Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

Brane22 ::
Počasi premagujejo stopnico za stopnico. In z vsako stopnico se oži krog izdelkov in stroitev, ki jih potrebujejo od drugih, torej tudi od nas.
To ne funkcionira več v letu 2017. Mogoče 40 let nazaj. Zdaj pa več ne. Tudi ZDA ne proizvajajo vsega, ker je drugje ceneje.
1. v ZDA je stalna tema, kako vrniti službe nazaj. Službe, ki jih očitno rabijo.
2. ZDA imajo dolar, ki ga uporabljajo kot kladivo in si lahko privoščijo, kar si mnogi drugi ne morejo.
3. Rusija ima energente. Kakšen del cene izdelave tiste turbine je po tvoje v energentih ?
Enostavno ne moreš biti konkurenčen. Sploh pa ne v državi, ki je bila 80 let pod komunističnim jarmom. Mentaliteta ljudi je pač takšna.
Kar pomeni, vsaj v določenenem obsegu primerov, očitno boljša. Imajo solidno skupinsko zavest in neko kohezijo, ki ih ščiti pred vdori od zunaj. Dajo nekaj na pojem države in žrtve, ki so bile potrebne zanjo in so pripravljeni stopiti skupaj za skupno stvar. Kako drugače si razlagaš recimo njihov vzpon, ali recimo vzpon Kitajske ?

7982884e ::
3. Rusija ima energente. Kakšen del cene izdelave tiste turbine je po tvoje v energentih ?am, ne vem ce si ti predstavljas, kaj pomeni izdelati moderno visokoperformancno turbino. to ne pomeni dat nekaj deset milijonov in pocakat 1 leto za izdelavo, temvec pomeni trajne investicije skozi desetletja razvoja. kitajci to delajo z reaktivnimi motorji - ze desetletja pumpajo denar v lastne iniciative in sele cez kakih 10+ let bodo ujeli svetovne top igralce. ampak kitajska je mocna in diverzificirana ekonomija in si lahko to privosci, rusija pa pac ne more furat dragih nacionalnih iniciativ za vsako turbino, ki jo rabijo. kitajske firme bodo zascitene s strani drzave in potem, ko dosezejo zrelost, bodo tudi doma nasle dovolj velik trg. rusi pa ni variante, da bi imeli zadost denarja, da kar od nic ustvarijo vso high-tech industrijo, ki so jo prej uvazali.
Kar pomeni, vsaj v določenenem obsegu primerov, očitno boljša. Imajo solidno skupinsko zavest in neko kohezijo, ki ih ščiti pred vdori od zunajvdori od zunaj? kaksni, a to so spet tiste pravljice od zionistov ki hocejo osvojit svet, sveti vladimir putin se pa ne da?
kako si predstavljas nemcijo, ki je, po tvoje, se vedno pod amerisko okupacijo in "vdorom od zunaj", pa je vseeno ena najuspesnejsih high-tech proizvajalj na svetu?
tudi rusi bi lahko bili na dosti boljsem stanju, ce se putin zadnjih par let ne bi odlocil it sovjetske zveze v2.0.
Kako drugače si razlagaš recimo njihov vzpon, ali recimo vzpon Kitajske ?cakaj, vzpon rusije? o cem blebetas? tiste rusije z bdpjem pod italijo? tiste rusije, katere gospodarstvo korelira s svetovnimi cenami nafte?
in kitajska nima nobenih vzporednic z rusijo. ker imajo dosti vec denarja in desetkrat vec prebivalstva, si seveda lahko privoscijo lastne high-tech iniciative, vendar pa nikakor ne morejo brez glavnega poudarka na trgovini z zahodom. globalizacija je bila tista, ki je povzrocila "vzpon" kitajske.

Brane22 ::
3. Rusija ima energente. Kakšen del cene izdelave tiste turbine je po tvoje v energentih ?am, ne vem ce si ti predstavljas, kaj pomeni izdelati moderno visokoperformancno turbino. to ne pomeni dat nekaj deset milijonov in pocakat 1 leto za izdelavo, temvec pomeni trajne investicije skozi desetletja razvoja. kitajci to delajo z reaktivnimi motorji - ze desetletja pumpajo denar v lastne iniciative in sele cez kakih 10+ let bodo ujeli svetovne top igralce. ampak kitajska je mocna in diverzificirana ekonomija in si lahko to privosci, rusija pa pac ne more furat dragih nacionalnih iniciativ za vsako turbino, ki jo rabijo. kitajske firme bodo zascitene s strani drzave in potem, ko dosezejo zrelost, bodo tudi doma nasle dovolj velik trg. rusi pa ni variante, da bi imeli zadost denarja, da kar od nic ustvarijo vso high-tech industrijo, ki so jo prej uvazali.
Neumnost. Poglej vse te dolgoročne "investicije" in boš videl da se na koncu razpršijo v ceno hrane in energentov.
Polgej recimo investicijo AMDja v razvoj novega čipa. Zher kar nekaj milijard. In ko jih boš spremljal skozi plače zaposlenih, skozi nabeve novih strojev, nepremeičnin, zemljišč itd, boš videl, da praktično vse konča v plačevanju hrane in energije.
Polgej si recimo, kaj se zgodi, ko cena nafte nenadoma bistveno skoči. Saj ni samo to, da plačaš tankanje več, skočijo tudi cene skoraj vseh stroitev in izdelkov okrog tebe.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Brane22 ()

7982884e ::
ne vem, ce razumem, kaj hoces povedat.
ja, denar na koncu nekam gre, saj ne debatiramo o tem. debatiramo pa o tem, da denar mora od nekje priti. siemensove turbine so bile razvijane skozi desetletja in so skozi ta desetletja terjale ogromno denarja. da se danes nekdo odloci izdelat nekaj podobnega, bo sicer trajalo manj kot desetletja, ampak vseeno kar prekopirat ne mores. zato sem omenil kitajce, ki so imeli dostop do tujih naprednih reaktivnih motorjev desetletja, pa se se vedno trudijo z vzpostavljanjem lastne industrije za njihovo proizvodnjo.
ja, denar na koncu nekam gre, saj ne debatiramo o tem. debatiramo pa o tem, da denar mora od nekje priti. siemensove turbine so bile razvijane skozi desetletja in so skozi ta desetletja terjale ogromno denarja. da se danes nekdo odloci izdelat nekaj podobnega, bo sicer trajalo manj kot desetletja, ampak vseeno kar prekopirat ne mores. zato sem omenil kitajce, ki so imeli dostop do tujih naprednih reaktivnih motorjev desetletja, pa se se vedno trudijo z vzpostavljanjem lastne industrije za njihovo proizvodnjo.

