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Ukrajina Part II

Ukrajina Part II

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Fritz ::


The investigations had begun about a year ago when the police headquarters in Turin, coordinated by the Central Directorate of Prevention Police, monitored some people linked to political movements of the ultra-right who had fought in the Ukrainian region of Donbass against the separatists.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

7tom1ja ::

Morda nam bo Paco razjasnil kaj je resnica in kateri vir je kredibilen

RT https://www.rt.com/news/464239-italy-ne...
govori o ukrajinskih nacijih


BBC, ki trdi, da so proruski ukrajinski naciji

he he BBC ni od muh, še dobro, da ga pogosto citira tudi naša RTV
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Pac-Man ::

Kaj ni jasno?


Initially, on 15 July, the police said the arrests were part of an investigation, started about a year ago, into far-right groups "who have fought in Ukraine's Donbass region against the separatists".

But the latest police statement did not mention groups fighting the pro-Russian separatists, referring only to an investigation into Italian extremists who had "taken part in the armed conflict in Ukraine's Donbass region". The police did not make it clear which side the Italians were on in this case.

Treba bo še malo počakati.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

7tom1ja ::

Hm, očitno so spremili članek
Prej so jasno obtožili ruse

Ja čakati he he, pojdi na rusko stran v Donbasu z naci zastavo, me zanima koliko časa boš živ

there are no nazis in Ukraine
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Pac-Man ::

Tile fašistki dovolj dolgo, da so italijanski organi pregona razpisali tiralice ali jih celo zaprli.


Gtranslate, slike in videi na povezavi:

Massimiliano Cavalleri, called Spartaco. Forty-two years old from Brescia, from Palazzolo, from Cologne . He is one of the three fighters in the Donbass, eastern Ukraine, now accused in an investigation by the prosecutor's office in Genoa of being a mercenary recruiter. And as such affected by an order of pre-trial detention issued by the investigating judge, with its European arrest warrant. It is openly said neo fascist.


The investigation sees at the center a network of neo-Nazis and left-wing extremists together, side by side and weapons in hand. The ideology that unites the opposing sides leads to Donbass, in Ukraine, where former police officers and former carabinieri, ultras and supporters of the League become contractors with the Kalashnikovs in hand to eradicate the "American cancer" in the name of the Eurasian vision celebrated by the Russian philosopher Alksandr Dugin, known as Putin's Rasputin.


A total of 15 suspects, in various capacities for conspiracy, combat and recruitment (...) According to the investigators, the political mind would be Krutani while the operative arm is Andrea Palmeri, former ultra of Lucca, right-wing extremist.

The surveys on the mercenary recruitment organization were launched in 2013 on the Ligurian skinhead area.
(...) They are the ones who have contacts with one of the suspects but also with Palmeri and who organize a meeting with Millennium Pec in Lavagna in 2014, where the situation in Donbass is discussed.


According to the investigators, it is precisely the Millennium association that is behind the recruitment of mercenaries . An organization that collects goods and medicines to send to Ukraine but that actually looks for fighters to send to Donbass in Italy. Who finances Millennium is a mystery, but investigators expect to be able to shed light through the analysis of banking movements. There would also be contacts with the pro-Russian association Essence of the time, and with Alexey Milchakov, neo-Nazi commander of the Rusich paramilitary unit.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

7tom1ja ::

The ideology that unites the opposing sides leads to Donbass, in Ukraine


sej pravim, poizkusi, he he
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Pac-Man ::

Nič ni bullshit. Evrazianizem je že dolgo znan.

Aleksandr Dugin @ Wikipedia

National Bolshevik Party @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

7tom1ja ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Nič ni bullshit. Evrazianizem je že dolgo znan.

Aleksandr Dugin @ Wikipedia

National Bolshevik Party @ Wikipedia

še enkrat, niti 5 min ne bi živel v Donbasu z naci zastavo na ruski strani, konec koncev imaš pa dosti srbov na socialnih medijih , ki so bili v ukrajini pa jih lahko vprašaš
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Pac-Man ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

sej pravim, poizkusi, he he

Se moram res ponavljati?

So poskusili. Ni jim hudega. Samo streljaš v pravo stran pa je.




Izkaznica št 1488. Seksi.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Še en. Bil je v Odesi, pri odeški družini (tisti kamp, ki je bil na začetku maja požgan) in med prvoborci v Donbasu, s Strelkovom se je evakuiral iz Slavjanska. Tiste fotke z BMP-ji so med evakuacijo, oklepniki so celo original zaseženi ukrajinski vojski.


Žešči tip, Bandere in Jaroša ne mara

v Odesi

Girkinova vojaška izkaznica, kot sem rekel, prvoborec
DNR vojaška knjižica

med evakuacijo
Poleti se je treba ohladit. Vidim ruskega orla?
na fronti v kratkih rokavih
očitno je bil ranjen
Blut und boden?
Ajs ajs ajs.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Fritz ::

Ooo, Paco je uspel na silo spraviti skupaj nekaj posameznikov brez kakršnegakoli dokaza, da bi oblasti v DNR ali LNR to podpirale, ali da bi tam imeli enote z naci ikonografijo. O Azovu & Co. pa verjetno ni treba posebej govoriti.

Point je, da je prvo poročilo novinarjev in policije bilo pristno, zahodni mediji pa so lagali. Potem je še izvirno sporočilo nekomu šlo v nos in se je začel spin. Tipe so pa ujeli zato, ker so tisto raketo zrak-zrak hoteli prodati v Libijo.

Pri italijanskih represivnih organih lahko levičarje iščeš le z mikroskopom medtem, ko je simpatizerjev fašistov kolikor hočeš.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Semafor ::

Pac-Man ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Ooo, Paco je uspel na silo spraviti skupaj nekaj posameznikov brez kakršnegakoli dokaza, da bi oblasti v DNR ali LNR to podpirale, ali da bi tam imeli enote z naci ikonografijo. O Azovu & Co. pa verjetno ni treba posebej govoriti.

FFS, zgoraj imaš dokaze, da so jih ranjene zdravili ter jim pred tem izdali vojaške knjižice, enemu celo z zaporedno številko 1488.
Fourteen Words @ Wikipedia

Zdaj niso dovolj posamezniki, hočeš cele enote? OK, vse te
Najbolj kontroverzni so RNE, ki so v nekih drugih časih izgledali tako
Russian National Unity @ Wikipedia

in bataljon rusič, kjer sta delovala Milčakov in Veliki Slavjan.

