozarjamo od začetka vojne naprej.
Kaj je bolje, da imamo enega zmešanega Putlerja z atomsko bombo, ali pa 100 bedakov, ki bodo imeli dostop do atomske bombe v primeru razpade ruske federacije?
Seveda, ker nekaterim warmongerjem ni všeč, da zagovarjamo čimprjšnjo prekinitev vojne, sem zato označen za požiralca ruskega dreka.
Jutri, ko bodo pa polne gatke današnjih warmongerjev, ker bo nevarnost, da en bedak od stotih sproži atomsko bomobo nad našo prelepo deželico, bo pa jok in stok spet!

Fritz ::
Spat Kamil Galejev z masivno nitjo. Zelo temeljito postavi tezo, da bo Ruska federacija razpadla, ker bodo lokalni guvernerji pod težo sankcij začeli skrbet za svoje riti. Zanimiv je tudi segment o Čubajsu, ampak za povezavo s Sputnik & Pogrom v ang najdem samo tale tvit
Mokre sanje ZDA, ki bodo ostale samo sanje.
In a broad new policy statement that is in its final drafting stage, the Defense Department asserts that America's political and military mission in the post-cold-war era will be to insure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territory of the former Soviet Union.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Geho ::
kršenje genevske kovencije
Ej trol kje so fabrke čipov? Drgač pa ruskoti so rekl, da to ni vojna, torej ni nobenih pravil, so samo ruskoti nelegalno na tujem ozemlju, kjer delajo sranje... Če se ruskoti ne držijo ničesar, potem se tudi Ukrajincem ni treba. SImple kot pasulj, zdaj pa dovolj za danes z drogami, pa pejt raje kaj drugega bolj pametnga delat.

Fritz ::
A tele vojne zločine ste že objavili:
Higgins jih je
Medtem njegovi glavni kritiki pri The Grayzone furajo interferenco ob ruskih/sirskih zločinih.
Higgins je objavil nekaj, kar je objavilo morje drugih virov. Včasih objavi tudi kakšno resnično, če ne gre drugače. Interferenca, ki joomenjaš je namenjena false-flagom, ki so jih delali sirski glavorezci pod navodili MI6.
Recimo, Ukrajina, ki po njihovi propagandi zmaguje na vseh frontah, ves čas prosi NATO za intervencijo (ker zmagujejo, kaj bi šele bilo, če bi izgubljali). Nakar Biden reče, da bo morebitni kemični napad Rusije razlog za intervencijo. Ali Ukrajinci sedaj nimajo motiva, da naredijo točno to in obtožijo Ruse? No, popolnoma enako je bilo v Siriji.
kršenje genevske kovencije
Ej trol kje so fabrke čipov? Drgač pa ruskoti so rekl, da to ni vojna, torej ni nobenih pravil, so samo ruskoti nelegalno na tujem ozemlju, kjer delajo sranje... Če se ruskoti ne držijo ničesar, potem se tudi Ukrajincem ni treba. SImple kot pasulj, zdaj pa dovolj za danes z drogami, pa pejt raje kaj drugega bolj pametnga delat.
Te zadeve se ti hitro odbijejo v glavo. Rusi se bodo sedaj bolj zagrizeno borili in težje predajali, ker vedo, kaj jih čaka.
Drugače pa so to dobili, ker niso porušili in zavzeli mesto Sumi, temveč so šli okrog in ga zavarovali z drugorazrednimi rezervnimi enotami LNR/DPR. Morda bodo pri naslednjem podobnem primeru mesto raje podrli in zavzeli.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()

Pac-Man ::
Za Putlerja je največja država v Evropi samo regija ruskega imperija, tako da je na kocki precej več kot l. 1938 s Sudeti.
Enkrat ga moramo nekako ustavit, zdaj smo na žalost zabluzili 8 let.
Zaenkrat to za nas delajo Ukrajinci, mi jim moramo samo pomagati.
Kaj je bolje, da imamo enega zmešanega Hitlerja z wermachtom, ali pa 100 bedakov, ki bodo imeli dostop do vojske v primeru razpade 3. rajha?
Seveda, ker nekaterim warmongerjem ni všeč, da zagovarjamo čimprjšnjo prekinitev vojne, sem zato označen za požiralca nacističnega dreka.
Jutri, ko bodo pa polne gatke današnjih warmongerjev, ker bo nevarnost, da en bedak od stotih pošlje vojsko na našo prelepo deželico, bo pa jok in stok spet!
Za Putlerja je največja država v Evropi samo regija ruskega imperija, tako da je na kocki precej več kot l. 1938 s Sudeti.
Enkrat ga moramo nekako ustavit, zdaj smo na žalost zabluzili 8 let.
Zaenkrat to za nas delajo Ukrajinci, mi jim moramo samo pomagati.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

MadMicka ::
Fritz, tebi niso jasne osnove. Če Rusija ni zmogla dosedaj vzpostaviti zračno nadvlado v Ukrajini, potem je Rusija v vojaškem smislu papirnati tiger. Če ne bi imeli jedrskega orožja, bi bila na nivoju tretjega sveta. Edina rešitev vojne v Ukrajini je padec Putina. In potem razvoj Rusije v proevropskem smislu.

korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Fritz ::
Fritz, tebi niso jasne osnove. Če Rusija ni zmogla dosedaj vzpostaviti zračno nadvlado v Ukrajini, potem je Rusija v vojaškem smislu papirnati tiger. Če ne bi imeli jedrskega orožja, bi bila na nivoju tretjega sveta. Edina rešitev vojne v Ukrajini je padec Putina. In potem razvoj Rusije v proevropskem smislu.
Hočeš reči, da Rusija nima zračne nadvlade nad Ukrajino? Napačna izhodišča -> napačni zaključki.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Zmajc ::
Fritz, tebi niso jasne osnove. Če Rusija ni zmogla dosedaj vzpostaviti zračno nadvlado v Ukrajini, potem je Rusija v vojaškem smislu papirnati tiger. Če ne bi imeli jedrskega orožja, bi bila na nivoju tretjega sveta. Edina rešitev vojne v Ukrajini je padec Putina. In potem razvoj Rusije v proevropskem smislu.
In najbolj žalostno je to, da ta pro-rusko/anti-nato usmerjen človek dela v generalštabu slovenske vojske.
Hočeš reči, da Rusija nima zračne nadvlade nad Ukrajino? Napačna izhodišča -> napačni zaključki.
Ne, nima je, rakete izstreljene iz letal na območjih sosednjih državi ne pomenijo "zračno nadvlado v Ukrajini". Tudi helikopteji/letala jim cepajo na tla po tekočem traku.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()

Voss ::

korenje3 ::
Ukrajina je imela cca 250 S-300 sistemov in kakih 500 buk raket in ne vem koliko druge še zračne obrambe. Ukrajina je 4. ali 5. država na svetu z največ protizračne obrambe.
Sej je bilo lepo povedano kaj je cilj operacije.
Sicer pa bomo vidl potem ko bo donbass osvobojen, takrat pridejo na vrsto pogajanja putin-zelensky.
Če ta pogajanja padejo mislim da bo Rusija dala v višjo prestavo.
še zadnja mapa:
To je vse kar je zmožna ta kvazi vojaška velesila po mesecu bojev?
Sej je bilo lepo povedano kaj je cilj operacije.
Sicer pa bomo vidl potem ko bo donbass osvobojen, takrat pridejo na vrsto pogajanja putin-zelensky.
Če ta pogajanja padejo mislim da bo Rusija dala v višjo prestavo.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: korenje3 ()

Voss ::
V višjo prestavo? S čim? Kemičnim napadom? Tactical nuke?
Zbudi se iz sanj.
Zbudi se iz sanj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

korenje3 ::
V višjo prestavo? S čim? Kemičnim napadom? Tactical nuke?
Zbudi se iz sanj.
Ne kapiraš da rusija uporablja samo 6% svojih vojaških zmogljivosti?
sicer zadnji teden so poslali še nekaj ekstra ma mejo. Še zmeraj pod 10%.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Voss ::

korenje3 ::
Bomo videl čez 1 mesec.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Zmajc ::
V višjo prestavo? S čim? Kemičnim napadom? Tactical nuke?
Zbudi se iz sanj.
Ne kapiraš da rusija uporablja samo 6% svojih vojaških zmogljivosti?
sicer zadnji teden so poslali še nekaj ekstra ma mejo. Še zmeraj pod 10%.
Če so jim razbili najbolje usposobljen del vojske kaj misliš da bojo naredili z rezervisti in WW2 tanki ki jih imajo v naftalinu?

korenje3 ::
V višjo prestavo? S čim? Kemičnim napadom? Tactical nuke?
Zbudi se iz sanj.
Ne kapiraš da rusija uporablja samo 6% svojih vojaških zmogljivosti?
sicer zadnji teden so poslali še nekaj ekstra ma mejo. Še zmeraj pod 10%.
Če so jim razbili najbolje usposobljen del vojske kaj misliš da bojo naredili z rezervisti in WW2 tanki ki jih imajo v naftalinu?
več kot 100k je plačancev. Rusija ima cca 80k od svoje 290k profesionalne kopenske vojske na bojišču.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Voss ::

Fritz ::
še zadnja mapa:
To je vse kar je zmožna ta kvazi vojaška velesila po mesecu bojev?
Lej, to je tam odokativno za ene 8-10 Slovenij površine. Ampak bistvo ni osvajanje teritorija temveč uničenje nasprotnikove vojske.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

korenje3 ::
Bomo videl čez 1 mesec.
Bomo videli. Jaz pravim da bo stanje podobno kot zdaj ali slabše za Rusijo. To je trenutno največji vojaški polom napadalca po Vietnamu.
ah kje. Rusi so priznali 1500 mrtvih. Verjetno so šteli samo profesionalne vojake. Skupaj s plačanci kakih 4000 mrtvih. Še zmeraj zanemarljiva številka.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Voss ::
še zadnja mapa:
To je vse kar je zmožna ta kvazi vojaška velesila po mesecu bojev?
Lej, to je tam odokativno za ene 8-10 Slovenij površine. Ampak bistvo ni osvajanje teritorija temveč uničenje nasprotnikove vojske.
So what? Koliko mest so zasedli? Še tisto kar zasedejo Ukrajinci s proti ofenzivami v veliki meri zasedejo nazaj. In ti delaš v vojski? In to celo na nekem položaju? Shit...