Pac-Man ::
Ruski preiskovalni komite (Russia’s Investigative Committee - 'memba this, ko bodo spet kje omenjeni), je na Interpol poslal zahtevo po aretaciji Arsenija Jatsenjuka. Okej. And now the kicker. Bojda je šel l. 1994 v Čečeniji v Full Rambo mode in s kalašnikovo pomočjo 30 ruskih vojakov predelal v gruz 200 (mrtvi) nadaljnjih 13 pa v gruz 300 (ranjeni).
Zdaj končno vemo, zakaj je Nulandova v (ne)slavnem klicu dala Kličku timeout in na vse pretege zagovarjala Jatsenjuka. Gospa so bili v paničnem strahu, Jats je morilska mašina.
Za osvežit spomin, govorimo o tem gospodu
Če imaš brke ga lahko nosiš poleg enega šopka rož.
Zdaj končno vemo, zakaj je Nulandova v (ne)slavnem klicu dala Kličku timeout in na vse pretege zagovarjala Jatsenjuka. Gospa so bili v paničnem strahu, Jats je morilska mašina.

Za osvežit spomin, govorimo o tem gospodu
Če imaš brke ga lahko nosiš poleg enega šopka rož.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Brane22 ::
ne vem, ce razumem, kaj hoces povedat.
ja, denar na koncu nekam gre, saj ne debatiramo o tem. debatiramo pa o tem, da denar mora od nekje priti. siemensove turbine so bile razvijane skozi desetletja in so skozi ta desetletja terjale ogromno denarja. da se danes nekdo odloci izdelat nekaj podobnega, bo sicer trajalo manj kot desetletja, ampak vseeno kar prekopirat ne mores. zato sem omenil kitajce, ki so imeli dostop do tujih naprednih reaktivnih motorjev desetletja, pa se se vedno trudijo z vzpostavljanjem lastne industrije za njihovo proizvodnjo.
In kitajcem ne pade na pamet, da bi se nehali truditi. Ne glede na to, da so bili "desetletja pod komunističnim jarmom" in da je bil njihov izvoz nekoč simboličen, BDP pa patetičen.
So what ?
Saj Rusi verjetno ne bodo šli na kopiranje. Kratkoročno bodo šli čez to, če to uredijo ali pa kar cel projekt zaprejo koneckoncev. Dolgoročno bodo zagotovo delali na razvoju svoje industrije.
Re: JAtsenyuk - primer je patetičen. Ja, Rusi pravno lovijo ubogega tipa. Imagine that.
Imaš pa na demokratični strani kup povsem svežih primerov, ob katerih se ti želodec obrne, ampak ti nekako niso na radarju. Kdo bi vedu zakaj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Pac-Man ::
Čista štala. Francoski naci, vojak DNR, pešmerga wannabe in ameriški vojak. V tem vrstnem redu.
He fought with Russian-backed militants in Ukraine. Now he’s a U.S. soldier.
A prominent militant who fought with Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine and participated in far-right European politics recently completed U.S. Army training and is serving in an American infantry division in Hawaii, according to Army and other records.
Guillaume Cuvelier, 29, shipped for basic training in January and graduated as an infantryman at Fort Benning, Ga., the records show. In a short exchange with The Washington Post, Cuvelier confirmed that he was actively serving in the U.S. Army.
Born and raised in France as a dual French and American citizen, Cuvelier spent his formative years alongside French ultranationalists
In Ukraine, Cuvelier, also known as Lenormand, fought for the Russian-backed Donetsk People’s Republic, the breakaway state subject to U.S. government sanctions and labeled terrorist by the U.S.-allied government in Kiev.
Cuvelier said he has changed.
“The [U.S.] army is my only chance of moving on and cutting with my past,” Cuvelier said in a text message. “I realized I like this country, its way of life and its Constitution enough to defend it.”
Online documents show Cuvelier was an active member in the Party of France, a political body that splintered from Marine Le Pen’s National Front, in 2010. Jean-Yves Camus, a French analyst who studies the far-right and has tracked Cuvelier, compared the Party of France to an American white-nationalist group called “National Vanguard.”
Cuvelier was also part of the neo-fascist group “Troisième voie” and an identity movement called the “Young Identitarians,” according to Anton Shekhovtsov, a visiting fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, who focuses on right-wing movements across Europe and has written extensively about the Ukraine conflict.
Upon arriving in Ukraine in the middle of 2014, Cuvelier helped start a French-Serbian foreign fighter unit called the “Unité Continentale.” The group’s manifesto on its Facebook page states that NATO is “a terrorist military alliance” and that France is “a slave of the American Empire.” The group’s views are based on an ideology called “continentalism” espoused by the anti-Western Russian political scientist, Alexander Dugin.
Cuvelier eventually split from Unité Continentale, according to the documentary on Western militants who joined the fight in eastern Ukraine. In the film, Cuvelier’s band of fighters adopts the name “Team Vikernes” after the Norwegian black metal artist, self-proclaimed Nazi and convicted murderer, Varg Vikernes.
Following his time in Ukraine, Cuvelier traveled to northern Iraq in 2015 and set up another unit of foreign fighters, this time allied with the Kurdish Peshmerga.
Rick Findler, a U.K.-based photographer who followed Qalubna Ma’kum for 10 days said, “They thought they could just show up with guns and start fighting. Instead they just sat in a room for months.”
The Peshmerga eventually forced Cuvelier to leave Iraq after an incident in which he was accused of beating an American volunteer with a rifle, according to Heloisa Jaira, a Peshmerga medic, who treated the victim.
He fought with Russian-backed militants in Ukraine. Now he’s a U.S. soldier.
A prominent militant who fought with Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine and participated in far-right European politics recently completed U.S. Army training and is serving in an American infantry division in Hawaii, according to Army and other records.
Guillaume Cuvelier, 29, shipped for basic training in January and graduated as an infantryman at Fort Benning, Ga., the records show. In a short exchange with The Washington Post, Cuvelier confirmed that he was actively serving in the U.S. Army.
Born and raised in France as a dual French and American citizen, Cuvelier spent his formative years alongside French ultranationalists
In Ukraine, Cuvelier, also known as Lenormand, fought for the Russian-backed Donetsk People’s Republic, the breakaway state subject to U.S. government sanctions and labeled terrorist by the U.S.-allied government in Kiev.
Cuvelier said he has changed.
“The [U.S.] army is my only chance of moving on and cutting with my past,” Cuvelier said in a text message. “I realized I like this country, its way of life and its Constitution enough to defend it.”
Online documents show Cuvelier was an active member in the Party of France, a political body that splintered from Marine Le Pen’s National Front, in 2010. Jean-Yves Camus, a French analyst who studies the far-right and has tracked Cuvelier, compared the Party of France to an American white-nationalist group called “National Vanguard.”
Cuvelier was also part of the neo-fascist group “Troisième voie” and an identity movement called the “Young Identitarians,” according to Anton Shekhovtsov, a visiting fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, who focuses on right-wing movements across Europe and has written extensively about the Ukraine conflict.
Upon arriving in Ukraine in the middle of 2014, Cuvelier helped start a French-Serbian foreign fighter unit called the “Unité Continentale.” The group’s manifesto on its Facebook page states that NATO is “a terrorist military alliance” and that France is “a slave of the American Empire.” The group’s views are based on an ideology called “continentalism” espoused by the anti-Western Russian political scientist, Alexander Dugin.
Cuvelier eventually split from Unité Continentale, according to the documentary on Western militants who joined the fight in eastern Ukraine. In the film, Cuvelier’s band of fighters adopts the name “Team Vikernes” after the Norwegian black metal artist, self-proclaimed Nazi and convicted murderer, Varg Vikernes.
Following his time in Ukraine, Cuvelier traveled to northern Iraq in 2015 and set up another unit of foreign fighters, this time allied with the Kurdish Peshmerga.
Rick Findler, a U.K.-based photographer who followed Qalubna Ma’kum for 10 days said, “They thought they could just show up with guns and start fighting. Instead they just sat in a room for months.”
The Peshmerga eventually forced Cuvelier to leave Iraq after an incident in which he was accused of beating an American volunteer with a rifle, according to Heloisa Jaira, a Peshmerga medic, who treated the victim.

