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Ukrajina Part II

Ukrajina Part II

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83 / 859

Fritz ::

Telbanc je izjavil:

Ne vem zakaj ne bi rusi vzeli donbas, pa še kej zraven. Mi ni jasno.

Sej je Nato isto naredu na Kosovu. Pač etnično so razdelili Srbijo. In si lepo postavli gor bazo Bondstil...In zaj vpijejo bog ne daj razdeliti Bosno.

In zaj se ta EU nekej usaja. Ko bo itak sam gledala ko bojo kitajčki vzeli Tajvan.

Smo takrat lepo napisali da bo pršu čas poračuna.

Tako Kosovo kot Donbas sta bila upravičena, ker je v obeh primerih država pobijala svoje državljane 'napačne' nacionalnosti. Kosovo je precedens a to ne pomeni, da si Srbija ni zaslužila kar jo je doletelo. Ponavljanje srbske propagande o Bondsteelu kot nekem pomembnem oporišču pa je neumnost. Po ameriških standardih je Bondsteel eno majhno kilavo oporišče, ki nima niti letališča.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Fritz ::

Kot že kar nekaj let tudi tega 28. aprila v Lvivu slavijo ustanovitev SS divizije Galicija.

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

Nacije najdeš povsod, važen je odziv družbe. Je pa v ruskem interesu vse skupaj slikat kot nekaj oh in sploh strašnega. Recimo 2014, ko se je ves šov začel, gtranslate:


Participants of the "Embroidery Parade" in honor of the anniversary of the SS "Galychyna" in Lviv were banned from using the symbols of the Heavenly Hundred.
Relatives of Lviv residents who died on Kyiv's Maidan addressed the organizers of the march with such a demand. According to the plan of the initiators of the march, the column should be headed by a large banner depicting a stylized "Heavenly Hundred".
"We forbid you to use this banner," Bohdan Solchanyk's sister, a UCU lecturer who died on the Maidan, told the march organizers. - Do not speculate on this, the Heavenly Hundred has nothing to do with the SS "Galychyna".
The author of the picture, the famous musician and artist Yuri Zhuravel, also objected to the banner with the Heavenly Hundred. He explained to ZAXID.NET that his image on the banner was used without permission. "Moreover, this action (" Embroidery Parade "), dedicated to honoring the SS" Galychyna ", is now contributing to the division of the country," - said Zhuravel.


A column of about 200 marchers marched from the monument to Stepan Bandera to the monument to the victims of totalitarian regimes at the beginning of the street. Bandera.
The march was watched by law enforcement officers and public activists, who feared provocations. It is worth noting that there were many more activists who followed the order than the marchers themselves.

OG-folk se je bal ruskih provokacij in pozival naj zadevo odpovejo:


Despite the Parade of embroidered shirts planned for 18:00 in Lviv in honor of the anniversary of the SS Halychyna division, veterans of the national liberation struggle urge not to hold mass actions in honor of the division's anniversary.


"April 28 is approaching - the day of the Galicia division. We know that groups of so-called Russian nationalists are already heading to Ukraine from Russia, whose task is to provide Moscow TV channels with relevant stories about "Ukrainian fascism."
To take part in actions directed by Moscow in the conditions of Putin's aggression is an act of conscious or unconscious cooperation with the aggressor, it is an act of betrayal! ” - it is spoken in the address.

Imeli so prav. Naslednji dan je bil zelo fotogeničen skinhead Aleksej Maksimov-Muha z družbo, prihajajo iz Sankt Peterburga. Dokumentirano sodeluje s tamkajšnjo trol farmo in zelo verjetno s FSB, spodnja fotka je Lviv 28.4.2014, zgornja ruski marš enkrat novembra:



One more Russian neonazi friend of Taras Hummer is Alexei “Mukha” Maximov from Saint Petersburg, who has two criminal records for murder and hooliganism. He, as well as his pals, often visits Ukraine, attending various events organised by the local far right.
In 2015, Mukha was caught in the centre of a scandal around a “troll factory” in Saint Petersburg.


New York Times journalist Adrian Chen decided to investigate. The bosses decided to frame the famous journalist. He received a phone call from a girl who said she was the factory’s employee and suggested to meet for an interview. She said she would come with her brother for safety reasons. The brother turned out to be Alexei Mukha Maximov. He took the journalist to a restaurant where Russian propagandist media workers took a photo of the American journalist, who had come to smear Russia and meets with neonazis.

Later, Mukha confirmed that he had been consciously working for secret services: “He was obviously interested in stories about how the bloody Kremlin regime persecutes free Russian people. It is not the first time when I see such interest from foreign journalists, but I am not going to help them. Many people would like to view Russian nationalists as a “fifth column” which will act upon the orders from the West and tear down the Kremlin. But nationalism means work for the benefit of one’s country, not for its downfall, therefore nobody will get any help from us in this”.

Še original članek iz NYT. Dolgo, precej originalnih povezav je mrtvih, ker Rusi brišejo sledi, ampak se bere kot kriminalka:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Fritz ::

Naciji iz različnih držav ne sodelujejo, anede. 8-)

Operativci in sodelavci tajnih služb so znani po tem, da o svojem delu javno govorijo :))

Na Ukrajini je, da takšne shode prepove. Če to želi, seveda. Pozivi za shod so bili že razposlani.

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

Seveda sodelujejo, ravno o tem govori zgornji članek z Euromaidanpress.

Morda novica zate, ampak podobni shodi se dogajajo tudi v Nemčiji, kjer je propagiranje nacizma strogo prepovedano. In seveda Rusiji, je pa res da se zadnja leta trudijo pometat pod preprogo.

