Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

Pac-Man ::
O včerajšnjem strmoglavljenju v Belorusiji.
⚡️The crashed plane near Luninets could be a Su-34 fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
A day has passed since the crash of the Russian aircraft near Kozhan-Gorodok in the Luninets district, Brest region.
However, no official information on this was published. ...
Given the information about the two pilots, it can be assumed that the crashed aircraft was a Su-34 fighter-bomber, since the crew consists of one person in other aircraft that participate in raids on Ukraine (Su-25 and Su-35).
⚡️The crashed plane near Luninets could be a Su-34 fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
A day has passed since the crash of the Russian aircraft near Kozhan-Gorodok in the Luninets district, Brest region.
However, no official information on this was published. ...
Given the information about the two pilots, it can be assumed that the crashed aircraft was a Su-34 fighter-bomber, since the crew consists of one person in other aircraft that participate in raids on Ukraine (Su-25 and Su-35).
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Meizu ::

korenje3 ::
youtube začel blokirat RT. Ko vpišeš v iskalnik Russia Today ti vrne rezultate: abc news, msnbc, Today, CNN, NBC news.
Je kdo za to, da se lotimo skupinske tožbe zaradi kršenja 39. člena ustave republike Slovenije?
Je kdo za to, da se lotimo skupinske tožbe zaradi kršenja 39. člena ustave republike Slovenije?
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

BlaY0 ::
youtube začel blokirat RT. Ko vpišeš v iskalnik Russia Today ti vrne rezultate: abc news, msnbc, Today, CNN, NBC news.
Je kdo za to, da se lotimo skupinske tožbe zaradi kršenja 39. člena ustave republike Slovenije?
Ja, blokiral so ene 20 ruskih kanalov.
Nič, spiši pa vložimo. Jaz grem pa tačas spat.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: BlaY0 ()

korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Kebo ::
A je Google že plačal Rusiji tistih 7,2 mrd rubljev kazni?
Bojo počakal na hiperinflacijo pa bo kazen 200$.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Kebo ()

korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Chalky ::
BREAKING: Poland's lower house of parliament approves law to increase military. The law will increase Poland's annual defense budget to 3% of GDP from the current 2%. The military will go from 110,000 to 250,000 troops, & territorial defense forces will be created with 50,000 members.
Bravo Poljaki, realno Poljska postaja 3 najmočnejša vojaška sila v Evropi takoj za Nemčijo in Francijo. Jaz bi jo uvrstil na tretje mesto z Italijo. Zagotovo pa so Poljaki pred Španci (Španci so ena navadna sramota in za obrambo namenijo zgolj 1%). Španci bi morali v znak solidarnosti za obrambo nameniti toliko kot Poljaki, samo zato ker si na drugi strani Evrope to še ne pomeni da ti ni potrebno za obrambo nameniti vsaj 2%. Ko bodo Španci enkrat v podobnem položaju in ko se bodo počutili ogrožene, potem bomo pa ostali morali stopiti skupaj in jim pomagati? Izjemno nepošteno do ostalih držav ki so trenutno na meji vsega dogajanja med Ukrajino in Rusijo. Enako velja za Portugalsko ki bi ji po mojem mnenju morali oduzeti status članice NATA.
Kakorkoli tule Poljske sile:
1. Vojaki: 250.000 (največja vojska v Evropi)
2. vojaški proračun: 20 milijard (večji od Španije, in malo manjši od Italije)
3. Bojna letala pete generacije F-35: 32 kosov
4. 250 najnovejših ameriških tankov M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams
5. Gradnja nove vojaške baze vredne 3 milijarde dolarjev
6. Na poljskem je skoraj 10.000 Ameriških vojakov
7. Bliža se zadnja faza grandje Aegis Ashore (Construction of Aegis Ashore in Poland nearing completion)
8. Američani so 2 dni nazaj poslali (2 Patriot missile batteries)
9. Velika Britanija je poslala na Poljsko nabolj napreden radar in obrambni sistem na Poljsko
Tule linki:
Construction of Aegis Ashore in Poland nearing completion
US sending 2 Patriot missile batteries to Poland: Statement
$6 billion tank deal to Poland cleared by State Department
Poland inks $4.6 billion contract for F-35 fighter jets
UK sends advanced air defence system to Poland to boost NATO's eastern flank
Rusija bi imela ogromno dela s Poljsko in glede na videno bi se Rusom kar močno zataknilo na Poljskem, tako da bi do Nemčije, Velike Britanije, Francije In Italije zelo težko prišli. Imajo pa Poljaki izjemno močno gospodarstvo, pa še Nemčijo imajo za sosedo tako da Poljska postaja vojaška sila v osrčju Evrope.
Bravo Poljaki, realno Poljska postaja 3 najmočnejša vojaška sila v Evropi takoj za Nemčijo in Francijo. Jaz bi jo uvrstil na tretje mesto z Italijo. Zagotovo pa so Poljaki pred Španci (Španci so ena navadna sramota in za obrambo namenijo zgolj 1%). Španci bi morali v znak solidarnosti za obrambo nameniti toliko kot Poljaki, samo zato ker si na drugi strani Evrope to še ne pomeni da ti ni potrebno za obrambo nameniti vsaj 2%. Ko bodo Španci enkrat v podobnem položaju in ko se bodo počutili ogrožene, potem bomo pa ostali morali stopiti skupaj in jim pomagati? Izjemno nepošteno do ostalih držav ki so trenutno na meji vsega dogajanja med Ukrajino in Rusijo. Enako velja za Portugalsko ki bi ji po mojem mnenju morali oduzeti status članice NATA.
Kakorkoli tule Poljske sile:
1. Vojaki: 250.000 (največja vojska v Evropi)
2. vojaški proračun: 20 milijard (večji od Španije, in malo manjši od Italije)
3. Bojna letala pete generacije F-35: 32 kosov
4. 250 najnovejših ameriških tankov M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams
5. Gradnja nove vojaške baze vredne 3 milijarde dolarjev
6. Na poljskem je skoraj 10.000 Ameriških vojakov
7. Bliža se zadnja faza grandje Aegis Ashore (Construction of Aegis Ashore in Poland nearing completion)
8. Američani so 2 dni nazaj poslali (2 Patriot missile batteries)
9. Velika Britanija je poslala na Poljsko nabolj napreden radar in obrambni sistem na Poljsko
Tule linki:
Construction of Aegis Ashore in Poland nearing completion
US sending 2 Patriot missile batteries to Poland: Statement
$6 billion tank deal to Poland cleared by State Department
Poland inks $4.6 billion contract for F-35 fighter jets
UK sends advanced air defence system to Poland to boost NATO's eastern flank
Rusija bi imela ogromno dela s Poljsko in glede na videno bi se Rusom kar močno zataknilo na Poljskem, tako da bi do Nemčije, Velike Britanije, Francije In Italije zelo težko prišli. Imajo pa Poljaki izjemno močno gospodarstvo, pa še Nemčijo imajo za sosedo tako da Poljska postaja vojaška sila v osrčju Evrope.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Chalky ()

