Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
borut_p ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
8-Year CIA Program Helped Provoke Russian Invasion: Report
CIA paramilitaries had been training Ukrainian forces on the frontlines of the Donbas war against Russian-backed separatists since 2014 and were only pulled out by the Biden administration last month, Yahoo News reported on Wednesday, citing former US officials.
O kakšnih CIA operaterjih ta članek blebeče.
Ukrajinske enote so trenirali ameriški specialci, ne pa CIA... dafaq kera budalija.
linija se praktično ni premaknila - vse po planu
Lahko si meces pesek v oci ja
TezkoDihanje ::
mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Lahko si meces pesek v oci ja
Si boš moral kar nehat metat pesek v oči.
Ruska vojska in tehnika sta za en kurac.
Nekateri so upali,da bo prodrla skozi Moldavijo in Romunijo do Srbije in osvobodila Kosovo.
borut_p ::
Malo si preberi pricevanja ljudi ki so dejansko tam bili in ne medijske propagande kavč strokovnjakov.
CIA je instigirala komplet revolucijo 2013/14, od takrat filajo neonacije ukrajine z denarjem in orozjem.
CIA je instigirala komplet revolucijo 2013/14, od takrat filajo neonacije ukrajine z denarjem in orozjem.
cias ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Ruska vojska in tehnika sta za en kurac.
Ne vem no, meni zgleda prilagojena cauldron taktika, s tem da čakajo evakuacije civilistov in ne grejo po Ameriško zbombardirat mest z ljudmi vred. Sploh se vleče ker Zelensky brigade ne spusčajo civilistov iz mest.
Boste morali malo brati zgodovino in ne le poslušat TV "strokovnjake".
A pocket is a group of combat forces that have been isolated by opposing forces from their logistical base and other friendly forces. In mobile warfare, such as blitzkrieg, salients were more likely to be cut off into pockets, which became the focus of battles of annihilation.
The term pocket carries connotations that the encirclement was not intentionally allowed by the encircled forces, as it may have been when defending a fortified position, which is usually called a siege. That is a similar distinction to that made between a skirmish and pitched battle.
Če imaš pa ti kakšno boljšo analizo pa kar pogimno na mizo z njo.
Kebo ::
Malo si preberi pricevanja ljudi ki so dejansko tam bili in ne medijske propagande kavč strokovnjakov.
CIA je instigirala komplet revolucijo 2013/14, od takrat filajo neonacije ukrajine z denarjem in orozjem.
Zahod je normalno da podpiral opozicijo v Ukrajini ampak, da se je zgodila revolucija si je pa kriv Yanukovič sam. Izstopil je iz sporazuma z EU, ki ga je 85% Ukrajincev podpiralo in ljudje so šli na ulice, ker nočejo biti večni reveži. Namesto da bi popustil, je začel streljati na protestnike.
cias ::
Vroče glave se malo ohlajajo.
The sanctions imposed on Russia over Ukraine are not intended to be permanent, a senior State Department official said on Friday.
"Sanctions are not designed to be permanent and they are a tool," the official said. "If we do see the results that we are trying to achieve in terms of an end of Russia's aggression and restoration of Ukraine's independence and sovereignty and territorial integrity, then our hope would be that - many of the tools that we are using - that we would also see an end to those tools."
The sanctions imposed on Russia over Ukraine are not intended to be permanent, a senior State Department official said on Friday.
"Sanctions are not designed to be permanent and they are a tool," the official said. "If we do see the results that we are trying to achieve in terms of an end of Russia's aggression and restoration of Ukraine's independence and sovereignty and territorial integrity, then our hope would be that - many of the tools that we are using - that we would also see an end to those tools."
borut_p ::
Malo si preberi pricevanja ljudi ki so dejansko tam bili in ne medijske propagande kavč strokovnjakov.
CIA je instigirala komplet revolucijo 2013/14, od takrat filajo neonacije ukrajine z denarjem in orozjem.
Zahod je normalno da podpiral opozicijo v Ukrajini ampak, da se je zgodila revolucija si je pa kriv Yanukovič sam. Izstopil je iz sporazuma z EU, ki ga je 85% Ukrajincev podpiralo in ljudje so šli na ulice, ker nočejo biti večni reveži. Namesto da bi popustil, je začel streljati na protestnike.