Pac-Man ::
How Putin captured 409km of #Ukraine's border. Old Kuznetsi border crossing: Opened & fortified by Oct2014.
Na prvih treh fotkah je cesta vertikalno, na zadnji horizontalno.
OSCE pa visi na treh? uradnih mejnih prehodih, da se folk lahko dere, kako nadzirajo mejo. V bistvu bolje, če jih sploh nebi bilo.
How Putin captured 409km of #Ukraine's border. Old Kuznetsi border crossing: Opened & fortified by Oct2014.
Na prvih treh fotkah je cesta vertikalno, na zadnji horizontalno.
OSCE pa visi na treh? uradnih mejnih prehodih, da se folk lahko dere, kako nadzirajo mejo. V bistvu bolje, če jih sploh nebi bilo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

papasmrk ::
Berem tole na rtvslo in nekako se mi dozdeva, da bomo kmalu imeli evropsko verzijo S. Koreje

DarkSite ::
Berem tole na rtvslo in nekako se mi dozdeva, da bomo kmalu imeli evropsko verzijo S. Koreje
Agresorske ruske kanale je treba pač preprečiti. Agresorsko propagando pa je ne bodo poslušali. Še predolgo so čakali s tem.
Ko se rusi spokajo ven iz V dela Ukrajine in vrnejo Krim šele potem jim lahko vrnejo nazaj kanale.
Tako, da ne vem zakaj omenjaš S Korejo?

Starodavni ::
Tudi jaz podpiram ukrajince.
Ruske stvari bodo redko nevtralne, večinoma bodo predvajali propagandno trobilo in zavajanje.
Sicer pa, država, ki je v konfliktu zaradi svoje sosede ima vso pravico, da dirigira katero vsebino bo dovolila in katero prepovedala.
Vkontakte je pač na seznamu prepovedanih stvareh, ker se širi propaganda.
Ruske stvari bodo redko nevtralne, večinoma bodo predvajali propagandno trobilo in zavajanje.
Sicer pa, država, ki je v konfliktu zaradi svoje sosede ima vso pravico, da dirigira katero vsebino bo dovolila in katero prepovedala.
Vkontakte je pač na seznamu prepovedanih stvareh, ker se širi propaganda.

papasmrk ::
Ali Ukrajince počasi srečuje pamet in se jim dozdeva, da je USA večje zlo kot pa Rusija ?

Starodavni ::
Ne, to je samo še en večji razlog za tesnejšo povezanost z Američani.
Nekdo je proti američanom in tudi proti temu da bi bila Ukrajina celovita in svobodna država, temveč samo še podaljšek greznice z imenom Rusija. Zato je naredil ta napad, najverjetneje oprana duša, ki misli da je Rusija veličasten imperij, v resnici pa je to Putinova greznica, ki z vskaim letom tone vse globje.
23 let so Ukrajinci trpeli pod to greznico, leta 2014 so rekli DOVOLJ in so izbrali boljšo pot v prihodnost. Z Rusijo bi samo stagnirali in dolgoročno crkovali kot so prej.
Nekdo je proti američanom in tudi proti temu da bi bila Ukrajina celovita in svobodna država, temveč samo še podaljšek greznice z imenom Rusija. Zato je naredil ta napad, najverjetneje oprana duša, ki misli da je Rusija veličasten imperij, v resnici pa je to Putinova greznica, ki z vskaim letom tone vse globje.
23 let so Ukrajinci trpeli pod to greznico, leta 2014 so rekli DOVOLJ in so izbrali boljšo pot v prihodnost. Z Rusijo bi samo stagnirali in dolgoročno crkovali kot so prej.

