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Pomen pesmi

Pomen pesmi

jessyika ::

Kaj je pomen pesmi Bon Jovi - What Do You Got? ? kaj z njo sporoča avtor?

tuki še besedilo:

Everybody wants something, just a little more
Makin a livin', ain't what we're livin' for
A rich man or a poor man, a pawn or a king
You can live on the street, you can rule the whole world
But it don't mean one damn thing

What do you got, if you ain't got love
Whatever you got, it just ain't enough
you're walkin' the road, but you're goin' nowhere
Tryin' to find your way home, but there's no one there
Who do you hold, in the dark of night
You wanna give up, but it's worth the fight
You can have all the things, that you've been dreamin' of

If you ain't got someone, you're afraid to lose
Everybody needs just one, someone... to tell them the truth
Maybe I'm a dreamer, but I still believe
I believe in hope, I believe that change can get us off our knees

If you ain't got love, it's all just keeping score
If you ain't got love, what the hell we doing it for

I don't wanna have to talk about it
How many songs I gotta sing about it
How long you gonna live without it
Why does someone somewhere have to doubt it
Someday they'll figure it out

If you ain't got love, it's all just keeping score
If you ain't got love, what the hell we doin' it for
Woahhh, I ain't got, if you ain't got love
What do you got if you ain't got love
Oooh what do you got if you ain't got love

ZaphodBB ::

Rabiš prevod? Ker si težko predstavljam, da ne razumeš tako enostavnega in vulgarnega besedila. V tem besedilu ni nobenih skritih pomenov in prispodob, vse je tako po Ameriško navedeno eksplicitno in dobesedno.

Morda boš na Cosmo forumu dobila kako bolj poglobljeno analizo?

win64 ::

What do you got, if you ain't got love

Kaj imaš, če nimaš ljubezni

jype ::

Veliko časa za snovanje naslednje revolucije.

donfilipo ::

Še ena verzija tiste od Beatlesov:

'All you need is love' ....ali po SRH..... 'sve što trebaš je lova'.

No v realnosti vam pevec ponuja, da se zaljubite in za to 1€ plačate njemu. Vsaj.

Ker on hodi po cestah in ima vse kar si je želel, nima pa ljubezni, se pravi vašega evra:|

Hm..... nekje sem zaštrikal.

Se opravičujem ampak nisem specialist za tele glitter-rock balade. Ni notri šubi dubi. Ampka drgač je pa ok.

In times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell

huek111 ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Rabiš prevod? Ker si težko predstavljam, da ne razumeš tako enostavnega in vulgarnega besedila

Ne vem kaj je v tem besedilu vulgarnega! [:|
A potem je Predinova - Lepa ko ti pride, mogoče hardcore?

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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