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test politične usmerjenosti

test politične usmerjenosti


gendale ::


da malo vidimo, kaj je razširjeno na stju


You are a cosmopolitan Social Democrat. 15 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 35 percent are more extremist than you.

seznam zanč moderatorjev in razlogov da so zanč
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)

Bananovec ::

Po eni tretini sem test skenslal, saj sem na vsa vprašanja odgovoril nevtralno.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

nomad_soul ::



djordjevic ::

You are a Liberal. 4 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 64 percent are more extremist than you.

No grave is deep enough to keep us in chains.

IceIceBaby ::

You are a Liberal. 4 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 9 percent are more extremist than you.

Blinder ::

haha fašist da sem :))
You are a Leftist-Fascist. 4 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 88 percent are more extremist than you.

99.991% of over-25 population has tried kissing.
If you're one of the 0.009% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your Signature.
Intel i3-12100f gtx 3050 Pismo smo stari v bozjo mater. Recesija generacija

Bananovec ::

You are a bourgeois patriot. 5 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 99 percent are more extremist than you.

Ne me hecat, patriot pa že nisem.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

black ice ::

Nimam ravno zaupanja v te teste. Odvisno je od situacije. (Rešil sem krajšo različico)

garamond ::

Test je itak namenjen Američanom...

You are an authoritarian Socialist. 1 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 93 percent are more extremist than you.

mtosev ::

You are a cosmopolitan Social Democrat. 15 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 88 percent are more extremist than you.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

djordjevic ::

garamond je izjavil:

Test je itak namenjen Američanom...

Tale se mi zdi precej bolj nevtralen od tistega, ki smo ga reševali pred časom, in kot tak primeren tudi za nas.
No grave is deep enough to keep us in chains.

garamond ::

djordjevic je izjavil:

garamond je izjavil:

Test je itak namenjen Američanom...

Tale se mi zdi precej bolj nevtralen od tistega, ki smo ga reševali pred časom, in kot tak primeren tudi za nas.

No, jaz ga verjetno nisem reševal (se ne spomnim). Sicer pa me je zmotilo le kakšno redko vprašanje.

marijancek ::

Neoliberalec. Me je zadel. Najbolj napredna usmeritev po moje.

You are a neoliberal Democrat. 6 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 57 percent are more extremist than you.

Qcube ::

You are a social democratic Cosmopolitan. 13 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 68 percent are more extremist than you.

garamond ::

Sicer pa je na strani tudi statistika. Recimo za Slo-tech: Za [moške], [od 18 do 28 let], [Slovenija] in [vseh izobrazb] je tako povprečje:

Marat ::

You are a neoliberal Democrat. 6 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 51 percent are more extremist than you.

lol, kr neoliberalac sm >:D

IceIceBaby ::

Kakšna pa je razlika med liberal in neoliberal?

PaX_MaN ::

You are a neoliberal Democrat. 6 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 14 percent are more extremist than you.

marijancek ::

IceIceBaby je izjavil:

Kakšna pa je razlika med liberal in neoliberal?

kakor jaz razumem je neoliberalizem bolj usmerjen v svetovno konkurenco.

Bananovec ::

Test je kvazimazi za tuji trg.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

cekr ::

You are a National Liberal Democrat.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum [Zilog Z80A - 3.5 MHz, 48kB, dvojni kasetofon,
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]

Arto ::

You are a cosmopolitan Social Democrat. 15 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 9 percent are more extremist than you.

nevone ::

You are a neoliberal Democrat. 6 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 64 percent are more extremist than you.

o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

Yohan del Sud ::

Sicer koga briga, ampak tle je še moj rezultat:



Je pomojem treba štet, da gliha v kup štriha, zato imamo tudi podobne rezultate, ker slotechovci imamo bržkone podobna prepričanja ...

Grumf ::

Odvisno kaj imaš za podobno, meni nič kaj na desno ne vleče...

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the
experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination
to do so.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Grumf ()

ZaphodBB ::

You are a liberal Cosmopolitan. 4 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 57 percent are more extremist than you.
 liberal Cosmopolitan

liberal Cosmopolitan

34054 ::


nUUb ::

You are a liberal patriot. 2 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 88 percent are more extremist than you.

i7 2600k@4.8GHz - nV 760 - 850 EVO 250GB - 4TB FreeNAS
ASUS 1920x1080@144Hz

zee ::

You are a liberal Cosmopolitan. 4 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 47 percent are more extremist than you.

Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zee ()

Pariah ::

You are a patriotic Social Democrat. 3 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 64 percent are more extremist than you. WTF?

|P8Z77-V PRO|,|i5 2500K|,|ASUS GTX780 DirectCUIIOC|,|2x4GB Corsair LP|,|H100|,
|Samsung 840/WD1002FAEX|,|Corsair TX850W|,|Fractal Design Arc|,|Win7 U 64bit|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Pariah ()

Trinitron ::

Me vleče v levo :P

RejZoR ::

Kje je opcija "I don't give a damn" ?
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

oldguy ::

Vprašanja dosti na nivoju, rezultati pa ne drugačni od pričakovanih.

You are a neoliberal Democrat. 6 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 25 percent are more extremist than you.



sirotka ::

Hm, levičar da sem :)

energetik ::

You are a Leftist-Fascist.
Nism vedu. :)

Karaya 52 ::

You are a democratic National Liberal.

Pogresam knof "emigrate" na koncu strani. >:D

chief ::

(krajsa verzija)
pa sem cist zmeden...ker nevem kaj to pomeni..

XsenO ::

You are a social democratic Cosmopolitan. 13 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 57 percent are more extremist than you.

1 + 1 = 1

jype ::

@nny ::

Levo, levo, ki te ljubim levo! :) Čak, kdo me je že zmerjal z desničarko? :))
You are a cosmopolitan Social Democrat . 15 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 35 percent are more extremist than you.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenila: @nny ()

koyotee ::

You are liberal cosmopolitan. 4 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 51% are more extremist than you.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Marat ::

kakšna je pa razlika med visionary in reactionary? A to je kao napreden - konservativen?

Karaya 52 ::

Pred casom sem odprl kroniko moje vasi, na prvi strani je Titova slika, na drugi njemu posvecena pesem, potem pa gre tako dalje v isti maniri, dokler ne prides do zgodbe nekega vaskega posebneza, komunista (tako se je oznacil), ki ga je kler leta 37 preganjal zaradi naprednih idej. Tako da vidis, naprednez = komunist. :)) Takle mamo, precej smesna poimenovanja, vsak se ima za naprednega. V Delovi anketi, pred volitvami, je med naprednimi bila stranka TRS in Zares. Na drugi strani nicle v minusu pa SDS in DLGV, pod grafom pa je pisalo "fosilne stranke". Slo je za politiko do virov energije. :D

francek1 ::

You are a liberal patriot. 2 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 41 percent are more extremist than you.
Kdor se je že rodil učen se lahko reži...

s1m0n ::

You are a neoliberal Democrat. 6 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 77 percent are more extremist than you.

Še je kdo podobno kot jaz :)

Berserker ::

You are a patriotic and authoritarian Socialist.

Mi lahko kdo razloži, kaj točno to pomeni in kaj je fora z sekularnostjo...

GoodSatanist ::

jype je izjavil:


D3m ::

Veste fantje in dekleta. JAZ sem pa JAZ. Konec debate.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Trinitron ::

To se pa zgodi, če daš na vsa vprašanja najbolj primitiven odgovor: :P

GoodSatanist ::

Zgodovina sprememb…


Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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