Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

blay44 ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Ahmmm. Zelo ljubko si se zmedel. Tole je "SA-6 Kub" - triprsta smrt:
Sem tudi jaz najprej misli, da je kub.
Tisti voltmetri so me prepričali, da je buk prve izvedbe.
Lahk je pa tud kub. Premalo se vidi. So precej previdni.
Kaj se je pa zgodilo v Belorusiji? Bojda bežijo proti Ukrajini.
Nekaj gori na oni strani.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: blay44 ()

Pithlit ::
WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:
Ta tema je daleč od argumentirane. Eno samo pljuvanje, pa nič drugega.
Dej priznaj... Par mojih je vseeno vsaj nasmešek pričaralo :)
Life is as complicated as we make it...

lynxslo5 ::
Moram pohvaliti dopisnico Karmen Švegelj, ki je šla vse do Kijeva. Na RTV imajo 2.400 zaposlenih, pa ni bilo junaka, ki bi si upal v Ukrajino. Danes so raje spet naredili nek bizaren miting pred stavbo RTV in lagali, kako so ogroženi novinarji v Sloveniji. Karmen Švegelj je dopisnica iz Bližnjega vzhoda in je edina iz RTV, ki ima jajca, da je šla v Kijev in kakor je meni znano ima tudi majhnega otroka. Res pogumna ženska.

fur80 ::
Potem pa imaš na eni stani plačance z 2000$ na dan, na drugi strani pa fante, ki za 200$ na mesec žlijo preživeti svoje družine in sploh niso vedeli, da gredo v vojno. Mame pa sedaj govorijo z župani mest od koder so, on pa sploh ne upa rečt vojna v kamero! ;) In vi bi še vedno radi Putkina oz. ga podpirate!?!?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

Voss ::
womba so danes tudi obiskali naši policisti. Se je začel dret kot prašič "Slava ukrajinii, slava ukrajinii", ko so ga želeli v Rusijo nagnat.

endelin ::
Moram pohvaliti dopisnico Karmen Švegelj, ki je šla vse do Kijeva. Na RTV imajo 2.400 zaposlenih, pa ni bilo junaka, ki bi si upal v Ukrajino. Danes so raje spet naredili nek bizaren miting pred stavbo RTV in lagali, kako so ogroženi novinarji v Sloveniji. Karmen Švegelj je dopisnica iz Bližnjega vzhoda in je edina iz RTV, ki ima jajca, da je šla v Kijev in kakor je meni znano ima tudi majhnega otroka. Res pogumna ženska.
Vasev je prpica in pametuje samo iz naslonjača?

petkrat postal isto slikco, ti pa si za argumente LOL
A sliko kako putin otroke pošilja na fronto?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()

fur80 ::
petkrat postal isto slikco, ti pa si za argumente LOL
Se opravičujem ti si danes tak infarkt skoraj dobil, ker se bo bencin podražil za 0,15c, zato te razumem, da ti je Putin #1.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

Pithlit ::
petkrat postal isto slikco, ti pa si za argumente LOL
Se opravičujem ti si danes tak infarkt skoraj dobil, ker se bo bencin podražil za 0,15c, zato te razumem, da ti je Putin #1.
Je šel danes tankat da se bo jutri hvalil kako je za malico prišparal.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

PrimoZ_ ::
Potem pa imaš na eni stani plačance z 2000$ na dan, na drugi strani pa fante, ki za 200$ na mesec žlijo preživeti svoje družine in sploh niso vedeli, da gredo v vojno. Mame pa sedaj govorijo z župani mest od koder so, on pa sploh ne upa rečt vojna v kamero! ;) In vi bi še vedno radi Putkina oz. ga podpirate!?!?
Samo specialna operacija, nobene vojne.
Kaj je svical oni model pred kamero,da se mu ne bi kaj zareklo

fur80 ::
petkrat postal isto slikco, ti pa si za argumente LOL
Se opravičujem ti si danes tak infarkt skoraj dobil, ker se bo bencin podražil za 0,15c, zato te razumem, da ti je Putin #1.
Je šel danes tankat da se bo jutri hvalil kako je za malico prišparal.
Nekateri so pa upali, da se bodo Ukrajinci predali, da jim ne bo treba danes v vrsti na pumpah čakat! ;)

bbbbbb2015 ::

