Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
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Mr.B ::
2 možnosti:
1) Ukrajina je v 90ih čutila potrebo po protitankovskih minah in jo zapolnila z uvozom iz Rusije. Nato so le-te padle v roke podjetnim rudarjem in traktoristom.
2) Rusija upornikom dobavlja protitankovske mine.
On July 4, 2018, VKontakte (VK) user Vlad Shamray uploaded a set of photos of himself sitting by a pile of anti-tank mines. Twitter user @666_mancer was the first to notice these photos, and tweeted about them, pointing out the manufacture date and factory of origin as further indicators of Russian interference in the conflict. The mines bore a set of markings:
TM-62П3 meant that the mines were TM-62 mines of the P3 type, and the series of numbers below denoted the factory, lot number, and year of production. 121 indicated that the mines originated from the “Bryansk Chemical Plant named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR” in Bryansk, Russia. 94 denoted that the mines were produced in 1994, three years after the independence of Ukraine from the Soviet Union.
Upornikom v siriji pa tud what....
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::
so what....
Seznam dokazov o ruski vpletenosti v konflikt pa je vedno daljši in daljši.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::
so what....
Seznam dokazov o ruski vpletenosti v konflikt pa je vedno daljši in daljši.
Krim je ruski ! To je jasno vsem, razen nekim izjemam.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::
Krim ni ruski ! To je jasno vsem, razen nekim izjemam.
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 @ Wikipedia
The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum.
Voting summary
100 voted for
11 voted against
58 abstained
24 absent
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 @ Wikipedia
The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum.
Voting summary
100 voted for
11 voted against
58 abstained
24 absent
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fikus_ ::
"Krim ni ruski ! To je jasno vsem, razen nekim izjemam. "
Tukaj se motiš! Ker velja tole:
1. zmagovalec ima prav!
2. če slučajno nima prav velja pravilo 1
Tukaj se motiš! Ker velja tole:
1. zmagovalec ima prav!
2. če slučajno nima prav velja pravilo 1
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()

