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Spremljajte hekerske napade v živo

Spremljajte hekerske napade v živo

Anney ::

Kje trenutno potekajo največji hekerski napadi?
Spletna aplikacija HoneyMap omogoča vpogled v hekerske aktivnosti v realnem času, ki jih sporočajo t.i. honeypoti.


Pa veselo spremljanje. :)

draciel ::

maja wtf ;D..

kako ta stran sploh deluje , ta kar "vsepovprek" zaznava hekerske napade?

vorantz ::

veš kaj je honeypot?

In computer terminology, a honeypot is a trap set to detect, deflect, or in some manner counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. Generally it consists of a computer, data, or a network site that appears to be part of a network, but is actually isolated and monitored, and which seems to contain information or a resource of value to attackers.

to kaže poskuse vdora oziroma česa drugega do teh reči ^

draciel ::

aja poskus vdora..

se pravi če si dejansko "jači" heker, ta stran tega ne bo zaznala, ker te nebojo dobili ;D

vorantz ::

o_O si sploh prebral kaj piše predn sm reku poskus? :P

NeMeTko ::

Ne vem, koliko je tisto resno za jemati, saj nikjer ni nič napisano, za kakšne vrste 'napada' se gre.

Verjetno bolj malo kdo skuša 'vdirati' v nek honeypot, če se na istem IP ne skriva nek konkreten servis.
Vsekakor bi bilo zanimivo vedeti, ali so to IPS alarmi, ki jih prikazujejo, ali zgolj kakšni IP range scan/port scan-i.
Slednje jaz nebi ravno označil za 'hekanje' ali 'napad'.

Matheeew ::

Če klikneš na "?" levo zgoraj lahko prebereš:

Welcome to HoneyMap. This is an ALPHA version! Bug reports welcome :-)
Note that this are not all honeypots of the Honeynet Project,
only those who voluntarily publish their captures to hpfeeds!


You are looking at the HoneyMap, a real-time world map which visualizes attacks captured by honeypots of the Honeynet Project. Red markers on the map represent attackers, yellow markers are targets (honeypot sensors).

This project is highly experimental and should be considered an ALPHA version. So far, current Chrome and Firefox browsers should work fine. Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer probably wont work. If you identify bugs or have feature requests, please let us know.

Frontend: jQuery, jVectorMap, jQuery-Transit, bootstrap
Backend: node.js, socket.io, hpfeeds


Florian Weingarten (flo@hackvalue.de) (@fw1729)
Mark Schloesser (ms@mwcollect.org) (@repmovsb)

Frequently Asked Questions
What am I looking at? Is this real?

Yes, you are looking at real attacks which are captured by our honeypot sensors. Those sensors emulate vulnerable systems and record incoming attacks.

Sensors run dionaea, glastopf, or thug.
Where does the data come from?
Some (by far not all) of our sensors publish their captures to our internal feed system (hpfeeds). The map backend subscribes to this feed and makes geo location lookups on the corresponding IP addresses.
Is the data representative?
No! Not at all. The Honeynet Project has many more sensors around the world, but only a few push their captures.
What is going on in Aachen?!
Most of the time, you will see attacks targeted against Aachen. This is because our honeypot at RWTH Aachen University is very active and captures attacks against hundreds of target IP addresses. This does not mean that Aachen is attacked more often than the rest of the world!
How can I participate?
If you are already a member of the Honeynet Project, you can just publish your captures to hpfeeds and they will automatically show up on this map. If you are not a member, you can run your own copy of this map on your own server. Code is on GitHub (LGPL license).
Why did you create this map?
Just for fun. We like visualization and we wanted to play around with node.js/socket.io. This map was hacked together in essentially 2-3 days.

NeMeTko ::

Teli honeypot sistemi po moje prestrežejo bolj ko ne neke random avtomatizirane poskuse, ki preiskujejo ves adresni prostor, kje bi se kaj 'odzvalo'.

Dosti bolj zanimivo bi bilo videti kakšne realtime alarme npr. snort IPS-a, ki ščiti kakšne realne sisteme, torej poskuse targetiranih napadov. Ta slika bi potem lepo pokazala, katere domene so najbolj pod udarom.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo


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