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Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2

oo7 ::

Revealed during Sony's E3 2014 press conference tonight, Dead Island 2 is set for release in spring 2015 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Dead Island 2- Official E3 Announce Trailer

miraldi ::

TOP trailer 8-)
i7 12700k
RTX 4070ti

RejZoR ::

Top trailer in vprašljiva kakovost končne igre. Dead Island 1 je imela tud super trailer in grozno polomljen špil, ko je prišel ven...
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

Zmajc ::

DS1 je bil čista katastrofa od releasa. Upam da so se kaj naučili in podobnih zadev tukaj nebo.

D3m ::

DS1 mi je bil všeč, kljub crashom. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zmajc ::

DS2 bo baje razvijal drug studio kot enko in to z Unreal 4 pogonom. Upajmo da majo manj šlampaste programerje.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zmajc ()

oo7 ::

Igro delajo pri Yager Development tisti, ki so naredili igro Spec ops: The line8-)
Tisti, ki pa so naredili prvi del pa delajo igro Dyinglight.

Me prav zanima katera bo boljša.

Več o igri:)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 - Sunshine & Slaughter Trailer

oo7 ::

Le kaj se dogaja:O ?

Dead Island 2 Loses Its Developer
Deep Silver has parted ways with Yager; no word yet on which studio will now head up development.


oo7 ::

Techland was originally set to develop Dead Island 2, but instead they decided to focus on developing Dying Light with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Deep Silver went looking for a developer until Yager Development pitched the game to Deep Silver in Summer 2012 and got the deal.

As announced at Sony's E3 2014 media briefing, Dead Island 2 will be more vibrant than its predecessors. The game was originally scheduled for a spring 2015 release, but for now, it maintains a placeholder date on various merchant websites and has been delayed until 2016.

On March 9, 2016, UK-based studio Sumo Digital announced that it took over the game's development

Dead Island 2 store page removed from Steam, fuelling cancellation rumours


Zmajc ::

Slike in opis igre na steamu najverjetneje spolho več ne predstavljajo dejanske igre saj je vmes prišlo do prevelikih sprememb. Brezveze jo imajo gor.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zmajc ()

theBill ::

Škoda če ne bo tega špila, prvi del je bil zakon, samo preveč buggov, predvsem pri savegamih. Zgodba kot tudi okolja so bila veliko bolj razgibana kot pri Dying Light.

oo7 ::

theBill je izjavil:

Škoda če ne bo tega špila, prvi del je bil zakon, samo preveč buggov, predvsem pri savegamih. Zgodba kot tudi okolja so bila veliko bolj razgibana kot pri Dying Light.

Ravno danes je izšel Dead Island Definitive Edition :)

oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 is still alive, Deep Silver insists
Despite no news in over a year.


oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 dev acquires CCP Games' Newcastle studio


Upam, da bodo kmalu kaj poročali kako daleč so z igro.

Zmajc ::

Če so se pred letom in pol skregali z developerjem so verjetno na koncu preprodukcije reboota.

Igre pred 2019-2020 ne pričakuj.

oo7 ::

A bodo naredili reebot tako kot pri Prey ? Dead island 2 in Prey obe igre sta zamenali developerja.

Upam pa, da bo reebot, ker prvo ta igra je bila mišljena kot multiplayer. Upam, da bodo naredili single player.

Zmajc ::

Po moje bo igra narejena z nule, čisto od začetka. Mogoče bodo uporabili gfx assete z prejšnjega projekta ali kaj podobnega a dvomim da bo kdorokoli samo tako nadaljeval delo ki ga je začel drug developer.

oo7 ::

Gameplay z leta 2014

Po moje bodo tudi šli od začetka. Upam, da ne bodo vstrajali pri MP.

oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 is still coming, says official Twitter account


Še so živi :)

oo7 ::

I tried to find out what the hell is going on with Dead Island 2, and came out even more confused than before


oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 is still being made, 5 years after it was announced


Še med živimi :)

oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 Emerges as Pre-Order on Xbox

Najbrž enkrat 2020 ?

oo7 ::

Kot kaže ima igra Dead Island 2 spet novega razvijalca 8-O

Od leta 2012-2015 je igro Dead Island razvijal studio Yager Development znani po igri Spec ops : The line.

Marca 2016 je igro prevzel nov studio Sumo Digital.

Sedaj pa poročajo, da je igro Dead Island 2 avgusta letos prevzel studio Dambuster Studios, ki so prej naredili igro Homefront Revolution.

oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 isn't dead


Je pa že 5 let odkar so najavili igro.

oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 will be a cross-gen game according to a new job listing


Se pravi PC stara in nova generacija konzol.

oo7 ::

Dead Island 2: New job listing suggests Dead Island 2 arrival on next gen consoles


oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 je bil najavljen za PC in Ps4 in Xbox one ampak kot kaže bo oigra izšla samo za Pc in konzole nove generacije.

oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 naj bi izšel še enkrat letos


8 let odkar sem odprl temo in 7 let bi morala biti igra že zunaj :P

D3m ::

Dead Island sem rad igral.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 Could Release as Early as March 2023


Težaven razvoj igre ni kaj ampak kot kaže enkrat bo :)

oo7 ::

"A deadly virus is spreading across Los Angeles, California, turning its inhabitants into ravenous zombies. The city is in quarantine and the military have retreated. Bitten, infected, but more than just immune, you learn to harness the zombie inside. Only you, and the handful of other swaggering fellows who happen to be resistant to the pathogen, holds the future of LA (and humanity), in the balance. As you uncover the truth behind the outbreak you'll discover who - or what - you are. Survive, evolve, save the world - just another day in LA! The much-loved zombie saga is back with a unique formula of horror, dark humor and over the top zombie-slaying, spanning an epic pulp adventure. Dead Island 2 is a thrilling First-Person Action RPG that takes players across a brand-new playground. Stylish, vibrant and flooded with zombie infection, explore iconic, gore-drenched Los Angeles. Meet larger-than-life characters. Slay countless foes in exquisitely bloody detail. And evolve to become the ultimate Zombie Slayer."

D3m ::

A deadly virus is spreading across Los Angeles, California


Saj sem vedel. ;)))))))
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

oo7 ::

Amazon trgovina pravi, da naj bi igra izšla 3 februarja 2023. Verjetno bo za PC EGS časovna ekskluziva.

oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 - Official Gameplay Trailer | gamescom 2022

oo7 ::

'Dead Island 2' Developers Took Advice From "Diversity Council" In Order To Avoid Stereotypes That Could Be Deemed "Hurtful" :))


oo7 ::

Dead Island 2 - Official Gameplay Overview Trailer

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

Skyman ::

Dead Island 2 - Extended Gameplay Reveal [4K Official]

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Skyman ()

LunKi ::

Tole celo odlično deluje. Končno se je en spomnu, da bo locational dismemberment naredu za zombije. Fucking od SOF naprej končno en developer, ki mu je kapnilo, da bi bilo to moče res fun.

D3m ::

A ni bilo to že v Dead Island 1???
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

ahac ::

Dead Island 2 - Launch Trailer [4K Official]
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

ahac ::

Prve ocene:


Metacritic [PC]



Xbox Series X:
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::

22 aprila igra izide še na Steamu.

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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