Pac-Man ::
Na Krimu je ruska oblast. Krim pa zato še ni ruski.
Glej tudi Transnistrija, Južna Osetija.
Glej tudi Transnistrija, Južna Osetija.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Mr.B ::
Krim ni ruski ! To je jasno vsem, razen nekim izjemam.
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 @ Wikipedia
The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum.
Voting summary
100 voted for
11 voted against
58 abstained
24 absent
Evo prvi zadetek , samo zate : Election Day in Pro-Russia Crimea
A misliš da če se redna Ruska vojska sprehaja po ozemlju, ki se je odločil da bo pod rusijo, da boš kaj novega ugotovil. Krim je in ostaja Ruski. Enako kot bi rekel Izrael je Izraelski in pripada Izraelcem, tisti palestinci tam nimajo za burek. Razen če misliš da ima Ukrajina zmožnost da se oloči zavzesti ozemlje nazaj in se zoperstaviti Ruski vojski. No veliko sreče, ker pred letom ali dvemi je biila študija, da bi prišla ruska vojska do varšave če bi hoteli zavzeti EU, preden bi EU z natom bila sposobna karkoli narediti...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::
Če je bila eliminacija Zakarčenka operacija SBU/desnega sektorja, powers that are v DNR presenetljivo veliko obračunavajo med seboj.
Zakharchenko's right-hand man, Aleksandr "Tashkent" Timofeyev, made it out alive to Moscow after surviving the explosion that killed his boss. After he leaves, the DNR "discovers" that he's stolen ~$12.2m of property. (he+Zakharchenko being ultra corrupt was an open secret) For more on Timofeyev and Zakharchenko's insane, not-even-trying-to-hide-it corruption, see Kanygin's recent reports (FWIW, this is probably why Zakharchenko was assassinated):
Full-blown purge underway in the Donetsk "People's Republic" against the people close to slain leader #Zakharchenko and his "revenue minister" Timofeyev. New separatist strongman Pushilin fired six ministers today - including justice, transport, industry and agriculture.
Timofeyev aka Tashkent is already referred to as "scandalous" by the Pushilin loyal @rssDanNewsInfo site
Timofeyev's Facebook account is suspended as of today
Donetsk "Information Ministry" @OnlineDnr has switched from supporting Zakharchenko/Timofeyev to Pushilin - "Minister" Antipov was reappointed today
Curious to see what happens to Finnish firebrand @Janus_DONi_News Putkonen and his news agency @dnipress Two years ago, Zakharchenko gave him a gun.
Yet another Limonovets bites the dust. Sergey Fomchenkov ("Fomich"), the comamnder of the group that was commonly called "Prilepin's Battalion", has been arrested See our #MinskMonitor report on the hotel they requisitioned, which was raided today, here:
Prilepin's Battalion has served as a microcosm of the course of the whole DNR. Zakhar left the battalion, Zakharchenko was killed. Pushilin takes power and Zakharchenko/Timofeyev's people start to be repressed, and the battalion gets raided/disbanded. And, of course, it serves as a microcosm of the DNR in that it's mostly a bunch of Russian Natzbol idiots who came to the Donbas to play soldier, and they all lived together in a requisitioned luxury hotel.
A few of the #MinskMonitor reports we've written on Prilepin and his merry band of Limonovtsy:
Zakharchenko's right-hand man, Aleksandr "Tashkent" Timofeyev, made it out alive to Moscow after surviving the explosion that killed his boss. After he leaves, the DNR "discovers" that he's stolen ~$12.2m of property. (he+Zakharchenko being ultra corrupt was an open secret) For more on Timofeyev and Zakharchenko's insane, not-even-trying-to-hide-it corruption, see Kanygin's recent reports (FWIW, this is probably why Zakharchenko was assassinated):
Full-blown purge underway in the Donetsk "People's Republic" against the people close to slain leader #Zakharchenko and his "revenue minister" Timofeyev. New separatist strongman Pushilin fired six ministers today - including justice, transport, industry and agriculture.
Timofeyev aka Tashkent is already referred to as "scandalous" by the Pushilin loyal @rssDanNewsInfo site
Timofeyev's Facebook account is suspended as of today
Donetsk "Information Ministry" @OnlineDnr has switched from supporting Zakharchenko/Timofeyev to Pushilin - "Minister" Antipov was reappointed today
Curious to see what happens to Finnish firebrand @Janus_DONi_News Putkonen and his news agency @dnipress Two years ago, Zakharchenko gave him a gun.
Yet another Limonovets bites the dust. Sergey Fomchenkov ("Fomich"), the comamnder of the group that was commonly called "Prilepin's Battalion", has been arrested See our #MinskMonitor report on the hotel they requisitioned, which was raided today, here:
Prilepin's Battalion has served as a microcosm of the course of the whole DNR. Zakhar left the battalion, Zakharchenko was killed. Pushilin takes power and Zakharchenko/Timofeyev's people start to be repressed, and the battalion gets raided/disbanded. And, of course, it serves as a microcosm of the DNR in that it's mostly a bunch of Russian Natzbol idiots who came to the Donbas to play soldier, and they all lived together in a requisitioned luxury hotel.
A few of the #MinskMonitor reports we've written on Prilepin and his merry band of Limonovtsy:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Ukrajinsko sodišče je tožilstvu dovolilo dostop do leta in pol prometnih podatkov z mobilnega telefona raziskovalne novinarke. ESČP je dalo blokado do 18. oktobra, da lahko novinarka pripravi odgovor.
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ordered the Ukrainian government not to access any data from the cell phone of RFE/RL investigative reporter Natalya Sedletska.
The September 18 order is in effect until October 18 to give Sedletska time to prepare a full complaint to the court.
On August 27, the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv approved a request from the Prosecutor-General's Office to allow investigators to review all data from Sedletska's cell phone from July 1, 2016 through November 30, 2017.
The ruling stems from a criminal investigation into the alleged disclosure of state secrets to journalists in 2017 by Artem Sytnyk, director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.
Sedletska is the host of Schemes, an award-winning anticorruption television program by RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service and Ukrainian Public Television.
The Schemes program reported on several investigations involving senior Ukrainian officials, including Prosecutor-General Yuriy Lutsenko, during the period in question.
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ordered the Ukrainian government not to access any data from the cell phone of RFE/RL investigative reporter Natalya Sedletska.
The September 18 order is in effect until October 18 to give Sedletska time to prepare a full complaint to the court.
On August 27, the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv approved a request from the Prosecutor-General's Office to allow investigators to review all data from Sedletska's cell phone from July 1, 2016 through November 30, 2017.
The ruling stems from a criminal investigation into the alleged disclosure of state secrets to journalists in 2017 by Artem Sytnyk, director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.
Sedletska is the host of Schemes, an award-winning anticorruption television program by RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service and Ukrainian Public Television.
The Schemes program reported on several investigations involving senior Ukrainian officials, including Prosecutor-General Yuriy Lutsenko, during the period in question.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Zadnji teden in par dni v ljudskih republikah pod rusko upravo
Surkov says yesterday's vote for Pushilin shows "high level of political culture, and the Donbass people's solidarity and determination to continue their fight for peace"
Deposed Donetsk separatist "Revenue Minister" Timofeyev aka Tashkent in @ZaharPrilepin's blockhouse outside Moscow today - apparently they were reading poetry 🙄 // Tip v črni majici je precej medijsko izpostavljen ostrostrelec iz Srbije, se mi ne da guglat imena. Zgleda ga je z Zakarčenkom zapustila tudi sreča.
Looks like the Donetsk "People's Republic" has suddenly lost its Defence "Ministry"
This will hardly have consequences because the "ministry" was really just responsible for handing out medals and holding parades, while command and control lay with the 1st Army Corps
In the future, the "DNR" forces will be known as "People's Militia", just like in the Luhansk People's Republic" which actually never had a defence "ministry"
The footnote of point 11 in the February 2015 "Package of Measures" allows authorities in the "certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions" to form people's militias - but to maintain public order, NOT for defence
Maybe somebody long wanted to get rid of that defence "ministry" - the website launched only in Feb 2017 is , the (poorly managed) Twitter account @unmdnr for "управление народной милиции"
Photos circulating online showing deposed Luhansk separatist leader Plotnitsky apparently in a branch of Moscow Sushi chain ToDaSyo on Sept 3. Unverified, natch Influential Moscow pol. scientist @alexchesn says he is 99% sure that separatist leaders Pushilin and Pasechnik will win November elections in e #Ukraine's "People's Republics". All you need to know about those "elections"
Former #Zakharchenko adviser @ale_kazak says that opinion polls are banned in the Donetsk "People's Republic". Those found conducting them will be detained
New "Revenue Minister" Lavrenov admits that the economic situation in the Donetsk "People's Republic" is dire.
Unsurprisingly, new Donetsk separatist leader Pushilin has appointed his close confidant and Foreign "Minister" Natalia Nikonorova to be his sucessor as chief Minsk negotiator
From now on, two Foreign "Ministers" will represent the separatists in Minsk: Deinego for Luhansk, Nikonorova for Donetsk. The "LNR" Foreign "Ministry" was set up only one year ago, it still has no website...
Russia's FSB wants to see #Zakharchenko as separatist leader in Donetsk! Just not Alexander but Vitaliy - who was Interior Minister under Yanukovych. Need to stress that the source for this is an anonymous Telegram account. However, that very Zakharchenko just lambasted Russia's "soft" policies versus Ukraine
The narrative of a turf war between Surkov/Kremlin and the FSB over Donbass is intriguing. Luhansk leader Pasechnik is clearly an intelligence guy, Pushilin Surkov's man. Outlook for "interrepublican" cooperation not so good
Reports from Donetsk say attempts are underway to disarm a Special Forces Battalion which was under #zakharchenko's command and in which Ru writer @ZaharPrilepin served 'til July. You can visit the Special Forces' Regiment's @vkontakte page here
Commander Fomchenkov and his CoS were dragged away, battalion members tell @eurasiadaily - after they resisted subordination to separatist Interior "Ministry"
Interesting: Alexander Kostenko, the separatist MP rumoured to be the owner of the cafe in which #Zakharchenko was killed, has resigned from his post as leader of the de facto ruling party "Donetsk Republic". After the assassination, Kostenko denied reports that he had fled Donetsk and said that he was testifying and that "there are suspects".
Donetsk separatist "parliament" today set up a commission to investigate corruption accusations against sacked "Revenue Minister" and Zakharchenko ally Timofeyev aka "Tashkent"
New Donetsk separatist leader Pushilin claims #Zakharchenko was assassinated by a commando from Ukraine's SBU - aided by W intelligence agencies. Pushilin claims one detained suspect has given evidence and that the type of explosive device has not been used by Ukraine before, pointing to western countries' assistance.
Donetsk separatist "State Security Ministry" releases video confession of man claiming Ukraine hired him to blow up #Zakharchenko last year in the bathroom of Donetsk restaurant "Pushkin". The man, identified as Alexander Pogorelov, was apparently detained in 2017. I recall no reports of restaurant bomb that year. Zakharchenko said in May that UA had tried to kill him nr Zaur-Mohyla
Meanwhile, Finnish activist @Janus_DONi_News seems to have left Donetsk, his "news agency" site is down and local separatist media make no mention of him.
While really Putkonen is in Luhansk promising to bring international investors to separatist areas as founding CEO of a DIMC Capital Group investment company!
Kremlin negotiator Boris Gryzlov repeats the thesis that planned "elections" in Ukraine's "People's Republics" are not municipal thus don't violate Minsk agreement. Adds they're necessary to avoid power vacuum, which would otherwise lead to chaos. I.e there must have been a chaotic power vacuum in Luhansk since November 2017, when separatist Pasechnik deposed separatist Plotnitsky (aided by separatist Zakharchenko)
