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Demonoid is alive !!!!

Demonoid is alive !!!!

Nikonja ::

Danes sam dobil email od njihovega admina da so živi ampak lahko tudi sami preberete spodaj !
"Dear Demonoid Community Member,

We have all read the same news stories: The Demonoid servers shut down and seized in the Ukraine. The Demonoid admin team detained in Mexico. The demonoid.me domain snatched and put up for sale. The Demonoid trackers back online in Hong Kong, but then disappearing.

We all wanted to believe that Demonoid would be resurrected once again; but it seems that these events have spelled the end of Demonoid as we have always known it. We all waited to see if Demonoid would return, though its now clear that this time its really gone.

Now for some good news: The heart and soul of Demonoid lives on!
Through an amazing sequence of unlikely events, the data on those Ukrainian servers has made its way into the safe hands of members of our community and has now been re-launched as d2.vu

Invitations to return are being sent out only to existing Demonoid members, which is the reason you have received this email. For the foreseeable future d2.vu will remain a semi-private site and no new invitations to join will be issued until we are certain that the system is stable. To login, click here and authenticate using your old Demonoid username and password.

Demonoid may be gone, but the community lives on at d2! Welcome home!

Silck ::

To je tako kot filelist.org - dvakrat reinkarniran ampak to ni več to.
Danas je teško biti lud... Velika je konkurencija!

OmegaBlue ::


Former Demonoid Members Receive Email Claiming Resurrection, Get Malware Instead

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Zgodovina sprememb…

lebang1 ::

naj nebi bilo nobenega malware.

Stran je prej delovala,
ima vse torrente in komentarje kot prej demonoid.
Prijavil se nisem, sedaj pa ponovno ne deluje.

shadeX ::

Ob tej priložnosti bi vprašal glede piratebaya. Sedaj sem opazil da so šli na novo domeno (.sx). Kaj se zgodi v primeru da zmanjka domen?(ker vidim da zadnje čase kar pogosto menjujejo domene)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: shadeX ()

KoMar- ::

Kako jim lahko zmanjka domen?!

lebang1 ::

domen je toliko, da jim jih bo bolj težko zmanjkalo... še vedno so dobili način :)

stran D2.vu trenutno deluje, sem naredil nekaj slikic:

Glugy ::

Če bo zmanjkalo domen se bo pa po forumih širil ip strani pa bomo pač ip napisal pa bo. ful problem kao.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Glugy ()

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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Oddelek: Novice / Omrežja / internet
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359835 (6693) D3m

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Oddelek: Novice / Avtorsko pravo
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