Ponovno ... ne beri prevec zahodnih medijev, malo preveri tudi pri drugi strani.
Yanukovic je zavrnil pogajanja ne z EU ampak IMF kateri pogoji za povezavo so bili v skodo Ukrajine. Zato se je povezal z Rusijo. To seveda zahodu ni bilo vsec in so zaceli revolucijo.
Streljali so pa desnicarji sami na svoje, tudi to je dokazano.
Seveda pa so si po revoluciji oligarhi ukrajine pokradli 95% drzave, ljudstvo pa je ostalo revez in se marsikaj vec.
cias ::
je začel streljati na protestnike.
Ja ja.
Indeed, both videos and testimony by the commanders of government sniper and counter-sniper units revealed that that government snipers arrived when nearly all the victims had already been killed.
PacificBlue ::
Vroče glave se malo ohlajajo.
The sanctions imposed on Russia over Ukraine are not intended to be permanent, a senior State Department official said on Friday.
"Sanctions are not designed to be permanent and they are a tool," the official said. "If we do see the results that we are trying to achieve in terms of an end of Russia's aggression and restoration of Ukraine's independence and sovereignty and territorial integrity, then our hope would be that - many of the tools that we are using - that we would also see an end to those tools."
Vse skupaj precej zaigrano. Kdo ima pa od tega koristi..follow the money.
TezkoDihanje ::
Ne vem no, meni zgleda prilagojena cauldron taktika, s tem da čakajo evakuacije civilistov in ne grejo po Ameriško zbombardirat mest z ljudmi vred. Sploh se vleče ker Zelensky brigade ne spusčajo civilistov iz mest.
Stemetski, ti si ena taka budala, da ti ni para.
Ukrajinska vojska je dejavna tudi izven mest. Vse zasede so IZVEN mest.
Pač ti ni jasno nič. Srbska govna z IQ20.
Malo si preberi pricevanja ljudi ki so dejansko tam bili in ne medijske propagande kavč strokovnjakov.
CIA je instigirala komplet revolucijo 2013/14, od takrat filajo neonacije ukrajine z denarjem in orozjem.
V članku piše:
"As part of the training, CIA paramilitaries taught Ukrainian forces sniper techniques, how to operate US-provided Javelin anti-tank missiles, and how to avoid being tracked on the battlefield by using covert communications and other means."
Zagotovo "CIA operators" ne učijo ukrajince, kako se uporabi Javelin.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
cias ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Stemetski, ti si ena taka budala, da ti ni para.
Ukrajinska vojska je dejavna tudi izven mest. Vse zasede so IZVEN mest.
Pač ti ni jasno nič. Srbska govna z IQ20.
Kaj pa ne štima pri moji analizi?
Freedom is back!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cias ()
Kebo ::
Malo si preberi pricevanja ljudi ki so dejansko tam bili in ne medijske propagande kavč strokovnjakov.
CIA je instigirala komplet revolucijo 2013/14, od takrat filajo neonacije ukrajine z denarjem in orozjem.
Zahod je normalno da podpiral opozicijo v Ukrajini ampak, da se je zgodila revolucija si je pa kriv Yanukovič sam. Izstopil je iz sporazuma z EU, ki ga je 85% Ukrajincev podpiralo in ljudje so šli na ulice, ker nočejo biti večni reveži. Namesto da bi popustil, je začel streljati na protestnike.
Ponovno ... ne beri prevec zahodnih medijev, malo preveri tudi pri drugi strani.
Yanukovic je zavrnil pogajanja ne z EU ampak IMF kateri pogoji za povezavo so bili v skodo Ukrajine. Zato se je povezal z Rusijo. To seveda zahodu ni bilo vsec in so zaceli revolucijo.
Streljali so pa desnicarji sami na svoje, tudi to je dokazano.
Seveda pa so si po revoluciji oligarhi ukrajine pokradli 95% drzave, ljudstvo pa je ostalo revez in se marsikaj vec.
Valda Rusi vedno delajo v interesu Ukrajincev, zato so najrevnejša država v Evropi, čeprav so že stoletja pod ruskim vplivom, ampak v teh 8 letih so pa sedaj vse ukrajinski oligarhi pokradli. Pa v 30-tih se je tudi 7M Ukrajincev sestradalo do smrti po lastni volji, ne po Ruski. Pa sedaj si tudi sami mečejo bombe po celi državi, Rusi nima pri tem nič, če pa že imajo je pa to za dobrobit Ukrajincev.