Še par posameznikov, ki sem jih spotoma našel

Dokler streljaš v pravo smer jih prav malo briga za tvoj svetonazor.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Semafor ::

Čudno da Izraelci delajo le proti Rusom in ne Neoacijem? Hmmm.

Fritz ::

Ne pišemo tem, da se v oboroženih formacijah LNR in DNR ne borijo posamezni neonaciji in predvsem slovanski fašisti, niso pa to cele enote ranga bataljona ali celo polka (2000+ ljudi),kot je Azov na UKR strani.

Precej sumljivo mi je, da bi se nekdo iz Forza Nuove, kljub donacijam iz RF, boril s slovani in slovanskimi fašisti in komunisti, če vem, da bi ti isti italijanski fašisti vse Slovence karseda hitro iztrebili.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Semafor ::

Fritz je izjavil:

če vem, da bi ti isti italijanski fašisti vse Slovence karseda hitro iztrebili.

Kako pa da slovenci še zmeraj obstajamo, kljub temu da so nas hoteli iztrebiti nacisti in fašisti? Hitler je zavzel soraj celo evropo pa nas ni vse zmetal v plinske celice? Še zmeraj govorimo slovensko, čeprav dosti manj kot pod nacistično navlado.

Fritz ::

Semafor je izjavil:

Fritz je izjavil:

če vem, da bi ti isti italijanski fašisti vse Slovence karseda hitro iztrebili.

Kako pa da slovenci še zmeraj obstajamo, kljub temu da so nas hoteli iztrebiti nacisti in fašisti? Hitler je zavzel soraj celo evropo pa nas ni vse zmetal v plinske celice? Še zmeraj govorimo slovensko, čeprav dosti manj kot pod nacistično navlado.

Očitno premalo poznaš zgodovino. Tudi Judje še vedno obstajajo, čeprav...

Forza Nuova zagovarja vrnitev Primorske, Istre in Dalmacije Italiji. Kot izvirno italijanskih ozemelj, do katerih Slovani nimajo pravice.


Forza Nuova ha, com’è logico, molti collegamenti internazionali. Fa capo, come gli stessi suoi dirigenti affermano, ad “Euronat”, la rete europea di quella destra radicale che dovrebbe convergere a Trieste in novembre e che si è ritrovata in Umbria nell’agosto scorso in un convegno organizzato dalla rivista Orion edita da Maurizio Murelli. Ad Euronat fa riferimento, oltre al Partito Nazionalista Slovacco, il Fronte Ellenico, Democracia Nacional (gli “eredi” della Falange spagnola), il Movimento Patriottico Popolare finlandese, il Partito della Grande Romania, il Partito Svedese Democratico, Alianca Nacional portoghese, la Deutsche Volksunion ed il Partito Nazionalista serbo, anche il più famoso Fronte Nazionale francese di Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Nel novembre del ‘98 si è tenuto a Trieste, organizzato dal “Fronte Unitario degli Italiani” (associazione neoirredentista diretta dal triestino Mario Ivancich), un convegno (il cui ospite d’onore era proprio Le Pen) dal ponderoso titolo: “Crimini contro l’umanità in tempo di pace e mancata applicazione del diritto internazionale nella questione ancora aperta della Venezia Giulia a 50 anni dalla fine del secondo conflitto mondiale”. Temi questi ricorrenti in tutta la galassia della destra locale, dagli “estremisti” di Forza Nuova e Fiamma tricolore ai “democratici” di Alleanza Nazionale e delle varie associazioni degli esuli istriani.

Giova a questo punto aprire una parentesi sul neoirredentismo, riportando alcune delle posizioni espresse sull’argomento negli ultimi anni, non solo da quella che viene comunemente ritenuta la “destra radicale”.
Iniziamo con l’intervento fatto dal giornalista Fausto Biloslavo (ve lo ricordate?) nel corso di un convegno organizzato da Azione Giovani per presentare un libro di revisionismo storico dal titolo “Il rumore del silenzio” (10.9.1997). Dopo essersi presentato come “nipote di infoibato e figlio di esule” s’è chiesto perché non sia mai esistita un’organizzazione per la liberazione dell’Istria come invece è esistita una organizzazione per la liberazione della Palestina ed ha poi concluso auspicando che “il mare Adriatico diventi pacificamente, culturalmente quello che è sempre stato: un lago italiano”.
Il discorso dell’organizzazione per la liberazione dell’Istria ci rimanda ad uno scritto di Forza Nuova diffuso nel dicembre ‘98, dal titolo “La questione del confine orientale”, che inizia così: < l’Italia a differenza di molti altri paesi nel mondo si trova circondata da confini ben delineati non da situazioni politiche contingenti posti non dall’uomo, ma dalla natura stessa >. (Ci scusiamo per la sintassi, ma gli elaboratori politici di Forza Nuova sono quello che sono). < I mari da una parte, le Alpi dall’altra le danno infatti la sua conformazione. vi è soltanto una eccezione: quella che riguarda il cosiddetto “confine orientale”. (...) E’ forse chiedere troppo il rispetto dei confini NATURALI? Sono forse pretese di genti guerrafondai (sic) quelle di abitare le terre dei loro padri? (...) in questi ultimi anni si è parlato molto di autodeterminazione dei popoli (spesso a sproposito). (...) sono vivi i propositi di rivalse di popoli e genti che spesso lottano per la loro sopravvivenza etnica, tradizionale, linguistica, culturale ecc... Spesso queste lotte sanguinosissime sono oggetto di articoli giornalistici, servizi televisivi, films ed altro. Per quanto riguarda le genti della Venezia Giulia il discorso si fa diverso o meglio non si fa. Il silenzio regna sovrano, soprattutto da parte delle autorità italiane che “teoricamente” dovrebbero tutelare le nostre genti. Ciò fa venire il sospetto che senza un po’ di bombe e gente che salta per aria (es. Irlanda o Palestina) l’opinione pubblica e le autorità italiane non si sentono particolarmente stimolate (...) >.
Invece l’avvocato Augusto Sinagra, sempre nel corso della conferenza del 10.9.1997 indetta da Azione Giovani, ha sostenuto che “lo stato italiano rivendica un diritto storico su regioni che sono italiane anche se provvisoriamente non lo sono”; poi è partito per la tangente con affermazioni del tipo “il presidente Pertini, a cui sono grato solo per il fatto di essere morto”, e “dovrà tornare un governo duce nel senso di guidare”. Ha anche detto che le foibe sono il prodotto di “una barbarie antica che viene da lontano” perché i popoli “slavi” sono privi di civiltà, come s’è visto poi anche con le vicende della Bosnia.
Successivamente (in una conferenza tenutasi a Gorizia il 6.4.2000, di cui riferiremo più ampiamente dopo) Sinagra ha ripreso gli stessi concetti specificando che il senso del suo lavoro (cioè della costruzione di quel processo, dove, ricordiamo, non si parla più di “foibe”) è del tutto politico. Perchè, egli dice, si sta ricostruendo una “coscienza nazionale”, lo dimostra il fatto che dappertutto in Italia si stanno intitolando vie e piazze ai “martiri delle foibe” e che lo stesso senatore Pellegrino (presidente della commissione parlamentare stragi) gli aveva chiesto in quei giorni una richiesta formale per potersi occupare anche della “strage” delle foibe. Tale fatto però assume una valenza particolare se ricordiamo che nell’estate del ‘97 Pellegrino aveva rilasciato al periodico d’estrema destra “Area” queste dichiarazioni: < una volta chiarite le foibe si riuscirà a capire la storia interna del Paese: perché uomini della destra radicale e partigiani bianchi si sono uniti in gruppi clandestini anticomunisti”. Ovvero “giustificare” la Gladio mediante le “foibe”? Certo allora che è un bel pericolo dimostrare che le “foibe” non sono state quello la destra radicale ha ribadito per decenni: quali giustificazioni avrebbe a questo punto la Gladio?
Tornando a Sinagra, vi sono altre sue dichiarazioni degne di nota: ha dichiarato “traditori” perché ignorano “cosa sia la dignità nazionale”, tutti i governi passati, tranne quello di Berlusconi (membro della P2 come Sinagra) perché il ministro Martino era stato l’unico a ribadire i “diritti storici” dell’Italia sull’Istria, ed ha poi concluso che “piaccia o non piaccia a qualcuno, in futuro quelle regioni torneranno alla madre patria italiana”.