Zmajc ::
več kot 100k je plačancev. Rusija ima cca 80k od svoje 290k profesionalne kopenske vojske na bojišču.
Vodja Wagner grupe je v intervjuju na TV lepo povedal da Ruska pehota nima praktično nobenih bojnih izkušenj na pravih bojiščih, ker so večino vojn dobili z zračnimi silami in raketiranjem od daleč. Rekel je tudi da Ruska vojska kot je v tem momentu ni sposobna zmagati v Ukrajini.

Voss ::
Bomo videl čez 1 mesec.
Bomo videli. Jaz pravim da bo stanje podobno kot zdaj ali slabše za Rusijo. To je trenutno največji vojaški polom napadalca po Vietnamu.
ah kje. Rusi so priznali 1500 mrtvih. Verjetno so šteli samo profesionalne vojake. Skupaj s plačanci kakih 4000 mrtvih. Še zmeraj zanemarljiva številka.
Mrtvih je nekje tam vmes kot pravi ZDA in Ukrajina. 6-7k + kakih 10k onesposobljenih za boj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

korenje3 ::
lol. še en azov komandir. Po moje bi moral dobit metek v koleno tako kot to delajo ukrajinci. ali pa metek v čelo.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()

mackilla ::
Fritz, tebi niso jasne osnove. Če Rusija ni zmogla dosedaj vzpostaviti zračno nadvlado v Ukrajini, potem je Rusija v vojaškem smislu papirnati tiger. Če ne bi imeli jedrskega orožja, bi bila na nivoju tretjega sveta. Edina rešitev vojne v Ukrajini je padec Putina. In potem razvoj Rusije v proevropskem smislu.
In najbolj žalostno je to, da ta pro-rusko/anti-nato usmerjen človek dela v generalštabu slovenske vojske.
Kdo dela v generalštabu slovenske vojske?
Hočeš reči, da Rusija nima zračne nadvlade nad Ukrajino? Napačna izhodišča -> napačni zaključki.
Ne, nima je, rakete izstreljene iz letal na območjih sosednjih državi ne pomenijo "zračno nadvlado v Ukrajini". Tudi helikopteji/letala jim cepajo na tla po tekočem traku.

sir_mha ::
A tele vojne zločine ste že objavili:
Higgins jih je
Medtem njegovi glavni kritiki pri The Grayzone furajo interferenco ob ruskih/sirskih zločinih.
Možno je da so zajeti rusi topničarji okoli Kharkiva. Za njih so že javno prej obljubljal poseben tretma. Tega seveda ne moremo zagovarjat, je pa sedaj bolj jasno, ker ti, ki so streljali, so verjetno že vsi izgubili kakšne bližnje sorodnike.

korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

tomlin ::
"Diktator, ki želi obnoviti imperij, ne bo nikoli izbrisal ljubezni ljudi do svobode,"
Končno je predsednik ZDA udaril po mizi, in pokazal, da zna udariti enako ali močneje od Trumpa, BRAVO!
Zakaj naj nek zahojen sovjetski aparatčik terorizira ves svet. Sicer pa bodo putano sesuli lastni državljani, ko bodo še bolj gospodarsko stisnjeni v kot. Ob BDP na nivoju Španije se lahko samo norec igra z voljo 150 milijonskega naroda.
Biden je v svojem govoru pozval demokracije po vsem svetu, naj se združijo proti Rusiji in se zavežejo zgodovinskemu boju proti avtoritarni agresiji.
Končno je predsednik ZDA udaril po mizi, in pokazal, da zna udariti enako ali močneje od Trumpa, BRAVO!
Zakaj naj nek zahojen sovjetski aparatčik terorizira ves svet. Sicer pa bodo putano sesuli lastni državljani, ko bodo še bolj gospodarsko stisnjeni v kot. Ob BDP na nivoju Španije se lahko samo norec igra z voljo 150 milijonskega naroda.
Biden je v svojem govoru pozval demokracije po vsem svetu, naj se združijo proti Rusiji in se zavežejo zgodovinskemu boju proti avtoritarni agresiji.

korenje3 ::
Kaj že pravi ta "zahodna demokracija". al kako je že rekla madaline albright glede 500000 poklanih otrok? "it was worth it in the name of democracy".
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()

Zmajc ::

korenje3 ::
Kaj že pravi ta "zahodna demokracija". al kako je že rekla madaline albright glede 500000 poklanih otrok? "it was worth it in the name of democracy".
fake, fake, 100x ponovljen fake ne naredi resnice.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W