IgorCardanof ::
Dokler se vojska ne testira na terenu, je imo brezveze govorit kok je kera vojska dobra ali ne.
Ruska vojska naj bi bila 2. njamocnejsa, takoj za ZDA, pa so si v Ukrajini naredili tako blamazo, da ves, da so te lestvice kar neke bedarije.
Ruska vojska naj bi bila 2. njamocnejsa, takoj za ZDA, pa so si v Ukrajini naredili tako blamazo, da ves, da so te lestvice kar neke bedarije.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.

Voss ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Dokler se vojska ne testira na terenu, je imo brezveze govorit kok je kera vojska dobra ali ne.
Ruska vojska naj bi bila 2. njamocnejsa, takoj za ZDA, pa so si v Ukrajini naredili tako blamazo, da ves, da so te lestvice kar neke bedarije.
Poljska morda nima bojnih izkušenj, ima pa prekleto dobro modernizirano vojsko.

TezkoDihanje ::
#BayraktarTB2 attacking what appears to be a Russian command post near Kyiv.
???? ????????? Bayraktar TB2 ????????? "????????????" ??????? ??? ?????????? ? ????????? ???????.
Ista lokacija? drugo vozilo?
#BayraktarTB2 attacking what appears to be a Russian command post near Kyiv.
???? ????????? Bayraktar TB2 ????????? "????????????" ??????? ??? ?????????? ? ????????? ???????.
Ista lokacija? drugo vozilo?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

sir_mha ::
Zanimiv, a dokaj mainstream pogled v mindset Putina. Tam se trenutno nahajajo odgovori, kam se bo ta zgodba obrnila.
The Putin identity and Russian identity are currently inseparable. The billion-ruble question is: How does a guy who has spent his life battling against feelings of shame and humiliation react as large parts of the world rightly shame and humiliate him? How does a guy who has spent his life trying to appear powerful and farseeing react as he increasingly appears weak and shortsighted?

