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Import SQL baze

Import SQL baze

racunalnicar ::


na tem linku sem si potegnil testno bazo, katero želim uvoziti na računalniku v MySQL server (v 5.5.13).
Uvoz delam preko MySQL Administratorja (v 1.2.17), kjer sem ustvaril novo bazo in želel narediti restore, s katerim bi importal preneseno bazo. Obkljukal sem tudi Ignore Errors.
V bazi se kreirajo tabele, vendar pa se podatki v njih ne zapišejo. Spodaj je en del loga, ki se mi izpiše ob importu. Izgleda, kot da SQL ne zna delati s temi .dump fajli, v katerih so dejanski podatki.
Kdo ve, kako bi to rešil? Hvala!

Warning: Do not know how to handle this statement at line 28:
Ignoring this statement. Please file a bug-report including the statement if this statement should be recognized.
Warning: Do not know how to handle this statement at line 43:
select CONCAT('storage engine: ', @@storage_engine) as INFO;
Ignoring this statement. Please file a bug-report including the statement if this statement should be recognized.
Warning: Do not know how to handle this statement at line 106:
SELECT 'LOADING departments' as 'INFO';
Ignoring this statement. Please file a bug-report including the statement if this statement should be recognized.
Warning: Do not know how to handle this statement at line 107:
source load_departments.dump ;
Ignoring this statement. Please file a bug-report including the statement if this statement should be recognized.
Warning: Do not know how to handle this statement at line 108:
SELECT 'LOADING employees' as 'INFO';
Ignoring this statement. Please file a bug-report including the statement if this statement should be recognized.
Warning: Do not know how to handle this statement at line 109:
source load_employees.dump ;
Ignoring this statement. Please file a bug-report including the statement if this statement should be recognized.

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