Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
PrimoZ_ ::
pa so se ušteli.
Ghost of Kijev že kroži nad Moskvo?
Nekam dolgo se vam vleče 3 dnevna invazija.
To 3 so spet zahodne blodnje
Ali pa pobegli nagovor ob domnevni zmagi, ki so ga pripravili v naprej glede na pričakovan potem in hitro zmago.
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
xgeorgex ::
pa so se ušteli.
Ghost of Kijev že kroži nad Moskvo?
Nekam dolgo se vam vleče 3 dnevna invazija.
To 3 so spet zahodne blodnje
Ali pa pobegli nagovor ob domnevni zmagi, ki so ga pripravili v naprej glede na pričakovan potem in hitro zmago.
Pobegli nagovor ali zahodna tvorba?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: xgeorgex ()
TezkoDihanje ::
PrimoZ_ ::
To so ti izdajalci, ki podpirajo Putina iz udobja kavča na zahodu.
Ne sam da so izdajalci, še pičkice so.
Če bi to pisal iz moskve, bi mu rekel vsaka čas, stojiš za tem kar pišeš.
Tako so pa samo strahopetne gnide.
Ne sam da so izdajalci, še pičkice so.
Če bi to pisal iz moskve, bi mu rekel vsaka čas, stojiš za tem kar pišeš.
Tako so pa samo strahopetne gnide.
TezkoDihanje ::
To so ti izdajalci, ki podpirajo Putina iz udobja kavča na zahodu.
Ne sam da so izdajalci, še pičkice so.
Če bi to pisal iz moskve, bi mu rekel vsaka čas, stojiš za tem kar pišeš.
Tako so pa samo strahopetne gnide.
Pa jasno. Brezdelna srbska matica. Po vseh slovenskih portalih jih je dovolj. Pezdeti.
strawman ::
Kaj je zdaj korenčki in podobni, a bodo Rusi že našli te mitične biološke laboratorije v Ukrajini? Gledam njihove lokacije pa zemljevid ozemlja, ki ga je Rusija zavzela, pa se mi zdi, da bi jih vsaj pol morali že odkriti in ponosno kazati svetu?
voss_ ::
A so že debonkali Ukrajinske nacije?
NATO izbrisan tweet:
Watch Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazi terror gang C14's speech from Kiev earlier this month. Straight from the horses' mouth, he dispels the many narratives pushed by the left, the mainstream media and the State Department.
Pac-Man ::
I talked with an Estonian analyst who has access to info and who I regard as one of the best we have here.
His main conclusion: "The danger is far from over but there is reason for a very cautious optimism. Russian advance has clearly stalled."
More below:
The question is if Moscow today forces Lukashenko to send in the troops from Belarus, but BY troops' motivation is even lower than that of RU.
"The Western-Ukrainian national & anti-Russian environment would be extra hostile towards them."
The idea of bringing in Syrian fighter is extra desperate. "One thing is to fight in the narrow streets of Arabian cities. It's something else in Kyiv or Kharkiv where the boulevards are 100m wide."
Also refers to cold climate and low morale of Syrians.
About possible mobilization in RU. That was on the agenda last Friday in Fed Council and duma but allegedly high-ranking military re-convinced Putin.
"Reserve units have no training, they even don't have enough uniforms for them."
"They've included very few reservists in Zapad exercises. Of the few thousand they usually include, the officers complain about them "messing up" the exercise."
Fatigue of RU units "massive". A third has been replaced, but incoming units have even worse quality. Another third has been destroyed, killed or wounded.
Re-formation of units doesn't have a good impact on combat capability.
Ukraine's counter-offensive has so far been small-scale but when RU stalls, they have resources to start pressing.
First aim would be to drive RU out of country in the North (Kyiv and Kharkiv).
It will be more difficult to gain back ground in South, also because of terrain. "In steppe you will be an open target from air."
Regarding Russia's shortage of missiles. "Putin was told he had 10,000 missiles. In fact, he had 1,000.
