Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
Pac-Man ::
POW soldier-conscript Salay Vasily Afanasyevich, 11.11.2001 year of birth
POW soldier-conscript Salay Vasily Afanasyevich, 11.11.2001 year of birth
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Fritz ::
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
TezkoDihanje ::
POW soldier-conscript Salay Vasily Afanasyevich, 11.11.2001 year of birth
V Ukrajini je trenutno več kot polovica vseh ruskih kopenskih sil.
Po podatku iz 2006:
"the Ground Forces included an estimated total of 395,000 persons, including approximately 190,000 conscripts and 35,000 personnel of the Airborne Forces (VDV).[89] "
A na Kiev bodo jurišali 20 letniki?
Darkjaar ::
Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov: The United States is training migratory birds to migrate from Ukraine to Russia and spread pathogens.
ZDA so pričeli z ofenzivo
Pac-Man ::
Na ruski TV jih počasi daje panika.
Even the infamous show run by Vladimir Soloviev—who was recently sanctioned as an accomplice of Putin by the European Union—became dominated by predictions of Russian doom and gloom. Andrey Sidorov, deputy dean of world politics at Moscow State University, cautioned: “For our country, this period won’t be easy. It will be very difficult. It might be even more difficult than it was for the Soviet Union from 1945 until the 1960s... We’re more integrated into the global economy than the Soviet Union, we’re more dependent on imports—and the main part is that the Cold War is the war of the minds, first and foremost. Unfortunately, the Soviet Union had a consolidating idea on which its system was built. Unlike the Soviet Union, Russia has nothing like that to offer.”
State TV pundit Karen Shakhnazarov pointed out: (...) "I don’t see the probability of denazification of such an enormous country. We would need to bring in 1.5 million soldiers to control all of it. At the same time, I don’t see any political power that would consolidate the Ukrainian society in a pro-Russian direction... Those who talked of their mass attraction to Russia obviously didn’t see things the way they are. The most important thing in this scenario is to stop our military action. Others will say that sanctions will remain. Yes, they will remain, but in my opinion discontinuing the active phase of a military operation is very important.”
Resorting to the traditional propaganda tropes prevalent in Russian state media, Shakhnazarov accused the United States of starting the war—and trying to prolong it indefinitely. He speculated: (...) “They benefit through us dragging out the military operation. We need to end it somehow. If we achieved the demilitarization and freed the Donbas, that is sufficient... I have a hard time imagining taking cities such as Kyiv. I can’t imagine how that would look. If this picture starts to transform into an absolute humanitarian disaster, even our close allies like China and India will be forced to distance themselves from us. This public opinion, with which they’re saturating the entire world, can play out badly for us... Ending this operation will stabilize things within the country.”
The host frowned at the apparent departure from the officially-approved line of thinking and deferred to the commander-in-chief. However, the next expert agreed with Shakhnazarov. Semyon Bagdasarov, a Russian Middle East expert, grimly said: “We didn’t even feel the impact of the sanctions just yet... We need to be ready for total isolation. I’m not panicking, just calling things by their proper name.”
Soloviev angrily sniped: “Gotcha. We should just lay down and die.”
Prior to the invasion of Ukraine, state TV experts predicted that Russia could overtake it in a matter of minutes or a few days. Stunned by the fierce resistance on the part of Ukrainians, Soloviev described them as “the army that is second in Europe, after ours, and which has been prepared for eight years and armed with everything you can imagine.”
Soloviev added: “This is a frightening war that is being waged against us by America.”
To lighten the mood in the studio, the host resorted to one of the favorite pastimes of many Kremlin propagandists: playing yet another Fox News clip of Tucker Carlson and his frequent guest Ret. Col. Doug Macgregor. In the translated video, Macgregor predicted Russia’s easy military victories over Ukraine and its total invincibility to western sanctions. Soloviev sighed and smiled: “He’s a lot more optimistic than my previous experts in the studio.”
Even the infamous show run by Vladimir Soloviev—who was recently sanctioned as an accomplice of Putin by the European Union—became dominated by predictions of Russian doom and gloom. Andrey Sidorov, deputy dean of world politics at Moscow State University, cautioned: “For our country, this period won’t be easy. It will be very difficult. It might be even more difficult than it was for the Soviet Union from 1945 until the 1960s... We’re more integrated into the global economy than the Soviet Union, we’re more dependent on imports—and the main part is that the Cold War is the war of the minds, first and foremost. Unfortunately, the Soviet Union had a consolidating idea on which its system was built. Unlike the Soviet Union, Russia has nothing like that to offer.”