PacificBlue ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Ne vem no, meni zgleda prilagojena cauldron taktika, s tem da čakajo evakuacije civilistov in ne grejo po Ameriško zbombardirat mest z ljudmi vred. Sploh se vleče ker Zelensky brigade ne spusčajo civilistov iz mest.
Stemetski, ti si ena taka budala, da ti ni para.
Ukrajinska vojska je dejavna tudi izven mest. Vse zasede so IZVEN mest.
Pač ti ni jasno nič. Srbska govna z IQ20.
Malo si preberi pricevanja ljudi ki so dejansko tam bili in ne medijske propagande kavč strokovnjakov.
CIA je instigirala komplet revolucijo 2013/14, od takrat filajo neonacije ukrajine z denarjem in orozjem.
V članku piše:
"As part of the training, CIA paramilitaries taught Ukrainian forces sniper techniques, how to operate US-provided Javelin anti-tank missiles, and how to avoid being tracked on the battlefield by using covert communications and other means."
Zagotovo "CIA operators" ne učijo ukrajince, kako se uporabi Javelin.![]()
Nato instrukturji so trenirali pripadnike azovskega bataljona. Ne vem, ce so to Cia-operaterji, je pa počel to Nato in celo objavil eno skupno fotko na twitterju, pa jo kasneje zbrisal. Ja, je šit ko si do kolen v dreku.
TezkoDihanje ::
PacificBlue je izjavil:
Nato instrukturji so trenirali pripadnike azovskega bataljona. Ne vem, ce so to Cia-operaterji, je pa počel to Nato in celo objavil eno skupno fotko na twitterju, pa jo kasneje zbrisal. Ja, je šit ko si do kolen v dreku.
Scaramouche ::
Amerika prvo vzame Ukrajini nuklearno orožje, potem pa vsiljuje svoje nuklearne baze, Rusi znorijo in nočejo da ima rusko govoreče ozemlje uperjene ameriške rakete proti njim...
EU pa namesto da je mediator, gre na stran Amerov, ki bodo ob prvi resni grožnji z nuklearnim orožjem NATO paktu pobegnili v AMeriko in nas videli kot tampon zono..
Janša pa išče politične točke namesto da je tiho, nas vse globlje potiska v drek...
EU pa namesto da je mediator, gre na stran Amerov, ki bodo ob prvi resni grožnji z nuklearnim orožjem NATO paktu pobegnili v AMeriko in nas videli kot tampon zono..
Janša pa išče politične točke namesto da je tiho, nas vse globlje potiska v drek...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: tikitoki ()
mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Stemetski, ti si ena taka budala, da ti ni para.
Ukrajinska vojska je dejavna tudi izven mest. Vse zasede so IZVEN mest.
Pač ti ni jasno nič. Srbska govna z IQ20.
Kaj pa ne štima pri moji analizi?
Freedom is back!
Stremetski a imaš vir kdaj je bilo to posneto?
Voss ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Stemetski, ti si ena taka budala, da ti ni para.
Ukrajinska vojska je dejavna tudi izven mest. Vse zasede so IZVEN mest.
Pač ti ni jasno nič. Srbska govna z IQ20.
Kaj pa ne štima pri moji analizi?
Freedom is back!
Stremetski a imaš vir kdaj je bilo to posneto?
+ a ni komično, kako se hvali z nečem, kar so pripeljali ti grdi amerikanci
borut_p ::
Kebo ...
Ukrajinci so do sedaj prekinili kup zaveznistev - v casu vojn veljajo za najvecje backstabberje evrope.
Zato jih noben noce za zaveznike. Sami so si krivi da so revezi.
Po revoluciji se je sla denacionalizacija, kjer so naropali vse kar je bilo
Ukrajinci so do sedaj prekinili kup zaveznistev - v casu vojn veljajo za najvecje backstabberje evrope.
Zato jih noben noce za zaveznike. Sami so si krivi da so revezi.
Po revoluciji se je sla denacionalizacija, kjer so naropali vse kar je bilo
cias ::
Stremetski a imaš vir kdaj je bilo to posneto?
+ a ni komično, kako se hvali z nečem, kar so pripeljali ti grdi amerikanci![]()
Kdo se kaj hvali? Vse nas so na suho s tem kenslanjem, vi ste pa še ploskali zraven.