It's peculiar he didn't remember how he was lying to his own bosses as a young KGB officer. Such lying is common in the culture."
I talked with an Estonian analyst who has access to info and who I regard as one of the best we have here.
His main conclusion: "The danger is far from over but there is reason for a very cautious optimism. Russian advance has clearly stalled."
More below:
The question is if Moscow today forces Lukashenko to send in the troops from Belarus, but BY troops' motivation is even lower than that of RU.
"The Western-Ukrainian national & anti-Russian environment would be extra hostile towards them."
The idea of bringing in Syrian fighter is extra desperate. "One thing is to fight in the narrow streets of Arabian cities. It's something else in Kyiv or Kharkiv where the boulevards are 100m wide."
Also refers to cold climate and low morale of Syrians.
About possible mobilization in RU. That was on the agenda last Friday in Fed Council and duma but allegedly high-ranking military re-convinced Putin.
"Reserve units have no training, they even don't have enough uniforms for them."
"They've included very few reservists in Zapad exercises. Of the few thousand they usually include, the officers complain about them "messing up" the exercise."
Fatigue of RU units "massive". A third has been replaced, but incoming units have even worse quality. Another third has been destroyed, killed or wounded.
Re-formation of units doesn't have a good impact on combat capability.
Ukraine's counter-offensive has so far been small-scale but when RU stalls, they have resources to start pressing.
First aim would be to drive RU out of country in the North (Kyiv and Kharkiv).
It will be more difficult to gain back ground in South, also because of terrain. "In steppe you will be an open target from air."
Regarding Russia's shortage of missiles. "Putin was told he had 10,000 missiles. In fact, he had 1,000.
It's peculiar he didn't remember how he was lying to his own bosses as a young KGB officer. Such lying is common in the culture."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
bbbbbb2015 ::
Dunning-Kruger v praksi.
Ne razumem točno pointa. Zame je ta deklica izredno žilava. Ta bo Amazonka, ko bo velika. Zato se ne zajebavajte z njo in se ne norčujte iz nje.
Madžarom se je začelo kolcati:
ali pa imajo vsaj vročinske izpuščaje. Urtikarijo neko.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()
voss_ ::
Kaj je zdaj korenčki in podobni, a bodo Rusi že našli te mitične biološke laboratorije v Ukrajini? Gledam njihove lokacije pa zemljevid ozemlja, ki ga je Rusija zavzela, pa se mi zdi, da bi jih vsaj pol morali že odkriti in ponosno kazati svetu?
Sem že ene parkrat prilepil linke do arhiviranih pdfjev, ki so jih nedolgo nazaj USAjevci odstrani iz svojih uradnih strani.
but they werent super duper sikrit 1337 l4bbZ
the us of a prouldy displayed them before the invasion
Exclusive: WHO says it advised Ukraine to destroy pathogens in health labs to prevent disease spread
Morda sem spregledal pa je gaming stol general, z 8 letnimi izkušnjami, pacman, že debonkal?
PrimoZ_ ::
Kaj je zdaj korenčki in podobni, a bodo Rusi že našli te mitične biološke laboratorije v Ukrajini? Gledam njihove lokacije pa zemljevid ozemlja, ki ga je Rusija zavzela, pa se mi zdi, da bi jih vsaj pol morali že odkriti in ponosno kazati svetu?
Sem že ene parkrat prilepil linke do arhiviranih pdfjev, ki so jih nedolgo nazaj USAjevci odstrani iz svojih uradnih strani.
but they werent super duper sikrit 1337 l4bbZ
the us of a prouldy displayed them before the invasion
Exclusive: WHO says it advised Ukraine to destroy pathogens in health labs to prevent disease spread
Morda sem spregledal pa je gaming stol general, z 8 letnimi izkušnjami, pacman, že debonkal?
Pogledaš PDF in piše: Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory
Torej po tej logiki je diagnostični laboratorij UKC Ljubljana, zagotovo vojaški objekt kjer delajo biološka orožja, ki jih bomo z golobi poslali nad srbe ?