Donetsk separatist State Security "Ministry" releases vieo interview w man it claims defected from Ukraine's SBU - but does not dispel doubts about this being a voluntary show. The Donetsk "MGB's" @YouTube channel is full of frightening "confessions" of all sorts of people. Clearly a case for @hrw or any other rights group.
Separatist "Oplot TV", run by #Zakharchenko's old fight club, is apparently slanted to go off the air in Donetsk (along with Disney and Humour TV) - for "technical reasons"
Fun scoop from @the_ins_ru. Last week, on a "voluntary-mandatory" basis, Russia put most of Donetsk's separatist leaders on a bus for a secret meeting in Rostov-on-Don with Surkov & Nazarov to sort out who gets what post-Zakharchenko.
From Donetsk reported that last week, most of the ministers and a large number of influential deputies of the People's Council of the People's Democratic Republic of Naples were voluntarily forced into a bus and sent to a secret meeting in Rostov-on-Don. According to sources from The Insider, on the Russian side the event was headed by adviser to President Vladimir Putin Vladislav Surkov and Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, chairman of the interdepartmental commission for LDPR and Crimea Sergei Nazarov. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the leadership of the Rostov region, officers of law enforcement agencies, political technologist "rugor Surkov" Alexei Chesnakov, who first publicly announced the need to appoint Denis Pusilin as head of the DNR, and other officials. The source The Insider shared some details of this meeting.
"The meeting discussed the fate of Alexander Timofeev (call sign" Tashkent ") - the" right hand "of the deceased Zakharchenko, there was talk about a possible criminal prosecution of the former" gray cardinal "of the People's Democratic Republic on charges of corruption and even confiscation of the resources stolen by them. Passed "debriefing" on the issue of "squeezing" property in the republic. They discussed even the fate of the supermarket chain "First Republican" belonging to the widow of Zakharchenko. There is information that officers of the FSB are sent to the NDP. It is possible to conduct a detailed investigation of the Dagestan scenario of anti-corruption stripping. It is also planned to reduce the staff of ministries with significant strengthening of control by the Russian Federation. According to some reports, the Ministry of Defense of the Democratic People's Republic of Germany has already been disbanded, and all the armed forces, including the special forces of the Ministry of Revenue and Dues, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, RGSO, etc. are reassigned to the Donetsk Corps under the control of Russian curators or transferred to internal troops. It is planned to strengthen the protection of departments and individual officials by Russian specialists, possibly even the GRU forces. "
Sources The Insider believe that the PR team will try to present Denis Pushilin as a "strong economic manager", who will be puzzled first of all by social issues: increase of salaries, suppression of theft of the budget, nepotism, and so on. Probably, Pusilin was appointed head of the VRIO because he is run from Moscow. "The task is to rid the top of the DNR of the militaristic image and make the republic more like a typical region of the Russian Federation," our interlocutor explains. - To do this, it must be shown that life in the NDP enters a peaceful course, the population's prosperity is growing, and the participation of official institutions of the Russian Federation is also increasing. Many residents of Donetsk associate with the coming changes of hope for a speedy improvement of the situation in the republic. "
Surkov says yesterday's vote for Pushilin shows "high level of political culture, and the Donbass people's solidarity and determination to continue their fight for peace"
Deposed Donetsk separatist "Revenue Minister" Timofeyev aka Tashkent in @ZaharPrilepin's blockhouse outside Moscow today - apparently they were reading poetry 🙄 // Tip v črni majici je precej medijsko izpostavljen ostrostrelec iz Srbije, se mi ne da guglat imena. Zgleda ga je z Zakarčenkom zapustila tudi sreča.
Looks like the Donetsk "People's Republic" has suddenly lost its Defence "Ministry"
This will hardly have consequences because the "ministry" was really just responsible for handing out medals and holding parades, while command and control lay with the 1st Army Corps
In the future, the "DNR" forces will be known as "People's Militia", just like in the Luhansk People's Republic" which actually never had a defence "ministry"
The footnote of point 11 in the February 2015 "Package of Measures" allows authorities in the "certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions" to form people's militias - but to maintain public order, NOT for defence
Maybe somebody long wanted to get rid of that defence "ministry" - the website launched only in Feb 2017 is , the (poorly managed) Twitter account @unmdnr for "управление народной милиции"
Photos circulating online showing deposed Luhansk separatist leader Plotnitsky apparently in a branch of Moscow Sushi chain ToDaSyo on Sept 3. Unverified, natch Influential Moscow pol. scientist @alexchesn says he is 99% sure that separatist leaders Pushilin and Pasechnik will win November elections in e #Ukraine's "People's Republics". All you need to know about those "elections"
Former #Zakharchenko adviser @ale_kazak says that opinion polls are banned in the Donetsk "People's Republic". Those found conducting them will be detained
New "Revenue Minister" Lavrenov admits that the economic situation in the Donetsk "People's Republic" is dire.
Unsurprisingly, new Donetsk separatist leader Pushilin has appointed his close confidant and Foreign "Minister" Natalia Nikonorova to be his sucessor as chief Minsk negotiator
From now on, two Foreign "Ministers" will represent the separatists in Minsk: Deinego for Luhansk, Nikonorova for Donetsk. The "LNR" Foreign "Ministry" was set up only one year ago, it still has no website...
Russia's FSB wants to see #Zakharchenko as separatist leader in Donetsk! Just not Alexander but Vitaliy - who was Interior Minister under Yanukovych. Need to stress that the source for this is an anonymous Telegram account. However, that very Zakharchenko just lambasted Russia's "soft" policies versus Ukraine
The narrative of a turf war between Surkov/Kremlin and the FSB over Donbass is intriguing. Luhansk leader Pasechnik is clearly an intelligence guy, Pushilin Surkov's man. Outlook for "interrepublican" cooperation not so good
Reports from Donetsk say attempts are underway to disarm a Special Forces Battalion which was under #zakharchenko's command and in which Ru writer @ZaharPrilepin served 'til July. You can visit the Special Forces' Regiment's @vkontakte page here
Commander Fomchenkov and his CoS were dragged away, battalion members tell @eurasiadaily - after they resisted subordination to separatist Interior "Ministry"
Interesting: Alexander Kostenko, the separatist MP rumoured to be the owner of the cafe in which #Zakharchenko was killed, has resigned from his post as leader of the de facto ruling party "Donetsk Republic". After the assassination, Kostenko denied reports that he had fled Donetsk and said that he was testifying and that "there are suspects".
Donetsk separatist "parliament" today set up a commission to investigate corruption accusations against sacked "Revenue Minister" and Zakharchenko ally Timofeyev aka "Tashkent"
New Donetsk separatist leader Pushilin claims #Zakharchenko was assassinated by a commando from Ukraine's SBU - aided by W intelligence agencies. Pushilin claims one detained suspect has given evidence and that the type of explosive device has not been used by Ukraine before, pointing to western countries' assistance.
Donetsk separatist "State Security Ministry" releases video confession of man claiming Ukraine hired him to blow up #Zakharchenko last year in the bathroom of Donetsk restaurant "Pushkin". The man, identified as Alexander Pogorelov, was apparently detained in 2017. I recall no reports of restaurant bomb that year. Zakharchenko said in May that UA had tried to kill him nr Zaur-Mohyla
Meanwhile, Finnish activist @Janus_DONi_News seems to have left Donetsk, his "news agency" site is down and local separatist media make no mention of him.
While really Putkonen is in Luhansk promising to bring international investors to separatist areas as founding CEO of a DIMC Capital Group investment company!
Kremlin negotiator Boris Gryzlov repeats the thesis that planned "elections" in Ukraine's "People's Republics" are not municipal thus don't violate Minsk agreement. Adds they're necessary to avoid power vacuum, which would otherwise lead to chaos. I.e there must have been a chaotic power vacuum in Luhansk since November 2017, when separatist Pasechnik deposed separatist Plotnitsky (aided by separatist Zakharchenko)
Donetsk separatist State Security "Ministry" releases vieo interview w man it claims defected from Ukraine's SBU - but does not dispel doubts about this being a voluntary show. The Donetsk "MGB's" @YouTube channel is full of frightening "confessions" of all sorts of people. Clearly a case for @hrw or any other rights group.
Separatist "Oplot TV", run by #Zakharchenko's old fight club, is apparently slanted to go off the air in Donetsk (along with Disney and Humour TV) - for "technical reasons"
Fun scoop from @the_ins_ru. Last week, on a "voluntary-mandatory" basis, Russia put most of Donetsk's separatist leaders on a bus for a secret meeting in Rostov-on-Don with Surkov & Nazarov to sort out who gets what post-Zakharchenko.
From Donetsk reported that last week, most of the ministers and a large number of influential deputies of the People's Council of the People's Democratic Republic of Naples were voluntarily forced into a bus and sent to a secret meeting in Rostov-on-Don. According to sources from The Insider, on the Russian side the event was headed by adviser to President Vladimir Putin Vladislav Surkov and Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, chairman of the interdepartmental commission for LDPR and Crimea Sergei Nazarov. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the leadership of the Rostov region, officers of law enforcement agencies, political technologist "rugor Surkov" Alexei Chesnakov, who first publicly announced the need to appoint Denis Pusilin as head of the DNR, and other officials. The source The Insider shared some details of this meeting.
"The meeting discussed the fate of Alexander Timofeev (call sign" Tashkent ") - the" right hand "of the deceased Zakharchenko, there was talk about a possible criminal prosecution of the former" gray cardinal "of the People's Democratic Republic on charges of corruption and even confiscation of the resources stolen by them. Passed "debriefing" on the issue of "squeezing" property in the republic. They discussed even the fate of the supermarket chain "First Republican" belonging to the widow of Zakharchenko. There is information that officers of the FSB are sent to the NDP. It is possible to conduct a detailed investigation of the Dagestan scenario of anti-corruption stripping. It is also planned to reduce the staff of ministries with significant strengthening of control by the Russian Federation. According to some reports, the Ministry of Defense of the Democratic People's Republic of Germany has already been disbanded, and all the armed forces, including the special forces of the Ministry of Revenue and Dues, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, RGSO, etc. are reassigned to the Donetsk Corps under the control of Russian curators or transferred to internal troops. It is planned to strengthen the protection of departments and individual officials by Russian specialists, possibly even the GRU forces. "
Sources The Insider believe that the PR team will try to present Denis Pushilin as a "strong economic manager", who will be puzzled first of all by social issues: increase of salaries, suppression of theft of the budget, nepotism, and so on. Probably, Pusilin was appointed head of the VRIO because he is run from Moscow. "The task is to rid the top of the DNR of the militaristic image and make the republic more like a typical region of the Russian Federation," our interlocutor explains. - To do this, it must be shown that life in the NDP enters a peaceful course, the population's prosperity is growing, and the participation of official institutions of the Russian Federation is also increasing. Many residents of Donetsk associate with the coming changes of hope for a speedy improvement of the situation in the republic. "
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Double_J ::
Naj rusi vrnejo Donetsk in Lugansk Ukrajini, ukrajinci pa bodo priznali, da nimajo več Krima. A ni to morda ustrezna rešitev?
Dve šivanki...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Double_J ()