Fritz ::
Starodavni je izjavil:
23 let so Ukrajinci trpeli pod to greznico, leta 2014 so rekli DOVOLJ in so izbrali boljšo pot v prihodnost. Z Rusijo bi samo stagnirali in dolgoročno crkovali kot so prej.
Jp, sedaj so pa primer blaginje, demokracije, varovanja človekovih pravic in transparentne države brez korupcije.
In potem svizec zavije čokolado

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Starodavni ::
A misliš, da bo neka država čez noč uspešna.
Vsaj so naredili prvi korak in to je največji korak ki ga lahko neka država naredi: Prekine obdobj dolgotrajne stagnacije.
Zdaj imajo vsaj to možnost, da se lahko postopoma izboljšajo in postanejo boljša država kot prej, ko so bili suženjska lastnina mačehe Rusije.
A vi bi raje videli, da bi bili Ukrajinci še naprej lastnina te države?
Zgleda, da imate tudi v podzavesti to močno prirojenost, da služite nekemu gospodarju brez vprašanj in upiranja, tudi če s tabo ravna kot svinja z mehom.
Vsaj so naredili prvi korak in to je največji korak ki ga lahko neka država naredi: Prekine obdobj dolgotrajne stagnacije.
Zdaj imajo vsaj to možnost, da se lahko postopoma izboljšajo in postanejo boljša država kot prej, ko so bili suženjska lastnina mačehe Rusije.
A vi bi raje videli, da bi bili Ukrajinci še naprej lastnina te države?
Zgleda, da imate tudi v podzavesti to močno prirojenost, da služite nekemu gospodarju brez vprašanj in upiranja, tudi če s tabo ravna kot svinja z mehom.

papasmrk ::
Starodavni je izjavil:
A misliš, da bo neka država čez noč uspešna.
Tudi čez 10000 noči ne bo tam kaj bistveno drugače. Ukrajina je pač ena izmed žrtvenih jagenj velikih sil EU, USA in Rusije. Če pride do kakšnih večjih vojnih konfliktov bo pa ozemeljsko čedalje manjša. Konflikti pa sodeč po dogajanjih na BV precej ustrezajo USA.

