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Angleščina, pravila---

Angleščina, pravila---

Ramon dekers ::

Ok zadeva je sledeča:

The table shows the sales of fiction books, non - fiction books, and magazines in February 2000.

Zakaj imajo meseci veliko začetnico ter zakaj stoji pred veznikom and vejica.

bluefish ::

Pač, pravilo, da se z veliko zapišejo imena mesecev ter dni.

eric_cartman ::

Capital letters are used:

To start sentences.
For the names of people and places - like Sarah, Buckingham Palace.
For the names of the days of the week - like Thursday, Sunday.
For the names of the months of the year - like September, January.
For the names of towns and countries - like England, Wales, Hong Kong.

Vejica pred ˝and˝
Two specific situations call for the use of a comma before "and." The first is created when we have three or more items in a series. This mark of punctuation is called the serial comma.

The second situation occurs when "and" is being used to coordinate two independent clauses.

zakaj velika začetnica??..

Angleži pravjo, da je na tak način bolj razvidno.. Se pravi..ti pade v oči, ko vidiš nekje Veliko Začetnico :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

Ramon dekers ::

Angleži pravjo, da je na tak način bolj razvidno.. Se pravi..ti pade v oči, ko vidiš nekje Veliko Začetnico :D

No ja res mi ni bilo jasno...Torej pred dvema neodvisnima stavkoma ter pred več kot 3 serijami naštevanj...Hvala. Saj bi lahko sam poguglal ampak mi pride prav vsakih 5 min, ker sem enostavno na tesnem s časom.

McHusch ::

Serial comma ni obvezna. Oxford jo zahteva, Cambridge pa ne. So pa primeri, kjer je njena uporaba nujna zaradi nedvoumnosti povedanega.

Ramon dekers ::

To start sentences.
For the names of people and places - like Sarah, Buckingham Palace.
For the names of the days of the week - like Thursday, Sunday.
For the names of the months of the year - like September, January.
For the names of towns and countries - like England, Wales, Hong Kong.

Ok, but what about this:

The Arts should be better funded...

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Oracle vs. Google

Oddelek: Operacijski sistemi
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Fedora - Modules - Opl3sax - kako zagnati module avtomatično?

Oddelek: Operacijski sistemi
9845 (781) Gandalfar

outlook express

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152952 (2785) ABX


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