State TV pundit Karen Shakhnazarov pointed out: (...) "I don’t see the probability of denazification of such an enormous country. We would need to bring in 1.5 million soldiers to control all of it. At the same time, I don’t see any political power that would consolidate the Ukrainian society in a pro-Russian direction... Those who talked of their mass attraction to Russia obviously didn’t see things the way they are. The most important thing in this scenario is to stop our military action. Others will say that sanctions will remain. Yes, they will remain, but in my opinion discontinuing the active phase of a military operation is very important.”
Resorting to the traditional propaganda tropes prevalent in Russian state media, Shakhnazarov accused the United States of starting the war—and trying to prolong it indefinitely. He speculated: (...) “They benefit through us dragging out the military operation. We need to end it somehow. If we achieved the demilitarization and freed the Donbas, that is sufficient... I have a hard time imagining taking cities such as Kyiv. I can’t imagine how that would look. If this picture starts to transform into an absolute humanitarian disaster, even our close allies like China and India will be forced to distance themselves from us. This public opinion, with which they’re saturating the entire world, can play out badly for us... Ending this operation will stabilize things within the country.”
The host frowned at the apparent departure from the officially-approved line of thinking and deferred to the commander-in-chief. However, the next expert agreed with Shakhnazarov. Semyon Bagdasarov, a Russian Middle East expert, grimly said: “We didn’t even feel the impact of the sanctions just yet... We need to be ready for total isolation. I’m not panicking, just calling things by their proper name.”
Soloviev angrily sniped: “Gotcha. We should just lay down and die.”
Prior to the invasion of Ukraine, state TV experts predicted that Russia could overtake it in a matter of minutes or a few days. Stunned by the fierce resistance on the part of Ukrainians, Soloviev described them as “the army that is second in Europe, after ours, and which has been prepared for eight years and armed with everything you can imagine.”
Soloviev added: “This is a frightening war that is being waged against us by America.”
To lighten the mood in the studio, the host resorted to one of the favorite pastimes of many Kremlin propagandists: playing yet another Fox News clip of Tucker Carlson and his frequent guest Ret. Col. Doug Macgregor. In the translated video, Macgregor predicted Russia’s easy military victories over Ukraine and its total invincibility to western sanctions. Soloviev sighed and smiled: “He’s a lot more optimistic than my previous experts in the studio.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
TezkoDihanje ::
harvey ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
A na Kiev bodo jurišali 20 letniki?
Če bereš Lilinovo knjigo o vojnihn zgodbah iz Čečenije (Prosti pad) ti je povsem jasno, da je to realnost, ki se kaže vsak dan, sicer se sploh ne čudim glede na stanje kakor se tretirana ruske vojaške obveznike.
Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.
Fritz ::
Ameriška republikanska kongresnica, pa baje specializirana za zunanjo politiko:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Pac-Man ::
En tejk, sam ne bi šel tako na trdo.
On the nuclear question:
Putin will continue to wave the threat of nuclear escalation in the face of the West at every turn, with the abysmal performance of the Russian army in Ukraine, it is the only military card he has left to play.
The more the West cowers in the face of it, the more he will play it. Putin has never been one to respect any semblance of weakness. Recent events should have driven that point home.
Thankfully, the blueprint for how to deal with such Russian grandstanding already exists. @POTUS should deliver a variation on JFKs speech during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He should pledge two things.
1st the US will never initiate a nuclear exchange.
2nd the US will regard any nuclear weapons employment by the Russian Federation, especially in Europe, as an attack on the US homeland and respond will the full force of the American strategic arsenal.
He should then take US nuclear forces to DEFCON 3, sortie all American ballistic missile subs, and put the strategic bomber force on alert.
Then he should begin massive arms transfers to the Ukrainians, including heavy weapons, tanks, aircraft, etc from ex-Soviet stockpiles of our allies with the promise to replace them with American equipment, & if necessary US mil. deployments within their borders for however long they require.
Failure of America to lead on this issue will embolden Putin.
On the nuclear question:
Putin will continue to wave the threat of nuclear escalation in the face of the West at every turn, with the abysmal performance of the Russian army in Ukraine, it is the only military card he has left to play.
The more the West cowers in the face of it, the more he will play it. Putin has never been one to respect any semblance of weakness. Recent events should have driven that point home.
Thankfully, the blueprint for how to deal with such Russian grandstanding already exists. @POTUS should deliver a variation on JFKs speech during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He should pledge two things.
1st the US will never initiate a nuclear exchange.
2nd the US will regard any nuclear weapons employment by the Russian Federation, especially in Europe, as an attack on the US homeland and respond will the full force of the American strategic arsenal.
He should then take US nuclear forces to DEFCON 3, sortie all American ballistic missile subs, and put the strategic bomber force on alert.
Then he should begin massive arms transfers to the Ukrainians, including heavy weapons, tanks, aircraft, etc from ex-Soviet stockpiles of our allies with the promise to replace them with American equipment, & if necessary US mil. deployments within their borders for however long they require.