Pac-Man ::
Vzamem ti dve liziki, eno vrnem, ti pa priznaš, da druga ni več tvoja. A ni to morda ustrezna rešitev?
Aha, med ropom je nekdo prerešetal avto s sosedi, vsi so mrtvi. Sicer sem bil edini oborožen, par prič me je videlo z AK-47, ampak vztrajam, da si kriv ti, prasec.
Aha, med ropom je nekdo prerešetal avto s sosedi, vsi so mrtvi. Sicer sem bil edini oborožen, par prič me je videlo z AK-47, ampak vztrajam, da si kriv ti, prasec.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

SimplyMiha ::
Če se ti lizika upre in pade na tla, jo bom pač pobral... Saj te očitno ne mara več!
Drugače pa gre za čisto prave ljudi z lastno voljo, ne navadne predmete, na katere jih skušaš degradirati.
Drugače pa gre za čisto prave ljudi z lastno voljo, ne navadne predmete, na katere jih skušaš degradirati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SimplyMiha ()

jype ::
SimplyMiha je izjavil:
Če se ti lizika upreZdaj razumem, od kod vam desničarjem fraza "uvoz oboroženih moških vojaških let". Obvladate to taktiko.

Pac-Man ::
SimplyMiha je izjavil:
Zadeva je malo bolj komplicirana, mednarodno priznane meje republike Ukrajine pa so še vedno dobro znane.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Tedenski pregled dogajanja v ljudskih republikah. Eksplozije, ugrabitve, prisluhi, feudi. V glavnem, dramaaaaaaaa.
Big day for @pushilindenis today - when hand-picked miners, doctors and activists ask him on stage to stand in Donetsk "People's Republic" leadership "elections" in November - and he says YES!
This event in Donetsk today was a textbook Surkov-style managed democracy show.
Last night, Russian border guards refused to let former separatist commander and opposition hopeful Alexander Khodakovsky enter the Donetsk "People's Republic"
Khodakovsky wanted to run in the November 11 "elections". He now joins the crowd of exiled separatists barred from returning - like close allies of killed leader Alexander Zakharchenko, whom he opposed. Khodakovsky's chances to participate were low from the beginning. Last week, Surkov's mouthpice @alexchesn said his chances to win an election were "tiny"
Fun fact: the last time separatist outlet DAN reported about Khodakovsky was in April 2016 (!), when MPs suggested to ban him from ALL political activity
UPDATE: "LNR" election commission preliminarily registered EIGHT candidates for November 11 leadership contest. Pasechnik (Nr one) to compete w Luhansk Vodka factory director. Vodka boss Leonid Derzhak is from the "Lugansk Economic Union" quasi-opposition party, which at convention today actually endorsed Pasechnik (photo looks like 1958 to me) The Donetsk "People's Republic" is busy deleting its Defence "Ministry". First step - rename every mention of it in laws "Executive Organ for the Realization of State Policy in the Sphere of Defence"
Meet the new deputy prime minister of the Donetsk "People's Republic" , Alexei Ananchenko. Apparently, nobody has seen him so far.
Before his appointment, Ananchenko is said to have worked for Vneshtorgservis, the super-secretive holding company for industrial assets seized by the separatists
Interim separatist leader Pushilin says a Russian bank will open a branch in Donetsk - but does not name it.
Surprise surprise - the bank is apparently the Mezhdunarodny Rashchyotny Bank's (MRBank) South Ossetian branch. I have written about that bank and South Ossetia's general role as a financial hub between Russia and the separatists last year.
Security Service of Ukraine @ServiceSsu published conversation of Pushilin deputy Lavrentyev O.O with unknown men, recorded in Antalya, Turkey on 12 June. Men discussed removal of Zaharchenko until September
Man: your idea is clear, you will remove Zaharchenko, Tashkent, Kazakov, suppress their "funny battalions" and put Pushilin
Zaharchenko of DNR was killed the last day before September, on 31st of August
Ex-commander of DNR militants Girkin confirms authenticity of SBU recording in Antalya
Probably the most damning assessment to date of Russia's policies in e Ukraine. Prominent nationalist blogger Anatoly Nesmiyan (El Murid na Livejournal) says there are few doubts that Zakharchenko's killing was ordered from Moscow. "Criminal reality is a far cry from your dreams"
Donetsk opposition separatist Pavel Gubarev says his wife Yekaterina has disappeared. Pavel Gubarev wants to stand against the Kremlin-backed @pushilindenis in the November leadership elections. He was expected to hand in the required signatures this weekend for registration. Yesterday separatist fighter turned writer @juchkovsky canceled a presentation of his book in Donetsk saying it was banned because Gubarev was going to attend. The website of the Gubarevs' nominal ("systemic") opposition movement "Svobodny Donbass" is down today. Also offline are the Gubarevs' media outlets @dnr_live and @NovorossiyaNews But there are news updates on VK. Today's party convention was cancelled, delegates were barred from entering the hall. Gubarev supporters already drawing parallels to North Korea ...
Yekaterina Gubareva was detained and questioned this morning to prevent her from being put on her party list Donetsk separatist "elections". Released, she "ended up with Pushilin". Pro-Pushilin outlet DAN then reports that the party convention passed a candidate list, not mentioning her name at all.
And then there was an explosion at today's convention of the (little known) "DNR" Communist Party - their candidate Igor Khakimzyanov is said to be hurt. Pushilin-loyal news site cites unnamed law enfrocement source that Khakimzyanov staged the explosion to promote his own candidacy...
Big day for @pushilindenis today - when hand-picked miners, doctors and activists ask him on stage to stand in Donetsk "People's Republic" leadership "elections" in November - and he says YES!
This event in Donetsk today was a textbook Surkov-style managed democracy show.
Last night, Russian border guards refused to let former separatist commander and opposition hopeful Alexander Khodakovsky enter the Donetsk "People's Republic"
Khodakovsky wanted to run in the November 11 "elections". He now joins the crowd of exiled separatists barred from returning - like close allies of killed leader Alexander Zakharchenko, whom he opposed. Khodakovsky's chances to participate were low from the beginning. Last week, Surkov's mouthpice @alexchesn said his chances to win an election were "tiny"
Fun fact: the last time separatist outlet DAN reported about Khodakovsky was in April 2016 (!), when MPs suggested to ban him from ALL political activity
UPDATE: "LNR" election commission preliminarily registered EIGHT candidates for November 11 leadership contest. Pasechnik (Nr one) to compete w Luhansk Vodka factory director. Vodka boss Leonid Derzhak is from the "Lugansk Economic Union" quasi-opposition party, which at convention today actually endorsed Pasechnik (photo looks like 1958 to me) The Donetsk "People's Republic" is busy deleting its Defence "Ministry". First step - rename every mention of it in laws "Executive Organ for the Realization of State Policy in the Sphere of Defence"
Meet the new deputy prime minister of the Donetsk "People's Republic" , Alexei Ananchenko. Apparently, nobody has seen him so far.
Before his appointment, Ananchenko is said to have worked for Vneshtorgservis, the super-secretive holding company for industrial assets seized by the separatists
Interim separatist leader Pushilin says a Russian bank will open a branch in Donetsk - but does not name it.
Surprise surprise - the bank is apparently the Mezhdunarodny Rashchyotny Bank's (MRBank) South Ossetian branch. I have written about that bank and South Ossetia's general role as a financial hub between Russia and the separatists last year.
Security Service of Ukraine @ServiceSsu published conversation of Pushilin deputy Lavrentyev O.O with unknown men, recorded in Antalya, Turkey on 12 June. Men discussed removal of Zaharchenko until September
Man: your idea is clear, you will remove Zaharchenko, Tashkent, Kazakov, suppress their "funny battalions" and put Pushilin
Zaharchenko of DNR was killed the last day before September, on 31st of August
Ex-commander of DNR militants Girkin confirms authenticity of SBU recording in Antalya
Probably the most damning assessment to date of Russia's policies in e Ukraine. Prominent nationalist blogger Anatoly Nesmiyan (El Murid na Livejournal) says there are few doubts that Zakharchenko's killing was ordered from Moscow. "Criminal reality is a far cry from your dreams"
Donetsk opposition separatist Pavel Gubarev says his wife Yekaterina has disappeared. Pavel Gubarev wants to stand against the Kremlin-backed @pushilindenis in the November leadership elections. He was expected to hand in the required signatures this weekend for registration. Yesterday separatist fighter turned writer @juchkovsky canceled a presentation of his book in Donetsk saying it was banned because Gubarev was going to attend. The website of the Gubarevs' nominal ("systemic") opposition movement "Svobodny Donbass" is down today. Also offline are the Gubarevs' media outlets @dnr_live and @NovorossiyaNews But there are news updates on VK. Today's party convention was cancelled, delegates were barred from entering the hall. Gubarev supporters already drawing parallels to North Korea ...
Yekaterina Gubareva was detained and questioned this morning to prevent her from being put on her party list Donetsk separatist "elections". Released, she "ended up with Pushilin". Pro-Pushilin outlet DAN then reports that the party convention passed a candidate list, not mentioning her name at all.
And then there was an explosion at today's convention of the (little known) "DNR" Communist Party - their candidate Igor Khakimzyanov is said to be hurt. Pushilin-loyal news site cites unnamed law enfrocement source that Khakimzyanov staged the explosion to promote his own candidacy...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Zanimiva zgodba.
Janukoviča naj bi evakuirali v Rusijo iz tam na Krim in nazaj v Rusijo.
Hromadske’s sources in the Prosecutor’s Office say that the investigation did not record any Russians being present at Mezhyhirya at the time. However, on February 22, 2014, when Yanukovych was in Kharkiv, the former president’s security guards were in contact with Russians.
“We have billing information from Russian phones. Six numbers. But it’s unknown whether they were definitely in contact by telephone or physically in contact. This was February 22. By the night of February 23, they were already physically next to Yanukovych in Urzuf, Donetsk region. From there they sent him to Yeisk, in the Krasnodar region of Russia, and from there they escorted him by plane to Anapa, and from Anapa by military transport plane to Hvardiiske in Crimea,” an interlocutor told Hromadske.
Je bil v igri tajvanski scenarij? "Legitimni predsednik je pred nacisti pobegnil na Krim, kjer nadaljuje svoj mandat. Nova prestolnica Ukrajine je Sevastopol, hočemo stol v ZN itd. itn." ampak je bil tip preveč neprebavljiv za polotočane? Zakaj sicer delati ovinek čez Krim?
Janukoviča naj bi evakuirali v Rusijo iz tam na Krim in nazaj v Rusijo.
Hromadske’s sources in the Prosecutor’s Office say that the investigation did not record any Russians being present at Mezhyhirya at the time. However, on February 22, 2014, when Yanukovych was in Kharkiv, the former president’s security guards were in contact with Russians.
“We have billing information from Russian phones. Six numbers. But it’s unknown whether they were definitely in contact by telephone or physically in contact. This was February 22. By the night of February 23, they were already physically next to Yanukovych in Urzuf, Donetsk region. From there they sent him to Yeisk, in the Krasnodar region of Russia, and from there they escorted him by plane to Anapa, and from Anapa by military transport plane to Hvardiiske in Crimea,” an interlocutor told Hromadske.
Je bil v igri tajvanski scenarij? "Legitimni predsednik je pred nacisti pobegnil na Krim, kjer nadaljuje svoj mandat. Nova prestolnica Ukrajine je Sevastopol, hočemo stol v ZN itd. itn." ampak je bil tip preveč neprebavljiv za polotočane? Zakaj sicer delati ovinek čez Krim?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
V Rusiji so posneli romantično komedijo o krimskem mostu. Scenarij je spisala Margarita Simonyan, odgovorna urednica RT, ki občasno intervjuja ljubitelje gotske arhitekture. Soft powah.
The Crimean Bridge romantic comedy by RT's editor has all the characters you might expect: An upstanding construction boss, a rugged emergencies ministry diver & a hapless American woman the village idiot is trying to charm for a green card.
Režiral je njen mož.
The Crimean Bridge romantic comedy by RT's editor has all the characters you might expect: An upstanding construction boss, a rugged emergencies ministry diver & a hapless American woman the village idiot is trying to charm for a green card.
Režiral je njen mož.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Mr.B ::
A vidim problem :
Ps, a ni neko skladišče orožja šlo v luft...
Režiral je njen mož.
Ps, a ni neko skladišče orožja šlo v luft...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Vanich ::
...medtem pa v Ukrajini spet gori eno skladišče orožja...
Nekako eno skladišče orožja na leto imajo povprečje, da se jim skuri.
Nekako eno skladišče orožja na leto imajo povprečje, da se jim skuri.