Germany: Neo-Nazis holds torch-lit vigil for Hitler’s deputy in Wunsiedel

(18+) Moscow, Shchukino, Russian March, 04.11.2014
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Malo se zgubljam po globinah interneta. Dokumentarec o ruskih neonacijih iz l. 2004, 20 min. Komur se ne da gledat vsega, bistvo bi bilo nekje od 15:15 in do konca:

Zvezda dokumentarca je tale

Maxim Martsinkevich @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Fritz ::

Tele slovanski neonaciji so itaq oksimoron. Če bi bili tapravi bi morali pobijati Slovane ergo, bi si morali takoj poslati kroglo v betico.

Ukrajina in pro-ruski Ukrajinci imajo težave z njimi, ker so se infiltrirali v vojsko in policijo in so še pred spopadi zganjali nasilje nad ukrajinskimi Rusi nakar so ti seveda reagirali. A za razliko od npr. Srbov v ex-Yu, v LNR/DNR niso izvajali etničnega čiščenja in organiziranih masovnih zločinov.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

28. april je mimo, kaj se je zgodilo? Za Lviv ne najdem ničesar, tudi na računu @DeanoBeano1, v Kijevu se jih je po poročanju Hromadske zbralo okrog 500. Spodaj bo precej strojno prevedenega.



From Arsenal Square, about 500 people marched in a column to Independence Square, holding in their hands the symbol of the SS "Galychyna", the flags of Ukraine, flowers, flags of volunteer battalions.
The whole process was accompanied by the police. Police said they would provide a legal assessment of the events later.

Predsedniška administracija je shod obsodila in pozvala k sodnemu pregonu organizatorjev.


We categorically condemn any manifestations of propaganda by totalitarian regimes, including the National Socialist one, and attempts to reconsider the truth about the Second World War.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has already condemned any manifestations of glorification of Waffen-SS troops and reminded that the propaganda of totalitarian regimes is prohibited in Ukraine. Our state partners have already been informed that violations of the relevant legislation in Ukraine will have logical consequences for any person who is guilty of it.
We expect the National Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to establish all the circumstances of what happened and to bring to justice all those guilty of violating the law. Law enforcement officers have every opportunity to do so.
We expect the head of the Kyiv City State Administration to inspect the system of approval of mass actions in the capital and a full report to the Kyiv community on why it became possible to hold this so-called march.

Iz mestne administracije so jim odgovorili, da niso v biznisu izdajanja dovoljenj.


The city authorities do not give permits, do not approve and cannot prohibit the holding of peaceful rallies and gatherings, guaranteed to citizens by the Constitution of Ukraine.
So, according to procedure, organizers notify the city authorities and militiamen of carrying out this or that action. In particular, according to the Kyiv City State Administration, the march, which took place in Kyiv on April 28, was declared not as an action dedicated to the day of the establishment of the SS Halychyna division, but as a patriotic march of embroidered shirts.
"And those who claim that the city allegedly should have banned the march are either incompetent and do not know the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, or are deliberately manipulating. Because they should know that the city does not have such powers and mechanisms, "the Kyiv City State Administration stressed and reminded that public order during mass rallies is ensured by law enforcement officers. Similarly, law enforcement agencies investigate and may prosecute citizens who violate the law.
The Kyiv City State Administration emphasizes that there can be no excuse for propaganda of totalitarian regimes, even if someone tries to cover themselves with embroidered shirts!

Tole stran sem našel spotoma, deluje precej desna. Odziv na objavo predsedniške administracije:


But whoever is hiding behind these "expect" and "emphasize", I want to remind you, disrespectful, a few basic things.

  1. Ukraine is not Russia. A democratic state governed by the rule of law.

  2. Your office is not the Central Committee of the CPSU, but an advisory body to the President of Ukraine. You have no right to give instructions to law enforcement officers, mayors, determine who to punish and pardon.

  3. Ukraine does not have and never will have a "system for approving mass actions " . Article 39 of the Constitution guarantees that citizens have the right to assemble peacefully, without weapons and to hold rallies or demonstrations simply by notifying the authorities.

  4. Not everyone has to like a demonstration or rally. You may not like them, or the president or the majority or the minority. Get used to living with it or go to Rostov to your predecessors.

  5. For example, I do not support the "celebration" of the creation of the Galicia division, but if some people want to do so, it is their legal right. You can (well, not you, because you are the chancellery, but the president or other officials) make a statement condemning this march, give a political assessment. But by no means give instructions about illegal persecution. Events in honor of Galicia or other similar units, which were not convicted in Nuremberg and not involved in the crimes of Nazism, were held 100,500 times freely in Ukraine and in other European and American countries, where Galician fighters have the status of ordinary veterans of the Second World War.

  6. Of course, there is a responsibility for propagating the ideology and symbols of the communist or Nazi regimes in Ukraine. But your attempts to see this corpus delicti in an albeit inappropriate, provocative, but completely peaceful and lawful course are clumsy attempts to pull an owl on a globe. In fact, your idiotic statements only help those who benefit from such provocations.

Še argumentacija zakaj jih slavijo. Par točk razumem, ampak na tem primeru mi deluje precej za lase privlečeno, saj je šlo za Waffen-SS enoto, ki ni branila domov ampak je delovala tudi po Jugoslaviji.

14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) @ Wikipedia

"Why do I honor the veterans of the Galicia division?"

And now briefly on points. Because I am frankly surprised by the selective attitude of Ukrainian veterans of the Second World War from some seemingly patriotic people.

