Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

gendale2018 ::
gendale2018 je izjavil:
rip volitve
Predsedniške volitve so 31.3.2019 .
Popušenko uvedel martial law do 25.1 2019 .
100% bo ostalo pri tem datumu
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

korenje3 ::
24 kur so totalno pro-ukrainski. Pokazal so mapo kjer je krim ukrajinski, potem pa kao da po dogovoru iz leta 2004 lahko pljujejo ladje v azovsko morje.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

fikus_ ::
Možno, da obstaja kakšen dogovor za plutje skozi ožino. Čudno pa je, da tega Ukrajinci niso glasno razglašali?!

Fritz ::
Čeprav je Krim de iure ukrajinski, je za zdaj de facto ruski. In pravica neškodljivega prehoda ni absolutna, saj ima vsaka država suverene pravice na svojem ozemlju, v teritorialnem morju in v zračnem prostoru nad njima.
Je pa zanimivo, da ZDA, ki na odprtem morju ustavljajo in pregledujejo njim 'sumljive' ladje, od RF in Kitajske zahtevajo absolutno pravico neškodljivega prehoda.
Dejstvo je, da incidenta ne bi bilo, če bi ukrajinske ladje upoštevale ukaze ruske obalne straže in se bodisi ustavile ali umaknile.
Je pa zanimivo, da ZDA, ki na odprtem morju ustavljajo in pregledujejo njim 'sumljive' ladje, od RF in Kitajske zahtevajo absolutno pravico neškodljivega prehoda.
Dejstvo je, da incidenta ne bi bilo, če bi ukrajinske ladje upoštevale ukaze ruske obalne straže in se bodisi ustavile ali umaknile.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

kow ::
Ne bi se prevec oziral na dogovore, ker so vsi sprejeti pod groznjo ruske puske. Ukrajinci v resnici nimajo resnih moznosti. Se najbolje bi se bilo skoncetrirati na vojasko sodelovanje s Poljsko in mocno ekonomijo. Sele, ko bo upokojenec v Donbasu zivel bistevno slabse kot upokojenec v Mariupolu, se bodo zamislili.

Mr.B ::
Ne bi se prevec oziral na dogovore, ker so vsi sprejeti pod groznjo ruske puske. Ukrajinci v resnici nimajo resnih moznosti. Se najbolje bi se bilo skoncetrirati na vojasko sodelovanje s Poljsko in mocno ekonomijo. Sele, ko bo upokojenec v Donbasu zivel bistevno slabse kot upokojenec v Mariupolu, se bodo zamislili.
Verjetno obstaja razlog, da ima trenutno predsednik ukrajine tako fenomanalno mo#nost da zmaga na volitvah.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

kow ::
In kaj potem, ce ne zmaga. Imajo pac (slabo delujoco) demokracijo. Rusi v resnici sploh nimajo volitev.

fikus_ ::
Ukrajinci so nasedli širjenju zahodne "demokracije". Ena aktualna iz juge: "Uzaj se u se i u svoje kljuse", podpora in denar, ki so ga dobili za svojo "barvno revolucijo" je pa že davno izpuhtel v določene žepe. Raja od tega nima nič.
To da se z Rusi ne marajo, je razumljivo, da pa tako velika država nima bolj sposobnih politikov, pa ne. Ali pač, vsak najprej poskrbi za svojo rit, pa četudi raja strada.
To da se z Rusi ne marajo, je razumljivo, da pa tako velika država nima bolj sposobnih politikov, pa ne. Ali pač, vsak najprej poskrbi za svojo rit, pa četudi raja strada.

kow ::
Raja ima veliko od tega. Samo se ni ocitno. Sem bil letos v (zahodni) Ukrajini. Mizerija. Ampak, mladina govori odlicno anglescino.
Lokali v centru izgledajo moderno. Ce ne bo vojn, bo ekonomija eksplodirala. Samo vprasanje casa. Doneck pa sanja o premogu in jeklu.
Lokali v centru izgledajo moderno. Ce ne bo vojn, bo ekonomija eksplodirala. Samo vprasanje casa. Doneck pa sanja o premogu in jeklu.