Fritz ::
SimplyMiha je izjavil:
Zadeva je malo bolj komplicirana, mednarodno priznane meje republike Ukrajine pa so še vedno dobro znane.
A tko kot meje R. Srbije? Saj veš, Kosovo pa to...
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Vanich ::
...medtem pa v Ukrajini spet gori eno skladišče orožja...
Nekako eno skladišče orožja na leto imajo povprečje, da se jim skuri.
Fin način, da se skrijejo kraje iz skladišča - samo zakuriš in ne pomagajo nobeni seznami, dokumenti, manifesti... Orožja enostavno ni več - PUF! It's gone!
Sedaj, če se to orožje sedaj nenadoma pojavi na kakšni drugi strani (strani proruskih upornikov), bližnjem vzhodu v rokah ISIS, ali pa če je res zgorelo - niti ni več toliko važno. Tega orožja za Ukrajince ni več, v najslabšem primeru pa lahko to orožje sedaj celo meri nazaj na Ukrajino. In kot že rečeno - skoraj vsako leto v Ukrajini zgori kakšno tako skladišče.

Mr.B ::
Verjetno so krivi zmerni ruski uporniki proti obstoječemu tiranskemu režimu :
Crimea bloodbath: Attack on college involved masked gunmen shooting at people, witnesses tell RT
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Šola na Krimu, v kateri se je zgodila razpaljotka, je imela na vhodu detektor kovin.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

nsa_ag3nt ::
In ?
Ali preskočiš detektor in gasa dalje.
Ali preskočiš detektor in gasa dalje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()

Pac-Man ::
Ukrajinski neonacisti? Ne. Novokuznetsk, Rusija, s caristično zastavo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

7tom1ja ::
Končno nekdo sprašuje za Azov; krasna država je postala tale Ukrajina; idealna za Pakota
To paco, 5 nazi rusov, išči naprej
Končno nekdo sprašuje za Azov; krasna država je postala tale Ukrajina; idealna za Pakota
Ukrajinski neonacisti? Ne. Novokuznetsk, Rusija, s caristično zastavo.
To paco, 5 nazi rusov, išči naprej
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Mr.B ::
Če je slučajno kdo pozabil...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