Riprendiamo in mano le dichiarazioni del geometra Ivancich al convegno con Le Pen. Ivancich che ha un passato di militanza nella Lega Nord triestina, all’interno della quale aveva fondato, nel 1991, una “Lega Venezia Giulia” la cui “proposta politica del 2000” era (citiamo dal “Meridiano”) “una regione unica da Trieste a Fiume, secondo i confini della Venezia Giulia prebellica”. Teniamo presente questa proposta, perché qualcosa di simile lo ritroveremo anche successivamente.
Ecco ora il succo dell’intervento di Ivancich al convegno con Le Pen: dato che, secondo lui, gli “infoibati” per mano del “regime comunista jugoslavo” furono ventimila, allora Slovenia e Croazia devono “pagare i danni”, visto che come stati si ritengono eredi della Jugoslavia; e, come “Al Capone è stato preso perché non pagava le tasse”, così “noi vogliamo il nostro, vogliamo l’Istria, Fiume e la Dalmazia”; e, bontà sua, Ivancich si premura di aggiungere che si augura che “le cose si risolvano pacificamente”. Come se Slovenia e Croazia non aspettassero altro che ritoccare i propri confini per “restituire” all’Italia l’Istria, Fiume e la Dalmazia.
Del resto il giorno prima lo stesso Le Pen, nel corso della sua conferenza stampa, aveva dichiarato di sentirsi onorato di essere a Trieste, punto di arrivo dell’unità d’Italia e per l’avvenire punto di partenza... ma l’Italia non dovrebbe essere “unita” a tutt’oggi?
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Semafor ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Forza Nuova zagovarja vrnitev Primorske, Istre in Dalmacije Italiji. Kot izvirno italijanskih ozemelj, do katerih Slovani nimajo pravice.

Pa je na istri, dalmaciji, primorski... sploh še kaj slovanov?

Fritz ::

Misliš v. Po zadnjem popisu so bili velika večina.

Za Slovenijo nasploh pa ti ne morem pomagati, ker desničarji z neoliberalnimi politikami podijo mlade in izobražene v tujino injih nadomeščajo s tujo in manj izobraženo delovno silo, ki je še pripravljena delati za miloščino. Večje število kosovskih družin pa je posledica ravnanja slovenskih posredniških agencij, ki moške pošiljajo na delo v Z. Evropo in zato prejemajo lepe provizije, družinske člane pa lepo obesijo na slovenski socialni sistem.

Da ne bo čisti Off-topic, še enkrat, Forza Nuova so fašisti starega tipa, ne kakšna Lega, čeprav tudi ti zaigrajo na protislovensko karto kadarkoli se jim to zazdi koristno. Forca Nuova mi zato ne gre skupaj s slovanskimi desničarji.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Fritz ()

Fritz ::

Italijani so našli še nekaj robe in decidirano zapišejo, da gre za pro-ukrajinske neonacije. Zahodni MSM-ji niso popravili svoje 'napake'.

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

7tom1ja ::

Paco spet v akciji lima elliotove slike; še enkrat zadnjič niti 5 minut; če pa uspeš koga prepričat, da so separtisti naziji, he he; pa svaka ti čast; če koga Rusi sovražijo so to naciji ( z razlogom).
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

7tom1ja ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Italijani so našli še nekaj robe in decidirano zapišejo, da gre za pro-ukrajinske neonacije. Zahodni MSM-ji niso popravili svoje 'napake'.


Morda bosta paco in higgins raziskala ozadje, ugibam, da bo slikovno in rezulat bo false flag

Paco, vprašaj berića, ki je sedaj poveljnik v vojski separatistov kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi kdo od njihovih vihral z nazi zastavo.
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Pac-Man ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Forza Nuova zagovarja vrnitev Primorske, Istre in Dalmacije Italiji. Kot izvirno italijanskih ozemelj, do katerih Slovani nimajo pravice.

Forza Nuova praviš? Ta Forza Nuova?

Za Putina in Assada, Italija ven iz nata
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Paco, vprašaj berića, ki je sedaj poveljnik v vojski separatistov kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi kdo od njihovih vihral z nazi zastavo.

Ampak si prepričan, da je še vedno poveljnik? Ko sem zadnjič slišal zanj, ga je po atentatu na Zakarčenka zapustila politična sreča.