Fritz ::
Ne bi se prevec oziral na dogovore, ker so vsi sprejeti pod groznjo ruske puske. Ukrajinci v resnici nimajo resnih moznosti. Se najbolje bi se bilo skoncetrirati na vojasko sodelovanje s Poljsko in mocno ekonomijo. Sele, ko bo upokojenec v Donbasu zivel bistevno slabse kot upokojenec v Mariupolu, se bodo zamislili.
Se strinjam a kar nekaj ukrajinske ekonomije je odvisno tudi od sodelovanja z Rusijo.
Bistvo je, da so za vojno stanje imeli v preteklosti več močnejših razlogov in je vprašanje zakaj vse to ravno sedaj in na tak način.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

kow ::
Slovenija, Ceska, Slovaska so ze neti prejemnika delovne sile iz tujine. Imo bo Poljska tudi kmalu (ce ze ni).

korenje3 ::
Možno, da obstaja kakšen dogovor za plutje skozi ožino. Čudno pa je, da tega Ukrajinci niso glasno razglašali?!
dogovor je bil ko je bil krim ukrainski. danes ko ni več je bil dogovor da lahko pljujejo samo ukrainske civilne ladje.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

papasmrk ::
Ukrajinski narod bi moral Porošenka že zdavnaj odstavit od njegove funkcije.
Zaradi nespametnih potez bo na koncu od Ukrajine samo še Kijev z okolico.
Zaradi nespametnih potez bo na koncu od Ukrajine samo še Kijev z okolico.
Za komentiranje se moraš prijaviti

korenje3 ::
baje ukrajinski oligarhijahi že prodajajo svoje premoženje v Ukrajini.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

papasmrk ::
Ne pretiravaj. Nihce ne bi imel lahkega dela.
Ok, priznam, res je pretiravanje...ampak vseeno lahko ob naslednji podobni situaciji lahko ostanejo brez Mariuopola.
Za komentiranje se moraš prijaviti

Master_Yoda ::
Predsednik drzave ki je od 239 let v vojni 222 let se verjetno ne bo srecal s Putinom, ker ne mara agresije:
"Mogoče ne bom imel srečanja. Ne maram agresije. Sploh ne želim agresije," je dejal Trump v pogovoru za Washington Post.
In po novem je agresija to da nasilno ustavis nenapovedane vojaske ladje druge drzave v svojem morju, ki se niso hotele ustaviti, po tem ko so jim to ukazal.
"Mogoče ne bom imel srečanja. Ne maram agresije. Sploh ne želim agresije," je dejal Trump v pogovoru za Washington Post.
In po novem je agresija to da nasilno ustavis nenapovedane vojaske ladje druge drzave v svojem morju, ki se niso hotele ustaviti, po tem ko so jim to ukazal.

T-h-o-r ::
Slovenija, Ceska, Slovaska so ze neti prejemnika delovne sile iz tujine. Imo bo Poljska tudi kmalu (ce ze ni).
Tako je, ko pustiš kapitalističnemu razredu neomejeno diktaturo. Namesto dviga plač dobiš brain drain in prihod tuje delovne sile, ki je pripravljena delat v suženjskih razmerah.
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

nsa_ag3nt ::
Rusi imajo azbuko, ne cirilico.
Moraš biti srb, da razumeš cirilico ?
btw, oni uporabljajo oboje, latinico in cirilico.
Leva slika, za rdeče obarvane pokrajine (oblasti) velja vojaška zakonodaja.
spodaj piše začne veljati 28.11 ob 9.00 do 27.12 ob 9.00.
Slika desno je volilna podpora za Popušenka.
Kaj so s to gasilsko akcijo ukr sploh mislili doseči ?
btw, na krovu Ukr ladij je bilo nekaj častnikov sbu-ja, ki so pomoje služili kot biriči, da so posadke prisili k izvajajnju nesmiselnih ukazov.
Moraš biti srb, da razumeš cirilico ?
btw, oni uporabljajo oboje, latinico in cirilico.
Leva slika, za rdeče obarvane pokrajine (oblasti) velja vojaška zakonodaja.
spodaj piše začne veljati 28.11 ob 9.00 do 27.12 ob 9.00.
Slika desno je volilna podpora za Popušenka.
Kaj so s to gasilsko akcijo ukr sploh mislili doseči ?
btw, na krovu Ukr ladij je bilo nekaj častnikov sbu-ja, ki so pomoje služili kot biriči, da so posadke prisili k izvajajnju nesmiselnih ukazov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()

fikus_ ::
Porošenko hoče v ta dvoboj zvabit Nato (njihove ladje naj bi delale red v Azovskem morju in varovale UKR ladje). Merklci pa piha na dušo, daj se odpove severnemu toku in uvaža plin samo preko UKR.
Tu se vidi, kako zblojena je UKR politika. Vse za to, da bi ostali na oblasti. Merklca zagotovo ni pozabila, kako so UKR kradli plin, ki je bil namenjen v EU. Rezultat tega je severni tok. NATO pa tudi nima namena mešati UKR dreka.
Res da ima UKR to smolo, da ima Ruse za sosede, ampak veliko so za sedanje stanje krivi skorumpirani UKR politiki.
Tu se vidi, kako zblojena je UKR politika. Vse za to, da bi ostali na oblasti. Merklca zagotovo ni pozabila, kako so UKR kradli plin, ki je bil namenjen v EU. Rezultat tega je severni tok. NATO pa tudi nima namena mešati UKR dreka.
Res da ima UKR to smolo, da ima Ruse za sosede, ampak veliko so za sedanje stanje krivi skorumpirani UKR politiki.