Failure of America to lead on this issue will embolden Putin.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
lojz123 ::
Kar počnejo rusi z putlerjem na čelu v ukrajini je res barbarsko tole se lahko
primerja edino z vojno v vietnamu. Sicer američani po vietnamski vojni ne delajo tako groznih
masakrov nad civilnim prebivalstvo medtem ko putler nima nobenih zavor če pogledamo čečenijo sirijo
ukrajino pobijajo civiliste ter rušijo objekte res barbarsko. Morilce v demokratičnih državah spravijo za zapahe
Tega ruskega 167cm visokega pe..eta ki je dal pobiti že nekaj tisoč ljudi pa nekateri na tem forumu še vedno zagovarjajo.
Z starostjo pa se mu bo stanje še slabšalo
primerja edino z vojno v vietnamu. Sicer američani po vietnamski vojni ne delajo tako groznih
masakrov nad civilnim prebivalstvo medtem ko putler nima nobenih zavor če pogledamo čečenijo sirijo
ukrajino pobijajo civiliste ter rušijo objekte res barbarsko. Morilce v demokratičnih državah spravijo za zapahe
Tega ruskega 167cm visokega pe..eta ki je dal pobiti že nekaj tisoč ljudi pa nekateri na tem forumu še vedno zagovarjajo.
Z starostjo pa se mu bo stanje še slabšalo
TezkoDihanje ::
Že preko 1000 s slikovnim materialom dokumentiranih izgub tehnike na ruski strani
Russia - 1003, of which: destroyed: 401, damaged: 13, abandoned: 160, captured: 429
med katerimi je 163 tankov (kar je cca polovica uradne ukrajinske cifre)
Že preko 1000 s slikovnim materialom dokumentiranih izgub tehnike na ruski strani
Russia - 1003, of which: destroyed: 401, damaged: 13, abandoned: 160, captured: 429
med katerimi je 163 tankov (kar je cca polovica uradne ukrajinske cifre)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
Gama ::
Očitno grejo Rusi po poteh Američanov in NATA.. Glede na to kolk držav so Američani uničl bojo Rusi hmal enakovredni z njimi če še ene 10 držav napadejo
Pithlit ::
Očitno grejo Rusi po poteh Američanov in NATA.. Glede na to kolk držav so Američani uničl bojo Rusi hmal enakovredni z njimi če še ene 10 držav napadejo
Tebe pa mau zgodovina tepe a?
Life is as complicated as we make it...
Gama ::
Očitno grejo Rusi po poteh Američanov in NATA.. Glede na to kolk držav so Američani uničl bojo Rusi hmal enakovredni z njimi če še ene 10 držav napadejo
Tebe pa mau zgodovina tepe a?
Res je ja. Irak,Afganistan,Sirija se res ne more primerjat z Ukrajino.. Tam so pobijali vse kar se premika, tudi civiliste.
Samo da sankcij niso dobil, tako kot Izrael ne za napade na Palestino.
Nuklearne bombe pa itak sam Američani uporabljajo, pa ne samo na Japonsko, obstajajo otoki kjer ljudje umirajo zarad Ameriških testov
Fritz ::
Kar počnejo rusi z putlerjem na čelu v ukrajini je res barbarsko tole se lahko
primerja edino z vojno v vietnamu. Sicer američani po vietnamski vojni ne delajo tako groznih
masakrov nad civilnim prebivalstvo medtem ko putler nima nobenih zavor če pogledamo čečenijo sirijo
ukrajino pobijajo civiliste ter rušijo objekte res barbarsko. Morilce v demokratičnih državah spravijo za zapahe
A resda. Si morda Irak in Afganistan ter kopico drugih držav malce prespal? Koliko Američanov sedi zaradi vojnih zločinov v Iraku in Afganistanu? Kako kaj z voditelji Bushem in Blairom, ki sta Irak napadla ravno tako kriminalno kot Rusija Ukrajino? Sta že v Haagu?
V ilegalni okupaciji Iraka je sodelovala tudi Ukrajina.
Multi-National Force & @ Wikipedia
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
gazibo ::
Komedijant pada in realnnost ga pocasi dohaja
Gravitas: Zelensky's three big miscalculations
Gravitas: Zelensky's three big miscalculations
Pac-Man ::
V DNR so na tiskovki predstavili zaseženo zahodno orožje. Med tem 2x cev Javelina in 1x NLAW, video:
En Javelin in NLAW sta prazni cevi, že rabljeno, v srednjem pa je verjetno raketa, ampak je ohišje poškodovano.
Nova roba ima čez oba konca pokrova, ki ob izstrelitvi odpadeta, video:
En Javelin in NLAW sta prazni cevi, že rabljeno, v srednjem pa je verjetno raketa, ampak je ohišje poškodovano.