Pac-Man ::
Jp, sedaj so pa primer blaginje, demokracije, varovanja človekovih pravic in transparentne države brez korupcije.
Gre pa na bolje.
It Was a Very Good Spring for Ukraine
Ukrainians are finally starting to see that “spring has arrived” following a string of positive developments.
“It’s the Ukrainian national habit to complain, but there has been a lot of good news lately,” said Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Trade Nataliya Mykolska in an interview while on a trade mission to Canada. “Naftogaz won the Stockholm arbitration case against Gazprom on its merits. The importance is that we can buy gas from Russia at market prices and not at their inflated prices.”
Still to be decided by arbitration is Naftogaz’s counterclaim against Gazprom, alleging overcharges of $30.3 billion.
Indeed, progress is underway. Here is his shortened list of fifteen leaps forward, followed by a few others:
June 1: Canada ratified the free trade agreement with Ukraine.
May 31: The international arbitration court in Stockholm rejected Gazprom’s controversial “take or pay” claim, ruling in Naftogaz’s favor.
May 30: The Dutch senate approved ratification of the EU-Ukraine association agreement.
May 30: The state e-auction system Prozorro sold the assets of bankrupt banks for one billon hryvnia, preparing for participation in the auctions of small privatizations.
May 17: The European Union approved Ukraine’s visa-free agreement.
May 13: The Eurovision Song Contest held in Ukraine was recognized by the Eurovision board as a success.
May 3: Ukraine rose thirty points on the Global Open Data Index, besting most EU countries. The country is now ranked as the twenty-fourth most open, after Sweden, Germany, and Hong Kong.
April-May: as a part of the currency liberalization strategy, the National Bank of Ukraine canceled a series of capital controls requirements.
April 26: President Petro Poroshenko signed a law easing the merger and capitalization procedures for small banks.
April 19: The Cabinet of Ministers approved financing for dredging a new grain terminal currently built by MV-Cargo company, which is a joint venture of Cargill. The total amount of investments is $150 million, and is also financed by the EBRD and IFC.
April 14: Poroshenko signed a law on a three-year state budget process.
April 13: The Ukrainian parliament approved a law on the electricity market, which introduced a series of important reforms to liberalize the country’s energy market.
April 3: The International Monetary Fund agreed to release the next tranche of $1 billion, bringing total disbursements to $8.38 billion.
April 3: As a follow-up of a European Bank for Reconstruction and Development-funded project, a law on financial restructuring and the secretariat for financial restructuring of corporations has become operational.
April 1: The Ministry of Finance launched an automatic electronic register of VAT reimbursement.
It’s an impressive list. Here are four more:
1. The new National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine arrested two of the country’s highest-ranking officials on corruption charges.
2. The IMF advanced $1 billion to Ukraine but has tied this funding to reforms, namely the establishment of an Anti-Corruption Court and more powers for the National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine.
3. Ryan Air is coming to Ukraine this year. This is in recognition of the country’s business and tourist importance to Europe and will add to economic growth by bringing more competition for Ukrainian consumers and visitors, and more traffic.
4. Last, but not least, the Russia scandal in the United States and Russia’s meddling in the French elections dominates the world’s headlines and has destroyed Putin’s image and hopes to get sanctions scrapped or even reduced. At the same time, it has raised Ukraine’s profile and importance as the line in the sand against Putin’s attempt at world dominance.
[Ukraine] will be an economic powerhouse once it overthrows its corrupt elites and defeats Russia. Millions of Ukrainians who have left, and billions of dollars, will flood into the country if reformers win the federal election in 2019.
The struggle has been long and slow. But culturally Ukrainians have chosen Europe over the corrupt Soviet system. And while many of us would want change more quickly the fact is that nothing, and no one, can stop its destiny.
Odebeljeni del je zelo važen. Ukrajina potrebuje mentorstvo. Rusija je v imenu suverenosti na državni račun nakazovala milijarde, denar pa je končal v lestencih za predsedniško palačo. Tako pač ne gre.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Ruski atentator v Ukrajini je ujet, tarči sta preživeli. Enkrat je že pel, v Avstriji. Tole bi znalo bit še zanimivo. BTW, oba ukrajinska Čečenca sta zdravnika.
Ukrainians have long struggled with fake news from Russia, but last week, they discovered something even more insidious: a fake journalist.
It was midway through one of those purported interviews, in a terrifying flash of gunpowder, that Mr. Werner’s true identity came to light: He was, in fact, a Chechen assassin, the Ukrainian authorities now say.
Under the guise of a journalist, the assassin, Artur Denisultanov-Kurmakayev, tried to murder Ms. Okuyeva and her husband, Adam Osmayev, Ukraine’s Interior Ministry said.
The plot went awry because Ms. Okuyeva was also armed, and the details of the attack and its aftermath are now shedding light on Kiev’s role as a testing ground for what Ukrainian officials say are hybrid war activities by Russia, including assassinations.
In 2006, the Russian government legalized targeted killings abroad of people posing terrorist threats, resuming a Soviet-era practice. But the Kremlin has never acknowledged using the authority granted under the law and has vehemently denied specific accusations, including those in Ukraine.
As “Mr. Werner,” Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev had lived for more than a year in Kiev, mingling with politicians and anti-Russian activists before the shooting on June 1.
Ms. Okuyeva and Mr. Osmayev, both ethnic Chechens, are well known in Ukraine. In 2012, the Russian government accused Mr. Osmayev of plotting to kill Vladimir V. Putin, who was then the prime minister. Mr. Osmayev was arrested in Ukraine, but his extradition to Russia was blocked by the European Court of Human Rights.
After the Ukrainian revolution in 2014, he was released, and he and his wife joined a unit of ethnic Chechens fighting in the war in the east, the Dzhokhar Dudayev battalion. Mr. Osmayev has been its commander since 2015. Ms. Okuyeva served as a sniper, wearing a camouflaged head scarf at the front.
As they drove, Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev asked the pair to stop the car for an interview and to sit in the back to receive the gift, which he carried in a festive red cardboard box.
As the couple sat in the back seat of the car, Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev said, “‘Now, here is your gift,’” Ms. Okuyeva said. He opened the box, pulled out a gun and opened fire on Mr. Osmayev.
A shot hit Mr. Osmayev on the right side of his chest. But he was not immediately incapacitated and struggled with the shooter for control of the gun. Ms. Okuyeva, however, long fearful of assassination attempts, was carrying a pistol under her coat, as well as a tube of the blood-clotting agent Celox in her purse. She shot Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev four times as he and her husband fought. Both were gravely wounded but survived.
While it remains unclear whose bidding Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev may have been doing, it was not the first time his name had arisen in similar circumstances.
In the 1990s, Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev was all but openly associated with a Chechen organized crime group operating in St. Petersburg, and he once appeared on Russian TV to speak as a representative of the organization.
In 2008, the authorities in Austria questioned Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev about his contacts with a Chechen asylum seeker and whistle-blower, Umar Israilov, who had testified to the European Court of Human Rights against Ramzan A. Kadyrov, the Chechen leader. Mr. Israilov said Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev was an envoy of Mr. Kadyrov sent to Austria to threaten his life.
Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev said the Chechen leader had sent him to Vienna to persuade Mr. Israilov to return to Chechnya and, failing that, to murder him. He said that Mr. Kadyrov kept a list of 300 enemies to be killed.
Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev said he had declined to carry out the assassination and instead turned to the Austrian police for protection against retribution for failing to fulfill the order. Two months later, Mr. Israilov was shot and killed by unknown gunmen on a Vienna street.
Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev said at the time, “I do not want to break any laws, and I am not a murderer.”
Ukrainians have long struggled with fake news from Russia, but last week, they discovered something even more insidious: a fake journalist.
It was midway through one of those purported interviews, in a terrifying flash of gunpowder, that Mr. Werner’s true identity came to light: He was, in fact, a Chechen assassin, the Ukrainian authorities now say.
Under the guise of a journalist, the assassin, Artur Denisultanov-Kurmakayev, tried to murder Ms. Okuyeva and her husband, Adam Osmayev, Ukraine’s Interior Ministry said.
The plot went awry because Ms. Okuyeva was also armed, and the details of the attack and its aftermath are now shedding light on Kiev’s role as a testing ground for what Ukrainian officials say are hybrid war activities by Russia, including assassinations.
In 2006, the Russian government legalized targeted killings abroad of people posing terrorist threats, resuming a Soviet-era practice. But the Kremlin has never acknowledged using the authority granted under the law and has vehemently denied specific accusations, including those in Ukraine.
As “Mr. Werner,” Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev had lived for more than a year in Kiev, mingling with politicians and anti-Russian activists before the shooting on June 1.
Ms. Okuyeva and Mr. Osmayev, both ethnic Chechens, are well known in Ukraine. In 2012, the Russian government accused Mr. Osmayev of plotting to kill Vladimir V. Putin, who was then the prime minister. Mr. Osmayev was arrested in Ukraine, but his extradition to Russia was blocked by the European Court of Human Rights.
After the Ukrainian revolution in 2014, he was released, and he and his wife joined a unit of ethnic Chechens fighting in the war in the east, the Dzhokhar Dudayev battalion. Mr. Osmayev has been its commander since 2015. Ms. Okuyeva served as a sniper, wearing a camouflaged head scarf at the front.
As they drove, Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev asked the pair to stop the car for an interview and to sit in the back to receive the gift, which he carried in a festive red cardboard box.
As the couple sat in the back seat of the car, Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev said, “‘Now, here is your gift,’” Ms. Okuyeva said. He opened the box, pulled out a gun and opened fire on Mr. Osmayev.
A shot hit Mr. Osmayev on the right side of his chest. But he was not immediately incapacitated and struggled with the shooter for control of the gun. Ms. Okuyeva, however, long fearful of assassination attempts, was carrying a pistol under her coat, as well as a tube of the blood-clotting agent Celox in her purse. She shot Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev four times as he and her husband fought. Both were gravely wounded but survived.
While it remains unclear whose bidding Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev may have been doing, it was not the first time his name had arisen in similar circumstances.
In the 1990s, Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev was all but openly associated with a Chechen organized crime group operating in St. Petersburg, and he once appeared on Russian TV to speak as a representative of the organization.
In 2008, the authorities in Austria questioned Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev about his contacts with a Chechen asylum seeker and whistle-blower, Umar Israilov, who had testified to the European Court of Human Rights against Ramzan A. Kadyrov, the Chechen leader. Mr. Israilov said Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev was an envoy of Mr. Kadyrov sent to Austria to threaten his life.
Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev said the Chechen leader had sent him to Vienna to persuade Mr. Israilov to return to Chechnya and, failing that, to murder him. He said that Mr. Kadyrov kept a list of 300 enemies to be killed.
Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev said he had declined to carry out the assassination and instead turned to the Austrian police for protection against retribution for failing to fulfill the order. Two months later, Mr. Israilov was shot and killed by unknown gunmen on a Vienna street.
Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev said at the time, “I do not want to break any laws, and I am not a murderer.”