nsa_ag3nt ::
Radio communications between Russian and Ukrainian ships right before weapons were used
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()

papasmrk ::
Čudno, da se Pac-Man nič ne oglaša. Se je odpravil v Rusijo, da lastnoročno reši zajete ukrajinske ladje?
Za komentiranje se moraš prijaviti

gendale2018 ::
Porošenko hoče v ta dvoboj zvabit Nato (njihove ladje naj bi delale red v Azovskem morju in varovale UKR ladje). Merklci pa piha na dušo, daj se odpove severnemu toku in uvaža plin samo preko UKR.
Tu se vidi, kako zblojena je UKR politika. Vse za to, da bi ostali na oblasti. Merklca zagotovo ni pozabila, kako so UKR kradli plin, ki je bil namenjen v EU. Rezultat tega je severni tok. NATO pa tudi nima namena mešati UKR dreka.
Res da ima UKR to smolo, da ima Ruse za sosede, ampak veliko so za sedanje stanje krivi skorumpirani UKR politiki.

ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

gendale2018 ::
in eni še vedno nasedejo
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

Porošenko to naredil zaradi volitev katerih pa nima šans,d a zmaga zato pa vojno stanje. Oblast je hudoč, ko jo začenjaš izgubljati.

7982884e ::
Rusi imajo azbuko, ne cirilico.abecedi se pravi cirilica, ne rabis se delat pametnega.
Moraš biti srb, da razumeš cirilico ?
btw, oni uporabljajo oboje, latinico in cirilico.
ja, procentaza slovencev ne-srbskega porekla, mlajsih od 40 let, ki znajo brat cirilico, je zelo nizka.
moras biti kitajec, da razumes kitajske pismenke?

7tom1ja ::
shocking, nepričakovano, neverjetno
ZDA gradijo pomorsko bazo v Ukrajini
ZDA gradijo pomorsko bazo v Ukrajini
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

fikus_ ::
Vsilit "demokracijo", zj*bat obstoječ sistem, provocirat, nato te "povabijo", da zgradiš pomorsko bazo tam, kjer si pred 30-leti rekel, da ne boš!
Živela demokracija!
Očitno planet Zemlja postaja premala za ekspanzionistično politiko, bo potrebno več aktivnosti za poselitev Marsa.
Živela demokracija!
Očitno planet Zemlja postaja premala za ekspanzionistično politiko, bo potrebno več aktivnosti za poselitev Marsa.

Vanich ::
shocking, nepričakovano, neverjetno
ZDA gradijo pomorsko bazo v Ukrajini
Heh, saj so bili Američani že skoraj naštimani v Sevastopolu; so bili tam in se hihitali in dregali pod rebra, kakšno pomorsko bazo da so dobili za đabe, in to skoraj takorekoč sredi ruske dnevne sobe, samo, so potem morali nenadoma na vrat-na nos spizditi od tam, malo pred 16.03.2014...