Nova roba ima čez oba konca pokrova, ki ob izstrelitvi odpadeta, video:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
Očitno grejo Rusi po poteh Američanov in NATA.. Glede na to kolk držav so Američani uničl bojo Rusi hmal enakovredni z njimi če še ene 10 držav napadejo
Tebe pa mau zgodovina tepe a?
Res je ja. Irak,Afganistan,Sirija se res ne more primerjat z Ukrajino.. Tam so pobijali vse kar se premika, tudi civiliste.
Samo da sankcij niso dobil, tako kot Izrael ne za napade na Palestino.
Nuklearne bombe pa itak sam Američani uporabljajo, pa ne samo na Japonsko, obstajajo otoki kjer ljudje umirajo zarad Ameriških testov
Mimogrede,v Siriji in Afganistanu so bili tudi Rusi. Rusi so v Afganistanu baje zastrupljali vodnjake,kot del bojne taktike. Vmešavali so se pa vse od Angole v Afriki pa do raznih južnoameriških držav,če ne z vojsko pa z orožjem. Imajo kar dolg spisek sranja in nič kaj dosti manj krvave roke od Američanov.
Kar se pa tiče atomske bombe. Rusi so jih testirali in takoj po eksploziji poslali vojake preko terena,da bi dokazali,da jo lahko uporabijo kot taktično orožje. Kdo ve koliko jih je naknadno umrlo zaradi sevanja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
Gama ::
Očitno grejo Rusi po poteh Američanov in NATA.. Glede na to kolk držav so Američani uničl bojo Rusi hmal enakovredni z njimi če še ene 10 držav napadejo
Tebe pa mau zgodovina tepe a?
Res je ja. Irak,Afganistan,Sirija se res ne more primerjat z Ukrajino.. Tam so pobijali vse kar se premika, tudi civiliste.
Samo da sankcij niso dobil, tako kot Izrael ne za napade na Palestino.
Nuklearne bombe pa itak sam Američani uporabljajo, pa ne samo na Japonsko, obstajajo otoki kjer ljudje umirajo zarad Ameriških testov
Mimogrede,v Siriji in Afganistanu so bili tudi Rusi. Rusi so v Afganistanu baje zastrupljali vodnjake,kot del bojne taktike. Vmešavali so se pa vse od Angole v Afriki pa do raznih južnoameriških držav,če ne z vojsko pa z orožjem. Imajo kar dolg spisek sranja in nič kaj dosti manj krvave roke od Američanov.
Kar se pa tiče atomske bombe. Rusi so jih testirali in takoj po eksploziji poslali vojake preko terena,da bi dokazali,da jo lahko uporabijo kot taktično orožje. Kdo ve koliko jih je naknadno umrlo zaradi sevanja.
Seveda. Zato ni pošteno kritizirat Ruse, če se večje zlo ne kritizira.
fur80 ::
Komedijant pada in realnnost ga pocasi dohaja
Gravitas: Zelensky's three big miscalculations
Si ti suguren v to kar govorijo? Podpiraš to, da napadeš suvereno državo, pošlješ 2,5 miljona ljudi samo čez mejo, poravnaš mesta, uničiš infrastrukturo, groziš ostalim z atomsko? Čeprav si glasoval na referendomu, da si v zvezi NATO in EU nam ti prodajaš zgodbice, da je Putins samo na mirovni misliji?
mackilla ::
Očitno grejo Rusi po poteh Američanov in NATA.. Glede na to kolk držav so Američani uničl bojo Rusi hmal enakovredni z njimi če še ene 10 držav napadejo
Tebe pa mau zgodovina tepe a?
Res je ja. Irak,Afganistan,Sirija se res ne more primerjat z Ukrajino.. Tam so pobijali vse kar se premika, tudi civiliste.
Samo da sankcij niso dobil, tako kot Izrael ne za napade na Palestino.
Nuklearne bombe pa itak sam Američani uporabljajo, pa ne samo na Japonsko, obstajajo otoki kjer ljudje umirajo zarad Ameriških testov
Mimogrede,v Siriji in Afganistanu so bili tudi Rusi. Rusi so v Afganistanu baje zastrupljali vodnjake,kot del bojne taktike. Vmešavali so se pa vse od Angole v Afriki pa do raznih južnoameriških držav,če ne z vojsko pa z orožjem. Imajo kar dolg spisek sranja in nič kaj dosti manj krvave roke od Američanov.
Kar se pa tiče atomske bombe. Rusi so jih testirali in takoj po eksploziji poslali vojake preko terena,da bi dokazali,da jo lahko uporabijo kot taktično orožje. Kdo ve koliko jih je naknadno umrlo zaradi sevanja.
Seveda. Zato ni pošteno kritizirat Ruse, če se večje zlo ne kritizira.
Ti opravičuješ zlo z drugim zlom?