Fak idiot zagaman.
TezkoDihanje ::
Putin appears to be truly unhappy with the FSB in Ukraine: he attacked the 5 Service SOiMS (FSB's foreign Intelligence branch). Sergei Beseda, head of the Service, and his deputy Bolukh, head of the DOI, placed under house arrest, according to my sources inside.
Putin appears to be truly unhappy with the FSB in Ukraine: he attacked the 5 Service SOiMS (FSB's foreign Intelligence branch). Sergei Beseda, head of the Service, and his deputy Bolukh, head of the DOI, placed under house arrest, according to my sources inside.
voss_ ::
TezkoDihanje ::
fur80 ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Dunning-Kruger v praksi.
Ne razumem točno pointa. Zame je ta deklica izredno žilava. Ta bo Amazonka, ko bo velika. Zato se ne zajebavajte z njo in se ne norčujte iz nje.
Madžarom se je začelo kolcati:
ali pa imajo vsaj vročinske izpuščaje. Urtikarijo neko.
Ne morem vejet Madžari... :D Izstavljajo račune? Orban preveč pod Putinovem vplivu? Sem mislil, da sta Janez in Orban prijatelja? HAHA, noro... Horvat pa glavni napadelac... dajte nam mir? :D haha Jožef bežimo potres? :D
PrimoZ_ ::
Fak idiot zagaman.
Hočeš reči da WHO je fejk news? Sem mislil da so kovid skeptiki Rusofili?
Hočem reči da si ti fejk news.
In za povrhu še hinavska pizda, takale:
To so ti izdajalci, ki podpirajo Putina iz udobja kavča na zahodu.
Ne sam da so izdajalci, še pičkice so.
Če bi to pisal iz moskve, bi mu rekel vsaka čas, stojiš za tem kar pišeš.
Tako so pa samo strahopetne gnide.
fur80 ::
Pa da vidimo sedaj rusofilčke, Madžari preprosto z vojsko zavzamejo vzhodni del Slovenije? Kaj bi naredili naši rusofili? Bi se predali?
Po moje bi iskali 1000 in en način na Twiterju, da bi uporavičili Putin in Orbana! :D haha
Po moje bi iskali 1000 in en način na Twiterju, da bi uporavičili Putin in Orbana! :D haha
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
IgorCardanof ::
Pa da vidimo sedaj rusofilčke, Madžari preprosto z vojsko zavzamejo vzhodni del Slovenije? Kaj bi naredili naši rusofili? Bi se predali?
Po moje bi iskali 1000 in en način na Twiterju, da bi uporavičili Putin in Orbana! :D haha
Raje se predaš, kot pa da te nabutajo ane?
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
voss_ ::
PrimoZ_ ::
Hočem reči da si ti fejk news.
In za povrhu še hinavska pizda, takale:
A sedaj bi rad cenzuriral še WHO?
Sori ljubček, tu smo v demokraciji in vsak lahko izrazi svoje mnenje. Razen negativne kritike Picarda, to pa slotech briše.
Če te kaj moti se lahko preseliš v Severno Korejo.
Svobodno ti lahko povem da si hinavska pizda.
fur80 ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Pa da vidimo sedaj rusofilčke, Madžari preprosto z vojsko zavzamejo vzhodni del Slovenije? Kaj bi naredili naši rusofili? Bi se predali?
Po moje bi iskali 1000 in en način na Twiterju, da bi uporavičili Putin in Orbana! :D haha
Raje se predaš, kot pa da te nabutajo ane?![]()
Seveda, če imaš Tonina za obrambnega ministra in Horvata za glavnega grozilca madžarski, bi 10X premislil! :D Sicer pa lahko vidimo kaj pomeni napad Rusije na Ukrajino in kam to kaj potegne brez obsojanja! Po tem si lahko vsak, ki je močnejši vzame kar si želi od šibkejšega! Drago bo to, kar podpirate rusofili in se sploh ne zavedate tega!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
eventyrer ::
Mah Rusi so do zdaj 600 od 1500 raket, ki jih imajo na razpolago.