Pac-Man ::
“Americans prepared very seriously and thoroughly for their entrance into Crimea, – said a member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security, Dmitry Sablin.
Dmitry Sablin @ Wikipedia
Dmitry Vadimovich Sablin (Дми́трий Вади́мович Са́блин), born September 5, 1968[1] is a Russian politician who has served as a member of the State Duma since 2003, for the United Russia party.
Sablin is head of the State Duma group that oversees ties between Russian and Syrian lawmakers.
Beginning in January 2015, Sablin was involved in the creation of an Anti-Maidan ultranationalist movement.
Dmitry Sablin co-owns several Rota Group assets, including Rota-Krym, which owns property in the annexed region of Crimea.[4] According to Dozhd, Sablin is one of the richest members of the State Duma.
Dobro nagrajen za zasluge, vidim.
V bistvu tile sralci počnejo točno to, kar so ZDA očitali v Iraku. Divide et impera.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Nit o skrajni desnici v Ukrajini.
in nekaj se obeta na Bellingcatu
Next week (hopefully!) we'll be publishing a lengthy investigation on @bellingcat on far-right organizations in Ukraine who have attempted to recruit members of the American far-right, especially veterans and active-duty servicemen.
A German art collective wanted to unveil extremist networks behind far-right riots in Chemnitz. So they built a website that claimed to identify the rioters, then sat back and waited while extremists searched the site for their own names, outing themselves
in nekaj se obeta na Bellingcatu
Next week (hopefully!) we'll be publishing a lengthy investigation on @bellingcat on far-right organizations in Ukraine who have attempted to recruit members of the American far-right, especially veterans and active-duty servicemen.
A German art collective wanted to unveil extremist networks behind far-right riots in Chemnitz. So they built a website that claimed to identify the rioters, then sat back and waited while extremists searched the site for their own names, outing themselves
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zheegec ::
#BREAKING: For 3rd time in history, #Russia has deployed Tu-160 Nuclear bombers to #Venezuela. Nikolay Kuznetsov & Vasiliy Reshetnikov arrived at Maiquetia airport, Caracas few hours ago as a part of #Russia's show of force to the #US prior possible war with #Ukraine over #Crimea
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Pac-Man ::
Fejk njuz. Ruski 1. kanal oz. njihova produkcijska firma je najel Belorusa, da se pretvarja za nezadovoljnega Ukrajinca. Več:
As Ukraine marks the anniversary of the 2013 Maidan revolution, a young Ukrainian man tells his story to Russian state TV Pervy Kanal. The interviewee is disappointed about the development in his country:
"The Euromaidan didn't give me anything. And look at where we are now. We should have looked into the future; a future without heating, with super expensive energy bills; and it isn't clear when all this is going to end. How to survive the winter, how to send the children to school?!"
The problem was, however, that the interview, which appeared in a news broadcast on 21 November, turned out to be fake.
The Belarusian online outlet Nasha Niva quickly found the young man, who confessed to having been used as an actor. He claimed to be working for a media production company, which had been commissioned by Pervy Kanal with the instruction to "shoot a story about a family or person in Kryvyi Rih in Ukraine, who suffers from lack of gas and expensive heating".
Eventually, a Pervy Kanal spokesperson confirmed Nasha Niva's findings in a comment to the Russian news agency TASS.
The spokesperson blamed the production company but made no comment about why the TV station had requested a report with this particular content.
The interview was filmed by stringers, as "TV channel journalists do not have the opportunity to work in Ukraine." During the test, the stringers acknowledged that they had really shot their acquaintance, since the filming of this interview was done with a technical marriage, and the plot had to be urgently taken.
"According to them, they asked another person to accurately reproduce the answers of the real Kirill Chubenko," the press service said. "This does not justify their action, the stringers have already apologized to the channel and are ready to apologize to the audience. We are waiting for this video and immediately publish it Channel One regrets the incident. "
Novica s 7. decembra, še vedno čakamo.
As Ukraine marks the anniversary of the 2013 Maidan revolution, a young Ukrainian man tells his story to Russian state TV Pervy Kanal. The interviewee is disappointed about the development in his country:
"The Euromaidan didn't give me anything. And look at where we are now. We should have looked into the future; a future without heating, with super expensive energy bills; and it isn't clear when all this is going to end. How to survive the winter, how to send the children to school?!"
The problem was, however, that the interview, which appeared in a news broadcast on 21 November, turned out to be fake.
The Belarusian online outlet Nasha Niva quickly found the young man, who confessed to having been used as an actor. He claimed to be working for a media production company, which had been commissioned by Pervy Kanal with the instruction to "shoot a story about a family or person in Kryvyi Rih in Ukraine, who suffers from lack of gas and expensive heating".
Eventually, a Pervy Kanal spokesperson confirmed Nasha Niva's findings in a comment to the Russian news agency TASS.
The spokesperson blamed the production company but made no comment about why the TV station had requested a report with this particular content.
The interview was filmed by stringers, as "TV channel journalists do not have the opportunity to work in Ukraine." During the test, the stringers acknowledged that they had really shot their acquaintance, since the filming of this interview was done with a technical marriage, and the plot had to be urgently taken.
"According to them, they asked another person to accurately reproduce the answers of the real Kirill Chubenko," the press service said. "This does not justify their action, the stringers have already apologized to the channel and are ready to apologize to the audience. We are waiting for this video and immediately publish it Channel One regrets the incident. "
Novica s 7. decembra, še vedno čakamo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Ukraine's top investigative journalism project @cxemu faces cancelation of their show at @1tvua, the country's public broadcaster, reporters warn, cite the backlash against investigations of corruption surrounding President Poroshenko.
Unfinished and sabotaged reform of Ukraine's public broadcaster is one of the biggest hit-and-misses of the Maidan Revolution. The Ukrainian democracy will eventually suffocate if the media space remains dominated by editorially-controlled newsrooms with disguised funders
The fact that Skhemi, a show all about outing the corruption of sitting government officials and publicly shaming them, got onto Ukrainian public TV was one of the more interesting and encouraging outcomes of Maidan. Well, it was, at least.
Ukraine's top investigative journalism project @cxemu faces cancelation of their show at @1tvua, the country's public broadcaster, reporters warn, cite the backlash against investigations of corruption surrounding President Poroshenko.
Unfinished and sabotaged reform of Ukraine's public broadcaster is one of the biggest hit-and-misses of the Maidan Revolution. The Ukrainian democracy will eventually suffocate if the media space remains dominated by editorially-controlled newsrooms with disguised funders
The fact that Skhemi, a show all about outing the corruption of sitting government officials and publicly shaming them, got onto Ukrainian public TV was one of the more interesting and encouraging outcomes of Maidan. Well, it was, at least.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