1️⃣ World War II was a war between two totalitarian regimes, equally occupied by Ukraine. We lost our independence in 1921 and regained it in 1991. There are no half-good occupations, the "Soviet period" or any other delusion.
2️⃣ During World War II, Ukrainians fought on both sides. As in the ranks of allies and Axis countries. Because we used every opportunity to train and to protect our homes. Also, some Ukrainians went underground to the OUN and UPA.
3️⃣ Every Ukrainian veteran who has not participated in punitive operations and has not committed war crimes has the right to be honored by the State.
4️⃣ After all the trials, the Halychyna Division was found not to have committed any crimes during World War II. This is a proven fact established by international courts.
5️⃣ Anyone who claims that the Galicia Division was an "accomplice of the Nazis" repeats the Soviet and Russian theses about the only "good" side - the Soviet Union. Who occupied Ukraine after 1945 and continued to destroy the Ukrainian population and statehood.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::

Zdi se mi pozitivno, da je Zelenski reagiral in rekel, da se to mora nehati.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

Direktor ukrajinskega inštituta za narodni spomin:


Poslanci zelenskijeve stranke:


Sluga Narodu MPs yesterday called out SS Galizien march from dais. "[T]hey marched for a SS division. Seigs in the center of Kyiv. What purpose does the Seig serve? For whom are they making the Seig? ... They are supposedly recognizing fighters for Ukraine's independence. No!"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Nit avtorja pri Bellingcat, ki je zvohal ekvivalentna shoda v Lvivu in Ternopilu.


Concurrently with the Kyiv event honoring SS Galicia, Ukraine's internationally active far-right Azov movement members, allies from "Galician Youth" org also honored the division in Lviv region https://nationalcorps.org/nk-lvivshhini..., marched in Ternopil where a street is named after SS Galicia.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Prisluhi s sojenja o MH17 jasno kažejo, da je bila Rusija sredi julija 2014 aktivno vpletena.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Toliko kako zaupati pac-man virom...
Zandji Britanski izlet v ukrajini... Predvserm zanimiv komentar 1h 54m 40s

Seveda predlagam celotni komentar od začetka komentiranja novice.... Ali pa jo seveda prebereta na BBC-ju.

Info :
Polska je začela Julija 2021 grediti plionsko pipo iz finkse ter bo v 2022 iela v operativni uporabi šest novih jederskih elektraren. Namig leta 2022 poteče dolgoletna pogodba s ruskim velikanom. Ukrajina , leglo nacijev, pač bo bila odvisna od prve pomoči Amerike in Britanije.
In glej kateri dve državi Ameriška demokracija po medijih vlači da so v nevarnosti invazije s strani Rusije.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

gozdar1 ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Toliko kako zaupati pac-man virom...
Zandji Britanski izlet v ukrajini... Predvserm zanimiv komentar 1h 54m 40s

Seveda predlagam celotni komentar od začetka komentiranja novice.... Ali pa jo seveda prebereta na BBC-ju.

Info :
Polska je začela Julija 2021 grediti plionsko pipo iz finkse ter bo v 2022 iela v operativni uporabi šest novih jederskih elektraren. Namig leta 2022 poteče dolgoletna pogodba s ruskim velikanom. Ukrajina , leglo nacijev, pač bo bila odvisna od prve pomoči Amerike in Britanije.
In glej kateri dve državi Ameriška demokracija po medijih vlači da so v nevarnosti invazije s strani Rusije.

Ja predvsem na vzhodu, znana je ljubezen do putina med evropskimi naciji.

Mr.B ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Toliko kako zaupati pac-man virom...
Zandji Britanski izlet v ukrajini... Predvserm zanimiv komentar 1h 54m 40s

Seveda predlagam celotni komentar od začetka komentiranja novice.... Ali pa jo seveda prebereta na BBC-ju.

Info :
Polska je začela Julija 2021 grediti plionsko pipo iz finkse ter bo v 2022 iela v operativni uporabi šest novih jederskih elektraren. Namig leta 2022 poteče dolgoletna pogodba s ruskim velikanom. Ukrajina , leglo nacijev, pač bo bila odvisna od prve pomoči Amerike in Britanije.
In glej kateri dve državi Ameriška demokracija po medijih vlači da so v nevarnosti invazije s strani Rusije.

Ja predvsem na vzhodu, znana je ljubezen do putina med evropskimi naciji.

Jp, ko te dobijo z gatami okoli gležnjem, potem so pa krivi putin ljubinci, al kako ze rečeš ko nimaš argumentacije.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

gozdar1 ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Toliko kako zaupati pac-man virom...
Zandji Britanski izlet v ukrajini... Predvserm zanimiv komentar 1h 54m 40s

Seveda predlagam celotni komentar od začetka komentiranja novice.... Ali pa jo seveda prebereta na BBC-ju.

Info :
Polska je začela Julija 2021 grediti plionsko pipo iz finkse ter bo v 2022 iela v operativni uporabi šest novih jederskih elektraren. Namig leta 2022 poteče dolgoletna pogodba s ruskim velikanom. Ukrajina , leglo nacijev, pač bo bila odvisna od prve pomoči Amerike in Britanije.
In glej kateri dve državi Ameriška demokracija po medijih vlači da so v nevarnosti invazije s strani Rusije.

Ja predvsem na vzhodu, znana je ljubezen do putina med evropskimi naciji.

Jp, ko te dobijo z gatami okoli gležnjem, potem so pa krivi putin ljubinci, al kako ze rečeš ko nimaš argumentacije.

German neo-Nazis trained at Russian camps
Why are German neo-Nazis training in Russia?

Ampak urajina je naravnost preplavljena z naciji.