Pac-Man ::
Ruski analitik na izgnanstvu v Ukrajini.
Počasi začenjam dvomit v funkcionalnost & obstoj tistih 6000 jedrskih glav. Vseeno jih imajo zagotovo dovolj za en zelo slab dan.
Idk how contrarian this take is, but there is a very real possibility the Kremlin really was unaware conscripts went into Ukraine.
It boils down to centuries-old corruption and bureaucracy in the Russian army.
This thread is sourced from the accounts from invading units (both public and private, the latter confirming this explanation).
Let's start with the commander of a brigade. He has about 1500 men, of which 1000 are supposed to be professional kontraktniks, the rest conscripts.
However, he has managed to recruit but 800 kontraktniks. On paper, there are still 1000.
He gets the funding for the 1000 and pockets the funding for the nonexistent 200 (with a kickback to the army commander above him, ensuring no check ever uncovers the scheme).
All is well.
The kickback system works perfectly, allowing the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff to have nice mansions and lower ranks to have less nice mansions.
Of course the higher on the chain of command, the less aware one is of the lack of kontraktniks and other deficiencies. Still, all is well, the army performs admirably in smaller-scale operations like Syria and Kazakhstan.
Until one day Putin decides to invade Ukraine with nearly all forces available to him (on paper).
The order travels down from General Staff to district to army to brigade.
Of course, as we now know, the order (months before the actual invasion) says it is going to be am exercise, because Putin brilliantly decided to keep his army in the dark.
Anyway, our brigade commander is ordered to send two battalion tactical groups, 500 men each, to the border
In all, he has to send 1000 kontraktniks. He has 800, remember?
He's never had that problem. He used to send a company or a battalion to exercises. More than enough kontraktniks for that.
He has two options: come clean about the lack of staff or beef up the BTGs with conscripts
The first option threatens to break the corruption food chain and reeks of court martial
The second option is relatively harmless. It is but an exercise, remember?
So two BTGs, 800 kontraktniks and 200 conscripts, go to the border, their vehicles in various states of disrepair.
By the time (a few days before Z-Day) the commanders learn they are about to go into Ukraine, it is too late to send the conscripts home
They are either sent into Ukraine, pressured to sign contracts and then sent into Ukraine, or left at the border, the BTG going in undermanned
The conscripts, naturally, get killed or captured by Ukrainians, mothers panic, a social media shitstorm brews, the Potemkin Army is laid bare before the military brass and the Kremlin for the first time
And the hunt for scapegoats begins, we will see where (if anywhere) it goes
Interesting that I would mention Potemkin, because, as @ain92ru pointed out to me, the Imperial army has similar issues.
The following comes from Alexander de Langeron, early 19th century imperial governor of what is now southern Ukraine and one of the founding fathers of Odesa.
Apparently, Russian imperial commanders preferred not to treat sick soldiers but rather let them die and pocket treatment money indefinitely
This is why on paper the Russian army suffered heavy losses at the start of every campaign: that's how long dead soldiers were written off Russianists may be familiar with 19th century classic "Dead Souls", where Ukrainian-born Nikolay Gogol describes the scheme of buying up recently deceased serfs to get a plot of land for colonization in southern Ukraine. Should come as no surprise that the army operates that way The Crimean War, which happened not long after "Dead Souls" came out, was also a time when the shortcomings of the Russian army, hidden by the web of corruption, were revealed in a peer-to-peer conflict
This war is another case of the same, and the conscripts are but a symptom
Počasi začenjam dvomit v funkcionalnost & obstoj tistih 6000 jedrskih glav. Vseeno jih imajo zagotovo dovolj za en zelo slab dan.
Idk how contrarian this take is, but there is a very real possibility the Kremlin really was unaware conscripts went into Ukraine.
It boils down to centuries-old corruption and bureaucracy in the Russian army.
This thread is sourced from the accounts from invading units (both public and private, the latter confirming this explanation).
Let's start with the commander of a brigade. He has about 1500 men, of which 1000 are supposed to be professional kontraktniks, the rest conscripts.
However, he has managed to recruit but 800 kontraktniks. On paper, there are still 1000.
He gets the funding for the 1000 and pockets the funding for the nonexistent 200 (with a kickback to the army commander above him, ensuring no check ever uncovers the scheme).
All is well.
The kickback system works perfectly, allowing the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff to have nice mansions and lower ranks to have less nice mansions.
Of course the higher on the chain of command, the less aware one is of the lack of kontraktniks and other deficiencies. Still, all is well, the army performs admirably in smaller-scale operations like Syria and Kazakhstan.
Until one day Putin decides to invade Ukraine with nearly all forces available to him (on paper).
The order travels down from General Staff to district to army to brigade.
Of course, as we now know, the order (months before the actual invasion) says it is going to be am exercise, because Putin brilliantly decided to keep his army in the dark.
Anyway, our brigade commander is ordered to send two battalion tactical groups, 500 men each, to the border
In all, he has to send 1000 kontraktniks. He has 800, remember?
He's never had that problem. He used to send a company or a battalion to exercises. More than enough kontraktniks for that.
He has two options: come clean about the lack of staff or beef up the BTGs with conscripts
The first option threatens to break the corruption food chain and reeks of court martial
The second option is relatively harmless. It is but an exercise, remember?
So two BTGs, 800 kontraktniks and 200 conscripts, go to the border, their vehicles in various states of disrepair.
By the time (a few days before Z-Day) the commanders learn they are about to go into Ukraine, it is too late to send the conscripts home
They are either sent into Ukraine, pressured to sign contracts and then sent into Ukraine, or left at the border, the BTG going in undermanned
The conscripts, naturally, get killed or captured by Ukrainians, mothers panic, a social media shitstorm brews, the Potemkin Army is laid bare before the military brass and the Kremlin for the first time
And the hunt for scapegoats begins, we will see where (if anywhere) it goes
Interesting that I would mention Potemkin, because, as @ain92ru pointed out to me, the Imperial army has similar issues.
The following comes from Alexander de Langeron, early 19th century imperial governor of what is now southern Ukraine and one of the founding fathers of Odesa.
Apparently, Russian imperial commanders preferred not to treat sick soldiers but rather let them die and pocket treatment money indefinitely
This is why on paper the Russian army suffered heavy losses at the start of every campaign: that's how long dead soldiers were written off Russianists may be familiar with 19th century classic "Dead Souls", where Ukrainian-born Nikolay Gogol describes the scheme of buying up recently deceased serfs to get a plot of land for colonization in southern Ukraine. Should come as no surprise that the army operates that way The Crimean War, which happened not long after "Dead Souls" came out, was also a time when the shortcomings of the Russian army, hidden by the web of corruption, were revealed in a peer-to-peer conflict
This war is another case of the same, and the conscripts are but a symptom
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