Pac-Man ::
Lojalni kadri so zlata vredni, sploh če se greš wannabe diktatorja
Commander of the Kyiv riot police Berkut, during the dispersal of Maidan, is now breaking up the Moscow demonstrations in the Russian OMON.
A former Berkut commander now wanted in Ukraine for crimes against protesters is spotted working for Moscow's riot police
Footage recorded by the television station Dozhd at a protest on Monday in Moscow reveals a riot control officer who appears to be Sergey Kusyuk, a former commander of the “Berkut” special police force in Kiev, notorious for its brutality and dissolved in 2014, after the Maidan Revolution.
Russia’s National Guard has refused to comment officially on Sergey Kusyuk’s possible role in the police response to Monday’s protest in Moscow.
Colonel Kusyuk is a key figure in Ukraine’s investigation into the crackdown on the Euromaidan movement. In 2013, Kusyuk served as a Berkut regiment commander and allegedly ordered the first violent crackdown on Euromaidan activists in Kiev on the night of November 30, transforming the protests into a clash with police that eventually escalated to a full-blown revolution.
The next day, on December 1, 2013, skirmishes broke out near the presidential administration building. There are unconfirmed reports that Kusyuk may have actually led a group of provocateurs against police as a pretense for a new offensive against the demonstrators. Kusyuk denies these accusations.
Commander of the Kyiv riot police Berkut, during the dispersal of Maidan, is now breaking up the Moscow demonstrations in the Russian OMON.
A former Berkut commander now wanted in Ukraine for crimes against protesters is spotted working for Moscow's riot police
Footage recorded by the television station Dozhd at a protest on Monday in Moscow reveals a riot control officer who appears to be Sergey Kusyuk, a former commander of the “Berkut” special police force in Kiev, notorious for its brutality and dissolved in 2014, after the Maidan Revolution.
Russia’s National Guard has refused to comment officially on Sergey Kusyuk’s possible role in the police response to Monday’s protest in Moscow.
Colonel Kusyuk is a key figure in Ukraine’s investigation into the crackdown on the Euromaidan movement. In 2013, Kusyuk served as a Berkut regiment commander and allegedly ordered the first violent crackdown on Euromaidan activists in Kiev on the night of November 30, transforming the protests into a clash with police that eventually escalated to a full-blown revolution.
The next day, on December 1, 2013, skirmishes broke out near the presidential administration building. There are unconfirmed reports that Kusyuk may have actually led a group of provocateurs against police as a pretense for a new offensive against the demonstrators. Kusyuk denies these accusations.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Danes bo v Washingtonu srečanje Porošenko-Trump. In malo razmišljam, da bi znala kliknit. Oba dva sta z vsemi žavbami namazana poslovneža, obema v politiki vleče na avtoritarnost, Porošenko obvlada tudi "mačo s krtačo" alfa špil, ki je v tistih koncih kar potreben in ga Trump kot kaže močno ceni. Porošenkova angleščina je tudi zelo solidna, tako da bo lahko pihal na dušo brez prevajalcev in s slovanskim naglasom, še nekaj kar Trump menda ceni ;)
BBC, november 2013, pred omembe vrednim sranjem na majdanu
Ruski avtogol, ali pa so finančne obljube presladke?
BBC, november 2013, pred omembe vrednim sranjem na majdanu
Ruski avtogol, ali pa so finančne obljube presladke?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Samuel ::
Ta je dobra, da so Porošenku pred Krimom banal uvoz čokolade v Rusijo, ker naj bi bila zastrupljena... hah.. keri fake news bebci, ti Rusi.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war
Za vojno v Ukrajini so krivi US in EU
Za vojno v Ukrajini so krivi US in EU

Pac-Man ::
Wednesday 30 April 2014
Od takrat je preteklo precej Dnepra, Ruska vojska je sestrelila potniško letalo, ex-Berkutovci delajo v moskovski policiji...
BTW, Milne je Corbynov besti in težek putinfersteher
Seumas Milne @ Wikipedia

Samuel ::
A s tem, da bi se Ukrajina pridružila EU in zaživela brez ruske nadvlade? Ja, potem so pa res krivi.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Brane22 ::
Ne seri. Tudi če odmislimo zakulisne akcije demokratizatorjev, je sranje prišlo pred kamere, ko je Rusija rekla, "fajn, ampak potem nič več familijarnih kreditov tipa dodžem-ti za plin in ostalo, ravno tako je s ceno plina in ostalimi zadevami. Kosi enkrat v kompaniji z EU, se z Merklovo zmeni, kako pa kaj".
In zanimivi so ti govori o ruski nadvladi na območju, kjer je večina ali ruskega izvora ali pa vsaj pro-rusko usmerjena.
In zanimivi so ti govori o ruski nadvladi na območju, kjer je večina ali ruskega izvora ali pa vsaj pro-rusko usmerjena.
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Pac-Man ::

Brane22 ::
dejstva kažejo na to, da je povod za incident v ukrajini kriva EU in US.
In zakaj se suverena država ne bi smela približevati EU? Zakaj je to "povod za incident?"
Spet neki dogodki iz neke imaginarne dežele.
Streljati se je začelo, ko si je Janukovič premislu. Premislu si je, ko je Putin reku "fajn, pol nismo več prjatli ampak poslovni partnerji. BTW, kdaj misliš plačat plin, partner?".
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Saj se lahko Ukrajina približuje EU saj pred konfliktom je bila tudi rusija blizu EU. samo američani so to načrtno izkoristili, ker hočejo hladno vojno z rusijo, da bodo prodali več orožja samo ta hladna vojna lahko preraste v pravo nasrkala bo pa spet Evropa.
Eu sankcije pa itak ne koristijo ne rusiji ne EU podjetnikom ampak sankcije itak nabijajo Američani, ki jim tudi odgovarja, da EU ni močnejša od amerike.
Američani evropo nategnejo samo če imajo 5 minut časa.
Eu sankcije pa itak ne koristijo ne rusiji ne EU podjetnikom ampak sankcije itak nabijajo Američani, ki jim tudi odgovarja, da EU ni močnejša od amerike.
Američani evropo nategnejo samo če imajo 5 minut časa.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: BorutK-73 ()