Mr.B ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Toliko kako zaupati pac-man virom...
Zandji Britanski izlet v ukrajini... Predvserm zanimiv komentar 1h 54m 40s

Seveda predlagam celotni komentar od začetka komentiranja novice.... Ali pa jo seveda prebereta na BBC-ju.

Info :
Polska je začela Julija 2021 grediti plionsko pipo iz finkse ter bo v 2022 iela v operativni uporabi šest novih jederskih elektraren. Namig leta 2022 poteče dolgoletna pogodba s ruskim velikanom. Ukrajina , leglo nacijev, pač bo bila odvisna od prve pomoči Amerike in Britanije.
In glej kateri dve državi Ameriška demokracija po medijih vlači da so v nevarnosti invazije s strani Rusije.

Ja predvsem na vzhodu, znana je ljubezen do putina med evropskimi naciji.

Jp, ko te dobijo z gatami okoli gležnjem, potem so pa krivi putin ljubinci, al kako ze rečeš ko nimaš argumentacije.

German neo-Nazis trained at Russian camps
Why are German neo-Nazis training in Russia?

Ampak urajina je naravnost preplavljena z naciji.

Verjetno poznaš oziroma razumeš razliko, ko se grejo naciji trenirat v tujo državo v privatni kamp ter biti del države in kandidirat na volitvah kot na primer National Corps Party. Samo prvi odstavek... a

Se boš moral bolje potrudit.
Do takrat pa je moj komentar k BBC-jevem članku to kar je...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

gozdar1 ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Toliko kako zaupati pac-man virom...
Zandji Britanski izlet v ukrajini... Predvserm zanimiv komentar 1h 54m 40s

Seveda predlagam celotni komentar od začetka komentiranja novice.... Ali pa jo seveda prebereta na BBC-ju.

Info :
Polska je začela Julija 2021 grediti plionsko pipo iz finkse ter bo v 2022 iela v operativni uporabi šest novih jederskih elektraren. Namig leta 2022 poteče dolgoletna pogodba s ruskim velikanom. Ukrajina , leglo nacijev, pač bo bila odvisna od prve pomoči Amerike in Britanije.
In glej kateri dve državi Ameriška demokracija po medijih vlači da so v nevarnosti invazije s strani Rusije.

Ja predvsem na vzhodu, znana je ljubezen do putina med evropskimi naciji.

Jp, ko te dobijo z gatami okoli gležnjem, potem so pa krivi putin ljubinci, al kako ze rečeš ko nimaš argumentacije.

German neo-Nazis trained at Russian camps
Why are German neo-Nazis training in Russia?

Ampak urajina je naravnost preplavljena z naciji.

Verjetno poznaš oziroma razumeš razliko, ko se grejo naciji trenirat v tujo državo v privatni kamp ter biti del države in kandidirat na volitvah kot na primer National Corps Party. Samo prvi odstavek... a

Se boš moral bolje potrudit.
Do takrat pa je moj komentar k BBC-jevem članku to kar je...

Po tvoji logiki bi morali hoditi na treninge v ukrajino(ker polno nacijev). Očitno rusi preganjajo nacije samo na tujem, ker tistih pod lastnim oknom očitno ne vidijo.

Sicer pa Russian National Unity In 2014, RNU members joined pro-Russian forces in Ukraine during the War in Donbass[11] under commandment of Pavel Gubarev.[12]

Mr.B ::

dej ne blkamiraj se.
Imaš goro privatnih "vojajških" trening campov po celem svetu.
Ko bodo v TVOJEM linku opisane osebe ustanvile naci stranko v nemčiji in akltivno sodelovale v tej stranki in usmerjale državno politiko ... Potem pa komentiraj in se nehaj blamirat.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

gozdar1 ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

dej ne blkamiraj se.
Imaš goro privatnih "vojajških" trening campov po celem svetu.
Ko bodo v TVOJEM linku opisane osebe ustanvile naci stranko v nemčiji in akltivno sodelovale v tej stranki in usmerjale državno politiko ... Potem pa komentiraj in se nehaj blamirat.

Imaš rusko nenonaci stranko, ki je ne samo aktivno sodelovala na vzhodu ukrajine ampak je njen bivši čklan tudi eden od ustanoviteljev ruske paradržave na vzhodu. Ampak ukrajina je polna nacijem na vzhodu pa se ob ruski pomoči samo branijo pred ukrajinskimi naciji.
Blamiraš se z širjenjem ruske propagande predvsem ti.

Pac-Man ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Toliko kako zaupati pac-man virom...

Info :
Polska je začela Julija 2021 grediti plionsko pipo iz finkse ter bo v 2022 iela v operativni uporabi šest novih jederskih elektraren.

Finska, svetovno znana proizvajalka plina + v enem letu bodo zgradili 6 JEDRSKIH elektrarn? Bolj kažeš koliko zaupati tebi & tvojim virom.

Mr.B je izjavil:

Verjetno poznaš oziroma razumeš razliko, ko se grejo naciji trenirat v tujo državo v privatni kamp ter biti del države in kandidirat na volitvah kot na primer National Corps Party. Samo prvi odstavek... a

Si prebral kaj več kot prvi odstavek? Vsaj kolofon?

National Corps @ Wikipedia

Ukrainian ultranationalism
Hard Euroscepticism
Economic nationalism
Right-wing populism
Anti-Russian sentiment
Strength, Welfare, Order

in bistvo
Verkhovna Rada 0 / 450
Regions 0 / 158,399

Mr.B je izjavil:

Ko bodo v TVOJEM linku opisane osebe ustanvile naci stranko v nemčiji in akltivno sodelovale v tej stranki in usmerjale državno politiko ... Potem pa komentiraj in se nehaj blamirat.