windigo ::
Kaže, da Rusi moderirajo svoje cilje.
Po mojem bojo vseeno še probali s koridorjem preko Odese do Transnistrije.
Po mojem bojo vseeno še probali s koridorjem preko Odese do Transnistrije.

fur80 ::
Zanmivo, Zelenskega Izrael spodbuja v predajo. In to Izraelci, ne moreš verjet!
Medtem pa:
Medtem pa:

Pac-Man ::
Kamikaze dron sestreljen nad Kijivom. Meni zgleda bolj strmoglavljen.
In Kyiv, a drone was shot down on Podil. As a result, the Oschadbank building caught fire. There were explosives in the kamikaze drone "Cube" that fell on Podil - military commander Andriy Tsaplienko
In Kyiv, a drone was shot down on Podil. As a result, the Oschadbank building caught fire. There were explosives in the kamikaze drone "Cube" that fell on Podil - military commander Andriy Tsaplienko
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mackilla ::
Ruski analitik na izgnanstvu v Ukrajini.
Počasi začenjam dvomit v funkcionalnost & obstoj tistih 6000 jedrskih glav. Vseeno jih imajo zagotovo dovolj za en zelo slab dan.
Idk how contrarian this take is, but there is a very real possibility the Kremlin really was unaware conscripts went into Ukraine.
It boils down to centuries-old corruption and bureaucracy in the Russian army.
This thread is sourced from the accounts from invading units (both public and private, the latter confirming this explanation).
Let's start with the commander of a brigade. He has about 1500 men, of which 1000 are supposed to be professional kontraktniks, the rest conscripts.
However, he has managed to recruit but 800 kontraktniks. On paper, there are still 1000.
He gets the funding for the 1000 and pockets the funding for the nonexistent 200 (with a kickback to the army commander above him, ensuring no check ever uncovers the scheme).
All is well.
The kickback system works perfectly, allowing the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff to have nice mansions and lower ranks to have less nice mansions.
Of course the higher on the chain of command, the less aware one is of the lack of kontraktniks and other deficiencies. Still, all is well, the army performs admirably in smaller-scale operations like Syria and Kazakhstan.
Until one day Putin decides to invade Ukraine with nearly all forces available to him (on paper).
The order travels down from General Staff to district to army to brigade.
Of course, as we now know, the order (months before the actual invasion) says it is going to be am exercise, because Putin brilliantly decided to keep his army in the dark.
Anyway, our brigade commander is ordered to send two battalion tactical groups, 500 men each, to the border
In all, he has to send 1000 kontraktniks. He has 800, remember?
He's never had that problem. He used to send a company or a battalion to exercises. More than enough kontraktniks for that.
He has two options: come clean about the lack of staff or beef up the BTGs with conscripts
The first option threatens to break the corruption food chain and reeks of court martial
The second option is relatively harmless. It is but an exercise, remember?
So two BTGs, 800 kontraktniks and 200 conscripts, go to the border, their vehicles in various states of disrepair.
By the time (a few days before Z-Day) the commanders learn they are about to go into Ukraine, it is too late to send the conscripts home
They are either sent into Ukraine, pressured to sign contracts and then sent into Ukraine, or left at the border, the BTG going in undermanned
The conscripts, naturally, get killed or captured by Ukrainians, mothers panic, a social media shitstorm brews, the Potemkin Army is laid bare before the military brass and the Kremlin for the first time
And the hunt for scapegoats begins, we will see where (if anywhere) it goes
Interesting that I would mention Potemkin, because, as @ain92ru pointed out to me, the Imperial army has similar issues.
The following comes from Alexander de Langeron, early 19th century imperial governor of what is now southern Ukraine and one of the founding fathers of Odesa.
Apparently, Russian imperial commanders preferred not to treat sick soldiers but rather let them die and pocket treatment money indefinitely
This is why on paper the Russian army suffered heavy losses at the start of every campaign: that's how long dead soldiers were written off Russianists may be familiar with 19th century classic "Dead Souls", where Ukrainian-born Nikolay Gogol describes the scheme of buying up recently deceased serfs to get a plot of land for colonization in southern Ukraine. Should come as no surprise that the army operates that way The Crimean War, which happened not long after "Dead Souls" came out, was also a time when the shortcomings of the Russian army, hidden by the web of corruption, were revealed in a peer-to-peer conflict
This war is another case of the same, and the conscripts are but a symptom
In to je sistem,ki bi ga nekateri uvedli pri nas. Zanimiva analiza škoda,da je nekateri ne bodo hoteli razumeti. Korupcija na čisto drugačnem nivoju.