Aston_11 ::
PrimoZ_ ::
Očitno grejo Rusi po poteh Američanov in NATA.. Glede na to kolk držav so Američani uničl bojo Rusi hmal enakovredni z njimi če še ene 10 držav napadejo
Tebe pa mau zgodovina tepe a?
Res je ja. Irak,Afganistan,Sirija se res ne more primerjat z Ukrajino.. Tam so pobijali vse kar se premika, tudi civiliste.
Samo da sankcij niso dobil, tako kot Izrael ne za napade na Palestino.
Nuklearne bombe pa itak sam Američani uporabljajo, pa ne samo na Japonsko, obstajajo otoki kjer ljudje umirajo zarad Ameriških testov
Mimogrede,v Siriji in Afganistanu so bili tudi Rusi. Rusi so v Afganistanu baje zastrupljali vodnjake,kot del bojne taktike. Vmešavali so se pa vse od Angole v Afriki pa do raznih južnoameriških držav,če ne z vojsko pa z orožjem. Imajo kar dolg spisek sranja in nič kaj dosti manj krvave roke od Američanov.
Kar se pa tiče atomske bombe. Rusi so jih testirali in takoj po eksploziji poslali vojake preko terena,da bi dokazali,da jo lahko uporabijo kot taktično orožje. Kdo ve koliko jih je naknadno umrlo zaradi sevanja.
Seveda. Zato ni pošteno kritizirat Ruse, če se večje zlo ne kritizira.
Dej glavo vn iz riti, pa nehaj z whataboutizmi. Tole je tema o ukrajini in tle kritiziramo ruse, ki so okupator in sralec po ukrajini.
V drugih temah smo pa kriizirali druge.
Fritz ::
Ti opravičuješ zlo z drugim zlom?
Ne opravičuje temveč pravi, da bi morali uporabljati enaka merila za vse zločine.
And it continues... Israel has repeatedly bombed hospitals in Gaza, including children's hospitals. Have our media ever run a front-page story accusing Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians? Of course not!
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
MadMicka ::
Tu je govora o vojni v Ukrajini in ne o vseh ostalih vojnah. Tu je govora o vojni v Evropi, tako da za ostale odprite svoje teme...
korenje3 ::
Ti opravičuješ zlo z drugim zlom?
Ne opravičuje temveč pravi, da bi morali uporabljati enaka merila za vse zločine.
And it continues... Israel has repeatedly bombed hospitals in Gaza, including children's hospitals. Have our media ever run a front-page story accusing Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians? Of course not!
Tale ženska je ukrajinska vlogerka. Snemalec pa znani propagandist, ki snema scenarije za propagando.
Kot so že rekli se je bolnica izpraznila že pred dnevi.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: Pac-Man ()
sbawe64 ::
Images below are of Ukrainian WW2 veterans being attacked by Ukrainian Nationalists at an event commemorating the USSR's victory over Nazi Germany.
Nationalists clash with WW II veterans in Ukraine
"Nosečnica" iz Mariupola
As to the "bombing" of the maternity hospital by the Russians: The "pregnant victim" has already been identified. Naturally, she has nothing to do with #Mariupol. Meet: "Anastasia Bagriychuk. She is listed as a senior officer of the Information and Computer Technology Department
"Slava Ukr" ima dolgo brado
Nationalists clash with WW II veterans in Ukraine
"Nosečnica" iz Mariupola
As to the "bombing" of the maternity hospital by the Russians: The "pregnant victim" has already been identified. Naturally, she has nothing to do with #Mariupol. Meet: "Anastasia Bagriychuk. She is listed as a senior officer of the Information and Computer Technology Department
"Slava Ukr" ima dolgo brado
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()
Fritz ::
Tu je govora o vojni v Ukrajini in ne o vseh ostalih vojnah. Tu je govora o vojni v Evropi, tako da za ostale odprite svoje teme...
Če ne razumete, da je to še kako povezano z Ukrajino in vpletenostjo zahoda v to vojno tako kot v veliko drugih vojn, ste si sami krivi. In ne, ne boste nam govorili kaj smemo in kaj ne smemo pisati. Če imaš veljavne protiargumente, kar na plano z njimi.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
fur80 ::
Ti opravičuješ zlo z drugim zlom?
Ne opravičuje temveč pravi, da bi morali uporabljati enaka merila za vse zločine.
And it continues... Israel has repeatedly bombed hospitals in Gaza, including children's hospitals. Have our media ever run a front-page story accusing Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians? Of course not!
Samo se pa res dosadni s tem Izraelom, Vietnamom, Afganistanom,... kdo pa pravi, da je to ok. Bomo predlagali referendum, predlagajmo vladi, sedaj bodo volitve so šanse, da damo USA sankcije, ker so napadli Afganistan! Imaš tudi možnost izstopa iz EU in NATO! Ukrajina pa naj se preda. Lahko gremo v pakt s Srbijo, ker oni nekako tako razmišljajo, ponudimo Rusiji vojake, da se zadeve čimprej končajo. POP tv je fake news, v videeih so statisti isti kot v Bergamu in poglejte pixle! Nafto pa bomo imeli 1€, edini v Evropi?