Torej lahko komentira?
National Democratic Party of Germany @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Uhuhu, bivši predsednik nemških neonacijev in njihov predstavnik v EU parlamentu si želi trde roke in ve kje jo najti.

Udo Voigt @ Wikipedia
Udo Voigt (German: [ˈuːdoː ˈfoːkt]; born 14 April 1952) is a German politician and former Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) between 2014 and 2019. He was a member of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. He served as leader of NPD from 1996 to 2011. By profession, he is a former aviation engineer and captain in the German Air Force and has a master's degree in political science from LMU.[1] Voigt has in recent years become a strong supporter of Vladimir Putin and has said that Germany should have "a chancellor like Putin."[2]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Toliko kako zaupati pac-man virom...

Info :
Polska je začela Julija 2021 grediti plionsko pipo iz finkse ter bo v 2022 iela v operativni uporabi šest novih jederskih elektraren.

Finska, svetovno znana proizvajalka plina + v enem letu bodo zgradili 6 JEDRSKIH elektrarn? Bolj kažeš koliko zaupati tebi & tvojim virom.

Mr.B je izjavil:

Verjetno poznaš oziroma razumeš razliko, ko se grejo naciji trenirat v tujo državo v privatni kamp ter biti del države in kandidirat na volitvah kot na primer National Corps Party. Samo prvi odstavek... a

Si prebral kaj več kot prvi odstavek? Vsaj kolofon?

National Corps @ Wikipedia

Ukrainian ultranationalism
Hard Euroscepticism
Economic nationalism
Right-wing populism
Anti-Russian sentiment
Strength, Welfare, Order

in bistvo
Verkhovna Rada 0 / 450
Regions 0 / 158,399

Mr.B je izjavil:

Ko bodo v TVOJEM linku opisane osebe ustanvile naci stranko v nemčiji in akltivno sodelovale v tej stranki in usmerjale državno politiko ... Potem pa komentiraj in se nehaj blamirat.

Torej lahko komentira?
National Democratic Party of Germany @ Wikipedia

The updated PPEJ entails the construction of six nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 6-9 GW. In turn, the new schedule for the nuclear project provides for the selection of technologies in 2021.

The selection and approval of the location of the first power plant as well as the signing of a contract with the technology provider and the main contractor is to take place in 2022. Construction is to start in 2026. The first reactor is to be ready in 2033.

Ostale blodnje sploh ne bom komentiral

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

dej ne blkamiraj se.
Imaš goro privatnih "vojajških" trening campov po celem svetu.
Ko bodo v TVOJEM linku opisane osebe ustanvile naci stranko v nemčiji in akltivno sodelovale v tej stranki in usmerjale državno politiko ... Potem pa komentiraj in se nehaj blamirat.

Imaš rusko nenonaci stranko, ki je ne samo aktivno sodelovala na vzhodu ukrajine ampak je njen bivši čklan tudi eden od ustanoviteljev ruske paradržave na vzhodu. Ampak ukrajina je polna nacijem na vzhodu pa se ob ruski pomoči samo branijo pred ukrajinskimi naciji.
Blamiraš se z širjenjem ruske propagande predvsem ti.

Dobro zate.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Mr.B ()

Pac-Man ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

The selection and approval of the location of the first power plant as well as the signing of a contract with the technology provider and the main contractor is to take place in 2022. Construction is to start in 2026. The first reactor is to be ready in 2033.

Ostale blodnje sploh ne bom komentiral

Čigavih blodenj? Ker zgoraj piše, da bodo naslednje leto izbrali izvajalca, prvi reaktor od šestih bo načrtovano operativen šele l. 2033.


Mr.B je izjavil:

Toliko kako zaupati pac-man virom...

Info :
Polska je začela Julija 2021 grediti plionsko pipo iz finkse ter bo v 2022 iela v operativni uporabi šest novih jederskih elektraren.

Vrhunska demonstracija telefončkov.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Dolgo branje, pred majdanom se je izčrpavalo ukrajinsko ekonomijo & pralo denar v ZDA.


Hundreds of millions of dollars had been stolen from a Ukraine bank — the losses large enough to cripple the country’s economy — and secretly moved into the United States, where the money was used to pump up the cash reserves of Warren Steel in a money laundering scheme carried out across the country, the U.S. Justice Department alleges.
Prosecutors say Ukraine oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, a powerful figure in his country who was banned last month by the State Department from entering the United States, secretly purchased a dozen other steel mills in small towns from Ohio to Texas.
In all, he and his associates acquired nearly two dozen properties, including four office towers in downtown Cleveland and a 484-room hotel with waterfront views in what became the foundation of his real estate empire.

Ihor Kolomoyskyi @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::



Let’s recap what happened in the aftermath of the suspected assassination of Vitaly Shishov, the head of a Belarusian House, a small emigre group based in Ukraine.
Much of it pertains to Azov movement, but doesn’t necessarily indicate responsibility.

