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T-h-o-r ::

kako bi v slovenščino najbolj zanimivo in učinkovito prevedel vzdevek Swinging Door Susie? Gre pa za neke vrste mafjski nadimek :)
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

vorantz ::

Vratovihteča Suzi/Suzana :P

PaX_MaN ::

Cincajoča Susie.

msjr ::

Suzi Vetrnica (ker se obrača po vetru...)
Suzi Vrtavka (če so vrtljiva vrata...)

Edit: dodal še eno

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  • spremenil: msjr ()

Isotropic ::

glede na to, da si je nick pridobila zaradi nekih vrat, mora biti v zvezi s tem ane. da ne bo potem hot suzi, pa bos moral povedati, da je dobila to, ko je odprla neka vrata

Ejsi_Disi ::

Swinging doors so tista nihajna vrata, ki so jih imeli na Divjem zahodu.
Rock n' roll ain't noise pollution!

msjr ::

Ni nujno. Je pa lahko Od-Vratna Suzi

d0rK ::

Bi kar rekel da ima Pax edini prav.

A. Smith ::

Predvidevam, da tole prevajamo:

During David's harsh questioning to get a confession by the doubting Constable, David refers to his criminal associates as "Mickey the Mouse and Donald the Duck." To escape her cell, the always resourceful and creative Susan does a imitation of a gangster's moll (although she pretends to be a manly female) - using a nasal accent and identifying herself as "Swingin' Door Susie":

Susan: Hey, Flatfoot! You ain't gettin' no place. Come here.
Constable: Me?
Susan: Yes you. Come on. Haul it over. Haul it over. You want someone to talk, don't ya?
Constable: Well, it's about time. I certainly do.
Susan: Get me out of this cooler and I'll unbutton my puss and shoot the works.
Constable: Say, hold on, lady...Hey, you ain't no lady.
Susan: Yeah, I kinda had you fooled for a minute, didn't I?
Constable: You sure did.
Susan: I could make a sucker out of a copper. What did I tell ya my name was?
Constable: Why, your name is, uh...Susan Vance. [Vance is a name borrowed from the film The Awful Truth (1937).]
Susan: Vance, Kitty Vance - that's my society moniker. But the mob all calls me Swingin' Door Susie...Now ya pegged me. Come on, Toots. Open up, open up.
Constable: Stop that, stop that. I'm not openin' any doors around here until you promise to talk.
Susan: Listen, I'll talk. I'll talk so much it'll make your hair curl. (She wiggles her fingers at him.)

Jaz bi "swinging door Susie" prevedel kot "čez planke Susie".
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis

T-h-o-r ::

a. smith je poznavalec filmov, ali pač googla :D

jaz si sicer bolj razlagam ta swinging doors, da vedno lupa z vrati :)
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: T-h-o-r ()

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