Fritz ::
Samo se pa res dosadni s tem Izraelom, Vietnamom, Afganistanom,... kdo pa pravi, da je to ok. Bomo predlagali referendum, predlagajmo vladi, sedaj bodo volitve so šanse, da damo USA sankcije, ker so napadli Afganistan! Imaš tudi možnost izstopa iz EU in NATO! Ukrajina pa naj se preda. Lahko gremo v pakt s Srbijo, ker oni nekako tako razmišljajo, ponudimo Rusiji vojake, da se zadeve čimprej končajo. POP tv je fake news, v videeih so statisti isti kot v Bergamu in poglejte pixle! Nafto pa bomo imeli 1€, edini v Evropi?
Ni treba prihajati na plano s tako butastimi argumenti. Zločini proti človeštvu ne zastarajo. Torej bi lahko komot sprožili postopke zoper kopico zahodnih političnih in vojaških voditeljev. Pa jih nismo in jih ne bomo. Bomo pa veselo zahtevali postopke zoper ruske politične in vojaške voditelje, anede.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
TezkoDihanje ::
Tu je govora o vojni v Ukrajini in ne o vseh ostalih vojnah. Tu je govora o vojni v Evropi, tako da za ostale odprite svoje teme...
Če ne razumete, da je to še kako povezano z Ukrajino in vpletenostjo zahoda v to vojno tako kot v veliko drugih vojn, ste si sami krivi. In ne, ne boste nam govorili kaj smemo in kaj ne smemo pisati. Če imaš veljavne protiargumente, kar na plano z njimi.
Ta vojna seveda nima ničesar z prejšnimi ameriškimi vojnami, ker vse te države (Jugoslavija, Libija, Sirija, Irak, Afganistan) so imele na čelu države diktatorja. V ukrajinskem primeru je pa država na čelu z diktatojem napadla demokratično državo.
kow ::
Zločini proti človeštvu ne zastarajo.
Povej to Putinu, ki podpira rezime, ki krsijo clovekove pravice. Americani so angelcki, proti ruskemu rezimu. Nazadnje so pobili, koliko? 200 ljudi v Kazahstanu?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()
Telbanc ::
Kar počnejo rusi z putlerjem na čelu v ukrajini je res barbarsko tole se lahko
primerja edino z vojno v vietnamu. Sicer američani po vietnamski vojni ne delajo tako groznih
masakrov nad civilnim prebivalstvo medtem ko putler nima nobenih zavor če pogledamo čečenijo sirijo
ukrajino pobijajo civiliste ter rušijo objekte res barbarsko. Morilce v demokratičnih državah spravijo za zapahe
Tega ruskega 167cm visokega pe..eta ki je dal pobiti že nekaj tisoč ljudi pa nekateri na tem forumu še vedno zagovarjajo.
Z starostjo pa se mu bo stanje še slabšalo
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
TezkoDihanje ::
Šef CIA-e: Predsjednik Kine je uznemiren
Kineski predsjednik Xi Jinping uznemiren je ruskom invazijom na Ukrajinu dijelom zato što mu, kako tvrdi šef CIA-e Bill Burns, vlastita obavještajna služba nije rekla što će se dogoditi. Bill Burns to je rekao pred Odborom za obavještajne poslove američkog Senata, prenosi CNN.
Šef CIA-e: Predsjednik Kine je uznemiren
Kineski predsjednik Xi Jinping uznemiren je ruskom invazijom na Ukrajinu dijelom zato što mu, kako tvrdi šef CIA-e Bill Burns, vlastita obavještajna služba nije rekla što će se dogoditi. Bill Burns to je rekao pred Odborom za obavještajne poslove američkog Senata, prenosi CNN.
sbawe64 ::
Ko se parkirajo pred vrati
Residents of Kharkov outraged at Ukrainian military for deliberately positioning their units and weapons in residential areas -- multiple videos like this from around Ukraine where the population directly approaches the military and tells them to leave from their area
Residents of Kharkov outraged at Ukrainian military for deliberately positioning their units and weapons in residential areas -- multiple videos like this from around Ukraine where the population directly approaches the military and tells them to leave from their area
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Fritz ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Tu je govora o vojni v Ukrajini in ne o vseh ostalih vojnah. Tu je govora o vojni v Evropi, tako da za ostale odprite svoje teme...
Če ne razumete, da je to še kako povezano z Ukrajino in vpletenostjo zahoda v to vojno tako kot v veliko drugih vojn, ste si sami krivi. In ne, ne boste nam govorili kaj smemo in kaj ne smemo pisati. Če imaš veljavne protiargumente, kar na plano z njimi.