Pac-Man ::
je sranje prišlo pred kamere, ko je Rusija rekla, "fajn, ampak potem nič več familijarnih kreditov tipa dodžem-ti za plin in ostalo, ravno tako je s ceno plina in ostalimi zadevami. Kosi enkrat v kompaniji z EU, se z Merklovo zmeni, kako pa kaj".
In so se.
In iz EU uvažajo tudi ruski plin - ceneje kot pa iz Rusije pod Janukovičem. Ali Timošenkovo. Ker so pregledne pogodbe brez drobnega tiska in milijarde kickbackov na vseh koncih in krajih.
november 2016
In an open letter on its corporate website on Friday, Naftogaz said "Today is the first anniversary since Naftogaz stopped importing gas from Russia." The company also offers a web link that clocks the number of days it has gone without importing Russian gas.
Naftogaz adds that independence from Russian gas imports had also helped the company turn a profit. In two years, it was transformed from one of the most unprofitable companies in Eastern Europe into the biggest contributor to Ukraine's state budget, it says.
junij 2017
Ukraine signed a ten-year gas purchase contract after being cut off from Russian deliveries in a 2009 pricing feud that came in the middle of the winter heating season and while Kiev was looking for closer Western ties.
Former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko was tried for negotiating what her critics called unfavourable terms of the agreement and convicted during the rule of Russian-backed president Viktor Yanukovych in October 2011.
The counter-claims were issued once Ukraine freed itself out from under Russia's thumb.
The final verdict could have dire consequences for either Naftogaz or Gazprom.
The Ukrainian company is seeking to win back $18 billion that it argues it overpaid to Gazprom in 2011-2015 after being charged “non-market” prices.
Naftogaz added that the Swedish arbitration panel also sided with its right to resell the gas it imported from Gazprom.
The Russian giant had argued that Ukraine's profits from those exports were not set in the terms of the contract and therefore illegal.
The third ruling said the Naftogaz “is entitled to a market-reflective adjustment of the price formula”, the Ukrainian company said.
The Ukrainian firm believes it is owed $12.3 billion for gas moved between 2009 and 2016.
Gazprom counters that the Kiev-based firm owes it $7 million for illegally set charges.
Streljati se je začelo, ko si je Janukovič premislu. Premislu si je, ko je Putin reku "fajn, pol nismo več prjatli ampak poslovni partnerji. BTW, lestnence v Mežjhiriji plačaj z EU denarjem, okej?
Sem popravil
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Brane22 ::
In iz EU uvažajo tudi ruski plin - ceneje kot pa iz Rusije pod Janukovičem. Ali Timošenkovo. Ker so pregledne pogodbe brez drobnega tiska in milijarde kickbackov na vseh koncih in krajih.
Kdo in pod kakšnimi pogoji in za kakšne količine ?
Pa rad bi videl te pogoje. Srbi so recimo plačevali eno najvišjih tarif.
In an open letter on its corporate website on Friday, Naftogaz said "Today is the first anniversary since Naftogaz stopped importing gas from Russia." The company also offers a web link that clocks the number of days it has gone without importing Russian gas.
Offically. Unofficially je bla frka, ker so ga uvažali preko "posrednikov".
Naftogaz adds that independence from Russian gas imports had also helped the company turn a profit. In two years, it was transformed from one of the most unprofitable companies in Eastern Europe into the biggest contributor to Ukraine's state budget, it says.
Fajn. Naj pokažejo v cifrah, kako dobro jim gre, potem ko so poravnali vse zaostale obvesnosti. Brez velikih izjav, just a complete balance sheet.
Ukraine signed a ten-year gas purchase contract after being cut off from Russian deliveries in a 2009 pricing feud that came in the middle of the winter heating season and while Kiev was looking for closer Western ties.
Saj. Neverjetno dobro jim gre.
Former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko was tried for negotiating what her critics called unfavourable terms of the agreement and convicted during the rule of Russian-backed president Viktor Yanukovych in October 2011.
What a careful wording. WHY exactly was she convicted ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

7tom1ja ::
ata ukrajinske "vstaje"
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Cervantes ::
Paco spet lima litanije.
Počasi varjamem, da sam ne zna nič napisat.
In edini vir mu je Uncle Sam.
Paco spet lima litanije.
Počasi varjamem, da sam ne zna nič napisat.
In edini vir mu je Uncle Sam.

Pac-Man ::
ata ukrajinske "vstaje"
Ata je Mustafa Nayyem.
Mustafa Nayyem @ Wikipedia
Z objavo na facebooku:
prva noč, 21. novembra 2013, 3 min 40 s:

7tom1ja ::
Ok, potem pa rečemo old Johnny-u boter ukrajinske "vstaje"
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Pac-Man ::
Še ena iz "Zakaj lahko Trumpa ruši kdo drug?" Ukrajina ima svoje probleme. Pred njim je bila na tem mestu Nulandova, 'memba her?
Big personnel moves at State: Tillerson has selected Kurt Volker of the McCain Institute as special envoy for Ukraine, via pool report. Volker brings a strong skepticism of the Minsk process, which is probably why Tillerson & State has been reluctant to fully endorse it. Assumption going into this is that Volker's counterpart would be top Putin aide Vladislav "Grey Cardinal" Surkov. Unclear if that holds. Any notion that Trump admin would give the farm away through this channel is pretty far-fetched w/ this pick. Volker is big Russia critic. Here's the official statement announcing Kurt Volker's new job as special representative for Ukraine.
Big personnel moves at State: Tillerson has selected Kurt Volker of the McCain Institute as special envoy for Ukraine, via pool report. Volker brings a strong skepticism of the Minsk process, which is probably why Tillerson & State has been reluctant to fully endorse it. Assumption going into this is that Volker's counterpart would be top Putin aide Vladislav "Grey Cardinal" Surkov. Unclear if that holds. Any notion that Trump admin would give the farm away through this channel is pretty far-fetched w/ this pick. Volker is big Russia critic. Here's the official statement announcing Kurt Volker's new job as special representative for Ukraine.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Dobra :)
The Donetsk People's Republic has declared the establishment of a new country - Malorossiya - which the local leadership described as a successor state to Ukraine.
Self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Leader Alexander Zakharchenko proposed on Tuesday a three-year transition period toward a new state called Malorossiya ("Little Russia") as a way to settle the three-year conflict.
Noting that discussions within the DPR had "come to the conclusion that Ukraine has shown itself as a failed state," he called on the international community to support his proposal.
Zakharchenko suggested declaring a state of emergency in Malorossiya for three years due to "economic difficulties, possible chaos and a possible war of all against all", and during these three years order shall be restored and the constitution shall be adopted.
The Donetsk People's Republic has declared the establishment of a new country - Malorossiya - which the local leadership described as a successor state to Ukraine.
Self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Leader Alexander Zakharchenko proposed on Tuesday a three-year transition period toward a new state called Malorossiya ("Little Russia") as a way to settle the three-year conflict.
Noting that discussions within the DPR had "come to the conclusion that Ukraine has shown itself as a failed state," he called on the international community to support his proposal.
Zakharchenko suggested declaring a state of emergency in Malorossiya for three years due to "economic difficulties, possible chaos and a possible war of all against all", and during these three years order shall be restored and the constitution shall be adopted.