7tom1ja ::
Today 130 states voted in favor of the res. introduced by 🇷🇺 in the 3d Committee of the UNGA “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”.
Vse nato države vključno z Slovenijo so se vzdržale.
Proti pa zanimivo ZDA in Ukrajina
Today 130 states voted in favor of the res. introduced by 🇷🇺 in the 3d Committee of the UNGA “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”.
Vse nato države vključno z Slovenijo so se vzdržale.
Proti pa zanimivo ZDA in Ukrajina
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Pac-Man ::
In another contentious vote, the Committee approved a draft on combating the glorification of Nazism by a recorded vote of 130 in favour to 2 against (Ukraine, United States), with 51 abstentions. Introducing the text, the representative of the Russian Federation noted current attempts to rewrite history in the name of narrow‑minded geopolitical interests. Xenophobic rhetoric — justified as “free speech” — has become part of electoral campaigns, he asserted.
By its terms, the Assembly would express alarm over the spread of extremist political parties, movements and groups, including neo‑Nazis and skinhead groups, as well as racist extremist movements and ideologies. It also would call for the universal implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
Its passage followed the failure — by a recorded vote of 75 against to 2 in favour (Ukraine, United States), with 88 abstentions — of an amendment introduced by the United States delegate, which sought to address the text’s “politicized roots”. She said the draft attempts to criminalize free speech and expression. The solution to hate is not censorship; it will only be found in the free marketplace of ideas.
povzetek debate
Moving on, the Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo‑Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” (document A/C.3/73/L.53/Rev.1).
The representative of the Russian Federation, introducing the draft, recalled that 70 years ago, the anti‑Hitler coalition gave rise to the United Nations, a triumph over nationalism and hate that reinforced the Nuremberg tribunal. There must be pride in the creation of a global system of international security, as well as human rights instruments, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and conventions on discrimination. He noted current attempts to rewrite history in the name of narrow‑minded geopolitical interests, evidenced in new memorials and the renaming of streets that honoured collaborators of Nazism. Such actions are incompatible with the obligations of Member States. Xenophobic rhetoric has become part of electoral campaigns, marked by statements justified as “free speech”. Such behaviour is cynical, given countries’ human rights obligations under international law.
The representative of Kyrgyzstan, also on behalf of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Tajikistan, said the lack of a collective response to Nazism facilitated the rise of the Third Reich and the Second World War, which was unprecedented in its violation of human rights. It was unacceptable to make national heroes of those who had committed grave crimes during that time. Having learned about the dangers of hatred and violence, and witnessing increased hotbeds around the world, he decisively condemned monuments to Nazism.
The representative of Belarus called for combating the glorification of Nazism in any form, neo‑Nazism and the Nazi past. Such glorification cannot be justified through freedom of speech or expression or equated with exercising human rights. Racism and xenophobia had a destructive impact on youth. Efforts to end the resurgence of such movements and ideologies should be a focus at the United Nations, without politicization, she said, voicing support for the resolution.
The representative of the United States expressed concern over the politicized roots of the draft resolution. It required changes, a point expressed during informal meetings. The United States aimed to work with like‑minded countries to improve the text. Her country does not need to defend its position on Nazism, she said, recalling that the greatest fear the Nazis had was of the United States, as it stood for liberty and humanism. A draft resolution should honour that truth.
However, the current draft was borne of a political controversy, she said. It is an annual power play by one country attempting to exert influence over a region without genuine efforts to actually combat Nazism, and instead, seeking to criminalize free speech and expression. The United States is disgusted by anti‑Semitism and fought a war against it. However, the solution to hate “is not censorship and will only be found in the free marketplace of ideas. The best antidote to free speech is free speech,” she said, proposing an amendment to remedy areas where the draft falls short and as a start to addressing the cynicism.
The representative of the Russian Federation opposed the amendment as the draft resolution is the result of intensive negotiations that involved six rounds of open informal consultations. The goal of the amendment is to whitewash Nazism and rewrite the Nuremberg tribunal judgements, which would only lead to more migrant phobia and aggressive nationalism. He called it unethical and sacrilegious to vote for the amendment, considering all who had died, urging delegates to vote against it.
The delegate of South Africa said that as host of the 2001 World Conference against Racism, her country rejected the amendments and the fact that they were presented so late, notably as they seek to remove article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. She will vote no on the amendments.
The representative of Cuba, in a general statement, said the United States delegation did not circulate the amendment prior to tabling it. Such behaviour undermines, and shows disdain for, multilateralism. Cuba will vote against the amendment, he said, urging others to do the same.
The Committee then rejected the amendment by a recorded vote of 75 against to 2 in favour (Ukraine, United States), with 88 abstentions.
The representative of Uruguay, speaking in explanation of vote, said her delegation abstained because it did not have enough time to consider the amendment.
The Chair replied to a question by the Russian Federation’s delegate that the representative of the United States requested the recorded vote.
The representative of the United States, making a general statement, encouraged delegations that abstained to work with her delegation next year to find common ground. While delegations might not have had enough time to consider the amendment, they had sufficient time to examine the draft resolution’s flaws. Hateful ideologies are defeated by taking action; neutrality only serves the oppressor, not the oppressed. Assuring that the United States continues to condemn all forms of intolerance and hatred at home and abroad, she said the draft resolution criminalizes free speech and serves as a nation’s political weapon against its neighbours. Its vague terminology can be used to target political opponents and undermine the ability of civil society to spotlight violations. As it has done for decades, the United States will vote against the draft resolution, she stated, urging others to do the same.
The representative of Ukraine, speaking in explanation of vote, said millions of Ukrainians made an enormous contribution to the victory over Nazism. While reiterating his country’s condemnation of Nazism, racism, xenophobia and intolerance, he said this draft resolution has nothing to do with Nazism and other forms of intolerance. He condemned the Russian Federation’s cynical attempt to present itself as a champion of the fight against Nazism and neo‑Nazism while perpetrating crimes against other nations. Pointing out the propaganda motives of the resolution, he urged all delegations to vote against it.
The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 130 in favour to 2 against (Ukraine, United States), with 51 abstentions.
By its terms, the Assembly would express alarm over the spread in many parts of the world of various extremist political parties, movements and groups, including neo‑Nazis and skinhead groups, as well as racist extremist movements and ideologies — and further — over the fact that this trend has resulted in the implementation of discriminatory measures, policies and bills at the local or national levels. It would call for the universal ratification and implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and urge those States parties that have not yet done so to consider making the declaration under its article 14.
The representative of Austria, speaking in explanation of vote on behalf of the European Union, said initiatives related to the common goal of ending racism should unite Member States, not divide them. They should address racism in a balanced and comprehensive manner. While acknowledging some changes requested by the European Union were made, he said they were not sufficient to correct the draft resolution’s selectivity, bias and negativity.
The representative of Australia shared serious reservations about this resolution, including those expressed by the European Union, and those of the United States regarding freedom of expression. Australia looks forward to addressing these concerns next year.
The representative of Canada, while acknowledging the draft resolution contributes to the fight against racism, xenophobia and intolerance, voiced regret that the changes proposed to broaden its scope were not accepted. Canada shares the concerns voiced by the United States pertaining to freedom of expression. And yet, the amendment would have only addressed some of the draft resolution’s flaws. Canada had abstained for procedural reasons.
The representative of Nigeria said his country supports any initiative that addresses racism, xenophobia and all forms of intolerance. He voted in favour of the resolution to encourage global efforts to address racial discrimination. Tackling this scourge is a priority for Nigeria.
in sam dokument
Concern trolling.
In another contentious vote, the Committee approved a draft on combating the glorification of Nazism by a recorded vote of 130 in favour to 2 against (Ukraine, United States), with 51 abstentions. Introducing the text, the representative of the Russian Federation noted current attempts to rewrite history in the name of narrow‑minded geopolitical interests. Xenophobic rhetoric — justified as “free speech” — has become part of electoral campaigns, he asserted.
By its terms, the Assembly would express alarm over the spread of extremist political parties, movements and groups, including neo‑Nazis and skinhead groups, as well as racist extremist movements and ideologies. It also would call for the universal implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
Its passage followed the failure — by a recorded vote of 75 against to 2 in favour (Ukraine, United States), with 88 abstentions — of an amendment introduced by the United States delegate, which sought to address the text’s “politicized roots”. She said the draft attempts to criminalize free speech and expression. The solution to hate is not censorship; it will only be found in the free marketplace of ideas.
povzetek debate
Moving on, the Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo‑Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” (document A/C.3/73/L.53/Rev.1).
The representative of the Russian Federation, introducing the draft, recalled that 70 years ago, the anti‑Hitler coalition gave rise to the United Nations, a triumph over nationalism and hate that reinforced the Nuremberg tribunal. There must be pride in the creation of a global system of international security, as well as human rights instruments, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and conventions on discrimination. He noted current attempts to rewrite history in the name of narrow‑minded geopolitical interests, evidenced in new memorials and the renaming of streets that honoured collaborators of Nazism. Such actions are incompatible with the obligations of Member States. Xenophobic rhetoric has become part of electoral campaigns, marked by statements justified as “free speech”. Such behaviour is cynical, given countries’ human rights obligations under international law.
The representative of Kyrgyzstan, also on behalf of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Tajikistan, said the lack of a collective response to Nazism facilitated the rise of the Third Reich and the Second World War, which was unprecedented in its violation of human rights. It was unacceptable to make national heroes of those who had committed grave crimes during that time. Having learned about the dangers of hatred and violence, and witnessing increased hotbeds around the world, he decisively condemned monuments to Nazism.
The representative of Belarus called for combating the glorification of Nazism in any form, neo‑Nazism and the Nazi past. Such glorification cannot be justified through freedom of speech or expression or equated with exercising human rights. Racism and xenophobia had a destructive impact on youth. Efforts to end the resurgence of such movements and ideologies should be a focus at the United Nations, without politicization, she said, voicing support for the resolution.
The representative of the United States expressed concern over the politicized roots of the draft resolution. It required changes, a point expressed during informal meetings. The United States aimed to work with like‑minded countries to improve the text. Her country does not need to defend its position on Nazism, she said, recalling that the greatest fear the Nazis had was of the United States, as it stood for liberty and humanism. A draft resolution should honour that truth.
However, the current draft was borne of a political controversy, she said. It is an annual power play by one country attempting to exert influence over a region without genuine efforts to actually combat Nazism, and instead, seeking to criminalize free speech and expression. The United States is disgusted by anti‑Semitism and fought a war against it. However, the solution to hate “is not censorship and will only be found in the free marketplace of ideas. The best antidote to free speech is free speech,” she said, proposing an amendment to remedy areas where the draft falls short and as a start to addressing the cynicism.
The representative of the Russian Federation opposed the amendment as the draft resolution is the result of intensive negotiations that involved six rounds of open informal consultations. The goal of the amendment is to whitewash Nazism and rewrite the Nuremberg tribunal judgements, which would only lead to more migrant phobia and aggressive nationalism. He called it unethical and sacrilegious to vote for the amendment, considering all who had died, urging delegates to vote against it.
The delegate of South Africa said that as host of the 2001 World Conference against Racism, her country rejected the amendments and the fact that they were presented so late, notably as they seek to remove article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. She will vote no on the amendments.
The representative of Cuba, in a general statement, said the United States delegation did not circulate the amendment prior to tabling it. Such behaviour undermines, and shows disdain for, multilateralism. Cuba will vote against the amendment, he said, urging others to do the same.
The Committee then rejected the amendment by a recorded vote of 75 against to 2 in favour (Ukraine, United States), with 88 abstentions.
The representative of Uruguay, speaking in explanation of vote, said her delegation abstained because it did not have enough time to consider the amendment.
The Chair replied to a question by the Russian Federation’s delegate that the representative of the United States requested the recorded vote.
The representative of the United States, making a general statement, encouraged delegations that abstained to work with her delegation next year to find common ground. While delegations might not have had enough time to consider the amendment, they had sufficient time to examine the draft resolution’s flaws. Hateful ideologies are defeated by taking action; neutrality only serves the oppressor, not the oppressed. Assuring that the United States continues to condemn all forms of intolerance and hatred at home and abroad, she said the draft resolution criminalizes free speech and serves as a nation’s political weapon against its neighbours. Its vague terminology can be used to target political opponents and undermine the ability of civil society to spotlight violations. As it has done for decades, the United States will vote against the draft resolution, she stated, urging others to do the same.
The representative of Ukraine, speaking in explanation of vote, said millions of Ukrainians made an enormous contribution to the victory over Nazism. While reiterating his country’s condemnation of Nazism, racism, xenophobia and intolerance, he said this draft resolution has nothing to do with Nazism and other forms of intolerance. He condemned the Russian Federation’s cynical attempt to present itself as a champion of the fight against Nazism and neo‑Nazism while perpetrating crimes against other nations. Pointing out the propaganda motives of the resolution, he urged all delegations to vote against it.
The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 130 in favour to 2 against (Ukraine, United States), with 51 abstentions.
By its terms, the Assembly would express alarm over the spread in many parts of the world of various extremist political parties, movements and groups, including neo‑Nazis and skinhead groups, as well as racist extremist movements and ideologies — and further — over the fact that this trend has resulted in the implementation of discriminatory measures, policies and bills at the local or national levels. It would call for the universal ratification and implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and urge those States parties that have not yet done so to consider making the declaration under its article 14.
The representative of Austria, speaking in explanation of vote on behalf of the European Union, said initiatives related to the common goal of ending racism should unite Member States, not divide them. They should address racism in a balanced and comprehensive manner. While acknowledging some changes requested by the European Union were made, he said they were not sufficient to correct the draft resolution’s selectivity, bias and negativity.
The representative of Australia shared serious reservations about this resolution, including those expressed by the European Union, and those of the United States regarding freedom of expression. Australia looks forward to addressing these concerns next year.
The representative of Canada, while acknowledging the draft resolution contributes to the fight against racism, xenophobia and intolerance, voiced regret that the changes proposed to broaden its scope were not accepted. Canada shares the concerns voiced by the United States pertaining to freedom of expression. And yet, the amendment would have only addressed some of the draft resolution’s flaws. Canada had abstained for procedural reasons.
The representative of Nigeria said his country supports any initiative that addresses racism, xenophobia and all forms of intolerance. He voted in favour of the resolution to encourage global efforts to address racial discrimination. Tackling this scourge is a priority for Nigeria.
in sam dokument
Concern trolling.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