Da si nacist ni treba vihrat zastave 3. rajha. Pomaga pa.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

vostok_1 ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Paco spet v akciji lima elliotove slike; še enkrat zadnjič niti 5 minut; če pa uspeš koga prepričat, da so separtisti naziji, he he; pa svaka ti čast; če koga Rusi sovražijo so to naciji ( z razlogom).

Nazije treba iztrebit iz vzhodne evrope.
Zahodno-filična ideologija tu pri nas nima kaj početi.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

[Ampak si prepričan, da je še vedno poveljnik? Ko sem zadnjič slišal zanj, ga je po atentatu na Zakarčenka zapustila politična sreča.

Sem opravil tvojo domačo nalogo. Konec februarja in aprila je bil "novinar" v Moskvi.


"PolitRusija" se bavi analitikom, kako Rusije, tako i zapadnih zemalja. Tu radim kao novinar, imam svoju emisiju koju vodim, kao i potpunu slobodu u izboru gostiju i uređivanju. Takođe, kao novinar idem na pojedine konferencije za novinare koje mi se čine zanimljivim. Otvorili smo stranicu "SLOBODNA SRPSKA REČ" koju sam malo zapustio, pošto sam oko tri meseca imao dosta problema sa zdravljem i sada se polako vraćam u formu. Trenutno ide proširenje studija i delatnosti tako da barem još mesec dana neću zapisivati ništa u vezi Srbije ,ali posle toga idemo punim tempom. Pažnja će biti posvećena dejstvima srpskih vlasti, njihovoj saradnji sa ubicama srpske dece, rasprodaji Srbije, srpskim medijima...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Paco spet v akciji lima elliotove slike; še enkrat zadnjič niti 5 minut; če pa uspeš koga prepričat, da so separtisti naziji, he he; pa svaka ti čast; če koga Rusi sovražijo so to naciji ( z razlogom).

Morda bi te znalo zanimati.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Azovci so napadli Porošenka. Video+povezave:


As I understand it, at least one of the men *is* identified - Nikita “Odissey” Makeev, an Azov, a Russian citizen (and now Ukrainian, having been given citizenship by @ZelenskyyUa) and leader of an Azov's veteran's group.
As @kooleksiy described him in a @bellingcat investigation last year, Makeev has received training from the European Security Academy and is "a close associate of National Corps Deputy Head Nazarii Kravchenko."

That's Makeev circled there (pic from http://uaportal.com ) and, as if to make it more obvious who some of the other men may have been, is next to a guy wearing a National Corps "Reconquista" t-shirt. An apparent explanation of his actions (EN) is here:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Forenzična arhitektura je zbrala dokazni material o prisotnosti ruske vojske v ATO coni, vse za sodni proces proti Rusiji.


Forensic Architecture, a London-based research group, has collected and catalogued evidence of Russian military involvement in the battle of Ilovaysk in August 2014, including the presence of a model of tank used only by the Russian armed forces at that time.

The evidence will be appended to a case to be ruled on by the European court of human rights (ECHR) and has been released on a publicly viewable online platform.


At key moments in 2014 such as Ilovaysk, a decision appears to have been taken to send in regular army units. Russia also sent in hardware such as the Buk missile system believed to have shot down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 a month before Ilovaysk.

However, because Russia denies all involvement, establishing Moscow’s responsibility beyond doubt is key for court cases. For this reason, the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC), which is helping the claimants to bring the case, commissioned Forensic Architecture to put together hard evidence of Russian involvement at Ilovaysk.


For the first time, Forensic Architecture used machine learning to speedily sift through about 2,500 hours of footage posted on YouTube from the region at the time of the battle, looking for frames in which there was a high probability of a tank appearing. Researchers could then view the frames and investigate further.


9 minut:

Priporočam ogled videa, strojno učenje je majka.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Vse super, samo odprtino za mitraljez so proglasili za senzor. Površno.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Off, prevod tiskovne izjave bulgarskega zunanjega ministrstva


On the occasion of the event organized by the Embassy of the Russian Federation on 9 September "exhibition 75 years since the liberation of Eastern Europe from Nazism", Mfa stated the following:

"Without denying the USSR's contribution to the defeat of Nazism in Europe, we should not close our eyes, that the bayonets of the Soviet Army brought the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe half a century of repression, the suppression of the civil conscience, the distorted economic Development and detachment from the dynamics of the processes in the developed European countries.

MFA has no relation to this event and we advise the Russian Embassy not to take a position in support of a dubious historical thesis ("Liberation"), which privileged only some political circles in Bulgaria, as it is an interference in the internal political Debate in our country.

September 9th and its consequences must remain in the knowledge of historians and historical science in order to obtain a complete and accurate assessment of the impact on Bulgaria's development in the 20th century.

From the point of view of international law the facts are clear: the Devetoseptemvrijskiât coup was a direct consequence of the declaration of War on Bulgaria by the USSR on September 5, 1944 and the subsequent entry of Soviet troops into the territory of a neutral against the USSR Bulgaria.

The USSR declared war on Bulgaria, when a new democratic government just came to power, declared a cessation of relations with Nazi Germany and confirmed the position of the neutrality of the Kingdom of Bulgaria towards Russia. It follows a temporary occupation of Bulgaria by the USSR and the Allies, which is formally administered by representatives of the Coalition, but is de facto exercised exclusively through Soviet military presence.

The long-term consequences for Bulgaria are the same as for the other countries in Eastern Europe, which fell into the Soviet zone of influence-45 years of management of totalitarian regime, leaning on the Bolshevik variant of communist ideology. "

Reutersova novica

1944 Bulgarian coup d%27%C3%A9tat @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Tole je odeška družina marca 2014. Več ali manj pro-ruska verzija desnega sektorja.
Na začetku se vidi kamp na Kulkovem polju, ki je zgorel 2. maja 2014.

Glede na pokanje so puške verjetno airsoft.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::


To je v Rusiji definirano kot upiranje policistu in ti prinese 3 leta in pol kazenske kolonije v Sibiriji.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Ne najdem virov v Angleščini, ampak kolikor razumem je bil poljski konzul v Kijevu l. 1939 izginjen Kašogi style. Sredi noči so ga klicali na komisariat za zunanje zadeve SZ, od takrat se je za njim izgubila vsaka sled.

On Nov 1, 1939 the NKVD conducted on Khrushchev orders special operation on abducting the Polish consul-general at Kyiv Jerzy Matusinski whose whereabout is unknown till this day. These are the SBU archive papers.