Voss ::
Ali lahko moj oce, ki je drzavljan srbije kupi stanovanje v sloveniji ? Sicer ima stalno prebivalisce v slo pri meni, vendar bi on rad kupil svoje stanovanje.
Da boste razumeli, zakaj je tak podpornik Putinčka. Zakaj pa s fotrko ne gresta v Rusijo?
Ali lahko moj oce, ki je drzavljan srbije kupi stanovanje v sloveniji ? Sicer ima stalno prebivalisce v slo pri meni, vendar bi on rad kupil svoje stanovanje.
Da boste razumeli, zakaj je tak podpornik Putinčka. Zakaj pa s fotrko ne gresta v Rusijo?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

fur80 ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Še en dan pa bo mraz usekal v Ukrajini. Potem pa konvoj sploh več ne bo užgal
Ruski neonacisti in islamski skrajneži pa bodo odpeketali domov (v krsti).
Skrbi me, ker so Rusi s svojim ravnanjem raspizdili pravega nacija Hitlerja DO DASKE:
Pffff. To ne bi rad bil v Putinovi koži.
Misliš, da Putlerju sploh upajo povedati realno stanje v Ukrajini? Tak ko momljajo pred kamerami podložniki njegovi, si ne predstaljam, kako tam zgleda, verjetno imajo prirejene zapise... ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

PrimoZ_ ::

endelin ::

Voss ::
Rusi so ga razbil
HELL YEAH!!!!![]()
Zakaj sta s fotrom v Slo/Srb? Te ni sram? Putin bi te že ustrelil za izdajo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Ali lahko moj oce, ki je drzavljan srbije kupi stanovanje v sloveniji ? Sicer ima stalno prebivalisce v slo pri meni, vendar bi on rad kupil svoje stanovanje.
Da boste razumeli, zakaj je tak podpornik Putinčka. Zakaj pa s fotrko ne gresta v Rusijo?
Pa jasno. Srbska matica. Low IQ opice, ki ne zastopijo, da jih Putin tepe po glavi s tem kaj počne v Ukrajini.