Pa na posnetki ne vidim da bi Rusi umirali od lakote.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cias ()
Pac-Man ::
Nit, članek na povezavi
EXCLUSIVE: An elite Ukrainian drone unit has destroyed dozens of “priority targets” by attacking Russian forces as they sleep
Aerorozvidka, a specialist air reconnaissance unit within the army, has been picking off tanks, command trucks and vehicles carrying electronic equipment since the invasion began.
“We strike at night, when Russians sleep,” Yaroslav Honchar, the unit’s commander said.
Russian forces are static when night falls, Honchar explained from his base of operations in Kyiv, with their fear of Ukrainian shelling forcing them to hide their tanks in villages between houses, knowing that conventional artillery cannot risk hitting civilians. But immobile convoys are the prime targets of Aerorozvidka, which has 50 squads of expert drone pilots.
Using heavy-duty octocopter drones — modified to drop anti-tank grenades and to see with thermal cameras — the darkness is their greatest advantage. “In the night it’s impossible to see our drones,” said an Aerorozvidka soldier.
“We look specifically for the most valuable truck in the convoy and then we hit it precisely and we can do it really well with very low collateral damage — even in the villages it’s possible” "You can get much closer at night," the Aerorozvidka soldier added.
Their fleet ranges from cheap commercial drones to their most important asset: heavy, custom-built octocopters maintained by in-house engineers.
The R18 model is the jewel of their arsenal, boasting a 4km range, 40-min flight time and capacity to drop 5kg bombs that obliterate Russian armour.
It is considered 🇺🇦 best device for night operations, carrying out precise reconnaissance and direct artillery fire.
Another drone used by the unit is the PD-1, a reconnaissance device capable of hovering in air for 8 hours.
The teams carry out about 300 missions every day to help to collect information and identify high-priority targets for their limited supply of bombs.
Co-ordinates are given to the kill squads who take to the skies at night.
Aerorozvidka most sophisticated drones are connected using Starlink, a system donated by Elon Musk that uses satellites in a low orbit to enable “high data rate” activities.
Aerorozvidka was created by model plane enthusiasts in 2014, but since the success of its operations against Russian forces in Crimea, it has been integrated into the Ukrainian general staff. Supporters from across Europe have been sending drone parts and other equipment that can be used to build explosive devices and repair damaged devices.
🇬🇧 British citizens have responded to the call and are in the process of creating a direct supply stream to Ukraine.
Tista o Starlinku mi je malo tako-tako, morda uplink z baze, ostalo pa 3/4G. Njihov YT:
EXCLUSIVE: An elite Ukrainian drone unit has destroyed dozens of “priority targets” by attacking Russian forces as they sleep
Aerorozvidka, a specialist air reconnaissance unit within the army, has been picking off tanks, command trucks and vehicles carrying electronic equipment since the invasion began.
“We strike at night, when Russians sleep,” Yaroslav Honchar, the unit’s commander said.
Russian forces are static when night falls, Honchar explained from his base of operations in Kyiv, with their fear of Ukrainian shelling forcing them to hide their tanks in villages between houses, knowing that conventional artillery cannot risk hitting civilians. But immobile convoys are the prime targets of Aerorozvidka, which has 50 squads of expert drone pilots.
Using heavy-duty octocopter drones — modified to drop anti-tank grenades and to see with thermal cameras — the darkness is their greatest advantage. “In the night it’s impossible to see our drones,” said an Aerorozvidka soldier.
“We look specifically for the most valuable truck in the convoy and then we hit it precisely and we can do it really well with very low collateral damage — even in the villages it’s possible” "You can get much closer at night," the Aerorozvidka soldier added.
Their fleet ranges from cheap commercial drones to their most important asset: heavy, custom-built octocopters maintained by in-house engineers.
The R18 model is the jewel of their arsenal, boasting a 4km range, 40-min flight time and capacity to drop 5kg bombs that obliterate Russian armour.
It is considered 🇺🇦 best device for night operations, carrying out precise reconnaissance and direct artillery fire.
Another drone used by the unit is the PD-1, a reconnaissance device capable of hovering in air for 8 hours.
The teams carry out about 300 missions every day to help to collect information and identify high-priority targets for their limited supply of bombs.