After the USSR's aggression on Poland , on September 30, 1939 at 23 at night, a few days before the planned evacuation trip to Moscow, he was called to appear urgently to the representation of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. He left about 2 am, because of the late time he took two chauffeurs with him. He never returned to the consulate. Informed about this fact, the Italian ambassador Augusto Rosso - deputy dean of the diplomatic corps intervened after a few days with the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov , who went surprised and replied that apparently the consul had fled to one of the neighboring countries. After the re-establishment of diplomatic relations, Polish diplomats repeatedly intervened in the above matter, but they received the answer that Consul Matusiński was not in Soviet hands.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jype ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

To je v Rusiji definirano kot upiranje policistu in ti prinese 3 leta in pol kazenske kolonije v Sibiriji.
Tako je povsod po svetu. Umor policista je dolžnost vsakega človeka takoj, ko se policist v uniformi za pretepanje civilistov pojavi v javnosti. Če nočeš, da ljudje razgrajajo, jim ne smeš pobrat 99% vrednosti njihovega dela.

Mr.B ::

Ukraine drama could give Democrats no choice but to impeach Trump
Zgleda je slepo podiranje korupcije pod pretvezo invazije Rusije nad Evropo in ščitenja naftnih interesov ter ne pozabimo (in) nacijev, prišlo kot bumerang nazaj v deželo izvoznice demokracije, khm...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Dobra analiza.


It's actually not so complicated. Putin thinks he has the right not just to take a piece of Ukraine away from it (Crimea), but to control the country. As direct control through corrupt elites hasn't worked, he has moved towards another strategy, invasion with proxies.

This must be seen in the context of Moldova and Georgia where Russia controls / occupies parts of the country and has more or less managed to control their course. In both cases Western reactions were weak, and Putin probably expected a similar behavior in the case of Ukraine.

Ukraine however was a gamble: it is much bigger and geographically closer to the West than Georgia. But when there was no strong reaction to the annexation of Crimea, rather confusion in Europe and the US, Putin moved ahead with invading Donbas.

Yet this was too much. Germany is the swing state with regard to Russia in Europe. Merkel tipped the balance towards a pro-Ukrainian policy. She was outraged, and brought Obama, who was first detached, in. Once the US was committed, Merkel and Obama brought others in line.

Economic sanctions ("level 3") which most thought impossible became a reality. Western reaction helped Ukraine in its resistance, helped stopping Russian / proxy military advance by making Putin reconsider costs. Merkel also built an off-ramp with the Minsk agreement.

So Putin stopped, held what he had won with military means, and started to the play the long game. Over time, he expected "weak" Western democratic leaders to fall for his mix of carrots (including corruption) and sticks (threats of nuclear war).

His goals remained unchanged: control of Ukraine and good relations with the west, especially economic relations, but also prestigious summits and the ability to influence other players' behavior -- all important for the survival of his autocratic-oligarchic regime.

With Trump, he faced a U.S. president who apparently wanted a rapprochement but was held back by other powerful players in the U.S. When Macron called for a rapprochement, the crucial European front seemed to weaken. France so far had followed the German lead

Now Macron wants to take the lead himself. And he articulates, in his speech to the French ambassadors, a vision of Europe in which the US is out and Russia is in. That's exactly what the most pro-Kremlin German "Putinversteher" have always dreamed of. Music in Putin's ears.

Yet it is unclear whether Macron wants to pay real costs to move ahead with a rapprochement, especially by alienating Central Europe, and it is unclear whether Merkel will effectively bloc him. That's why Putin has used the proposed Paris meeting as a test.

Putin puts conditions on the table for the "Normandy" meeting that would indicate an outcome supporting the Russian interpretation of the Minsk agreement, as a path to Russian control of Donbas. If such an outcome is not guaranteed or likely, Putin will let Macron wait.

His long game is to wait out Merkel, his key opponent in Europe. He probably thinks that after Merkel the European front will fall apart, and he has plenty of evidence: huge numbers of European politicians and leaders seeking contact and calling for reset and rapprochement.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Dobra analiza.


It's actually not so complicated. Putin thinks he has the right not just to take a piece of Ukraine away from it (Crimea), but to control the country. As direct control through corrupt elites hasn't worked, he has moved towards another strategy, invasion with proxies.

This must be seen in the context of Moldova and Georgia where Russia controls / occupies parts of the country and has more or less managed to control their course. In both cases Western reactions were weak, and Putin probably expected a similar behavior in the case of Ukraine.

Ukraine however was a gamble: it is much bigger and geographically closer to the West than Georgia. But when there was no strong reaction to the annexation of Crimea, rather confusion in Europe and the US, Putin moved ahead with invading Donbas.

Yet this was too much. Germany is the swing state with regard to Russia in Europe. Merkel tipped the balance towards a pro-Ukrainian policy. She was outraged, and brought Obama, who was first detached, in. Once the US was committed, Merkel and Obama brought others in line.

Economic sanctions ("level 3") which most thought impossible became a reality. Western reaction helped Ukraine in its resistance, helped stopping Russian / proxy military advance by making Putin reconsider costs. Merkel also built an off-ramp with the Minsk agreement.

So Putin stopped, held what he had won with military means, and started to the play the long game. Over time, he expected "weak" Western democratic leaders to fall for his mix of carrots (including corruption) and sticks (threats of nuclear war).

His goals remained unchanged: control of Ukraine and good relations with the west, especially economic relations, but also prestigious summits and the ability to influence other players' behavior -- all important for the survival of his autocratic-oligarchic regime.

With Trump, he faced a U.S. president who apparently wanted a rapprochement but was held back by other powerful players in the U.S. When Macron called for a rapprochement, the crucial European front seemed to weaken. France so far had followed the German lead

Now Macron wants to take the lead himself. And he articulates, in his speech to the French ambassadors, a vision of Europe in which the US is out and Russia is in. That's exactly what the most pro-Kremlin German "Putinversteher" have always dreamed of. Music in Putin's ears.

Yet it is unclear whether Macron wants to pay real costs to move ahead with a rapprochement, especially by alienating Central Europe, and it is unclear whether Merkel will effectively bloc him. That's why Putin has used the proposed Paris meeting as a test.

Putin puts conditions on the table for the "Normandy" meeting that would indicate an outcome supporting the Russian interpretation of the Minsk agreement, as a path to Russian control of Donbas. If such an outcome is not guaranteed or likely, Putin will let Macron wait.