Fritz ::
Tudi Rusi uporabljajo drone in lasersko vodene artilerijske granate:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Za vse, ki se pritožujete čez ukrajinske BTR-80 v naseljih - Rusi aktivno raketirajo iz okupiranega mesta z 20k prebivalcev, video
Trostianets @ Wikipedia
Trostianets @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

AtaŠtumf ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Dokler se vojska ne testira na terenu, je imo brezveze govorit kok je kera vojska dobra ali ne.
Ruska vojska naj bi bila 2. njamocnejsa, takoj za ZDA, pa so si v Ukrajini naredili tako blamazo, da ves, da so te lestvice kar neke bedarije.
Tudi sam teren ne pokaže vsega.
Treba se je zavedati, da je nekaj, ko se bojiš proti drugi vojski, drugo, ko zavzemaš kako državo in tretje, ko se boriš proti gverilcem.
Pa še sedaj mi ni jasno, kaj ste eni tako veseli glede eskaliranja tega konflikta, dlje časa se bo vlekel, več ljudi bo mrtvih, večja verjetnost je, da pridemo do WW3 in uporabe nuklearnega orožja.
Tudi ni mi jasno ogoročenje nad raketiranjem bolnišnic, stavb z ljudmi itd., tole je čisto običajna posledia in reagirje vojske, če te navadni ljudje streljajo iz vseh mogočih stavb in uporabljajo civilne zgradbe za gverilski boj!
Aja, pa ne mi sedaj srati s takimi in drugačnimi twitter videi, ker, če nimaš 24 ur 360 stopinjskega posnetka točno razbite zgradbe in okolice, mi ne sedaj lagati in me prepričevati, da Ukrajinci pa tega niso počeli!
To se je dogajalo pred tem napadom in to se bo dogajalo po tem napadu, pa je čisto vseeno, kdo zmaga in kdo izgubi?
To so delali Američani po svetu, to delajo Rusi, to so delale vse vojske in kakor pravi star pregovor (očitno pozabljen): "Če je vojna, je vojna za vse!"
Sploh mi pa ni jasno, kaj vas tako mika nuklerano orožje?
Če do tega pridemo, bo čisto vseeno, kdo je prvi sprožil, kdo ima prav, pa če voliš leve, desne ali si antiwaxerja, rusofil, MSM ovčka in kje si na svetu, ker bo potem pekel na zemlj.
Tega si pa noben preudaren človek ne želi!
Čim prejšnji mir in konec spopadov!

voss_ ::
Rusija bi imela ogromno dela s Poljsko in glede na videno bi se Rusom kar močno zataknilo na Poljskem, tako da bi do Nemčije, Velike Britanije, Francije In Italije zelo težko prišli. Imajo pa Poljaki izjemno močno gospodarstvo, pa še Nemčijo imajo za sosedo tako da Poljska postaja vojaška sila v osrčju Evrope.
Kaj vas vse ne napumpajo po TVju. Sedaj boste ploskali ko vas bojo skubili za vojsko, kot ste ploskali ko so vas skubili za korono.
You get what you deserve.
Zanimiv, a dokaj mainstream pogled v mindset Putina. Tam se trenutno nahajajo odgovori, kam se bo ta zgodba obrnila.
The Putin identity and Russian identity are currently inseparable. The billion-ruble question is: How does a guy who has spent his life battling against feelings of shame and humiliation react as large parts of the world rightly shame and humiliate him? How does a guy who has spent his life trying to appear powerful and farseeing react as he increasingly appears weak and shortsighted?
Tko kot je Hitler začel WW2, ker je imel majhnega.
Kakšni cepci nasedajo na te fore? A se počutiš intelektualnega ko bereš te analize? Svet je dobesedno Marvel universe!!!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: voss_ ()

DarwiN ::
Rusi pred ZN uporabili argument v stilu "Ukrajina razvija WMDs", s to razliko, da so WMD zamenjali za besedo "biološko orožje".
In potem jim fake news (desničarski mediji) priskočijo na pomoč s sejanjem dvoma in širjenjem teh laži, propagande. Neverjetno, res. In točno to je bilo za pričakovat, da bo s časom, ko bo naš fake news zbral gradivo, čedalje več teh ruskih zombijev tukaj na slo-techu in na zahodu sploh.
In potem jim fake news (desničarski mediji) priskočijo na pomoč s sejanjem dvoma in širjenjem teh laži, propagande. Neverjetno, res. In točno to je bilo za pričakovat, da bo s časom, ko bo naš fake news zbral gradivo, čedalje več teh ruskih zombijev tukaj na slo-techu in na zahodu sploh.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()

Voss ::
Gledam malce posnetke. So bili Ruski neonacisti ponoči kar aktivni pri obstreljevanju. Civilnih tarč...