A day after Shishov was found hanged in a park, with bruises on his body, his Belarusian House partner Rodion Batulin, an MMA fighter and Azov veteran from Latvia, was banned from entering Ukraine by the SBU as a “threat to national security”.
Batulin is an associate of Sergey Korotkikh, a Belarusian, who helped found Russia’s largest neo-nazi platform before moving to Ukraine where president Poroshenko granted him citizenship.
Korotkikh is believed to be running Azov movement’s business operations. A week ago, SBU clamped down on Azov’s racketeering business in Kharkiv, the movement’s alma mater. Seven men, including some, but not all of the lock top figures got arrested.
This was followed by anonymous video, sent to several bloggers, which contained footage purporting that Korotkikh agreed to be an FSB agent during a crackdown on his nazi network in Russia 15 years ago. The footage must have been somehow leaked from the FSB (or released by it).
On August 9, Azov movement leadership claimed that SBU was planning a raid on its main base at Atek plant in Kiev, which houses a recruitment centre, barracks and Azov’s own sergeant school of dubious legality. The promised raid failed to materialise.
In the last few days, the leaders of Azov movement have been accusing president Zelensky of “mopping up patriots and veterans” in a preparation to signing a humiliating peace deal with Russia (no indication of that whatsoever). They announced a protest action by Zelensky’s office.
Does it all mean that Korotkikh, an extremely dark and controversial figure as he is, could be linked to the death of his protege, Vitaly Shishov? Not necessarily.
The suspected assassination and subsequent events come in the wake of the resignation of interior minister Arsen Avakov, the political patron of Azov movement. They should be understood in the context of long-running standoff between SBU and interior ministry.
A bitter rivalry between far right groups, associated with SBU, on the one side and Azov movement on the other is one of several manifestations of that confrontation. SBU-linked groups feature in several investigations into political assassinations in post-Maidan Ukraine.

Bottomline, it’s hard to pin down anyone in those games of security bodies and freelancing far right thugs with their shifting loyalties. From previous experience, sadly, it is unlikely that official investigation will end up with a definitive answer as to who killed Shishov.
I recommend reading @zaborona_media for the ongoing coverage of events related to Vitaly Shishov’s death in Ukrainian/Russian as well as - with some delay - in English.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Se spomnimo aretacije ruskih plačancev pred volitvami v Belorusiji? Šlo je za ponesrečeno operacijo SBU. Po samoinkriminaciji so jih hoteli zvabit k sebi, kjer bi jim lahko sodili. Ampak je vmes posegla korona in batkina paranoja.



Three former high-ranking Ukrainian military intelligence officials described exclusively to CNN how they orchestrated the extraordinary operation aimed at luring suspected war criminals out of Russia to face prosecution for atrocities committed in eastern Ukraine where separatists backed by Moscow have been fighting for years.

First, the Ukrainian agents posed as a Russian private military company, recruiting for security jobs that paid above the going rate, offering a lucrative $5,000 a month contract to protect Venezuelan oil facilities, CNN was told by the men, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak on the sensitive operation.


In other words, according to the intelligence officers, the targets themselves started to send in evidence of who they were, their military experience and even the particular battles and incidents in which they had been involved, including IDs, and potentially incriminating photos and videos of their exploits in eastern Ukraine and elsewhere.

One video, shared with CNN by the former military intelligence sources, captures a group of rebel fighters in eastern Ukraine holding up the wreckage of a military aircraft that the sources said had just been shot down, a crime designated as terrorism in Ukraine.

Other applicants linked themselves to the attack on MH17, the Malaysian Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that was shot down in July 2014 over Ukrainian territory controlled by pro-Russian separatists. (...) "There were two who were present when the missile that downed MH17 was launched. Four others were members of a group responsible for shooting down our military aircraft and killing at least 70 of our best men," a second former Ukrainian military intelligence source told CNN.


With their website recruitment ruse going undetected, Ukrainian intelligence officials simply picked those men with the closest and most controversial links to Ukraine and offered them the fake Venezuela contracts, the sources said.

They picked 28 Russians allegedly linked to illegal acts in Ukraine and five more without connections to allay any suspicions, they said.

The Russians were told they would be flown to Turkey for a flight connection to Caracas. The real plan was to get them to Ukraine where they could be arrested, the sources told CNN.

Zadnji odstavek bi znal bit spodbuda za operacijo Pratasevič, če bi šlo po planu bi letalo verjetno prizemljili v Ukrajini. Vojni zločinci & novinarji, saj je vse isto?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Februarja 2018 je v Ukrajini zgorel madžarski kulturni center. Za napad so bili na Poljskem obsojeni trije njihovi skrajni desničarji, "ta zgovoren" je za končnega naročnika namočil z AfD povezanega Nemca, ki vse zanika.

Nit za skrajno desnico specializiranega akademika:

Članek, ampak so zgrešili letnico napada:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Samo prebral bi članek na RT...

According to the general staff of the country's armed forces, the drone was fired near the village of Granitnoye, close to the city of Mariupol, in response to the shelling that allegedly killed a Ukrainian serviceman.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Samo prebral bi članek na RT...

According to the general staff of the country's armed forces, the drone was fired near the village of Granitnoye, close to the city of Mariupol, in response to the shelling that allegedly killed a Ukrainian serviceman.

No vidiš, pa nisi tvixicev bral. Ukrajini ne bo pomagalo nič...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Zakaj? Saj njihovi droni niso prepovedani.


7. As soon as this Memorandum is approved, flights by military aircraft and foreign unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), with the exception of UAV used by the OSCE monitoring mission, shall be banned along the line of contact in the ceasefire zone no less than 30 kilometres in width.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Aleksander Borodaj, premier Donetske republike do MH17, zdaj zastopa putinovo stranko v Dumi. V intervjuju z vojaško TV Zvezda je bil precej zgovoren. TLDR: Z ruske strani je vse PR, ustvarjanje določenega vtisa (državljanska vojna) na mednarodni sceni.

Speaking on October 19 in an interview with Zvezda Live, a Youtube channel linked to the Russian Defense Ministry’s TV channel Zvezda, Russian MP Alexander Borodai championed the “Russian forces” fighting in eastern Ukraine and recalled details of earlier Kremlin efforts to mislead the international media and disguise Moscow’s responsibility for the war.