V rezervah imajo še dodatnih 2900 raket.
V 2 tednih so torej porabili 37% raket, ki jih imajo direktno na razpolago oziroma 13% vseh raket, ki jih sploh imajo.
S takšnim tempom bodo torej čez 2 tedna porabili vse rakete, ki jih imajo direktno na razpolago, potem pa imajo še za 8 tednov takšne vojne zalog.
Torej čez 2.5 do 3 mesece bomo videli kako se bo ta vojna zaključila. Ali bo rusija pač rekla "vredu, smo dobili kar smo hotli" ali pa bodo začeli uporabljati močnejše bombice, katerih imajo približno 6000.
V rezervah imajo še dodatnih 2900 raket.
V 2 tednih so torej porabili 37% raket, ki jih imajo direktno na razpolago oziroma 13% vseh raket, ki jih sploh imajo.
S takšnim tempom bodo torej čez 2 tedna porabili vse rakete, ki jih imajo direktno na razpolago, potem pa imajo še za 8 tednov takšne vojne zalog.
Torej čez 2.5 do 3 mesece bomo videli kako se bo ta vojna zaključila. Ali bo rusija pač rekla "vredu, smo dobili kar smo hotli" ali pa bodo začeli uporabljati močnejše bombice, katerih imajo približno 6000.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: eventyrer ()
TezkoDihanje ::
Pac-Man ::
Še Kazahstan šteka.
Kazakhstan is sending 82 tons of medical supplies to Ukraine. One of the closest Russian allies sending supplies to Ukraine.
More than supplies, a very clear signal Kazakhstan is not on board with what Moscow is doing. Big deal and massive thank you.
Kazakhstan is sending 82 tons of medical supplies to Ukraine. One of the closest Russian allies sending supplies to Ukraine.
More than supplies, a very clear signal Kazakhstan is not on board with what Moscow is doing. Big deal and massive thank you.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
eventyrer ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Mah Rusi so do zdaj 600 od 1500 raket, ki jih imajo na razpolago.
V rezervah imajo še dodatnih 2900 raket.
Od kje tebi ta podatek??
In v nekih člankih iz časnikov sem danes prebral, ne najdem več. Milsim da je bilo na BBCju. Bohvedi kako natančne so te številke.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: eventyrer ()
Pac-Man ::
you have two cows
putin steals your cows
putin: it’s a milking operation
lavrov: look what you’ve done to your cows
nato: we stand with the cows
china: looks like a milking operation to us
snake island: cow fuck yourself
zelensky: have fun milking those bulls
oligarchs: we have already stolen so many cows do we really need these two extra
poland: we are prepared to offer replacement russian cows but only through nato
tucker: cows were asking for it
The FSB: We were sure the cows were dead
Shoygu: All the cows have been milked on schedule
Trump: we are building too many windmills, where will the cows live?
Cawthorn: cows are thugs. How dare they allow us to milk them? True threat to democracy.
Deutsche Bank: What cows?
you have two cows
putin steals your cows
putin: it’s a milking operation
lavrov: look what you’ve done to your cows
nato: we stand with the cows
china: looks like a milking operation to us
snake island: cow fuck yourself
zelensky: have fun milking those bulls
oligarchs: we have already stolen so many cows do we really need these two extra
poland: we are prepared to offer replacement russian cows but only through nato
tucker: cows were asking for it
The FSB: We were sure the cows were dead
Shoygu: All the cows have been milked on schedule
Trump: we are building too many windmills, where will the cows live?
Cawthorn: cows are thugs. How dare they allow us to milk them? True threat to democracy.