Fritz ::
Rusi pred ZN uporabili argument v stilu "Ukrajina razvija WMDs", s to razliko, da so WMD zamenjali za besedo "biološko orožje".
Le kje sem že slišal ta izgovor za napad na suvereno državo?! Hmm.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

voss_ ::
Za vse, ki se pritožujete čez ukrajinske BTR-80 v naseljih - Rusi aktivno raketirajo iz okupiranega mesta z 20k prebivalcev, video
Trostianets @ Wikipedia
Še ko primerjaš hruške in jabolka se self ownaš. Ukrajinci so potem taki klavci da bojo udarili z bombardiranjem nazaj, tja med civilo?
Tko pač izpadeš ko imaš IQ75.
Kdo od Ukrajincev bo sploh streljal nazaj? Ghost of Kiev?

-vx- ::
Zeeeh... dobro jutro... kaj bo novega? Smo ze mrtvi? Je Ukrajina ze zavzela Moskvo?
Ukrajina: freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

fur80 ::
Za vse, ki se pritožujete čez ukrajinske BTR-80 v naseljih - Rusi aktivno raketirajo iz okupiranega mesta z 20k prebivalcev, video
Trostianets @ Wikipedia
Še ko primerjaš hruške in jabolka se self ownaš. Ukrajinci so potem taki klavci da bojo udarili z bombardiranjem nazaj, tja med civilo?
Tko pač izpadeš ko imaš IQ75.
Kdo od Ukrajincev bo sploh streljal nazaj? Ghost of Kiev?
Ti si še en, ki si enkrat ugodovil, da ima zahod tudi propagando, pa vseeno to ne opravičuje vprada Rusije v Ukrajino, sploh pa ne na tak način. Iščeš rusko propagando, za vpad, medtem ko si v zvezi NATO in EU. Namesto, da bi obsodil pobijanje civilistov in dejanja zmešanega Putina nam tukaj prodajaš zgodbice in kričiš, da bo nafta 2€. Naj zahod in prepoosto nastavi tazadnjo in omogoči Putinu, da dela kar želiš, zaradi tvojega straha, da boš dražje tankal?

-vx- ::
Za vse, ki se pritožujete čez ukrajinske BTR-80 v naseljih - Rusi aktivno raketirajo iz okupiranega mesta z 20k prebivalcev, video
Trostianets @ Wikipedia
Še ko primerjaš hruške in jabolka se self ownaš. Ukrajinci so potem taki klavci da bojo udarili z bombardiranjem nazaj, tja med civilo?
Tko pač izpadeš ko imaš IQ75.
Kdo od Ukrajincev bo sploh streljal nazaj? Ghost of Kiev?
Ti si še en, ki si enkrat ugodovil, da ima zahod tudi propagando, pa vseeno to ne opravičuje vprada Rusije v Ukrajino, sploh pa ne na tak način. Iščeš rusko propagando, za vpad, medtem ko si v zvezi NATO in EU. Namesto, da bi obsodil pobijanje civilistov in dejanja zmešanega Putina nam tukaj prodajaš zgodbice in kričiš, da bo nafta 2€. Naj zahod in prepoosto nastavi tazadnjo in omogoči Putinu, da dela kar želiš, zaradi tvojega straha, da boš dražje tankal?
Beri dete, beri:
I think all the trouble in this case really started in April, 2008, at the NATO Summit in Bucharest, where afterward NATO issued a statement that said Ukraine and Georgia would become part of NATO. The Russians made it unequivocally clear at the time that they viewed this as an existential threat, and they drew a line in the sand.
Ukrajina: freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: -vx- ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Rusija bi imela ogromno dela s Poljsko in glede na videno bi se Rusom kar močno zataknilo na Poljskem, tako da bi do Nemčije, Velike Britanije, Francije In Italije zelo težko prišli. Imajo pa Poljaki izjemno močno gospodarstvo, pa še Nemčijo imajo za sosedo tako da Poljska postaja vojaška sila v osrčju Evrope.
Ta konvencionalna ruska vojska ne bi v nobenem primeru zasedla Poljske.
Za primerjavo.
V Ukrajini so imeli Rusi cca 120 BTGjev (od cca 170 vse skupaj), to je cca 1200 tankov. Vsak BTG (Battalion Tactical Group) ima običajno 10 tankov + 20-30 APCjev.
Trenutno je s slikovnim materialom dokumentiranih 192 izgub tankov, seveda jih je pa več.
ukrajinska cifra se nahaja pri cca 350, kar bi lahko bila realna cifra. Skratka, ruska vojska je v Ukrajini izgubila vsaj 1/6 vseh tankov, pa tja do 1/4. To so izjemne izgube. Ni čudno, da na bojišču že vidimo T-72A (verjetno iz neke rezerve), ki so primerni kvečjemu za mobilno artilerijo. Kakšenkoli zadetek modernega AT orožja, ta tank spremeni v kup železa.
V aktivni uporabi naj bi ruska vojska pred konfliltom po njihovih besedah imela cca 2800 tankov, kar je čisto možno težko pretiravanje. Prej je cifra okoli 2000. Za primerjavo, Britanci imajo okoli 230 tankov.