Borodai is no ordinary Russian MP. Prior to entering the Duma via Russia’s September 2021 parliamentary elections as a representative of Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party, he was best known for having served in summer 2014 as prime minister of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), the separatist republic created by the Kremlin in eastern Ukraine.


Asked in his recent interview why he left his post in Donetsk so abruptly in August 2014, Borodai answered that his exit was necessary in order to support the Kremlin’s fictional claims of a “Ukrainian civil war.” “At that time, the leadership of the Donetsk People’s Republic was a strange spectacle,” Borodai stated. “I am from Moscow. My first deputy was from Moscow. The power ministries were controlled by Muscovites, and defense minister Igor Strelkov (Igor Girkin) was also from Moscow. It was a little too blatant from a propaganda perspective.”

The fact that the leaders of a supposedly Ukrainian separatist movement were virtually all Russian nationals created obvious problems with the foreign media and international opinion, explained Borodai. “There was no propaganda issue with domestic audiences in Russia or the Donbas,” he noted. “But the situation in the international information space was more difficult in this context. It was clear that it would be necessary to identify new leaders for the republics from among the local population.”

The newly minted Russian MP also had much to say about the broader Russian character of the conflict. While most Russian officials loyally parrot the Kremlin’s standard Ukraine denials, Borodai showed little interest in such niceties. Instead, he dismissed the Zvezda Live interviewer’s calls to be “more careful” with his choice of language and declared that the so-called separatists in eastern Ukraine are “Russian forces.” “I consider this a point of principle,” commented Borodai. “They [in eastern Ukraine] are Russian forces, and the armed forces of the Russian Federation are also Russian forces. Both are Russian forces. What’s the difference?”

Alexander Borodai @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

April 2015. Tri mesece pred tem je bilo Debalcevo, dokumentirani ruski vojaki v Ukrajini. Real deal, poklicni vojaki, nobenih mučk s prostovoljci.

18+, moraš bit registriran:


izza odra:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Ja si me zgubil pri Vice news, kot ostale...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Kaj ima Vice pri tem, da je Reuters v Debalcevu posnel azijate?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

V Kijevu so aretirali tipa, ki je v Donetsku vodil ilegalni zapor/mučilnico.


Nit o zaporu, možno da je postranska dejavnost zvodništvo:

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

V sodbi sodišča v Rostovu se je znašel podatek, da so vsaj v letih 18/19 za oskrbo ruskih vojakov v samooklicanih republikah tja poslali 2600 ton hrane na mesec.



The verdict mentions that the defendant’s official duties included the purchase and sale of rations, which were supposed “to be sent to military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation deployed on the territory of the DNR and LNR.”

The document also states that the “ration supplies to the DNR and LNR were carried out from the warehouse” once every two weeks. The convoy, made up of more than 70 vehicles with a carrying capacity of about 40 tons, transported a total volume of more than 1,300 tons.
“The assortment of supplied rations included flour, canned food, [and] fresh vegetables. The total cost of the rations for one delivery was more than 130 million rubles [about $1.77 million].”


A Russian court disclosed information about a food supply to the Russian army stationed in the self-proclaimed separatist republics in eastern Ukraine.
As stated in the verdict of the district court in Rostov, 1300 tons of food from the Rostov region were sent to the Russian military stationed in the positions of the separatists every two weeks.

The verdict of the Kirovsky District Court in Rostov was issued in November 2021 in a criminal corruption case, its text was published on the court's website.
In the afternoon of December 16, the text of the verdict disappeared from the court's website; Radio Liberty has a saved copy of the corresponding page of the site as of the evening of December 15 with the text of the verdict.

The deputy regional military food manager of a local company was found guilty of brokering a bribe. He was sentenced to five and a half years in prison for having transferred 990 thousand rubles from his boss to the head of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Southern Military District.

As stated in the court's verdict, the defendant's work duties included providing food supplies for supplies to Russian servicemen in eastern Ukraine. A lieutenant colonel from the Southern Military District, as the defense insisted, demanded from his chief 90 thousand rubles a month so as not to interfere with the work on supplies. Otherwise, the officer, as stated in the verdict, "promised to disrupt supplies in the interests of the RF military personnel on combat duty in the DPR and LPR." In the text of the verdict, it is reported that the deliveries took place at least in 2018 and 2019. In the fall of 2018, due to the delay in the dispatch of the convoy by sanitary control, food was damaged in the amount of about 30 million rubles.

The accused said that one truck trip to the separatists cost the suppliers 65–80 thousand rubles. The high cost was associated with a risk to the lives of the drivers. At the border, they handed in documents, removed the license plates from the cars and followed through the Ukrainian territory "under the protection of the receiving party." Before sending them, they were checked by a Russian with the rank of major. The defendant insisted that he was a military man, but the court found that such a person had never served in the army.

According to rough estimates by Radio Liberty, a bi-weekly delivery of 1,300 tons of food would be enough to supply about 26,000 people. However, it does not follow from the verdict that only one company was involved in the supply.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

V sodbi sodišča v Rostovu se je znašel podatek, da so vsaj v letih 18/19 za oskrbo ruskih vojakov v samooklicanih republikah tja poslali 2600 ton hrane na mesec.



The verdict mentions that the defendant’s official duties included the purchase and sale of rations, which were supposed “to be sent to military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation deployed on the territory of the DNR and LNR.”

The document also states that the “ration supplies to the DNR and LNR were carried out from the warehouse” once every two weeks. The convoy, made up of more than 70 vehicles with a carrying capacity of about 40 tons, transported a total volume of more than 1,300 tons.
“The assortment of supplied rations included flour, canned food, [and] fresh vegetables. The total cost of the rations for one delivery was more than 130 million rubles [about $1.77 million].”