7tom1ja ::
he he, vedno se najde izgovor; očitno se 130 držav ne strinja s tem "concern trolling"
There are no nazis in Ukraine :-)
There are no nazis in Ukraine :-)
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Pac-Man ::
There are no nazis in Ukraine :-)
So. Ravno čez vikend so pretepli shod za trans pravice.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Rusi so blokirali kerško ožino, da bi preprečili relokacijo ukrajinskih vojaških ladij v Azovsko morje.
Local Crimean news site Kerch Info reports a large ship is now physically blocking the Kerch Strait, the only passage in and out of the Sea of Azov, as three Russian naval vessels and two military helicopters circle the Russian-built bridge there.
Ladja ruske obalne straže se je namenoma zaletela v ukrajinskega vlačilca
Ukraine's Navy says the tugboat rammed by Russian coast guard ship "Don" has sustained damage to its engine, shell plating and guard rail, and a life raft was lost.
Komercialni promet do Mariupola so ovirali že dlje
Today's incident b/t Russian & Ukrainian vessels marks the most serious in the Sea of Azov perhaps ever. Tensions have been mounting since May, when Russia began detaining merchant ships heading to Ukrainian ports, more than 150 in all, some for days, causing huge econ losses. Of course, that was the point: Russia wants to exert economic pressure on Ukraine to destabilize the strategic southeastern region, rather than go the military route, which would make its aggression much more obvious and likely lead to more Western sanctions.
Local Crimean news site Kerch Info reports a large ship is now physically blocking the Kerch Strait, the only passage in and out of the Sea of Azov, as three Russian naval vessels and two military helicopters circle the Russian-built bridge there.
Ladja ruske obalne straže se je namenoma zaletela v ukrajinskega vlačilca
Ukraine's Navy says the tugboat rammed by Russian coast guard ship "Don" has sustained damage to its engine, shell plating and guard rail, and a life raft was lost.
Komercialni promet do Mariupola so ovirali že dlje
Today's incident b/t Russian & Ukrainian vessels marks the most serious in the Sea of Azov perhaps ever. Tensions have been mounting since May, when Russia began detaining merchant ships heading to Ukrainian ports, more than 150 in all, some for days, causing huge econ losses. Of course, that was the point: Russia wants to exert economic pressure on Ukraine to destabilize the strategic southeastern region, rather than go the military route, which would make its aggression much more obvious and likely lead to more Western sanctions.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Tole vzemite kot miselni problem, ker v praksi nastopa cel kup zadev, ki mi gredo močno na živce - od interesnih sfer naprej.
Kosovo je razglasilo samostojnost z odločitvijo parlamenta l. 2008.
2008 Kosovo declaration of independence @ Wikipedia
Krim je razglasil neodvisnost z odločitvijo vrhovnega sveta 11. marca 2014
Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Crimea @ Wikipedia
Krim je nato naredil nadaljni korak ter 16. marca 2014 izvedel referendum o priključitvi Ruski federaciji, ki ga od 18. marca smatra za svoj teritorij in se trudi pridobiti mednarodno priznanje.
Crimean status referendum, 2014 @ Wikipedia
Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation @ Wikipedia
Kdo meni, da Rusija ne bi vrgla Srbije pod bus, če bi ji bila ponujena možnost mednarodnega priznanja krimske aneksije v zameno za podoben referendum na Kosovu? Posledično seveda Kosovo postane del Albanije in nata.
Kaj pa če bi za priznanje Krima Ukrajino spustili v EU in NATO?
Kosovo je razglasilo samostojnost z odločitvijo parlamenta l. 2008.
2008 Kosovo declaration of independence @ Wikipedia
Krim je razglasil neodvisnost z odločitvijo vrhovnega sveta 11. marca 2014
Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Crimea @ Wikipedia
Krim je nato naredil nadaljni korak ter 16. marca 2014 izvedel referendum o priključitvi Ruski federaciji, ki ga od 18. marca smatra za svoj teritorij in se trudi pridobiti mednarodno priznanje.
Crimean status referendum, 2014 @ Wikipedia
Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation @ Wikipedia
Kdo meni, da Rusija ne bi vrgla Srbije pod bus, če bi ji bila ponujena možnost mednarodnega priznanja krimske aneksije v zameno za podoben referendum na Kosovu? Posledično seveda Kosovo postane del Albanije in nata.
Kaj pa če bi za priznanje Krima Ukrajino spustili v EU in NATO?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Pomorska situacija je šla zgleda precej k vragu.
Ukrainian Navy: Russian Navy ship Admiral Zaharin and 2 FSB boats passed under Kerch bridge, other traffic is being blocked
7pm update: to avoid further escalation from Russia Ukrainian ships start to move from Kerch strait, but Russians threaten to use weapons if ships won't stop
Representative of Ukrainian President in Crimea Borys Babin: after Russia attacked one Ukrainian ship, sailor wounded. Navy is deploying rescue team/reinforcement
Russia is attempting to seize Ukrainian Navy boats at this moment
Gyurza-M class artillery boat U175 Berdyansk is damaged, lost engine, one wounded. Ukrainian Navy responding with deadly fire to protect itself.
Gyurza-M class artillery boats @ Wikipedia
Ukrainian Navy: Russian Navy ship Admiral Zaharin and 2 FSB boats passed under Kerch bridge, other traffic is being blocked
7pm update: to avoid further escalation from Russia Ukrainian ships start to move from Kerch strait, but Russians threaten to use weapons if ships won't stop
Representative of Ukrainian President in Crimea Borys Babin: after Russia attacked one Ukrainian ship, sailor wounded. Navy is deploying rescue team/reinforcement
Russia is attempting to seize Ukrainian Navy boats at this moment
Gyurza-M class artillery boat U175 Berdyansk is damaged, lost engine, one wounded. Ukrainian Navy responding with deadly fire to protect itself.
Gyurza-M class artillery boats @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