7tom1ja ::
“I stand for destruction of Jews and transferring the German’s methods of extermination of Jews to Ukraine” - wrote OUN’s leader Yaroslav Stetsko in 1941. Today draft law was registered at the Ukrainian parliament to name Stetsko Hero of Ukraine.
Ukrajina "NI" nazi država, vse je ruska propaganda
Ukrajina "NI" nazi država, vse je ruska propaganda
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Pac-Man ::
Na MMC smo v temi o nakupu SuperJetov s strani Adrie nekako prišli do oskrbe s plinom in je ruska stran doživela totalen meltdown. Kdor bi bral vse
# 24.12.2018 ob 13.37
Ruski plin je cenejši ker je naraven, izkoplješ luknjo in plin teče. Ameriški plin pa proizvajajo in vsaka proizvodnja stane. Saj ni težko za razumeti ali pač?
# 24.12.2018 ob 13.52
To ni res. Tudi v Rusiji izvajajo fracking, proizvodne kapacitete so pogosto v Sibiriji, zaradi razsežnosti in vremena vsaj del leta realistično dostopne samo z letali.
Gazpromavia @ Wikipedia
# 24.12.2018 ob 14.06
Sploh ni res, pa se ena cudna povezava iz leta 2008.;)))
Rusija se ne ukvarja s plinom iz skrilavca.
Ceprav imajo ogromne zaloge.
Clanek iz leta 2018 direkt iz Gazproma.
# 24.12.2018 ob 15.01
Kaj dokazuje neki amaterski filmcek, ce sem ti dala povezavo na uradni komentar Gazproma?
Lahko ze nehas smetiti in izmisljevati stvari ki jih ni....
# 24.12.2018 ob 15.02
Administratorja naprosam da spostuje pravila in pobrise komentarji ki nimajo z clankom blage veze.
Tudi moji. Hvala
# 24.12.2018 ob 15.06
Da Halliburton izvaja fracking v Rusiji.
Kaj je več vredno - amaterski filmček in tvoje oči ali uradni komentar Gazproma?
# 24.12.2018 ob 15.07
Administratorja naprošam, da želji ne odobri, saj bi s tem izvedel cenzuro.
Saj vem, da je petty, ampak vedno znova sem šokiran nad njihovo neodprtostjo za argumentirano debato. Sploh J@st, ki je menda iz Mariupola.
Na MMC smo v temi o nakupu SuperJetov s strani Adrie nekako prišli do oskrbe s plinom in je ruska stran doživela totalen meltdown. Kdor bi bral vse
# 24.12.2018 ob 13.37
Ruski plin je cenejši ker je naraven, izkoplješ luknjo in plin teče. Ameriški plin pa proizvajajo in vsaka proizvodnja stane. Saj ni težko za razumeti ali pač?
# 24.12.2018 ob 13.52
To ni res. Tudi v Rusiji izvajajo fracking, proizvodne kapacitete so pogosto v Sibiriji, zaradi razsežnosti in vremena vsaj del leta realistično dostopne samo z letali.
Gazpromavia @ Wikipedia
# 24.12.2018 ob 14.06
Sploh ni res, pa se ena cudna povezava iz leta 2008.;)))
Rusija se ne ukvarja s plinom iz skrilavca.
Ceprav imajo ogromne zaloge.
Clanek iz leta 2018 direkt iz Gazproma.
# 24.12.2018 ob 15.01
Kaj dokazuje neki amaterski filmcek, ce sem ti dala povezavo na uradni komentar Gazproma?
Lahko ze nehas smetiti in izmisljevati stvari ki jih ni....
# 24.12.2018 ob 15.02
Administratorja naprosam da spostuje pravila in pobrise komentarji ki nimajo z clankom blage veze.
Tudi moji. Hvala
# 24.12.2018 ob 15.06
Da Halliburton izvaja fracking v Rusiji.
Kaj je več vredno - amaterski filmček in tvoje oči ali uradni komentar Gazproma?
# 24.12.2018 ob 15.07
Administratorja naprošam, da želji ne odobri, saj bi s tem izvedel cenzuro.
Saj vem, da je petty, ampak vedno znova sem šokiran nad njihovo neodprtostjo za argumentirano debato. Sploh J@st, ki je menda iz Mariupola.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