His long game is to wait out Merkel, his key opponent in Europe. He probably thinks that after Merkel the European front will fall apart, and he has plenty of evidence: huge numbers of European politicians and leaders seeking contact and calling for reset and rapprochement.

Ne razumem, da se v korupcijo amriških /vpiši poljubno/ v Ukrajini vmeša ameriški predsednik, kateremu sedaj grozi ne samo govorni "impeachment" ampak se je dejansko formalno "impeachment" proces začet, Ta formalni del se do sedaj še pri nobeni temi o trumpitu ni začel, nas strašiš s Putini iz Rusije.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Tole ni napisano v nobenem meni razumljivem jeziku, tako da morda poskusi ponovno?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tole ni napisano v nobenem meni razumljivem jeziku, tako da morda poskusi ponovno?

Seveda da ne, amerika v povezavi z ukrajino in korupcijo, se ne sklada z mnogimi twit analizami.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tole ni napisano v nobenem meni razumljivem jeziku, tako da morda poskusi ponovno?

Sedaj je uradno : US House launches official impeachment inquiry of US President Donald Trump.

Zalestno je da bo na koncu ostal in izvoljen en od obeh koruptivnih oseb..
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Tole je kongresno poročilo o Ukrajini iz l. 2017.

Na 9. strani PDF-ja (Politična reforma) je par zanimivih citatov Nulandove, ki se jo sicer slika kot totalnega zmaja.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

O Šokinu.


Ukraine’s parliament voted overwhelmingly to fire Viktor Shokin, ridding the beleaguered prosecutor’s office of a figure who is accused of blocking major cases against allies and influential figures and stymying moves to root out graft.

“This decision creates an opportunity to make a fresh start in the prosecutor general’s office. I hope that the new prosecutor general will ensure that [his] office . . . becomes independent from political influence and pressure and enjoys public trust,” said Jan Tombinski, the EU’s envoy to Ukraine.


In what appeared to be his last act before dismissal, Mr Shokin sacked his deputy, Davit Sakvarelidze, who had repeatedly called for his boss to be fired.

Mr Sakvarelidze, a Georgian who was also chief prosecutor in the Odessa region, said his dismissal by Mr Shokin was part of “a cleansing of people who are prepared every day to fight corruption and the old guard without compromise”.


Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko is under huge pressure to appoint a new prosecutor general with a strong anti-corruption reputation, and to back investigations into the shadowy affairs of major businessmen and politicians.

The EU and United States are demanding as much, amid a political crisis that has paralysed reforms in Ukraine and jeopardised vital funding from international lenders.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Morda danes zvečer?


If recent media (&analytical) reports re Ukraine’s role in transnational white supremacy extremism, and American, Western fighters there caught your attention you should ABSOLUTELY WATCH @emileghessen‘s Robin Hood Complex: Ukraine

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

2 Ukrainian prosecutors concoct wild conspiracy theories that drive Trump’s foreign policy

Explainer: Behind the scenes of the Trump/Ukraine scandal
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Svež ukrajinski premier se svaljka po veteranskih žurih, ki jih organizirajo neonacisti s precej dolgo kartoteko. In v tem ne vidi nobenega problema.

Ni kul.

Oleksiy Honcharuk @ Wikipedia

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Honcharuk @PMHoncharuk spoke at a “veterans party” org-d by far-right figure Andriy Medvedko, leader of “far-right extremist” [per @freedomhouse] C14 org, accused murderer of reporter Oles Buzina. The event featured unabashed neonazi band “Sokyra Peruna”.

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Honcharuk confirms his presence at a “veterans party”[neo-Nazi concert org-d by far-right figure and accused murderer of a reporter]. Honcharuk apparently BLAMES MEDIA for “AMBIGUOUS theses”, talks “unnecessary politicization”
While confirming his presence at what was essentially a neo-Nazi concert Ukraine’s Prime Minister Honcharuk says he “doesn’t share any hateful ideologies - neither Nazism, Fascism, or Communism”, & makes a number of statements that arguably further normalize what transpired.
Statement by Ukraine’s Prime Minister admitting presence at a “veterans party”/neo-Nazi concert contains lines: “Politicization [of what happened]is totally inappropriate” , “no knowledge re the act invited”; “NOT UP TO THE GOVERNMENT to dictate our defenders what songs to sing”

This isn't just a normal "veterans' party" that the Ukrainian PM attended -- it was organized by the leader of a white supremacist organization that has led multiple literal pogroms on Roma camps. There are plenty of other non-white supremacist veteran groups/events in Ukraine.
If someone claims that the only veterans events that the PM can attend are ones with literal neo-Nazi bands playing, organized by white supremacist organizations, then that's a gigantic, systemic issue (that I don't think exists) in Ukraine.
Just in case you needed less subtlety, they threw in an 88 here to make sure you know they are actually just moron neo-Nazis and not just enthusiasts of pre-Christian runes and symbols.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

O poročanju v levičarskih medijih v zgodnjih dnevih konflikta.

I'm sure you've all read Snyder's Road to Unfreedom but if you haven't boy oh boy. Look at how the left was seduced by Kremlin disinformation over Ukraine
And look who reinforced the message. I wonder what happened to Seumas Milne... oh yes
The long hard fall of John Pilger in my estimations over the course of my adult life has been deeply depressing.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Tale graf je sladek. Cena Gazpromovega plina v Ukrajini skozi leta.
Zasenčen je 100 dolarski skonto, ki so ga dobili za 25-letno podaljšanje najemne pogodbe ruskih vojaških baz na Krimu.

Take so bile Gazpromove cene za Evropo l. 2013, pred revolucijo, ko so bili še frendi
Ukrajina je imela s skontom dražji plin kot Belorusija, VB, Nizozemska, Nemčija, Finska, Madžarska, Francija, Avstrija in Turčija.
Brez bi bila na nivoju Bolgarije, Češke, Bosne in še posebej blizu Poljske, Makedonija bi bila edina evropska država (v tabeli) z dražjim plinom.

Če to ni dovolj, pogodba je bila sklenjena za 52 bcm, od tega morajo vzeti 80%, sicer vseeno plačajo.
Since 2009, Russian gas has been imported to Ukraine under an 11-year contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz Ukrainy, expiring at the end of 2019.
The contract provides (from 2010) for delivery of an annual contract quantity of 52 bcm of gas, with a take-or-pay requirement of 80%.