korenje3 ::
Ste vidl 24 kur poročanje?
čist pro-ukrainsko.
čist pro-ukrainsko.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Mr.B ::
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::
no sedaj vemo zakaj so britanci poslali ladje...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::
no sedaj vemo zakaj so britanci poslali ladje...
Lažna novica, dumbfuck.
Basurin je tip v uniformi @0:20
Dopisnik RT:
Reports of Ukrainian military shelling Donetsk appear to be fake. Just called several people in the city; all confirm everything is relatively quiet. No escalation.
Got confirmation from a source on the ground that firing and seizure of Ukrainian ships is a fact.
again, I know this has been reported elsewhere, but because i am getting this from a different source directly involved: 6 wounded Ukraine navy, 2 seriously.
Russian security sources now privately admit that they shot at 3 Ukrainian ships. I am told they will be issuing a statement soon admitting this but arguing Ukraine started shooting first.
Listening to alleged radio communications between Ukrainian navy and Russian security services. By all symptoms appears to be authentic. Ukraine navy radios for urgent help due to casualties on board. Russian officers radio them to "come out with your hands up"
As I reported earlier, now Russian FSB announce they "had to open fire on 3 Ukrainian ships that breached Russian territorial 19:00 Moscow time"
Here's the first Russian-language report on that admission:
Official statement from Russia at 11 pm Moscow time: "The three Ukrainian ships sailed back to Ukraine ports and we will show proof of that tomorrow"
Official statement from Russia at 12:13 am Moscow time: "We shot at 3 Ukrainian ships and detained them for trespassing"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: PgSurfer ()

gendale2018 ::
volitve v ukrajini so čez par mesecev, porošenko ima pa podporo pod 10%

ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

korenje3 ::
no sedaj vemo zakaj so britanci poslali ladje...
Lažna novica, dumbfuck.
Basurin je tip v uniformi @0:20
Dopisnik RT:
Reports of Ukrainian military shelling Donetsk appear to be fake. Just called several people in the city; all confirm everything is relatively quiet. No escalation.
Got confirmation from a source on the ground that firing and seizure of Ukrainian ships is a fact.
again, I know this has been reported elsewhere, but because i am getting this from a different source directly involved: 6 wounded Ukraine navy, 2 seriously.
Russian security sources now privately admit that they shot at 3 Ukrainian ships. I am told they will be issuing a statement soon admitting this but arguing Ukraine started shooting first.
Listening to alleged radio communications between Ukrainian navy and Russian security services. By all symptoms appears to be authentic. Ukraine navy radios for urgent help due to casualties on board. Russian officers radio them to "come out with your hands up"
As I reported earlier, now Russian FSB announce they "had to open fire on 3 Ukrainian ships that breached Russian territorial 19:00 Moscow time"
Here's the first Russian-language report on that admission:
Official statement from Russia at 11 pm Moscow time: "The three Ukrainian ships sailed back to Ukraine ports and we will show proof of that tomorrow"
Official statement from Russia at 12:13 am Moscow time: "We shot at 3 Ukrainian ships and detained them for trespassing"
BBC v akciji. Verjetno se je sprehajala 50km stran s specifičnim namenom.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Pac-Man ::
BBC v akciji. Verjetno se je sprehajala 50km stran s specifičnim namenom.
Poslušaj @1:00, dumbfuck št.2.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: PgSurfer ()

fikus_ ::
Tako je to, ko se hočejo pobalini igrati v peskovniku na račun drugih, jih zapostavljat, ustrahovati in ko to ne gre več pa uporabit silo.
Pobalini so za svojo rit že davno poskrbeli, raja pa naj trpi!
Pobalini so za svojo rit že davno poskrbeli, raja pa naj trpi!

korenje3 ::
tale pac-man je naivni nedonošenček. verjame v svoj prav na vse možne načine. in vsi ki mu to povejo so dumbfucki.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

ziga1990 ::
gendale2018 je izjavil:
rip volitve
saj to je point tega dogodka, da se volitve prestavijo, ker bi trenutni predsednik izgubil na njih a on noče
Ryzen 1700, 16gb RAM, GTX1070, NH-D15, Bequiet Darkbase pro 900

gendale2018 ::
gendale2018 je izjavil:
rip volitve
saj to je point tega dogodka, da se volitve prestavijo, ker bi trenutni predsednik izgubil na njih a on noče
no sej to je bil moj point, sem že gor napisal da imajo volitve čez par mesecev (no imeli bi jih), porošenko ma pa pod 10% podpore
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

nsa_ag3nt ::
gendale2018 je izjavil:
rip volitve
Predsedniške volitve so 31.3.2019 .
Popušenko uvedel martial law do 25.1 2019 .
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()