Co-ordinates are given to the kill squads who take to the skies at night.
Aerorozvidka most sophisticated drones are connected using Starlink, a system donated by Elon Musk that uses satellites in a low orbit to enable “high data rate” activities.
Aerorozvidka was created by model plane enthusiasts in 2014, but since the success of its operations against Russian forces in Crimea, it has been integrated into the Ukrainian general staff. Supporters from across Europe have been sending drone parts and other equipment that can be used to build explosive devices and repair damaged devices.
🇬🇧 British citizens have responded to the call and are in the process of creating a direct supply stream to Ukraine.
Tista o Starlinku mi je malo tako-tako, morda uplink z baze, ostalo pa 3/4G. Njihov YT:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
sparklyslo ::
Stremetski a imaš vir kdaj je bilo to posneto?
+ a ni komično, kako se hvali z nečem, kar so pripeljali ti grdi amerikanci![]()
Kdo se kaj hvali? Vse nas so na suho s tem kenslanjem, vi ste pa še ploskali zraven.
Pa na posnetki ne vidim da bi Rusi umirali od lakote.
To je zdaj MCPutler.
Ironija je kako si bogi ruseki želijo zahodnega "nacističnega" junk fooda. Zgleda, da jim je res bad v mother russija
Scaramouche ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Scaramouche je izjavil:
potem pa vsiljuje svoje nuklearne baze
LeQuack ::
Valda Rusi vedno delajo v interesu Ukrajincev, zato so najrevnejša država v Evropi, čeprav so že stoletja pod ruskim vplivom, ampak v teh 8 letih so pa sedaj vse ukrajinski oligarhi pokradli. Pa v 30-tih se je tudi 7M Ukrajincev sestradalo do smrti po lastni volji, ne po Ruski. Pa sedaj si tudi sami mečejo bombe po celi državi, Rusi nima pri tem nič, če pa že imajo je pa to za dobrobit Ukrajincev.
Glede na Wiki, imajo Ukrajinci večjo povprečno plačo kot Rusi:
List of European countries by average wage @ Wikipedia
Quack !
BlaY0 ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Lahko si meces pesek v oci ja
Si boš moral kar nehat metat pesek v oči.
Ruska vojska in tehnika sta za en kurac.
Nekateri so upali,da bo prodrla skozi Moldavijo in Romunijo do Srbije in osvobodila Kosovo.
Baje se je to že zgodilo, samo potem so se morali hitro vrniti na proslavo za obletnici aneksiji Krima kjer so paradirali. Zdaj imajo en dan dopusta, jutri gredo pa baje nazaj.
Scaramouche je izjavil:
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Scaramouche je izjavil:
potem pa vsiljuje svoje nuklearne baze
Woooooow, gremo nazaj v paleozoik? Da vidimo kaj se je takrat dogajalo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: BlaY0 ()
Kebo ::
Valda Rusi vedno delajo v interesu Ukrajincev, zato so najrevnejša država v Evropi, čeprav so že stoletja pod ruskim vplivom, ampak v teh 8 letih so pa sedaj vse ukrajinski oligarhi pokradli. Pa v 30-tih se je tudi 7M Ukrajincev sestradalo do smrti po lastni volji, ne po Ruski. Pa sedaj si tudi sami mečejo bombe po celi državi, Rusi nima pri tem nič, če pa že imajo je pa to za dobrobit Ukrajincev.
Glede na Wiki, imajo Ukrajinci večjo povprečno plačo kot Rusi:
List of European countries by average wage @ Wikipedia
Tale wikipedia članek uporablja trenutni menjalni tečaj, ruska kupna moč je drugače skoraj 2x Ukrajinske, no vsaj bila je do pred 3 tednov nazaj. Pa poglej poglej, plače so šle gor 40% od 2013 in to kljub temu, da so bili 8 let na robu vojne in so razmere izredno nestabilne.
cias ::
Pac-Man ::
Woooooow, gremo nazaj v paleozoik? Da vidimo kaj se je takrat dogajalo.
Ne samo to, v celem članku ni besede "nuclear" ali "base".
Naj bi bil FSB žvižgač. Grozev pravi, da mu deluje legit, se najdejo pa tudi kritiki, verjetno celo več le-teh.