Deutsche Bank: What cows?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
eventyrer ::
you have two cows
putin steals your cows
putin: it’s a milking operation
lavrov: look what you’ve done to your cows
nato: we stand with the cows
china: looks like a milking operation to us
snake island: cow fuck yourself
zelensky: have fun milking those bulls
oligarchs: we have already stolen so many cows do we really need these two extra
poland: we are prepared to offer replacement russian cows but only through nato
tucker: cows were asking for it
The FSB: We were sure the cows were dead
Shoygu: All the cows have been milked on schedule
Trump: we are building too many windmills, where will the cows live?
Cawthorn: cows are thugs. How dare they allow us to milk them? True threat to democracy.
Deutsche Bank: What cows?
Ukraine: sends the Cows to Zagreb.
xgeorgex ::
IgorCardanof ::
Mah Rusi so do zdaj 600 od 1500 raket, ki jih imajo na razpolago.
V rezervah imajo še dodatnih 2900 raket.
V 2 tednih so torej porabili 37% raket, ki jih imajo direktno na razpolago oziroma 13% vseh raket, ki jih sploh imajo.
S takšnim tempom bodo torej čez 2 tedna porabili vse rakete, ki jih imajo direktno na razpolago, potem pa imajo še za 8 tednov takšne vojne zalog.
Torej čez 2.5 do 3 mesece bomo videli kako se bo ta vojna zaključila. Ali bo rusija pač rekla "vredu, smo dobili kar smo hotli" ali pa bodo začeli uporabljati močnejše bombice, katerih imajo približno 6000.
A se kaj spremlja, če se ruska industrija spreminja v "vojaško" industrijo?
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
eventyrer ::
Sem iskal članke pa je blazno težko karkoli pametnega najti. Ogromno rumenega tiska in znanstvene fantastike.
Tudi o neki "Količini raket in bojnih glav" je v bistvu zelo težko karkoli zanimivega prebrati. Najbrž se je dalo kaj pogooglati do sredine februarja, od tam dalje pa je internet poplavljen s članki o invaziji.
Tudi o neki "Količini raket in bojnih glav" je v bistvu zelo težko karkoli zanimivega prebrati. Najbrž se je dalo kaj pogooglati do sredine februarja, od tam dalje pa je internet poplavljen s članki o invaziji.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: eventyrer ()
xgeorgex ::
Hočem reči da si ti fejk news.
In za povrhu še hinavska pizda, takale:
A sedaj bi rad cenzuriral še WHO?
Sori ljubček, tu smo v demokraciji in vsak lahko izrazi svoje mnenje. Razen negativne kritike Picarda, to pa slotech briše.
Če te kaj moti se lahko preseliš v Severno Korejo.
Svobodno ti lahko povem da si hinavska pizda.
Čistokrvno zahodno obnašanje
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
To so ti izdajalci, ki podpirajo Putina iz udobja kavča na zahodu.
Ne sam da so izdajalci, še pičkice so.
Če bi to pisal iz moskve, bi mu rekel vsaka čas, stojiš za tem kar pišeš.
Tako so pa samo strahopetne gnide.
Pa jasno. Brezdelna srbska matica. Po vseh slovenskih portalih jih je dovolj. Pezdeti.
Čistokrvno zahodno obnašanje
Vam ne zamerim, pač 16letniki
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: xgeorgex ()
m0LN4r ::
Zakaj ima zelenski v svojih nekaterih vlogih za sekundo vcasih en tak cuden hinavski nasmeh?
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
nejcek74 ::
Voss ::
Fak idiot zagaman.
Hočeš reči da WHO je fejk news? Sem mislil da so kovid skeptiki Rusofili?
Haha sej se ne čudim, da si antivax
The Russian Ministry of Defence has published a video showing some of the 16 000 Arab mercenaries that are allegedly willing to go and fight for Russia against the Ukrainian nation.
Upam, da jih bodo malce bolje oblekli
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()
fur80 ::
Geho ::
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
TezkoDihanje ::
#Ukraine: UAV footage showing a Russian T-72 variant tank being hit by Ukrainian forces anti-tank fire in #Mariupol.