A Russian court disclosed information about a food supply to the Russian army stationed in the self-proclaimed separatist republics in eastern Ukraine.
As stated in the verdict of the district court in Rostov, 1300 tons of food from the Rostov region were sent to the Russian military stationed in the positions of the separatists every two weeks.

The verdict of the Kirovsky District Court in Rostov was issued in November 2021 in a criminal corruption case, its text was published on the court's website.
In the afternoon of December 16, the text of the verdict disappeared from the court's website; Radio Liberty has a saved copy of the corresponding page of the site as of the evening of December 15 with the text of the verdict.

The deputy regional military food manager of a local company was found guilty of brokering a bribe. He was sentenced to five and a half years in prison for having transferred 990 thousand rubles from his boss to the head of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Southern Military District.

As stated in the court's verdict, the defendant's work duties included providing food supplies for supplies to Russian servicemen in eastern Ukraine. A lieutenant colonel from the Southern Military District, as the defense insisted, demanded from his chief 90 thousand rubles a month so as not to interfere with the work on supplies. Otherwise, the officer, as stated in the verdict, "promised to disrupt supplies in the interests of the RF military personnel on combat duty in the DPR and LPR." In the text of the verdict, it is reported that the deliveries took place at least in 2018 and 2019. In the fall of 2018, due to the delay in the dispatch of the convoy by sanitary control, food was damaged in the amount of about 30 million rubles.

The accused said that one truck trip to the separatists cost the suppliers 65–80 thousand rubles. The high cost was associated with a risk to the lives of the drivers. At the border, they handed in documents, removed the license plates from the cars and followed through the Ukrainian territory "under the protection of the receiving party." Before sending them, they were checked by a Russian with the rank of major. The defendant insisted that he was a military man, but the court found that such a person had never served in the army.

According to rough estimates by Radio Liberty, a bi-weekly delivery of 1,300 tons of food would be enough to supply about 26,000 people. However, it does not follow from the verdict that only one company was involved in the supply.

No ta del je, jasno ruski. PRedstava da ni rutski je zgolj pshihoza za kupovanje železja... Amerikanci že vejo, zadnje čase odhajajo ladje iz pristanišča v zrjavelem stanju. JE že razlog.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

No ta del je, jasno ruski. PRedstava da ni rutski je zgolj pshihoza za kupovanje železja... Amerikanci že vejo, zadnje čase odhajajo ladje iz pristanišča v zrjavelem stanju. JE že razlog.

V Kremlju pravijo, da ni njihov, nimajo ničesar zraven, v Ukrajini gre za državljansko vojno, pri sporazumu iz Minska niso deležniki.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

No ta del je, jasno ruski. PRedstava da ni rutski je zgolj pshihoza za kupovanje železja... Amerikanci že vejo, zadnje čase odhajajo ladje iz pristanišča v zrjavelem stanju. JE že razlog.

V Kremlju pravijo, da ni njihov, nimajo ničesar zraven, v Ukrajini gre za državljansko vojno, pri sporazumu iz Minska niso deležniki.

Veš kaj je državljanska vojna ?
In kako kaj potekajo boji ruskih domobrancev po celi bojni črti. Sej bi rekel celi ukrajini samo razen nekih provokacij nismo ravno brali. No psihoza za prodajanje orožja pa vseeno mora biti.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Veš kaj je državljanska vojna ?

Vem da to ni konflikt znotraj Ukrajine kjer sodelujoči ruski vojaki potrebujejo 2600 ton hrane na mesec.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Veš kaj je državljanska vojna ?

Vem da to ni konflikt znotraj Ukrajine kjer sodelujoči ruski vojaki potrebujejo 2600 ton hrane na mesec.

Zanimivo, koliko civilistov je pa tam, in koliko od teh civilistov je sposobno samooskrbe ? Sam vprašam.
Prav tako ne veš kaj je državljanska vojna.
Move on.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

korenje3 ::

ZDA bombardira srbijo dokler ne popustijo in kosovo razglasijo za svojo državo. To je brez referenduma, samo teroristične milice, ki so prihajale iz albanije in povzročale vojno stanje.
Rezultat: vse prav
Rusija brez ene smrtne žrtve po referendumu z 95% glasov za privzame krimski polotok.
Rezultat: Vse narobe.

ZDA okupira Irak, Afganistan.
rezultat: vse prav.
Rusija premika vojsko po svoji državi.
rezultat: vse narobe.

Samo toliko da vemo kje smo.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

gozdar1 ::

Pozabil si na premikanje ruske vojske po ukrajini.

Mr.B ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Pozabil si na premikanje ruske vojske po ukrajini.

Se točno ve, kateri del ukraine je Ruski. So šli preko teh ruskih mej v ukrajine? NE

In drugače, kako kaj. NAci režim je dobro podprt v Ukrajini. Verjento nič s tem demokratičnim ameriškim pristopom širjenja demokracije.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Se točno ve, kateri del ukraine je Ruski.

Noben. Noben del Ukrajine ni ruski.

Ker v nasprotnem primeru obstaja tudi del Rusije, ki je finski. Tega pa nočemo, nje?

Pechengsky District @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Miki N ::

Ojoj konflikt v Ukrajini pomeni spet Pacotov neskončni spam. :'(

Že zaradi tega upam, da se stvari mirno razrešijo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Miki N ()

fikus_ ::

Miki N je izjavil:

Ojoj konflikt v Ukrajini pomeni spet Pacotov neskončni spam. :'(

Že zaradi tega upam, da se stvari mirno razrešijo.

Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
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