fur80 ::
Za vse, ki se pritožujete čez ukrajinske BTR-80 v naseljih - Rusi aktivno raketirajo iz okupiranega mesta z 20k prebivalcev, video
Trostianets @ Wikipedia
Še ko primerjaš hruške in jabolka se self ownaš. Ukrajinci so potem taki klavci da bojo udarili z bombardiranjem nazaj, tja med civilo?
Tko pač izpadeš ko imaš IQ75.
Kdo od Ukrajincev bo sploh streljal nazaj? Ghost of Kiev?
Ti si še en, ki si enkrat ugodovil, da ima zahod tudi propagando, pa vseeno to ne opravičuje vprada Rusije v Ukrajino, sploh pa ne na tak način. Iščeš rusko propagando, za vpad, medtem ko si v zvezi NATO in EU. Namesto, da bi obsodil pobijanje civilistov in dejanja zmešanega Putina nam tukaj prodajaš zgodbice in kričiš, da bo nafta 2€. Naj zahod in prepoosto nastavi tazadnjo in omogoči Putinu, da dela kar želiš, zaradi tvojega straha, da boš dražje tankal?
Beri dete, beri:
Sta zelo ponosna nate fantič! :)

voss_ ::

-vx- ::
Za vse, ki se pritožujete čez ukrajinske BTR-80 v naseljih - Rusi aktivno raketirajo iz okupiranega mesta z 20k prebivalcev, video
Trostianets @ Wikipedia
Še ko primerjaš hruške in jabolka se self ownaš. Ukrajinci so potem taki klavci da bojo udarili z bombardiranjem nazaj, tja med civilo?
Tko pač izpadeš ko imaš IQ75.
Kdo od Ukrajincev bo sploh streljal nazaj? Ghost of Kiev?
Ti si še en, ki si enkrat ugodovil, da ima zahod tudi propagando, pa vseeno to ne opravičuje vprada Rusije v Ukrajino, sploh pa ne na tak način. Iščeš rusko propagando, za vpad, medtem ko si v zvezi NATO in EU. Namesto, da bi obsodil pobijanje civilistov in dejanja zmešanega Putina nam tukaj prodajaš zgodbice in kričiš, da bo nafta 2EUR. Naj zahod in prepoosto nastavi tazadnjo in omogoči Putinu, da dela kar želiš, zaradi tvojega straha, da boš dražje tankal?
Beri dete, beri:
Sta zelo ponosna nate fantič! :)
Si prebral? Ker neka random slika, ni cudezen pripomocek, da imas prav:
Beri dete, samo na tak nacin se bos lahko v prihodnosti obvaroval fake newsov.
Ukrajina: freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: -vx- ()

-vx- ::
Ruskosrbska golazen se že nabira.
U Kosovski Albanec se je tudi ze zbudil. Kaj zdaj, bos sel sljadoljed delat? Bos en crno-bel burek spet naredil?
Ukrajina: freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: -vx- ()

fur80 ::
Ti si še en, ki si enkrat ugodovil, da ima zahod tudi propagando, pa vseeno to ne opravičuje vprada Rusije v Ukrajino, sploh pa ne na tak način.
Zeeeeeeehhhhh. Nič drugega nimaš kot da lažeš kako podpiram Ruse? LOL, tko pač je ko vam MSM ne zna podati nobenih argumentov v roke.
Spominjaš me na nekatere prijatelje, ki so šele sedaj ugotovili, da se v medijih uporablja tudi manipulacija! :D in sedaj je vse manipulacija in to čisto vse,... :D hahah kot prvošolček,...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

-vx- ::
Spominjaš me na nekatere prijatelje, ki so šele sedaj ugotovili, da se v medijih uporablja tudi manipulacija! :D in sedaj je vse manipulacija in to čisto vse,... :D hahah kot prvošolček,...
Pa si dete ugotovilo tudi, da si morda sam zmanipuliran? Si si prebral clanek? Saj ni dolg...
Ukrajina: freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

fur80 ::
Spominjaš me na nekatere prijatelje, ki so šele sedaj ugotovili, da se v medijih uporablja tudi manipulacija! :D in sedaj je vse manipulacija in to čisto vse,... :D hahah kot prvošolček,...
Pa si dete ugotovilo tudi, da si morda sam zmanipuliran? Si si prebral clanek? Saj ni dolg...
Sem zagovarjal, da se Ukrajina ne priključi NATU, ter, da je nedopustno, da se tam bombardira ruskogovoreče ljudi, kaj tej misliš, da samo ti znaš brat? Nikoli pa ne morem zagovarjat, da so vrdli na tak način in kaj počnejo! To ni podobno ničemur, sploh pa ne države leta 2022 in Rusija bi rada bila nek vzor in velesila v Evropi!