7982884e ::
shocking, nepričakovano, neverjetno
ZDA gradijo pomorsko bazo v Ukrajini
Heh, saj so bili Američani že skoraj naštimani v Sevastopolu; so bili tam in se hihitali in dregali pod rebra, kakšno pomorsko bazo da so dobili za đabe, in to skoraj takorekoč sredi ruske dnevne sobe, samo, so potem morali nenadoma na vrat-na nos spizditi od tam, malo pred 16.03.2014...
lol, to je prav severna koreja-nivo propagande
prav izmisljevanje, kaj je bilo
cesnja za na torto je se tole:
The plane was observed visually, but it was invisible to radars, including missile launchers. The anti-radar system “Khibiny” made it invisible. Destroyer retreated to the Romanian port, and soon the whole American squadron turned for home — a victorious entrance into Sevastopol was cancelled.
slavni nevidni, radar-skurjajoci ruski su-24 (skoda da ni tisti ruski pilot su-24 turkom povedal, da je neviden, ga nebi zadeli)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 7982884e ()

7982884e ::
cela izmisljena storija, ki jo bodo ruso-zaljubljenci pripovedovali se pravnikom, pa bazira na facebook postu ruskega uporabnika, misljenega kot parodija
mislim to da se pogreva tole zgodbico je mal pateticno, a ni?
mislim to da se pogreva tole zgodbico je mal pateticno, a ni?