Ta vojna seveda nima ničesar z prejšnimi ameriškimi vojnami, ker vse te države (Jugoslavija, Libija, Sirija, Irak, Afganistan) so imele na čelu države diktatorja. V ukrajinskem primeru je pa država na čelu z diktatojem napadla demokratično državo.
Ne morem verjeti, da odrasla, razumna oseba z vsaj osnovnošolsko izobrazbo lahko napiše takšno trditev.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
TezkoDihanje ::
Ne morem verjeti, da odrasla, razumna oseba z vsaj osnovnošolsko izobrazbo lahko napiše takšno trditev.![]()
Kaj točno pa ni res?
Celo temo nabijaš s tem whataboutizmom. Jebeno si butthurt.
Rusija je kurac. Deal with it.
Ta twitter acount vidi Azov bataljon pa res po celi Ukrajini. Iz par tisoč metrov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
gozdar1 ::
Ko se parkirajo pred vrati
Residents of Kharkov outraged at Ukrainian military for deliberately positioning their units and weapons in residential areas -- multiple videos like this from around Ukraine where the population directly approaches the military and tells them to leave from their area
Ni treba ravno veliko, da ugotoviš, da gre za ruski propagandni račun, kjer poveličujejo trenutno agresijo. Še vedno čakamo na ukrajinska dekleta s cvetjem za "osvoboditelje".
Fritz ::
Zločini proti človeštvu ne zastarajo.
Povej to Putinu, ki podpira rezime, ki krsijo clovekove pravice. Americani so angelcki, proti ruskemu rezimu. Nazadnje so pobili, koliko? 200 ljudi v Kazahstanu?
Rusi niso ubili niti ene osebe v Kazahstanu med zadnjimi nemiri.
So pa nedolgo nazaj Američani v enem napadu ubili deset civilistov, od tega 7 otrok, med umikom iz Kabula. Pravijo, da je šlo za napako in, shit happens. Odgovarjal ne bo nihče. In tako ničkolikokrat.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()
kow ::
Rusi niso ubili niti ene osebe v Kazahstanu med zadnjimi nemiri.
Kdo mislis, da podpira Kazakhstanski vojaski/policijski aparat. Se vojsko so pripeljali tam.
Pobili so tudi ogromno ljudi po Afriki, recimo v Eritreji na stotisoce.
A ti zlocini pa so zastarali? Da ne omenimo koreje, vietnama itd. Rusi so verjetno pobili za faktor vec ljudi, kot vse ostale nacije v 20. stoletju. Kaj sele posredno, ker sirijo nazadnjaski ekonomski sistem...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()
gozdar1 ::
Zločini proti človeštvu ne zastarajo.
Povej to Putinu, ki podpira rezime, ki krsijo clovekove pravice. Americani so angelcki, proti ruskemu rezimu. Nazadnje so pobili, koliko? 200 ljudi v Kazahstanu?
Rusi niso ubili niti ene osebe v Kazahstanu med zadnjimi nemiri.
So pa nedolgo nazaj Američani v enem napadu ubili deset civilistov, od tega 7 otrok, med umikom iz Kabula. Pravijo, da je šlo za napako in, shit happens. Odgovarjal ne bo nihče. In tako ničkolikokrat.
Čez čas boste celo trdili, da Ukrajinci dejansko sami streljajo na ukrajinska mesta,. Smešno je, da tisti, ki točite krokodilje solze ob vsaki izraelski bombi, ne zmorete resne kritike precej bolj brutalnih ruskih napadov.
BlaY0 ::
Tu je govora o vojni v Ukrajini in ne o vseh ostalih vojnah. Tu je govora o vojni v Evropi, tako da za ostale odprite svoje teme...
Če ne razumete, da je to še kako povezano z Ukrajino in vpletenostjo zahoda v to vojno tako kot v veliko drugih vojn, ste si sami krivi. In ne, ne boste nam govorili kaj smemo in kaj ne smemo pisati. Če imaš veljavne protiargumente, kar na plano z njimi.
Hmm, ne vem kaj bi ti rad povedal? Da ni pravice na tem svetu? Welcome to the world! In tudi ne bo je vse dokler bosta obstajali vsaj dve strani. Sankcije se daje drugi strani, ne svoji. A je Belorusija sankcionirala Rusijo zaradi Sirije? Verjetno ne. Kakorkoli, prepričan sem, da je za vojne zločine odgovarjalo več ameriških vojakov kot ruskih. Nosijo vodilni odgovornost? Seveda jo, ampak večjo nosijo tisti, ki podpišejo, da so kolateralne žrtve med civilisti nepomembne za dosego cilja.