Za primerjavo, kapaciteta Severnega toka je 55bcm.

Nord Stream @ Wikipedia
The project includes two parallel lines. The first line was laid by May 2011 and was inaugurated on 8 November 2011.[1][2] The second line was laid in 2011–2012 and was inaugurated on 8 October 2012. At 1,222 kilometres (759 mi) in length, it is the longest sub-sea pipeline in the world, surpassing the Langeled pipeline.[3][4] It has an annual capacity of 55 billion cubic metres (1.9 trillion cubic feet).[5]

Kaj ti bodo sovražniki, če imaš take prijatelje.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Še malo o plinu.

Saj je bilo že pred tem precej sranja (Firtaš in bypass preko RosUkrEnergo @ Wikipedia ), ampak vse skupaj je šlo k vragu s pogodbo med Timošenkovo in Putinom l. 2009. Kaj jo je obsedlo, da jo je podpisala, ne vem. Nekih kickbackov ni videti.

Spomnimo, po pogodbi je bila Ukrajina obvezana plačati 42 bcm plina, tudi če ga ne porabi in to po zelo nekonkurenčni ceni. Dražje kot so ga dostavljali Nemčiji ali Avstriji. Brez skonta za baze na Krimu, ki so ga sklenili čez dobro leto, bi bili blizu evropskega rekorda. Kapaciteta Severnega toka je trenutno 55 bcm, po zgrajeni dvojki bo 110 bcm.

Tole je uradna gazpromova statistika o izvozu v Evropo za l. 2018.

Največji trg je Nemčija (58 bcm), vsi ostali so pod 25 bcm.
V zahodno Evropo so izvozili 162 bcm, tako da severni tok tudi po razširitvi ne bo zadovoljil vseh potreb.

Par zgodovinskih člankov

januar 2009
The prime ministers of Russia and Ukraine announced a deal early today to settle the gas dispute that has drastically reduced supplies of Russian gas to Europe for nearly two weeks.
Vladimir Putin and Yulia Tymoshenko emerged from a day of tense of negotiations to announce the deal, which will see Ukraine paying for Russian gas at the much higher European prices from next year.


Ukraine paid $179.50 per 1,000 cubic meters of gas in 2008, less than half the price paid by European countries. The European price for the first quarter of 2009 is about $450, but is expected to fall to reflect the decline in world oil prices.
Before talks broke down on 31 December, Russia had offered Ukraine a price of $250 for 2009, which Ukraine refused.
The two countries also reached a deal on the price Russia will pay Ukraine for transporting gas to Europe through its pipelines. Ukraine had insisted that if it paid more for gas, Russia should pay market prices for transit.
Putin said the discounted transit price would remain in place for 2009. Beginning on 1 January next year, Ukraine will pay full price for gas and Russia will pay market prices for transit, he said.

marec 2009, kontekst pogodbe?
Armed men in camouflage fatigues burst into the headquarters of Ukraine’s state energy firm Naftogaz on Wednesday in what the SBU security service said was part of a criminal inquiry.
Following are details of a supply and transit contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz, signed in January after a three-week stand-off over debt and pricing issues led to supply cuts to millions in Europe.

november 2009
Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko today told Russia's Vladimir Putin that Ukraine would scrupulously fulfill its obligations on the transit of Russian natural gas to Europe.


The Kremlin earlier snubbed Yushchenko who had called for a revision of the gas agreement. It accused Kyiv of trying to blackmail Russia and Europe over energy supplies.
In an open letter to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, published on his website, Yushchenko said: "Keeping the contracts unchanged...will create potential threats specifically to the reliability of supplies of gas to Ukraine and its transit to other European states."
He believes the price accepted for Russian gas was too high while transit fees coming to Ukraine were pitched too low.
Tymoshenko herself says the 10-year supply contract agreed with Russia does not have to be revised and provides for stable supplies of gas in 2010.
Kremlin aide Sergei Prikhodko, speaking to journalists in Moscow, poured scorn on Yushchenko's plea to Medvedev.
Ridiculing Yushchenko and Tymoshenko for constantly squabbling, he said: "We are categorically against energy security in Europe becoming dependent on the personal ambitions of Ukrainian politicians.”
"The attempt to intimidate Russia and Europe with forecasts of a crisis in the transit of gas -- this already looks something like political blackmail," he said.
Prikhodko said gas relations between the two countries had a solid juridical base. "Of course these are not set in stone and we are always open to negotiations with our Ukrainian partners," he said.

Prihodko znan iz

CC za podnapise

april 2010
Russia agreed yesterday (21 April) to cut the price of its gas supplies to Ukraine by 30% in exchange for a 25-year extension of the lease of its Black Sea fleet based on Ukraine's Crimean peninsula.


"Our Ukrainian partners will receive a discount in the price of gas," Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said at a joint news conference with Yanukovich after the two men had held talks in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv.
As a result, Ukraine would benefit from savings which could be spent on domestic economic needs, Medvedev said.
Medvedev made a direct "technical" link between the new gas terms and the extension of the stay of the Black Sea fleet for 25 years beyond 2017 – the date when it is due to leave under the existing agreement.


Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, Yanukovich's rival for the presidency, said the extension "crudely violates the 17th article of the constitution, which prohibits the stay of foreign military bases on the territory of Ukraine".
One deputy of Yushchenko's Our Ukraine party said it amounted to "a surrender of national interests".


Medvedev, referring to the complicated calculation by which gas for Ukraine is priced, said Russia would give Ukraine a $100 discount on gas if the formula price was higher than $330 thousand cubic metres (tcm), or 30% if the price was lower than that.
Gazprom later explained the deal meant the discount would be 30% of the formula price, but not more than $100.
The new Ukrainian leadership needs a lower price for its huge gas imports from Russia to nail down the detail of a 2010 draft budget and secure a $12 billion credit line from the International Monetary Fund.

september 2011
The detention of former prime minister and opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko on 5 August remains big news both at home and abroad, with a final verdict expected in the coming days. Updates from the Pechersky court room, where the case is being judged, are as regular as weather forecasts.


Not even the best investigative journalists in Ukraine know what really happened in Tymoshenko's 2009 gas deal with Russia.