vostok_1 ::
“I stand for destruction of Jews and transferring the German’s methods of extermination of Jews to Ukraine” - wrote OUN’s leader Yaroslav Stetsko in 1941. Today draft law was registered at the Ukrainian parliament to name Stetsko Hero of Ukraine.
Ukrajina "NI" nazi država, vse je ruska propaganda
Funny. Ukrajina je polna židov, actually je že tradicionalno regija židov, vrjento je tudi sam Stetsko žid.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Pac-Man ::
Precej far out, zadeva ni v časovnem, temveč temveč narativnem redu, kaka stvar bo prevedena z google translate, potrpežljivost prosim.
Uradna zgodba je, da ukrajinska firma Alien Games razvija špil Cost of Freedom, kjer igraš kot nacist ali zapornik v Auschwitzu. Ven so dali prikolico, stvari so precej nazorne, zaplinjanje pa to, zato je poljsko tožilstvo uvedlo preiskavo.
Tule se najde trailer in malo komentarja
The original version of Cost of Freedom saw players taking on the role of guards who looked like SS soldiers and deciding which prisoners to execute in gas chambers – but sparked international outrage.
Developer Dymitri Dybin said the new version is now set in Antarctica, and lets players choose to be a prisoner or a guard, with a demo set to release on PC on 16th November.
Dybin said, ‘[The] accusations went so far that we had to change the setting of the game. We wanted to show the horror of death camps, the difficulty of survival there, the cruelty of the guards and people took it as an insult, which eventually stopped the game’s production.’
Dybin said, ‘We are from Ukraine and we are not violating Ukrainian laws. We did not have a swastika or any other insignia, so we did not promote Nazism. In fact, it was sort of an experiment, we wanted to discover the new meaning of tragedy though the game.
‘The location now is a snow-covered area, set around the middle of the 20th century. We kept the executions, guards will be ordinary guards like police officers, prisoners will be ordinary criminals, political prisoners and bandits, but the player will take the part of an innocent man who found himself imprisoned.
‘The demo version will be ready by 16th November. Now we face a financial and technical problem, we need funding to create an online mode.’
Trailer zgleda amatersko, gameplay ni ravno jasen.
Uradna stran, razen povezav na par profilov nič od nič:
Euronews je zagrabil sled, megla
The controversial game, called "Cost of Freedom", is being developed by the small Ukrainian company Alien Games.
A trailer for “Cost of Freedom”, which is posted by the YouTube account "Pierre Cocco,” features gameplay that allows players to send prisoners for 'disinfection' to a concentration camp similar to Auschwitz.
Alien Games told Euronews they have no affiliation with the account "Pierre Cocco" and said their promotional materials have never "used swastikas, logos, songs or names which would be contrary to the laws of all countries.”
The game makers say "Pierre Cocco" blatantly used old designs and images from the game,and accompanied a song which insulted Poland by referring to “Polish death camps." Alien Games told Euronews "Cost of Freedom" never refers to "Polish death camps" in any of their materials.
The District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw confirmed that Poland launched an investigation into "Cost of Freedom" on October 16 into what is described as "an insult of the Polish Nation via the internet."
Alien Games says they have removed “any association to the camps" from their gameplay and redeveloped the Nazi-like jail to Antarctica, a neutral territory during World War Two. "We respect people's opinion and listen to them," said a spokesperson for Alien Games, "nobody wanted to offend, but if offended, we apologize."
Alien Games will launch a new branded "Cost of Freedom" trailer on November 16.
No, nov trailer je tu.
Stealt? WTF?
Še manj jasno. Nobene akcije, nič. But plot thickens.
Twitter račun pravi, da bodo koncentracijska taborišča zamenjali z gulagi.
Hm, ruska povezava? Kaže tako.
The district prosecutor's office of Warsaw opened a criminal case against Ukrainian company Aliens Games; the reason is that the company intends to release the game about the prisoners of Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. The game, dubbed The Cost of Freedom, which is now in the production stage, is being promoted across the Internet, Rzeczpospolita newspaper reports.
Though the game is stated to be developed by Aliens Games based in Ukraine, Polish MP Jozef Brynkus admitted that the game is a Russian provocation; the Polish side claims that Odesa-based Dmytro Dybin, tightly related to Aliens Games, cooperates with Russian IT company Studcinemafest. So it could be Russians who actually created the game and are now working on it, Brynkus said. 'This information allows us to conclude that in this case, it could be a political provocation against Poland on the international scale', the MP added.
Studcinemafest? Jup, študentski filmski festival.
Kakorkoli, pritrjuje tudi poljski medij
As the journalist "Do Rzeczy" informs Wojciech Wybranowski on Twitter, the company that produces the game probably ... does not exist. "On the website of this allegedly Ukrainian game about Auschwitz as a" band ", it is created by one person: Dimitrij Dybin (Дмитрий Дыбин) from Odessa, and Google brings information about him as a director working for the Russian Studcinemafest Moscow" - informs.
"YouTube has already appeared the next editions of the" trailer "of the alleged game, thrown by people with only recently created accounts, claiming for this alleged - non-existent, probably Ukrainian company, with anti-Polish adaptations," he continues.
"It looks like a thick Russian provocation, which is quite a bit prepared, with the use of a man who since 2012 works at least for Russian TV studios," sums up Wybranowski.
Še uraden, prav tako prazen, twich
Zadevo je zagrabilo precej ruskih medijev. tole je denimo v Angleščini
Zdaj so vse stvari zbrane na enem mestu, bomo videli kam se bodo odvile.
Uradna zgodba je, da ukrajinska firma Alien Games razvija špil Cost of Freedom, kjer igraš kot nacist ali zapornik v Auschwitzu. Ven so dali prikolico, stvari so precej nazorne, zaplinjanje pa to, zato je poljsko tožilstvo uvedlo preiskavo.
Tule se najde trailer in malo komentarja
The original version of Cost of Freedom saw players taking on the role of guards who looked like SS soldiers and deciding which prisoners to execute in gas chambers – but sparked international outrage.