korenje3 ::
Ne smemo pozabit na ptiče na katere so ukrajinci pritrdili kapsule z antraksom in jih pošiljali v rusijo.
Spominjaš me na nekatere prijatelje, ki so šele sedaj ugotovili, da se v medijih uporablja tudi manipulacija! :D in sedaj je vse manipulacija in to čisto vse,... :D hahah kot prvošolček,...
Pa si dete ugotovilo tudi, da si morda sam zmanipuliran? Si si prebral clanek? Saj ni dolg...
Sem zagovarjal, da se Ukrajina ne priključi NATU, ter, da je nedopustno, da se tam bombardira ruskogovoreče ljudi, kaj tej misliš, da samo ti znaš brat? Nikoli pa ne morem zagovarjat, da so vrdli na tak način in kaj počnejo! To ni podobno ničemur, sploh pa ne države leta 2022 in Rusija bi rada bila nek vzor in velesila v Evropi!
Ne smemo pozabit na ptiče na katere so ukrajinci pritrdili kapsule z antraksom in jih pošiljali v rusijo.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: korenje3 ()

voss_ ::
Ti si še en, ki si enkrat ugodovil, da ima zahod tudi propagando, pa vseeno to ne opravičuje vprada Rusije v Ukrajino, sploh pa ne na tak način.
Zeeeeeeehhhhh. Nič drugega nimaš kot da lažeš kako podpiram Ruse? LOL, tko pač je ko vam MSM ne zna podati nobenih argumentov v roke.
Spominjaš me na nekatere prijatelje, ki so šele sedaj ugotovili, da se v medijih uporablja tudi manipulacija! :D in sedaj je vse manipulacija in to čisto vse,... :D hahah kot prvošolček,...
Nič izvirnega nisi mogel natuhtati in si samo skopiral kar sem sam spisal? Wow, gaming stol general, verjetno maš več izkušenj kot pac-man?

AtaŠtumf ::
Gledam malce posnetke. So bili Ruski neonacisti ponoči kar aktivni pri obstreljevanju. Civilnih tarč...
In kako veš, da so bile samo civilne tarče?
Ti je Chris Cuomo to povedal?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AtaŠtumf ()

korenje3 ::
Gledam malce posnetke. So bili Ruski neonacisti ponoči kar aktivni pri obstreljevanju. Civilnih tarč...
In kako veš, da so bile samo civilne tarče?
Ti je Chris Cuomo to povedal?
Oboroženi civilisti so še zmeraj "civilisti". Tako trdi voss, pro-nacist.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Voss ::
Srbskirusofili bodo cel sončen vikend zagonili za branjenje njihovega neonacista v Kremlju in genocid.
Dodik se pa že trese kot podgana. NATO mora čimprej urgirati v Republiki Srbski in jo denacificirati.
Seveda pičkice tukaj nebi za noben denar šle v svojo srbsko vukojebino nazaj, kaj šele v Rusijo :)
SLAVA UKRAJINI pa lep dan želim.
Dodik se pa že trese kot podgana. NATO mora čimprej urgirati v Republiki Srbski in jo denacificirati.
Seveda pičkice tukaj nebi za noben denar šle v svojo srbsko vukojebino nazaj, kaj šele v Rusijo :)
SLAVA UKRAJINI pa lep dan želim.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

AtaŠtumf ::
Gledam malce posnetke. So bili Ruski neonacisti ponoči kar aktivni pri obstreljevanju. Civilnih tarč...
In kako veš, da so bile samo civilne tarče?
Ti je Chris Cuomo to povedal?
Oboroženi civilisti so še zmeraj "civilisti". Tako trdi voss, pro-nacist.
Pa saj tole se celo strinjam z njim.
Oboroženi civilist, ki aktivno strelja po vojakih, pa ni več civilist!
Sedaj bo seveda Voss ali Pac-Man pokazal video, ki kaže 24h in 360 stopinjski kot, preverjen iz ruskih in ukrajniskih/MSM virov, da ni bilo nobenega strela iz te stavbe, ki je sedaj uničena!
Če tega ne pokaže je pač tipični lažnivec, ki verjame "fake news".

mackilla ::
Ti si še en, ki si enkrat ugodovil, da ima zahod tudi propagando, pa vseeno to ne opravičuje vprada Rusije v Ukrajino, sploh pa ne na tak način.
Zeeeeeeehhhhh. Nič drugega nimaš kot da lažeš kako podpiram Ruse? LOL, tko pač je ko vam MSM ne zna podati nobenih argumentov v roke.
Spominjaš me na nekatere prijatelje, ki so šele sedaj ugotovili, da se v medijih uporablja tudi manipulacija! :D in sedaj je vse manipulacija in to čisto vse,... :D hahah kot prvošolček,...
Nič izvirnega nisi mogel natuhtati in si samo skopiral kar sem sam spisal? Wow, gaming stol general, verjetno maš več izkušenj kot pac-man?
Kolk izkušenj imaš pa ti? A si general-štabni častnik ali vrhunski ekonomsko-politični analitik? Nakladač?

korenje3 ::
ker psihopat je tale voss. na nejdem drugih bolj primernih besed za njega.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Pac-Man ::
Video, glede na velikost eksplozij je tole kasetno strelivo za uničevanje mehkih tarč. Nič drugega kot teroriziranje prebivalstva.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.