On 19 January she, as prime minister, signed a "directive" authorising a new contract between Ukraine's Naftogaz and Russia's Gazprom. On the basis of this directive, she later obliged Naftogaz chief Oleg Dubyna to sign the contract. The deal set a final price of $450 per thousand cubic metres for Ukraine, obliged Ukraine to take a set volume of gas each month or pay for the set volume even if it did not need the full amount. But it did not oblige Gazprom to transit a set volume through Ukraine's pipelines to the EU.

The terms are potentially disastrous for both Naftogaz and the Ukrainian economy.
The court hearings have shown that Tymoshenko did not have the right to sign the "directive" and to force Dubyna to sign the contract.
For any such directive to be legally valid, it has to be approved by all the members of the government, not just the PM. What Tymoshenko did in plain words is falsify a very important document.


The court also learned that Tymoshenko threatened Dubyna with dismissal if he did not go along with the deal. "I want to let it be known once again, the directives [instructions] I signed on 19 January 2009 were obligatory for all the officials of Naftogaz. Otherwise they would have been fired," Tymoshenko said. According to our law, the prime minister does not have the power to dismiss the head of Naftogaz.

Her defence is a shambles and her only hope of getting off is foreign pressure on Kiev.

The West was shocked when the judge last month ordered her detention for contempt of court ( I wonder if there is any judge in the world that would have tolerated her offensive behaviour). Outside powers fired off well-prepared demarches - first Moscow, then Washington, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, London, Madrid and Warsaw.

I understand Old Europe's reaction - they always saw Ukraine as a mess. New Europe is equally cynical about Kiev despite its sympathy for the Orange Revolution crew. But Moscow?
Excuse me Moscow, but what about your mangling of oil-tycoon-turned-liberal-reformist Mikhail Khodorkovsky? What about Sergei Magnitsky, where the US imposed travel sanctions on 60 Russian officials said to have murdered him in jail? Just two examples of Russian nihilism which makes a mockery of its intervention in Ukraine.

The Kremlin has clearly shown how much they like the 2009 gas deal. And here's the nub of it - if Tymoshenko is found guilty, Ukraine has a basis for revising the contract and Europe has a potential new gas war on its hands.

I believe that too many people in Russia and in certain EU countries have an interest in keeping Ukraine weak and unstable, in maintaining the status quo. Otherwise the whole affair just does not add up. Why don't they complain about the scores of other prosecutions of ex-politicians in Ukraine? Why is Tymoshenko so special?

oktober 2011
Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’s career is a long series of big — and mostly successful — political wagers. But luck appears to have abandoned her when she made the last one — brokering a 2009 gas deal with Russia.
Tuesday, a Ukrainian court sentenced the 50-year-old to seven years in prison for abusing her power in forcing through the gas deal which her opponents say saddled Ukraine with an exorbitant price for gas.


She earned the nickname “gas princess” in late 1990s after becoming one of the main re-sellers of Russian gas under the government of prime minister Pavlo Lazarenko, who was later jailed in the United States for money laundering and fraud.
Tymoshenko’s gas trading experience became relevant once again in January 2009 when Kiev and Moscow were locked in a fresh pricing row that threatened to leave Europe without energy supplies at the coldest time of the year.
Viktor Yushchenko, president at the time, had limited powers following constitutional reform which clipped his wings, and was on bad terms with the Russian leadership over his nationalist rhetoric and NATO membership aspirations.
So it was natural that Tymoshenko stepped in and started negotiations with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
However, the resulting deal with Gazprom raised eyebrows both at home and abroad.
After refusing Gazprom’s offer to buy gas at $250 per thousand cubic meters (tcm) as too expensive, Ukraine agreed to a price formula that used $450 per tcm as the basis for calculations, with adjustments for global oil product prices.

According to a June 2009 U.S. Department of State cable published by anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, a World Bank official said in a conversation with a U.S. diplomat that “Russia had a great deal.”
Ukraine’s gas prices were 10 percent higher than Germany’s, whereas Ukraine was getting half of what it should for transit, according to the leaked cable.
Another cable quoted Ukrainian magnate Dmytro Firtash as saying that Ukraine could have won the gas war simply by waiting out Russia since disruptions of European supplies would have destroyed Gazprom’s reputation.


Making matters worse, the gas price defined by the 2009 formula has since sky-rocketed and is expected to reach about $400 per tcm in the fourth quarter of this year — taking into account a $100 discount brokered by the new government.
Attempts by Yanukovich’s cabinet to renegotiate the 2009 deal have so far been unsuccessful and Moscow warned Kiev on Tuesday against trying to use Tymoshenko’s trial as leverage.
“The gas agreements in question were drawn up in strict compliance with the laws of Russia and Ukraine and the applicable norms of international law,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

januar 2019
This month marks the 10th anniversary of the infamous gas deal brokered with Russia by Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko. The anniversary, which fell on January 18, came at a particularly inopportune time for the charismatic populist, just days before she formally announced her candidacy in Ukraine’s upcoming presidential elections.


Yet many will find this platform impossible to square with events of 2009, when Tymoshenko, known as “the gas princess” for her remarkable career as an energy trader, was parachuted in to mediate supply talks between Moscow and Kiev. She agreed to buy Russian gas at European prices, significantly higher than Ukraine had paid previously, and committed her country to buy a fixed volume of gas each month, even when it wasn’t needed. In contrast, Russia wasn’t even obliged to send a fixed monthly volume of gas through Ukraine, meaning their former satellite had no guarantee of the transit fees it would receive.

The deal was so bad that Tymoshenko was jailed for it in 2011, a decision she describes as an act of vengeance by Viktor Yanukovych, the man she had ousted from power as a leader of the 2004 Orange Revolution.


Indeed, Tymoshenko has been dogged throughout her career by rumor and innuendo surrounding her alleged ties with Moscow. Despite her key role in the pro-Western Orange Revolution, opponents continue to refer to her upbringing in Russian-speaking Dnipropetrovsk, the close relationship with Gazprom which helped make her fortune, and, most damaging of all, the endorsement from Putin – who once described her as the only person in Kiev he could work with.


But will the Ukrainian people buy it? After years of broken promises and unfulfilled uprisings, they’ve heard all this before. Tymoshenko, recently named the biggest liar in Ukrainian politics by one prominent analysis site, remains damaged goods to many voters. As has been widely documented, she has changed her famous hairstyle to a demurer ponytail as part of her latest makeover. But it will surely take more than that for the one-time “gas princess” to overcome the legacy of her biggest political failure.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
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