Pac-Man ::
doktor vojaške zgodovine, ex-NSA, pravoslavec:
So far, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s offensive against Ukraine, now well into its second week, has not at all gone according to plan. While this ugly conflict’s ultimate outcome hangs in the balance, it’s obvious what Russia has lost already, beyond lives and treasure. Putin’s armed forces, supposedly substantially reformed since 2008, instead have demonstrated their perennial problems of poorly coordinated attacks, substandard march discipline, abysmal logistics, and insufficient concern about civilian casualties. Ukrainian farmers towing away abandoned Russian armored vehicles with their tractors have birthed a prominent meme already.
In the information war, supposedly a Kremlin strongpoint, the Russians have been hopelessly outclassed by Kyiv, leaving Moscow to rant about Ukrainian “Nazis” committing “genocide,” absurd claims which are believed by nobody outside the Putinist camp. To say nothing of the wreckage of the Russian economy, not least the collapse of the ruble, unleashed by tough Western sanctions over Putin’s aggression. While Russia may still win this war, in the sense of taking over a good chunk of its neighbor, how it plans to pacify Ukraine, in the face of an almost certain insurgency, and a well-armed one at that, is the stuff of General Staff nightmares in Moscow.
Neither are all Russian Orthodox Church clergy pleased with the Kremlin’s aggression against Ukraine. Nearly 300 ROC clerics signed a rare open letter which demanded “the cessation of the fratricidal war” against Ukraine, insisting that the “people of Ukraine should make their choice on their own” while condemning the “trial that our brothers and sisters in Ukraine were undeservedly subjected to.” There have yet been no dissenters among the ROC hierarchy as all the open letter’s signatories were priests and monks rather than bishops. (...) Yesterday, Metropolitan Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus’ since 2009, delivered a fiery sermon at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, endorsing Russia’s attack on Ukraine, portraying Kyiv as the aggressor while explaining the spiritual necessity of Putin’s actions thus:
Orthodoxy thankfully doesn’t have provision for jihad, but Kirill’s statement veered in that direction, complete with the explanation that what’s at stake in Ukraine is nothing less than the continuing existence of human civilization! An ordinary sermon this was not. Moreover, yesterday was Forgiveness Sunday in the Orthodox world, the beginning of Lent, and the head of the ROC took that opportunity not to forgive, rather to justify the Kremlin’s war being waged on fellow Orthodox Christians, during Lent no less, due to gay pride parades.
However we may feel about the Moscow Patriarchate’s immoderate take on gay pride parades, we have to concede that, unlike “Ukrainian Nazi juntas committing genocide,” they’re not simply making this one up.
Neither should we take much comfort from the fact that, de jure, Metropolitan Kirill is a private citizen who doesn’t speak for the Kremlin. Putin and his regime have forged close ties with the ROC in a mutually beneficial relationship, a 21st century take on what Orthodoxy terms symphonia. (...) Ukrainian military intelligence has captured an apparently authentic Russian military officer’s handbook which describes Putin’s army as “the last bastion against the Satanic new world order.” There’s ample evidence that such religiously-inspired apocalyptic thinking has infiltrated many minds in Moscow, including highly-placed ones, an alarming prospect which implies there will be no easy end to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
So far, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s offensive against Ukraine, now well into its second week, has not at all gone according to plan. While this ugly conflict’s ultimate outcome hangs in the balance, it’s obvious what Russia has lost already, beyond lives and treasure. Putin’s armed forces, supposedly substantially reformed since 2008, instead have demonstrated their perennial problems of poorly coordinated attacks, substandard march discipline, abysmal logistics, and insufficient concern about civilian casualties. Ukrainian farmers towing away abandoned Russian armored vehicles with their tractors have birthed a prominent meme already.
In the information war, supposedly a Kremlin strongpoint, the Russians have been hopelessly outclassed by Kyiv, leaving Moscow to rant about Ukrainian “Nazis” committing “genocide,” absurd claims which are believed by nobody outside the Putinist camp. To say nothing of the wreckage of the Russian economy, not least the collapse of the ruble, unleashed by tough Western sanctions over Putin’s aggression. While Russia may still win this war, in the sense of taking over a good chunk of its neighbor, how it plans to pacify Ukraine, in the face of an almost certain insurgency, and a well-armed one at that, is the stuff of General Staff nightmares in Moscow.
Neither are all Russian Orthodox Church clergy pleased with the Kremlin’s aggression against Ukraine. Nearly 300 ROC clerics signed a rare open letter which demanded “the cessation of the fratricidal war” against Ukraine, insisting that the “people of Ukraine should make their choice on their own” while condemning the “trial that our brothers and sisters in Ukraine were undeservedly subjected to.” There have yet been no dissenters among the ROC hierarchy as all the open letter’s signatories were priests and monks rather than bishops. (...) Yesterday, Metropolitan Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus’ since 2009, delivered a fiery sermon at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, endorsing Russia’s attack on Ukraine, portraying Kyiv as the aggressor while explaining the spiritual necessity of Putin’s actions thus:
Orthodoxy thankfully doesn’t have provision for jihad, but Kirill’s statement veered in that direction, complete with the explanation that what’s at stake in Ukraine is nothing less than the continuing existence of human civilization! An ordinary sermon this was not. Moreover, yesterday was Forgiveness Sunday in the Orthodox world, the beginning of Lent, and the head of the ROC took that opportunity not to forgive, rather to justify the Kremlin’s war being waged on fellow Orthodox Christians, during Lent no less, due to gay pride parades.
However we may feel about the Moscow Patriarchate’s immoderate take on gay pride parades, we have to concede that, unlike “Ukrainian Nazi juntas committing genocide,” they’re not simply making this one up.
Neither should we take much comfort from the fact that, de jure, Metropolitan Kirill is a private citizen who doesn’t speak for the Kremlin. Putin and his regime have forged close ties with the ROC in a mutually beneficial relationship, a 21st century take on what Orthodoxy terms symphonia. (...) Ukrainian military intelligence has captured an apparently authentic Russian military officer’s handbook which describes Putin’s army as “the last bastion against the Satanic new world order.” There’s ample evidence that such religiously-inspired apocalyptic thinking has infiltrated many minds in Moscow, including highly-placed ones, an alarming prospect which implies there will be no easy end to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