Strojni prevod:
On the purely military topic I will try to be as concise as possible: the existing forces and means are insufficient even for the theoretical seizure of not just Ukraine but at least the key cities. There are not enough forces even for a complete encirclement, let alone an assault. At the same time, the information picture is already becoming, technically speaking, extremely unacceptable.
Russia has weapons that have not yet been activated, but there are problems with their use.
A local nuclear strike will not solve the military problem, but it will add problems. Trying to scare before using such a strike is possible, but after using it, there are enormous risks. And although the situation is now somewhere outside the bounds of logic and common sense, I still hope that no outright stupidity will be done.
A massive nuclear strike. Even assuming that it is technically possible, that all links in the chain follow all orders (I don't believe that anymore), it still doesn't make sense. Such a strike would cover everyone. And we'll get a pretty good one, too.
Non-nuclear superpowered charges. Again, the main problem is that this war is not an early to mid-century war with a solid line of fortifications. Who is to be hit? Kiev? The shockwave of such explosions, along with the houses, will also destroy the neutrality of all the other countries (India, China, the Arab world, Latin America) towards us. And we will have to shoot "for sure", taking into account the fact that the air defense system of Ukraine may well shoot down some (who knows what) of the released charges, and "to shoot and not to fly" is to erase our military reputation to zero. And if you give many times more power at launch and all of them will reach, then it is time to start looking for justification of the term "genocide" at least for the domestic user. But here I rather believe in an attempted "intimidation strike" than in an attack on Kiev with an attempt to wipe it out.
There are, of course, the same "Solntepecs," but there are nuances with them. (note: he is referring to this: TOS-1 @ Wikipedia ). The TOS is a vulnerable machine, and it will have to be guarded by large forces. In Syria, an unpleasant incident with the defeat of the TOS took place - the detonation is enough to destroy its own rear and all those who cover it. Checked, that's enough. And the Solntepecs still need to get to Kiev, at the risk of turning the entire convoy into dust after just one successful hit. A massive UAV attack, a single artillery volley, an ambush - one hit on one particular vehicle - and the result will be tremendously negative.
Now for more important aspects of the war planning phase. Our problem (not only at the level of the FSB, but also at the level of Russia) was that Ukraine was perceived as "the same Russia, just under the weight of the American narrative. And approaches were formed "as to Russia. Now we can state that we are dealing with a mentally absolutely different country, so all the initial plans only for this reason can be thrown into the furnace. There is more than one reason, by the way.
In Russia, the role of the security wing is enormous. In terms of security, the FSB (for all our disadvantages) remains a powerful foundation, controlling everything. And the belief that things were similar in Ukraine with the SBU came at too high a price.
According to the original plan, with the overthrow of the pro-Western regime and the rise of pro-Russian forces to power, a key marker also emerged: the reaction to the preparatory actions of the SBU's Department for the Protection of National Statehood. Given that the SBU is now working under the close control and guidance of the Americans (of which I have no doubt myself), we also understood that they may have some trump cards.
On the other hand, an information war is strictly a war of attack, where there is no place for defense. Ukrainian information workers simply burst into our territory: the demonstration of prisoners, their calls to their parents - amid attempts to remove our official information from the Russian audience, we received a total domination of information "alien". In terms of information, we suffer a defeat that in the first days was a complete defeat.
Fakes, beautiful motivational legends, throws in, disinformation, pieces of quite real information from the battlefield (we did not let this kind of information on the air at all) - this is where the American training seems to have given the biggest results. And here we must also add unexpected behavior of Zelenski, which no one was ready for. His image of a drug addict and comedian (we focused on this) against the background of his media pitch played a cruel joke on Russia because of the dissonance of his image and behavior. The situation was finished with the fact that we did not have a symmetric answer: V. Putin, keeping his distance from the closest circle, looked much more lost to any outside observer than Zelensky, and we did not have our own charismatic figures to counterbalance the constant broadcasting of Ukrainian figures.
In recent days Russia has been building its own model of media behavior, but, first of all, it was too late, and, secondly, in the media field it is by definition harder for us against professional showmen. Incomparably so.
And the key surprise - Ukraine was away from centralized management, all military decisions were completely given to the military (without political objectives). It was the same with the regional authorities, which made operational control extremely flexible. Given that the information battle was lost, for Ukrainians this war became a domestic war, destroying the plans for a special operation format for good.
