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Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars

Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars

Mipe ::

Kar nekaj časa nisem bil pozoren na to, kaj se dogaja okoli Mount & Blade Warband-a indie razvijalcev, tako da mi je nekako smuknilo mimo radarja in sem šele sedaj opazil tole:

Accurate early 19th century weapons, uniforms and environments.
Massive multiplayer battles with up to 250 players.
Five nations with more than 220 unique units to choose from.
A wide range of artillery pieces ranging from field cannons to mortars, capable of firing cannonballs, canister or explosive shells, all fully controllable by players.
Destructible environments. Players can use a range of artillery and explosives to destroy various buildings, bridges and other structures.
Finely crafted game balance insuring player skill is the hero of the battlefield, not the gun or the sword.
Construct barricades, dig trenches, and rig explosives with the multi-purpose Engineer class.
Special musician units with drums, fifes, bagpipes or trumpets; able to play historically accurate tunes. All recorded and played by award winning musicians.
More than 40 classical background music tracks.

Kaže, da je spet prišel čas odrekanja. :(

Nejc1994 ::

Najbolji za multiplayer je Warband.

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