feryz ::
V vsaki družbi so prisotni kvizlingi. V demokratičnih preživijo, v Rusiji že davno ne bi obstajal več.

PrimoZ_ ::
Ali lahko moj oce, ki je drzavljan srbije kupi stanovanje v sloveniji ? Sicer ima stalno prebivalisce v slo pri meni, vendar bi on rad kupil svoje stanovanje.
Da boste razumeli, zakaj je tak podpornik Putinčka. Zakaj pa s fotrko ne gresta v Rusijo?
Sej to je že dolgo jasno da večina zagretih podpornikov Rusije je Srbov.
Ki so še vedno užaljeni da so bli naspenkani leta 95.
Pol pa še Kosovo.
In sedaj se spet postavljajo na napačno stran zgodovine. Bog res ne mara Srbije

bbbbbb2015 ::
Kdo bo to plačeval ?
Ameriški industrijski kompleks, kot ljubkovalno rečejo raznim firmam v ZDA bo ziher primaknil dnar, samo zdaj so zaposleni, imajo verjetno zabavo 3 dni in tri noči, tudi plesalke ob drogu že cepajo od utrujenosti.
Za njih je Božič prišel pa jebiga... marca? Malo si bodo spočili, potem pa prodajali. Bolj bo vojna laufala, bolj bodo oni laufali.
Vojna je vedno zadeva, ki škodi 97% ljudem. Vedno pa profitira 3% ljudi. Med njimi so trgovci s smrtjo, ki vedno radi donirajo za dober namen in pravično stvar.

PrimoZ_ ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Ali lahko moj oce, ki je drzavljan srbije kupi stanovanje v sloveniji ? Sicer ima stalno prebivalisce v slo pri meni, vendar bi on rad kupil svoje stanovanje.
Da boste razumeli, zakaj je tak podpornik Putinčka. Zakaj pa s fotrko ne gresta v Rusijo?
Pa jasno. Srbska matica. Low IQ opice, ki ne zastopijo, da jih Putin tepe po glavi s tem kaj počne v Ukrajini.
Bl jih tepe bl uživajo.
Nek mazohisticen fetiš.

fur80 ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Ali lahko moj oce, ki je drzavljan srbije kupi stanovanje v sloveniji ? Sicer ima stalno prebivalisce v slo pri meni, vendar bi on rad kupil svoje stanovanje.
Da boste razumeli, zakaj je tak podpornik Putinčka. Zakaj pa s fotrko ne gresta v Rusijo?
Pa jasno. Srbska matica. Low IQ opice, ki ne zastopijo, da jih Putin tepe po glavi s tem kaj počne v Ukrajini.
Hehe, pa Srbi, ko si lahko na kruh namažejo in dajo svojim otrokom jest zgodbice iz kosovskega polja in to še leta 2022, naši otroci pač tega ne in nočejo jest. ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

gazibo ::
res so velik napredoval okol pogajanj LOL, rusija je cist pokleknla vidm. Airsof team ze caka na meji z jukrejn da pomagaja

Pac-Man ::
Inside Kyiv During Putin's invasion
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

gazibo ::