#Ukraine: UAV footage showing a Russian T-72 variant tank being hit by Ukrainian forces anti-tank fire in #Mariupol.
PrimoZ_ ::
To so ti izdajalci, ki podpirajo Putina iz udobja kavča na zahodu.
Ne sam da so izdajalci, še pičkice so.
Če bi to pisal iz moskve, bi mu rekel vsaka čas, stojiš za tem kar pišeš.
Tako so pa samo strahopetne gnide.
Čistokrvno zahodno obnašanje
Seveda živim na zahodu in podpiram lastno okolje.
Ti si pa izdajalska pizda.
Ko boš pa v Rusiji, boš imel pa še moje spoštovanje.
voss_ ::
Official briefing on biolabs from Russian defence forces.
Turn on the captions.
Brief summary:
>US involvement in the labs was confirmed
>Project UP4 was developed to set up to spread of especially dangerous infections via migrating birds
>The bioweapon includes but not limited to H5N1 with 50% lethality
>Origins of corona are now raise questions
>There are also labs in Georgia involved in the project
>140 containers with ectoparasites were shipped from the labs to the US
Ti si tisti ki otežuje življenje Evropejcev, tako da kdo je izdajalec, raje pomisli preden čivkaš.
Turn on the captions.
Brief summary:
>US involvement in the labs was confirmed
>Project UP4 was developed to set up to spread of especially dangerous infections via migrating birds
>The bioweapon includes but not limited to H5N1 with 50% lethality
>Origins of corona are now raise questions
>There are also labs in Georgia involved in the project
>140 containers with ectoparasites were shipped from the labs to the US
Ti si pa izdajalska pizda.
Ti si tisti ki otežuje življenje Evropejcev, tako da kdo je izdajalec, raje pomisli preden čivkaš.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: voss_ ()
Zmajc ::
Voss ::
Anticepilec stremetski, strokovnjak za infektologijo, jedrski inženiring, strokovnjak za biokemijo, varnostno-politične vede in še kaj
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()
fur80 ::
Official briefing on biolabs from Russian defence forces.
Turn on the captions.
Brief summary:
>US involvement in the labs was confirmed
>Project UP4 was developed to set up to spread of especially dangerous infections via migrating birds
>The bioweapon includes but not limited to H5N1 with 50% lethality
>Origins of corona are now raise questions
>There are also labs in Georgia involved in the project
>140 containers with ectoparasites were shipped from the labs to the US
Ti si pa izdajalska pizda.
Ti si tisti ki otežuje življenje Evropejcev, tako da kdo je izdajalec, raje pomisli preden čivkaš.
Pa ti verjameš totemu pleškotu? pa tudi če mu verjameš, si na zahodni strani, ker smo se tako odločili n areferendomu, ali boš če zagustili letel preko madžarske, ukrajine, v rusijo, ali jim boš od tukaj dajal podatke!
Anney ::
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
BlaY0 ::
Dunning-Kruger v praksi.
Hehe, ja to so pa mediji dandanes, vsi presrani... redko kdo se upa na "bojišče".
mackilla ::
Official briefing on biolabs from Russian defence forces.
Turn on the captions.
Brief summary:
>US involvement in the labs was confirmed
>Project UP4 was developed to set up to spread of especially dangerous infections via migrating birds
>The bioweapon includes but not limited to H5N1 with 50% lethality
>Origins of corona are now raise questions
>There are also labs in Georgia involved in the project
>140 containers with ectoparasites were shipped from the labs to the US
Ti si pa izdajalska pizda.
Ti si tisti ki otežuje življenje Evropejcev, tako da kdo je izdajalec, raje pomisli preden čivkaš.
Pa ti verjameš totemu pleškotu? pa tudi če mu verjameš, si na zahodni strani, ker smo se tako odločili n areferendomu, ali boš če zagustili letel preko madžarske, ukrajine, v rusijo, ali jim boš od tukaj dajal podatke!
Zdaj vsaj vidimo,da je naslednja na vrsti Gruzija.