Še enkrat, če bi rad pravico in enake vatle za vse, potem pač živiš na napačnem planetu.
Pac-Man ::
"Nosečnica" iz Mariupola
As to the "bombing" of the maternity hospital by the Russians: The "pregnant victim" has already been identified. Naturally, she has nothing to do with #Mariupol. Meet: "Anastasia Bagriychuk. She is listed as a senior officer of the Information and Computer Technology Department
Malo pozen si s temi lažmi. Pa odločite se ali gre za Anastazijo Bagrijčuk ali Marijano Podgurskajo (glej tvit ruske ambasade na dnu)
Yesterday this woman almost died because the Russians shelled a maternity hospital in Mariupol.
Today she is being bullied by the Russians on her Insta. They say these photos are "fake" because "she's a model and thus can't be pregnant".
No words. Can you tell me why exactly a pregnant woman from Mariupol isn't supposed to be in a MATERNITY hospital in Mariupol?
They even blame her for allowing a photographer to make some photos of her after bombing. They say she should be too scared to be able to "pose".
Some of the comments:
– Such a good actress.
– You should get an Oscar.
– How much were you paid?
– For how much have you sold yourself?
– How much does a pregnancy cost?
– You deserve to sit in prison.
– Russia, Russia! Dear #FeministsAgainstWar, I suggest you to take a close look on what the Russians are doing in Ukraine.
It should be #FeministsAgainstRussia because right now Russia and war are synonymous.
Some Russians in the comments are telling her and her child to die in pain because they are the Nazis. They also threaten to find her and her family.
This is beyond my understanding. Unhuman is not strong enough to express this atrocity.
Some people ask me why this girl is still in Mariupol. This is her hometown. She is due to give birth very soon.
Russia refuses to cease fire and open a humanitarian corridor for civilians. Of course, she was at hospital.
By the way, when I showed some photos of the maternity house to a member of @AtlanticCouncil yesterday, I was blocked immediately because I allegedly "harassed" them.
For some people it's just easier to remain ignorant of someone else's pain.
Yesterday this woman almost died because the Russians shelled a maternity hospital in Mariupol.
Today she is being bullied by the Russians on her Insta. They say these photos are "fake" because "she's a model and thus can't be pregnant".
Insta račun odprt marca 2013
septembra/oktobra 2014, ko je bilo v Mariupolu najbolj vroče, je zgleda pobegnila na Krim.
tam je bila tudi marca 2016
maja 2016
morda oktobra 2016, ampak verjetno maja
aprila & junija 2017 objavi fotki tagani v DNR (Makijevka, predmestje Donetska)
Sicer večinoma reklamira kozmetiko, zadnja objava je bila 28.2. Politike sploh ne omenja.
Zdaj pa ji je Rusija pred porodom uničila porodnišnico in hkrati oblega njeno mesto.
Zdaj še uradno.
Bi napisal, da nižje ne gre, ampak se bom 100% zarekel.
The Russian are claiming a pregnant woman hurt in a hospital bombing photographed by AP photographer @EMaloletka - who’s been surrounded by their forces with barely food & unable to escape for two weeks - is a crisis actress.
He’ll get the Pulitzer. They’ll get The Hague.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
BlaY0 ::
So pa nedolgo nazaj Američani v enem napadu ubili deset civilistov, od tega 7 otrok, med umikom iz Kabula. Pravijo, da je šlo za napako in, shit happens. Odgovarjal ne bo nihče. In tako ničkolikokrat.
Si prepričan, da ni oziroma ne bo nihče odgovarjal?
Darkjaar ::
Ko se parkirajo pred vrati
Residents of Kharkov outraged at Ukrainian military for deliberately positioning their units and weapons in residential areas -- multiple videos like this from around Ukraine where the population directly approaches the military and tells them to leave from their area
Ni treba ravno veliko, da ugotoviš, da gre za ruski propagandni račun, kjer poveličujejo trenutno agresijo. Še vedno čakamo na ukrajinska dekleta s cvetjem za "osvoboditelje".
korenje3 ::
lol keri cigani so čist zakopal RT.
Domena več ne dela, youtube kanal ne dela.
Mislim da je čas da začnejo rusi malo cvikat optične kable, ki vodijo v ZDA.
Če kdo še gleda RT,
Domena več ne dela, youtube kanal ne dela.
Mislim da je čas da začnejo rusi malo cvikat optične kable, ki vodijo v ZDA.
Če kdo še gleda RT,
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: korenje3 ()
BlaY0 ::
lol keri cigani so čist zakopal RT.
Domena več ne dela, youtube kanal ne dela.
Mislim da je čas da začnejo rusi malo cvikat optične kable, ki vodijo v ZDA.
Če kdo še gleda RT,
Pa kaj jokaš, dve leti nazaj so Rusi sprobal svoj "internet". Naj se že končno preselijo nanj.