Pac-Man ::
IEA: A 10-Point Plan to Reduce the European Union’s Reliance on Russian Natural Gas
1. No new gas supply contracts with Russia
2. Replace Russian supplies with gas from alternative sources
3. Introduce minimum gas storage obligations to enhance market resilience
4. Accelerate the deployment of new wind and solar projects
5. Maximise generation from existing dispatchable low-emissions sources: bioenergy and nuclear
6. Enact short-term measures to shelter vulnerable electricity consumers from high prices
7. Speed up the replacement of gas boilers with heat pumps
8. Accelerate energy efficiency improvements in buildings and industry
9. Encourage a temporary thermostat adjustment by consumers
10. Step up efforts to diversify and decarbonise sources of power system flexibility
Vsaka točka razložena na povezavi.
1. No new gas supply contracts with Russia
2. Replace Russian supplies with gas from alternative sources
3. Introduce minimum gas storage obligations to enhance market resilience
4. Accelerate the deployment of new wind and solar projects
5. Maximise generation from existing dispatchable low-emissions sources: bioenergy and nuclear
6. Enact short-term measures to shelter vulnerable electricity consumers from high prices
7. Speed up the replacement of gas boilers with heat pumps
8. Accelerate energy efficiency improvements in buildings and industry
9. Encourage a temporary thermostat adjustment by consumers
10. Step up efforts to diversify and decarbonise sources of power system flexibility
Vsaka točka razložena na povezavi.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Ali lahko moj oce, ki je drzavljan srbije kupi stanovanje v sloveniji ? Sicer ima stalno prebivalisce v slo pri meni, vendar bi on rad kupil svoje stanovanje.
Da boste razumeli, zakaj je tak podpornik Putinčka. Zakaj pa s fotrko ne gresta v Rusijo?
Pa jasno. Srbska matica. Low IQ opice, ki ne zastopijo, da jih Putin tepe po glavi s tem kaj počne v Ukrajini.
Cena,da smo uvažali delovno silo za čiščenje sekretov in odvoz smeti je bila očitno dosti previsoka.

Voss ::
Mogoce EU, MOGOCE, USA nikoli, tako da bomo za isto robo placeval 3x
Pa spizdi pol iz Slovenije ane. Zakaj si sploh prilezu iz Srbije? Z vsemi se doma dobro razumem (Hrvati, Albanci, Bosanci,...) sam vi Srbi ste pa special.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

Pac-Man ::
Not much movement after tonight's negotiations, the sources report. Ukraine firm, knowing it's on a winning streak (or rather, Russia's on a planes-and-convoys-losing streak). An idiotic proposal was made by RU to have refugees from Mariupol cross into LNR/DNR "as it's closer"
Not much movement after tonight's negotiations, the sources report. Ukraine firm, knowing it's on a winning streak (or rather, Russia's on a planes-and-convoys-losing streak). An idiotic proposal was made by RU to have refugees from Mariupol cross into LNR/DNR "as it's closer"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Ilja Jašin, sodelavec pokojnega Nemceva
An activist and Russian opposition politician said on Monday that Russian government officials should stick the law censoring the war in Ukraine "up their ass."
"I am staying in Russia. Let them stick their law on military censorship up their ass," politician Ilya Yashin tweeted. "I have said and keep repeating: Russians and Ukrainians should not kill each other."
Yashin added, "If I am destined to end up in prison for anti-war speeches, I will accept it with dignity."
Last year, Yashin — a former council official — said he was banned from taking part in a local election over his support for jailed Russian President Vladimir Putin critic Alexei Navalny, according to Reuters.
Yashin said that he wanted to register as a candidate for an election to the Russian regional parliament in Moscow, but said he was told he wasn't allowed due to a law banning members of groups deemed "extremist" from running for office, Reuters reported.
An activist and Russian opposition politician said on Monday that Russian government officials should stick the law censoring the war in Ukraine "up their ass."
"I am staying in Russia. Let them stick their law on military censorship up their ass," politician Ilya Yashin tweeted. "I have said and keep repeating: Russians and Ukrainians should not kill each other."
Yashin added, "If I am destined to end up in prison for anti-war speeches, I will accept it with dignity."
Last year, Yashin — a former council official — said he was banned from taking part in a local election over his support for jailed Russian President Vladimir Putin critic Alexei Navalny, according to Reuters.
Yashin said that he wanted to register as a candidate for an election to the Russian regional parliament in Moscow, but said he was told he wasn't allowed due to a law banning members of groups deemed "extremist" from running for office, Reuters reported.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