Developer Dymitri Dybin said the new version is now set in Antarctica, and lets players choose to be a prisoner or a guard, with a demo set to release on PC on 16th November.
Dybin said, ‘[The] accusations went so far that we had to change the setting of the game. We wanted to show the horror of death camps, the difficulty of survival there, the cruelty of the guards and people took it as an insult, which eventually stopped the game’s production.’
Dybin said, ‘We are from Ukraine and we are not violating Ukrainian laws. We did not have a swastika or any other insignia, so we did not promote Nazism. In fact, it was sort of an experiment, we wanted to discover the new meaning of tragedy though the game.
‘The location now is a snow-covered area, set around the middle of the 20th century. We kept the executions, guards will be ordinary guards like police officers, prisoners will be ordinary criminals, political prisoners and bandits, but the player will take the part of an innocent man who found himself imprisoned.
‘The demo version will be ready by 16th November. Now we face a financial and technical problem, we need funding to create an online mode.’
Trailer zgleda amatersko, gameplay ni ravno jasen.
Uradna stran, razen povezav na par profilov nič od nič:
Euronews je zagrabil sled, megla
The controversial game, called "Cost of Freedom", is being developed by the small Ukrainian company Alien Games.
A trailer for “Cost of Freedom”, which is posted by the YouTube account "Pierre Cocco,” features gameplay that allows players to send prisoners for 'disinfection' to a concentration camp similar to Auschwitz.
Alien Games told Euronews they have no affiliation with the account "Pierre Cocco" and said their promotional materials have never "used swastikas, logos, songs or names which would be contrary to the laws of all countries.”
The game makers say "Pierre Cocco" blatantly used old designs and images from the game,and accompanied a song which insulted Poland by referring to “Polish death camps." Alien Games told Euronews "Cost of Freedom" never refers to "Polish death camps" in any of their materials.
The District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw confirmed that Poland launched an investigation into "Cost of Freedom" on October 16 into what is described as "an insult of the Polish Nation via the internet."
Alien Games says they have removed “any association to the camps" from their gameplay and redeveloped the Nazi-like jail to Antarctica, a neutral territory during World War Two. "We respect people's opinion and listen to them," said a spokesperson for Alien Games, "nobody wanted to offend, but if offended, we apologize."
Alien Games will launch a new branded "Cost of Freedom" trailer on November 16.
No, nov trailer je tu.
Stealt? WTF?
Še manj jasno. Nobene akcije, nič. But plot thickens.
Twitter račun pravi, da bodo koncentracijska taborišča zamenjali z gulagi.
Hm, ruska povezava? Kaže tako.
The district prosecutor's office of Warsaw opened a criminal case against Ukrainian company Aliens Games; the reason is that the company intends to release the game about the prisoners of Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. The game, dubbed The Cost of Freedom, which is now in the production stage, is being promoted across the Internet, Rzeczpospolita newspaper reports.
Though the game is stated to be developed by Aliens Games based in Ukraine, Polish MP Jozef Brynkus admitted that the game is a Russian provocation; the Polish side claims that Odesa-based Dmytro Dybin, tightly related to Aliens Games, cooperates with Russian IT company Studcinemafest. So it could be Russians who actually created the game and are now working on it, Brynkus said. 'This information allows us to conclude that in this case, it could be a political provocation against Poland on the international scale', the MP added.
Studcinemafest? Jup, študentski filmski festival.
Kakorkoli, pritrjuje tudi poljski medij
As the journalist "Do Rzeczy" informs Wojciech Wybranowski on Twitter, the company that produces the game probably ... does not exist. "On the website of this allegedly Ukrainian game about Auschwitz as a" band ", it is created by one person: Dimitrij Dybin (Дмитрий Дыбин) from Odessa, and Google brings information about him as a director working for the Russian Studcinemafest Moscow" - informs.
"YouTube has already appeared the next editions of the" trailer "of the alleged game, thrown by people with only recently created accounts, claiming for this alleged - non-existent, probably Ukrainian company, with anti-Polish adaptations," he continues.
"It looks like a thick Russian provocation, which is quite a bit prepared, with the use of a man who since 2012 works at least for Russian TV studios," sums up Wybranowski.
Še uraden, prav tako prazen, twich
Zadevo je zagrabilo precej ruskih medijev. tole je denimo v Angleščini
Zdaj so vse stvari zbrane na enem mestu, bomo videli kam se bodo odvile.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Pierro Cocco omenjen zgoraj, ampak je geoblockano
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

vostok_1 ::
Holocauster tycoon?
that's funny as fuck.

There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Pac-Man ::
Putin se je malenkost zagovoril in okupacijo Krima imenoval za aneksijo.
The rector of the Yaroslavl Theater Institute, Sergei Kutsenko, enabled the Russian president to make an unexpected admission.
- For Sevastopol prepared? - Vladimir Putin promisingly asked.
"We started from this city," Sergey Kutsenko answered with dignity.
- when? - the president asked.
"It was still in Ukraine," added Sergey Kutsenko.
"Those are the roots of the annexation," Vladimir Putin nodded.
He thus for the first time called what happened in 2014 with the Crimea with a word that all Ukraine did not expect to wait from, I am sure.
The rector of the Yaroslavl Theater Institute, Sergei Kutsenko, enabled the Russian president to make an unexpected admission.
- For Sevastopol prepared? - Vladimir Putin promisingly asked.
"We started from this city," Sergey Kutsenko answered with dignity.
- when? - the president asked.
"It was still in Ukraine," added Sergey Kutsenko.
"Those are the roots of the annexation," Vladimir Putin nodded.
He thus for the first time called what happened in 2014 with the Crimea with a word that all Ukraine did not expect to wait from, I am sure.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.