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Edge of Tomorrow aka. All You Need Is Kill

Edge of Tomorrow aka. All You Need Is Kill

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FTad ::

A folk dejansko se gleda filme na tv-ju?

bambam20 ::

FTad je izjavil:

A folk dejansko se gleda filme na tv-ju?

Očitno da gledajo TV, drugače bi drek od Pro plusa propadel.

Magic1 ::

Jaz sem gledal do prve akcije, potem je bila reklama in sem rekel fuck it ter šel na kolo s svojo.

Assass1n ::

jaz sem pa gledal. dobr zf film.
še ko je na tv-ju moder ekran me `pr src stisne

oo7 ::

V tem filmu od nooba do veterana dobesedno :)

Ta je bila dobra :))

oo7 ::

Edge of Tomorrow - "All the Options" Clip

Ta je tud huda :))

BorutK-73 ::

bambam20 je izjavil:

FTad je izjavil:

A folk dejansko se gleda filme na tv-ju?

Očitno da gledajo TV, drugače bi drek od Pro plusa propadel.

Sedaj ni več zelo važno če jih folk gleda, imajo zagotovljeno naročnino od vsakega ki ima TV paket.

oo7 ::

Is Warner Bros. Quietly Working On An Edge Of Tomorrow TV Show?


oo7 ::

Emily Blunt Gives An Update 'Edge Of Tomorrow' Sequel: "We Have To Create Something As Ambitious As The First One"


oo7 ::

Emily Blunt spet o nadaljevanju filma Edge of Tomorrow 2

Emily Blunt is referring to director Doug Liman and her Edge of Tomorrow co-star Tom Cruise, who are both apparently willing to return for Edge of Tomorrow 2. That's the good news, but the bad news is that Blunt is wary about how long it's been since the last film. During her appearance, she said, "But it's timing, but it's also been ten years since we made it ... There was an amazing script in the works, but I think it would only have worked if we shot it eight years ago."

Že skoraj 10 let od prvega filma 8-O

ilirijec ::

Res je. Čas mine prehitro.
Pa vendar je eden bolših sci-fi v zadnjih letih. Kot za vsa nadaljevanja dandanes, ostajam skeptičen, ampak upanje umre zadnje. Tom zgleda ima v svojih filmih dovolj kreativnega inputa, da prepreči najhujše.

dronyx ::

Edge of Tomorrow je podobno kot Oblivion dobra ideja, ki deluje samo prvič.

oo7 ::

Edge of Tomorrow 2 Is Now Closer Than Ever Thanks To Tom Cruise's New Deal

Tom Cruise has signed a brand new deal with Warner Bros., and the terms of it can be what Edge of Tomorrow 2 needs to finally happen.


oo7 ::

Edge of Tomorrow director says that Warner Bros are "constantly" bringing up the idea of a sequel

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