FilipF ::
Vojna v Ukrajini ima na eni strani Rusko vojsko, na drugi strani imamo Ukrajinsko vojsko, oborožene civiliste, oborožene obsojene kriminalce, mednarodne plačance, mednarodne...
Ko se vojna konča ne glede na izid se preživeli Ruski vojaki vrnejo domov, Ukrajinska vojska in oboroženi civilisti so že doma. Zanima me kam bodo odšli preživeli oboroženi obsojeni Ukrajinski kriminalci in mednarodni plačanci?
Zdaj so oboji zadovoljni, ker so dobro plačani in si delijo vojni plen. S končanjem vojne oboji izgubijo delo. Kje bodo nadaljevali, s svojo dejavnostjo?
Upam, da ne v moji okolici.
Ste kaj razmišljali o tem?
Ko se vojna konča ne glede na izid se preživeli Ruski vojaki vrnejo domov, Ukrajinska vojska in oboroženi civilisti so že doma. Zanima me kam bodo odšli preživeli oboroženi obsojeni Ukrajinski kriminalci in mednarodni plačanci?
Zdaj so oboji zadovoljni, ker so dobro plačani in si delijo vojni plen. S končanjem vojne oboji izgubijo delo. Kje bodo nadaljevali, s svojo dejavnostjo?
Upam, da ne v moji okolici.
Ste kaj razmišljali o tem?

Pac-Man ::
The way it’s going I’ll try to launch a nuke but some Ukrainian farmer will have towed the damn thing away.
The way it’s going I’ll try to launch a nuke but some Ukrainian farmer will have towed the damn thing away.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

scythe ::
Bl slabo kaze, ampak vazn da klicko verjame sam seb da niso obkoljeni
Teh slikic je celo marijo, ene kažejo da so Rusi že čist zraven, druge kažejo da še rabijo nekaj časa...itd. Nobenim ni za verjeti...
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

gazibo ::
Kaj pa vem stari, nemci mogoce ne blefirajo tolko. Mogoce, ampak je res da je MSM dost poln BSa zadnje case

Voss ::
Kaj pa vem stari, nemci mogoce ne blefirajo tolko. Mogoce, ampak je res da je MSM dost poln BSa zadnje case
Zakaj se ne vrneš v rodno Srbijo? Tam je vse resnica. Se boljše počutiš v EU in bolj varno v NATO očitno :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

fur80 ::
Vojna v Ukrajini ima na eni strani Rusko vojsko, na drugi strani imamo Ukrajinsko vojsko, oborožene civiliste, oborožene obsojene kriminalce, mednarodne plačance, mednarodne...
Ko se vojna konča ne glede na izid se preživeli Ruski vojaki vrnejo domov, Ukrajinska vojska in oboroženi civilisti so že doma. Zanima me kam bodo odšli preživeli oboroženi obsojeni Ukrajinski kriminalci in mednarodni plačanci?
Zdaj so oboji zadovoljni, ker so dobro plačani in si delijo vojni plen. S končanjem vojne oboji izgubijo delo. Kje bodo nadaljevali, s svojo dejavnostjo?
Upam, da ne v moji okolici.
Ste kaj razmišljali o tem?
Tebe namesto, da bi skrbelo za begunce in žrtve, skrbi, da bo bencin dražji in kam bodo šli plačanci? :D