Pac-Man ::
Malorusija ima zastavo in malo optimističen zemljevid - cela Ukrajina razen Krima.

Starodavni ::
haha, ta malorusija ima pa res optimističen scenarij. Cela Ukrajina brez Krima :)
Sanjači, prej se bo zgodila ponovna reunifikacija Ukrajine in še večji razpad Rusije.
Sanjači, prej se bo zgodila ponovna reunifikacija Ukrajine in še večji razpad Rusije.

7tom1ja ::
ali je sploh potrebno še kaj dodati, pacovi fantje
ali je sploh potrebno še kaj dodati, pacovi fantje
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Vanich ::
Ovvvv - prežvekovalcu kravat iz Gruzije in bivšemu ukrajinskemu guvernerju Odesse, so odvzeli ukrajinsko državljanstvo! Ovbe, ovbe - le kam bo sedaj šel?
Tole pa američanom ne bo ravno po godu - ali pač?

Pac-Man ::
+ sweet
- ker je javno, bi znalo Rusijo motivirat za kako ad hoc "gradnjo" kopenskega mostu do Krima, preden situacija postane še bolj težavna
The U.S. Pentagon and State Department have devised plans to supply Ukraine with antitank missiles and other weaponry and are seeking White House approval, U.S. officials said
A senior administration official said there has been no decision on the armaments proposal and it wasn’t discussed at a high-level White House meeting on Russia last week. The official said President Donald Trump hasn’t been briefed on the plan and his position isn’t known.
Some U.S. and Ukrainian officials said they expect it could be months before the White House makes a final determination.
“The level of violence is up a bit of late,” said Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, the top U.S. and NATO military commander. “The Russians provide equipment, some of their most modern equipment, and they provide proxy forces with advisers.”
Under the Pentagon and State Department proposal, the U.S. would provide anti-tank weapons, most likely Javelin missiles, as well as possibly anti-aircraft weapons, in addition to other arms. Ukraine has long sought Javelins to counter Russian-made armored vehicles in rebel-held areas.
U.S. officials, however, said the plan would be to deploy the anti-tank missiles with Ukrainian troops stationed away from the front lines of the conflict —part of an effort by policy makers to limit the risks of escalation and defuse criticism that the moves could encourage offensive action by Kiev.
Should Ukraine use the weapons improperly, Washington could decide to withdraw its support or technical assistance.
- ker je javno, bi znalo Rusijo motivirat za kako ad hoc "gradnjo" kopenskega mostu do Krima, preden situacija postane še bolj težavna
The U.S. Pentagon and State Department have devised plans to supply Ukraine with antitank missiles and other weaponry and are seeking White House approval, U.S. officials said
A senior administration official said there has been no decision on the armaments proposal and it wasn’t discussed at a high-level White House meeting on Russia last week. The official said President Donald Trump hasn’t been briefed on the plan and his position isn’t known.
Some U.S. and Ukrainian officials said they expect it could be months before the White House makes a final determination.
“The level of violence is up a bit of late,” said Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, the top U.S. and NATO military commander. “The Russians provide equipment, some of their most modern equipment, and they provide proxy forces with advisers.”
Under the Pentagon and State Department proposal, the U.S. would provide anti-tank weapons, most likely Javelin missiles, as well as possibly anti-aircraft weapons, in addition to other arms. Ukraine has long sought Javelins to counter Russian-made armored vehicles in rebel-held areas.
U.S. officials, however, said the plan would be to deploy the anti-tank missiles with Ukrainian troops stationed away from the front lines of the conflict —part of an effort by policy makers to limit the risks of escalation and defuse criticism that the moves could encourage offensive action by Kiev.
Should Ukraine use the weapons improperly, Washington could decide to withdraw its support or technical assistance.

konspirator ::
Kaj je narobe s towi za ruske zarjevele kante, ki jih Zda delijo po Siriji raznim zmernim glavorezcem kot starši otrokom tic-tac bonbončke ?
Kakor že pravi on vic: ZDA se bo borila proti Rusom do zadnjega Nemca in Poljaka.
Kakor že pravi on vic: ZDA se bo borila proti Rusom do zadnjega Nemca in Poljaka.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: konspirator ()

Pac-Man ::
Za zarjavele kante nič. Ampak tu gre za odvračanje nadaljnjega prodora v Ukrajino, uporaba na (trenutni) fronti bi bila prepovedana. Ob prejšnji malo bolj resni ofenzivi so šle na pašo v Ukrajino tudi T-90ke.

Vanich ::
Če smo že ravno pri tankih v Ukrajini: ukrajinska naravna banderovsko-nacistično hrvaško-ustaška naveza, je te dni enega kar prepustila - in to kar osovraženim Ruso-Srbom na drugi strani.

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Vanich ()

Pac-Man ::
Em, tole je T-72, skoraj zagotovo uporniška mašina, dostavljena iz Rusije.
Samo maskiran v blato ali vržen v zrak?
Samo maskiran v blato ali vržen v zrak?

Pac-Man ::
Ne poznam nobenega primera uporabe T-72 v ukrajinski vojski. Medtem je ruski šverc čez mejo lepo dokumentiran.
Tako za navadne T-72,
kot za modernizirane T-72, ki so se nekako znašli v Ukrajini
in za T-64, ki so jih z letali transportirali vse iz Sibirije do ukrajinske meje, čeprav jih vojska ne uporablja več.
Iz Rusije?
Prej bi rekel iz Ukrajinskih skladišč.
Ne poznam nobenega primera uporabe T-72 v ukrajinski vojski. Medtem je ruski šverc čez mejo lepo dokumentiran.
Tako za navadne T-72,
kot za modernizirane T-72, ki so se nekako znašli v Ukrajini
in za T-64, ki so jih z letali transportirali vse iz Sibirije do ukrajinske meje, čeprav jih vojska ne uporablja več.