The Western world has so taken over the image of such a Ukraine that no serious politician can speak out with an attempt to put pressure on Ukraine anymore (this was not the case until recently). And even in attempts of unspoken negotiations with Zelensky they will be afraid to press: Zelensky's public statement about such a call to surrender will undercut any Western politician's rating. As a result, many years of quite successful work with the Russia-loyal political stratum of Western countries is ruined by an asymmetrical blow. Add to this the banning of broadcasting from a purely Russian point of view - that's it, there is nothing to answer for now.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
kopriva60918 ::
Stremetski a imaš vir kdaj je bilo to posneto?
+ a ni komično, kako se hvali z nečem, kar so pripeljali ti grdi amerikanci![]()
Kdo se kaj hvali? Vse nas so na suho s tem kenslanjem, vi ste pa še ploskali zraven.
Pa na posnetki ne vidim da bi Rusi umirali od lakote.
Lepo se vidi, da je pomfri premalo pečen. Ta sankcija bo ostala, dokler Putin ne umakne vojske.
FrRoSt ::
En moj post ne podpira ruske oblasti in cenzure.
Slabo bereš!
Ta pravemu si razložil zadevo!!
Noben človek ni otok, popolnoma sam zase; smrt slehernega človeka vzame
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
koyotee ::
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: koyotee ()
FrRoSt ::
kopriva60918 je izjavil:
Stremetski a imaš vir kdaj je bilo to posneto?
+ a ni komično, kako se hvali z nečem, kar so pripeljali ti grdi amerikanci![]()
Kdo se kaj hvali? Vse nas so na suho s tem kenslanjem, vi ste pa še ploskali zraven.
Pa na posnetki ne vidim da bi Rusi umirali od lakote.
Lepo se vidi, da je pomfri premalo pečen. Ta sankcija bo ostala, dokler Putin ne umakne vojske.
Je povedala in razložila Koprivca!
Noben človek ni otok, popolnoma sam zase; smrt slehernega človeka vzame
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
Comandante ::
endelin ::
Putler začel z javnimi meetingi kot Hitler
#denacificirajmo Rusijo
#denacificirajmo Rusijo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
borut_p ::
cias ::
fur80 ::
Putler drži 5 minutne govore, pa še te mu prekinejo pred plačanim folkom, medtem ko se mu Biden pa Xi pogovarjata kako mu nastavit zanko!
sparklyslo ::
AtaŠtumf ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Stemetski, ti si ena taka budala, da ti ni para.
Ukrajinska vojska je dejavna tudi izven mest. Vse zasede so IZVEN mest.
Pač ti ni jasno nič. Srbska govna z IQ20.
Kaj pa ne štima pri moji analizi?
Freedom is back!
Stremetski a imaš vir kdaj je bilo to posneto?
A niso nekaj zaplenli in preimenovali v Uncle Vanya ali nekaj takega?
Unchancy ::
Gremo rajši emigrirat v Rusijo. Samo bo težka, je hud naval na mejah, nje?
Če je Rusija tako zlobna, zakaj podpirate cenzuro? Kaj vas tako skrbi raznikost mišljenja?
Če drek smrdi, zakaj se zapre vrata v WC in prižge ventilator?
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
l0g1t3ch ::
Gremo rajši emigrirat v Rusijo. Samo bo težka, je hud naval na mejah, nje?
Če je Rusija tako zlobna, zakaj podpirate cenzuro? Kaj vas tako skrbi raznikost mišljenja?
Če drek smrdi, zakaj se zapre vrata v WC in prižge ventilator?![]()
Točno to.
Zapreš vrata wc-ja.
Ekvivalent da blokiras propagandno trobilo agresorske države.
Unchancy ::
Ne vem zakaj jih moti "raznolikost vonjav"
Po mojem bi cias/donvitoc/stremetski/gu..neki užival, če bi jedel zraven WCja, kjer bi nekdo sral pri odprtih vratih in s tem prispeval k "raznolikosti vonjav". Zaprtje smrdljivega WCja bi pa imel za vonjsko cenzuro.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()
Malidelničar ::
Sicer ruske žrtve naj ne bi bile na nivoju poročanju ukrajincev (12.000), še vedno pa naj bi bile vsaj 7.000. To je več kot vse ameriške izgube v 20 letih v Iraku in Afganistanu SKUPAJ. Seveda lahko predvidevamo, da so izgube Ukrajincev podobne.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.